I threw out my Paint Racks for this Hobby Storage Solution. (Flexispot)

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as tabletop Hobbies we tend to collect and collect and collect whether that's Miniatures hobby supplies paint especially paint and paints come in such a different weird range of sizes and bottles and shapes and well just Games Workshop and then there's dropper bottles but now there's people who store stuff with just pure chaos just throw it all in a box and it's disgusting to start your life out other people like me who use things like this now these are nail varnish racks these are really good because they're clear they're obviously like they display them really nicely which is quite good or they have like MDF equivalents or MDF racks are quite popular but what I've always found with racks like this is one the paints get Dusty when you airbrush because if you're airbrushing near it then it collects dust but also they just take up so much space like this takes up literally like half of my desk and when you've got like four of these on the desk it's actually ridiculous and I won't I just I just I won't stand for it [Music] I guess I will stand for it in this video is sponsored by flexi Spa so today I'm going to make the ultimate zombie storage system that's going to contain all of my paint it's going to contain all of my varnishes airbrush supplies it's going to contain all of my baking material so this is what it'll say now as you can see um these are all the paints I use all the time because I use these nail racks because I've actually got one I got on the floor as well I used to use nail racks reason being is I can have all my paints arranged no colors and I can see them all the problem is as soon as I sit down I can't actually reach over there so I like I'm like stretching over it and then what ends up happening is I just keep all the paint that I always use here and that looks messy and silly and I can't find the bit I need and then that's all there just wasting space and then all of this under here like this is where I keep like my airbrushing stuff and then like Bastion stuff and then this is where I just keep paperwork and stuff and I don't really use it so I'm going to get rid of that because I want to go from a thing that takes up all of my desk so I have to work in a little sticks in square you know who you are so we're gonna have a roll system we're going to modify it with soften the hardware store and we're gonna go on a journey of Mikey using power tools so first off we need a base for our project and we're going to go with the Alex system from Ikea now the problem is with rack systems is that you get paints that split like this and then if they're like on on a rack on display they obviously get sunlight all over them and that actually just like start to affect the medium so they don't mix together properly they just dry up so going from a rack system to a drawer system is probably going to be better for shelf life of the pen so this is a series of drawers with thin drawers so I can get lots and lots of Paints in there because the thicker drawers obviously gonna be wasting a lot of space because they are like five centimeters tall if that but once we've found the drawer system it doesn't have to be this one you can use anything you like if you want to follow along and then we're gonna get to the hardware store so we can modify the drawers in there to actually have some organization I don't know what I'm doing these after that one I prefer like this any perspective so it's not exactly what you want I could spray paint it so that it could be exactly what you want oh my God it's huge long is it that's what she said Daddy yeah not really bad I'm really massive General Kenobi so this will be good for the bottles but the Citadel ones they won't lie down because they're the bucket so maybe a little bit of pinewood to like make spots how's it how's it go sorry yes I'm a manly man the question because I'm a professional oh my God there's so much to do so it's just a case of building the flat pack Furniture as normal but this particular unit has one faithful floor I believe it's four inch strength and integrity of the draw but I'm gonna modify it so I've got like three of the drawers stuck in I'm probably not gonna do much with these ones and that's probably just gonna be like Basin Stuff Etc but the top one we're gonna do multiple modifications so I made a start I tried doing it with PVA gluten work but I'm going to use the bolster wood the thin bolster one to make some like little strips for the um for Citadel paint so obviously so you can sit in there I put one Bolter strip in the bottom already just so when they do sit in I can actually get get my thumb into it to grab it and since PVA already didn't work I'm actually going to use my hot glue gun instead because I think I'll hold it better so the first modification is to make a rail system for the Citadel paints because they're quite stubby they can stand up in a rail system so I'm using the balsa wood and they're using hot glue to glue it down and this will keep them organized to stop them sliding around when I open and close the drawer the other draw for the Vallejo paints those are too tall to stand up in there I'm going to be using this angled it's got a word this thing I can't remember what it's called uh well I'm going to be using the architrave as like a an angled rest for it this will keep the paint upright enough so I can see what's going on it'll also keep the paint out of the dropper top so they don't clog but also keep them low enough so the drawer actually closes and again so they don't move around these drawers are great I love them but they I do have a big problem is that when you put the runners in like the bottom ones here they're going to come out this far and this this length is like what's wasted it's almost four inches of space is waiting the back of the drawer so as soon as your parts start putting rows at the back you actually can't access them now I'm not going to modify the bottom three because I think I'm just gonna be using this like basing Stuff Etc but for example if I pull this one at this far the top one I've actually modified so it comes out a lot further as you can see so you can actually reach straight to the back because now there's only like half an inch to do this I've modified the rails and if you do do this you will void all warranty so be one and I will say this the strength of the draw when it's all the way out is a lot less than what it was and when this has got paint in it this is going to be quite bouncy but this is only so if I need something at the back I can rag it out a little bit further and actually reach rather than having to like try and get my arm under and to do it it's really really simple all you have to do is take out these rails of the side so as you can see this white piece of plastic here actually has six ball bearings located in each side and when you pull this out the the ball bearings get stuck at this like little like this essentially compressed metal part there so what we're going to do is we're going to open this up and we're going to drop out as many ball bearings as we like so I'm going to be dropping out the entire set of three so that the drawer will actually move instead of stopping here it's going to stop here now that gives us you know another four inches so when I do want to access this second drawer with a Vallejo painting I can get all like the back but what it does it means that we need to keep some ball bearings in there to stop it all slipping out completely all we're going to do is a little bit of Jerry rigging the more grips on one side some pliers on the other you know pretty professional just bend it out ever so slightly and then what happens now is if we push it all the way rather than that stopping that's actually going to keep going so we have to be careful not to pop them all out as you can see I'm going to just drop out these first six bearings and I'm just going to roll that back in and then close it back up just using the pliers again and then just to check so now I'm going to leave it quite tight because then that'll like naturally stop me trying to pull it too far and then when I do need to I can pull it all the way so now that goes the full distance I said it is a little bit weaker than it was before but you know if we want to access the back of the drawer we need it to go a little bit further now you could buy new railings that is true but um I'm lazy I'm also tight so I'm modifying the ones I've got and then you just need to do the same on the other side so now as I said this one that comes out this far this one comes out to isn't oh that is actually a good idea um this one will stop there but you can pull it further if you really need to and again it does wobble a little bit but the whole point is is you're going to be using the front ones most of the time but then if you really need it at the back you can just get a little bit better and then the same for this one so I just need to screw this jar in then it's ready to start putting paint in it before we arrange this excellent ultimate hobby storage system that I've built let's hear a word from flexi spot just over five years ago I was actually in a car accident I have like severe back problems and I've had them ever since like my back cracks like nobody's business are just usually constant pain but my job is to sit and create videos I can create it for you now or it's to paint Warhammer for videos that are upcoming or just in my downtime I play video games at this very desk and I've been fantasizing with the idea of having a standing desk which I'm using now the flexi spot E7 which is a standing desk I'm using right now is the perfect solution to upgrade anyone's uh work from home setup or general hobby setup with its sturdy frame and Sleek design the E7 standing desk is not only practical but also a stylish addition to any office or home workspace one setup with a push of a button you can go from standing like me or we can return to sitting down like this and the motors are pretty quiet you can't actually hear them yes I've got some compression on this microphone but the motors are quite quiet and they're pretty good and I've got them set up so I've got like you've got like four settings that you can set up so they go to set on you can slightly adjust it going up on down obviously this is an advert but I don't like promoting products that I don't enjoy or I don't consider using myself but this is something I've been thinking about getting for a while and flexi spot came in clutch at the right time and sorted to be happy I'm very happy to be working with Flexi spots so make sure you check out all the links in the description if you would like to get any of their products I'm using today so I've got the the E7 I've got the CPU holder I've got the cable tied here which I definitely need to finish sorting out so it's not Paddy right now but otherwise thank you very much for flex your spot for sponsoring the video and let's get back to paint Storage Solutions but then it's just a case of once you've found the place you want it to start filling it up as you can see in the top I'm using the the rails for the Citadel paint and this works perfectly washers contrast any size bottle they all do fit in this size drawer which is really nice and then in the next draw obviously we've got these ones and angles this is all for my dropper bottles whether it's Army painter valet two Thin coats or even my inks at the back the inks fit quite well which is quite nice and then I'm using the space at the back which I haven't got any rails in or any system in there just a store paints whether this is paint that I don't really use very often or it's spare paint for when one runs out I'm putting it all at the back out the way so I don't have like five well I do have like five green Reds I use for my blood Ravens all together but like I'm putting all the spare paint right at the back but this is just one way to use these drawers another way you can use them is printing grids like this with a 3D print if you have one like I do and then taking it and printing a whole grid system that you can put in here like so and fill up an entire draw and print off boxes that have perfect grid system so they lock in like this so I've got one for all of my pigments I've got one for my little painting handles I got one for my makeup brushes some makeup sponges for my oil paint and these have like a grid systems when they're in there they don't slide around which is really really good I'll leave a link to the STL description so then in these drawers in the top I've got all of my Citadel paints and if I need to pull it further I've got all my spare ones at the back so this is ones I've just accumulated over the years that I don't actually use very much or they're just I've bought two because we all do that we look for a red and then we go to the shop we're like oh I need that color and then we realize we have one already and I've got my spare my spare strips if I need to add any more drawers in there and then this one I got all my Vallejo bottles or dropper bottles so I've got Vallejo Army painter my Pro acrylic over here I've got my inks across the back and then again a couple of spares and a bit more spare what if I need it in the third one I've got uh my washes and uh I'm gonna be putting my contrast paint in here as well as I've got all my Citadel washes I've got nice Army paint of inks I've got my speed paints instant paint things and then I've got contrast which again don't need to go in here in this one this is a range of stuff that I still need to saw in this one my grid system which I'll be printing more boxes lots of different things out of this one and then finally same in here I'm gonna be doing the same this is on my basic material all contained in a nice drawer system which is really nice so there you go that is the ultimate hobby storage system that I'm using uh now on and I'm really really happy with it like you take before there's obviously loads of stuff everywhere and obviously you know a tidy up would have helped loads but but now I've got all this workspace like just next to where I'm sat which is really really good I've currently got my uh osteak Brown reapers on there but what would you put on there do let me know down in the comments because I thrive off engagement because I'm entitled but also just having everything in a drawer next to me it's really easy just to sit next to me pull pull the drawer or out get what I need put it away have a couple of paints next to and then it's very convenient to put them all back and just everything having its own space you know maybe it's just nice to have it just there within reach which is always the biggest problem so hopefully you've taken something from this whether that's just a better system for sewing your paints or it's because you're interested in getting a cool standing desk uh just oh I stood up too fast just like this one by flexi spot and thank you again to flexi spot for sponsoring this video uh I'm really really chuffed with this I'm especially chopping that because I did this but this just came at the right time and as you can tell that does not get old it is very very fun so thank you very much for watching if you want to support the channel you could become a member by clicking join down below it really supports me it helps make videos like this possible because they're not exactly cheap but otherwise if you don't if you can't do that that is totally fine you can just you can just click the like button and we can keep going up and down and having a great time so click like uh leave a comment what which is your favorite bit of the new subi cell thanks for joining my hobby setup that turned from from paint stories to hobby room two everything and um bye [Music]
Channel: Hellstorm Wargaming
Views: 113,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miniature Painting, Ultimate Hobby Setup, Painting setup, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Hobby tools, hobby tools for miniatures, hobby tool kit, hobby tool storage, paint organizer, plastic model, modelling, hobby, ikea hack, ikea, ikea alex, alex drawers, paint storage, vallejo, citadel, citadel paint rack, ikea craft storage, ikea paint storage, how to build a paint rack, warhammer 40k, hobby painting setup, home office ikea ideas, miniature painting desk setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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