Army Painter Fanatic Paint Review - HC 432

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hello everybody and welcome to another hobby cheating video and today we've got something special Army painter was nice enough to send me this which is the 50 paint fanatic Mega set and uh so this has 50 of the new war paint fanatic set in it and in this video we're going to go through we're going to put it to its paces and we're going to see exactly what this stuff is capable of it's the new paint it's supposed to be completely reimagined so my question is does it live up to the is it any good we're going to find out the strict technomancer that is Vincy V let us get to the technique and learn it Vincy V style all right so some Basics first out of the way for this particular set I there's other sets out there I'm just talking about this one of the 50 paints you get in this basically you've got uh four different washes two different sort of effects three different um like blood and rust and guts and then you you've got three metal paints and then everything else I didn't say that's all matte paints so that's what you're looking at it's a pretty good spread of colors um it really heavily lives leans into the green and blue tones I'll say that as per usual it's not as heavy on the oranges and purples as I would like but I I suppose that there's a lot more call for that uh that being said there is some nice tones in here that I did really like now the important part to understand about these paints right out of the gate is that they did completely reformulate from their original line um the original line of paints of army painter paints which so the version of these that was before how do we say this nicely it was bad it was very bad um they just weren't good paints they were thin they were transparent they were often highly inconsistent and so what I was first uh considering when I looked at these was is that changed is that improved do we actually have uh you know consistency in the paint and how it's applied and its finish and its opacity and I'm happy to say that on all of those accounts I'm actually really happy with this uh without getting into the the details which we will over the rest of the video um I found these to be uh quite a bit better in performing now um from everything I've heard the pigment density was vastly vastly increased something like a 3X uh p density increase they change their suspension and their medium um so it's a lot more stable um I found it could be thinned a lot easier the Finish was much more matte and consistent across the line there are still some minor variations but that's always going to happen in paint um and and it should um different pigments have different finishes and that's how it should be if they're if they're all exactly the same then you kind of often have to add too many additives and it messes up paint so on the question of opacity smoothness of application finish it is already Leaps and Bounds ahead of its former the for the previous generation it's not even close so let's put these things through some Paces all right first up we're going to do the basic stuff here and now I'm going to be putting these out on uh a wet pallet to use them and an important thing to note here is that I found they performed very well on the wet pallet over time um they weren't particularly hydrophobic nor hydrophilic they for the most part did what I was looking to do on the web pallet they absorbed an appropriate amount of liquid and stayed workable for a lengthy amount of time so that's not nothing um it is something that I notice some paints will sometimes have struggles with uh and the other interesting thing to note before we get into the actual painting is that these paints exist in well I almost want to call it a Triad system because that was what this is classically known as but it's not that means three and this is six so it's a say say Sad hexad system hexad system there we go heximal uh I like reboot too that was a great cartoon so at any rate um there's generally these six paints so when you look at the bottle you'll see that the paints exist in this range of six colors and it will show you exactly where this paint Falls so you can understand what would be a reasonable Shadow color and what would be a reasonable highlight color now I will say that of course as you progress on in your painting Journey you need this kind of guidance less and moreover it becomes more inaccurate because you actually want to use other environmental colors as your shadows as opposed to just more blue for a highlight and less a dark like lighter blue for a highlight and darker blue for a shadow that becomes sort of inaccurate if you're actually trying to paint credibly to the real world but for beginner painters I think this is an excellent addition as it really gives beginner painters an easy map to say yes here's my midtone here's my highlight here's my shadow and approach that with confidence so I very much applaud them putting this on the box all right so now to begin there is only one model we could possibly test our new new paint set with and that is a Space Marine uh specifically not just any Space Marine we're going to paint this awesome Terminator um this guy is from uh the Leviathan box set these is the you know redone Terminators um I really love these dudes I think they're probably my favorite Space Marines they've ever made so our first test here is just going to be about layering and in fact most of what I'm going to show you here is just layering up the colors uh and we're going to just get a nice ultramarine sort of color scheme going the blue boys are boring and basic but they are uh emblematic of Space Marines and a good test for paints because Blues one there's a lot of Blues in this set and two their blue is often quite challenging to get correct to make it have the appropriate amount of saturation and richness uh and to have it have the correct finish so I thought that would be actually a nice test so I went along and basically just layered this Space Marine up starting from a dark blue which I applied with a base coat just a big brush and base coating the whole thing and then just layered my way up 50/50 mixes up into a highlight color on the highest Parts uh going for more of the spotlight effect on this guy one because I'm lazy two because I didn't need to paint the whole Space Marine for the video uh and like I'm not going for Golden demon here I'm trying to test paints um and three because it just looks kind of cool and so as I layer and highlight my way up what I found was the paints working in layer consistency responded well and smoothly uh so they took to thinning well all layers you're seeing here are thinned basically consistently one to one with water I found that across the different paints I tended to thin them mostly the same um so in most of the paints I've tested so far which is about 35 out of these in here I've put a lot of these through the paces um the uh the consistency is quite similar they're all very creamy they are a little thicker than you might expect and I saw that in the layering so you do want to thin these at least one to one uh so one drop of water to one drop of paint or one brush full of water I should say to one uh drop of paint um to really get them flowing and smooth and what you'd expect that's true even if you're working on a wet palette so and and I think that's because these are so pigment dense and because they uh reformulated they're actually really nice they start quite thick which can be a bit shocking when you uh first start with the paint especially if you're new but um it's great for the long term because it means you really it's very easy to make a paint thinner you can just add water or medium it's very hard to make a paint thicker so starting at this much heavier creamier thickness is actually really nice because we can control our layering up from very thick paint if we're doing heavy wet blending um which these do excel out quite well all the way down to very thin glazes so having layered our Space Marine all the way up that brings us then to uh the next and most important challenge of any paint where often times paints will fall apart the next challenge is of course glazing and as I said we're starting really thick uh it actually surprised me how much I could work these down and still have them retain their intensity and effect so you do have to thin them quite a bit so here with my glazing I'm working about uh three uh sometimes four brush fulls of water to one drop of paint so uh it is quite thin but I had to get get a lot of water in there to actually get them down into a glaze again not a bad thing I rate that as a positive it means you have lots of control throughout that process of exactly how thick you want your paint to be um the glazes held up just fine the colors went on smooth I didn't see any coffee staining the paint didn't break up anything like that um so their pigment density again the sort of statement that it was higher this gets proved out when it maintains its consistency across there um as well as the suspension was working just fine so uh past the glazing test uh with flying colors had no issue uh with that at all I wanted to do a test of some skin tones I think uh skin tones are a really important part of any range um this box comes with several different colors you can use as skin tones both for light and dark colored skin tones uh so I just I only have a little tiny face on this Marine but it's still something um so I just gave it a quick test and I actually really like how this came out this is no more than and three simple colors of paint quickly applied you can only see sort of this much of his face up but I thought it came out really well it was nice it was smooth um I've actually been very impressed by their flesh tones thus far even in this set it is one of the things I'd like to experiment with more um anyone who watches this channel knows that I have an obsession with painting models with a lot of Skin showing and I'm fascinated by painting skin so I am going to experiment with this a lot more um I already use speed paint 2.0 in my high-end flesh display painting um as filters and finishes um I made a video on that some time back and uh I hope that these could you know also become integrated into into my process so that's going to take some more experimentation but for this uh brief test on our marine I think his face came out just fine very impressive this was you know maybe all told I don't know four minutes of layering paint and I think he looks you know pretty great um for that amount of time pretty pretty easy our next test is metallics uh so as I said there's only three metallics in this box um which is a bronze a steel and a gold so I'm going to test the steel and the gold on this particular little Terminator boy and uh you know recently I had tested the uh speed paint 2.0 metals and I found those to be a real pleasure to work with these are a little gummier a little thicker U more like traditional miniature paints um I found there opacity quite nice so I put both of these over straight black uh no challenge with the opacity there I actually saw good coverage in one layer so that is a a strike in their favor or I don't know something in their favor for sure um but they had good solid coverage good smooth application again I actually did thin this paint now here it was maybe um one brush full of water to two drops of metallic paint the metallics didn't require as much thinning as the matte paint but it did uh uh still require some amount of thinning and uh overall I thought this was uh pretty good on the application my honest answer is I think I like the speed paint 2.0 Metals better than these but these are legitimately fine uh which I know sounds like not that great of a review but keep in mind I think that basically every metal paint on the market except for Vallejo metal color and uh speed paint 2.0 metallics are garbage that should be thrown in the trash and forgotten about so if I say it's fine that's actually a pretty good rating I would give these Metals uh the steel uh came out I'd say a solid B the golds and bronze are probably a B minus um I I like I said I think the speed paint metal 2.0's are better but these are certainly serviceable and if you're doing tabletop stuff they are way better than most other metals you're going to get on the market in finish in opacity uh and in final shine and effect now the one bright spot in Army painters original line was actually their washes so light tone strong tone dark tone all of those things were legitimately my favorite thing from old army painter now these were meant to are meant to obviously be I don't know competitive with the traditional GW cadel washes so agrax seraphim cpia NL oil and so on and what I found uh using the ones from the past is that they were probably better I liked them more honestly than the um Citadel equivalents uh and so this was already a good product I think and so I was eager to test how these worked here I'm happy to say that in my testing of the strong tones and you'll see them applied here uh both strong tone and dark tone so that's the uh agrax equivalent and the NL oil equivalent um they came out really nicely I found they actually worked pretty decently over uh the metals they flowed really well they still had a strong impact but didn't seem to coffee stain much it was an improvement over the previous version in the end these are still washes and have limited application um like a wash is a wash it does what a wash does um you're not going to use it to try to win golden demon but you are definitely going to need it if you're going to get that whole Army turned out by this weekend so washes super valuable um and all in all I thought this came out pretty well I thought the washes passed um it wasn't improvement over the old one which was already good so these are you know great no complaints about them whatsoever next up will they airbrush the biggest question when you get a new paint set is is it going to go through the airbrush without issue so let's give a test of that I've already painted the Space Marine so the Space Marine people they're happy you're good to go if you're Space Marine person I hope I showed you that you can do a really high quality nice Space Marine here but of course we can't do a paint review video without our old friend Larry the ogre and so I wanted to give this a test through the airbrush I just used again the same simple skin progression that I used now you can see Larry skin is an absolute mess right now from previous videos I've used him in uh and uh but we you know I just airbrushed over it from the darker pink brown tone up into the um pale flesh tone and the progression of that was again pretty straightforward pretty simple just three quick layers up and uh all in all I think it it came out really well I thinned these basically uh 3 to one for the airbrush so three drops of airbrush thinner my standard airbrush thinner is an 8020 mix of thinner and flow improver and I so I put three drops of that to one drop of paint and I found that worked really well no issues everything flowed through the airbrush really really nicely as you can see here I get nice smooth effective transitions I like to work a little thin and build it up um the advantage to the airbrush is it works fast and you can build it up easy I found these worked really well for that um I was able to thin them down more as well and go for things like filters or doing other color changes when you want to just create these very very subtle changes and blends with the airbrush and they performed in that regard no problem so all in all they passed the airbrush test and came out really well now my last Point here is more of a a personal one I uh I think that often times you might wonder okay Vince you know you have this paint you did basically a quick Marine I mean this guy took you know 45 minutes or something like that and you know you airbrushed Larry in 5 minutes but are you ever going to use these in your actual display painting So this model which again was featured in a recent video um I didn't mention it at the time given the timing of everything but uh this was one of my test models for um these uh Fanatics War paints um I actually painted used a bunch of these on that model um so basically the entire model I mean probably 90 perish of that model was painted using these fanatic paints and only the colors that came in this box uh the only time I deviated was to get like some fluorescent orange and stuff like that because if you're going to do fire effects you got to have a good fluorescent and I found them they performed really well they let me do display quality work the Finish was really that like it was just excellent it was everything I'd want out of a display quality paint job uh and a display display quality paint so I think no matter what level you're at from uh beginner to master or whatever that means I don't know Advanced display painter competitive painter who knows what we're all called here I have no idea uh whatever level of hobbyist you consider yourself to be I do think these can work just fine for you and we perform accordingly and meet you where you are without issue so in summary I really like the fanatic paints honestly I think they came out pretty great um I liked putting them through the paces they will become a part of my uh sort of paint process so all in all they're they're good paints um for me I would put them basically on the level of the best Paints in the industry right now which I consider to be Pro acry um at sort of number one and AK interactive basically right there on the same level the AK interactive third gen um these Army paint have risen to that standard there's nothing incredibly unique and magical they're doing but there are things about them I really like um I like that they're thicker that they that you can really control the blend um they work really really really great for wet blending and stuff like that um expect a future video where we kind of Deep dive into different blending methods you know and you'll see some of these paints being featured um but uh overall they actually perform really well so for things like weathering or F sorry feather Feathering wet blending to brush blending all of those things they uh these actually have excelled in and I thought performed really really uh admirably so I like the consistency I like the creaminess I like the finish uh I like the opacity uh and and all in all they're going to become part of my regular paint rotation which is I suppose the best review I can I can give them so I'd say check them out um if you're interested in new range of paints uh you can't go wrong as I said there's nothing magical there's nothing special if you already have a whole paint range and you're happy with it these aren't going to change your life they're not going to suddenly reinvent the way you paint they're not going to suddenly you know win you a golden demon that's not what's in this box what's in this box is a solid set of paints that is easily um is easily on the level of the market leading best performing paints that are out there today uh and I think that that is to be applauded from army painter because they they produced a really quality product here so if you are looking for a new paint rank this could certainly be one you could look at so with that I'll say thank you very much if you liked this give it a like subscribe for additional hobby cheating in the future we have new videos here every Saturday if you've got any questions feel free to drop those down below I'll answer every question you have about the new Army painter paints uh that that at least I can in my experimentation I always read every comment and answer every question if you want to support the channel to help us keep doing videos like this there's lots of ways you can do so you can share this that's obvious L free um but also you can uh go down below there's hobby Supply links for Amazon you can buy that stuff if you need maybe some new brushes for your new paints uh and anytime you click that it doesn't cost you anything extra but it gives a nice kick back to the channel there's a merch store down there and of course there's our patreon uh which uh I really can't thank all of my patrons enough but they are who keep the lights on around here and who keep me doing this uh and our patreon is focused on review and feedback and taking your next step on your hobby Journey we'd love to have you as part of the community as always though I thank you so much for watching this one and we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Vince Venturella
Views: 70,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Painting, Miniature Painting, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Age of Sigmar, Sigmar, Hobby, Games Workshop, Miniature Wargaming, Wargaming, Warhammer: Fantasy Battles, Warhammer, Mordheim, 9th Age, Popular Culture, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e, Sorastro, Miniac, luke aps, darren latham, scale models, diorama, kings of war, frostgrave, kujo, dr. faust, basic, stormcast, space marine, imperial fist, aos, sisters of battle, crafting, wh40k, warhammer hobby, basing, terrain
Id: zkMth3ovo34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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