The TRUTH about Warpaints Fanatic (watch this review before you buy!)

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this is an honest and unbiased review of the new wall paints fanatic if there's one thing that the Army painter is good at then it's generating bus on social media we have quality up here the perfect paint being the best we can make him the best paint in the world the best paint in the world the best pain in the world but I found that the quality control can be hit or miss over the last couple of years I tested all major miniature paint ranges so I have a really good idea of what an AC cric paint can do these days I all 260 colors of the new range and I'll tell you if the Army painter can live up to the promises I'm Starly from tale of painters and this the truth about war paints [Music] fanatic I reviewed so many paint ranges over the years and I see a trend I think the paint quality has improved significantly over what we used in The Hobby 10 or 20 years ago it started with PR cruel an AK third gen two thin coat and the new valo game colors followed suit along with all the kickstarter paints for me all of these ranges represent the new generation of miniature paints and now the Army painter wants to catch up with the war paints fanatic and perhaps they had to catch up because the old war paints range didn't have a good reputation among many painters often you'd get a paint with the dreaded issue where only transparent medium came out of the bottle while the pigments had settled at the bottom into a thick Gunk the Army painter made videos on how to fixed this and started to include agitators in the bottles for better blending when shaken but in my experience affected pains would separate again and again no matter what you do which was simply annoying all of this is supposed to change now with a brand new war paints fanatic which the Army painter has been working on for several years we have 300 to 700% more pigment in we have a new stabilizer develop and we have a higher quality resin base they even claim the new War Pains might probably be the best paint in the world in this video I go through all the acrylics effect paints washes and metallics and find out if that's true but first I want to take a look at the color pallette because the Army painter decided to do something really unique here there are 162 acrylics 180 metallics 18 washers and 18 effect paints which will be available individually or in various sets launching in early 2024 this is small colors in the SLE color range and makes them one of the largest paint ranges on the market but what I find really ingenious is the flexible Triad system this means that each color comes in six shades from dark to light in a consistent Hue the idea is that you can layer or blend without having to mix intermediate tones or you can simply pick a dark light and midtone and combine them as you see fit I absolutely love this and I think it's very intuitive for beginners while Advanced painters will appreciate the choice however there's also a massive flaw to the system and I address it later when I get to the individual colors I really adore the color pette lots of rich and vibrant tones and I love that there are so many pinks toque and teal colors the only thing I find lacking is the more yellowish olive green tones there really only Tundra top additionally some warm rust and golden brown tones like scr brown or mon Fang Brown from Games Workshop are also missing now the actual pains come in the familiar 880ml dropper bottles like all Army painter paints two mixing bards are included which is good and each label is printed with a graphic indicating which stride the color belongs to there's also a practical color description based on the iscc NBS system of color designation in terms of pricing individual bottles will be $4.25 or $350 so almost as pricey as a pot of Citadel color though War paints will 50% more paint compared to the 12ml pots of Citadel I've acquired a complete paint set with all 260 colors and tested each one let's take a look at the metallics first now I would say I have a special relationship with the Army painters metallic paints the first generation War paints which you can recognize by the old label with the paint splatter graphic had excellent metallics the composition reminded me strongly of the brilliant metallic paints from the ,000 Citadel color range namely bolt gun metal and myth3 silver I really enjoyed using those however when the war paints range was expanded the metallics changed although the Army painter continued to advertise them as the best metallics I found the coverage in Grain of the metallic flakes only average not bad but more average with the war paints fanatic the Army painter claims that the best metallics have now become even better the formula has been completely re re worked based on the experiences with the metallic speed paints instead of mineral marar flakes wall paints fanatic now feature finer and more opaque aluminum flakes there are 18 colors in total including 12 colors taken from the old range and six new ones like myth real cobalt metal and dark Emerald let's put them on a Model here you can see how I apply both the Old and fanatic plate May metal next to the original first gen paint can you already see a difference in consistency I would say the old version has significantly coarser metallic Flakes and doesn't cover the well now the fonetic version is quite thick but it thins down nicely and goes on super smoothly and covers very well even when diluted with water and here you can see the dried Paints in comparison the original first G plate male metal the current War paints version and the new fanatic plate mail metal I really like the finish of The Fanatic version how about you here's another comparison with greedy gold and retributor armor from Games Workshop what do you think for me the Finish is pretty much identical can't see much of a difference which I think is great because retributor armor is one of the best warm orange gold paints I also tested all the other new metallics and they are all quite fantastic the silver ones are the standouts but even the gold and bronze colors only need two maybe three thin layers for perfect coverage and have a beautiful metallic finish that's a significant improvement over the predecessors from the old war paints range I give the fanatic metallics nine out of 10 points the only thing I can criticize is that the paints are quite thick and I would have liked more bronze and copper colors compared to other non-alcohol based products on the market I would say the Army painters new metallics are up there with the best here you can see valo model air steel which is the best bright silver paint I ever used and the new myth wheel from the Army painter comes pretty close the only difference is the viscosity The Fanatic metallics are all quite thick and need to be thinned while the wjo metallics are airbrush paints and pre thinned but work well for brush painting too all right that's a good start for the fanatic range next let's take a look at the quick shave washers these are quite popular and while the Army painter says they haven't changed the formula I say they did question is a change for the better or for the worse I'll show you now I've been using the Army painters original quick shape washes for many years yeah I'm old truth is I wear the mask to hide all my wrinkles I used to be a big fan of the first gen Citadel watchers from Games Workshop remember those when these were phased out in the SLE shade paints were introduced in 2012 I didn't like the change so I switched to the Army paints quick shadeed washes and dark and strong tone made excellent replacements for old B black and Devin mud this went on for many years but lately I've had quite a few bottles that dried quite shiny and gave me slightly blotchy results therefore I switched to the SLE shades with a new 2022 formula which I actually really like lately I've also been quite fond of the pro cruel washes so with all my history I was very curious to see if the washes in The Fanatic range had returned their old strength there are four new colors orange tune dark red tonee magenta tonee dark blue tonee and rust tone which means more Choice which I like apart from the new colors the Army painter says they didn't change the washers but spoiler that's not true here you can see how I apply the new dark tone wash on a termagant with a white undercoat as you can see the float properties are very good the washes seem to be a bit thinner and runnier than the prev previous versions but don't worry the capillary action pulls the pigments into the recesses very well here you can see a new strong tone wash and the strong skin wash which also go on nicely and here are the washes in the dried State what do you think I see a very even distribution even on large flat surfaces and strong Shadows the Finish is not matte but settin I would say I think the result is excellent and the glossiness and inconsistencies that's sometimes encountered with the old war paint washers seem to be gone here you can see a comparison with Citadel shade paints which have also given me a good result but have more of a shine and are of course much more expensive per milliliter so the quick shade washes might not be the same anymore I think they're even better I'm giving them a score of 8.5 now we still have the effect paints and of course the 162 acrylics to check out to be honest I found the Army painter's previous effect paints to be rubbish let's see if the new ones can win me over before we dive into the acrylics and flexible Triads let's take a look at the effect paints I didn't like the effect paints from the old war paints range they were just glossy paints not at all like games workshops technical paints which each have their individual properties recently I tested a new valo game color range and the special f x pains didn't impress me that much either I mean honestly except for the useless gemstone pains Citadel technical pains are just hard to beat maybe the Army painter can do what others can't well there's a total of 18 paints including varnishes thinners fluorescent colors and some special paints let's start with those now blood for the blood G is my favorite blood effect paint it's just so slimy and gory fanatic True Blood comes close it's similarly sticky and gel-like and the shade of red is spoton here is nurgle's Rod from Games Workshop and its counterpart oozing vomit from The Fanatic range is almost identical in color but it seems to have more texture this is tyus corrosion a greasy dark brown with added particles The Fanatic range has several rust colors here is fresh rust a rust orange that also leaves the texture and this is dark rust which is closer in color to typhus corrosion here I'm applying disgusting slime which is similar to oozing vomit but even more greenish vergis is the counterpart to Nial oxide and oil stains creates dark oily streaks and here are the effect paints when dried so what do you think unfortunately True Blood is a bit less moist and glossy than blood for the blood G when dried but besides that the effect paints get a big thumbs up from me I would give them an eight out of 10 for me they might be the first that can keep up with citadel's technical pains and the war Pain's fanatic range has even more effects to choose from like or stains or a couple of fluorescent colors the five fluo pains are quite solid they just have a weak opacity like most fluorescent paints do speaking of coverage how about the acrylic paints is the coverage really as exceptional as the Army painters marketing wants us to believe I have my dots but let's find out as mentioned earlier lately I've tested Pro Cru toothing codes and new valo game colors among others all of which already have very high opacity and a super creamy consistency but in the videos and on the website the Army painter promises unparalleled uniformity and coverage with 500 to 700% more pigment than other paints so I wonder if the Army painter could really top that we'll see let's put some paint on a pallette look at this consistency quite thick isn't it not all but most colors tend to have a rather thick consistency quite reminiscent of the former War paints over Leo model colors but the fanatic formula is creamier and more uniform by the way I'm happy to say that the dreaded Army painter effect of only transparent medium coming out of the bottle was not an issue at all and seems to be a thing of the past so to achieve a smooth application the paints definitely need to be thin with a drop of water now you could argue that this increases the yield so more bang for your buck or squid for your quid personally I'm a bit lazy and have gotten used to the slightly thinner consistency of paints like P Cru or valo game color which most of the time can be used directly from the bottle with the added moisture from a wet pette but that's just my personal preference how about you do you prefer a thinner or thicker paint let me know in the comments here's a test model the right side painted with the aforementioned paint brands for the left side I'm using the new war paints fanatic to give the termagon the classic High Fleet Hydra color scheme we all know from spacehulk and I have to say once You' thin the colors to the right consistency painting becomes really enjoyable they flow well from the brush the coverage is high and thanks to the slightly extended drying time they blend well and you don't have to worry about visible brush Strokes as the self-leveling properties are quite good here's the result I think it looks quite decent but how revolutionary is the coverage really in the promo videos the Army painter implied that many of the lighter colors like yellow and orange would cover almost completely with a single coat does that hold true let's try it out I'm putting demonic yellow Lava Orange and pure red from The Fanatic range to the test comparing them against fjo game color moon yellow Pro creu orange and two Thin codes demon red here's the first code of War paints fanatic over a black Prime since the fanatic paints are quite thick I had to thin them with a drop of water each while this wasn't necessary with the counterparts from the other brands by the way they also work well with an airbrush but require a lot of thinning so you might want to look into the army painters War paint's air range which comes Prett thinned and is pretty good and here's the result after one coat the war paint's fanatic colors perform well but one coat is not enough to be fully opaque actually there isn't a significant difference compared to game color Pro cruel or two thing codes the Army painter marketing debunked here's the test base after the second code the playing field is still pretty even by the way would you fancy a video where for example I test all yellow paints from All Brands to see which has the best coverage let me know in the comments and don't forget to like And subscribe so you don't miss it in any of my reviews and this is the result after three thin coats can you see a clear winner honestly I can't can't the yellow and light red from the Army painter might be a tiny bit more opaque than Moon yellow and Demon red but the difference isn't significant considering that yellow orange and red have the weakest pigments All Brands performed well after testing all 162 colors I can attest that war Pain's ftic range is indeed a very high opacity especially with midtones and darker colors which even beat the cital base pains most of the time for the lighter tones my impression is that coverage is on power with PR Cru and AK third gen which is excellent however I feeded the lighter colors in the two thing coats and the new valo game color range might cover just a tiny bit better but don't get me wrong it's not much of a difference the more notable difference is in the Finish War paints fanatic have a satin finish similar to Citadel Paints the trend in modern miniature paints leans more towards matte paints and I've grown to prefer that but as set and F finish has its advantages too the colors appear deeper and the resistance to wear is slightly higher what do you prefer match or satin feel free to write it in the comments so far so good however and I know my videos are full of howevers and buts however I got 28 problems with the war paints fanatic but paint quality ain't one the first thing that bothers me is the color match yes the war paint fonetic range is an entirely new paint range with a new formula and a new color pallette nevertheless the Army painter chose to carry over some colors from the old war paints range I've painted a random selection of the returning colors on this base on the left are the old warp paints and on the right are the counterparts from the war paints fanatic range what do you think of the match I think some colors are quite close particularly those that are also available as color primer sprays but overall the match is far from perfect I mean I get it War paints fanatic have an entirely new formulation but then maybe the Army painter should have cut ties with the old range completely to avoid any confusion so if your paint Scheme is based on the specific old war Paints color I recommend stocking up now while the old paints are still available otherwise the paint jobs in your collection might not be consistent anymore and the other 27 problems are in fact 27 flexible Triads well per per not all of them I know at the beginning of the video I said I love the idea and a lot of the Triads are great for example the Vivid blue and the teal one there's an even distribution of light to dark colors just as I would expect but others I've put some random examples here do you see what I mean in my opinion many of the tries lean too much towards the bright side I'm missing the darker colors for some Triads it might make sense for example you can jump from Emerald Forest the darkest color in the Vivid green Triad to the darker Greens in the Deep green Triad but if you only have six Olive Greens in the range I would have wished for the darkest tone to be really dark like castellan green or death cops draft from Games Workshop as you can see here as a result the emphasis on lighter tones means that the steps between the individual colors become often rather small I think for most painters it won't make sense to buy all six colors per Triad for most Triads you could easily skip every second color but then not all flexible Triads are balanced in the same way the official chart from the website can point you in the right direction but it's just a digital reproduction and not always that accurate so I hand painted all colors on plastic card and photographed them professionally you can download the highrisk chart on my patreon I've also got compatible charts for the Citadel range the new valo game colors and other so you can cross reference colors across different brands but overall I don't want to sound too negative even though some Triads might not be ideally composed for my taste the sheer Choice makes more than up for it the fanatic range has many beautiful and unique colors they would definitely find a place in my collection the acrylics are nice to work with and the opacity is high so they get an eight out of 10 from me but don't close the video just yet I still have some final thoughts plus the best alternatives to the war paints range to share so the truth is war paints fanatic are probably not the best paints but they are a very good all around the range the acrylics metallics washes and even the effect paints are of a consistently high quality so I give the whole range a quite solid 8.5 out of 10 points they might not be a revolution and they have a few quirks that you must be aware of as I explained throughout the video but if you're only familiar with the old war War paints and or the Citadel paint range then upgrading to war paints fanatic will be a Quantum Leap you will notice difference in quality even if you don't consider yourself a pro painter and they will make your painting more enjoyable on the other hand if you already have Paints in what I call the new generation of acrylic paints then the wall paints fanatic won't be anything special for you but they can meet the high standard for this reason these are the best Alternatives BR grw pains have the same High coverage as wall paints fanatic and they are also good all-rounders with excellent acrylics metallics and washers the difference is that the paints are a bit thinner and don't need to be diluted as much the Finish is also more matte however the PE crew range doesn't have tries and has far fewer colors so you'll need to mix more personally I like the acrylics from the new valo game color range ATT Tad better than those from The Fanatic range because they are more matad require are hardly any thinning and I feel that many of the lighter colors cover a tiny bit better they are also a bit cheaper however the range has less than half of the colors of the fanatic range and the metallics washes and special effect paints are not as great as the war paints ftic ones AK third gen has a very extensive color pallette but since there are no tries or a similar system the range can be challenging to navigate however there are many natural colors designed specifically for historical models and uniform forms and more realistic color schemes the quality and coverage are excellent and all for a competitive price but in my opinion there's only one real alternative to war paints fanatic if you only want one range to cover all corners and that would be Duncan roads two thingin codes you can find out why this range is my current Benchmark in this video here on the right so go watch this next and make the comparison yourself hope this was helpful and happy hobbying oh
Channel: Stahly (Tale of Painters)
Views: 38,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warpaints Fanatic review, Warpaints Fanatic, Warpaints, Fanatic, The Army Painter, Review, Opinion, Warhammer, Stahly, Tale of Painters, The Army Painter review, Honest Warpaint Fanatic review, Warpaint Fanatic review, Warpaints Fanatic comparison
Id: s_CjRO1BIpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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