The Antichrist: The End Times According to Jesus 6

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well this morning's sermon will be the sixth in our series entitled the end times according to jesus now the focus of this series is supposed to be on the olivet discourse you see the olivet discourse is about the end times what happened is that four of jesus disciples peter andrew james and john they came to jesus and they asked him three specific questions all three questions pertain to the end times or what they perceived to be the end times and jesus response to those questions is known as the olivet discourse because his response occurred on the mount of olives therefore it's called the olivet discourse so in essence the olivet discourse is jesus teaching on the end time since quite lengthy it actually covers three chapters in the gospel of matthew chapters 23 24 and 25. now i hate to admit it but so far we haven't even looked at the olivet discourse but there's a good reason for that you see eschatology is a very difficult subject because to really understand that you must have a comprehensive understanding of god's word in other words you need a good knowledge of the entire bible not just the new testament you need a good knowledge of the old testament that's why so few pastors actually teach on eschatology they don't have an adequate database of knowledge on the old testament and as a result most of you grew up in churches where the pastor never taught on the subject therefore you have a very limited knowledge of eschatology and i know that if i go too deep too fast or i use terms that you're not familiar with then i'll lose you and you'll lose interest in this and it's really not that difficult to grasp the only problem is you got to come on a regular basis or if you miss you got to go back and listen to the sermons they are stand-alone sermons but still i'm building on the information that i give previously so what i decided to do because most people don't know much about eschatology is i decided to give you some basic information that you need to know before we jumped into jesus teaching on the end times so for the first three weeks of this series i talked about the rapture in the fourth week sermon i turned my attention to daniel's prophecy known as the seventy weeks and after this morning's sermon we'll have spent three weeks on it we still won't be finished i'll have one more sermon to go as we still talk about the antichrist now it might sound like four weeks on one particular prophecy is a lot of time but it's really not not when you consider how important this prophecy is when it comes to eschatology you see this prophecy known as the 70 weeks of daniel is the key to understanding the mystery of the end times so it's crucial that you understand it in fact let me just say this if you don't understand it you'll never get eschatology you'll never know what's really going to go on in the end times you'll just parrot what other people say it's that important in fact jesus alludes to this specific prophecy several times in the olivet discourse because as i said it is the key to understanding the mystery of the end times and it's only four verses verses 24 25 26 and 27 and daniel chapter nine but these four verses are so packed with critical and useful information that without them we wouldn't have a clue as to what's going to happen in the future seriously too many pieces of the puzzle would be missing in fact these four verses are the most important pieces to the puzzle and i can't emphasize that enough so let's read these four verses daniel chapter 9 verses 24-27 seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon my holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks now the seven weeks of the 62 weeks run consecutively in other words there's not a gap in between them so the reason he broke it up is because it took seven weeks to rebuild jerusalem and i say weeks i'm not talking about what we think of as a week i'm using that gr that hebrew word shabuah which is seven years so actually it took 49 years to rebuild the city of jerusalem but the seven weeks and the 62 weeks run consecutively let's keep going the streets should be built again in the wall even in trouble troubles troubleless times and after three score in two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with a flood and even at the end there will be war and desolations are determined and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblations to cease and at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him now that sounds really difficult to understand but it's not i've torn it apart we're going to continue on i'm going to show you it's very easy to understand in fact to help you understand the gist of this prophecy let me give you a simple outline of these four verses verse 24 explains the purpose of the 70 weeks verse 25 foretells the coming of the messiah at the end of the 69 weeks now if you notice it said 62 but those run consecutively so 7 weeks and 62 is 69 weeks so verse 25 foretells the coming of the messiah at the end of the 69 weeks verse 26 is the interval verse 26 reveals an interval between the 69 weeks and the 70th week everyone knows what an interval is right an interval is a space between two things a gap so what we're saying is that there's a space of time or a gap of time between the 69 weeks and the 70th week verse 27 is about the antichrist and his role in the tribulation now let me go through this outline real quick all right as i said verse 24 explains the purpose of the 70 weeks look at verse 24 again 70 weeks are determined upon my people and upon my holy city to one finish the transgression and two make an end of sins and three to make reconciliation for iniquity and four to bring in everlasting righteousness and five to seal up the vision and prophecy and six to another the most holy now that's not just religious words that sounds very spiritual no there's meaning packed into this in fact you need to keep in mind that the focus of this prophecy is on the jews not the church so with that in mind the purpose of the 60 weeks is to accomplish six things first of all to finish the transgression actually transgression and the hebrew means rebellion secondly to make an end of sins thirdly to make an atonement for iniquity fourthly to bring in everlasting righteousness fifthly to seal up prophecy and last but not least to anoint the holy place now the first three things were accomplished at jesus first coming through his death burial and resurrection yeah if you look at that list those first three things were accomplished through jesus death burial and resurrection however because the jews rejected jesus as the messiah they have not appropriated what christ has done for them but during the tribulation their eyes are going to be opened and they're going to then realize that jesus was the messiah and they will appropriate what christ has done for them the last three things will be accomplished when christ returns at the end of the 70th week you see everlasting righteousness is the hebraism that refers to the millennium so to bring in everlasting righteousness means to usher in the millennium and christ will do that when he returns to seal up prophecy means to bring all prophecy to its final fulfillment and that happens during the millennium every promise and every prophecy will be fulfilled you know there are those who don't believe in the millennium well if you don't believe in the millennium then god's a liar all of the promises all of the prophecies that he's given are not going to be fulfilled but people god's not a liar so every promise every prophecy that he's made will be fulfilled during the millennium and last but not least the temple of the messianic kingdom will be built and anointed by the lord himself just as ezekiel prophesied yeah that's what it means to when it says to anoint the holy place now verse 25 foretells the coming of the messiah at the end of the 69 weeks look at verse 25 again know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to rebuild jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks 69 weeks now the hebrew word or the word weeks is translated from the hebrew word shabuah which simply means seven it can refer to seven days seven weeks seven months or seven years depending upon the context but in this context it's referring to years so what verse 25 is saying is that from the time the decree is given to rebuild the city of jerusalem until the messiah officially reveals himself will be 69 seven year periods or in other words 483 years and there's 360 days in the prophetical years so that's 173 880 days now the decree to rebuild jerusalem was given on march the 14th 445 bc so according to daniel the messiah would officially reveal himself on april the 6 32 a.d which was the exact day jesus made his triumphant entry into jerusalem now verse 26 is the interval look at verse 26 again and after three score in two weeks shall messiah be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the end thereof shall be with the flood and even unto the end there will be war and desolations are determined now the word after means after so the events in verse number 26 occur after the 69 weeks but before the 70th week let me say that again the events in verse 26 occur after the 69 weeks but before the 70th week the messiah is cut off but not for himself and the city of jerusalem and the temple are destroyed and it happened in 70 a.d 38 years after the messiah appeared and was cut off so as you can see there's an interval between 69 weeks and the 70 weeks and how long is that interval how long is that gap of time well we know that it's least at least 2 000 years because when the babylonian captivity ended on july 23rd 537 bc the jews still owed god 2 520 years of servitude according to ezekiel in prophetical years it's 2483 years 9 months and 21 days and we know that the 70th week would not begin until israel's servitude was over let me say that again we know that the 70th week would not begin until israel's servitude was over so when was it over may 14 1948 the very day that modern israel became a nation is that a coincidence no the day israel's servitude was over was also the day that israel became a nation symbolizing that the fig tree has bloomed and designating us as the generation that will see his return we are the generation and how long is the prophetical generation 100 years 100 years we are the generation if you're born after 1948 and you live long enough you will see the return of jesus christ and people that's what we covered last week so now that's just an introduction we're ready to move on and look at verse 27 which is about the antichrist so look at verse 27 and he the antichrist shall confirm the covenant with many for one week shabu-ah what's one week seven years and in the midst or the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease anyone know what an oblation is an oblation is something that you offer to god so actually what it's saying is the sacrifices and offerings will cease and at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out upon him now as you can see from the first part of verse number 27 the antichrist negotiates a seven year peace treaty with israel people that's what starts the tribulation listen to me the tribulation does not begin when the rapture occurs how many of you were taught that when the rapture occurs the tribulation begins now there's going to be a gap of time between the rapture and when the tribulation begins how long will it be i don't know personally i think it will be a very short time now but the tribulation begins with the signing of the seven year peace treaty that's what starts the 70th week and for those of you who haven't picked up on this yet the 70th week is the tribulation and how long is a week seven years that's how we know that the tribulation will last for seven years that's confirmed as we go through the bible other places in daniel jesus confirms that also in the book of revelation when it tells us that for three and a half years everything's fine because of this peace treaty the antichrist comes in in the middle of it and then he sets up this sacrilegious object in the holy of holies as a result of that the treaty is is broken and as a result of that he turns on the jews and you've got another three and a half years until christ returns revelation tells us that so all of this is confirmed at other places and other prophecies now look back at verse 27 let's read it again except this time let's read it in the nlt the do living translation because it's a little easier to understand the ruler the antichrist will make a treaty with the people of israel for a period of seven years but after half this time he would put an end to all the sacrifices and offerings and as a climax to all his terrible deeds he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out upon him now again once this peace treaty is signed the tribulation begins which is the 70th week i know i keep saying it but i want you to get this the 70th week is the tribulation but what's interesting is that god refers to this treaty as a treaty with death yeah you see the reason that israel agrees to this peace treaty is because they want to live in peace with their enemies and they think that by signing this treaty they're going to get the peace that they so desperately want but god knows the truth he knows that by signing this treaty with the antichrist they're actually signing their death warrant it's not a treaty guaranteeing them life safety and peace now it's just the opposite it's a treaty that guarantees their demise turn to isaiah chapter 28 verses 14-22 and i'll show you what i'm talking about how many of you read your bible through in a year you read through the book of isaiah you come to this section and you probably just read over it you thought you can't understand it today you're going to understand it and you're going to see it's referring to the tribulation notice what this says this is isaiah chapter 28 verses 14 through 22 therefore hear the word of the lord o scoffers who rule this people who are in jerusalem because you have said we have made a covenant treaty with death and with shio we have made a pact the overwhelming scourge will not reach us when it passes by for we have made a falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception now let me explain what this means here israel is surrounded by muslim countries and every muslim country around them wants to exterminate the jews they want to push them into the mediterranean sea they want to they just totally want to annihilate and wipe out the jews and so many times what they do is they refer to death all around them and so one of the things that takes place is they're going to make a treaty with death in other words these muslim nations and with shio they're going to make a pact and then this is what they say the overwhelming scourge will not reach us when it passes by for we've made our falsehood made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception in other words we're deceiving ourselves now let's keep going therefore thus says the lord god behold i am laying in zion a stone a tested stone a costly cornerstone for the foundation firmly placed he who believes in it will not be disturbed and i will make justice the measuring line in righteousness the level now who is the cornerstone jesus jesus and all who believes in it will not be disturbed in other words when this overwhelming scourge comes through they won't be disturbed why because they're no longer there the rapture has occurred and they're in heaven with jesus yeah but here's what's interesting is this cornerstone i love this in verse 17 and i will make justice the measuring line in righteousness the level the measuring line is a plumb line and it's saying the plumb line is going to be justice the level is righteousness the plumb line is vertical the level is horizontal and the cornerstone has to be perfect to hold everything up and you know what it's saying jesus is just and he's righteous and everything stands on him they rejected the cornerstone but we won't get into that right now let's just keep reading then hell shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the water shall overflow the secret place and your covenant treaty with death shall be canceled yeah they're going to make the seven year peace treaty but god tells them here's what you don't know you think you're making this so you can live but it's going to be canceled and your pack with shields shall not stand when the overwhelming scourge passes through then you become its trampling place what you thought you were getting out of you've become the target of as often as it passes through it will seize you from morning after morning it will pass through anytime during the day or night and it will be sheer terror to understand what it means the bed is too short on which to stretch out and the blanket is too small to wrap oneself in ever been in that situation this bench too short the blanket's not big enough yeah for the lord will rise up at mount perezm he will be stirred up as in the valley of gibeah to do his task now the lord's going to do this the lord is going to do his task his alien task and to work his work his strange work and doubt now do not carry on his scoffers lest your fetters be made stronger for i have heard from the lord god of hosts of decisive destruction on all the earth yeah god's going to do an alien work of strange work he's going to bring his wrath upon the entire earth yes we've suffered tribulation before if you're born into this earth you're born to suffer tribulation but not like the tribulation of the seven years because it's the wrath of god poured upon all of the earth now the phrases overwhelming scourge alien task strange work are just different names for the tribulation let me say that again the phrases overwhelming scourge alien task and strange work are just different names for the tribulation so we know for a fact that this treaty is referring to the treaty in daniel chapter 9 verse 27. the only difference is this passage from isaiah is looking at the treaty from god's perspective you see daniel 9 27 looks at the treaty from man's perspective but isaiah looks at it from god's perspective and what god is saying is that by making this treaty with countries that are committed to your demise these muslim countries israel is fooling itself into believing that it's going to have peace and security but all it's really doing is signing and treated with death for they've just signed the treaty that begins the tribulation and at the midpoint of the tribulation the antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation now we'll talk about the abomination of desolation in just a second but let's keep going because i want you to understand why god says that this treaty is a treaty with death now once the antichrist commits the abomination of desolation he then turns on the jews and pours his wrath upon them as isaiah says he cancels their treaty so this treaty with death is canceled and over two-thirds of the jews will be massacred and um only a third will make it out alive look at zechariah chapter 13 verses 8 and 9. two-thirds of the people in the land will be cut off and die says the lord but one-third will be left in the land i will bring that group through the fire and make them pure i will refine them like silver and purify them like goat they will call on my name and i will answer them i will say these are my people and they will say the lord is our god now if you read this in context you'll see that it's referring to the last days also known as the end times so what it says is that two-thirds of the jews will die during the tribulation but a remnant one-third will survive and that remnant will repent for rejecting jesus as the messiah and they will call upon jesus to return and save them and he will because that's the prerequisite for his return we're going to find out when we study the olivet discourse that when he looks at jerusalem he tells them because the jewish leaders have rejected him and he says i will not return until you say blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord that's a messianic psalm what jesus is saying to the jewish leaders is i will not return until you recognize me as the messiah until you put your trust in me and you call upon me to come yeah the jews must repent for rejecting jesus the messiah and cry out for him to return look at zechariah chapter 12 verse 10 and i will pour out on the house of david on the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication so that they will look to me whom they have pierced who's that jesus and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son and they will weep bitterly over him because they miss the messiah like the bitter weeping over a firstborn when that happens jesus will return but we're getting ahead of ourselves look at verse 27 again daniel chapter 9 and let's see what the antichrist does when he breaks the treaty yeah the ruler the antichrist will make a treaty with the people of israel for a period of seven years but after half this time he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings the first thing that he does is he puts an end to the sacrifices and offerings which tells us that part of the conditions of this treaty is that israel is allowed to rebuild the temple on the temple mount and they're also allowed to reinstitute the sacrificial system but after three and a half years he cancels it he stops it in fact all jewish worship at the temple is stopped daniel chapter 7 verse number 25 gives us a little more insight into how he stops it and what he does look at daniel chapter 7 verse 25 and he the antichrist shall speak great words against the most high and he shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand into a time and times and the dividing of time now you notice it says three and a half years where do we get that three and a half years time is singular times is a dual it's not plural how many of you know what a dual is we don't really use a dual in english we only have one word that's used as a dual in english anyone know what that word is both both if you come to me and you say hey pastor do you want lace potato chips frito corn chips or doritos and i look at you and i say i want both of them you're going to go which two why would you say that because i said both both means more than one but it doesn't mean more than two it's a dual that's probably the only word that i know of i could think of that english uses as a duel but every language most languages have duals and hebrew does and so it uses a time singular and times and it's used as a dual so that's two two and one is three and the dividing of time which is half so three and a half years now contrary to what most people think speaking great words against the most high doesn't just mean he's blaspheming it means that he's proclaiming to be god or he's proclaiming to be just as great as god so this refers to the abomination of desolation notice what paul said in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 he talking about the antichrist will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called god or is worshipped yeah so that he sets himself up in god's temple referring to the holy of holies proclaiming himself to be god people that is the abomination of desolation halfway through the tribulation three and a half years into it the antichrist enters the holy of holies and he claims or he proclaims to be god yeah and then of course because he doesn't stay there he sets up a sacrilegious object in the holy of holies but he's desecrated it that's the abomination of desolation but not only is he going to proclaim himself to be god but according to daniel 7 25 he's also going to change the times and the laws look at the last part of verse 25 this is daniel chapter 7. and he the antichrist shall speak great words against the most high and he shall wear out the saints of the most high wear out means he's going after them to kill them and think to change times and laws now the phrase times and laws is a figure of speech you see rabbis refer to the sabbath and the three feasts the spring feast the summer feasts and the fall feasts we know them as the feast of unleavened bread the feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles they referred to those three the sabbath and those three feasts as times because god set specific times for men to observe those holy days so the sabbath and the three jewish feasts were referred to as times look at deuteronomy 16 16. i'll show you what i'm talking about three times in a year shall all i mails appear before the lord thy god in the place which he shall choose and the feast of unleavened bread which is actually three feasts and one feast of passover feast of unleavened bread feast first fruits and in the feast of weeks which we know is the feast of pentecost and in the feast of tabernacles which is three feasts and one the feast of trump it's the feast of the great day of atonement in the feast of tabernacles but they'll just refer to them as these three feasts and they shall not appear before the lord empty now the law refers to the levitical law in other words the laws of god that are outlined in the book of leviticus you see in the book of leviticus you'll find the different types of sacrifices and offerings that were to be offered to god and how to perform them you had to do it the way god said it also detailed what's considered to be clean and unclean and it also outlined the specific duties of the priest so he's going to change the jewish times and the levitical law now let me explain what that means again in daniel chapter 9 verse 27 we're told that this antichrist is going to make a seven year peace treaty with israel and he's allowed he's going to allow them to rebuild the temple but after three and a half years he's going to break the treaty and when he breaks the treaty he's going to stop the jews from offering their sacrifices to god and he'll set up a sacrilegious object object in the temple and tell them to worship it people that's changing the levitical laws and in his desire to annihilate all jewish institutions he'll even change the sabbath and the jewish feast that's what verse 25 means when it says excuse me he'll change the times and the laws he'll stop the sacrifices and oblations and he'll set up a religious system that's totally contrary to the levitical law and he'll change the sabbath and the three jewish feasts to something else what do you think he's going to change them to would you like to know my opinion he's going to change the sabbath to friday in the feast to ramadan i'll stop right there yeah you'll see why i say that when i speak next time now look back at daniel chapter 9 verse 27 the ruler antichrist will make a treaty with the people of israel for a period of seven years but after half this time he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings and as a climax to all his terrible deeds he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration until the fate decreed for this is finally poured out upon him in other words he'll enter into the holy of holies sit on the mercy seat and proclaim himself to be god that's the abomination of desolation and then he's going to when he leaves it he's going to set up a sacrilegious object in the holy of holies and he cancels all of the things that the jews do people that desecrates the holy place and then he turns on the jews and people that's what revelation is all about if you went through my series with revelation you know most of this in detail now how many of you are visual learners you kind of tuned me out as i went through all this yeah it's like this is just names and numbers and oh my gosh how does he keep all that straight right okay if you're a visual learner let me give you an eschatological timeline based on the 70 week prophecy this is my own personal one you won't find it out there hopefully we can put this pdf on the website but let me show you this eschatological timeline here's what daniel says we got verse 25 verse 26 and verse number 27 but verse number 25 tells us for from the time the decree is given to rebuild the city of jerusalem until the messiah comes and officially reveals himself we'll be 7 and 62 weeks in other words 69 weeks which is 483 years there's 60 there is uh 360 days in a prophetical year so that's 173 880 days do we know when the decree was given to rebuild jerusalem yes we do it was march the 14th 445 bc so from the time that decree was given until the messiah appears right here he's revealed will be a period of 483 years or 173 880 days that would be from this time to this time april 6 32 a.d that's the exact day that jesus revealed himself for no other reason every jew should have accepted jesus as the messiah if they believed that daniel was the prophet all they had to do was count the days because daniel told them yes so the jews missed his first visitation his first coming now verse 26 is the interval it tells us that after the 69 weeks but before the 70th week certain things will happen first of all the messiah who officially revealed himself on april the 6 32 a.d will be cut off in hebrew that means will be killed will be murdered jesus was put to death four days later on april the 10 32 a.d exactly what daniel prophesied and then it says the people of the prince that shall come will destroy the city and the temple that happened in 70 a.d but he told us these things happen these events happen after verse 25 after the 69 weeks but before the 70th week which is the tribulation so we know that there's an interval there's a space of time or a gap of time between when jesus came the first time and when the tribulation begins but how long is that gap of time well this is the one thing we didn't learn from daniel but we learned from ezekiel ezekiel was told by god to lay on his side so many days on his left and to lay on his side so many days on his right and each time each day that he laid on the side represented one year and he said because of the people sin they're going to have to or they owe me these many years of servitude and so what we find out is they haven't paid their years of servitude and it's actually seven times more because they rebelled against god and leviticus tells us that so how long is this interval the space of time between when the messiah first came and the tribulation begins and which the messiah will come at the end of it well we know that they came out of uh-oh well anyways let me walk back here we know that they came out of the babylonian captivity on july 23 537 bc that's when it ended but they still owed god 2 520 years of servitude and let me ask you this is god going to do these great things for israel until they paid their debt no no no no god doesn't do that because the plumb line is just and the level is righteousness so now they're going to have to pay this so from this time here there's 2520 years of servitude they still owe god so when we count that off and we can convert that to days and we convert that to years months and dates and we find out that on may the 14th 1948 israel became a nation the very day that they paid off their debt to god in years of servitude wow is that a coincidence no the very day that they paid off their debt to god in years of servitude is the very day they became a nation and as a result of that it symbolizes the fig tree blooming because israel has been dead there have been little periods of recovery but they were not a true nation sovereign unto themselves from the time they came out of the babylonian captivity until may 14th 1948 that's when the fig tree blooms and what we're going to find out when we get to the olivet discourse is jesus says this generation that sees the fig tree bloom my coming is at the doorstep it's near this generation will not pass so we know that it had to go this interval had to go all the way to may 14th 1948 but we also know the fig tree bloomed we're the final generation we don't know when it's going to start but we do know the rapture occurs first because that which is restraining the antichrist has to be removed and what's restraining the antichrist some people say it's the holy spirit that's not the holy spirit the holy spirit's on the present the holy spirit is everywhere at all times when the church is raptured the holy spirit's still there how in the world are the jews going to open their eyes how in the world are you going to have all this great revival that's going to take place no no what's the restrainer the church not all of those not all of you that plays church but the true church we're the salt we preserve we understand what the lgbtq agenda is all about yeah we understand what critical race theory is we understand what socialism is we understand that abortion is murder and as a result for that we stand for certain things but let me tell you when the church is taken out of the way with the rapture all you've got leftist people who are immoral and the antichrist is ready to move into this position because that which restrains the church is taken away and when that takes place he has a peace treaty he signs for one week one shabu-ah period of seven years and he signs this peace treaty with israel that's what daniel 9 27 tells us verse 27 but in the middle of this week three and a half years into it he stops it he comes in stops all of the sacrifices and offering he cancels the treaty and he turns on the jews and the whole purpose of this time of jacob's trouble is for the jews to realize that we missed it what were we thinking jesus was the messiah it will drive them to their knees it will drive them back to the word of god they'll realize and recognize that jesus is the messiah and as zechariah says they will look upon him whom they pierced they will mourn for him they'll beg for him to return and guess what jesus returns to rescue israel at the end of the 70th week and usher in the millennium to bring in those things last three things that are the purpose of the 70 weeks is that a better explanation for those of you who are visual all right hopefully you get that a little bit better than beginning but if you watch this several times go back and watch the sermon get it in your spirit understand it turn to those scriptures listen to what i'm saying pretty soon you go yeah i get it and then when we come to the olivet discourse jesus is going to make reference to this prophecy he's going to keep referring back to it why because daniel chapter 9 these four verses but actually 3 25 26 and 27 are the key to understanding the mystery of the end times
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 12,832
Rating: 4.7972975 out of 5
Id: u4JHYqzDl4s
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Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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