Rule Breakers: How to Succeed in the Game of Life 2

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life is like a game now i'm not saying that life is a game i'm saying that life is like a game you see i once had someone get upset with me and i could tell they were upset with me because right after the service they came up to me and you can see in their eyes when someone's angry and they walked up to me and they said life is not a game and the reason they said that to me was because i'd been referring to our life here on this earth as the game of life and they didn't like that because what they thought is i was trivializing the things that happened in a person's life but i was saying that the things that happened in their life really didn't matter but i wasn't saying that at all so i waited until they were finished i let them vent on me and then after they vented i replied i'm not saying that life is a game i'm saying that life is like a game and it's true people life is like a game and let me explain why i say that a game has an objective something that you're trying to accomplish and that's what makes it fun you're trying to do something that's challenging it also has rules to play by and if you break the rules you pay the price you can't break the rules and expect to get by with it and last but not least the person who created the game usually includes instructions on how to play it and life is the very same way life has an objective something that you're trying to accomplish and that's what makes it fun there's a purpose and that purpose is challenging there's also rules to play by and if you break the rules you pay the price that's why so many people have a crappy life they've broken the rules and now they're paying the price and last but not least the person who created this game that we call life has also included instructions on how to play it and of course that person is god and the instructions that i'm talking about are in our bible so to me comparing life to a game is a great analogy because they're so similar people it's true life is like a game and that's why i'm using this particular analogy to explain how to succeed in life now everyone knows what an analogy is right an analogy is an explanation of something by comparing it point by point with something else and the more similar those two things are the greater the analogy but that's why i'm using this particular analogy to explain how to succeed in life because a game and life are very similar so in this series i'm going to be explaining the objective of the game the rules of the game and also the instructions on how to play the game now when it comes to the instructions i prefer to call them tips because tips are helpful hints inside information that gives you an advantage over the other players so as we go through this series i'm going to give you some tips on how to get ahead in the game of life most people want to know how do i get ahead well that's what the tips are for i'm also going to give you these tips so to make it easier on you remember if you don't play the game of life the right way you end up playing it the hard way you break the rules you pay the price you ignore the tips and life becomes uh harder rather than easier that's just the way life works people it's like a game now last week i explained the objective of life in other words the purpose of life according to solomon our objective in life is twofold number one we're supposed to bring glory and honor to god by using our gifts talents and abilities for him and number two we're to obey god's word those are the two things that every person is supposed to do that's what we were created for that is our purpose in life to bring glory and honor to god by using our gifts talents and abilities for him and to obey his work now as i told you last week the first objective is trickier than the second it's trickier in the sense that i can't fulfill the first objective if i don't know what my gifts talents and abilities are right yeah right i can't bring glory and honor to god by using my gifts talents and abilities if i don't know what my gifts talents and abilities are so parents you have a responsibility you're supposed to help your child discover embrace and develop their gifts talents and abilities as early in life as possible and if you're not doing that you're failing as a parent yeah now let me prove that to you turn with me if you would to the book of proverbs chapter 22 verse number six i wanted to give you this verse last week but of course i got long-winded and i ran out of time so look at proverbs chapter 22 verse number six train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is owed he will not depart from it now at first glance proverbs 22 verse number 6 seems to deny the idea of individuality in other words there's a right way and a wrong way to raise a child and if you raise the child the right way everything will be okay so at first glance this verse seems to imply that you raise all children the same way but people that's not what this verse is saying in fact this verse is saying just the opposite believe it or not proverbs 22 6 is saying that each child is a unique individual and you need to raise them differently you need to treat them differently and let me prove that to you look back at proverbs chapter 22 verse number 6 and i want you to underline the word way train up a child in the way he should go now the word way is translated from the hebrew word derek and derek is derived from the hebrew word darac which is a verve and it means bent in fact the root word darac is used in psalms chapter 7 verse number 12 and in psalms chapter 11 verse number 2 to describe bending a bow look at psalms chapter 7 verse number 12. notice what it says if a man does not repent he will sharpen his sword he has bent his bow that word bent is the hebrew word dolrak and made it ready now look at psalms chapter 11 verse number two for look the wicked bend their bows that word being there is dolrak they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows of the upright and heart now as you can see darac literally means bent now listen to me in ancient times you always bent a bow according to the grain or characteristics of the bow because all bows were made from wood makes sense doesn't it two thousand years ago did they make bows from plastic no all bows were made from wood and as you all know if you bend a bowl against the grain or the characteristics of the wood you end up breaking it so the word bent when used as a noun rather than a verb came to describe the grain or the characteristics of the wood and here's what's interesting when this word was used in reference to a person it referred to their personality their temperament and their specific gifts talents and abilities or in other words it referred to the genetic predisposition of a person now it's from this word that the hebrew word derek was derived so in proverbs chapter 22 verse number 6 derek refers to the bent of a child in other words the genetic predisposition of the child in fact i want you to notice how the amplified bible translates this verse notice how it did it train up a child in the way it should go in keeping with his individual bent i'm sorry individual gift or bent so proverbs chapter 22 verse number six is telling us that each child is a unique individual and they must be trained differently according to their personality their temperament and their gifts talents and abilities now if you've had more than one child you know that each child is different they are not the same even if they look alike in fact let me give you some biblical examples to illustrate what i'm talking about how many of you know that how many of you know that cain and abel were twins identical twins did you know that the bible says that eve conceived and she bore a child named cain and she bore another child named abel now the way the bible describes this everyone who knew hebrew knew that they were saying that they were twins because if they were not twins it would have said that eve conceived and she bore a child named kane and then she conceived again and bore another child named mabel but it doesn't say that it says she conceived once she bore a child named kane and then she bore a child named abel we also know that they were identical twins why because the bible when it talks about twins will always give the physical descriptions of the children if they're not identical twins so cain and abel were identical twins but cain and i abel had different personalities they had different gifts talents and abilities in fact cain was a farmer abel was a shepherd they both preached approached god in a different way they both had different love languages so they had this different perception of god look at jacob and esau jacob and esau were fraternal twins in other words they were not identical twins two eggs rather than one different genetic predispositions we know that as we look at the physical descriptions of them but not only that when we look at them being fraternal twins they had different gifts talents and abilities jacob was a man of the tent now pastors who really don't know the original language or really haven't studied this out want to say that he was a mama's boy and that's not what that means what it means is he was a businessman he was very concerned with how the business worked esau on the other hand was an outdoorsman he was very irresponsible so even though they were twins they were as different as night and day and that's what i want you to notice in each case the brothers even though they were twins were physically mentally and emotionally different they had different gifts talents and abilities and different personalities so what proverbs chapter 22 6 is advocating is that each child is an individual and they must be treated differently they must be trained differently look back at proverbs chapter 22 verse number six and i want you to notice the word he that personal pronoun notice what it says train up a child in the way he should go that personal pronoun he emphasizes the individuality of children china train up a child in the way he should go you see each child has a unique genetic predisposition that plays a large role in the way they think they act and the way they perceive things this genetic predisposition is what makes a person unique it's what determines a person's personality their love language their motivational gifts their work style and their individual gifts talents and abilities and the word bent in proverbs 22 6 encompasses all of that your personality your love language your motivational gifts your work style your gifts your talents and abilities all of that is part of your bent now your environment can mold you to a certain degree but who you are was determined by your genetics and the bible teaches that before it before science or man ever knew about dna the bible taught that so what proverbs chapter 22 verse number 6 is teaching us is that a child's genetic predisposition their bent their personality their love language their motivational gifts their work styling gifts talents and abilities must be taken into consideration when raising them and training them people the bottom line is this children are different so you can't treat them all the same you can't raise them the same big mistake if you try to just as if you try to bend a bow against the against the grain or the characteristics of the wood you're going to break it if you try to train a child against their bit bent you will break that child emotionally we need to recognize that as parents let me give you an example using my own children and their different personalities because one of the things that lisa and i recognized early on is i can teach this but people go that's good but but alan i don't know how to apply that and i also realized early on that if i used any of you as examples you got mad so i'm going to use my own children as an example because i had different personalities micah joy has my personality traits she has a cleric sanguine personality macy michelle has lisa's personality traits she has a phlegmatic melancholy personality now let me tell you a little bit about these two personalities melancholies and phlegmatics have a difficult time admitting their strengths if you tell lisa she's good at some things oh no i'm really not good at that same thing with macy man you're really good at that oh no i'm not you look pretty oh this old thing see that's part of their personality they have a difficult time admitting their strengths that they're good at something or they look good or they've done something well while sanguines and clerics have a difficult time admitting their weaknesses and if we do admit our weaknesses we minimize them people i can't sing but who would want to sing you know of all the gifts talents and abilities you can have who cares about singing i never understood why guys wanted to be in choir in high school now that's a wonderful thing and you need to understand that this is my personality so when i say that it's not that singing is not a wonderful thing to have a wonderful gift and and boy should want to be in high school choir but because of my personality if i'm not good at something i just minimize it i'm not good at golf so who cares you know golf's fun but i'm not really trying to be good at it you see i minimize the things that i'm not good at simply because that's the way my personality works i'm that way so as children mike and macy were as different as night and day as a melancholy macy had the tendency to foresee problems ahead and she wanted to think everything through before she acted and she didn't like to do anything new at least not by herself she wanted someone to help her until she got comfortable doing whatever it was and i realized that if we weren't careful she would have a hard time being independent and getting out there and actually doing new things so when we went out to a restaurant i would make her pay the bill by herself now let me tell you as a little child she hated that here she is in grade school maybe she's six or seven years old she's learned how to count and we would be at a restaurant i'd say mace i want you to pay the bill oh daddy please don't make me do i don't want to micah would say i'll do it daddy honey honey now i want macy to do this oh no daddy daddy would you make me do that so i'd wait of course the waitress would come by and say my daughter's going to pay the bill honey you just follow her up there give her the money you can count the change and bring it back to me please no we're not leaving till you do that i would also make her check out by herself at walmart in essence what i was doing was purposely pushing her out of her comfort zone because i realized that if i didn't do that she would never try new things she'd never be truly independent and because i did those things i'll be honest with you she's now more independent than my oldest daughter micah choi you see micah wasn't afraid to step out and do new things in fact when micah started kindergarten she walked into school on the first day all by herself she did not want lisa walking her in you know before you start school you take your kids to the school before the first day you show them their classroom they meet their teacher well she'd already been to the classroom once she'd met the teacher once she knew where she was going she knew what she was going to do and she felt very comfortable doing it and she said mom i don't want you to walk me in wow not macy macy's first day kindergarten mama please walk me in well honey i'm gonna walk you in oh thank you walked her in to the class introduced her to the teacher again she told her where the seat was stay there she in their seat and it was by macy and walked out and she didn't cry lisa had to walk her to kindergarten for the first two weeks why because she didn't want to do it until she felt comfortable actually doing it now had i not known what mike and macy's personality types were people i would have raised in the same way and i can guarantee you macy would not be doing what she's doing today she'd still be successful but she would never step out of her comfort zone she wouldn't have gone to the university of arkansas she wouldn't have gone on to oklahoma state university to get her master's degree and i can guarantee she would not be in odessa texas today she would have gone to northeastern state university which is a wonderful school and she'd be working somewhere close by not because she wanted to but because that would be safe people it's a personality thing so i had to train her differently than micah proverbs chapter 22 verse number 6. now let me give you a principle it's not going to come up on the screen but if you're taking notes write this down personality explains your behavior but it doesn't excuse your behavior do you want me to say that again personality explains your behavior but it doesn't excuse your behavior when i look at my motivational gift and you look at my personality type i can be downright snarky and every time i'm snarky the holy spirit says why did you do that that's not right quit doing that so that explains my behavior but it doesn't excuse my behavior when i learned macy's personality it explained her behavior but i also realized even though it explains her behavior can't excuse it i didn't want her to only do things that she felt comfortable doing because life is too short and life is too great to be put into this little box because of your personality now let me give you another example except this time let's talk about the love languages now if you're new maybe you've never heard of the love languages basically the five love languages are the five ways that we express love gary chapman wrote this book and actually i learned about this before he ever wrote the book i don't know what information or where he got his information and i can't remember where i got my information but i can remember teaching on this and a little bit later the book came out and i thought oh my gosh he just calls it the love languages now let me explain what we mean by love languages when i say love language i'm simply referring to the way a person communicates love and likes love communicated to them that's what people mean by love language it's the way they communicate love and the way they like love being communicated to them now micah's love language is gift giving and words of affirmation sometimes you can be bilingual sometimes you can have three love languages but normally you'll have one predominant love language or you'll have two that just write together and her love languages are giving gifts and words of affirmation and that's how she expresses love so when she was little she was always making things for me and bringing them to me little gifts daddy i drew this for you now macy would watch micah do that and she'd just take colors and do this and she'd bring hers too again personality you just follow what the other one's doing does that make sense but i mean for micah she'd spend hours doing something so nice and neat make little bracelets for me she would pick flowers and try to make them into bouquets and she would bring them to me as a gift why because that's her predominant love language she was always doing that she would also climb up into my lap she would grab my face in her little hands and she would look me right in the eye and she'd say daddy i love you and so i would put my i'd take my hands and wrap them around her little bitty face look her right in the eye and i'd say i love you too you see that's the way she communicated love and that's the way she liked love being communicated to her now macy's love language is totally different macy's love language is quality time she always wanted me to come and sit by her or for us to do something without micah and ma just the two of us daddy would you do this with me not with mike and not with mommy just me when lisa went back to school i was supposed to take macy to no greater joy daycare she didn't like going to no greater joy daycare again it was new and you know she didn't like that and so being kind of a soft heart i wouldn't make her go and i'd say don't tell your mom now she figured it out when she had to pay the bill and she hadn't showed up but anyways she'd go to work with me easiest little child to take to work you'd never know she was there except when she wanted quality time in the mornings i like to go into the sanctuary and pray and i walk when i pray so i go into the sanctuary and i'd be walking and praying and she would come and find me and she would hold up her little hands and we're talking about four years old and she'd say hold me daddy so i would have to pick her up you know by four years old they're kind of heaven if you're going to pray for 45 minutes that's kind of tough so i would sit down in a chair and i would take my elbows and rest him right here on my knees and i would hold her and she just went limp and she'd kind of go to sleep while i prayed but you know that's what she wanted she wanted that quality time where i held her in my hands and we just me and her when she was in high school just the two of us would go to the razorback basketball games people that said love to macy now listen to me parents because this is very very important if you don't express love in your child's love language they won't feel loved do i need to say that again if you don't express love in your child's love language they won't feel loved i can't tell you how many times your children have come to me i don't know why they come to me because they have children's pastors but these kids will come to me and they'll say well my mommy and my daddy they don't love me like they love my brothers or my sisters and i know for a fact that's not the case but here's the problem their parents aren't communicating love and the way that their child needs love communicated to them in a way that they feel loved you see if you don't communicate love in the way that your child needs it they're not gonna feel loved no matter how much you love them so how do you know what your child's love language is especially if they're not old enough to take a test you can't go to a four-year-old an even six-year-old you know there's not enough life experiences even if they've learned to read maybe seven or eight years old you go take this test you can't do that so how do you find out what their love language is well it's really pretty simple believe it or not you see children will express love in the way they need it expressed to them so all you have to do is just sit back and observe how your child expresses love to you if they're always bringing you things as a gift then their love languages language is probably gift giving if they're always hugging you and kissing you and always always wanting to cuddle with you it's probably physical touch if they're always telling you i love you mommy you look so pretty in that dress that's what micah joy would do oh mommy your makeup looks so good it's probably words of affirmation if they're always wanting to help you and do things for you it's probably acts of service it's not natural for a little four-year-old to say mommy i cleaned up my room for you and last but not least if they want one-on-one time with you just me daddy not with her not with mommy or mommy just me and you not daddy just me and you it's probably quality time so all you really have to do is just sit down and observe how they express love to you because a child will give you what they need let me state that again because you should write that down a child will give you what they need in other words they'll express love the way they need love expressed to them in fact everyone does that including adults now i know some of you out there thinking i'll come to church to learn the word of god not psychology well good turn with me to matthew chapter 7 verse number 12 and i'm going to prove this to you that we give to others what we need look with me if you would matthew chapter 7 verse 12. therefore however you want people to treat you so treat them for this is the law and the prophets now we know this as the golden rule in fact every one of us are familiar with this verse even if you didn't grow up in church you just haven't heard it said like this we've heard of the golden rule and the golden rule simply says the way you want to be treated you need to treat others or in other words you treat others the way you want to be treated but let's dig a little bit deeper let me show you something interesting i want you not to notice that this verse begins with the word therefore most of us never pay attention to that but this verse begins with the word therefore it says therefore however you want people to treat you so treat them now the word therefore is translated from the greek word oon and oon is an inferential conjunction some of you're going to do what well let me explain what an inferential conjunction is remember a conjunction will join either phrases or sentences so we know that this is joining verse 12 to the previous verse which is 11 but an inferential conjunction introduces a logical conclusion drawn from the facts that are stated in the previous verse so what i'm telling you is verse number 12 is a logical conclusion that has been drawn based on the facts that were stated in verse number 11. so we draw the conclusion that we're to treat others the way we want to be treated but we draw that conclusion based on the facts that are stated in verse number eleven so what are the facts of verse number eleven well look at verse number eleven if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your father in heaven give what is good to those who ask him do what now how in the world do we draw the conclusion that we need to treat people the way we want to be treated from verse number 11. well notice the phrase if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children do you see that this says that everyone knows how to give good gifts to your children or to their children so let me ask you a question how do you know what to give to your children how do you know what constitutes a good gift well the implication is it's instinctive in other words you instinctively know to treat those you love the way you want to be treated it is true it's instinctive we naturally treat those we love the way we want to be treated in other words we instinctively apply the golden rule to those we love we treat those we love the way we want to be treated but we don't treat others the same way and that's why jesus had to give us the golden rule he said you treat everyone the way you want to be treated not just your children and those you love you see it's natural for us to treat those we love in our children the way we want to be treated but when we get outside of our family or outside of those we love man we treat them like trash we'll say things we should never say to the cashier to the driver in front of us to everyone else so jesus comes along and he says wait a minute you instinctively know how to treat others you instinctively know to treat others the way you want to be treated because i see you do it with your kids i see you do it to those you love but you need to treat everyone the way you want to be treated so notice what this is saying because this is very important we instinctively treat those we love the way we want to be treated now let me state this a different way and i want you to write this down because this is what we can learn from matthew chapter 7 verse 12. we naturally express love the way we want love expressed to us people it's instinctive your children naturally express love to you as two-year-olds three euros years old four-year-olds five-year-olds they naturally give you what they want and need so if you want to know what your child's love language is all you have to do is observe how they express love to you and it's biblical and that's how you know what their love language is they're going to treat you not only the way they want to be treated but the way they need to be treated in order to feel loved so as a parent it's your responsibility to discover the personality of your child which means you're going to have to do some homework it's your responsibility to discover their love language their motivational gifts their work style their gifts their talents and their abilities because the more you know about them the more you can help them succeed in life and this is what this series is all about yes it's to help you succeed in life but to be honest with you it's really for parents to help their children succeed in life and you need to discover these things and embrace them as early in their life as possible because the earlier that you discover this the earlier you can begin to raise them or train them and the way that they should go now it won't be easy i'm going to use lisa myself as an example lisa's motivational gift is serving her love language is acts of service my motivational gift predominant one is teaching and my love language is words of affirmation so when lisa and i first got married and i've told you this before the way she expressed love to me was by doing things for me baking my favorite dessert making my favorite meal making sure that everything i had was the best she just worked all the time and my predominant way of expressing love to her was saying how much i loved her now here's what's interesting because i didn't express love in the way that she needed it she didn't feel loved no matter how much i told her i loved her she didn't feel loved because even though i'm saying it i'm not doing things for her and here's what's interesting no matter how many things she did for me i didn't feel loved because she didn't express to me love in the way that i needed it which was words of affirmation i wanted her to tell me that she loved me more than anything except god i wanted her to tell me how great i was she was lucky to have me those type of things because that's the way i express love to her and here's what's interesting i would do these things kind of later on honey i love you more than life itself you're the best thing that ever happened to me she would get up she would say thanks get up and go fix me a meal i didn't feel loved she didn't feel loved now once we understood each other's love language all of a sudden things made sense but it didn't make it easy why did it not make it easy because let me tell you i do not have the motivational gift of serving it's the lowest beside well mercy and serving are way down here and that is not my love language acts of service and so i have to consciously think all right her love language is acts of service so if i'm not paying attention she does all of these things but i don't do anything for her so i have to consciously think now what can i do for her tonight we're gonna go do this or that okay she wants pizza from salmonella so i would say honey i'll go in and get the pizza and bring it home you just stay right here now she's an actor oh no no i'll go with no because i love you i want to do this for you and she goes i feel loved see i have to consciously think that now when you start discovering your child's love language you've got to train yourself to express love in the way that they do it see if you're not a physical touch person and they want to cuddle you all the time it's like they're just hanging on you and they're clingy let me tell you how to fix that at least three or four times a day you just grab them before they grab you and you just take them and you just hug them you kiss on them and you just love on them and you stroke them you pat them a little bit and you say i love you as you give me this physical touch and then they get down and they run off and they don't need to hang on you all day but the reason they're hanging on you is because they need that and you have to consciously think it if they're words of affirmation if they're coming in saying daddy you're so strong look what you did mommy you're beautiful if you're not saying how beautiful they are in their little dress if you're not telling them that they look gorgeous if you're not telling them how proud you are of them they don't feel left now sometimes it's hard to determine what the love language of your child is and i'll tell you why the fuller their love tank is the harder it is for them to find out what they need because you're just firing on all cylinders you know one of the reasons it was really difficult took a little bit longer with macy is because we were doing all of these things with macy and so you know it's like well i just feel loved i can't really say that this does it or this does it i just feel loved and and and here's what's kind of interesting because our love languages are different and with our kids it's different one of the things that happens is in our home we fire on all cylinders and so as a result of that our kids feel extremely loved and many times it's difficult for them to understand what their love language is but early on we had to learn this and we had to apply this all right so if you're taking notes let me say this once again and then i'm going a little bit further parents it's your job to help your children discover embrace and develop their gifts talents and abilities as early in life as possible and it's also your job to learn your children's personality their love language their motivational gifts and their work style as early in life as possible why is it your responsibility proverbs 22 6 so you can train them so you can raise them in the way that they should go in keeping with their individual bent their genetic predisposition so in life they know who they are they know how to do what's necessary to bring joy and fulfillment to their life people this will help them to choose a career that fits their genetic predisposition it'll also help them in marriage and at work macy has a melancholy phlegmatic personality her motivational gift is mercy her love language is quality time her work style is oriented structured she got to college and she didn't know what to do she'd already taken 12 hours during high school of college he said how do you have time you have time to get out there and experiment but there's certain things we know we know that your motivational gift is mercy if you help people it's going to bring you a lot of fulfillment we know that we also know that you're people-oriented unstructured so you're going to want to work with people but you're also going to do it in an environment where there's a lot of variety here you have this melancholy phlegmatic personality you foresee problems you think things through so things that that you have to work in these diagnostic skills are going to be good for you you're going to feel you're going to feel a lot of fulfillment from that and so one of the things you might want to try because i looked around is speech pathology so she took some communication uh i can't even remember the name of it disorders communication disorders classes dad that's what i want you know she's in a job now where she it just brings her fulfillment but the reason why it fits her genetic predisposition micah has a choleric sanguine personality her motivational gift is exhortation her motive or her love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation she's task oriented unstructured she's always known i want to be a doctor this is what i want to do known this from grade school on up and she's doing that but here's the thing that i want you to know as parents it's our job to help our kids discover who they are embrace that and develop it let me tell you something interesting israel was the very first nation in the world that allowed people to choose their career based on their gifts talents and abilities and it's based on god's word jesus father was a stonemason most of you think he was a carpenter because of the way we've translated in the original greek it means he was a craftsman and in all probability he was a stone mason now here's what's interesting we refer to jesus as the carpenter and here's what's interesting because in their culture you learned a skill even if you were going to go in the ministry you learned a skill and then you went into the ministry that's why paul was a tent maker jesus had the freedom to be a rabbi and one of the things that we don't know with the jews is if they discovered because they had a public education system when they discovered what the gifts talents and abilities of those children were many times the parents would go to someone who was in that field and they would say i want my child to be an apprentice because they show an aptitude to do that and they were the very first nation in the world to encourage that you want to know why they did it god's word god's word when every other nation put you in a certain field and said if this is what your father did this is what you will do no ifs ands or buts and the reason america is so different is because america was set up on christian principles we took the principles that god's word said and has been teaching for over 3 thousand years proverbs was written about a thousand years before christ parents you have to know those things about your children now some of you go well i don't even know what the four personalities are i don't know what the four love languages are of five love languages are i don't know what the motivational gifts are i've taught those things in the past and if i see that there's a big need for that we'll end this series with that and next week i'm going to be looking at the first rule you break the rules you pay the price i'm going to give you the first rule next week
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Keywords: pastor allen nolan, allen nolan cornerstone, allen nolan bible study, allen nolan explained, allen nolan sermon, cornerstone church allen nolan, cornerstone pastor allen nolan, allen nolan, with pastor allen nolan, cornerstone fellowship, cornerstone tahlequah
Id: FeZ1c_3Vxng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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