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The Lorax wanted to destroy all of the trees this magical creature this funny little tree speaker from a nature animation wanted destruction the whole time everything was planned and I can prove it in 15 minutes this may sound nuts this may sound crazy on paper but it's real it all goes back to Ted wigan's secret father Grammy Norma's secret husband and the backstory of Mr O'Hare by the end of this video I will have you convinced that The Lorax was anti-tr fre and I want to start with a question if everything really was destroyed in the flashbacks then how are there still bugs in snails also how does Mr O'Hare get the air he's selling how does the onler get his food and finally when asked to use his superpowers to Save The Day The Lorax said that's not how it works so how does it work then ladies and gentlemen Ted is o'hare's son hello I'm the theorizer and I trust you've seen The Lorax if you're watching this video maybe it's been a while it's a Dr Seuss movie about a boy living in a world with no nature just plastic and pollution and he goes off to find out what happened to the trees he learns about it from the old man who was responsible in the flashbacks a magical creature tries stopping the man from cutting down all the trees but the world is ruined anyways and now everyone that's left is stuck back in that polluted fake Little Dream Town govern governed by a man who sells oxygen to breathe so it might shock you that I have the nerve to accuse the Savior this little tree hugging furry Critter of being the reason this all went to crap let's take a journey back in time about 8 years to an old video I made in 2016 and have since touched up back when I was young and full of life I only had one question Ted looks like the onler so is he his grandson this might surprise you this might be obvious to you and the answer was probably the onler acts as a grandfather figure in Ted's life Ted's grandma is the one who knew where to find him Ted undid what his ancestor caused the genetics match up the timeline matches up the details match up the statements match up and dear God is it possible that Ted's mom is framed on his wall yes I'll link it later if you're still curious but right now I'll give you a little taste because I have finally concluded that Grammy Norma was the thneed girl let's just speed through to get to the good stuff you see I was never able to find her in the past back then but I kind of assumed it was her and now I do know and well I just want a full family tree to start us off with height decreases as we expect but the good stuff is the similar facial structure the fitting fact that she who promoted the Sneed married its maker the development from shy to snazzy with attention the shared koi giggle but wait you might say the hair here's where today's Theory makes liftoff because Norma and her daughter Bernice both have naturally straight hair this is important for the family tree Ted has straight hair which is very unlikely given the intense curls of both his ancestors unless they're faking it which they are why disco they constantly promote their love of disco throughout the movie whether it be on their fake tree or the hanging toy in Bernice's car this is intentional th t hair makes sense the straight hair is a dominant gene and the dark hair of the onler crushes the blonde thus creating Bernice no really I forgot my tee but the question of course is who is Ted's father and how does this reveal unlock the movie's conspiracy I repeat it's Mr O'Hare aloicious O'Hare Savvy businessman short King mischievous Legend nah perhaps Ted's father just died well here's the rub homie no the dead are to be mourned the breakups are forgotten we know this from the way this house presents its secret relationship with the onler the fathers are nowhere to be seen or heard of this is strange because Ted is only 10 years old meaning the breakup would have happened when Ted was very very young the town is also new as we've established in the past and th the probability is that Ted father is somewhere in this town we've also seen time and again that nobody is random in this family so it's not just going to be an extra it will be somebody poetic at first I was leaning into Cyrus the delivery man but it just doesn't fit unlike the one the only the other industrial tree killer alowishus O'Hare okay how how could that even be possible the film sets up that Ted and Bernice barely know O'Hare Beyond him being rich and famous and probably the mayor well that's just how it appears at first glance you see O'Hare seems to know them as well as they know him this could make sense I mean he spies on everybody he talks about it but examine the real details of his interactions with them and something strange is happening if O'Hare is the father does Ted even know it doesn't seem like he does or at least he doesn't take it very seriously but Bernice she snaps at O'Hare pretty quickly for someone who's otherwise been Star Struck O'Hare is a zealous businessman with giant henchmen but she only flips out at him when he openly steps over boundaries with Ted she's scared of O'Hare when he tries hunting for the seat in her house she screams I don't care who you are you little crazy baby man get out of my house now he looks so completely caught off guard and actively steps back and leaves her her house she doesn't care who he is but who is he to her is he just some famous powerful guy who she's losing respect for or does he have more influence here obviously we need much more than just her change of tone so I went scanning suspicious Moment One Ted returns home with the seed to find O'Hare and Bernice chatting in the living room they've been chatting for a while about something and Ted is caught off guard she leaves to let them discuss things and as she goes she says isn't he clever Mr roare he knows his own name and everything she's proud of him in the face of Fame but more notably of her ability to parent him because what does she say mere seconds later Tedy and I I'll stay here and talk sure why don't you go ahead and adopt him I'm just kidding that was a joke and I just was joking really this little snorting giggling dis SC just unleashed the beast that is my theory yes it's a joke we know Bernice it's an exaggeration this moment stands out because of the extent to which she backpedals on the joke because she was discussing the one thing that would be in line with my theory shared parental rights okay but maybe it's nothing suspicious moment too when she heads upstairs to confront O'Hare for his aggression it's not exactly his aggression that causes her to flip out iied it's actually this statement this doesn't involve you get back downstairs damn that gives off personal Vibes I am curious what fear she's really been feeling though if not being Star Struck still maybe it's nothing you know what isn't nothing though suspicious moment 3 the condescending fatherly manner in which he scolds Ted throughout the entirety of the movie again I'm not sure if Ted knows but O'Hare non-stop refers to him as if he knows him closely referring to him as Teddy boy and he has an unbridled rage before Ted has even really done anything he spies on them but we see with Bernice that this bizarre camaraderie goes both ways the grandma calls him shorty he says she just finished a turn it's all personal and the mom also dissuades Ted from finding trees something happened here and they're keeping silent it's why they were talking for some time before Ted entered and it's why she's apprehensive let's be clear absolutely everything pans out as far as technicalities go too just like my other Lorax theories the eyes hair handedness all of Ted's jeans fit oare and not many others Ted could very well still grow to be short like alawishes as well the ages align perfectly from the timeline we've established as well but you want a real Bernice bombshell she has a very peculiar detail when it comes to her name she refers to herself as Mrs Wiggins Wiggins is her maiden name but m is the prefix used only when a woman is married not unmarried not divorced currently married this strange combination implies that she is married but refuses to reveal the truth about who her real spouse is this aligns perfectly so what happened between them and how does it reveal everything else here's the way the story appears so far the onler is slowly but surely losing his business all of the trees have died and he's left with nothing abandoned and alone his wife and daughter have left him and as we see all he has is his plans for thneedville his industrial Utopia it is at this time that a young aloicious O'Hare approaches him with an idea commercializing air the onler has learned his lesson about nature albeit the hard way but everyone hates him now O'Hare is the perfect standin for saving what's left of the population and giving them air the onler grants oare one of his seeds to make Heir and grants him the town itself assigning him as dictator and in the process the upand cominging alowishus has the oner's blessing to Mary Bernice as long as he keeps providing updates to him this is how the onler has Bernice's photo on his wall and this is why O'Hare is spying on their family non-stop however as the town finishes incorporating O'Hare begins to get cocky with his position he has everything he's ever wanted and a son on the way but he hasn't learned the lesson he hasn't learned what The Lorax tried teaching he even functions like The anti- Lorax short and indust Tri this is when Bernice realizes the terrible truth O'Hare doesn't actually love her and is simply using her to control the city that her father created they break up hard and O'Hare doubles down again and again while Norma and Bernice seal the truth for if either they or O'Hare let out the truth regarding their shared histories with the onler that man that nobody talks about pretends like doesn't exist the town would turn on them Ted grows up completely oblivious to the reality of his father but learns not to question it and perhaps has even figured it out himself don't believe me well has it ever occurred to you that these silent giant henchmen are identical twins much alike the oner's BR hey I'm not making any claims here but things can fit far cleaner than you can possibly imagine and both sets share name patterns it could be it could not be but this all brings us to the biggest purpose of today's video you might be asking the hell that wasn't it why no the purpose is far greater so for 8 years we've been asking now we know Ted's parentage and the story within believe it don't believe it a massive chunk of it is sensible and it fits all the gaps people have commented similar things people have posted similar things it's not insane but we're forgetting the most crucial the most relevant phase three The Lorax I want to Usher back to the poetic side of things the message The Lorax said that's not how it works in response to why he doesn't use his powers to stop the onler from destroying nature meaning he knew what needed to happen and so did the onler The Lorax knew as far as I'm concerned that people would never learn by being told over and over again or being forced to stop hurting trees he needed to let them figure it out for themselves all that whining and complaining The Lorax did is nothing in comparison to the sheer regret and shame the onler felt after destroying an entire biome for a profit The Lorax Let it happen that's the only way it works trees don't just die like this they regrow even in the harshest of circumstances life finds a way to evolve that's the whole point the The Lorax Let it happen there are no seeds in spite of them harvesting merely the tfts no regrowth none The Lorax Let It Happen the oil and pollution harms the environment but it can't kill all Life as we see little pill bugs and butterflies and what's this a great great great grandfather snail in the dead center of a plastic Utopia The Lorax Let it happen it's all to teach the lesson so it doesn't happen again The Lorax has the ability to regrow everything but he doesn't his job is to speak for the trees and teach Humanity a lesson no matter how many times he needs to he leaves when the trees die this is the whole point of the movie that's not how it works The Lorax Let it happen and what's more he compelled it it needed to happen so the people could heal as much as the trees could everyone is a part part of Nature and this brings me to my most shocking realization in ages The Lorax who Spurs happenings from behind the scenes I I used to think he was Audrey or maybe created Audrey or maybe ladies and gentlemen the short little Lorax is the businessman who tempted deforestation is the businessman who tested Humanity time and time again is the businessman who watched over everyone from the skies and knew what needed to happen the second he saw the commercials or in the very least is responsible for him this character who flies to the skies as his vicious farewell ass kicking ensues much like The Lorax and wait to create air O'Hare would knad his own little trees but now that I think about it the onler makes a point of having only one seed to give Ted this means O'Hare must be tied to The Lorax in order to have a seed to make the air in the first place o'hare's Journey in one way or another is the lorax's doing this film is about Heritage nature and lessons to humanity it's about growing prosperity for the next generation and undoing the sins of one's ancestors Ted is the product of oare the onler and the lessons of The Lorax the teaching of humanity O'Hare is an intentional byproduct of the lorax's hard lessons the message of this film the true message is is literally and physically a family tree now all we need to know is who the on there's real father is because all of the answers henceforth have come up in the form of Danny DeVito his enemy Offspring I can't wait to see what I upro next make sure to subscribe for more this is very important to subscribe like very important I'm actually going to scream subscribe also join my patreon it's the one thing actually motivating me to make these videos and it's saving my tumultuous Life by being a fallback in the event that God forbids someone wishes to employ me in the real world could you imagine until next time I'm the theorizer unless special thanks to plasite and am I emo
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 363,243
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Keywords: Theorizer, The Theorizer, Theory, film theory, Lorax, the lorax, theorizer the lorax, the theorizer the lorax, theorizer lorax, the theorizer lorax, Lorax theory, the Lorax theory, the Lorax full movie, Lorax full movie, the Lorax reaction, Lorax songs, lorax let it grow, lorax how bad can I be, the Lorax ending, the onceler, the once ler, the lorax movie, Lorax let it grow, lorax meme, the Lorax meme, Lorax 2, the lorax ohare, the Lorax grandma, Lorax grammy norma, clips
Id: wjEq4l_2Evs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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