Winnetou - The Red Gentleman | Western | HD | Full Movie in English

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] winner two the noble Apache Chief rides relentlessly on his sworn mission to keep peace between his people and the white settlers the steady advance of the white man into the vast Indian hunting grounds created tension on both sides winter tool rides to persuade the chiefs of the Northwestern tribes to prevent occasional uprisings against the white man from developing into a full-fledged War a war that could mean the destruction of all the Indian nations [Music] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] okay Mooney [Music] they attack a nitropod foreign have you ever learned how to speak the English language heard in these parts are fighting with the pale settlers some of us know their language thought [Music] tell me what you're called Rabanne I am one or two win it too ravano's badly hurt she will ride my horse rubana does not fear pain yes any points are clearly courageous if their Warriors are like their women everybody can walk put me down no [Music] these are my tribesmen Ashoka hey Ahi foreign but we share the speech of the white man Apache is in the hunting grounds of the asena points to spit peace with your chief Tasha Tunga [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] 50 pack and Catan NM chatoka hey ribana the noble Apache Chief saved my life today I was attacked by a bear who wounded me Tasha dungus thanks you look to my daughter's safety if winner two should ever ask me for anything it is his don't let them burn at the stake let those men go he come on exceed [Applause] why should these white men be your friends they are not I beg this only to wait the cause of peace will you follow did you hear that winner too might help us yeah there may be a chance yeah white settlers invade my hunting grounds I cannot tolerate their ruthless invasions I and my tribe have sworn to burn at the stake every white man who falls into our hands when the two Talks Of Peace in the name of our people I asked is it we who have broken it I can consider only one thing all those who will die our death is far less shaming than to allow this to happen we can fight but who looks after your families if your Warriors die what happens if we don't win no Tasha Tonga to be alive and productive not merely to die and to stay at peace that is what moditude decrees winner two's words starts me as fire does give us your idea I come to see you up here because I feel the tribes here in the northern area should work hand in hand with us in the south winner two will meet soon with all shatter hand the white men pay him respect he and winneto and Tasha Tunga will ride to Fort Navarra the head of each tribe will join us there in talks with a white man and see what can be done about ending our hostilities thank you [Applause] has not yet satisfied all the doubts that lion Tasha tunga's breast rabbana owes her life to your courage when peace is in question one woman's life must not matter my father will freely decide whoa or peace they've been in this a long what's going on nothing for us to do they're coming oh you realize just what awaits you yes who are you lieutenant Merrell from fortnite Obara isn't that the name of the man who represents your government in this territory that is a fact you mean Colonel Frederick Merrill my father you are free Meryl I ask you to deliver a message to your father at the next full moon all our Chiefs will be gathered at Fort mayabara to plan how we may preserve our peace thank you thanks now winner two must Grant a request Tasha Tunga makes him that he stay here as our guest honored by our people and when that day arrives we shall ride to Fort nairobara together [Music] foreign what's that up there I don't know it's unusual because I know we're in the vicinity of a tribe named apocus [Music] [Music] are we coming fish we're friends tell us what you want with the punkers where's Bluewater Lake we lost our way the train is if you put us on the right Trail you'll be a barrel full of whiskey Richards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you'll pay for this take my word are you crazy slaughtering Indians for no reason at all the only good ones are dead ones I've dealt with Cutthroats before who go around murdering people get moving get going we'll see you on the Gallows you give my regards to the colonel you get there okay well Joe Matt Avery [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] since when does the Cavalry ride on arm through the Border region since we were captured by Indians yesterday poncos no Center Point if it weren't for the chief of the Apaches win it too you'll be all right go ahead and bandage it yes winner two saved us it hadn't been for him I can assure you we would have lost a lot more than just our guns you're right do you know who the gunman were who attacked you I have no idea they were part of a gang of men that rode in an entirely destroyed a punk of settlement why I don't know I was asked to deliver a message containing a peace proposal to Colonel Merrill from the Indians if those criminals shooting their people up we might as well forget about peace there wasn't much the three of us could do against that gang leave it to me you're unarmed and my friends a good shot he'll get you to the Fort we're off to the Fort I'm ready to go it past this gun here and raring to show it right here is the best and the only Prairie poet I'm very glad to meet you wait just a minute would you mind sir telling me your name they call me old Shanahan [Music] there ravana is on the target why isn't winner too pleased winneto prefers that ribana not play with dangerous weapons rabbana has shot Arrow since she was a child she tries to take the place of the sun her father never had ribana [Music] winner to us for pardoned rabbana must see her father now [Music] orgy stay when robana met one or two why didn't she mention to me she was the only child of the chief if a girl talks too much she will always live alone no men shall Wonder you shall not live alone I know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] with danger this cave is our refuge it is known only by a cineboise is the only stranger who knows that knows it here's one or two a stranger rubana will answer winner to his question if he waits right here [Music] rubana was speaking with her mouth but not with her heart when the two is not a stranger [Music] and what would ribonna say if she did speak with her heart what does winitu's heart say repanna [Music] oh fine thing look at that hat now school's out so here I am collecting butterflies again this summer over last year's Hobby you see the moment I got the papillopolymnesto parinda specimen I completed my collection but something new has captured my interest so what are you collecting This Time Adventure sir or to a professor adventurous glamor well you sure did pick something different I wish you lots of luck I am prepared to join forces with you since Adventure follows you I assume I may come it's okay with me but I'm after two dangerous criminals they went off in that direction you're wrong that's not what they wrote off they obliterated their tracks to throw you off the trail I myself watch them hey tell my beauty it's time for us to seek out that pair of criminals lightly all right I'll take you with me but I want to warn you the two men I'm looking for belong to a dangerous gang A desperate criminals oh that's Sensational let's hop to and begin thank you no I know Lucas told me about it you get those soldiers no we was ambushed what you let them get away free do you realize the implications must have been 20 or 30 gunmen we're lucky to be here Lucas take 10 men to the karma there are soldiers around there find out what's happening at Fort niabara I want every bit of information you can get I want you to find out about everything anyone follow you no more no one at all we laid a false Trail we'll see [Applause] I wonder what's up well what are you standing around for oh I'll get to work so let us all to go up in Flames how many times have I told you no smoking foreign where are you from probably East heading west huh obviously don't use them words to me hold it take it easy ah seems we've got ourselves a couple of visits you the boss around here yes I am and I don't like strangers on my oil fields what do you want oil please oh you want oil but perhaps you're not aware of the fact gentlemen that all the oil here belongs to me congratulations so that's very nice it's for my lamb it makes reading a pleasure be trying to be funny no we've come a long way we'd like to buy supplies from your store well you can't buy anything I'll make you a trade though I like that horse so do I well here's my offer you give me your horse in an exchange you'll get merchandise from my store worth hundred dollars no thank you Mr Forest I'll make it two hundred dollars but that includes the saddle and the two rifles in the parking no matter what you offer me I won't part with my horse 300 for yours and your friend's horse saddle harness and weapons now look Miss do you go too far take it I'll leave it and you'd better take it go Forrester always gets what he wants but gentlemen this is unfair 100 of you against two of us we quiet castle pool go ahead take him stand back I'm gonna shoot he's soon ER Han sauce so sorry my horse doesn't like you take the weapons of the barracks right see that the horses are locked up then give me the key come on hey you notice something smells around here I don't know I believe you brought it because I didn't notice it before you came get that smile off your face [Applause] we better get rid of them no we have to find a reason first after all that white men not indians but that shouldn't be difficult they won't get out of here alive we'll put them both to work tomorrow oh shatter him going to the store I must talk to you right away we were hardened the comma Forester supplies the oil there he promised us commission and good lodgings and broke his word that man is a cat folksey here's the old concession of the whole valley Forrester has a claim on Indian Territory yeah the punkers were supposed to go to Dakota but not one of them has moved out of here so far and Forrester and his gang raised a Ponca Village right to the ground now I understand everything Forrester is a murderer how many are you maybe over 60 and we're Mighty anxious to fight except Forrester took our guns their underlocking key out there with two day and two night cards can you trust the driver of the oil wagon this is him but we'll try to get the weapons as soon as it gets dark with any luck we'll strike tonight oh tonight something special is definitely indicated I'll take these two it's a charge sure [Applause] we made it Lads as you can see back at the fort one two three the sun is sinking out of sight I'll do the same and video good night [Applause] sure is good to see you three we were certain the Indians got you they almost did it was so close you could smell a smoke your father was worried about you let's go hey oh is the hurdle in his office yes sir Lieutenant Merrill reporting in with his Patrol sir all present and accounted for good Lieutenant Merrell I'll expect a report in the morning Robert it's good to see you dad thank the Lord you're back we were also worried Susan you're back oh Robert are you really here like the bad Penny Susan Brothers come back to you soon now will you please dry your tears the assignable into Titus to Stakes they were preparing to burn us alive thank heaven for winning two the chief of the Apaches he saved us he was responsible for everything I promise to bring along this message winnetu has convinced all the tribal Elders to meet here with you about a peace treaty so the reprisal Iota did some good you're mistaken you don't understand how much bitterness that caused among the Indians at the next power I'll act differently won't you if you treated them just as you should they do whatever you say you still take the part of the Indians I suppose my boy they've been resisting the march of progress [ __ ] dad you're always ready to put the blame on the Indian yet I owe my life to an Indian but even so only a few hours later I had to Stand By and Watch white men destroy an Indian village who did it I don't know but there is someone who does [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] I hope nobody saw us you know I have a funny feeling that everything went too smoothly these guns will have to be distributed among us but no one must see us huh yeah now listen to me carefully when the weapons are handed out you will go and ring the alarm I got you and then what as soon as the alarm is sounded you take all right hands up weren't you taught to knock before you entered our room you too higher old shadowhead the Great Big Hero the protector of the Indian and you're the man who slaughtered The Parkers aren't you I hit oil here and they interfere with my operation there are swindler Forester a swindler and a murderer it's just that I make my own laws and one of the laws I make is that whoever preaches Rebellion to my men will be hanged and this man did worse right friends [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] into the star get your rifles you're here [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] nothing [Applause] went to happen foreign still covers the valley and I observed many men ten times more than the fingers on my hand what are they doing they extinguish the fire one of them wore a black leather jacket that was Forrester we mustn't lose him I'll stay here and you go get some help no peace must come first after the treaty has been signed we'll find him then punish him I would like first that you ride from here to Fort niabara when should we be there we leave it once we go to the ascendo points I promised the chief we would ride together with him what do we do about our friend Castle poo he bid your goodbye a thousand thanks for the collector's item and youth and angle it'll be the place where I have the best time and where are you aiming to head for now for the next adventure I should see Mr Joe Forster and solve that problem don't you agree well I appreciate you wanting to but I wouldn't do that might very well be the start of your last adventure thanks very much I think it'll be Laramie then there's a lot of bad doings there if you listen to me the one place you'd stay away from is new Venango now just hold on old castle pool has got the hang of this part of the world and he knows all the answers [Applause] oh go ahead [Applause] who's that bring him here [Applause] what were you looking for up there raspberry sir wild raspberries seems to me I remember you of course you came here with shadowhand and began all that excitement I thought the fire killed you off sorry it didn't thank goodness that is tell me where's your friend now I don't know sir you really don't know definitely not oh that's too bad you'll have to stay here until you can remember time to that pole so the sun can warmest brain a little come on [Music] that's her there yeah [Music] thank you this is rabana in a few days I'm going to marry her I wanted all shatter hand to know because you're our friend part of the family thank you foreign it's too soon to be disturbed too much what do you mean too soon have you read this order the president's most Gravely concerned over the possibility of any new situation causing an Indian War we must prevent war no matter what the cost prevent it but how nobody can tell us how to do that it can be done there's no one who can make the Indians forget the senseless brutality of the Ponca Village incident perhaps my dear sir you can advise us well sir I say the problem is how can we convince the people we lied to for so long that this time we mean it I must say you're brutally Frank but it's true we moved into their territory it wasn't ours it belonged to the Indian but that's ancient history a child's fable those stories are over they don't agree with fact but they still hold true sir the Indians only began to offer resistance when you started to drive them out of their own land thanks very much for your advice all shatter hand but if you'd seen the mutilated victims of the Cheyenne you wouldn't feel so sorry for all those poor Redskins well I was under the impression kernel that we were trying to find a peaceful solution it's what the president commands as a soldier I carry out the organization me they're coming [Music] foreign [Music] for a long time now only our weapons did the talking but now we heed the call of Peace we have set Messengers to the east to report our desire for friendship our great leader in Washington speaks to you through my mouth we have received winitu's message and we felt great joy that so many powerful and famous Chiefs have gathered here and I know today is a great opportunity for all Americans to secure lasting peace and peace we must have in this momentous historic hour I salute you all I salute the Brave Warriors of the assiniboid of the Mandan Pawnee and Chippewa of the osages Sue and Navajo of the shoshonees Crow and Dakota that is the greeting I am delegated to bring from the president in Washington there's the last one Atlanta Punk now things will be different We Salute the government in Washington and those of you here I want to say to you today we must bury our differences our country is big enough for all of us if we respect each other and live together in peace there have been wrongs on both sides when there is property damage we do make it up how do white men value lives of two times hundred Warriors Women and Children of my Village they lived in peace and were brutally slain by paraphrases just that value and no more than I put on our white settlers whom the Cheyenne destroyed at Newcomb come on kill kill ER whoa may I be allowed to say that outrage is committed by criminals are not our responsibility taco where's the mantle guarantee us that it will not happen again here's my word once the peace treaty has been signed winner two and I will track down these men and see they're brought to Justice I believe you still you cannot do it single-handed the pale faces of fortnite or butter must keep the law you can see Navajo this will always be broken because white men despise us War I'll not be held to answer for what happens no aren't you tired of war and death we do not fear death no more peace we must walk kill kill you cannot make a decision in Rage we come asking for peace you know the Indian he's known to keep his oath can that be said of a white man who of you will guarantee peace I I'll guarantee it because I believe that the white man and the Indian must live together in peace you must realize there are men like us sympathetic to your people but as in all Races there are Honorable Men and men who do evil in other words all men are equal Lieutenant Meryl I command you'll be silent no father listen to me you're wrong in the things you say of us that we hate you that we're not your friends I shall soon prove that we are friends here's how it can happen allow a wedding that will unite all our people join rebana daughter of the chief of Cinnabon and me it's up to you I beg to marry your daughter foreign you must surely be aware that by doing this you'll be through in the army if I can manage to bring us peace here that's all that matters shall move into house of white man he shall be sealed [Music] please [Music] what is it I didn't think that my heart could break but gods are cruel to us the unfairs thing is that I must pray you this news foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's run away to me you're all that matters I'll never marry that man no rabbana I'll get my horse at the noble Apache and rabbana you have spoken we did she understands she knows that Our Fate and the path our people choose depend on this marriage the choice is between War and Peace life and destruction you must obey ribana and winner to respect peace somehow I'm not sure such an uncertain truce can be worth what we're doing wanted to almost try to forget you'll help me we've got an awful lot to do we'll start on barrister what did you say peace everybody's talking about it Colonel Merrell just had a power with all the Chiefs the worst news is that his son Lieutenant Maryland he's going to marry a Chief's daughter over here right away and all the other men yeah this way come on let's go I just heard they're going to have a peace treaty with the Redskins at Fort niabara you know what that means time we wait for those dirty Indians to leave their land the blue Coast will be after us so we're going to have to do something about it at any cost real spoiler plans of these peacemakers I know exactly how to get the land and we're strong enough I shall read from Ephesians you have taken my heart to your bride with your eyes give me a place in your heart he that loveth his wife loveth himself for no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the law of the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones amen so come unto the Lord and be prepared [Music] Robert Merrill will you take this woman ribana as your witted wife yes I will and you ribana will you take this man Robert Merrill for your wedded husband yes I will then by virtue of the authority vested in me I pronounce you man and wife your union will be a shining example for all men in our country and will help bring us a life of peace oh [Music] thank you [Music] the man tied to the pole is castle pool he said he was going to Laramie the fool he didn't listen my brother will watch out for me when a tool will release him well I don't know there was only one guard and very few horses so there are not many men here Forest is not here I'm certain what's he up to now I'm sure castle pool will know where he went foreign [Music] it fits [Music] hey if you want my half the price has gone up it's six dollars what difference does it make it ain't going nowhere it's too bad the hats around it'll fit you'll find if it were square like your fat ass wait a minute I'll shut you a trap quick no [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] laughs how's everybody gentlemen this is time you close your eyes and went to sleep sweet dreams good night my Lord [Music] [Music] six dollars [Music] thank you foreign ER is I heard the whole thing he went to Greystone Canyon with his man to hold up a wagon train and make it look as though the Indians were to blame let me just get to the wagons immediately it's a full day's ride to Greystone Canyon we have to get there and warn them come on [Music] oh yeah [Music] all right [Applause] it's all right folks [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll never get out of here alive so why don't you give up we'll come out all right but when we do you'll pay for murdering those innocent people you're wrong one of my manners had fought my Empire right now he's reporting as the only Survivor of an Indian attack on a defenseless Wagon Train I'm sorry to say there'll be three more victims you he's the Lone Survivor of the wagon plane all the others were killed there were cine boys I see the boys what do you mean a center points tell us they're murdered my mother they showed no mercy at all my mother but everybody You've Got to Have Courage I will try to the thing you've been through is terrible but Wagner please go and make him comfortable what is your name Lucas David Lucas I want you to see that this man is offered every consideration and will serve to help him forget I put him over in my order instead see that he gets some rest yes sir all right now Bruce yes sir take 10 men and ride to Greystone Canyon at once report to me Lieutenant immediately upon return I want to know if what this man tells about his fact and shoot the kill every last of Cinnabon you can locate and destroy may I remind the colonel the compliment numbers only 24 soldiers perhaps it'd be better to wait until Lieutenant Jackson returns from the field with his men very well wait till tonight with those Indians and I've always known it how they talk with peace law and justice but as soon as our backs are turned the red Scoundrels start to betray us but now it's my turn I order my soldiers not to show any Mercy at all I'm a soldier and I must follow the orders I'm given I shouldn't be here revealing them to you but you're my friend and I had to I thought you might be able to do something I must have a talk with this so-called Survivor where is he and the order is Ted now be careful don't worry and thanks Tom you've been a mighty good friend good luck ribana they did not do it where are you going to see my father then we must go together I know it wasn't your father who broke the piece you've got to believe me we must get at the truth together what can we do oh look everything up including ammunition and rifles put all of it on the horses oh yes some good strong rope and a tent and if anybody asks don't tell them a thing let them believe that we're on an overnight hunting trip and that will return tomorrow night first that Survivor has to be contacted [Music] here they come ha [Music] [Music] they adopted that from the Middle Ages but not in the Middle Ages one shot alone won't help but [Music] thank you those College don't you think we'd be better off giving up we've lost 16 men are you crazy they know we raided The Wagon Train we can't let them get away they're safe while they hold up in that position say they hold out till the soldiers come oh stop it your warnings will drive me crazy I think I'm going to try some other plan let's go Forrester knows what he's in for he won't dare quit we have to try to distract him so we can get to the lake that body has a lasso I could make good use out of it they've got three coats and three rifles too my friend reads my thoughts go in there for the rest [Music] not a sound you make one move and you're going to be dead turn over and put your hands behind you come on beats me where you got these ideas boss go get the party come Gadget [Applause] all right now [Applause] take this [Applause] here's the power here ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign why are you standing around what's wrong they're not here are you crazy they were shooting at us from there the men up then fasten rope to the triggers of their rifles and cults let's see hey right sure we was busy making that catapult they got away and just pulled these strings that's all let's search the lake hurry [Applause] they're not here the shore is better so we couldn't have missed him there's one thing it couldn't have gone far take half the men now and you start searching along the canyon I'll take the rest of the men and search this direction right named shaika thank you guys your name was your local shitoma my Warriors say a quick death would be too easy but my son speaks against this you'll be given a fair trial in a court of law we'll use him as a hostage when it's necessary [Applause] when the tents have been packed we will go [Applause] oh no no no courage I know you would join me to hunt these murderers remember this important thing remain alive and together if not there's war only peace can bring the Indian his freedom mahini [Applause] foreign Bruce we just came back from Greystone Canyon just the place we were going to investigate the Wagon Train the incinopoints car it wasn't the Indians who killed those settlers it was Forrester in his Bandits it was Forrester I can take you to the place where we picked up their tracks when the two was following the trail and they won't let them out of his sight we didn't know about Forester thank you well any luck oh boss we rode for three hours to look everywhere they disappeared those dirty dogs what's next we gotta go back with supplies and ammunition and the wounded they stay right here because they're useless well what are you standing around there for all you men go on get on your horses horser horses are tired we gotta arrest them we're going to Venango I said the soldiers could be here at any minute if we're not in Blackwood Before Dawn we haven't got a chance [Applause] my Scout reports that forestry is not in fenango where is he no answer then we shall go to the fox's Lair and wait and if he does not return by break of day you shall die [Applause] foreign thank you [Music] thank you [Music] that's enough but we're going come on hey get up you look over there something's coming why is Lucas it didn't work don't go back your Center boys are laying in waiting for an angle thank you if we don't show up at Venango and if they start looking for you they'll find out tracks then we'll have the Indians and the soldiers on our necks what about going to Mexico we'd never get there it's 14 days hard writing for one thing and we've got a four hour lead at the most that's enough time to get to these cinnamoins what's that now why should we head up there two hostages one Robert Merrill and Roberta daughter the chief of the assignments say that again when they took me away I was blindfolded the sun was low and in the West all right here sunburn so he was heading south I'm sure from the village I counted 820 steps must have a hideout I think let's look for a cave they're coming back they look like Foresters man get back in I'm sure they haven't seen us yet come on hurry I [ __ ] yeah all right 806. 807. 808 800. look over there [Music] they discovered the cave they may be coming in here to hide we'll have to go further oh my God [Music] your truck come on out all the women too and come on up or you're finished rubana is there any other way out of here the cliff entrance there but it's too slippery nobody could ever reach you it's too come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell them to be quiet when the men pass if they make a single sound [Music] they must be come on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] rabbit it's the army hey come on what the got it see if you can find another exit Foresters man I'm sure that's right and I know what we are going to do about it give up now Forester we've got the caves around it and you're in trouble we guarantee you a fair trial in the court of law we demand that you come out right now all right we're coming well the fight's up look here I'm the man who makes demands here I demand freedom for myself and my men as far as the Mexican Potter you'll return our horses to us give us plenty of ammunition I want a two-week supply of Provisions Place For Us on that rock where you're standing now and all of you will stay out of range if you meet with my demands we'll set these hostages free at the border but if you don't we'll shoot Meryl and the rest of them we'll start for time it's the only thing we can do hear me Forrester everything's on your side we have no choice but to call it but I pack horses on their eyes were left down below we need an hour's time to get them up here and hand them over to you I know then but not a minute longer and if any of your Men start shooting they'll be the ones to suffer regard the entrance with Ten Men all right come on step to it you listen to me now nobody here is going to be shooting unless I order them take them further in and tie them up I want to see it okay right here yeah hand me that rope [Applause] foreign you two come with us here up there it's at least 40 feet you're right no chance without a rope wonder if you can get in from the outside you two stay here do you hear anything Sound the Alarm yeah boss [Music] after we cross the border what do we do with the hostages kill them what else somebody will help us if you just try to hold on his great Trust she knows all shadowhead and three times you heard the mountain dog call rabana knows we need to whisper in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't see nothing down there is it now yet 27 minutes to go [Music] us it's Tasha Tunga from the very start I wasn't satisfied with this but how much time now none foreign 's up listen Forrester the chief says they're having trouble getting up with the pack horses one is lame give us 10 more minutes I warn you you can't make a fool of me if the horses aren't up in two minutes I'll have the woman's tongues cut out he's not human he's a devil tell your soldiers to get ready the worst comes the worst we'll have to attack [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60. your time's up I'm gonna have them bring some prisoners here so you can see just what we do to them go get em [Music] Oto he's here at last time whose voice is that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] take cover [Music] holds your gun down ah foreign [Music] let's fight Forester now we can Forester must be left to the Asana points [Music] no no [Music] hey [Music] laughs [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] I'm thankful to you I most certainly spent a good summer out here I might do this again and now what do you plan to do oh I'll be teaching at my University and when my holidays start I'll begin a new collection [Music] thank you
Channel: Action360
Views: 165,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action, free, english, movie, movies, cinema, adventure, gratis, adrenalin, streaming, full movie, sub eng, eng, action360
Id: qXWJWB3tR0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 16sec (5596 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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