The American Rancher featuring The American Hereford Association January 2017

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[Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich the American Hereford Association was established in 1881 and is the oldest beef breed Association in the United States over the last 135 years Hereford has stood the test of time because of its strong commitment to the commercial cattlemen with one of the strongest genetic evaluations in the country aah a provides genetic tools that can drive profit because they are backed by uncompromised data and sound research the American Hereford Association realizes the progressive cattleman wants it all when looking for their next herd bowl throughout this episode you'll get the opportunity to hear about how her furred genetics can benefit you the value of hybrid vigor is unlimited and Hereford can supply the needed breed compliment to improve your bottom line you're watching the American Rancher stay with us [Music] [Music] [Music] backwoods aluminum water troughs are the best in the business designed and built to last in the worst conditions these troughs are tough durable light and easy on your wallet they will not rust like still and aren't affected by UV rays like plastics and fiberglass quality doesn't cost it pays and with backwoods long live water troughs you'll be glad you put these on your ranch visit water troughs com for more information [Music] welcome back to the American rancher the American Hereford Association and cattlemen alike recognized the value Hereford influenced females add to their program let's learn more about what's been happening at the American Hereford Association the American Hereford associations fiscal year in 2016 was a time again of progress and excitement we've seen another increase in registrations topping almost 80,000 registrations our cow herding employees jumped over a hundred and thirteen thousand head we had another banner year an increase in total tonnage sold for certified Hereford beef our memberships were up both an adult and junior membership so times are very exciting at the American Hereford Association we continue to see great demand for the cattle and and the members certainly see the importance of registering cattle and and the ability to market good Hereford genetics here at the American Hereford Association were very proud of our genetic evaluation we adopted whole herd reporting in 2000 whole herd reporting means that every registered animal that's recorded here at the American Hertford Association has to have a weaning weight turned in along with a reproductive status on the them and so what this allows us to do is report every calf and a calf crop and give some serious robustness to our evaluation where we have complete data on the entire calf crop and we maintain this stringent requirement as we go through birth records yearling records and as we work into some of our carcass records whole herd reporting has positioned the American Hereford associations genetic evaluation as one of the most respected databases in the breed association realm so over the course of the past few years the American Hereford Association has worked with some fully integrated large commercial operations to add her for genetics to their herd and kind of report the results and show the value of using her for genetics and big commercial programs that were predominantly black hided or at least Angus influenced and we started with circle a ranch we were able to look at the advantage that we see from the maternal side of heterosis which as we know could be where we get the biggest bang in terms of hybrid vigor at the end of the day what we were truly after is what does that f1 cow up to a commercial program and as we tracked the performance of those females young and life we seen that there was a huge advantage in those lowly heritable traits of fertility and longevity we got more females bred and obviously we all know that pounds of calf produce per cow exposed is where the real value is in the commercial industry and so the value of those f1 females that circle a file are seen in terms of marketing was truly impressive and and obviously as Vern Pierce the economist from the University of Missouri ran the numbers we seen at the time that there was about a $51 per head advantage to the black Baldy female compared to her counterparts at the end of day over the course of ten years you've added five hundred over five hundred dollars per head cow when I came to back to the ranch we were looking at how things were going and my grandfather was getting tired I guess is a fair way to put it but at the same time didn't know really what to do in terms of slowing down a little bit and we started to look at our cow herd and right about that time we got some negative feedback on some things you know the cattle were big and not as flashy as we wanted them to be and what was going on so you know I saw he basically tasked me to taking a look at all the other breeds that were out there we looked at some crosses and main angie cross we went to angus we looked at we looked at a lot of things but things we actually tried these were these were things we tried but what it came back down to for us is that it wasn't the breed per se that was the choice there was no silver bullet in that what it came down to is being better cattlemen than we were before looking more at EPDs than we ever had before leveraging what we had around us in terms of our cat you know the environment that we had and certainly than the animals we wanted to work with and it just kept coming back time and time again to Hereford it wasn't just the docility it wasn't just the fact they did great in our environment it wasn't just the fact that they were great breeders we kept coming back to that answer that they were checking every box provided we were willing to check the box about being good on the genetic side and certainly are we're delighting our our buyers much more than we ever had before and that's consistently getting better and better I think by pursuing the right genetics for this area and climate and everything we were able to moderate our cow size and still end up with a larger calf a twin weight the main reason we've stuck with our birds is their I think the best suited cattle for this country they just do well in our weather conditions and the temperaments of a big thing I mean they're easy to handle good others but mostly they're just they're hearty well doing animals in this country that pretty rugged country they got to travel a lot and they they just be well well I just don't see where there's any any better cross and that Hereford Angus cost the week that we like and we've stuck to for a long time you know we get good calves you know we wean them at about six hundred and fifty pounds and they breed back good to come back in good shape but you know and we just Prague tested two hundred black baldies just recently and just six opens so that speaks pretty well to well I suppose the the Bulls that we have but also just the fact that these cows are you know they just maintain a good healthy weight and they're ready to breed back we run in a lot of country out here I mean it's a big country and the Hereford bulls really seem to travel you see the black bulls kind of laying around the waterholes just waiting for the cows to come in the Hereford bulls are out there looking for cows they they travel good we'll be right back with more on the American rancher hi this is Dale benhodgson with Churchill Cattle Company in Manhattan Montana we are family owned and operated high-performance hereford operation with cattle that are very functional and efficient and loaded with I appeal so that we can add value to our customers bottom line we will hold our annual goal sale Tuesday January 24 at the ranch where we will sell 150 perfect bowls we pay half the delivery cost anywhere in the United States our ranch is the greeter of the very popular Churchill sensational 28 X and his sons and grandsons are featured in the sale so check us out online at Churchill cattle comm or come to the ranch in beautiful young Valley of Montana thank you [Music] commercial cattleman hereford and angus breeders mark your calendars for the annual Pettis Cattle Company bull sale February 23rd in Tucumcari New Mexico this sale features outstanding yearlings from some of the nation's top her furred and Angus sires including NJ w Hutton 109 Z in JW hometown 10 y ECR chosen one for 24 and the popular Angus tire sa see conversation these are curve bending bulls it off for moderate birth weights tremendous performance and exceptional daughters Pettis cattle company is a multi generation family owned and operated range that includes a large commercial herd where they put these genetics to the test every day please join us February 23rd 2017 in Tucumcari New Mexico for the annual Pettis Cattle Company bull sale an offering of stout rugged made uniformed massive beef bowls that are backed by some of the best genetics in the industry visit Pettis cattle [Music] Sand Hill Farms is a family-owned farming and ranching operation located in south-central Kansas kevin Veera and son Tyler Schultz and Kevin's parents managed this progressive her furred outfit the diverse beef operation has maintained a commercial cow herd for more than 70 years retaining ownership in the feedlot and gathering carcass data provides valuable feedback for rapid progress Sand Hill Farms is committed to using the best available selection tools including genomic technology to produce problem-free value-added Hereford cattle today the registered cow herd as a result of three decades of disciplined improvement join the Shultz family for the annual Sand Hill Farm spring production sale at the ranch near Haviland Kansas [Music] [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher not only do Hereford cattle offer high maternal characteristics but adding her frenetic stew your program will also add value and profitability in the feed yard new programs such as the Hereford advantage program will ensure value and marketability for your cattle we did feed the steers at Circle a through Gro safe systems and we had a direct comparison to their Angus counterparts and certainly the advantages were strong and good the heterosis does pay in terms of weaning and performance in product merit the cattle graded well they performed well we had advantages as you would expect again and health was all to the advantage of a Hereford influence cab we're excited announced the launch of the Hereford advantage program there's no denying the role that her fur can play in your cow herd but with this we also feel like Hereford can really provide you a lot of benefit on the feeder side of things let's face it a majority of your calf crop is either going to be sold at weaning or marketed through the finishing phase and so we thought it was important that the American Hereford Association that develop a program that could give you more marketing power there's no denying that feed Lots want the best calf possible when they're out selecting these calves to put in their yards they want a healthy steer they want a steer that can gain and grow and they want one that can hang on the rail with a lot of end product merit it just so happens that we have a certified Hereford beef index that is used in our genetic evaluation that takes all of these facets and all of these parts of these this equation all into one simple index most of our producers use this and their bull cell catalogs and use this as they market their seed stock and so we put together a program called the Hereford advantage program that you can utilize to market your feeder cattle and so it's a totally free program in order to qualify for this your sires that you run in your pastures have to have an average of a twenty-eight or right now on the top twenty percent for the breed and so they have to be in the top twenty percent for chb index and then be out of registered Hereford bulls that are transferred and your ownership this logo then can be used as you market your cattle whether it be at the sale barn private treaty or on superior or some of the other video marketing programs that are around but we really wanted to create this because we truly feel that Hereford cross cattle Herefords themselves can really offer a lot well the Hereford advantage program fit us in the fact that we strive to put back in our heard some of the best carcass and carcass value genetics that we can lure her for the Vantage program just really allows producers to be able to market their cattle both feedlots and producers alike but also into the retail sector this sourcing those cattle that add value from from end product standpoint these cattle left are out of bulls in that top twenty percent to CHP dollars is it's going to add total value all the way through the chain I think the Hereford association and it has done a great job of reminding cow-calf producers about heterosis and hybrid vigor and we definitely are seeing that on the feed yard side we're closing out cattle at heavier weights we're getting better feed to gain ratios and heavier average daily gains as well and I credit a lot of that to the heterosis that we're seeing now as opposed to a set a straight black cattle a set of baldies that are a little bit longer a little bit stouter structured and some cattle that have the features and appear to be faster growing cattle we're definitely seeing that when we're closing those out well basically there's nothing extraordinary out of that really goes in to the Hereford Vantage program basically you're just following the same protocols that you would for any other branded beef program or superior auction program you need to come up with the age of the calf you need to put down your expected weaning dates or delivery dates expected weight or or age of maturity the cattle are going to be at time of delivery you need to come up with the cow herd Basin and breed type of those females and then I guess the final step in the step that makes this program unique is you'll list your registration numbers on your herd bulb battery in return AJ will take those numbers they'll run the profile on those cattle they'll come up with your average CHP index and dollars values and with that you need to rank the top 20% of the breed for that particular year to be eligible for this program I think in tough economic times in the cattle industry I think genetics still play an extremely important role and can really have a bigger effect on your bottom line because it's easy to make money in good markets but in these tough times that's when I think the heterosis and in the baldy cow and feedlot sphere really shows their true value in cow calf guys marketing through the Hereford advantage I know that I'm getting something that has a leg up in terms of genetic potential and I know something down the road that will hit that chb market we'll have more on the American Hereford Association when we return it's as easy as one two three to show your support of Hereford youth in September by ozai mink and the Hereford Youth Foundation of America launched the new Feed the Future program that contributes one dollar to the Hereford youth foundation of America for every bag or tub of eligible BIOS on supplement than any American Hereford association member by year just follow these three simple steps and a donation will be made annually to the foundation in support of educational and leadership events for the Harford youth step 1 select the correct BIOS I'm supplement to maximize the potential of your cow heart step 2 each time you purchase an eligible biosign product take a picture of your invoice with your smartphone or camera and email a copy of the invoice to Herford at BIOS I'm ain't calm step 3 bio sign will donate $1 per bag or tub with the proof of purchase to the Hereford Youth Foundation of America donations will be made annually for more information about the program and to learn more about Baida firm please visit vitae firm comm integrity is the motto here at gkv kettle and the very foundation of the operations owners and managers carrying kathy Buckholtz gkb is one of the premier cattle operations in the great state of Texas located just 30 miles south of Dallas and lexa hacci I [Music] here gkb we fell over a hundred registered and commercial Bulls annually our bowls are designed with integrity they're going to be honest in their makeup honest in their age and honest and their structure and soundness she gave you at the doing ability that appeals to any cattleman [Music] you're always welcome here at gkb come take a look at our operation we will show you as much hospitality as we can we look forward to meeting you and starting a new friendship Hoffman Ranch is family owned and operated in Bedford Nebraska in the heart of the sand hills we sell 400 bulls a year through our bull sell and private treaty we offer Hereford Angus and samang goes our 2017 bull sell is Friday February 17th at the ranch in Thetford Nebraska we will be offering sons of many of the nation's leading sires including HH advance 4075 B this bull is valued at two hundred and forty thousand dollars we sell too many purebred breeders but our main goal is to produce bulls for the commercial kalman we also sell over a thousand commercial females annually and have a purebred female sell the last Monday of September be sure to join us for 2017 bulls so Friday February 17th at the ranch in Thetford Nebraska for more information visit us online whether you need one bull or fifty hawkmen ranch can fill your needs with quality welcome back to the American Rancher certified Hereford beef is a branded beef program that is built on tradition and quality let's learn how certified Hereford beef is helping drive the demand for her for genetics plus see a preview of the exciting week American Hereford Association has planned for the national Western Stock Show certified Hereford beef works closely with the American Hereford Association on educating consumers about the farm-to-table approach and the genetic research and development of the Hereford animal and how it ultimately can benefit the breed specific program and create a market for the Hereford influenced animal as well as increased demand for a branded beef program so the growth of certified Hereford beef as consistent over the last eight years and people are taking our brand seriously they're realizing that there is validity to a breed specific program more specifically a Hereford influenced program because it's different it adds value its unique it gives them a competitive advantage to be able to go to market with the program and have people consistently ask for it we're getting more and more requests every day for certified Hereford beef and it's encouraging because it allows our Hereford producers to be able to find a market for their animals we're creating demand for the Hereford influenced animals and that's the reason this whole brand was created in the very beginning was to be able to to go to market with those Hereford influenced animals and throughout the years with the American Hereford Association and the improvements of genetics it's just been getting better and better which is ultimately what our the goal is for certified Hereford beef is to provide a quality product that is consistent for our consumers mark your calendars for January 12th through the 14th to join the American Hereford Association at the national Western Stock Show in Denver we're really looking forward to the national Western Stock Show that will take place here in early January and it's certainly become a huge highlight and in a in a real exciting place for Hereford cattle we've obviously seen our demand grow and we get people and enthusiasts from not only throughout the country but also a lot of foreign guests a lot of marketing goes on from the standpoint of export during Denver the aisles are full we added a pin of heifer show we have obviously the pin at bull show the carload show all of those have grown and and to see those pins full of people and commerce going on down in the yards is truly exciting and now we've topped it off with a mile-high sale where we gather up on the stadium floor during the National Western and we bring the cattle the sale cattle we sell an elite thirty to forty lots of cattle and it's become just a tremendous exciting opportunity to get to see some of the elite perfect genetics selling during the national Western Stock Show this spring as as the markets become tougher and and and we have to really pay attention to what we're doing we always do but obviously inputs are going to be one thing that we can control and obviously adding Hereford genetics and taking advantage of direct and maternal heterosis is going to be truly truly important for all commercial producers out there and the American Hereford Association gives you complete access to all the data the information of any animal registered through the Association and you can visit our website do sire searches on our website and and certainly just ask that you take a very close look at what we have to offer at the American Hereford Association and what our members have done we want to thank the American Hereford Association for sharing how Hereford Genetics can add profit for the progressive commercial cattlemen for more information on upcoming bull sales and genetic tool information visit their website at Hereford dot org or give them a call at the office that's all the time we have for today for more information on us visit our website the American Rancher calm or check us out on Facebook I'm Pam Minich from all of us here at the American Rancher thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 56,034
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: The American Rancher, Superior Livestock, Superior Productions, Cattle, Hereford, AHA
Id: moyZHRw5cBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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