American Shorthorn Association | American Rancher

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coming up by using short forms those resulting stearic progeny are extremely profitable they've certainly built perform we already have data to prove that you get an extra calf they have the function on their own they grow up on their mom and grass they have to be able to travel and grow and really thrive in a low input environment discover the benefits of short horn cattle next on the American Rancher [Music] welcome to the American Rancher featuring short horn cattle short horns are the British breed crossbreeding solution for commercial cattlemen looking to add hybrid vigor to their cow herd without sacrificing maternal excellence or carcass credibility the American Shorthorn Association slogan performance with purpose accurately describes the goals of short horn breeders across the country [Music] I think performance with purpose is very fitting for a si and for this breed because these cattle have been bred for generations with the main goal being to produce quality replacement females and produce those high-quality productive cows that this commercial industry in this country needs and that's where this breed excels they're certainly built to perform as a high quality replacement female by using short forms those resulting Stier progeny are extremely profitable the short hoard of the British breeds is the highest yielding highest cut ability brief they marble is higher better than any of the British brief and so they're there recouping a lot of dollars on the steer progeny when their goal was to generate you know useful females for their for their environment their ability to to you know handle the stress and handle quietly and I think it's a pretty often overlooked component something that the Shorthorn breed does really well and and it's really an added benefit to you know having short horn blood in a in a cow in your overall cow program I think we've got a big kick you just get that true heterosis when you put a short horn back on your other British breeds and we already have data to prove that you get an extra calf out of the lifetime of an Angus short horn cross in the lifetime of that replacement female so there's a lot of things that short horns can bring to the picture and really and truly there's a huge advantage today to a short horn bull in the pasture just because they haven't been enough of them into pastures across the America over the last 10 to 15 years the goal of the American short horn Association as far as commercial acceptance for the short horn breed is simply to increase the prevalence of short horn genetics in America's commercial cow herd whether that's through the use of more short horn bulls or short horn influence females across the country are short horn influence cow in a commercial setting that they have the maternal ability the milking ability they have carcass great ability and they have a conversion factor they put it all in a pretty nice when we come back we'll visit with some Shorthorn breeders who are working towards breeding quality cattle for the commercial minded operator stay with us the American short run association is America's oldest beef breed Association short run cattle have been documented to produce high-quality carcasses that out yield other British breeds the added docility and maternal advantage of short horns make them an outstanding choice to add heterosis to your commercial cattle operation short herds truly are a breed focused on performance with purpose for more information visit our newly renovated website at Shorthorn org or call eight one six five nine nine seven seven seven seven superior livestock auction connects producers to buyers across the US through the largest cattle merchandising network in North America they're seen by probably pretty much every person buying cattle in the u.s. they pretty much established the price our customers have a way to purchase bulls without having to physically be at the sale the cows are sales the second Saturday in February you never know what the weather might be in the Texas Panhandle in 2017 we sold nearly 1.5 million it for top dollar when you watch the spear yourself it seems like that they do bring both bring a premium we are several hundred thousand dollars ahead of where we would be if we didn't have superior they have done such an extraordinary job in helping us market our program throughout the United States your paycheck is superiors number one priority which is why more producers trust superior call us or go online to learn how to sell your cattle the superior way welcome back to the American Rancher short horn cattle are known for their strong maternal capabilities and are an asset to many commercial cattle operations let's meet some of the breeders who are striving to produce these short horns that provide performance with purpose located in central Kansas DT our cattle company is a sixth generation family operation Nancy gravel heater her husband Ryan and their children Josie and Ryder focused their program on short horn and short horn composite cattle built to meet the needs of cattlemen both locally and nationally we came out here in the late 1860's early 1870s they actually landed here because this is where the train tracks ended this was the end of the line they came out from Kentucky there was three families they each had a railcar that's how they got out here so we actually still own the homestead corner that we settled on out here and actually where we're standing we've owned this piece of ground for I think somewhere around 75 years now so where my kids would be the sixth generation on my side of the family to be involved in agriculture in this part of the world when my dad was 12 in 1959 he brought his first short on heifer from Don and Pat stout as a 4-h project and so from there you know that really developed his interest in short horns and in 1978 he started Deer Trail ranch which was located at Powhatan Kansas in 1979 he had his first annual production sale my husband Ryan and I have been growing our herd over the last few years and now we've involved our children we started DT our cattle company in 2003 and this is kind of gets you to where we are today [Music] I'm just very thankful and feel very blessed that I'm able to raise my children in the same environment and they kind of have gotten to participate in the same experiences that I have as a child and so I hope that they really value that where they haven't got to meet you know my dad or my uncle and just really remember their roots and you know why this is so important to us [Music] at DT our cattle company the focus is on the female with emphasis on some of the great deer trail cow families cattle have to be able to withstand the conditions and produce in order to remain in the DTR herd in our operation we want really functional females they have to be able to travel and grow and really thrive in a low input environment a lot of years we don't get a lot of rain and we don't really put any extra feed into our cattle one of our major emphasis here is we're really trying hard to keep a lot of the cow families and Nancy's grant dad and grandfather started keep them alive we've purchased some of those genetics we've tried to keep them going here when we're trying to pick the genetics that will meet some of our customers goals we try to look at birth weight performance really a balance of traits keeping carcass quality in mind even though we enjoy showing cattle we don't necessarily race show cattle we have to use genetics that really fit our environment but we keep phenotype in mind and we're very picky on structure and so a lot of our customers have come from when we are at a cattle show you know maybe they like some of the genetics they see when we are showing and that's brought us new business we flush a few cows around here they kind of have to earn their way into the donor program or be something interesting pedigree wise or special from a showring standpoint or make their way to the donor pin here in the pasture [Music] [Applause] leveled ale farms in Mason City Illinois has been raising quality Shorthorn cattle since the early nineteen hundred's known throughout the business as the headquarters for herd bulls leveled ale focuses on raising practical cattle that generate profit for both their registered and commercial customers for six decades my family showed coast-to-coast nine months out of the year we had a boxcar here that was built out in a team that was rolling starting at the Illinois State Fair and hitting every State Fair in the Midwest and going baltimore harrisburg timonium back to the American royal in Kansas City Denver Fort Worth Houston San Antonio they hit Phoenix the Cow Palace in San Francisco and in Oregon but we've always had short horns not always being promoted and not always does the only breed but primarily focused in the short horn business since the late nineteen teens early 20s when my grandfather and his brother came back together to farm his brother a veterinarian and my grandfather after managing and one of the largest farming operations in Illinois they'd finished the University of Illinois in 1913 and then his brother vet school and they came back and farmed and started exhibiting and promoting short horn cattle in a big way starting in the 1920s particularly what we focus on at level Dale we have a lot of emphasis on controlling birth weight and cavities but without trying to sacrifice growth or any carcass characteristics and we have very strict guidelines we go by that if we have assisted births for calves outside of abnormal presentations they are technically called or if they're bowl caps they will definitely be castrated that they are you know low maintenance type of cattle that they have to function on their own or we we don't really tolerate it and we call any any offspring or older cattle that may develop foot problems other problems any disposition is Jews we don't give them any second chances it's they have to function or we move on they're expected to perform out here on pasture have their own calf and breed right back without any assistance we don't trim many feet we don't do anything special to them they grow up on their mom and grass and after weaning our bulls are fed additional nutrition but high fiber in order to assess best their growth abilities and to collect the data that we collect on all of our animals in half for many decades including ultrasound data for over 25 years their dedication to using performance data to improve their Shorthorn genetics led level Dale Farms to earn the moniker the headquarters for herd bulls since the early 1950s they host a private treaty bull sale each March selling bulls to both purebred and commercial producers level Dale exhibited the Grand Champion pin of five bulls at the national Western Stock Show in both 2017 and 2018 which is a testament to the quality that the operation is known for we do a combined live sale and an online video sale for our production sale [Music] if you're in the stalker business you know exceptional care and good nutrition are the keys to healthy profitable cattle the gain smart stalker program provides all the tools you need to minimize stress of receiving stimulate appetite quickly and create efficient games on forage or feed plus feeding gain smart makes your cattle eligible for superiors first-ever value-added nutrition program learn more about the gain smart stocker program and find a dealer near you at gain smart calm [Music] we want a trust relationship with our customers we want them to know that we care about them that our products work and will stand behind it to come back and purchase to bid and buy their customers cattle they're very very dedicated to a customer's product and I think that creates a lot of longevity 98 at 63,000 thank you [Music] superior livestock auction connects producers to buyers across the u.s. through the largest cattle merchandising network in North America they're seen by probably pretty much every person buying cattle in the US they pretty much established the price our customers have a way to purchase bulls without having to physically be at the sale the cows are sales the second Saturday in February you never know what the weather might be in the Texas Panhandle in 2017 we sold nearly 1.5 million it for top dollar you watch the spear yourself it seems like that they do bring to bring a premium we are several hundred thousand dollars ahead of where we would be if we didn't have superior they have done such an extraordinary job in helping us market our program throughout the United States your paycheck is superiors number one priority which is why more producers trust superior call us or go online to learn how to sell your cattle the superior way [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher featuring short horn cattle the American short horn association is working to help their breeders meet the demands of a constantly evolving industry a si supports industry-leading programs and embraces state-of-the-art technologies for example a si is a member of international genetic solutions IGS is a multi breed genetic collaboration of 11 breed associations across North America IGS produces the largest multi breed single step EP D calculation in the industry powered by the new volt software giving producers a powerful tool for making genetic decisions being a part of the multi breed genetic evaluation with IGS gives us more power with the larger data set behind us to create better selection tools for our breeders and as well for their customers and I think with the transition to the single step method of epd calculation we'll be able to provide even stronger genetic and instead of having to earn several different EPD bases and scales being able to look across the table and say a short horn cattle are on the same basis as these other cattle that I'm using in my program just makes it easier as a selection tool for not only for our breeders but for their customers the American Shorthorn Association has a short arm plus program which is basically a composite that adds hybrid vigor to the offsprings sum so now you've got two registered animals from two different breeds that we can mate get true heterosis and have a performance data behind them so we got plus performance plus longevity plus fertility and if you break that other breed a british animal you've got a plus for a british composite that you can't get any other way I think the short horn breed definitely has a future in the American commercial cattle industry as the British cross breeding solution the American cow herd has a lot of black hided and a lot of white faced cattle that benefit from bringing in another British breed to add an extra kick from heterosis and hybrid vigor on their feeder calves that help maintain the carcass quality as we take those calves through the feedlot and we wouldn't have to sacrifice any of the maternal qualities that we expect out of our British influence cattle and right now we are in the middle of a test with the University of Illinois where we bred 300 cows to have Shorthorn calves and those calves will have all their data collected including carcass data and feed conversion so we'll have all this information to take forward to put in to share with the industry of how short our cattle can really compete within the industry adil are bred born weaned fed yearling weight ultrasounded and they will actually be harvested so we've taken it from conception all the way through to consumption in our first round of calves with the University of Illinois sire test we had 151 calves born and what was remarkable that out of their semi Angus cows all of these calves were born unassisted we had an 86 pound a verge birth weight for the group one of the exciting points of the sire test was at weaning that collected docility scores on these calves and the average over the 150 calves was a 1.3 and on the docility scale one is extremely docile so to have that many calves and have that low of an average score just really shows the the ability of Shorthorn cattle to handle easily and work well in the in a program this in August we're planning to host a field day with the University of Illinois at their university farm and showcase these sire test calves on feed they're in the feedlot they'll be on a grow safe system give us the opportunity to let our breeders see what we're doing and also let other interested cattlemen come in see what she will horan cattle can for sure horn influence can do in a cow hurt up next short horns make strong impressions at the national Western Stock Show right after this so the cattle business is a wonderful business to be in I mean we're just very fortunate but you know besides trying to make the best cattle you can and making the genetics as good as you can you know one of the great things is you get to deal with people in my mind cut and I really enjoy dealing with both new customers and current customers and you know it's just great to be able to deal with them on a daily basis and and find out how our genetics are working for them and as long as the commercial ranchers are looking for the Brecker Charlet genetics we want to do what we can to supply joinder Brooker charlet Saturday April 7th for their annual Bulls sale [Music] in 1994 superior livestock action introduced nationally recognized value-added programs to the American beef industry now cattle sold on superior livestock video auctions get top dollar when a program is behind them the USDA approved third-party audited Superior verified program verifies source and age of your cans superior progressive genetics identifies loaded lots of cattle sold on superior that are sired by top genetics NH TC verifies the source age and non hormone treatment status of your cans these and other superior value-added programs are just another way that superior livestock is improving the beef industry and bringing more dollars to your bottom line individual program started just $1 20 to 401 so you can't make any money any faster than vested 3 dollars and getting 40 60 70 dollars back caller go online to find out more about superior livestock's value-added programs welcome back to the American rancher each year Shorthorn breeders make the trip to the pen show at the national Western Stock Show in the world-famous Denver stockyards the pen show displays some of the best available genetics to both registered and commercial cattlemen the Shorthorn pen show this last year was one that I think goes down in the history books is one of the highest quality shows we've ever seen our judge was extremely complimentary about it the cattle were so even there just weren't any bulls in there that you just wouldn't think would go out in the world and make a contribution to the cattle industry these are cattle that are functional they got their birth weights under control there's enough growth in them these cattle just got to meet some muscle and they just worked really well I think the quality of cattle we had in our pin show in Denver National Western was one of the highest quality pin shows a short horn breed has ever had lots of breeders were very complimentary and excited about the direction that the cattle and the yards have gone in the last few years and what was most impressive is that the cattle exhibited in the yards had not only the look and the phenotype that a commercial cattleman is looking for but also the data to behind them to support and to prove that these cattle or--' can be commercially viable and generate profit for a commercial cattleman who chooses to use them in his operation I've been really proud to watch this pencil emerge over the last few years as these breeders have done a great job making these cattle better every year there just aren't any bad ones there and and the quality is extremely deep any of these pens could win at any time just depends on the judge moving forward the American Shorthorn Association and Shorthorn breeders are serious about making an impact on the commercial cattle industry in the United States the breed is aggressively working to find new outlets to showcase the value of Shorthorn genetics while diligently aiming to breed commercially acceptable cattle that exemplify the performance with purpose mission to find out more visit short-horned org that's all the time we have today to find out more about us visit our website the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time the board has has changed shifted their focus in the last six or eight years to to more commercially oriented then you were work we're going after tried to try to promote the Shorthorn cattle in the into the commercial industry through research technology and testing that our membership and breeders are dedicated to we feel that these cattle will make that extra profit and we have so many things ahead of us but we really have a bright future we have a limited budget but we're trying to do everything we can to let the people know out there that we are for real and that we can compete with any of the other breeds through developing a feed efficiency test or finding new ways to market feeder cattle or embracing any new technology that might come our way in the future I think you'll always see that the American short horn Association is going to try to stay out front with the industry and do everything we can to keep moving short on cattle forward [Music] that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 40,539
Rating: 4.8266668 out of 5
Id: NOgeG5V6OI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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