I used smoke to test this cases airflow!

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all right so today we're going to be taking a look at the NZXT H6 flow RGB it's actually smaller than I thought it would be not the first time I've heard that in my life but I digress um for those of you that are in well so this says compact dual chamber mid Tower airflow case with RGB fans or Boy tour tour mayen compact L double chamber AAC circulation d a at ventilators RvB why does it say RvB red ver blue I don't know wa ver Spanish wait oops [Music] what was that it says improves cooling performance and creates an uncrowded aesthetic Jesus Phil all right here we go unboxing the 86 flow RGB I got a new method today for something I want to try out for testing uh air flow in cases with a visual representation for you guys to get an idea of what case flow is like so it's kind of funny the last couple years we've had this sort of a Renaissance of case design or more or less everyone just sort of following suit with Le Le's dynamic1 or dynamic but this is this is kind of like look I I mean NZXT is our sponsor but when something's derivative you got to kind of call it out this looks like an 011 Dynamic had a baby with a height y 60 so I'm just throwing that out there but it's smaller than both those cases it's definitely it this is going to suck I knew it was going to sucked because standing here all the hair in my arms was like um but this is a little different than the height y 60 whereas uh where it's got that angled piece in the front and I'll show you that in a sec they have decided to put fans there so it's different so if you remember the other case that referring to the height y 60 had the angle where the glass was and you had like a three three wall glass design if you will so this puts three 120 mm fans right here bringing in from the side angle so you still get the glass front intakes on the front you can have intakes on the bottom and still exhaust on the top and intake on the back Etc so let me kind of sit down here we'll take a tour of the inside of the case it's a mid Tower it's going to have some limitations on things that will fit in it so we kind of want to go over that all right so let's talk about some of the dimensions here like I said because it's a midtower case uh there's some limitations you got to be aware of so starting with the case Dimensions itself 435 mm high with the feet included 287 mm wide wide 415 mm deep and it weighs 9.4 kg so CPU Cooler height you can fit up to 163 mm High coolers uh and gpus that are 365 mm long so fortunately it will fit like RTX 490s and whatnot in here um which is kind of a nice thing about the angled piece on the front being kind of out of the way is it gives you this full length without any sort of fans interfering on the front and with the way that those are angled they'll be blowing right towards your GPU uh providing fresh air as well as two 140 mm fans that could be mounted on the bottom in what they're calling their flush mount floor system here blowing fresh air from the bottom of the case right up to the GPU so this GPU needs to be mounted in a horizontal position this do not have a vertical Mount attached to it so with it in the vertical position in the fans facing down intaking from the bottom of the case two 140s on the bottom blowing up fresh air directly under GPU should provide uh adequate cooling to keep even the biggest highest demand power gpus uh cool so PSU length is uh 200 mm for compatibility and then the top radiator says it will fit up to a 30 mm radiator there is an offset channel here so that because it's pretty compact in terms of height you don't want it interfering with like your vrm coolers and heat sinks that are built onto your motherboard so you can push the radiator closer to the glass uh to get it away from the motherboard and then if you have a 30m rad and then 25 mil fans they'll kind of hang down right in front of it but that way you can fit aios and such on there in terms of what you can fit on the top it looks like you can fit a 3 360 up there um potentially all the way up to a 420 although 420 limitation is going to be um again how tall are the components on your motherboard itself if you're running like a high vrm cooler like a z790 z690 or some high-end motherboard that has tall heat sinks on there because of the power demands that Intel demands um it might interfere so when it comes to compatibility that's something I need to keep in mind so for front panel connectivity obviously we have our onoff button we have our USB 3.2 gen 1 type A we have two of those and a USB 3.2 Gen 2 type c for the front as well as a headphone or headset audio jack and then in terms of Drive Bays we have a two 2 and 1/2 in Drive bays and one 3 and 1/2 in Drive Bay on there so for the three fans that are included on here there's no bottom fans and no top fans you have to add those but for the three fans that are included here these are the f120 RGB Core case fans they're 1300 RPM fans with a plus orus 10% on the RPM they're 55.1 7 CFM and 1.27 mm of H2O at 26.1 DB and then it does have a 2-year warranty on uh the case itself for I guess the fans and I don't know what else could go bad on a case you know I guess if your if your glass were to just spontaneously explode which tempered glass can it's constantly under tension I guess that could be a thing so if you take a look at the back panel here the entire thing is just massive ventilation you've got even the I/O covers on the back here are just perforated with like I don't know how big these holes are those look like 4 5 mm at least for each one of these holes you can mount to 120 right here um I personally wouldn't mount a 120 right here um I honestly would just put 240s in the bottom and leave the 320s in the front and then I would do exhaust on the top that way you're at least promoting a direction of air flow um putting another intake right here would just leave I think to over personally I think it would be Overkill um in terms of positivity and then we wouldn't necessarily want an exhaust right here personally if we have an intake on the bottom and those three intakes on the front on the side like that I would want as much air being directed towards the top radiator or top exhaust fans as possible um so I would kind of leave this area right here open more of my builds lately have not been including a rear fan um just for that very reason so if we take a look at motherboard support you can see right here this supports up to pretty much a standard ATX you can go in eatx it would hang over the side right here and because we have this motherboard wall wall that is elevated with grommets that the cables are designed to make like a 180 turn back into these grommets if you have an eatx hanging over the side then you're going to have even more of a Sharp Bend to kind of make that back so I standard ATX boards would be recommended in here obviously you have a nice open cutout for behind the motherboard um which technically is not even going to be that useful for when it comes to trying to mount your coolers and stuff because that's actually right where the PSU goes so even though you have this big opening you you can mount your motherboard put your cooler and stuff in but then once you put your power supply in you won't have access to that again so build order is going to matter you'll want your your cooler standoffs and back plates and all that stuff pre-installed prior to the power supply uh but again because of the size of the case that's just one of those things that um the nuances that you kind of figure out as you're as you're going you can see here the back part also has a lot of perforation reason for this is intake for the power supply fan you could technically put the fan facing the motherboard that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to be honest I mean there' probably be enough standoff between the motherboard and a lot of cool air in that chamber um it I almost wonder if I should try that one day in a case just like this to see if that fan can pull heat from the back side of the motherboard and exhaust it and especially with a high quality power supply fan the hot air that it could potentially be getting off a motherboard would not be enough to affect the efficiency or the effectiveness of the power supply itself but if you stand if you put it standard with the fan facing out then then it will pull air through this perforation right here which is quite fine versus what we're seeing on the back of the case itself so the MS or the paracity on this I'm not sure looks like it could be about 50% light breath I can feel through that but we'll be doing some actual Vis visual representations of air flow a little bit later in this review um here is our Drive cage right here this looks like this is for our what they said was a single one or 300 3 and 1/2 in drive so it's got this one captive screw right here then the whole drive just slides up and out if you're not going to be putting yeah it's only a single drive and you can tell that because of the three holes right here there's only one row of them so one drive is meant to go in there this is your box of extra screws and zip ties and velcro straps and stuff um extra standoff a little tool kit or extra Hardware that you tend to get with every cases in here I personally would just leave it off this is a nice area right here to kind of keep cable management and things that you're not using out of the way um speaking of cables the cables that come with it obviously are going to be for the USBs that we've already mentioned for the front the headphone jack as well as our USB 3 so there it is right there HD audio usb3 our USBC and then a single front pan panel connector I love that so many brands are starting to do this now it takes a guesswork out of trying to get each one of those dual pins together and then the LED ones are always SE separated for whatever reason because they have not been separated on the motherboard in a long long time this is not technically a standard but it's kind of become an adopted standard across all motherboard manufacturers now to where the layout is always the same for the front panel connector so it's nice to see this just single header making really friendly for firsttime Builders because most of the time when a PC doesn't turn on when you push the button for a new Builder they probably had the power button in the wrong spot or one pin off that then nothing happens when you push the power button and you think something's wrong wrong so here are all the pre-installed fan cables right here we've got zip uh we got velcro straps that are holding everything down obviously each fan has a RGB header which is kind of like a proprietary so if you're wondering it's not a standard three pin header you can see right here it's kind of like NZXT four pin G jst looking header but it's not jst uh so they have this adapter connect right there and let's see what that adapts to it looks like that does adapt to a standard uh motherboard header so that's nice to see so you're not being kind of shoehorned into using any of their controllers but if you were using an NZXT um RGB controller then you could take those adapters off and plug that in directly there dang it I should have left it it just like accordioned out on me I just want to okay um it said three pin but it's clearly a four so it is p it is pwm I want to point that out so I don't know why on the the material it said it was a three pin fan cuz it's clearly a four pin they had to have been referring to the RGB which technically is a four pin being adapted to a three pin as I already showed you so I feel like that's slightly inaccurate but it is a pwm which makes way more sense now um and then these are already adapted to Splitters so all three of these are going to be operating off of a single header which this is kind of short by the way I want I just want to point this out it would reach like right to the Through The Grommet to the motherboard most motherboards now have a pwm uh fan header somewhere on the edge of the motherboard or either at the bottom or the top so this should be fine but I feel like this should have been a little bit longer of a pigtail just for well safety reasons and having plenty of length cuz you don't know where they're going to be on the motherboard um anyway that's nice to see we have one RG GB pigtail one fan pigtail because of feel like a slinky we're going to cut while I try and zip tie this all back up into existence nxt's build is a quick and easy way to get a new gaming computer build a gaming PC on your budget using the built-in configurator and see exactly how your favorite games will perform don't want to spec it yourself then choose from bl's preconfigured player PC systems designed to fit your needs and budget to see the full lineup and specs of the NZXT BL player series pre-built PCS follow the sponsored Link in the description below now that I have painstakingly put all these wires back into their place leaving the pigtails out um I'm going to load this up with fan so I'm going to leave the 120s that came with it and then I'm going to put two 140s on the bottom and three 120s on the top without a rear case fan and then we're going to test airflow using something new that I bought that hopefully will be useful so that we can use it in future videos all right so here's the setup okay so I've got three B quiet fans on the top these are 120s adjustable speed fan fans that way I can sort of play around with the airf flow um based on fan speed so wow that suddenly got very noisy but holy cow is out a lot of air flow okay let me see if I can give you some sort of we're going to be using smoke actually that's what this is right here we have a smoke machine that we're going to be blowing air at the chassis but I just want to give you some sort of a if that gives you any idea as to be free how to inflate a bag now these these 320s right here they're only 1300 RPM but they're still pulling in a ton of air and what we can feel as it comes right here if we take the glass panel and we sort of just like kind of loosely put it in its place we can feel the air just like sliding out of the case real bad so what'll happen is it hits the glass and then it bounces back to the GPU so it actually creates a lot of natural air flow into the direction that you want it while still giving you the unobstructed view in the front so this is kind of a neat way of utilizing this angled cut giving you a fifth side of the case to utilize something so it's kind of nice and then I have no doubt in the future someone will probably come out with dist plate Replacements cuz the front glass is screwed in they're Phillips head screws right here here here and here so I have no doubt this front glass can be screwed out come out and people are probably going to come up with Dro plates and stuff for the front of this which would be kind of nice so now that I'm putting everything back on here do the amount of air flow we can still feel okay I'm going to do this again I'm going to do the bag trick again then we'll move on to smoke I mean mesh is the killer of airf flow right uh if it's too fine so we're going to be using the power of smoke for this we're going to be testing intake on a couple of different areas one just sort of in front of the case to see if the bottom pulls it through we know the side's going to pull it through but we're also looking to see how much of it's being exhausted versus going out of the vents if we have exhaust and air going out the vents means we have positive pressure which will be good for uh plenty of air flow and it also will be good for um dust reasons if we have smoke being pulled in any of the vents then that means we have negative air flow which would mean that we have a dust accumulation problem of non-filtered uh intake happening so let me turn on the heater let's get the smoke to start okay so first things first on the bottom right here all right so you can see we definitely have intake making it in through the bottom quite a bit of it actually and you can see it going out the top of the case as well as positive pressure out the back of the case and that's just the bottom right there so if we go ahead and accumulate smoke in front of the the case right now we can get a good representation of we can see it being pulled in the bottom and we can see it getting pulled into through the the 120s on the side look at that so we definitely have air flow where we want it I would Sugg just to toggle the heater cuz it still keeps going for like a bit afterwards now one of the things I want to check here is the back like this right here's there's your representation of how much air flow is coming out the top right there now are we going to see any intake in the back nope we're seeing it all get pushed out so with all of the intake obviously 1 3 1220s and 240s in the bottom we're seeing uh a pretty significant amount of positive pressure now one thing I want to test as we let the smoke sort of clear in our lungs to uh Cooper like recuperate here is I want want to see what happens if I go ahead and disconnect the bottom fans all right so now the bottom fans are off we're going to be looking at just how it does with just the 120s on the side to be honest I would not run this case without the bottom 140s it's too good of a design not to use it even if they were just slow slow spinning but let's create some smoke this time try not to smoke out the room too bad now that we've let it clear and I'm just going to let this accumulate right in front of the case right here you can definitely see it making its way towards the case you can see it going in you can see how violent it pushes the air right towards the front of the case which is kind of nice so look at this it definitely is pulling in on the bottom though as you can see oh wow it is still pulling air through the bottom the top fans are so you can see there's still smoke coming up so the top fans are definitely causing potentially a negative pressure that could just be that these are these are higher flowing fans right so so let's test that real quick let's see what happens now oh I think we have pretty neutral pressure as you can see none of it's getting pushed away or really sucked in right there but on the back of the case as you can see or the technically the front definitely pulls in and it pulls in through the bottom some of it makes its way out but as you can see the top 360s is still still pulling some of the smoke in now let me go ahead and artificially show you what the negative pressure looks like if I go full speed on the top fans so what you'll notice now and I know it's getting a little smoky here but you'll still be able to see it do you see how it's now getting pulled in the back of the case right here there's your example of negative pressure so so you got negative pressure pulling all of the air in through the open Vents and with that air being pulled in is going to be dust same thing on the back right here even this smoke that you're seeing is coming in through that back vent so that's just a perfect example right there of negative pressure all right I'm going to go ahead and turn this off and stop trying to asfixiate ourselves we do have a lot of ventilation going right now cross flow doors open all right so the top fans are on slow the bottom fans are on high speed right now cuz these are adjustable speed fans now we're looking for what happens if we just have monstrous air flow on the bottom of the case should just be a lot more positive pressure dude if we just put the smoke right here look at that it's pulling it all back to the case it's like overcoming our ventilation currently this is crazy huh nice representation of what the air flow looks like now for the positive pressure test should be pretty obvious it's very positive pressure okay that's enough smoke for today all right so the uh H6 flow RGB from NZXT it's $134 case uh with the RGB model and I think it's 109 for the non RGB I feel like the non-rgb would kind of be the way to go to be honest it's it's I think it's a lot of case obviously a lot of air flow as you can see they NZXT has definitely taken the word flow and run with it with their latest uh few generations of cases um the 140s on the bottom definitely are beneficial as we saw and um you can fit a lot of Hardware in here full size graphics cards like a small case like this being able to fit something as large as a 4090 uh it's it's a positive thing I mean it's not the biggest case that means it's not going to take up a huge amount of space on your desk and it's pretty middle of the road when it comes to pricing so it gives you a lot of features I think the uh overall cooling capability of this case is probably going to be very very good in fact I will be doing a build in this case in December um where we can really like test the components in there but I think given the air flow that you guys saw through this thing even though smoke is nothing more than an indication of direction of air flow but not the volume of air flow I think you guys uh can see that the fact that the air flow design in this is doing something I like the fact that they utilize that angle as a 120 fan Mount um that doesn't utilize just the front of the the case for fans and it bounces off the glass which is kind of nice cuz it with all three of them being stacked it means we're getting air flow to the CPU Cooler if you have an air cooler here we've got air bouncing off the case and making it to both sides of the GPU which is going to be helpful and then as you saw with all this perforation on the back if you get the air flow just right you get a really nice neutral pressure where air is not being sucked in but also not being blown out you would personally in my opinion positive pressure is a good thing uh because that means means you have more case entering the chassis than is needed so it just exhausts what it doesn't need that's being directed through coolers and aios and whatnot uh out the ventilation so that's like the best scenario and you're not getting dust being pulled in through any of those vents as I showed you when we put the top fans really really fast and the bottom fans really really slow or even turn those off entirely then you saw we were pulling in dust and everything through every crack and crevice but there's a lot of features built into this there's a lot of design sense um I think it gives you a pretty good balance of features to price so obviously it's available in white it's available in Black it's available in the RGB and the non-rgb version I honestly think they should offer version two that doesn't have any 120 fans in there that way you can put your own fans although having three 120s included with fan with a case that would cost about $110 for the non-rgb version although they're slower fans or 12200 RPM versus 1300 RPM is still a value most cases you have to outfit with fans anyway um the bottom 140s in here look great though especially these be quiet fans look like they were just meant to go down here with a nice uh square frame anyway if you guys want to see a build in this make sure you like this video comment down below but I am going to do a build in it December though and uh I'm going to probably go with some more let's just say I don't want to go super high-end on the parts I want to go something more mainstream affordable represent representative of what a builder might build today with a fairly constrained budget and I think that this is a good case to start with for a case that can grow with the Builder and can keep the highest demanding components cool while o not looking like a black rectangle that came off of Alibaba sitting on your desk so all right guys thanks for watching uh link down below you guys can check out the H6 from NZXT as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 604,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h6 flow, nzxy h6, h6 case, best pc case, gaming pc case, best case for airflow, nzxt case
Id: KlzzwRrVx3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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