The Advantage of Being Single Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] so let's take a look at this very important subject of the myth of singleness as we deal with this issue of intrapersonal relationship i'm going to be talking about understanding the advantage of being single everybody say that the advantage of being single it is more important to be single than to be married and that is why most married people get a divorce because they were never single the reality is most people get married in order to try to become single now remember my theme is the myth of singleness let's take a look at a statement i want you to put up on the board if you will it's called single but not alone say that with me we want to look at understanding the purpose and the priority for singleness and please write that down the purpose and the priority of singleness now notice i used the word priority singleness is more important than marriage that is why god did not create a married person first whenever god creates he creates in a program of priority in other words he always creates the more important thing first then he creates the consecutive items afterwards so whatever god places as the foundation of something that is the foundation of it and so the first thing god created was not a marriage he didn't create a couple i want you to think now god marriage is not the most important relationship in the society it isn't god thought so he thought it wasn't so he didn't start with it he started with the most important component and it was a single human let's take a look at something here i thought might be helpful to you first of all singleness is the foundation of all relationships matter of fact there is no human experience more trauma traumatic and tragic than divorce now i want to begin with divorce first let me tell you why because divorce is the ultimate tragedy of relationships i have an entire series on divorce you should get it and don't miss the opportunity to get that book and read it twice single married and life after divorce get that book and read it if you are not married it will save you and save your life divorce is the most traumatic experience on earth and you who are divorced know what i'm talking about secondly divorce is the death of a relationship these statements are not to be taken lightly what is divorce in other words divorce is a death number three divorce is worse than physical death it is easier to handle someone who died physically than to get a divorce do you know why because when a person dies physically at least you can take them to the grave cover them up and you have closure and you don't have to see them any more and don't have to visit them any more and they don't have to come to see the kids come on you know what i'm talking about you divorced people you see when you get a divorce it's worse than physical death because the person even though they are dead they are still alive and every time you see them in the food store in the gas station on the bus there's a resurrection bitterness hatred memories anger it's a perpetual death that's why god says i hate divorce god never said i hate death that's why you don't want to get a divorce now those of you are not married right now you think you want to get married but you need a brief meeting with a divorcee here and let them tell you that it's better to be in your apartment by yourself feeling angry with the world than to be with somebody you want to kill can i hear an amen somewhere in the back here you just think you want to get married the bible actually discourages us from marriage first corinthians chapter 7 it says something very strange it says if you are not married remain in that state for those who have who get married have many troubles are reading the bible look at me like that let me quote it again those who are not married should remain in that state why for those who do marry have not just some many troubles in other words you dress in your white gown put on your tuxedo and walk down to many troubles [Applause] your divorce cousin is sitting there going poor girl it's traumatic write this down please divorce is death without a burial therefore nobody wants to experience a divorce now why am i starting a divorce because some of you think that the solution to your loneliness is marriage it's not i put it to you that singleness is the foundation of all human relationships here's some thoughts divorce is impossible without marriage is that true think about it you cannot get divorced unless you're married this is so funny to me you cannot get divorced unless you're married but the other problem is marriage is impossible without individuals and that leads to another principle then and that is marriage is a prerequisite for divorce i want you to think today and that leads to the final thought that blows my mind and that is singleness is a prerequisite for marriage in other words you can never experience the trauma of divorce unless you are married and you cannot be married unless you are an individual so here is my fundamental principle to remember the rest of your life here it is and it's this your marriage is only as good as your singleness whatever you are that's what you bring to the altar if your toe smells if your breath is bad that's what you bring to the altar your marriage is no better than your singleness marriage does not improve your singleness or your lack of it it exposes it see no one knows that your feet smell by yourself so you you're safe no one knows you can't cook and you keep buying mcdonald's they don't know that but when you get married it exposes all of your defects i always tell young people who i do conferences for often i said look when you think about marriage think about this thought if you knew all there is to know about you like you know you would you marry you and then you are asking someone to live with what you know about you my god serious business then write this down please point number two very important you bring to the marriage which you are as a single so stop concentrating on marriage elizabeth taylor is competing with henry the eighth and she still haven't gotten the message ain't nothing wrong with those men she wouldn't come to my marriage class that i teach every saturday she still thinks that something's wrong with the men she keeps bringing to the marriage what she is and they don't want to live with it so when you come to a conference like this you need to have an encounter with yourself write this down very important point here's the myth of singleness it's okay to be single but it's not good to be alone i want to prove that in a few minutes when i discovered this my whole life changed and i was 14 years old i read the whole bible through at 14. can you imagine that and every year since then i've read the bible when i discovered this my whole discipline changed i got married at age 25 as a virgin my wife was a virgin also and i was famous in my country at age 15. very famous i was a musician i formed a group we produce music i play music i also write songs and our songs became number one on the secular stations and so i was very well known and what i'm saying that for is the women they sought after me what kept me clean what what kept me as a teenager 16 17 18 19 20 years old 21 years old 22 23 24 and saved myself for my wife what kept me what kept me was when i understood this statement it's okay to be single but not to be alone let me give you a scripture i thought was interesting uh and i want you to write these quotes down before we read the scripture it's not a singleness problem that you have right here in this room it's a being single problem see we think that singleness is a negative thing and the church puts pressure on you as well and say how old are you 30. you ain't married yet no you okay no you sure you ain't a lesbian see and they put pressure on you how old you 42 brother when you're going to do it don't want to do it are you saved yes you sure you ain't homo no more no and they put pressure on you even your parents get into the game soloing and be in the house now i need some grandchildren see under pressure it ain't god that's your parents talking sometimes the devil is using their lips and you end up forcing yourself into situations that you ain't prepared for not want to be in and now we got two tragedies no it is not a singleness problem that you have it is a being single problem let me write down right now the point please never confuse singleness with being alone why because relationships get better the more single you become now there's a shock see it's a myth singleness has been given a bad rap but singleness is actually the most important position and pursuit you could have i keep pursuing being single in my life because the more single i become the more safer it is for my wife what attracted me to my wife was the fact that she was so single let me explain what i mean by that singleness is a state to be pursued not avoided say it singleness is a state to be pursued but not avoid it most people are running from singleness instead of running to it i am here to to recommend that you turn around and run towards singleness because the more single you become the safe it is for the person you marry a person wants to get married badly it's a sign that they are not single yet it's going to get a little deeper y'all i know but just hang on with me eh see we have to correct this myth that singleness means that something's wrong and that that i need to solve it by getting married it's not the solution write this down to be single should be the goal of every married person how's that for a shock because singleness is increases the value you bring to the relationship the more single you become the more worth you are to another person nothing in the world is worse than marrying a person who was never single because you got to become a babysitter a parent a victim they become a parasite a leech a deficit listen this will be the moment your life will change it'll be this conference that will change and save your life i tell you because i am so clear that this is the problem with relationships you don't need marriage first you need yourself first write this down please singleness is god's original foundation matthew 19 is an example i will read this verse with you you may want to write this verse down matthew 19. here is an encounter that jesus had with pharisees and scribes these were religious leaders they came and addressed him in matthew 19. their question was very simple question they said should a man divorce his wife for any and every reason that was the question they were discussing divorce you see uh divorce was a very epidemic environment it was so bad when christ came to earth it was it was it was an epidemic matter of fact it started in malachi malacca is 400 years before matthew so the blank page in your bible between matthew and mother cry is 400 years and in malachi god was talking how angry he was at divorce so by the time jesus came it was epidemic and now they're discussing him with jesus they said they said should a man divorce his wife for any reason now if you study history like i did in college i'm talking about biblical history and ancient history you will discover that during the time of jesus a woman could be divorced from her husband for the silliest reasons for example if she sneezed while they were eating he would divorce her if she burned the food she'd get a divorce if she came into the room while he was with men discussing business he would divorce her if she didn't tell him in advance she had menstruation experience he would divorce her i mean dumbest reasons so it was bad and now they're asking jesus they're setting him up they said should a man divorce a woman for any and every reason is this right jesus his answer read it up there his answer was is it lawful they said his answer was haven't you read he replied that in the beginning see where he went in the beginning the creator made them male and female now they're talking about divorce he ignored them he went to something they never thought about he says forget divorce let's go back to the beginning when there was only individuals oh come on you're going to get in a minute he said you guys are talking about a product that didn't work let's go back to find out about the ingredients that you didn't use he said ain't nothing wrong with your marriage what's wrong with you is the male and female in it if the male and female was right then the product you experienced would not happen watch this he said god made them in the beginning male and female and for this reason i like this will a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife and the two shall become what one flesh he said the only reason you should leave your mother and father deep is if you meet a male or a female in the beginning you missed it i got to give you an illustration because you got to see this all right can you come here sir just stand right here for me okay face me all right can you kill me a man i want you to watch this illustration okay can you stand right there fine okay now i need can you come here sir okay stand here face me okay uh can you come here please stand here face me all right now the bible says if you meet someone he says the problem just calm down will you i know she gonna do this i knew it i knew it i'm gonna switch with my wife or something you see all right that's fine okay jesus said look if you have a bad experience in a relationship like a divorce the problem is not the divorce divorce is not the problem the problem is you didn't meet a male or female from the beginning or in the beginning in other words these two here are the two that were in genesis one and two these two are in genesis 3 and 4. these are two after the fall these had a two before the four he said now if you're gonna get god's results you have to use god's material very important marriage is not a product of government it was not created by sociologists behavioral scientists it was not a product of psychology it is god's product very important so only god knows how to make it work and god began with original material come on somebody so when you want to study what kind of person to marry you have to study the two in genesis one and two study their relationship with god study their position in their location in the garden for example for example when you study now i did this for 30 years so i know what i'm talking about with authority this man in genesis 1 was not interested in marriage so you want to meet a man who ain't interested oh oh we're in trouble now why because he was so focused on dominating the earth naming the animals fulfilling his purpose he was busy on his vision i don't want to touch this too deep [Applause] matter of fact he was so focused it was god who had to interrupt him to get him married it was god who said it ain't good for you to be alone come on give lord a big head [Applause] most of you meet men who are in heat [Applause] they are not in purpose and vision they are in passion and you think they love you so if you meet people after chapter 3 you are meeting defective humans oh lord have mercy and if a defect marry a defect you got yourself a defect and a divorce good and we keep trying to get out of him what he used to have oh but he can't produce what he has because he ain't where he was and he demands from her what she had and she don't have what she had because she ain't where she is and so you end up with this drawing on each other demanding on each other and 99 of all relationships are destroyed because of one word expectation i didn't know you was like this see and then what they're saying is i expected something better i mean you sing in the choir brother i didn't know you were so devilish thank you all very much adam and eve and whoever this is praise god write this down please jesus said the only reason why you should leave your mother and father is if you find somebody in the beginning very important in other words he was proving to us that singleness is god's original plan don't look for marriage look for a single whole person here's a thought it says so they are no longer two he says but one therefore what god joins together let no man put asunder in my book out there on singing let's make sure i get a copy everyone i bought enough for everybody i think make sure get a copy i do a whole chapter on who god marries because god doesn't marry everybody look at that verse whom means there's a distinction somewhere what god join what means there's some some that he doesn't sometimes it's better for people to go downtown to the registrar and get married they come down the aisle in a church and they are defects and they want the pastor to work a miracle you know the brother ain't saying but you 50 and you're scared you know this girl ain't right but you want someone to call wife and you want the pastor to work a miracle in one hour write this down if he doesn't change to get you he won't change to keep you got this idea that they'll change well you already compromised why should they change you've lowered your standards you've reduced your value why should i change to keep you if i got you with my low value very important watch jesus now verse nine anyone who divorces his wife except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery i don't want to get into that but that's a deep one oh i need to come back and teach you on just that because that is so difficult in the church today verse 10 the disciples said to him watch the disciples now this verse 10 is interesting the disciples said to him if that is the situation between a man and a woman and his wife it is better not to marry that's in the bible see the disciples understood what he said and you don't let me give you a hint of what he said because some of you still need to hear this he said you should they said there's only one reason why god in heaven allows divorce only one and it's adultery now watch this therefore god has no tolerance of these statements i don't love him anymore we grew apart we're not close anymore i don't like him anymore i think she's gone crazy now i lost my love for her we just went apart let me tell you how dangerous that is if you get a divorce for any other purpose than adultery in heaven you are still married this is a tough part of the session that's why if you get a divorce for any reason other than adultery you're still married in god's sight so if you go with someone else he says you cause them to commit adultery because they are going with a married person even though you think you are separated words of jesus when the disciples understood that in other words once you get into it you are locked unless the person commits adultery if they curse you spit on you beat you cuss you slap you now listen to me i don't agree with that stuff okay and i would advise you to leave the home that'd be my counselor as a pastor because you're not supposed to be abused but even if you leave the home and go live by yourself or with your mama you are still married you all don't want the word you all want someone to give you permission to do sin and i got no interest in sin and so you separate from your husband or your wife because of some problem other than divorce as far as god is concerned you are still married and that's why paul says if you separate you must remain alone and so you've been separated for 10 years and your spouse who you are married to with whom you are not living with has not committed adultery yet then you are still married so when someone winks at you in the church in the choir you must say pardon me i'm married still. what are you waiting for waiting for my spouse to commit adultery [Applause] that's good that's good that's good you see the moment that they commit adultery the covenant is broken so you are free paul says to marry again everybody say now you feel better now okay but if they didn't commit adultery you are locked into that union in heaven that's why that disciple says if that is the case then it's better not to get into it that is why marriage is called an institution thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you god locks you in throws away the key tell you neighbor i'm going to slow down right now [Applause] all right write this down please the singleness principle here it is singleness is the most important state of human development it is secondly singleness is the foundation of god's design for the human family very important why because god began the human family with one single human being not a couple people keep saying to me well the fundamental component of society is a marriage that ain't true you can study god's program it's a single human god built the entire human race on one single human one o n e one very important therefore god established forever that the foundation for all relationships is the single individual what you bring to it is what it is you don't marry people to improve yourself you marry people to expose yourself please buy this tape i'm gonna say it again you don't marry people in order for you to prove yourself but to expose yourself so singleness is the most important thing in relationships that's why jesus didn't get married you don't need to be married to fulfill god's will for your life [Applause] very important now why is singleness the foundation well you're going to like this it's it's gonna be so simple but i know that it will change your life forever write this down genesis 1 26 so god created man in his own image in the image of god creating him male and female what did god create male and female he didn't create married people and that's where jesus went when he in matthew 19 was talking about how relationships succeed he says stop focusing on marriage and focus on male and female why because marriage is like an omelet it's only as good as the eggs let me say just one more time marriage is like an omelette it is only as good as the eggs now i did an experiment years ago when i was studying this and this is over 28 years ago when i began to study singing i was i was counseling married couples at age 18 because of my reading and my knowledge and i did an experiment i took a rotten egg on a perfectly good egg and i made an omelette when i fried it it was stink and i discovered that no matter how good the good egg was i had to throw the omelet away it would stink you know paul says don't be unequally see who you yoking [Applause] sometimes you think well they will change no they will change you you can't go to church anymore i don't like bishop butler i don't want you to go there anymore see and here you were in the choir for 20 years and you marry a bum relax enjoy your singleness he made them what male and female in other words god placed a priority on singleness not marriage and here's a reason why because singleness is the first building block of the human society not marriage write that down please because you've been taught the other way around and if you don't get this right they'll continue to be divorces in this church in our country we have the lowest percentage of divorce in our church i sip with pastors in our country i said man how he said man i don't know what you're doing but you're doing something right i said well look before anyone could get married in our church they got to go through a nine-month course that i am myself why do you think they're not getting divorced because it's not love that keeps marriage together write that down it is knowledge kissing is not protection against divorce knowledge and that's what you're getting here today and don't miss tonight and bring all your divorce friends with you tonight because they're going to get blessed tonight praise god number two god began the human race not with a single i'm not a couple rather but with a single and that's important because when you study how god did this you see why the single is the critical issue there are 6.8 billion people on earth right now and not one of them came from the soil i mean are you my friend today come stand with me it's my this is my friend stand up on this step right here for me please the step right there okay good yeah just look at me all right now god only made one human from the soil only one he never went back anybody want to dispute that now there's six billion here today he only made one he never went back to the soil never and we got six billion that means the entire human race is built on one single person and when god made this one human being very important now he happened to be a male 1 so god's prerogative was the male shall be the foundation of the human family most important part of this building is the foundation not these lights and these curtains they're pretty but they are not important what's important here is the stuff you cannot see more money went into this foundation than into this building why because the foundation have to carry the weight oh i want to talk a little bit let me give you ladies uh and by the way i got two books over there you must get them please because these are 29 years of study one book is called the power of the woman the other is called the power of the mail you have to read them and then exchange and read them vote because you got to know about yourself and about the opposite sex here's something i found out the male if he's a real man i'm talking a real man he is at the bottom of the foundation of his family which means he don't talk you see let me put it this way the foundation of this building we don't even see it but it's holding up everything see a real man ain't got a brag he just holds up everything oh come on shout amen with me a real man never tells a woman i'm paying the bills here you know i'm the one who keeping her shut up man you ain't a real man real men don't brag on nothing all you do is you see their family steady healthy prosperous because the secret is a foundation underneath there holding up the wife and the children and the mortgage and the light bill and the water bill and the phone bill and the tuition and the clothing and the groceries that's a real man he doesn't brag on his responsibility shall they meant somebody [Applause] it's a real man secondly foundations are very quiet listen can you hear it so you hear nothing real men don't walk around announcing what they were supposed to do anyhow hallelujah now this is just going to get real heavy because i ain't got much time left i only got 19 minutes before i tell you this is crazy anyhow listen so so you see you have this this issue where god only made one human being a single person now if you study the book of genesis i got time to get into it but i'll just show you quickly it says and the lord took the man and put him in the garden of eden that's genesis chapter 2 verse 15. write that down now god begins to instruct this one human being he's not talking to anybody else he's talking to one human being it seems and he says there is one single he put him in the garden of eden everybody say eden say it loud loud to everybody eden is important by the word eaten down the word eden is a hebrew word which means spot s-p-o-t it also means presence it also means open door it's a powerful hebrew word it also means delightful spot i wrote a whole book on this please get the book it's called the power of praise and worship it's about that spot the word eden means what spot let me define it for you the word eden in hebrew means the spot for the moment where the presence of god is an open door to heaven everybody buy this tape please you gotta remember all this stuff so the first place god took the male man is put him in eden what is eden the spot for the moment where the presence of god is an open door to heaven that's why adam never had to pray never had to sing never had to clap never had to dance never to worship why you do those to get into the presence the guy was put in the presence [Applause] oh i wish i could be here for two more days talking it's so important to understand that the first thing god gave adam was not a woman he gave him his presence which means the first thing a man needs is not a woman he needs the presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you meet a man who shows interest in you your first question should not be do you love me wrong question the first question is where are you first question do you love his presence because if a man is in god's presence he could never slap you he could never curse you man god smart the first thing he gave this male man was his presence that means when you meet a guy make sure you meet him in eden [Music] but you see some of you ladies are so dumb and stupid you go out of eden to find a brother and then try to drag him back into eden and the guys say i ain't coming [Applause] and you're wondering why are you depressed in church and your husband watching sports come on clap your hands you got to get rid of it anyhow get rid of the praise god get it out if you meet a man who doesn't love to worship run [Applause] very important he gave him eden then god began to talk to this man god said to the man he said he put him in the garden first instructions work everybody say it say it again work say it again work the first place he put him is in his presence the first command he gave him is work so the first thing a man needs is not a woman he needs a job [Applause] god wants you to meet the man in his presence and working by the way the word work is interesting word uh i did a whole study on this in my book called releasing your potential you can order through the internet because we only got a few books out there i got bought specifically for you make sure i'll get all of them okay but this book is important it deals with the whole four chapters on work i studied the word work the word work in hebrew in that verse are you ready for it write it down work right work down here's the word it's the word ergo e-r-e-g-o and it means i love it it means to become it's a deep word first command to adam become here's what god is telling adam see work is not something you do it is something that you've discovered you're supposed to become and you start becoming it so never meet a man and marry him who don't know who he is because he can't become what he doesn't know in other words you got to find an individual who already has a clear understanding of their purpose in other words this man has a vision for his life god told adam to become himself to become the vision he sees why because he's going to later on bring him an assistant i'm getting deep now see a female was created by god to be a helper but if ain't nothing to help with you got yourself a frustrated woman come on brother sit up straight now [Applause] there are thousands and millions of frustrated quietly depressed women in the church even because they're living with a man who ain't got no vision and they are full of energy see women come equipped because god made them to be helpless that means they are shall intelligent intuitive wisdom leaking out of them they are full of energy ideas and they're coming to help you and you ain't got nothing to do and so when a woman comes to a man who ain't got nothing to do [Music] that means he ain't got nothing for her to help him with she finally helps herself [Applause] she builds her own business starts our own company and then that dumb fool calls it aggression i'm talking about a husband a boyfriend you're so aggressive she ain't aggressive it's you who ain't got no vision oh i'm talking to somebody you're so bossy no she ain't bossy you lazy brother she ain't got nothing to put her energy on that's why she's busy come on ladies go to me and shout a little loud so when you want to marry a good man your first question is what are you in the garden number two are you working number three where are you going what's your vision let's not discuss love yet because love does not keep marriage together is this good stuff i'm having a good time i'm telling you [Applause] the third thing god told the man he said cultivate everybody say cultivate chances to fifteen cultivars everybody cultivate the word cultivate means to bring out the best in everything around you to cultivate means that you put fertilizer and you dig around it and you bring out the fruitfulness in other words cultivate means that you maximize the potential of something in your presence god told the male you are to be a cultivator that means a real man does not oppress a woman's gifts he makes room for them he encourages them he sends such a nice school to get more knowledge and he pays for it oh i'm talking to myself he's a cultivator he improves his wife [Music] to cultivate means that you make the thing in your presence the best it could be [Applause] cultivation i love jesus you know he's a he's a good man honey he does have a wife her name is ecclesia she's a beautiful lady here's how he treats her it says husband love your wife like christ loves his wife how he cleanses her he washes her he improves her he gives it a word he moves every blemish every stain everything everything and then it says he presents her to not to his father but to himself in other words a real man cultivates a woman develops a woman refines woman and makes us so awesome he says that's mine brother look at that that's mine he presents it to himself [Applause] a real man improves a woman god i got seven minutes praise god so when you meet a man who winks at you don't be impressed start asking the questions of the first man number one do you love god's presence number two are you working number three do you have a vision for your life number four can you improve me baby come on clap your hands loud and shout amen in this place surreal man my wife teaches conferences all over the world with me now she speaks to millions of women television she speaks to thousands of women encompasses all over the different nations but when i first met her she was so shy afraid to even talk to cats very very very quiet introvert you know and but you see let me tell you man something listen to guys listen let me know when god gives you an assignment he gives you the material to use it on listen to me so god will never give a male the woman he wants that's why a male will never find the woman he really wants she doesn't exist god will only give him the raw material [Applause] because his job is to what [Applause] so you man i was trying to find a perfect woman the perfect woman only exists in your head your job is to work on the one that you chose and make her the woman in your head when jesus first met his wife she was full of sin and dirt and muck and damnation and hellbound he says i still love you baby come on somebody and he married her and he took his blood and he cleansed them and then he took every spot every wrinkle every blemish every sin he said look at that that's my baby come on praise his name hallelujah hallelujah that's a real man [Music] [Applause] all the ladies saved me cultivate me baby cultivate me baby cultivate me baby come on look at the guy next to you say cultivate me baby [Applause] come on praise and rest for a couple seconds just give him glory you're getting revelation knowledge [Applause] hallelujah praise god sit down quick sit down sit down i got four minutes oh jesus have a mercy calm down listen and after god gave the man cultivation responsibility then he comes with the last one he says he says guard the god everybody say guard he told this single man you are to protect everything that comes into your presence that's why god designed the male to be physically larger his muscle mass is bigger his bone structure is stronger not to hurt women but to protect men clap ladies right there praise god when a man hurts a woman physically with his hands or his body he is abusing the purpose for his strength the safest place for a woman should be in the arms of her husband the safest place for a daughter should be the arms of a father but we got incest everywhere protect so when you take a young lady out sir in this church or wherever you from on a date she's supposed to be safe not sorry she went she's supposed to come back safe not pregnant you shouldn't use your strength to overpower your date you use it to protect her from yourself but jesus was a protector of his wife wasn't he you want to hear him talk about her listen how he talks about her he says if anyone offends my wife it is better for him to tie a rope around his neck and a stone on the other end and commit suicide in other words don't fool with my wife i will kill you he says that's what i call protection don't entertain a man who doesn't open the door for you [Applause] oh no and he opened the door because you weak you open it because he doesn't want you to hurt your nails protecting you baby [Applause] last command god said to the man he says and i command you that's the last one now he says keep my command do not touch the tree the last thing god gave the mail the single was his word write it down here's what word that means that the male had the word before the woman and he had word before woman by the way i'm going to autograph all the books that you buy because my my publisher told me my autograph is now worth 56 thousand dollars oh that's nice listen when you meet someone who winks at you first question is what do you love his presence second question are you working third question can you have your vision fourth question can you cultivate me fifth question can you protect me sixth question do you have the word now i got 39 slides i only showed you five okay watch this so i gotta go oh my goodness the time is going let's go put one minute back please listen so when god finished god said what should god say when god finished the next statement says then god said it is not good for this man to be alone now what man the man who is in his presence working has a vision can cultivate can protect and knows the word god said it's not good for that man to be alone so if you meet a man who ain't in his presence ain't working can't cultivate you can't protect you don't know the word it is good for that man to be [Applause] praise god i say praise god and when god was finished with this man everything was finished the matter everything then god went inside the man he never went back to the soil he went inside the man and he pulled out another man can you come here please stand in the front of him please right here this thing okay and he pulled out another man and the bible says he built her now the first word is he formed man that's why males are not good looking but females he built [Applause] now that's why i can't understand how a male could be attracted to a male we are so lucky i don't understand that but he built and the hebrew word actually means to construct he he took his time he built her and because why he was making a few adjustments you see and he made an adjustment of the paps and the womb and then he called her the wound man she's a man but she's a man with the womb now if there are men here who are not sure they are men [Applause] don't break your wrists put earrings in your ears and wear ponytails that don't make you a woman check see if you have a woman and if you don't have a womb you are a brother you're a brother so settle down and put on your long pants yeah let me close on this he took the woman out of the man and this is the position she's in now most of you have been taught that behind every good man is a good woman go behind him i want to show you how dumb that is god did not take man from his hip his back or his heel so when the devil attacks this man and pushes pressure on him look what he does he actually destroys the very thing he's supposed to protect come back in the front baby that's where she belongs you see when the devil attacks her [Applause] i love you god bless you see you tonight i gotta go
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 12,088
Rating: 4.9599428 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Id: zFUM_Dya7U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 29sec (4109 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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