The Absolute Best Lottie File Export Plugin For After Effects.

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body moving is the original way to export a l animation from After Effects but now we have the L files plugin from L files that does the same thing but we want to know which one is better and which one should you use let's dive in so here we are in After Effects and we have the body moving plugin up here and we have the L files plugin and this is the first launch of the L files and it's asking me to sign up can we get started for free so first thing that's different is that you must have a Lis file account in order to use this plugin otherwise you are stuck at this page that may be an issue for some people if you're in like a corporate setting and like an Enterprise machine maybe there'll be permissions and things like that that you'll be limited uh and won't be able to use this and in that case Body moving will be the the thing for you but let's go ahead and log in all right we're logged in and here we are so pretty similar interface so we have we we're seeing all of our compositions here we can search for them in the same way we have our settings that we can click here and it's organized very differently so in looking at the settings between the L files plugin and the body moving plugin the body moving plugin has significantly more granular settings that you can use in order to customize the export of your L file exporting with the demo checked in body moving is really helpful for just previewing it locally making sure that things don't look weird this one you can also export things to RVE you can do it at a standalone so it has the player and the animation in the single Json file but then everything that the L file plug-in has body moving has plus some more whether those things are super helpful or not is depending on your specific situation where this L file is going to live one day so L files plugin is definitely a little bit more simple in the L files plugin we also have these other tabs that basically link into the L files website and library of a bunch of different free L file animations that you could get there's not usually a lot of situations where you're wanting to take a l file and reimport it into After Effects cuz usually the animation data is a little bit messy but that's there if you needed that and then you also have an opport to save your exported L files into like your own project workspace so that you can share them amongst other people that you're working with so take a look at the two animations that we're going to render out so we have this one here which is a simple shape animation morally using position and rotation we have a rounded rectangle with a stroke on it and it's just doing this nice looping animation the other one we're using a PNG and we just have this simple scale up and scale down oh yeah don't forget to subscribe if you want more of these tips and so we're going to see how does it do with a PNG in a l file and how does it do with just shape layer so let's go ahead and select both of these let's our PNG export L let's make sure that we unselect everything that we don't need we're definitely going to do a demo for local preview and we're going to include the assets inside of the Json file and we can also do some compression here sometimes it helps sometimes it really doesn't do anything we'll go ahead and we'll save that for the shape L we don't need anything selected except for the demo preview let's go ahead and select the destination all right so so body moving is set up now let's go over to L files so we're going to go to the settings of the PNG we'll unselect extra comps we'll go here to assets and we'll make sure that we include the Assets in the Json there's no setting here to compress or optimize those images so that's kind of a missed thing for the L plug-in and that's kind of it so I'll save that go here to the other the shape animation we don't need to include any of the assets in the Json I don't know where these things are going to render to because there's no path destination folder but we'll see so let's go ahead and render both out so body moving rendered super quick L files though is not rendering anything at all let's try that again let's save our After Effects file and try that again well this is unfortunate so I closed the the plugin reopened it it had some sort of weird glitch maybe it was because I already runed with body moving first we can see that there's a preview here immediately which is which is really nice you can see the shape L is right here okay so you can preview it right inside of the plugin that's kind of nice and then you have the option to download it to download this animation save it to a workspace all right check this out to download this animation save it directly to a workspace first upgrade to download animation directly what is this so let's hit upgrade okay so here we go all right so there's a pay wall with the L files plugin which is really unfortunate that you have to pay at least $19 a month if you want to download that L file immediately from export let's check out the other way so it's I can download it if I save it to a workspace first so let's see okay save to workspace we'll do it here we'll upload it okay and now I can download it okay so now I can download the Json and there's this optimized Json I'm curious what that does the file size hasn't come up yet but you can also see that this is behind this little Crown which to me would make me assume that that is a paid feature also unfortunate that that's behind a pay wall as well it's also taking a long time to actually optimize so we'll go ahead and we'll download the actual Json so I just saved one of the files and I had already rendered out both of them but now I cannot find my way back to the PNG export so I guess we have to reexport that let's make sure that we're including the assets still yep that's in there so this is not a great bug if I select this and then want to go change the settings and change some stuff and hit save it's unchecked and nothing is available to render so that's kind of just like an unfortunate bug so let's go ahead and render that out rendered out and you can see in this preview that that is a like image missing type of placeholder and so it's not actually showing my PNG in there so we'll go ahead and select that and that is not at all what the animation is supposed to be CU if we remember our animation should look like this you know to remind people to subscribe and this is not the same as this so that's not good let's see if we download it if that helps us out but in order to download it got to save it to your workspace first so let's save it to our workspace upload okay couldn't upload it all right let's try again we're going to we're going to give it a good we're giving it a good thorough chance and okay maybe if I stop and then I save it nope all right well if you want to use anything with the PNG L files plugin is just not going to work unless I guess you pay for the upgraded version which then you could download it immediately and it says it will be only8 kiloby okay here's our feature support Checker and that's kind of nice uh we also have test and L files mobile app render graph okay that's nice you Chang the background okay so there's some nice features in this preview but I actually think that the body moving also has a preview function as well and I can actually preview it here okay so there's actually a preview inside of body moving which is nice and you can change between Scotty and the browser and see the differences so that's nice Loop the animation lock it to timeline so those are kind of nice and you can also change the the background color I know there's a lot of you that have asked about oh why don't why don't I use the newer body files plugin so this is my answer the body moving plugin is just simple there's no pay wall nonsense PNG exports work there's a lot more export customization if you're getting into hairy situations where animations are just not working correctly and it's just reliable and so definitely recommend the body moving plugin for all of your lah exports catch youall next time [Music]
Channel: Motion UX
Views: 632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lottie, applemotion, designchallenge, designfeedback, designinteraction, designprompt, interactiondesign, interactivedesign, interfacedesign, motion, motiondesigner, motiongraphic, motiongraphics, productdesign, responsivewebdesign, servicedesign, sharpendesign, uidesign, uidesignpatterns, uiuxcafe, uiuxdesign, userinterfacedesign, ux, uxdesign, uxmotion, uxmotiondesign, uxresearch, uxswipe, webdesigninspiration, webdesigntrends
Id: m-3yj3vvlGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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