Create Studio 3.0 Review - Things You Should Know About CreateStudio 3.0 Before You BUY IT

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today we're diving straight into our review of create Studio 3 curious about what you'll get for your $67 investment let's find out we explore create Studio 3.0 from top to bottom uncovering its features functionalities and value for money is it worth it that's what we're here to determine we'll investigate any hidden fees assess how userfriendly it is and discuss who can benefit from it as well as its limitations I have a single request if you find this review helpful and IT addresses your questions and if you decide to purchase create studio afterwards please consider using the link provided in the description this small gesture would greatly assist me and inspire me to continue delivering detailed honest and unbiased reviews for your benefit now let's start the [Music] video with create Studio 3 your $67 investment grants you the ability to create and Export unlimited videos without any hidden fees whether you're producing standard HD content or pushing the boundaries with stunning 4K resolution create Studio 3 doesn't impose any limits moreover you have the freedom to monetize these videos on platforms like YouTube and even sell them to clients without incurring any additional [Music] charges with the $67 standard license investment in create Studio we gain access to all four customizable 3D characters available these characters are yours for a lifetime allowing for Endless creative possibilities we can very easily customize these characters just drag the character into the canvas go to the customize Tab and change the look of the character we can change their clothes their shoes their hair facial hair and so on we can add some accessories like watch headphones gloves and so on very easily we can change the color of these things and even we can change the skin tone of the character we can also change their hair color and eyes color in this way we can create all kinds of characters and we could save them for later use here are some characters I have created to show you these characters come with pre-built animations assigned to them and animating them requires just a few Mouse clicks with the help of the square box and the timeline we can make the duration of the animation longer and shorter we could also rotate the character 360° we can also change their expression while they perform their action these characters are equipped with Lip Sync features allowing us to easily assign voiceovers to them let me demonstrate first we head to the music section then move on to speech here we have two options for generating text to speech create Studio AI voices and Google text to speeech to use their AI voices we have to purchase credits however Google text to speech can be accessed for free indefinitely let's input some text into the box now choose your preferred voice then click on generate speech here you can preview how the voice sounds remember my request if you find this video helpful and you decide to purchase create Studio please do it with the link in the description it will help me and motivate me to bring this kind of detailed review for you and we can import it to our project now we drag and drop our voice onto the timeline then by right clicking on The Voice we select sync with Tom to synchron The Voice with the character allow me to move the character closer to the canvas so you can observe their lips as they speak remember my request if you find this video helpful and you decide to purchase create Studio please do it with the link in the description it will help me and motivate me to bring this kind of detailed review for you what you think about the quality let me know in the comments and yes you can import your own voice to create Studio 3 if you don't like the text of speech you can even record your own voice right into the [Music] software now let's take a look at the other 3D characters available for $67 keep in mind that these characters cannot be customized here are the 3D characters included with your $67 investment take a closer look these are the 3D characters you'll have access to for a lifetime here are additional characters and here are some more characters each of these characters comes with a mix of similar and unique animations assigned to them which depend on the specific character type if you scroll down to the bottom you'll notice certain characters adorned with gold crowns these are the characters unavailable to us for $67 to gain access to them we need to upgrade our account remember we don't have to upgrade our account to access additional characters they've already provided us with plenty of character to use for a lifetime and with their character builder we can create as many characters as we [Music] desire let me show you something first if we visit Beyond a competitor of create Studio you'll see on their pricing page that their monthly subscript subcription starts at $49 however for this price they impose restrictions on many features of their website moreover they only allow you to export 720p videos and they even add a watermark at the bottom of the video likewise if you visit animaker another competitor of create Studio you'll find their pricing starting at 20 $4 per month however for this price you're limited to creating videos with a maximum length of 5 minutes and you can only export five videos per month furthermore they don't allow you to export videos in 1080P resolution and both of them lack 3D characters now coming back to create Studio 3 create studio also has a premium upgrade they call it all access pass this is the only upgrade they sell and with their all access pass membership you get everything they have in their library and for this they charge you $37 per month however it's important to note that you don't need to make monthly payments to use their software once you've paid $67 the software is yours and you can use it for a lifetime with the resources included in the $67 package I simply wanted to mention that there's a premium upgrade available in their software which offers additional premium characters and assets you'll notice these premium features indicated by a gold crown and in comparison to Beyond an animaker our investment in create studio is fairly low and vond and animaker does not give any lifetime deal where we can use their limited resources to create and Export videos and we can sell them to our client if we want to use software like vond and animaker we have to pay them every month to use their services but not with create Studio 3 here we can create and Export as many videos we [Music] want now let's take a look at the 2D characters included with create studio for your $67 investment according to their sales page they provide 50 2D characters these are the 2D characters you get here are additional characters and here are some more characters and even more characters here are some more characters and here are some more characters you also get some bobblehead characters which you can use to create amazing bobblehead animation you also get some doodle characters which you can use to create doodle videos like this one remember these characters are available for us to use for Lifetime create Studio 3 also provides a variety of 2D and 3D image backgrounds that we can use utilize in our projects these backgrounds span across various categories offering versatility additionally we have the option to upload our own backgrounds [Music] are you aware that you can edit your videos within create studio in fact the video You're viewing right now was completely edited using Create Studio you have the ability to incorporate your own footage images and voiceovers into create Studio where you can then edit them seamlessly their integration with royalty-free websites greatly simplifies our tasks for instance if I'm editing a video and require a b-roll footage of a woman working on a laptop I can simply search for it here and find the necessary footage by clicking on the footage I can preview it and then download it to my project tab from there I can easily bring the footage onto the timeline and proceed with editing this allows us to complete our project within a single software eliminating the need to switch between different programs to get the job done create Studio has integrated with websites such as pixels pixel a and unsplash through these Integrations we can access royalty-free videos images gifts stickers and svgs create studio also provides us with editing tools for removing green screens from our footage color correcting our videos and effects like the glitch effect all these features are included in create studio for $67 and we'll have lifetime access to [Music] them create studio is one of the best software to animate text with just a few clicks you can animate text in a variety of ways showcasing its versatility in my experience aside from After Effects I've yet to encounter another software that offers such flexibility in text animation animating text in create studio is straightforward we simply add text to our canvas then select the text and navigate to the motion preset here we have access to various in out and loop animations that can be applied to our text now let's add some animation to the text the animation can be adjusted to be short or long we have the option to select animation by paragraph word or or even individual letters using the motion preset we can create a wide range of animations moving this animation to a different layer is straightforward simply select the animation press contrl plus C to copy it then select the second layer and press contrl plus v to paste it that's all there is to it additionally we can incorporate animation on top of these motion presets to achieve this we select the layer on the timeline position the playhead where we desire the animation and click on ADD animation let's include a scaling animation as an example you'll notice two key frames appear next move the playhead and adjust the text scale accordingly now you can see that our animation is complete these motion presets and animations can be applied to all elements within creat Studio including characters videos images and any other available elements create studio also provides a collection of animated titles that can be easily incorporated into our projects by simply dragging and dropping them here you'll find a wide variety of animated titles that can be incorporated into our projects additionally we have access to a variety of animated emojis all the features I've demonstrated are included in create Studio standard license and we have lifetime access to them [Music] the create Studio standard license also grants access to 100 scroll Stoppers which enable us to craft engaging social media posts just like [Music] [Music] these we also receive lifetime access to their doodle video maker allowing us to create various types of Doodle videos [Music] create Studio offers a vast array of royalty-free music tracks and sound effects totaling over 2,000 according to their website while the standard license includes a few free music tracks accessing the full Library requires upgrading to their all access pass account if you prefer not to upgrade to their all access pass account but still want lifetime access to their music library you can opt for the order bump offered when purchasing create Studio this grants access to their 18800 plus music tracks with an additional 20 new tracks added each month gaining lifetime access to 2,000 music tracks for just an additional onetime payment of $37 isn't a bad [Music] offer create Studio offers a variety of templates and scenes to speed up our workflow let's explore how to use them to access templates simply click on the templates section here you'll find templates categorized into different types such as character explainer promotional business and local business preview the templates by hovering over them here we can choose the desired template then we select the orientation landscape square or vertical I'll opt for landscape click start editing to proceed our project is now set up and ready for editing we can effortlessly edit this template let me demonstrate as you can see our animation is [Music] complete [Music] you'll also find a wide range of templates to create social media posts for your business in the same manner scenes can be utilized to speed up the video creation process let me walk you through it to start building a project with scenes we click on the lightning Builder and then choose the video orientation I'll select standard now imagine I have a project to create a doodle video so I'll select the doodle category from here next I'll add the scenes I want to include in my video and finally I'll click on go to editor now I have the option to choose the music I can do it here or skip this step let's select the music our project is being prepared here is our project let's see what we've just created I can easily edit these scenes just like I did with the template on their website they claim to offer a library of over 800 templates and over 1,200 scenes however with our $67 investment they provide access to 150 plus scenes and 50 plus templates to unlock the full Library an upgrade to their premium account is necessary which costs $37 per month now it is a lot of money and committing to paying this amount every month is a big step now consider this what's your hourly rate how much do you typically charge for an hour of work for instance my hourly rate on upw workk is $15 so if I could save two and a half hours of my time every month by using their templates and scenes I've essentially earned back my investment I am personally a lifetime all access pass account user of create studio and I've personally paid for it and remember you don't have to upgrade immediately nor do you have to pay them monthly to use their software I've also shown you the pricing of their competitors and how expensive they can be additionally there are some advantages to having an all access pass account firstly with an all access pass account you'll receive 3,000 credits every month to utilize their AI voice feature if you require more credits you'll need to purchase them just like a standard member these AI voices sound quite impressive let me demonstrate here's The Voice we receive when using Google text to speech if you found value in this video a thumbs up would be great and now this is the voice we get when utilizing their AI voices if you found value in this video a thumbs up would be great if you found value in this video a thumbs up would be great what are your thoughts feel free to to share in the comments currently with my standard license I don't have the option to create captions however with my all access pass license I do have the option to create captions this allows us to generate captions from either a video or audio Source if you found value in this video a thumbs up would be great and we have the ability to personalize the appearance of the caption if you found value in this video a thumbs up would be great additionally we can create captions in various languages personally I've tested English and Hindi and I've found their captions to be of excellent [Music] quality now let's address a limitation I've encountered in create Studio while the pen tool all s for the creation of custom shapes it lacks the ability to edit existing shapes in contrast to software like after effects where shapes can be modified by adding or adjusting points create Studio doesn't offer this feature specifically we're unable to add points to pre-existing shapes the team behind create Studio should consider addressing this issue allowing the editing of pre-existing shapes would greatly enhance user experience and make our workflow much smoother [Music] I purchased create studio in 2020 when it was first launched since then they have consistently added numerous features and made continuous improvements to the software notably unlike many other companies that bombard users with sales emails to promote their premium offers create Studio refrains from such aggressive marketing tactics their support team is top-notch you can expect to hear back from them within 24 hours in most cases when reaching out for assistance they offer a dedicated page featuring a variety of tutorials by watching these tutorials you can quickly learn and master create Studio within just a week or two additionally they maintain a highly active Facebook group where users share daily furthermore they have a YouTube channel where they regularly upload video tutorials on new features [Music] create studio is suitable for anyone involved in video creation including YouTubers business owners influencers and agencies it offers a range of features that can make videos more engaging and interesting enhancing your content creation efforts now that you have all the information you're in a position to make your own decision about whether to invest $67 in create studio with this plan you have the freedom to create and Export unlimited videos which you can then monetize or sell to clients plus there's a 30-day money back guarantee so if you're not satisfied you can request a refund ultimately the decision to purchase create studio is yours to make as someone who has been using the software for a long time I can attest to its value and Effectiveness just remember my request if you decide to purchase create Studio kindly use the link provided in the description it will help me and motivate me to bring to you this kind of honest detailed and unbiased review if you have any other software in mind that you'd like me to review please let me know in the comments if you found this video helpful please consider subscribing to my channel and giving this video a like now let's see what kind of video you can make with create [Music] Studio [Music]
Channel: Video Tool Insights
Views: 3,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: createstudio review, CreateStudio 3 Review, Create Studio Review, Create Studio 3 Review, create studio, create studio 3.0, create studio 3.0 review, create studio 3.0 demo, honest create studio review
Id: m4Z2ry1OeTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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