HOW TO: Make A TikTok Edit I Complete After Effect's Tutorial

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after spending your whole day on Tik Tok watching fan edits again you finally want to create one for yourself maybe you can finally go viral gain followers and make your family proud yes this sounds awesome but wait I don't have a clue on how to make an edit if only there was someone who could help me if you finally want to create an edit that doesn't make you seem like you edit on cap cut don't worry because today I will show you step by step everything you need to know and how you can make one in After Effects once you open up after effects will most likely be faced with this window and the first thing we want to create is a new composition so just click on that button once that's done this window should open up now the most things in here we can completely disregard but some settings we have to adjust for example the width and height because they later going to determine which resolution our edit has I want to upload my edit to Tik Tok so I'm going to use a format that suits Tik Tok in my case I like to use 1170 by 1560 but alternatively you can always use different resolutions such as 1080 x450 1080 x 1080 or 1080 X 1920 this is completely up to you and once that's done you want to make sure to put the frame rate to 60 this will just determine the frame rate our edit later on is going to have and from my experience 60 always looks the move is inv best so I'm going to put in 60 last but not least we're going to put the duration of our edit meaning how long your edit is going to be don't worry if you don't exactly know how long your edit is going to be you can always change all these settings later on for now I'm just going to put in 30 seconds and once that's done press okay now as you can see this already looks a lot more like editing and as I said if you later on want to change these settings we just put just right click onto your preview go to composition settings and there you have them now obviously the first thing we have to do is add our footage and sound because otherwise we don't have anything to edit with so we're going to go ahead to the top select file go to import select file and then on your computer choose from where you want to import your footage in my case I already prepared the scene pack and sound so I'm just going to select both of them and press import this might take a few seconds and now under your project panel you can see that you have your sound in your MP4 data which in my case is going to be a SC pack now go ahead and drag both of them onto your timeline which is right here and now you can already preview your footage now as you might notice below and on top of my footage you are these black bars and obviously we don't want them to be in our final edit so the first thing we're going to do is kick onto our footage which is the top layer press s on our keyb but to bring up the scaling and I'll increase or decrease the value so it fits our composition in my case I have to increase the value and just like this it looks perfect and fills out the whole screen now next we're going to go ahead and search out our intro clip I know a lot of you guys struggle with this step but don't worry I will guide you through it start by double clicking onto your footage and as you can see it opens up a new layer preview where you now have a mini timeline that's responsible for your clip meaning you can preview the whole footage you have within here and in my case I want to make an edit of Joe mama now to choose a clip from here we're going to go to the time marker that we can see on our mini timeline that's right below our footage right here and now we're just going to drag that ahead on our timeline and as you can see it moves through the footage now just scroll through the footage till you find your intro clip and now once you found the clip you want to choose for your intro you can see this little two brackets that we have right here and by clicking this first one we can see we're just going to set the time where our clip starts at that certain point where we are with our marker I know this sounds confusing but just watch but as you can see we have our time indicator back on our timeline so we can now go ahead and drag this screw out the whole intro and wherever you want your intro to end which just going to go to that point in time and cut your clip by pressing control shift and D at the same time on your keyboard and as you can see this first clip is now completely isolated and there you have your intro to now go back to your actual preview just click this little button that says composition at the top now you might have to do some personalized adjustments to the intro length but that's completely up to what edit you want to do okay so now once you adjusted the intro to the way you want to have it the next step is going to be marking our beat drops why we do that is pretty simple because obviously we want our Clips to change and to match it exactly with the sound we're going to Mark the Beat Drops and every time the Beat Drops we're going to change our clip makes sense right so to do that we're just going to go ahead we can this excess part of the seam pack that we still have left from the intro if you didn't already and then we're going to actually disable the audio from the intro so just click this little speaker and you should not only hear your sound when playing your preview and now to Mark the Beats there's a pretty simple technique just right click onto your sound go to key frame assistant click convert audio into key frames as you can see you now have a whole new layer just click onto the layer and press U to bring up the key frames once you see all the key frames select the one that says both channels and open a graph editor now if you're met with this graph totally fine just zoom in a bit and you can see now every time there's a spike we have a Beat draw this way it's a bit easier to mark all of them so now you can just go ahead listen to the audio and every time you see a spy head to the right side go to this marker symbol and once you click on that in that exact time and place there's going to be a numbered marker on your timeline which you can later on use as orientation to indicate where our beat drops so now just go ahead and do this for all the Beat Drops you have in your audio and once you've done this your timeline should look something like this and we can now go ahead and close our graph edor again also delete this excess layer because we're not going to need it anymore now obviously we're also going to need clipss that we can change in between so go ahead and drag your seam Peg back onto your timeline as you can see I made it start for the second marker because the first one is going to be the same clip from the intro so like before just put the scaling back up so all the black bars are gone and now the procedure of searching out individual Clips is going to be equal to the intro with only one slight difference so just double kick onto your footage and use this little time marker to move throughout the seam pack now once you found a clip that you want to use we're also going to go back to this bracket and click it once as you can see our footage is now cut to the place in time we're going to go ahead right click onto the next marker and click go to marker time as you can see your time indicator moved and we're now going to press control shift and D this will just cut the clip as you can see you now have a small dedicated clip for that certain time frame and we can now go ahead double click onto the layer again and continue this process till we have all the clips so now again use this little marker scroll throughout the scene pack till you find the scene you want to use then click this little bracket once right click onto the next marker click on go to Mark a time and I'll cut it again by pressing control shift and D do this till you have all clips for every beat Mark as you can see I now searched out all scenes I want to use and next before we add the actual effects we still have to do some tweaks to the footage we're going to start by selecting all the clips at once and then disabling the audio for all of them so that throughout our edit while our song is playing we don't hear some random background music or noises coming from the actual Clips so just click onto the speaker symbol and next we're going to turn on motion blur and frame blending go ahead and click that twice enabling these two settings will just make our edits smother also don't forget to turn on the sound for our intro again and of course in the intro we also want to turn on motion blur and frame lending now once that's done and you go ahead and Skip through your Clips you might realize that some of them are not in the center of the screen as you can see right now half of him is cut off and fixing this is very important because obviously want our character to be be in the center of the screen at all times so just go ahead click onto the layer press p on your keyboard to bring up the position properties and because mine is too far left I'm going to go ahead to this first value which is the x value and increase this value till he's in the center of the screen just like that go ahead and do this for all the clips that you have always make sure the character is nice and centered now once all your Clips are nice and centered the last thing we have to do before adding the nice effects is promosing all our layers which will essentially just put them into a separate individual composition this will just make it way more organized and easier to work with and to now do that we're just going to select the L we want to pre-compose right click onto it go to pre-compose select the bottom option very important enable this check mark and press okay go to the next clip and do the same procedure over and over again till all your Clips are pre-composed and once you pre-composed all your Clips it's finally time to get into the juicy pot and add some nice effects and the first one we want to add is a twixer responsible for the slowmo we're going to put on the clips and in order to edit we're just going to go ahead open our effects and presets panel and search for twixer pro go ahead and drag it onto your layer but wait if nothing pops up for you when you search twixer it's due to you not having the right plug-in installed and if if you want to get it for free now make sure to check the link in the description and join my Discord server you can get all the plugins for free on there including overlays SC packs whatever you need and yapping once you apply twixer to your layer we're going to go ahead and change some settings with in the actual effect which first one is going to be the in andout fps just disable this little check mark next to it and now for the input frame rate we're going to choose whatever frame rate our scam pack has and to Now find that out it's really simple just cck onto your project tab select your scam pack right click onto it go to interpret footage and select Main and now once that's done this highlighted number right here is your frame rate your FPS so now close this window again go back to your effects control panel and put the same number in here in my case 23.976 FPS and usually that's going to be the same case for you next for the image prep we're going to choose from non to contrast / Edge enhance the frame interpolation we're going to put from blend to motion weighted blend and the Waring from interverse to interverse with smart blend now once that's done very important make sure that your time indicator on the timeline is at the exact start of your clip now we're going to set a key frame for the speed percentage which is currently at 100% and put it up from 100 to 250 this just means that the clip is now playing in 2 .5 times the ACT speed now press U to bring up the key frames I'm just going to zoom in so you can see a bit better and from this first key frame right here we're just going to go ahead 5 to six frames and once we're here we're going to put the speed from 250 down to 60 once we fill out that value it's going to automatically create a key frame for us and now we're going to do the same thing reverse because we also want the slowmo to end again at the end of our clip so go approximately six frames before your clip ends set another key frame for the 60 and then go to where your clip ends and put it to 250 and now when you play the clip it's going to look pretty bad because we're using linear graphs graphs are simply a tool that you can use to check the speed in which your animation is playing in meaning how fast or slow it's going to start or end and now to change these graphs we're going to select all the key frames at once right click onto them go to key frame assistant and select easy EAS alternatively you can just press F9 if you're lazy then go ahead and open a graph editor and it should look something like this now the way we're going to make these graphs is fast so we're going to click onto them and startop by dragging this little yellow handle ahead to the left just like this then we're going to go to the one at the top and drag it straight down not all the way just a little bit till it looks roughly like this now again like earlier we're going to do the same thing revers at the end so now click on here and drag this yellow handle in the opposite direction just like this try to put it approximately the same like you did before and then for the top one again we're just going to drag it straight down about this now once our graph looks like this we can go ahead close the graph editor again and now to apply this effect to all the other Clips as well we're going to go ahead and select all the key frames at once click on to the effect name in the top left to also copy the effect settings we changed earlier now press control and C on your keyboard to copy them go to the beginning the first frame of your next clip select the clip and press contrl and V to paste them now once that's done you can press U again to bring up the key frames and now as you can see they don't fit because our clip is slightly longer than the first one which is not a problem because now we're just going to select all of them and while pressing down alt on our keyboard we're going to extend them or even shorten them depending on what you need till they fit the clip and like this you will keep the same expect ratio and won't have to do it all manually again do this for all your clips and once that's done we're now going to add the next thing which are going to be some smooth zooms they're just going to improve the overall look of the edit and bring in some more movement because as of now it looks pretty stiff and now to make these zooms of course we're going to head to our effects and presets panel again and search for sore blower curves drag it onto your layer and now in my case I want to use zoom outs for this edit so I'm going to go ahead and set a key frame at the beginning of our clip for the Z distance effect now put this value from 1 down to 0.75 and now by pressing up U you can bring up the key frames again as you can see there's a new key frame and now we're going to go to the end of our clip and set this value back up to one now again this linear graph is not going to look good so to change up we're going to select both key frames again right click onto them go to key frame assistant and hit easy ease now open the graph editor once again so we're going to start by putting this first handle up a bit just like this and then extend the second one that's on top that's the same direction approximately like this now same thing here if we want to apply them to all the clips we're going to have to go ahead select both of them copy them by pressing control and C then go to the beginning of our next clip and press contrl and V to paste them now press you to bring up the key frames and as you can see we're going to have to adjust them again so I'm just going to zoom in a bit and now by pressing down alt you can just drag them ahead do this for all the clips you have and once that's done we're now going to add the text to our intro if you don't have a spoken intro you can just skip the step but I'm guessing most of you do so to now add the text we're going to go to the top row and select the text tool once that's selected we're going to just click onto our screen and it's going to create a new text for us now once we're in in this window we can just type out our text and once that's done you might realize that it does not look good at all the text is just way too big and it doesn't fit in our screen so to now change that we can go ahead select the text layer double click onto it select all the text and then open our character panel in the right side now the most important settings in here are going to be the font size and the tracking what the font size changes is pretty safe explanatory but the tracking just increases or decreases the space between each letter so I'm going to put the tracking a bit down so the space between the letters is less and as you can see it already looks a bit better but now because I only want to change the bottom line and make it smaller I'm just going to select that one by double clicking and then decrease the font size as you can see it now fits the clip and to now change the color of a certain word we just go ahead and select the whole word and then click this little white square once that's done you should see this window open and you can select just any color you want in my case I'm going to put red I'm going to press okay and as you can see the word is now red but because we still want to make our text look a bit fancier we're going to add some effects and we're going to start by adding deep glow so just go to your effects and presets panel and search for deep glow drag it onto your text layer and start by putting the exposure from 1 down to 0.3 now put the radius from 500 down to to 250 and obviously you're going to have to play around with these settings depending on what text you want what edit you make and what you think looks best but next we're going to add a drop shadow so just go ahead and search for drop shadow drag it onto the same text layer and I'll put the opacity from 50 up to 100 the distance from 5 to 8 and the softness from 0 to 5 and last but not least I like to add a bevel effect to my text so I'm going to go ahead and search for bevel select the bevel Alpha effect and drag it very important on top of the deep glow effect now put the edge thickness from two to four and as you can see it now looks a lot better if you're having trouble sying the words being spoken to the character I can give you a small tip just get on to the intro select the layer and press L twice this should bring up the waveform and as you can see this just represents the audio of the clip so now every time there's a small break or maybe a new word starts you can see it in here and this will make it a lot easier to put the text accordingly now if you want to add a new line of text just click onto your text layer cut it by pressing control shift and d and then double click onto your text select all of it and now just replace it with whatever your character is saying do this for all words in your intro and once that's done I'm going to add some cool animations to make the text Fade up because obviously we don't want to have it just appearing out of nowhere and the one I want to use for this edit is called slow fade on it's a standard integrated with an after effects and to edit we're just going to go ahead to effects and presets and search for slow fade on once you see that drag it onto your text layer and now when you press U you should see that there's two key frames popping up now the first key frame is going to declare the start of the animation and the second one the end meaning where your text is fully visible Now by using the wave form we opened earlier we can now easily adjust the text to our character speaking phase and to adjust it now just drag ahead the key frame and as you can see when we play our clip it now Fades up slowly the words now what animation you want to use is up to your own likings there's loads of integrated one with an after effect so be a b creative and take advantage of them and by the way if you want to learn how to make this cool text effect make sure to check out this tutorial I made in the top right corner now obviously we're going to apply the animation to all our text layers so go ahead and apply it for all your texts and once we added all the fade in animations obviously we also want to add a Fade Out animation because we don't want our text to just end and what I like to use is just normal opacity so I'm going to go ahead click on my text layer and press T to bring up the opacity property now go around 10 frames before the clip ends and set a key frame for the opacity at 100 now go to the end of the clip and put this value from 100 all the way down to zero and as you can see the text is now invisible and if you play the clip you can see that it slowly Fades out which in my opinion looks very good so now we want to apply this to all the other text as well now I know all this is very confusing and hard but bear with me because we're almost finished and the last necessary step is going to be adding a good color correction because as you can see adding a good color correction can increase the quality of your edits immensely so it's an absolute necessity for every new Editor to get themselves a good coloring it will not only boost the quality of your edits but also gain you a lot of followers and Views because it's going to make an overall good impression and make your edit seem very aesthetic and if you you not wonder where you can get such a color correction make sure to check out the first thing in the description because I'm still currently running a huge sale on my shop you can get up to 70% off of the presets that I use to make my edits look the best as possible so it's a no-brainer and a good opportunity for every new editor first link in the description now once all of this is done please keep in mind that it is still your personal edit so be creative and Implement whatever you like let it be a cool glitch transition a white flash or a ghost effect if you're looking for any of these tutorials I got you I got all of them on my channel included with a lot of other tutorials but because this is a beginner guy we're going to keep it easy and simple to follow but without any further yapping let's take a look at our final product hey I don't want to sound like a stalker but I think I know you and if you know practiced a lot and want to see an advanced editing tutorial where I go into detail with all the steps explain everything step by step make sure to scroll down right now and smash the like button because if you hit 4,444 likes I'm going to release that video it's up in your own hands and to now export your edit from After Effects just simply go to the composition tab in the top select add to render queue click onto where it says match render settings and for the format select quick time press okay then select your output meaning where you want your edit to be saved on your PC and press render note that this might take a while depending on how fast your computer works and how long your edit is and once that's done congratulations you just made your first on After Effects edit and if you now want to learn how to make cool text effects make sure to check out this tutorial and please leave a sub on my channel because I have a lot of After Effects tutorials that you might be interested in watching them will boost your followers up by 200% and with all seriousness I really appreciate you for watching thank you so much for sticking by have a good rest of your day Salam alaykum and see you next time
Channel: rdylt09
Views: 180,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VBGiJaLT5us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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