Free After Effects Course - Beginner Infographics & Data Visualisation

Video Statistics and Information

Captions Word Cloud
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[Music] hi my name is dan and i love animating infographics and bringing potentially boring data to life using after effects i've made this course for complete beginners there is no need to have any previous knowledge of after effects or motion graphic design now we'll start at the super basics we'll bring in a couple of icons we'll add easing we'll add some motion blur we'll add some very cool overshoot we'll also look at anticipation and then my favorite is to offset them we'll work through real-life projects connecting excel into after effects to transform your boring spreadsheet data into approachable visual awesomeness we'll experiment with lighting and cameras we'll do some fun things with masking all the way through to exporting for youtube powerpoint and all sorts of social media including making some animated gifs now i've got projects for you to complete so you can practice your skills and have some things ready for your portfolio at the end there's also exercise files so you can play along there's also a cheat sheet both video and a pdf version and you know what the best part of this whole entire course is it's learning how to track handsome individuals from new zealand with very very accurate data it's true i say awesome all right first things first is to download the exercise files there'll be a link just here go and download those also know that there's something called the completed files and all they are is at the end of every video i'll save my after effects file to where i'm at okay and you can download it there'll be a link on every video screen for that and it's just if you get a little lost you can check mine to see how yours is different and the other thing is that there is a cheat sheet at the end of this okay into this video and there's also a pdf you can print off and stick next to your computer and use as well there's also a project at the end okay so we're going to work through together i'm going to set you some tasks and you can use that stuff in your portfolio along with anything else you make in this course you're totally allowed to use it um and the last thing is reviews okay it's a bit early for me to be asking you for a review for the site but as soon as you get to a point in this course you're like that's a pretty good course i'd love you to leave a review and it's the kind of stuff that's what drives my business and pays my income okay is other people coming to the courses so reviews are really helpful likes shares those types of things all right let's get into building our motion graphics and visualize data hey there in this video we're going to look at inspiration so when you're starting your project you're going to need places to go and get ideas for your projects now this site here information is remember the is a weird site okay you'll go and check it now right i betcha but um information is is this is more the data visualization side okay there's some really beautiful stuff going on here and kind of pushing the boundaries of how to communicate really complex data if you're dealing with more with the generic kind of infographic okay bar charts and you're just looking for ideas of animation then something like this so this is okay sell these okay so these here you can buy so this one is 19 and you can get this as an after effects file and start updating it then in trouble with some of these templates is that they're pretty complex if you're brand new these are not useful at all because you're going to get a file that's going to be too hard to work with once you get into the kind of intermediate level stage these become really useful because you can open them up make the changes necessary and yeah save yourself a lot of time okay so you hover above them some of them are pretty cheese but some of them are pretty cool as well okay so you can just work your way through them and just kind of get an idea of like how you might do it anyway okay so kind of one of the competitors for video hive is pond5 okay same sort of thing hover above them you'll see infographics interesting kind of text treatments okay lots in here just to get your kind of ideas flowing one of the last places i'll show you is out of the title while not infographics it's really cool for just beautiful uses of mainly type okay and live action footage but you can i get great ideas from here okay for even just simple motion graphics just the way type has been treated and animated so i like to go to this is the home page if you go down to like all features and then you end up looking at these and this is the top 10 from 2016 and you just go through i've got a couple of them primed and ready to go in here somewhere like this one here just interesting you know how are you going to deal with the type there's a kind of a big thing moving in the background it's kind of flickering all the stuff that can be done in after effects i'm not saying they're exactly right but was there any other ones that i liked that's why i stopping here this is quite cool just real big slabby use of color and type anyway i'm rambling so those are some good places to go and get some ideas before you get started on your next project all right let's get into the videos okay so we're going to bring in our first project so i'm going to hit play on this project and we're going to listen to it and watch it all the way through this is what we're going to be making for the first part of this course icon animations all sorts of amazing infography type things let's give it a watch and at the end we'll hit stop and we'll go off and create our new document and get started the value of sleep for creatives now there is an ongoing debate in our household about the value of sleep my wife a solid eight hour a night lady is forever reminding me using finger quotes there to get more sleep i on the other hand and certain all i need to perform at my best is just five to six hours so as long as i'm in bed by 1am i am good to go by 6 30. now my problem is that i love to work in the quiet of the night where the whole world is asleep and nobody can get me more fingerprints for me there's something about that slight hint of exhaustion fueled by a bit of caffeine that makes me excited and creative at that time of the night so what is it about sleep deprivation or insomnia that appears to aid my creativity okay simple enough but some cool techniques we're going to learn in here so let's now jump in and make our first document okay so we've opened up after effects now it's time to create our first file they call them projects okay and inside of these projects we have something called a composition or referred to as comps so the project doesn't really do anything click new project and you just get this kind of like blank window the thing of projects is just like an empty placeholder the comps that you put inside of it are think of them as like pages in a document okay you can have a document without any pages it's not very helpful so a project is not very much without any comps so we're going to create our first comp you'd think you'd go to file new bra nope under composition new composition okay so there's two ways of creating a comp you go comp position new composition like we are here you give your comp a name so this is going to be my my first comp okay and in here there's a lot of settings but pretty much all you need to do is go down to this presets and pick hdtv 1080 25 that's going to be hd resolution at 25 frames per second that does most of the world most of the time occasionally if you need to go to tv and you're in the us okay you got to use 29.97 it doesn't really matter especially if you're going out to say social media youtube vimeo your website it doesn't matter are these two here the negligible differences you could also pick 24 but nobody picks that so just pick this one here okay hdtv 1080 1080 is the pixel height of your video okay and the width is you can see here 920 but when somebody says 1080p they mean the height of the video 720p is standard definition and that is the pixel height of the video we're making 4k okay down here you could be working in 4k if you've got the footage for it the only problem at the moment with 4k is the file sizes are quite big youtube accepts it so you might do it okay there's no problem with that but it gets pretty hard on your system when we start animating things i've got a pretty good macbook pro it's only a few months old and i got all the optional extras and working in 4k just kills it so i don't work in 4k because it's just too hard now and people watching it i don't know who's going to see my um web animation infographics on a 4k monitor anyway square pixels perfect frame rate don't change this resolution okay stick it up to full all that means is that this can change occasionally in case you can export a video and it's going to export a quarter quality okay it's like turning the resolution way down we want the quality to be at full and then the duration okay it's up to you i think the default i can't remember it's 10 seconds i think and this is how many frames okay so 10 seconds is the second lot here that's the one you need to remember so how long is this going to be it's hard at the beginning especially if you're not working to say some live action live action is going to have a start and an end so you know how long it is but if you're working in your own kind of time you're like how long should this thing be take a guess okay it's easy to shorten it up that is to extend it so we're gonna start with 10 seconds background color here i wouldn't change it here because if it doesn't really matter what you change the color to when you export it it's going to be black weird huh so if i go like this and say actually i'm going to use one of these colors over here you think the background color is going to be yes red okay but when it renders it goes out black that's just kind of like a placeholder color you actually have to draw a big red box in the background for that to actually export cool so now we can start working the other way to create a comp and this happens a lot especially if you've got footage you're working to in my case we're working to a pre-existing mp3 okay with some dialogue on it that we're going to be animating our infographics too so it's a set piece it's a certain amount of seconds long okay so we could open the mp3 work out how long it is and try and match the comp but there's an easier way so i'm going to bend this thing here okay and what i'm going to do in my project window here this is where all my files go from my project anything that we import videos sound effects shapes from illustrator anything goes in here so we're going to go to file import go to files now if you haven't already download the exercise files okay mine are here on my desktop we looked at how to download those in the previous video go check that out okay so in here i'm going to go into it our first project is going to be this one called icon pop open them up okay and we're working to this value of sleep mp3 okay so i'm going to bring that in we're going to use that and because that has a certain time it's 29 seconds and seven frames long so what we can do is just right click it and say make comp from selection okay the cool thing about it is that it's matched my 1080p you can kind of see it small up the top here and the right frame rate but it's matched the length of it perfect because there's no need for it to be any longer so the big things when you are getting started if you are good at after effects you can skip through the next video but we're just going to look at little things here with that's the mp3 what through and now magically this is the comp it's used the same name as this so what we're going to do is just rename it just to say we're going to add comp to the end we'll do this while we're learning okay just so they know where that's a composition the reason we know it's a composition is mainly because of this icon here see this little film reel with some bits on it okay that is the comp and these are the important things these are the things that will export at the end the other pages in my document remember project is this overall empty space these are the things that you need at least one you can have multiple pages okay lots of different animations lots of separate animated infographics or data visualizations in here okay but we're just gonna have one for the moment okay your comp appears down here in the timeline okay there it is value of sleep comp and it's automatically put my mp3 on the timeline so there's my little playhead okay i can drag that back and forth my cti okay i've hit spacebar on my keyboard it's me talking to myself okay so that's the mp3 playing that's going to be along the bottom there just doing its thing we're going to lock it see this little locking icon here and you'll notice that these little tags in here i added these when i was first putting together these project photos i did these with something called markers and we'll look at them later on but it's just going to help us know when these infographics are meant to appear now one thing we'll do just before we move on is that everyone go up to window go to workspace and click on default and then go back into there workspace and then go to reset default just to get everything looking the same as me if you do find during the class you end up dragging that over there and that becomes there and it's all mixed up just go back to window workspace still on default we're going to reset default go back it's a good way to get yourself unlost all right let's go to the next video hey there in this video we're going to bring in some audio we're going to put it into some folders we're going to bring in some music and look out where to get some of that for free and then we're going to balance it so that my voice isn't so low and the music is down a bit so you can hear it underneath me let's hit it the value of sleep for creatives it's made me sound a little more like i know what i'm doing anyway let's get on with the course which i do know what i'm doing with most of the time okay let's deal with audio properly in this video so we're dealing with a voiceover it's me okay and if you obviously if you're doing your own voice over it makes it easy if you've got a half decent mic it's pretty easy to do um but probably you're gonna be like most people and hate the sound of your own voice me included okay but it was cheaper to do my own voiceover than paying somebody else for this exercise so you got stuck with me if you do want to hire talent okay what i do is i go out to a site like fiverr so fiverr fiverr is a site you mean to pay five euro five dollars or euros where i am okay and it's what people will do for five dollars this guy will do a voice over here for five us dollars that's the euro translation okay or the currency exchange and if you click play you can listen to todd him hello todd great so he'll do that for five dollars a certain amount of words okay so it seems cheap but bank on it being about twenty five dollars to fifty dollars depending because he might say i'll do the first uh you know the first 50 words for five dollars or the first 10 words whatever his rates are okay and you might have to go further than that and if you want it done like he'll say it's five dollars but i'll do it when i get around to it okay maybe a week or if you want it done straight away um you might have to pay another ten dollars so it kind of adds up and by adding up 25 bucks is pretty cheap for a voice over okay so just have a go through and just say do i need a caribbean voiceover or do i need this guy or that guy he has a great like normal voice okay if you need somebody who's irish if you need somebody who's australian or english just type it in up here okay i just typed in voiceover to get these guys and it's amazing what you can get done quite quickly and cheaply all right so we've got our voiceover back to after effects so when you are working with audio especially a voiceover often you need to time things to it you can see i've added little markers down here we'll look at these markers a little bit later on i've added them here so at this early stage we can add our infographics at different timing points but if you need to edit audio what you really need to do is something on audition it's down here okay so i recorded it into audition and did any edits so i cut out all the ums and r's and made it sound half decent okay in audition if you need to remove background noises the air conditioning noise something like that that's the job for audition and i'll do a course about that real soon okay so and we've got our mp3 it's come through and one of the things you might want to do is see i can twirl down this little arrow here and go to waveform waveform is really handy you can start to see where the breaks in the language are you can see i paused there for a little bit so you can kind of start timing things like i'm probably starting to say something about here i'm going to hit spacebar you can see i've got the beginning of a conversation there i often have this open when i'm trying to time infographics to uh an audio file like this i'm gonna twirl that up at the moment now one of the big things is you wouldn't have seen i had that open already but um when i hit the play for this it's quite quiet okay and you don't really notice it when you're working in your projects you need to check whenever you bring in audio to check whether it's at the right level you don't want to send your infographic somewhere okay and people will be listening to it and it'll either blow their eardrums out or just be really really low and they they raise the volume okay and then the next video below zero drums out so you want to get consistent there's a world consistency sound okay and it's between minus six and minus twelve yeah minus is weird huh disables work from zero being the highest okay and you work down from that how to check it's quite easy go to window okay go down to audio okay or in my case there's that little gap there and this little guy is what we're gonna be watching for and see the gap between minus six and about -12 you want if i hit spacebar watch it see it bouncing down here okay it's bouncing too low okay you want to be bouncing that little line to be bouncing anywhere between here and here's a good kind of general range any higher than that see red bad okay yellow just okay but in here's the sweet zone and all you need to do is have it selected okay um what we might have to do is uh if you've got it locked like the last video is unlock it select it and just yank it up a bit and then see how it goes it's spacebar not bad i'm gonna get a little bit higher yep bouncing in that right kind of sweet zone you can see there it's never perfect okay and so but that's gonna be great for me okay next thing is let's bring in the rest of the audio we can go to file import file okay it's a long way there's a shortcut command i on a mac or control i on a pc you use that loads to be honest i'd never use it i just double click in this big gray area here in my project window so just double click that's the shortcut to it i find it quite quick anyway so there's two files go to your exercise files okay and under icon pop okay one icon pop bring in bloop okay dot mp3 and double click it again let's bring in a second file it's just under the root infographic exercise files it's called background music okay we're going to use these on all the different um exercises we do so hey how it's in its own folder and all of these files here they're a mixture of free because somebody like wistia have given them out to us so wistia is w-i-s-t-a go check out them they've got some free background music that i saw the other day and i appropriated for some of my projects the other ones in here okay um are from shutterstock okay so it's a stock music site okay and i've paid for them actually these ones are the preview versions so what you'll notice is that you'll play it for a little while and it plays all happy music but then part the way through it says shutterstock music okay so to kind of ruin the mp3 for you so that you go off and pay for it okay so you're not allowed to use these commercially okay any of the shutter stock ones but you can kind of see here this one here is the wooster learning gallery okay and they allow you to use it for commercial purposes so i'm going to use interlaken crossroad at this stage follow me you can make it different of course um but i've done this project obviously and tried to find something appropriate but hey ho so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add it to my comp you can do it a couple of ways you can drag it down here okay the only problem is if you drag it down here see that little playhead there the blue thing if you drag there it kind of starts way out here so it doesn't start to like get so you've either got to drag it down here just make sure it's at the beginning or just drag it into the center bit here okay and it just goes in right at the beginning so a couple of things i would like to do is i would like to create a folder in here put all my audio in okay often if i'm doing infographics there will be a files folder an audio folder a video folder and i leave the comps just out of there okay so i'm going to create this one here this one's going to be audio and i'm going to stick you you in there okay and we're going to make a files files is just like any static images and any other weird stuff i get okay and you notice when you create a new one let's put it inside of files we can fix that this one's going to be any video this project's not going to actually have some but let's get some good etiquette going early on so um in my i'm going to tour that up so that's my files okay one of the other things is if i play now okay you can see that they're all kind of battling it out okay the voice over here the value of sleep is at the same level as the music but they kind of fight it out when i start talking so i'm going to lower the volume of this music okay so with it selected here i'm going to do the opposite of what i did with the voiceover and lower it down how low just keep dropping it down until that feels good okay so just keep lowering it down until you feel like yeah that works for me okay so low as you go it's really just a balance with that whatever has to be the highest which is going to be our dialogue so i'm going to lock these two here so we don't mess around with them and we're going to move on to the next video okay in this video we're going to bring in a background image and lock it it's going to be easy let's go do it okay so weird feature of after effects we talked about it before if i make a new comp and i pick a color okay it doesn't really matter when i export it it goes black it's just there as a backing color okay so we're going to turn ours back to black and click on it go back to black okay that's most common start life like and if i want to put in the colored background okay we put in just a big rectangle now we could draw it okay but it's easier just to go to layer new and there's one called solid okay click on solid i'm going to call this my background background color okay and it's going to match the height and width of my video great everything's perfect pick a color okay any color any color you like click ok now when i export it it's going to be green in the background what i want to do is not move it around so i'm going to lock it awesome that's how to put a background color in so i'm going to bin that color sorry okay we just made it but we're going to bring in an image so i'm going to double click anywhere in this gray area i'm going to go to infographic exercise files i'm going to go to icon pop it's the first one there's one thing called background okay we're going to bring it in put it into my files there's there okay and then i'm going to drag him on to here and he's too big okay so you can like a lot of programs you can kind of zoom out okay i'm using the wheel of my mouse but you can use command plus and minus if you're on a mac or control plus or minus on a pc and what you'll find though is you can grab the edges and it's fine but weirdly that's true of lots of adobe products but down here there's one in here called transform and scale okay you can just drag it down i don't know why but it is easier okay to use this these controls down the bottom here especially when you get multiple layers okay so i'm going to twirl that back up up to you so i'm going to lock that layer boom background image i just dropped the lightness of this in photoshop we'll do it later on and after it's ourselves using one of the effects easy so we've got our background in next video please hi there in this tutorial we're going to look at type and then we'll look at bringing in new fonts from typekit which is free as part of your creative cloud license let's go and do that now in after effects okay so let's put in our text grab the type tool along here the capital t and i'm going to you can click and drag to get a box with like boundaries okay so it gets to the edge good for body text when you've got a lot of text to go in and i'm going to actually see down here this layer here i'm going to click on it hit delete on my keyboard i'm going to do a different way just click once and you get a type box that goes on forever mine is align center at the moment okay so i'm going to go over here we've got character and there's paragraph if you can't see either of these they're under window and this character and there's paragraph you only both of them working with type i'm on paragraph i'm gonna make my left aligned and put in some type okay the value of sleep for creatives okay so i'm gonna put a return in just to break this up a little bit i'm gonna select it all do some typey things okay i'm one's on ariel at the moment i'm gonna make mine all caps okay and i'm gonna go pick a font now under character here we've got all the fonts that are on your machine okay so you can pick one of those obviously but if you've got a creative cloud subscription okay you can go off to typekit and get a whole bunch of new fonts they're really good and they're free well they're part of your paid subscription so let's go check that out now this is typekit it might ask you to log in there's me hello daniel okay and what you can do is go through and just pick a font okay so so there's lots of them go to the fonts drop down okay and you'll get lots of kind of examples of stuff go through and just pick the one you want over here are some helpful bits to say i want stuff that's good for headings okay and it'll sort it out from there or so let's say i'm gonna turn that off i want ones that are serif fonts which means they've got the little feet okay off all the edges okay so you can go and um hunt these down and switch them out hand fonts is hard to go and find okay there's lots of other things you can go and do in here as well one of the things you might consider is the width okay sometimes it's nice to be working with a skinny font okay because um especially if you want um you've got a lot of copy to go into your infographic okay and it's just easier or lots of numbers to go into your graphs okay it's easy to fit in skinny type you fit a lot more digits in now the one i'm going to use for this class is going to be roboto i'm going to bring in both roboto and robotoslab click on one of them and then just click this button over here and it says sync i've already synced mine and that's it just click on sync i did i'll do it for a roboto and robotoslab and yeah they just appear in after effects you don't have to do anything i love it all right back over there so with it selected i'm gonna go you my fan they're gonna be a roboto i'll use the slab version for this okay and there's some different weights okay but that's fine for me i changed my mind don't like the slab cool and still bold there's even a black version okay so grab back to this arrow here section two okay to move stuff around so i'm gonna still use my left aligned it could be centered ah we'll leave it there what i might do is okay there'll be times in this course where you're like um should you just move on and this is one of those times where i start messing around with fonts for no reason other than my own pleasure cool so that is going to be it for type and typekit because it's not that hard let's go and start bringing in the icons we'll use in our infographic hey there hey i hope you're enjoying the course so far if you are like the video thank you uh maybe subscribe to the channel as well also want to let you know that this particular video that you're watching is only a small part of the complete course so there's loads more to do in the full course if you're interested what you can see in front of you here now are the things that we go on to make in that full course the link for it is in the description and if you do decide to come and subscribe to the full courses you also get access to my premiere pro photoshop illustrator indesign xd dreamweaver courses there you can earn certificates get help from dedicated teaching assistants there's an exclusive insider's podcast plus regular design challenges to really kind of practice the skills you've learned and develop stuff for your portfolio all right that's my sales pitch over enjoy the rest of the video okay so you need to find some icons and you don't want to pay for them okay there's a couple of cool sites is a great one they have a mixture of paid and unpaid okay and so let's say we need a picture of a woman okay or an icon or a woman now by default yours will be set to any into any into no license filtering okay and you'll start with these ones here you can see they're not expensive okay so one us dollar for some of them and what we want to do is though i want vector ones because i want them to be scalable in after effects you don't want any okay most of them are all vector anyway then i want to go for free because i'm cheap and i want to go down to licensing and i want the ones that say for commercial use but i don't have to put a link anywhere you can go to this one here commercial use but you have to add a link somewhere to explain where you got it from i'm going to go for the full cheap way cool and you can see there's quite a few here i can pick from so when you are picking some of these okay say you decide that this is the one for you okay and when you are downloading it download the svg version okay the png is a pixel version so not vector and when you scale it up it won't be great okay it'll pixelate whereas this one won't okay so download this version because it's an svg you might have to open it up depending on the version of svg you might have to open up an illustrator and copy it and do a resave okay and save it as an illustrator file to use it in after effects we'll do that in the next video showing how to make the icons from illustrator to use in after effects we'll do that and so that's icon finder i use this it's quite a big resource i love it the other great place is actually from adobe itself and it's their creative cloud app on a mac it's up here it's this creative cloud cloudy looking icon okay and um you've got these options on the top on a pc i'm pretty sure it's down the bottom right okay you'll find the same icon and you'll be at home go to assets go to market and then here at the top there's a search icon okay and we're going to put in woman the cool thing about this is that all of this is commercial use you don't have to add links just the quality and quantity aren't as much okay but this can be super useful and helpful like um what's really cool about it is have a look at here first and then jump out to maybe iconfinder that's what i do at least okay so say you decide um maybe not that one but say we decided to use this one this little button here okay we can bring it into my library the cool thing about it is that's it if you jump into after effects now you can see it's downloading in the background there into my infographics animation and there's that lovely lady ready to go now we'll use this a lot during the class okay this assets market and it's really good for icons it doesn't have many images in there but so it's mainly for icons all right let's get on to the next video all right one thing before we go actually is say an icon finder the cool thing about here is they're often they're part of a bigger group so you might pick this woman but you also need a man okay or a ninja okay so um i icon finder has some really good groups of things to go okay if you get into the kind of like super icon uh downloading mode you can see here there's a per month cost okay you can get download 25 a month okay or unlimited for 29. all right now let's get on to animating them hello beautiful people in this video we are going to look at cc libraries and why they're awesome for your infographic and data visualization work okay you can see them over here we're going to bring in colors and icons and all sorts of cool stuff we're going to work a little bit with illustrator let's go and check out the awesomeness now in this video okay first things first we're going to open up the file that i've got the icons in okay so i am not in after effects or anything i'm just in the finder in mac so if you're on a windows pc just go to your desktop and try and find the exercise files open up one icon pop open up one an adobe illustrator file now when it comes to illustrator and after effects they just can't live without each other illustrator is designed to make icons and graphics and illustrations and after effects can do it kind of badly okay so even though you might not have any illustrator skills it's not going to be that hard for what we need to use it for so these are icons that somebody else has made check out one of my illustrator courses if you want to get into this in more detail but what we're going to do is under we're going to reset our workspace just to make sure it's like yours so we can get started reset essentials okay now first thing we want to do is we're going to look at something called libraries so you might be using the adobe creative cloud now but ignoring these libraries they keep popping up and you're like go away this is the video that's going to convince you that they are super awesome and you should start using them especially with after effects so first thing we're going to do is you'll probably go to my library and like me it's probably filled with junk or empty if you're not using it okay so we're going to go down to see this is my library if you can't see libraries go to window there it is there libraries and click my library and go down create new library okay and this one here is going to be infographic animation course byol okay and what i'll do is i'll add a link to the screen right here okay this link that link there okay that will link you to this library click on the link it'll take you through you'll have to sign in with your adobe password and magically you'll have this exact same one that we're creating here if you don't want to do that don't worry you don't have to we'll create our own as you go along so we've created our new library it says drag and drop assets easy so what we're going to do is say you so i've selected it all grab my black arrow selected a box around it all grab them all just dump it in there i'm gonna double click the word artwork one and this is going to be icon one house okay i never name them i just leave them whatever they come through as but we're gonna be super official here i want you to do what i say but not as i do type thing okay so we're going to drag these along okay i'm going to speed this up or at least taylor or jason is so ready city go phew that's the reason i don't rename them takes forever but i'm going to share this with you so i wanted to make it look nice cool so why is it so good you're like awesome you've chucked them into that box there what's really cool is we jump to after effects now hold on okay and in here there's libraries okay and the cool thing about libraries is in here there's my infographic one that i've made hey and there's all my icons i can start dragging them out okay and you still might not be super impressed what you can do though is you can right click it and say i want to edit it open and set up back in illustrator it's not the same thing okay it's like a copy of that original one but i can go into here and i can say actually this thing here if you know illustrator you can start editing things i'm not sure what i'm doing okay i'm wrecking it but if i hit save it updates there and look over here i've updated there and wrecked it okay so i'm going to go back into here i'm going to undo all the wrecking hit save again close it down and notice that it's here it's fine okay so it's connected between all these products so it's great for things like logos for your business okay i've got ones in here for lots of different projects and companies because saves me having to go off and try and find them on my hard drive now what i'm gonna do for this course to make life a little easier with libraries is that they're kind of tied in with all these panels that i use quite a bit now what i've got actually is another screen it's just over here you can't see it okay but there's a big screen next to this screen and i often will put these panels over there and what you can do is let's say the library grab the word library click hold and drag it okay and you can go way and drag it over to this panel here you can't see it here but that's where i stick it okay but what i'm going to do so you can keep seeing what i'm doing is i'm dragging it you can see all these weird things it means that it's going to go above below next to it i want it next to it this bit here okay so i'm going to have these guys so i can get to my character panel paragraphs and over here under my libraries okay it's a bit small come here drag it out there we go there so i can see stuff and i want to make it just a little bit wider cool so cc libraries are awesome for some like that's pretty cool the other nice thing is that premiere the exact same library pairs photoshop so you're kind of connecting them all together it doesn't have to be icons you can drag stuff in from photoshop you can drag videos into here you can drag any sort of thing and by any sort of thing let's go check out what else we can drag let's jump back into illustrator so here in illustrator i'm going to grab my white arrow okay and i'm going to click on this kind of circle around the outside you can see that's the fill color i would like that to be part of this library and you can do it by clicking this plus button down the bottom and you can by default it's probably got all of these selected it'll bring in the graphic which is my icon the fill and stroke color i don't need this red color because it's white and i don't need the graphic because i've already got it i'm going to click add there's just the color swatch it's the perfect swatch to match that if you've got your brand colors for your company okay you can go and do that so i'm going to go through and add all of these colors okay these are the colors i'm going to use for my project we're not going to now but you can add things like paragraph styles and bunches of text and character styles all sorts of awesome things end up in libraries one more thing before we go is that if you are using libraries and you're out of company and you're like oh this would be awesome imagine if i could share it with someone okay up under libraries here there's little swipey lines here the hamburger menu click on that and go to collaborate collaborates and share link that kind of they sound the same collaborate will mean i can share it with my colleague next to me okay so malcolm's there and i say collaborate with him and he can add remove delete and edit because i trust him he knows what he's doing okay um i wouldn't though malcolm is an amazing developer but not with my library but anyway and let's say i just need to share it because i'm like malcolm's going to ruin this i need to just share a link okay that means he can get it he can see it but he can't mess with it okay so it's up to you how you want to do it that link that i had earlier in this okay is the one i went share link okay and i went and turned it on to be public you can click on that work through it it's not hard to do okay all right so now back over to after effects now why did we come back over here i'm not sure okay we're done for this video let's move on to the next one hi there in this video we're going to do this where it fades in and then goes for a little bit and then this guy appears we'll play with a scale so we're going to just do some basic animation it's quick it's easy let's make it happen in after effects okay so i'm in my value of sleep comp okay double click it there i've got my two audio files locked and i'm gonna lock the background layer and what we'll do is we'll get this text to fade in and then we'll get our icons to pop up so make sure your playhead is right at the beginning and what we're going to do is twirl down this little arrow here and we're going to twirl down transform and what we're going to do is play with the opacity the beginning of my timeline i'm going to click this little stopwatch okay and what happens with that is that it sets a keyframe here at whatever setting this is so it's set at a keyframe at 100 opacity i can adjust it by clicking holding and dragging across or you can just click it once and type it in okay so i want to be at zero here and after a bit of time how far generally what i do is i just hold down the space bar i'll click the spacebar once and then turn it off again when i feel like it's been long enough which is that feels long enough okay so it's been about one second and all i'm going to do is click hold and drag that up and you'll see that as i drag it up it's created a second keyframe so first keyframe is at zero next keyframes at 100. so now hopefully and what we'll do is after some time i want it to then fade out now one of the problems that happens with everybody that's new and in my classes is that they'll now go and turn this down to zero okay to fade out but they don't add any pause because what happens now watch this is it goes up and then just instantly starts coming back down again think of it as a ramp okay it starts at zero gets 100 and then starts coming down straight away what i'd like to do is have a bit of a flat area where it stays at 100 for a while before it fades out so i'm going to undo to get rid of that keyframe to do that is i'm at about 2 seconds and 21 frames okay so and what i'm going to do is see this little diamond here click on him that forces in a keyframe without you having to adjust this so it means that that is hundred now that is a hundred now if i move along a little bit further i'm gonna set it down to zero okay so ramp goes up zero to 100 stays at 100 for a while and the ram comes down back to zero the value of sleep for creatives cool so next bit of animation is going to be when this house appears okay you can kind of that's where i say it you can't hear the audio very well through my microphone but that's when the house kind of appears so what we're going to do is twirl up this get it nice and clean is i'm going to drag in my house whereas the house is down the bottom here of my libraries panel i'm going to put them over here somewhere okay and i'm going to zoom out yeah it's just going to be in that top corner you can this one here fit we'll make sure the comp is perfectly centered in the center there with these icons you can resize them by grabbing the corners okay now a little bit weird in after effects if you know some of the adobe products if you want to make sure the height and width doesn't change and you want to drag these corners here you because without holding anything down they scale weirdly okay so what you do is you start dragging so it's scaling weirdly then hold shift okay and i'm holding down my mouse key and my shift key okay and you can adjust the sizes we're not going to because i've kind of made them all pretty good in illustrator in the last course okay so they're all the right size so i'm gonna leave those so what we're gonna do now is at the moment it starts right at the beginning i'd like it to start just before the word i say the word house okay is i want to click hold and drag this colored part drag it drag it drag it drag you see the beginning comes along so now you can see it kind of just starts a little bit later on household so we'll get the timing right in a second but that's about right so what i'd like to do is i'd like to put my playhead at the beginning of this layer here now i can kind of zoom in and make sure it's perfect but our first little shortcut is going to be holding down the shift key while you're dragging your playhead or the current time indicator okay so hold down the shift key and what happens is it'll jump to significant parts in your timeline you can see it kind of jumps to the beginning of this it also jumps to those markers can you see jumps to the beginning so it's just a really good thing to hold down hold down shift whenever you're dragging your timeline cool so first thing i want to do is i want to twirl this down and i want to find the scale so we're going to set the stopwatch going on scale okay so we've got a keyframe and that scales at 100 i'm going to turn it down to zero click on i was going to drag it too far i'm going to just type in zero okay and so it's a zero then a bit further along okay i'm going to drag it up to 100. cool so now starts there and very slowly it appears okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to zoom in a little bit on my timeline to zoom in okay just type the plus button on your keyboard okay just plus nothing else minus zooms out okay and what i want to do is maybe just bring this in so it's happening a little bit faster yeah it's about right okay we need to play around with easing and a few other things but it's kind of there so great i'm gonna twirl this in okay so it's all nice and tidy and now we could start bringing in all the rest of them you can see the wife okay and i'm gonna bring in my kind of my wife okay and i'm gonna drag it along and start this bit further along so it starts here holding shift to get it to the front i'm going to twirl this down transform turn scale on set it to zero move it along a little bit and then drag it up to a hundred you can drag it past a hundred times up a hundred okay so i could keep going through and doing this for all the different icon appearances but what's going to happen is i'm going to do it for all of these and then the next thing i want to do is easing so i'm going to have to go and do that to all of them separately then i'm going to have to add some sounds and i have to do all them separately so what you'll tend to do is i'm going to delete the girl okay and we're just going to work on the home get it perfect get it popping and bouncing a little starburst and then we'll duplicate it and just switch out the icon that's a lot easier than trying to do it repetitively for all the separate icons so let's work on home and then later on we'll go and switch them out for all the different icons all right let's get on to the next video where we get rid of this kind of like lame powerpointy zoom in thing we're going to add a little bit of life to it and that is called easing hi there in this video we're going to look at easing basically it's going to turn boring animation into something a little bit more lifelike and interesting so the bottom one ready is gonna be boring the top one is gonna be nice with easing boring nice boring nice see okay easing just adds a little bit of life to pretty much any animation in after effects let's go and do that now okay so to work on easing we're going to click on our icon one house okay and what we're going to do is twirl this down so we can see the keyframes that we're working on now this can be quite complicated as in we've got we can see anchor point and position it's quite messy especially when you start twirling down a few of these okay it gets all kind of ugly looking to make it a little nicer is have this layer selected have it completely twirled up and click the u key on your keyboard all that does is that it brings down only the attributes that have keyframes applied to them so the stuff you're probably going to work with so it's hiding anchor point in position they're still there you can close it up open it back up but just type u it keeps everything nice and clean while you're working okay i'm going to get my player close hit the plus key to zoom in now at the moment it's doing this kind of like it's not very nice i'm going to turn off the sound okay see these here i turn these off just so that i can't hear the music the problem is if you export it okay it'll have no music and voice over so make sure you turn them back on so um yeah very power pointy okay just kind of like appears a bit lame so what i want to do is apply easing now what a lot of people do is they'll select this keyframe and this keyframe so i'm holding down shift and click both of them they go blue right click any one of them and actually you can click f9 if you're on a pc and that applies easy ease if you're like me on a mac and f9 opens up a bunch of other things like itunes or something okay you can't use that shortcut but if you right-click any of them go to keyframe assistant and there's easy ease okay that there changes them from diamonds to these little hourglasses and it gives it a little bit of easing watch this i'm gonna it's better okay it's a little hard to see okay but it gives it a little bit of resistance at the beginning and the end and gives it a little bit of light and that's gonna be a huge part of this class we're gonna look at easing plus a bunch of other tricks to give our icons a bit of anthropomorphism okay so what we're going to do is so easy ease is great i never use it because i like to crank it up even higher so to do that you can manually type it in so i'm going to right click it and we're going to go to this one instead of assistant go to keyframe velocity so what easy ease does is it changes it from 0 to 33.3 percent okay and that's kind of like gives it a little bit of influence but i like to crank it right up to 75 75 on both of these okay both the in and out points works fine click ok so it's kind of like an easys but like extreme version now kick back and watch this i like it lots more anyway okay it's just got a better flow to it if it's going a little fast i feel like mine is i can just gonna click on one of these icons and separate them out yeah that's got a nicer feeling to it that my friends is considered ease we're actually using velocity but you can use those terms in this case interchangeably now we could do it to the fade in okay so i'm going to zoom out go back and minus out a little bit so you can see my whole animation remember this text fades in okay so to see just click on the text layer how do i see just the key frames that we made for this maybe the fade in that's right click you on your keyboard so there's my keyframes now i could do easing for this but for opacity i can't see the difference you might decide that you play around with it and you're like you can see the difference in easing in opacity and that's totally fine i just find like it doesn't really matter what velocity you play around with it there's not a whole lot of difference when you're playing with transparency or opacity so i'm just going to leave those and get on to the next video okay i'm going to show you this one now because you're probably if you haven't got lost already you're going to get lost at some stage especially if you're new and the main culprit is this uh so i'm looking at my comp here value of sleep and then i click on this and actually i'm a double clicker okay and i double click it by accident and end up in here and you're like oh man where is everything gone okay it might be blank you might have clicked on something else like the background if i unlock that and double click it okay i've gone inside of it you're like i'm sure there was some text here okay but it's all gone all that's happened is you've gone inside the layer okay here's my comp back here all my lovely stuff on it okay but you can dive inside any of these objects by double clicking on it problem is the timeline doesn't change okay so all you need to do is close it down or just jump back to over here okay where it says composition nothing's being lost you're fine but that'll happen to everybody eventually all right next video hi there in this animation we're going to add little noises behind our animations to make them feel more real like this guy creatives now there is an ongoing debate in our household about there is okay you see that little blop noise let's go figure out where we can find them and how to implement them okay so let's first of all find our sound okay so if you need sounds for like interface kinds of things like we're gonna do for this pop you need some clicks you need some bumps some groans just like little noises often the term to look for is interface noises and there's no real one place i use quite a bit because the licensing allows me to use them free but double check the licenses before you go and use them and the weird thing is looking for them like say you want a noise and you can hear it in your head okay i'm not sure if i'm explaining that right but you know what the noise is but how do you describe it in words so you might go zap okay you like in is this the noise wow okay so or bloop is the one i want okay that's the one i wanted okay none of those are weird you can download them easy by clicking on them and downloading i've got one ready for us in this animation so let's jump into after effects what i did was in your audio files that we brought in earlier i've made this blop okay and actually just recorded it myself i made a noise that like i made a noise on my microphone like this okay or okay any of those little noises i use quite a bit for my animations because hey i get the exact noise that i want and i get to use them commercially because i made them you're allowed to use my blob whenever you like okay you have my full rights so what i'd like to do is just time it right okay so when the house appears and i'm gonna bring in this blop nice and what i might have to do as well is turn my audio back on just to get the timing right i'm going to turn on the value of sleep turn the sound on now try and time it all together probably needs to come along a little bit yeah it's not bad okay everyone's going to be slightly different because you're working on your own file maybe a little bit further along then it comes down to a little a little bit about this trying to get everything timed nicely that feels okay it's maybe going a bit slow my little pop as well so anyway we've looked at where to get sounds from okay we've made our own and we've applied it these are one of the things that get often overlooked when you're like watching somebody else's infographic and you're like oh that's cool and you don't notice all the little noises in the background that kind of add the life to the little animations okay so just keep an eye out for those sorts of noises and see if you can find similar ones and don't forget to add it to your own work all right let's get on to the next video hello world in this video we're going to look at doing a little starburst watch this icon up here watch the little starburst okay it's this little effect we'll see that little star bursty ray thing that appears okay at the same time as the icon okay we're gonna make that in this video okay so the first thing we need to do is draw a shape now you can't just go and draw a rectangle and use this okay we need a rectangle but we need the center of the world to be in the middle of the rectangle and it's a lot easier to do that if we just double click up here so i'm going to use the rounded rectangle tool just looks kind of cool with it being a little bit blobby okay and just double click the icon it throws in a rectangle right in the center of our space it's it's far too big we can resize it there's no problem there's a few different ways of resizing things okay if i grab the edge i'm actually scaling it i want to actually change its physical size and we do it by down here on my shape layer under rectangle one okay and here there is rectangle path okay that's its chord size position and rounded edges so what i'd like to do is i'd like it to be a size of about i want to start at a width of about 30 and a height of zero and what you'll notice is okay is it gets down to zero if you don't unlink this okay so i want the width to be 30 okay and the height to be zero so make sure that chain link is broken otherwise they're connected now what you'll see is i'm going to zoom in a bit you can see it's 30 pixels wide and zero high so that's how it's going to start what i'm going to do is bring my playhead back to the beginning here so what i want to do is animate this so i'm going to turn on my keyframe so at frame one the size is going to be 30 by zero and then after about a second okay it's going to be zero so it's going to be very thin but very tall how tall i'm going to make it about 60. really depends on what you want to do and watch let's see the difference between the two and kind of goes bloop cool i'm going to go back to fit i find this is good because i can see it in proportion to everything else especially because now i want to move it so we're going to set a keyframe for position make sure your play head is here at zero okay move along to this one okay remember hold shift on your keyboard and it will lock into the exact same position as this keyframe so they line up and where i want it to go x and y y is the second one and i want to drag it kind of to the negatives which makes it go up weird huh cool so it's going to start down there and then move up there afterwards so we've got two keyframes i'm going to preview it okay if you're like me while you're previewing it's a little hard when there's all this other music playing and everything animating behind it so what we're going to do is on our shape layer here let's just twirl it down so we can't see it okay and what i'd like to do is just turn off the eyeball on these other layers and the sounds off these layers we'll turn them back on in a second just so that we can see this guy in isolation cool so we've got this little guy he's doing his little thing the animation's not very nice so we're going to use the u key that'll show us the keyframes for this i'm going to select all these guys and i'm going to right click one of them go to keyframe velocity and change to my famous 75 click okay one thing you'll notice is that i tried to do them all in one go but i only did one set okay i hadn't done these guys because size changes x and y so there was two options in here but position only has uh we're only adjusting the y okay so it can't do both of them the same time so you just have to do these separately so sometimes you can change them all in one big go by selecting them all sometimes though if it didn't separately hopefully a little nicer now okay you add your own block noise so the next thing i need to do is kind of repeat it around in a circle so i'm going to kind of put my playhead halfway between these two just so i can see it okay and what we need to do is add what's called a repeater you do it i'm going to twirl that up twirl it back up to see everything in here and make sure you've got layer one selected okay shape layer one click this word add and just add this one called a repeater repeat there's an effect okay and what we can do here just have a look there's three of them there you go have it back in the middle here what we want to do is open up repeater and we want to change a few things one is how many copies so i'm going to have 13. it doesn't really matter how many you have you can experiment with what looks good okay and you can see now it's got 13 of them by default what it does is that it repeats its position 100 pixels to the right so what we want to do is go to transform repeater and where it says position okay we want to say actually we don't want to repeat it a hundred do that zero so there's 13 of them all stacked on top of each other now what i want to do though is i want to play around with the rotation now divide 360 degrees by 13 little copies i have no idea so what you do is you go 360 divided by how many copies you have okay you can do math in these little any of these little fields okay if you're terrible with math like me let the machine do it 27.7 okay and awesome huh now if yours isn't looking good like mine and it's kind of maybe spiraling off this happens in my class quite a bit is that you'll not have changed position and it does this it's kind of cool it's kind of weird so just make sure position is set to zero okay and there we go that's our little starburst now we're going to turn on our layers and move it so it's in the right spot so what we'll do is let's close that one turn the eyeballs all on turn the sound on for the blop the music and the background and what we'll do is we'll reposition this shape layer problem is it's quite hard to do okay where is he there he's it's quite hard to get your fingers on him so it's a lot easier to actually twirl this down and i'm going to twirl that up and use this one here it says transform i'm going to play around with the position and i often use position to drag things around rather than using the cursor like we do in lots of other adobe programs just because it's so hard to do when they're so small all the opacity is down to zero so what i want to do is play my playhead until our little pop-up guy appears there he is there this little starburst needs to start along at about the same sort of time that's kind of close we also want to do is play around with the position so you go over there and go down a bit there we go there cool now we're going to play it and how good is that that's kind of cool huh okay so if yours is doing something weird and you just like i still can't do it okay you're going to have to go back through this tutorial and do it exactly step by step what you'll find is say here in the shape layers there's lots of this transform for position here there's also transform position in the repeater there's also in the rectangle here there's position so you've got to make sure you follow me exactly to make this one work the cool thing about it though is once you've done it once and you want to use it for another job just go and copy and paste this shape layer okay to any new comp or any new project you're working on or even better just steal my one okay my own definitely works i'll save it now and it'll be part of what's called the completed files you'll see a link to it on the screen somewhere all right that's our little circle pop okay in this video we're going to look at motion blur motion blur makes everything look more awesome when it's moving can you see the top one motion blur bottom one boring no motion blur let's go and learn how to do that in after effects okay to add motion blur i'm just going to get my playhead so it's kind of around the icon exploding part of my timeline i'm going to zoom in a little bit okay move along i want to get in close enough there we go and i'm going to play it at the moment it's quite victory okay we want to add some motion blur and you're going to remember the first part which is see this little icon here this little worm looking thing that's the motion blur column okay within that column i'm going to turn on this layer here so we'll work on the house first what we might do is turn the eyeball off on the circle burst you'll notice that it's not shaped layer 1 anymore i renamed it circle burst okay in between videos just because okay to rename a layout you right click it and say rename so icon one and what i'm going to do you turn it on and nothing changes okay what you need to do is turn on the master switch which is this one so what you can do is you have the master switch turned on and then you can decide each layer that you would like have motion blur which ones you don't just remember to turn them both on and let's have a preview okay and it's i guess it's a little hard to see but when i slow it down going slowly can you see it's blurring when it's moving fast like it would do when you're videoing it with a regular camera adds a bit of life to it so i turn it off sharp that blurry that's one of the big difference between using something like this to do your animation and adobe animate adobe animate doesn't allow you to do blur very well okay this motion blur is a really nice way to add life to icons so that's good for that one let's turn it off and turn the eyeball on for the starburst and do the same thing turn the blur on give it a preview and just give it a look just looks good while it's moving fast being blurry okay so let's do them both on combination motion blur awesome so pretty much anytime i animate anything i make sure i turn the master switch on and then turn on the specific layers and that my friends is motion blur the first of our animation tips let's go and look at some more you made it to the end well done this was a super long youtube video so if you've made it this far kind of been that bad so give it a like also subscribe to the channel i've got lots of other stuff like this uh also if you thought this was kind of you know you got through this and you're like wish there was more don't worry there is more uh like i mentioned kind of halfway through this is actually just uh a snippet of the larger course so this is about maybe a quarter of it or about a third of it maybe a quarter of it so you can keep going with you know with after effects and more assignments so if you're interested in that check out the link in the description to my full course and that same place you'll find and not only after effects courses but premiere pro courses as well that i've got photoshop illustrator indesign adobe xd dreamweaver visual studio code got lots there so go check them out uh that same place as well you can earn certificates for the courses that you do uh also there's a like an exclusive members only podcast we also do design challenges kind of regularly where you get to take the skills that you've learned and actually apply them to kind of small projects where they're fun they're lightweight but it lets you practice and build stuff for your portfolio so check those there as well that is it i think yep that is this uh well done getting to the end high five i will see you in another video soon bye now you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 55,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects, Adobe After Effects, Animated Infographics, after effects infographics, after effects infographic tutorial, after effects infographic animation, how to create infographics in after effects, animated infographics in after effects, after effects tutorial infographics, Data Visualisation in after effects, Data Visualisation, byol, after effects tutorials, after effects basics, after effects cc tutorial, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects for beginners
Id: m5GIbXbxn1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 23sec (3923 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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