How Ssumday Crushes RANGED Top Laners as MELEE! | Skill Capped

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hey guys has new ranged champions become ever so meta in top lane like Azir Corki Tristana karma etc it's becoming a sad time to be a top lane man played melee champions versus ranged characters can be really frustrating you're expected to lose and it can feel like there's nothing that you can do about the poke matchups versus these range top planners are obviously all different but in this video we'll be covering general guidelines that you'll want to follow when against a range top laner your first mission will be to give up some CS the biggest mistake that you can make as a melee champion is tunneling too hard on getting every single last hit this typically leads to you getting really chomped out having to recall and falling even farther behind it'll be up to you to pick and choose which CS you go for taking as little damage as possible while doing so will cover some guidelines for this further in the video mission 2 will be to wait for your opponent to miss play and to punish hard this ties directly with mission 1 a lot of the time melee players get too low from constant brass but if you give up CS and preserve your health when your opponent inevitably does make a mistake you'll be healthy enough to punish and gain control the lane it's actually totally fine to fall behind 20 or even 30 CS as long as you're staying even inexperienced one good punish versus arrange top laner will allow you to catch back up or even take the lead all right your final mission will be to set up easy ganks for your jungler like it or not the biggest weakness to ranged characters in top lane is gangs they're usually squishy and easy to gank so most junglers just camp them anyways but make sure to communicate and make the ganks even more enticing by having proper wave control and having the wave in an ideal ganking spot the replay that we'll be reviewing is from 100 thieves someday playing ribbon versus a vein top picking jerk to make matters worse for some day he was actually disconnected at the start of the game so he's going to be even more behind than usual since he wasn't in lane at the start he unfortunately only gets one of the first three melees because he couldn't prep them before they hit tower then he randomly afks for whatever reason taking two free Auto attacks this is a pretty tragic start to an already depressing lane but let's watch how some day turns this around with proper discipline and game knowledge he goes for this first melee minion since it's pretty close to his tower and he only has to tank one Auto Attack to get it then he gives up that next one obviously since there was no way that he was gonna get back there's two certainties in life taxes and ranged top laners taking turret shots as the wave crashes Fame does that thing that every range top laner does where they always push it too far and take a tower shot these are the big mistakes that you're waiting for and looking to punish sadly some day isn't level 3 yet and can't take advantage of this he goes for the easy cannon creep and now as the tower starts hitting the range creeps he goes in to get as many as he can now he uses two Q's to get to but uses his last bit of mobility to get away from veins range leaving the other three caster creeps behind remember ranged creeps give less gold than melees and are harder to get you're typically going to be giving up most range creeps to preserve your health when the next wave crashes gives up two more melees since he was unlikely to get them and goes for the third with his Q also negating the auto by shielding it as for the ranged creeps he gives those up until the last one since he only needed to tank one Auto for it this is another good guideline for deciding which creeps to farm taking one Auto Attack for a creep is usually fine if you have health and potions to play with whereas two autos for a single creep is usually not worth so let's speed this up a bit since he's just applying these concepts in the middle of the lane and we don't want to start sounding like a broken record here at this point some day has saved enough help so in vain inevitably goes too aggressive some day pounces on her studying her under tower chunking her to half HP since some day is still really healthy because he's been giving up CS Bain has to base here she also opted for ignite so she can't even teleport back to light this will let some day freely shove these ways and crash them into her tower as this wave is reaching vanes tower let's pause will give you five seconds if you can tell me what some days should and will do here you should quit your day job because you're going pro let's watch it and then break it down okay what he did may seem a bit weird but some day kind of just won his Lane believe it or not let's first imagine what would happen if he doesn't do this he unfortunately couldn't shove the previous waves fast enough so if we were to try and trash normally the waves would meet like this this is incredibly difficult to clear as a melee champion since the range creeps are in Turin range and he'd have to tank the tower too long to clear them this would also let Vayne get back in time and potentially freeze this way of putting some day in a bad spot the end result of all that beam that he'd likely have to teleport back to a really shoved out lane leaving himself vulnerable to a jungle game that would all really suck for some day he knows how bad that is so he opts for the play that we saw by drawing the red creeps away from his own he ensures that his wave fully crashes into vanes tower we covered this basically in every top lane video that we're making lately but whenever your wave crashes into the enemy's tower it'll bounce back towards you usually in a slow push not only that but because his minions crashed into the tower faster Bane will lose even more farm since your creeps are dying faster so someday recalls buys and walks back to lane because of his play he doesn't need to teleport since the wave is already pushing back to him and the chariot on top of all that sweet ice cream is that this slow push towards him sets up Vayne to be easily ganked if the enemy top laner is just getting into Lane and the wave is pushing towards you it's usually a correct call to ask for a jungle pressure since Fane just got to the lane there's no way that she's warded River yet meaning that eight rocks can sneak in here easily thankfully when someday pings 8 rocks does listen resulting in an easy kill after the kill some day has two options with this way he can either freeze in deny vain a ton of XP in gold while setting up a gang for his jungler or he can even out the waves which he does here which results in a slow push since the wave is closer to his side the reason that he does this is because it accomplishes the same goal of setting up a gank on Vayne while also giving him another option because this is such a slow push baton still has to walk very far up into lane to farm leaving herself exposed but since aatrox is topside main might just play safe by making this a slow push he can push this at a moment's notice and set up a dive on Vayne with 8 rocks really easily Vayne doesn't respect the threat of a regain and plays far up in the lane so she dies yet again now the two of them can crash the wave into the tower and once ribbon is this ahead the lane is usually over so will ended here I know I know the ever pressing question what if my jungler doesn't come is crossing your mind well you can still kill your opponent by yourself by letting the wave shove to you and going for an extended trade in the middle of the lane once you hit a power spike on your specific champion for example during the second gank Riven basically kills Vayne by himself he hadn't bought after the first gank either so this is kind of what it would have looked like had he never received help it just would have happened further down the line you can't solo kill your opponent in every matchup though so communicate and be nice to your jungler that will likely help you anyways since range top laners are usually such easy kills alright that's it for this video thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 166,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ssumday, 100t, ranged vs melee, riven, riven guide, lcs, top guide, how to top, Skill Capped, Skillcapped, League of Legends Guide, lol guide, League of Legends tips, lol tips, How to get better at League of Legends, Challenger Guide
Id: MF-P0-m-dzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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