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there is no one like you merciful gracious abundantly mercy full of kindness your eyes are always upon us watching over us you said you do it like a man protects the apple of his eyes we worship you we bless you thank you for your greatness that is always been displayed in our myths thank you for your kindness thank you for numerous acts of your kindness thank you for protecting us and preserving us thank you for being our god thank you for saving us and preserving us for your heavenly purposes thank you for causing the server of your knowledge to be made manifest through us everywhere we have been everywhere you have sent us have your way this morning you'll grow recycle the earth let the ministry of angels be dispatched into every home every life where men and women are connecting from around the world into every life from family that is represented here let the power of your covenant covenant be unveiled and that your mercy be revealed on every life as your word go for stretch your hands to heal and to deliver and to set free and to break yokes in the lives of men and women we give you praise we give you glory there is no one anywhere not in heaven not on earth that we can compare with you have your way again today in jesus mighty name amen good morning everyone and good morning those connecting from around the world i'm going to be serving communion in just a few minutes i'll read a portion of the book of john and then we'll go straight into that meanwhile you may be seated john chapter 6 i'm reading from verse 48 i am the bread of life your fathers did its manner in the wilderness and they are dead but this is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat and not die okay maybe we should sit down for a while manna also came from heaven manner came from heaven but jesus said there is a difference between eating manna and eating him i am the bread of life manna came from heaven manna in the bible is referred to as angel's food angels eat i know there are supernatural beings but they still eat even god eats yeah the bible listed a series of things that even god himself consumes there's eaten in heaven it's like earth but just an advanced civilization god doesn't eat because he's tired because he's sick or because he he needs energy his energy himself he's the source of all the nature but he invented food he created plants he created all the things that you enjoy you call food so he knows about it i am the bread of life that's verse 48 john chapter 6 he didn't say my word is the bread of life it is i will give you the bread of life you say he himself is the bread of life one of the mysteries of the new testament life of christian life that a couple of years ago i had to stop praying lord help me to understand this i know about feeding on the world [Music] i know about other taboos but what about feeding on you how do we do that what about feeding on christ how does a person feed on you maybe i should read down a little so that you see before i answer that question but so he said the jews ate manna in the wilderness well none of them is alive today later they died in the wilderness some enter the promised land i learned that when they ate the manna um it brought them healing a lot of miracles accompanied it 40 years they were passing through that wilderness there was no sickness there was no death or except the ones that died through rebellion when they rebelled against god like when they made a golden calf and god judged them not that the devil killed them or sickness kill them the two different things that day 3000 people died it was idolatry that was a problem there was another time they brought a woman they went after the women of media and they were sleeping with them a couple of them died that day because god was very angry but no devil killed them no sickness no nothing even the old people among them the scripture said you know there was no feeble person this is the exact word in the bible there was no feeble person among them can you imagine three million people not one sick person one weak person one feeble person with all the old people with all the new babies that are being born with all the children with all the young people what kind of power preserved them ladies and gentlemen i'm about to unveil something to you and [Music] the lord particularly asked me to do this in this season season we're living in people are afraid of all kinds of things three million not one feeble person he brought them forth also with savior and god and he put a lot of money in their hands i'm not talking about that part the prohibition and there was not one feeble person among their tribes one they ate the passover and everyone that was sick got healed that day that's what it's called coming you and then as they started making the journey he fed them with manner as they were making that journey and i will show you three secrets right now about divine health divine protection and longevity you will leave till you finish your days grow old and still be held in old age if you can learn these secrets and practice them the passover that they ate where healing occurred was communion and i'm going to that one because that's the service but the manner that they used to sustain themselves as they were making the journey i need to show you what that manner is because these are the things you need to be eating these are the things you need to be eating and i'm going to advise you don't eat them just once a week when you come to service even though we serve them here you should always have this thing served in your home just like you serve food in your home because you're a priest because you're a king because every believer in the new testament is giving the priesthood calling you can have communion blessing your home you can break bread in your house have wine have bread and pray and bless it and then make members of your family eat them you will keep sickness away from that home you will keep death away from that home you will keep accidents away from that home you will keep all kinds of problems away from that home it's a gentleman who lives almost into his 90s he doesn't even have one tooth ache he doesn't have a hole kenneth hagin was talking about him you know and he was a young preacher and this man brought him and was explaining to him how he did that one of them is that he eats communion always he always has it in his house in his fridge and then he walks in love because the communion has a law a man that will eat it must eat it not onwardly but worldly and the man that is unworldly is one that it is not descending the lord's body if you are having problems with other members of the body of christ you are having malice and other the communion works doesn't work for you it can even work against you when we come for communion table it's also a time of personal repentance and personal unforgiveness those two things go with communion when a man is ready to come to the community he examines himself is anybody you're having malice or bitterness again let go before you go there if you're not willing to let go don't take number two do i have any issue with the lord on offense where i've offended him ask for forgiveness then you can go and eat it wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord this eating communion unworldly makes it not to work for people it's not that the man is not a believer is either he is in sin or he's in bitterness or strife or unforgiveness of course let the scripture even explain a few more things for you yes verse 28 but let a man examine himself so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup do you see that so this is what we do and that's why if everybody's taught this communion service is one of the cleansing service for the church is one of those ordinances that keeps the church healthy because if people are taught right people use that moment for self-examination and for putting things right they put relationships right and they put their relationship with god right two relationships the vertical and the horizontal they put family relationships right they put marriage relationships right they put their personal relationship with the lord right because if they ignore that and keep coming to the communion table they get a negative result that is not meant to be now where pastors explain this wrongly you frighten people from taking communion don't say oh no no i'm not worthy i can't go and take it means clean use that moment and get things right then go to the table because it's that blood that washes away sin and is that bread that gets you healed but do the repentance before going there it it keeps you in a healthy state if i read that john's system you see that it's one of the things that make sure that you make the you make the rapture oh yeah that you are part of those that will rise from the dead the practice of this right protects you but preserves you till the day jesus comes let a man examine himself so let him eat that bread and drink that cup so we see examination before eating verse 29 read personally for he that eated and drinked unworthily eaten and drinking damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body yes either eat it and drink it unworldly instead of getting healing he gets the opposite damnation so when you want to come to the communion table you do self-examination and if you are not sure just say lord any known sin knowingly or knowingly i repent of faith and i ask for your forgiveness and if the holy spirit you ever bring anything off i want you to know that i'm not going to go in that direction i repent of cleanse me with the blood of jesus this is a healthy practice then go take the communion and the blood when you take the wine if there is anything going on anywhere in your it wipes it then when you take the bread any sickness whether it's still developing or it's already blowing or whatever he kills it and gets that man healed is the meal that heals is the meal that delivers it's also the meal that protects it's also the meal that immunizes the people who practice it not only will be held they will be protected for from all these things flying around very important and i've just said at the beginning that you are a priest because when it's not sanctified it's just ordinary bread but the bible said jesus took bread and gave thanks that's when he can feed five thousand the anointing is on it the catholic church said there is transportation when you lift it and breath enough transmutates to the body of christ some people argue whether there is transportation but something divine happens that now makes that an instrument of deliverance and healing [Music] hitler eaten and drinked unworthily eaten and drinked damnation to himself not discerning the lord you see his sin he's not discerning the lord's body and this is body are your brothers and sisters we are the body of christ hello i hope you know that we are the body of christ so when you are out of covenant or in offense or unforgiveness or you are even the one doing something that harms another person in the body of christ you are in the wrong position you need to amend that you need to amend that you need to correct that and then you go and receive communion so communion keeps the body of christ healthy it helps us to be walking in love it helps us to also maintain healthy spiritual life if people are not taught they will just be practicing it without observing these principles and nothing will be coming out of it anyway this damnation manifests in three forms vast nesvas vestiti vestity yeah for this course many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep so weakness sickness and premature death okay maybe you don't know what the words mean give me niv verstappen this is why many among you are weak and sick and the number of you have fallen asleep okay let's assume they don't know what falling asleep means amplified wasted amplified that careless and unworthy participation is the communion yes is the reason many of you are weak and sickly and quite enough of you have fallen asleep into the sleep of death so premature death when you see that among christians careless partaking of the communion and then you see christians becoming sick whatever infection is going on in society they catch it whether it's kovid or no kovid it's not for you you are in the covenant there is a difference between you and the man that is out there in the street who is not born again and then when you are under this kind of commission where we teach you god's word there's a difference between you and that believer that is not being taught that is walking in ignorance my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge god why every time sickness children sick husband's sick whole family is sick i don't know what's happening you know now you know so today before you come to the communion table of course i'm going to give you that minute in a short while and you don't have to wait till i give you as you're hearing the truth you can put it into practice if there is any form of offence between you just say lord please forgive me i repent of it and i'm sorry that this happened cleanse me with the blood of jesus because the communion the blood of jesus is for cleansing and for covering before then it is for redemption that's what saves you but now even in the course of your christian work it cleanses you and it covers you covering protection for this reason many are sick and some are weak you see them there is no strength in their spiritual life and even physical meaning are just but those who eat it right enjoy spiritual strength and stamina a reinforcement a renewal of the covenant a renewal of divine protection a renewal of divine health and then the breaking of the hand of the enemy from their life and affairs because it's a covenant meal it's when you come to renew your covenant with the lord that's what you do when you take communion and then that's also where you renew your covenant with your brethren you don't take communion and be going around the gospel about your own brothers that you partake in communion with the covenant now works against you now you don't share communion with somebody and you go behind and be doing character assassination you don't do things like that they are called anti-covenant practices and they get you the wrong results at 31 and 32 yeah verse 31 for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are trusting of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world so those believers are some of them that died prematurely because of the wrong application of the communion the reason god permitted that is so he can prevent them from going to hell in case you don't know what when we are judged for abusing the communion it is god's chance that you know vlogging in the home when your children are meeting so that you don't get condemned with the world you don't die and go to hell so what happens is that god permits that and the enemy attacks them and others and usually when it is weakness and sickness is a warning for them to make correction if they keep doing that and they're not making any correction they're not repenting one day you might lead to premature death and that prevents them from going to hell if they are not judged in the flesh then they will have to face what the sinners face hello so whichever way god does it is still for the protection of his children but you don't have to you don't have to so vastation said if we judge ourselves we should not be judged and i need to point out something about verse 31 god never flogs a person that corrects himself god never disciplines a child of his that takes personal responsibility and corrects himself one way to always avoid god's punishment is take the responsibility and correct yourself you see there's something about self-leadership self-governance you do it you don't need external control you don't need a standard government why would police have to arrest you if you just do what is right just do it by yourself you don't need another the reason they bring external force to enforce discipline is because there is no self-discipline once there is self-correction self-judgment self-discipline you don't need god to do it you don't need the devil to do it you don't need any other person to do it that's the key those who want to stay out of god's trouble always have the process of self-assessment self-correction and and periodically they do that and this period of atonement this period of defeat is always when the children of visit they have 10 days they do it because it's also season of judgment what they do is that they go into self-examination self-correction repentance and then they secure another one here we will secure it eternal destiny they do that because as long as a man does it god will never do it as long as a man judges of god will never judge him as long as a man repents god will never punish him as long as a man corrects himself the enemy will not be given the permission to come and destroy his life it is the failure to repent that now leads us to more problems so man this fatalists okay okay okay okay ezekiel chapter 18 go towards the ending therefore i will judge you o house of israel everyone according to his ways says the lord so you see god said i will do the punishment i will punish when there is sin i'll do but then he now goes ahead and tells them how to avoid that judgment ladies and gentlemen i want you to take note god doesn't like flogging or punishing or his children he doesn't like it he's a merciful he's gracious he's loving he's our stubbornness that gets us there so now he he wants the children of his judgment is coming and i will do it but this is what you do to avoid it so watch so you see the secret yes repent but read the whole thing again verse that ezekiel 18 verse and 31. that's where we're going okay verstappen yes therefore i will judge you o house of israel everyone according to his ways says the lord he tells them how to escape the judgment yes repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your reign don't let your sin destroy you to get out of that and get out of impending judgment and say repent turn yourself from all your transgressions turn away from them don't let iniquity be your ring don't let inequity destroy you then verse 31 cast away from you all your transgressions whereby you have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why will you die o house of israel you see it's the same man who wants to punish he's telling you why will you die he doesn't want them to die and god has not changed this is his nature cast away all your transgressions where you have transgress make a new heart and a new spirit change your heart so you see these true repentance is not just saying i'm sorry you have to stop doing what is wrong turn away from it why will you die o house of israel and today to be new testament church the covenant has longevity long life in it why would you just die before your time is not necessary god doesn't want it then look at verse 32. you know said i don't have pleasure in the dead yes for i have no pleasure in the death of him that died says the lord god wherefore turn yourselves and leave me anytime you see that word turn yourself in in king james it means repent so you can live i don't have pleasure god doesn't like people being destroyed people perishing people died he's not happy that any should go to hell he's not willing that any should perish he don't know why he came here and sacrificed his life for our redemption on the road to hell that broad way you know the bible said narrow is the way that leads to life but broad is the way that leads to destruction on that broad way and many people are flowing following it jesus went and planted a big cross died on it and said this is redirection before you get yourself destroyed redirect another direction is trying to save all of those masses heading to destruction if it's clear what i've explained let me see your hand [Music] okay because i was in a service somewhere and one pastor was frightening people which if you drink the cup unworldly he didn't explain people say ah if this thing kills people i better stay away from me too are you safer without this is immunization against premature this immunization against sickness this immunization against demonic attacks this is immunization against you know all kinds of evil so you are not safer staying away what you should do is make the correction make the correction it's the meal that heals is the meal that saves is a meal that delivers it's for god's covenant people do you want to live healthy do you want to live victorious do you want to live long even one moment if you check acts of apostle chapter two chapter four the disciples were doing it every week there was even a time they were doing it every day you can go and check it i don't have the time should i show them every day maybe you should bring it up ask you daily and they were doing it from house to house because services don't hold every day so they were now breaking it in their homes every day why is it that the new testament church knows that many of today's church does not know okay let's leave that one and come to mana the manner is the word you're also supposed to feed on this every day you don't live on yesterday's manner i'm feeding you now and you can see revelation from heaven but monday tuesday wednesday like when you eat food how many days does this take before you get hungry so that's why it's called daily devotion your daily devotion is your daily nourishment it's what you do when you're dining in your home and you go and eat that's what you do with this if you don't read it listen to it the audio bible get something and put with earphones put it in your ear if you don't put it play it in your car you can with your phone load the bible software your phone boot audio and and you know the this letter form electronic version read it this morning while i was in the bedroom i have finished my own devotional whatever but what i was there is a scripture that the lord brought hit me with and i needed to verify those information and i went and opened them two chapters up and finished this chapter finish the other chapter compared and my water that i boiled to take my butt was getting cold but i had to sit down there because this time now i'm not with the physical bible i finished my study i'm phone phone phone and i read through it i read through it and compare and saw that what the holy spirit was saying is true because you always have to check some of those things over and i was amazed and then he said to me this whole book the whole book not just two chapters when you get to where you're going read that whole book some things i need to explain to you again i have read it i thought i knew it i'm talking about a book in the bible there are 66 books here i thought i knew everything in it but this one just showed me that you don't know as much as you thought that you know so this book they are new every morning they're new every morning there's always you know the steadfast love of the lord every morning his message is new every morning so there is fresh manna did you notice something about that manner you don't keep it for tomorrow how many of you have read the story i don't want to you can go to you know exodus and check it out when it falls you don't keep it for tomorrow when you keep it the next day it turns to worms the mana is supplied fresh every morning meanwhile ladies and gentlemen if you truly want to see manna it's falling in east africa in northern part of uganda in northern part of kenya they have drought in those countries so the community came and built a church dedicated the church that very day they dedicated it they prayed that god were intervening their food they expected maybe aids to come for the united nations lord god open and has been raining manner for them for years and it's exactly like the one in the bible is the same taste because iran is like flour but it has it has taste a particular taste is sweet they bake cake with it they bake biscuits with it they bake bread with it some of them even cook it and they've been eating it and that's what has sustained go go when you leave here now just google your internet manager falling in east africa you will see you will visit in the same color is whitish in nature it has led to salvation of people have traveled from different parts of the world to come and see and to test it so biblical miracles are real and somebody said where does it come from it's from the corn they grow in heaven then they process it and the angels are asked to pour it down for the children of israel they do it every morning it's the bread that comes from heaven so that people and then they eat it there's no sickness nobody gets of course it was so serious that because there is no supermarket to go and buy a shoe or chain their shoes grew with the children the children that came out of egypt by the time they go to the promised 40 years of their life these shoes grew with them their clothes grew on their body their body also grew and and no feeble person no sick person so do you see now feeding on the communion the blood and the body of jesus feeding on the word because god's word is god's message proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 my son attend to my words incline your ass to my saying yes verse 21 let them not depart for your eyes yes keep them in the midst of your heart so you don't just read it you also do meditation so it sinks in when you eat food you do digestion when you read god's word you do meditation meditation is spiritual digestion it goes in okay keep them in the midst of your heart for they are alive to those that find them unhealthy you see that word health to all their flesh it keeps your body healthy as well as give life to your human spirit your spirit is infused with joy your body is infused with divine health oh another translation verse 20 niv [Music] my son pay attention to what i say listen closely to my words yes do not let them out of your sight keep them in the midst of your heart so there is listening there's also looking at it that's why like in church i will show you scriptures apart from the father we know you are hearing let it go through the ear gate and the eye get it gets the job done faster and then it gets to the heart keep them in the midst of your heart then what will happen do not let them out of your sight keep them within your heart yes the invasive yes for the alive to those who find them and help to a man's whole body you see that that's how i stay healthy that's how i stay protected and the third is the holy spirit the holy spirit especially in these last days with all the problems happening everywhere the presence of the holy spirit the infilling of the holy spirit is a mighty protection [Music] okay revelation seven verse one i think we have we have nailed this one and this is where and the version seven verse one and after these things i saw four engines four engines standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind this is one of one of the end time plague that will come when we just become steel it's not blowing people are choking you know now we're dealing with kovi there are a lot of things listed that will happen when heat will come it will be seven times hotter global warming is in your bible predicted as part of the end time the one that are still doing that is smaller they said finally it's going to get to a point where it's going to be seven times hotter and people's skins will be peeling off too much to be growing everywhere burning people like they're actually being burnt by fire there are days that i had where people would decide that but yet all the plagues of the last days god's people are to be protected from them look at how so this one is to keep the wind from blowing on the earth the sea on any tree but verse 2 and i saw another engine ascending from the east having the seal of the living god this is what i wanted to see this seal they put on people so that no evil can touch you yes and he cried with a loud voice to the four engines to whom it was given to hot the earth and the sea that's three saying hot not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god in their foreheads see we have all of god's children sealed and that's also one of the reasons i i let the people of god know why people are talking about the mark of the beast the one the devil wants to bring his own seal because anybody against it is you are his property nobody can you are finished god also has a seal of ownership he puts on his children he said before you start pouring this plague let the angels go and seal all of god's children on their forehead if you read the verses after twelve thousand was seed from every tribe of israel at the end of the one forty four thousand was seen then when he that's vast by the time you got to verse eight 144 thousand just from the jewish nation then he turned over to the gentiles in verse 9 he said it was a great multitude that nobody could number so there are millions and billions of people and these are believers that no the devil can touch just read when locos demonic powers were really released from the the bottomless pit and they were striking people you will see everybody that has that seal is not touched yes and when he had opened the seventh sea there was silence in heaven for about 30 minutes yes half an hour and i saw the seven edges we stood before god and to them were giving trumpets and they had seven trumpets to say each trumpet sound there are certain plagues that come upon the earth go to the fifth trumpet that's chapter nine verse one yes chapter nine verse one yes and the fifth engine sounded and i saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was giving the key of the line some people when they read that they think it means a star like the ones you see it's an angel that's what they are called they are called money stars you can see that you say him a him a him and he collected the key of the bottomless pit and opened it yes what happens too and he opened the bottomless pit and they are roast a smoke out of the pit as they smoke of a great fountain so when this bottomless pit is open what the human beings on earth will see is volcanoes you see it in the sky dark smokes sulfur everywhere but it's not just volcano that occurred volcano is the physical activity that eyes can see demons locked in the underworld are just releasing to the air watch now just watch and see there are real smoke and that's the volcanic ash and all of that yes as a smoke of the gratefulness it darkened the sun we've been seeing this yes but then what happened in the next verse and they came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was giving power as the scorpions of the earth have power so low cost that can stink are they locals and these locals that conformed on the world with all that fire they had the fire they didn't kill them there are demons all the demons are not on earth and life is this tough you can imagine when they release more what situation will be like these locusts are releasing to the earth what will happen yes verse 4 and it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of god in their forehead do you see in the spiritual world demons know who to touch and who knows to touch as they go around attacking human beings they see anybody with that seed stay away as they are moving they see another person with that scene they stay away so you see the blood you see feeding yourself with the word but then there is issue of maintaining a spirit-filled life that's what the seal is i will show you that in a minute but meanwhile some people are curious they want to know more about these demons so uh read two more verses for them verse five and six i need to close and to them it was given that they should not kill them but that they should be tormented five months and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striked a man okay now see forces are flying in the air they have wings like locusts they have tails like scorpion and they sting people people are crying people are getting sick but they are told don't kill them just torment them people are in pain i he said what is wrong with you i don't know something just started on my back another piece oh what happened what is going on rushing to us with doctors because you can't dictate such a thing with medical instruments his spiritual attacks but what the man is in pain the doctor said i can't see anything he tells you my head my head my head help him doctor i ask you give him a spirit to calm him down for a while the problem continues because he's spiritual in origin go to verse six yes and in those days shall men seek death and shall not find it and shall desire to die and they shall feel you can imagine the type of pain that makes a person i want death please doctor give me something to get out of it give me something it's better i died to be alive and be facing this thing but there is one group they can touch those that have the seal of god you need to know what that seal is ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 i'm 14. i've shown you three secrets today the believer that takes communion often the believer that feels himself with the word powerful reading you can listen what you're doing now is listening physically you eat with your mouth spiritually you eat with your ear this is your spiritual mouth here then your heart digests it and it goes into your system physically you eat with the mouth it goes to the stomach that's where the digestion happens spiritually you eat with your ear it goes into your heart that's where digestion happens and then it becomes held to your being you are immune from a loss of nonsense you're protected because the word of god carries his power and the word of god carries his life everyone of you lift up your heart this morning anyone that has any form of sickness any form of disease and you might be watching me from home you have coffee data variant whatever variant i cause starting to die in your body and pass out today i command healing and deliverance in your life today in the name of jesus anyone being tormented by this striking locust tormenting spirits spirits of infirmity demons of oppression will break his power over your life today you foul spirits i command you to leave now in the name of jesus christ the son of god you can touch your phone touch your television touch your laptop whatever you are using or just stretch your hands towards me right now the healing power of god will flow into your body and you'll be healed and for those of you here i release that healing power that power that sets free into your being into your body to set you free and make you whole you might be at home find bread find wine find something that represents the communion because that's what i'm going to bless now in a couple of minutes and when i finish take it and you will be healed what is the seal in whom you also trusted after you heard the word of the truth the gospel of your salvation i'm reading ephesians 1 13 and 14 in whom also after you believed you were sealed with what the holy spirit promised the seal is the baptism of the holy spirit the infilling of the holy spirit ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 see it one more time [Music] four verse 30 give not the holy spirit of god whereby ye were sealed till the day of redemption see the rapture on today jesus come there is something he sealed us and protected us with that will keep us till that day is the holy spirit that's why you should stop at knowing the holy spirit stop grieving him stop making him unhappy is one that protects you the bible said i will be a wall of fire around about you start practicing taking the communion often once a week longest once a month maintaining a spirit-filled life how do you do it praying in tongues is one of the most effective way that's why you also don't miss service it's even a third law of protection let me read it for them you see there are many reasons why you should come to service isaiah 33 24 let me show you this one those who come to zion the bible says we are come to mount zion the city of the living god this is coming to fellowship because sometimes personal devotion is strong but it takes people that but there is something about corporate worship [Laughter] you don't have kyra in your personal devotion you know you don't have tony you don't have all of these guys bringing other ingredients that takes it into another level [Music] meanwhile guys you know i just found out okay let me leave you i'm on tv all the things we are traveling we're going to be traveling to nations they need to start the processes you know and i've given instruction to the powers that be passed charlie and others we're a church for all nations you have to know that my house shall be called a house of prayer for how many nations that's what the bible says all nations is yeah so read from verse 23 verse 23 oh oh we don't have much time because you need to start it from the where it mentions that go to 24 so you can he can hear the point 24. what he's writing about zion the church new testament church he said the inhabitants shall not say i am sick the people that are dwearing shall be forgiven of their neighborhood and when you come to the communion please personally open up the table open up the table this is one of the reasons this is one of the reasons open open open yes open this one the wine is for the last part the forgiveness of sin this one the bread is for the healing of sicknesses i like what the catholics call they call it the eucharist i love that they have such reverence for the holy sacraments you should i know some secret about this thing that's how i do my personal checkup this is the office of rafa the doctor rafa is the highest the rapha clinic that's where you are about to come this morning [Applause] god said concerning zion the inhabitants those that come to worship any day for those that do shall never say i'm sick why they say provision in it for healing and the people that come there shall be cleansed of their iniquities that's why they will go to hell [Music] okay okay okay there is another thing written about zion issue note 7 so 84 7. they go from strength to strength every one of them in zion appeared before god another translation i like the one that put appearance before zion they go from strength to strength everyone that appears before god you is do you notice even you now sitting here that the level of spiritual strength you had when you walked here is not the same level you have moved off the same thing with physical the same thing health is renewed spiritual strength is renewed they say refuelling it's like visiting the feeling station it's like going for service you get physically serviced you get mentally serviced you get emotionally serviced you get spiritually serviced you get referred with joy you get referred with confidence for living out life you get referred with love you get referred with health you get referred with revelation you get referred with eternal life jesus said i am the bread of life he that drinketh my blood and eaten my flesh you know we didn't finish reading that chapter but we won't go back they can now read it that john chapter 6 he drinketh my blood and eaten my flesh who have eternal life in him and just like as i live by the father he that eateth my blood he had eaten my flesh and drinked my blood shall live by me so i said to the lord how do people feed on you he said through the communion [Music] i said how he said when you fellowship when you abide in me because he asked me how does the branch feed from the tree he says by abiding in the when a branch abides in the tree it's automatic for it to draw new trend he said when you fellowship because communion these two dimensions that's why i'm explaining something communion is what i'm explaining a two-dimension to communion one is abiding in the vine fellowshipping with the lord when you have those fellowship time with him the life of jesus the sap fuels your whole life you they that's the way that nature of god infuses into your human spirit the other one is when you feed on his body that was broken for you and drink his blood that was shed for you father this morning we bless the communion thank you for the blood that was shed on the cross for our sin everybody pray for yourself if there is anybody to forgive let go if there is anything that is wrong that you need forgiveness ask god for cleansing and always do this anytime you want to come and receive the communion father we receive your body that was broken for us we receive your blood that was shed for us we renew our covenant with you and with each other cleanse us from every unrighteousness feed us with the bread of life that bread that comes from heaven that no one that eats it may die we receive your life we receive your broken body and i act for complete healing and wholeness for everyone that partake of it today in jesus mighty name you can share this [Music] thank you for your blood that was shed for us for the remission of sin the blood of the new covenant in your name will receive it with humility [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 2,209
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Id: koZhUeSXkFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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