Endtime Survival Strategies | Church Online With Pastor David Ogbueli | Dominion City | 17 May 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you praise God say it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we cried [Music] [Music] we give you praise can you lift up your hands with your points with the fruit of your lips not Jesus this morning he deserves you you up who you say [Music] [Laughter] [Music] can you declare it you are who you said you were [Music] [Music] [Music] can you cry out say yeah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see your Nations king [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cigarette [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] father we honor you we glorify your name there is no one like you in all the ads they're awesome God the made the whole universe you're the one that made us your likeness and meadows of your image we worship you this morning we glorify your name we bow our hearts and our soul before your throne we declare your holy your holy your holy just like the cherubs and the Salafis I declare any heaven you're the greatest there is nothing to be compared to you have your way this morning Lord let your glory be revealed to the nation's again they do global review to your children all over the world who are to me this morning led a hunger in every heart to be satisfied and living water flow from this place to every home to every individual I ask that your glory wish I could eat again it is your desire that air to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God and the water covers the sea make yourself known who put the mysteries of prophecy to us help us to see what is coming to understand where we are give us the wisdom for subsidy for living victoriously in this time in these last days Equipe every one of us to be like the wise veggies like that's wise unfaithful Savin who is waiting for the return of his master they just have to be effective as they worship in taking charge being effective in the things you've committed in our hands to live in such a way that we are pleasing to you a waif actively fulfilling the mission you've put in our hands the Great Commission now be effective in representing you in every aspect of our lives have your way Lord we give you glory and honor and praise in Jesus mighty name all of you at home I want to welcome you again to this morning broadcast but before we go into any to just lift your hands and honor him in your own words warship doesn't have to be songs it can be your words express your heart to the Lord let's thank him for everything for preserving us for keeping us there is no one to be compared to you there is no one like you gracious merciful full of compassion full of wisdom open the fountain of the deep break down these mysteries make it so simple that even a baby will understand Lord because the time is near because the time is at a does that cause your people not walk in darkness but to walk in the light of Revelation in the light of the knowledge of your plans and of your purposes for the entire church help us not just to understand the time help us to understand what we should do we give you glory let your hand rest upon every one that connects to this broadcast today the award will not just come to them by the power of the Holy Spirit who will rest upon them to make them whole to make them what you want them to be I give you praise and glory and honor in Jesus mighty name amen good morning everyone god bless you I'm so glad to be back today ha ha sometimes the prophets themselves who say the burden of the word of the Lord when they carry a prophetic message they carried like a body that's how I feel this morning it's so much to unveil so much for us Ellen and time is going because we're just coming once a week if I'm to be with you every day every day on this we still would not be able tell yourselves but let's get started you know welcome pastor Oliver and possibly I'm so glad to have you back you know glory be to the name glory be to the name of the Lord oh my god I wish we can sing one more song but I will reserve it at the junction whom we're going into another section time is running grower glory glory glory glory glory now the Lord gave me a strategy as we do this broadcast and bring to your home this prophecy season it give me it two-dimensional templates the first is to use the first section and bring you prophetic word and guidance directions because you see I'm not just talking as a teacher and our so fastest and evangelist that office that bring this I stand in that office and I can claim it by my own hand if God has not given me access into that there is no amount of claim in it that can make it so and there are things God has made known to me that things are made known to us in our own prophetic presbytery or team there's certain things we know that we understand there are many of them that will be very helpful to you so every first session that is the kind of thing I'm gonna be dealing with certain things you need to know that will help position you and put you and then in the second section we get into study of Biblical prophecy so it's quite a few things I like to get across to you this morning and they will help you personal Christian life helping your business help you in every area new position you and give you an advantage let me for example read a scripture when John was introduced in the book of Revelation in chapter 1 verse 3 can you put it up he declared a day is a blessing for reading the book of prophecy just reading it then he said if you go for that - also listening to it there is a blessing maybe next week before I start the broadcast I'll show you do several blessings that I have touched to it for example one of them is that the man who sees the future owns it actually the knowledge the ability the knowledge of the future puts you in leadership let me give you an example if you know which business will be creating the next set of billionaires in the next ten years and you are the one that knows about it you move into what happen is that it's after you have made all your billions when the people find out and are now rushing in you have moved on you have constantly detect that area establish your industry your company and you've moved on if you know a particular set of businesses now that are about to collapse in the next five years ten years they're going to be wiped out it will be stupid for you to go and carry your money and even an investor seeing the future is owning the future seeing the future puts you in charge makes you a leader and this is what made Daniel a prime minister this sent nice what made Joseph a prime minister these two boys came in Daniel into the land of Babylon Joseph into the land of Egypt as teenagers Joseph arrived at about the age of 17 Daniel arrived at about the age of 17 one of them came in as teenagers they emerged as prime ministers and there were no citizens because of the nine gifts of the spirits there are nine gifts of the Spirit they had the most fries of all of them is not the one that does miracles that give this in my life it's not the healing gift that give this in my life it's not that gift the healing anointing the most prized gifts of all the nine gifts of the Spirit is the one that reveals the future the word of wisdom is what is called there is another revelation gift called word of knowledge what of knowledge can tell you what is going on now and can also show you what's happened in the past but what makes water wisdom deadly is that it only shows you what is coming it shows you what you are to do [Music] Joseph in Egypt did not only see the several years of famine it no gift of water wisdom also showed him that the kingdom of Egypt the nation of villany to go into massive saving program it was in those days through the direction of Joseph that is the rebuilding the pyramids people talk about the pyramids of Egypt as some of the wonders of the ancient world more than even tea now they have no been able to figure how they did that it was Joseph those pyramids were built initially to store grain they were banks Joseph taught Pharaoh that they were to store five one-fifth of all the produce of the land because what I saw was farming seven years from an economic recession coming but he also saw that before they arrive there will be seven years of plenty and prosperity so he said take advantage of these seven years of plenty to save for the rainy day you see what a wisdom shows what is coming and what a wisdom shows what to do about it ladies and gentlemen I'm about to give you some word of wisdom this is now the country where I'm broadcasting from my own country has been in seven years of recession when the fifth year right now two years to go the year 2021 who complete before the economy of Nigeria I'll start covering the case you're a government your governor you better listen to what I'm saying the ward has gone into recession now as a result of this global pandemic what I'm going to tell you something now if you listen to this some people that's terrorizing the whole world will fear you will make a major mistake what is coming now literally is winding down now what is going over record pandemic the Almighty God in answer to prayer has demystified it there is put cure finally they will come out with different versions and we will be here telling you which one to take because there will be the world to destroy life and the old ones to actually help people the truth is that there are ways to now make sure that nobody around you dies and that is not the purpose of my discussion today there are solutions to distant solution is already available so if you follow the guidance that has been provided by the government the social distance maintaining cleanliness and all that but even in situations where people have gotten distant their solution scientific solutions are part form the spiritual solution so stop living in fear get hold of knowledge get hold of knowledge there's a friend of mine I usually bring him to the main summit when we do men submitters come and talk about health let me recommend one of his recent materials if you can't go and google it listen to it it will help you his name is Reverend or pastor Tony act eme how to take care of fight or overcome day Kovach 19 pandemic go and google it Tony Akemi dugu his site because I don't have the time to deal with this now so because the moment I have said that is raising question in the mind what is out there in the public domain the things have taught on this is also out there in the public domain so you can check it out nobody around you need to die so let's put that one on the side life after this pandemic is the message Jeremiah chapter 32 the contents are what I'm about to read now is that Jeremiah he said was a prophet a prophesied that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed he warned the Jews that Babylon is coming and Babylon will come and destroy this place I'm going down the tempo and it was very hard for the Jews to believe that the temple of God viewed by Solomon the temple of God where is Shekinah glory used to live the temple of God where God came down could be born destroyed and God said he told Jeremiah to warn the people go to my house that was his Sheila before they built the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem God's house used to be Sheila what was it at the beauty Sheila the tabernacle of Moses that Moses Beauty remember when that tablet who was finished God came down the growth field a temple and the priests could not enter that one that Moses Beauty no they were carrying it for 40 years as they were moving in the wilderness finally they conquered the land of Palestine and settled in the promised land and after Joshua has conquered the promised land they now said to that technical permanently is Sheila so for four hundred and thirtysomething years anybody that want to see God goes to Sheila you want to go and inquire from the LA because he decided technical arena and union that the priests used to make inquiries you don't need too good a native doctor you don't need to consort with that you go to zero you want to go and do sacrifices Sheila you want to go and experience the presence of God Sheila but it got to a point that the children visa buxley is there a worshiping idols they say name doing all sorts of things that the hiddens were doing and God sent from warn them it is not only that this nation will go into captivity your enemies who come and oppress you the house that is called by my name will be raised down they did not believe it finally in the days of Eli the priest Eli had become an old man his eyes have gone him but his two sons the priests we're messing up the hopeless they will sleep with married women they'll come to the temple this same kind of thing going on in many places today the state of modern church the state of modern church this man of God was sleeping with married women didn't nobody the sanctity of marriage and ma didn't mean anything to them inside the temple there were three gnosis of the day according to financial corruption all sorts of things and you know when religion is corrupt is the worst thing that can happen to society because that the last man standing no matter what is that goes down politics goes that that's the last place for where God can begin to bring restoration whenever corruption reaches ministry and reaches the house of God has no option but to destroy everything and so even in the time at that time his children we're misbehaving God warned him about it it didn't do anything about it so God raised the little boy by the name of Sam well he said I appearing to him in visions and he will give him some very powerful messages and some of them are so heavy that someone couldn't deliver because he involved destruction finally someone summoned up courage to go and talk to Eli he said when I saw what the Lord showed me your two sons hopefully hopefully Feeny Hasselhoff would be clearly one day and they are priests even this house of God will be destroyed and will be captured by the felicitous the same Felicita that God helped his red defeats in the days of David in the days of other godly kings this same enemy Nara God is now allowing to come and destroy God's people and the temple when we get to join shown like this when judgment is flowing the solution is fluid let's not just rise up in Pride the first and Agra requires is humility our repentance and then of course it wasn't long after somewhere give the prophecy the Philistines came invaded cue those two priests in one day destroyed the house of God is Shalom they captured the Ark of coq10 who a covenant that represents the president when I captured it took it to their country you know guess where they put it in the house of their God that God and what God showed them something so let them know that he's the good they woke up the next day came to the house of the ago they found their God prostrate before the Ark of God they had got bow down flat on their face and his neck cut off his hands cut off the I do has been destroyed by the act of God when they saw that then a plague broke out in the island there are people started dying all over and they went to you I have found their demonic trees and they told them you have done something terrible you brought the act of God to this place we are going to die you need to take sacrifices to appease it and send it back to the Land of Israel lack of God has stayed in captivity can imagine that hooey so finally the fleeces responded so now when the AK return the AK has no house anymore and act staying with one man they were staying in the house of obed-edom no no we have passed that air but AK was no house so these are the things that now lady was telling us of a better than and David had about it he decided to build a tabernacle of David I am from the tabernacle of David his son Solomon finally built a temple now they have a new place to worship God but this new place is no more in Shiloh is now in Zion in Jerusalem or the Temple Mount built by David on his own and the Jews and the Dead was dedicated you need to see the prayer that Solomon prayed the presence of coughs field of record came now after many years again the people started going into idolatry new Kings have come up a lot of things went wrong they wanted to I do worship they would the same things that destroyed the temple before they started again the god realm raised jeremiah the prophet to tell them and know that enemy the last time it was a Philistine another enemy is coming and is the Babylonians and they're going to invade this land they would destroy Jerusalem they would destroy this temple and it's Ravi they say it's not possible this is the temple of God come the temple of God be this way there's no possible and God said go warn them go to my house that was a Sheila see what I did to it because of the new patís of your ancestors if you think that this house cannot be destroyed go and check what happened in history so you can learn what can happen again and that is the key to our study today that no matter what we think that is common in future years upon in the past the key to prophecy is in the past it's called history there is a key called prophetic patterns if you go to the history the pings recorded in the Bible you see teams that you are studying that you are looking for in the future that has happened in the past if you learn from history you can prevent the making the mistake again yeah so narrow to buy it if you those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it all over again the key to the future is not in the future is in the past the past repeats itself God made the universe is such a way that everything revolves in cycles you know today's Sunday ladies and gentlemen do you remember that last Sunday I was here talking to you we have completed a cycle a weekly cycle and we are back to Sunday dinner right now in Africa is rainy season this is May this is May June around this is rainy season this is our planting season in Africa guess what last year May June we have made this cycle and it was raining again that last year last Julius it was raining again in this cycle when we get to December it will be cold season we're gonna have dry wind cold Hamilton and then in the Western nations it will be winter but you call go full cycle you will miss it again everything in life moves in cycles that's why you talk about main stress like women go through the full cycle every month so every month they see period usually two to four days when a woman can get pregnant the same thing happens to animals be something happened to plants they see season a period when a plant can fertilize and you can have fruit these the principle of life cycles Ecclesiastes chapter 1 let me show it to you verse 9 we're going to be using it now so I will go and show you some of the things you are looking for you see that they've happened you know some for example people are talking about the Antichrist is coming Antichrist have come not not once not twice before oh yes and you will always know him with a number of currencies but one of them is they always had the Jewish nation and always hit the church anyone that has come persecute scores people [Music] remember during the time of esta mi Rosa that wanted to wipe out the Jewish remember his name is there was Haman that was an antichrist because Jesus had not gone they call him Antichrist public augmentee God where is the same thing in Almaty wonder happened Joseph few years before the nation of Israel became a nation Hitler I wanted to what he called the financial there was an antichrist he's a pastor you're confusing me you see what you need to know is that book of faith John said there would be Mamie Antichrist before the men and final Antichrist that's what your Bible said I want me to take you there I'll show you please before I read that first good of faith John chapter 4 let me recently there will be many Antichrist many and why we'd have many you studied them you understand the main guy that is coming because that's what I'm teaching about patterns in history literature is the last time you have heard that the Antichrist shall come that's the main guy even now there are many Antichrist I just read friend John chapter 2 verse 18 look at it to your Bible today you see what I'm saying little children it is the last days the last time as you have heard that the Antichrist shall come you know there is a man guy and we're gonna get me a woody mystify him you'll be able to know but before he come he said even now there are many Antichrist okay let me even tell you another secret as at that time John was right where he was right in the book of Revelation where he was writing the book of John there was an antique Russian president on at that time his name was emperor Nero of course the temple that Jesus used to move to and preach you see he had he healed people in Jerusalem it was nothing preneur that started the destruction the invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple he did not finish he died the next Emperor that came up after him picked it up invaded it when he had an arrow died he returned to Rome to insist the kingdom when he sees the kingdom he sent his own son Titus Titus now went down and finish the job destroy the temple must attack the priests and discuss the Jewish women and he completed the work 80 70 it was this narrow last attended watch many of them they were Jewish move the wheel very nation of Israel they want to wipe them they are also persecute you this narrow was responsible for the death of some thought it was fitting Christians to animals white beast he was one that killed Apostle Paul finally it was one that banished this John that was writing to the island of patterns if you take his name now his name and put it in Roman figures try what I'm telling you he don't even need a google it you will see it on it and if you take his name now narrow and put it in his proper because his name was not in English it was a Roman temple put the way they write it in Roman is there you ate on a google it you calculate the numbers it comes to 666 because that six is the number of a man so before the last guy that we are looking forward to come and we demystify the guy none of you be confused follow the program you see before that one Antichrist had come in history the reason he has come you can use historical pattern to identify the one if you learn that nothing that is common in future has never has not come before as a matter of fact let me slow down on that who get to that subject later Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 19 but if verse 9 detained I had been it is that we shall be ladies and gentlemen you here endure what is common in the future is something that has happened in the past and that which is done is that we shall be done there is not even you under the Sun this is a key and the master key as you study prophecy to unlock it whenever you meet anything you don't understand what does this mean you're gonna use your head and give it any meaning you like don't do that go back to historical record that's why you have the Bible the Bible started forgetting or he didn't start today the Bible said it from the creation of man as well they kept all the records wait go back go back we has this of heart before you go to that place that you be able to understand what is going on let me give you an example where has the cross you know the cross happened 2,000 years ago Jesus died on the cross where in the record has that ever happened do you know that the Bible we read said that the lamp of God was slain from the foundation of the world but finally 2,000 years ago 4000 years from the creation of Adam he came and died physically but he has been slain from the foundation of the world and there has been different demonstration of the how God uses blood to bring Redemption so if you won't understand the cross you are standing there looking at Jesus hang in and order there many things you don't understand why do you see him with javelin why did they also he said why why why all you have to be go back to the records Vasiliy well for example get your mics get your mics two of you get your mics put it on let me ask you for example we're in history since man came here has God demonstrated what who happened on the cross there are so many times so can you give me one during the time of Moses when there was a plague that broke out and God asked that Moses should take a prison Serpent and this is exactly the kind of we're facing now it played a pretty simple you know an epidemic now when it grows global you can call a pandemic if it covers a number of nations what is an epidemic that broken like what we are having now and God's solution to the children Fiza them was what he told Moses to do go to Moses to put a bruisin serpent on a stick I think volume on that might because people are listening God gave Moses an instruction he said take a serpent crucified the Sutton on it III can get there and to the pool on the ground Moses did that then he said what next he said terror the children of Israel because what happened up because they seen they rebelled against God the Serpent's invaded their camp and abiding them and they buy them they died people we are dying and then the plague broke out in their camp God told them he said anybody touched by the plague anybody bitten by the serpent let him look up on that serpent that is crucified and he will be healed carry much Moses did that once a slave bites you you don't need to start worrying about a snake he would look up and next thing something like a snake venom hits you and neutralizes thought it is supernatural but that thing that was being demonstrated there is the cross if you not do a study of that you understand what is going on on the cross you understand why when they show you pictures Jesus landed on the cross he was not smiling on the cross because the picture God was showing is that he was like serpent on the cross do you notice that it is that image that the medical professor uses as a symbol of Medicine check order whatever that's their logo he says those healing come from has happened that is causing the problem so years ago when I didn't understand odd and I used to wonder why would you want to represent your son that is pure holy like ass a participant is the devil now what God was showing there is that the nature of sin is serpent that's a pen Tintin is showing Satan's nature the same nature the nature of the devil that is the nature that came into my when we rebelled against God in the garden it is that nature that Jesus took and crucified on the cross what he was showing there is that Jesus became sin on our behalf when he died for us he took our sin our evil nature and took it and crucified it the book of Romans of the city who said is my old man by nature my sinful nature were crucified with Christ on the cross that ugly thing you see there was the nature of human being do you know why man can eat human beings woman bees can keep people they don't get good means come rob and shoot people look at all the evil happening on the earth is serpents nature in man as well he took and crucified he took our sin and mailed it on the cross do you see how I looking at that you get a big greater understanding of what is happening uncovered Oh tell me another place where the cross had been demonstrated in the past yes so many places in the book of Exodus chapter 12 yes the God wanted to deliver them out of Egypt remember that the Jews were in bondage in Egypt and they were pressing them now God wants to deliver them how did he do it yes he told Moses to take a lamp yes that is blame without blemish yes and then he killed the animal yes collect the blood in a busy mhm and then with a shrub coat his of piece of the ASEC the blood applied on the doorposts of their houses where they dwell and God said the Death Angel the destroyer plus the plague that was a plague to pass the land of Egypt just like his person on earth now and the Angel of Death will pass people died everybody anywhere that blood is applied new life will be touched I just took this example to remind you that this is what you need to be doing at this time and is not just for today for coronavirus the Bible says throughout the last days in Revelation chapter 12 that the sense overcame him Satan and all his angels and demons they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimonies if you go there now look at this historic work town you get so many up to about seven or more revelation of what happened on the cross because that lamb that they were actually is the Lamb of God that was slain on Calvary and his blood that was applied is the same blood of Jesus we can apply today and the power in that blood was revealed in that hour counts you see that the blood brought them deliverance from Egypt and brought to the brought of salvation but you see that the blood also brought them protection from the Angel of Death of protection from the plague that killed people all over the land of Egypt and the blood of Jesus also brings us protection not only for demons for plagues for all kinds of things maybe he should lift your hands wherever you are zap Lord I cleanse myself with the blood of Jesus my spirit my soul my body my garments cleanse me with your blood I repent of every form of sin and everything that touch my life that had defied my being cleanse me with your blood make me clean and holy again the blood is for cleansing but then let's take it from it I said Lord cover me with a blood of Jesus I cover myself my children my family the church God's people with the blood of Jesus Christ hide us in the sickle place of the Most High where the truths of evil cannot come near and touch where the hand of the enemy cannot touch us hide myself under the covering of your blood and under the shadow of your presence I thank you I bless you Lord you are my shield you are my pakka you're my rock of defense you're my god in whom I trust we give a praise Jesus mighty name see these are secrets they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb principles for living in the last days so go back to Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9 these things I'm showing you when we job fully into the prophetic things you see they make things easy for you the things that had been it is that we shall be that which is done is that we shall be done there is not in Iran that is own give me first then the tinda is there anything where of it may be said see destinies knew he had been already of the time of old which was before us you see what I'm talking about when you go back in history you see the key that unlocks the future even as you study your nations and your country and events happening in your country sometimes the new government come is every tone of a government that has come in the past I'm telling you that's what happens is they return I don't use the word reincarnation it's like a reincarnation of a previous government maybe 10 years maybe 20 years a spark and again and then history is about to repeat unless there are lessons learned those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it for example ladies and gentlemen this whole issue of the last days there is a generation that had lived in the past that faced the last days and made the end of their age it is the generation of newer that's why Jesus said to us as we study his common that as he was in the days of the award was destroyed by flood this ward finally will be destroyed by fire just like they met and and that's how we are heading to and end but you know that half turn and a new cycle begins now after what we are calling now at the end of the age a new cycle will begin those who survived it who move into the new era the whole world was destroyed nor his family survived it moved into the new phase and so they replenish in the end those who survived this end of it who move with Jesus into the Millennium roof for a thousand years the world will be destroyed with fire they will move into the new era and begin a new era of righteousness and peace eternal peace on that you don't think the world will come to an end and finish no is never it is world without end but you moves in cycles you end it face you begin a new phase somebody hear what I'm saying we just ended a week now today is the beginning of a new week grow repeat the name of the Lord grow a bit to the name of the Lord okay before I take you and show you something in history that is now good to be happening in our time if I show you let me give you a remoulade a prophetic word God asked me to give you this word a lot of this has shown me that some of them he doesn't want me to share on air you have to attend one of our prophecies on me life in future after this voted to to hear those words but this one he gave me permission to share and every week I'm going to be showing you something when it was time to destroy the temple a second time okay the first time he was at tabernacle Sheila that was destroyed not that temple but now they have beauty at them is in Jerusalem by Solomon and Jeremiah prophesied that he would be destroyed just like Sheila and when the time came Jeremiah said the wickedness is the king that we invade with his army and they will destroy this and so finally the prophecies that are coming Babylon made the offensive version listening to me God spoke to Jeremiah the Prophet himself that gave the prophets I'm going to show you two things now and said go and buy land he says somebody's going to come to you and offer you his land cheap bites get witnesses get documents because tomorrow they would deny make sure their document get proper seal make sure that you don't well that nobody would be able to deny it in future cause for witnesses to bear witness to the transaction count the whole money and give him now listen Israel is about to be destroyed the people are going to be killed and the people are going to go into captivity for 70 years that's what was shown to the man and his buying property God said to him dear Izzi you must buy the property is that this is not a permanent destruction then after 70 years this city will be reviewed and people are gonna come down and cities are going to be developed here and then you are going to be in a mighty advantage you are buying strategy property in Jerusalem that is central and then you are you and your children going to be properly positioned for the future don't sell buy why everybody is selling off their this fandom is gonna trailer up into confusion all kinds of this a good and I'm talking to you child of God listen to me just like I warned our people about these 7 years or whatever some of the lists and some of them didn't it saved me from a lot of hardship itself me from so much hardship because I knew about this thing that is going on now ahead of time I knew it why the country was in the seven years of plenty there was a different government I don't want to call the party a different party producing different government and the wedding was prosperity and go to me is seven years this government is not gonna last beyond certain time and after only seven years of recession economy will go hey this is what you must do this is what you must do this is what you must do social show show did Jeremiah chapter 32 let me show you if this is all I show you to them go we can study the prophecy or did we what a tenth time later I'm telling you these can save your life your company your business after you know that a man of God had been a Yami's ignore it you also cry but he doesn't matter use it a lame Jeremiah 32 verse 7 verse 7 behold and AM L the solo shulam die uncle shall come to the same by my field that is in an and not thoughts now Babylon has invaded the armies of Babylon has surrendered everybody's seen destruction everybody seen you know when you listen to what people are saying after the pandemic everything is going to go down my friend you better listen to the word of the Lord today everything's going to go down everything it's like if you were living in place of Libya from 3 years through Eastern Nigeria yeah the rest of the country going to school that places you think the world has come to an end as everybody seen because of the president ponder maybe one-day is trying to sell it where whatever don't do that by young coup and a male solution they will come to you saying by this my field is a massive land that these are not opted for the right of redemption is dying two-bys actually who is even telling general mattis God please put put verse 6 let him say the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah look at it verse 6 the word of the Lord came unto me saying God is the one talking to him now just like he's talking to you the word of the Lord came unto me saying so God is telling the Prophet you have prophesied destruction but there will be life after this is what you must do to secure the future put your money in real estate when everything is going down security realize that nothing that were good and when the finish and command is going to appreciate when orders are selling off out of fear and pandemic go and collect look for those ones that are selling out of crisis and order look for don't you buy it peace is going to return life is going to return to normal after this and then you bid war owning the future land owners who owned the last days see this last days a lot of things are going to happen a time is coming when you come buy or sell and other believers we put in this advantage but believers have the ability to grow their own food who have properties and who able to practice famine will be able to survive those days listen to what I'm saying now two key things I will tell you about three about today's service number one they ability to create your own water you know there will be little things that will happen that will pollute the water of the world sometimes they were poisoned or what I'm people be dying for water but anytime there is water problem water scarcity rain is not falling realize that there is always water the water on earth did not vanish to another planet can I say it again when you say there is famine seven years of famine three years of famine there is no rain the water on it did not travel to another planet it's still here so sometimes agricultural productivity is destroyed because rain did not fall for three years but you forget that water comes from three sources it comes from heaven in from of rain it comes from underground and then you have suffers what I'm from streams so if you are the type that Allah says to stream you live beside a stream or a river you can use irrigation and keep prospering but if you don't have access to surface water and there's no real water what you need is on that groundwater that's why you need borehole believers that will survive the last days one of the things they'll have to do is to create what a security for themselves you see like what happened now one other thing that people need that is water and if you have water business you want made a lot of money because when it is pandemic on open air people have to eat you have to drink water go on that ground we live in a city where you're too close to the sea underwater is not good on that ground go up land where you can buy a piece of land and get on that ground water so in the days of Isaac the son of Abraham there was family for seven years and it devastated the whole land but the Bible said Isaac prospered and grew and prospered a thousandfold he said Isaac's sword in the land and prospered a thousand food I used to wonder how I remember in the days of Abraham his father there was famine Abraham went down to Egypt God use a different strategy to help Abraham but during Isaac Isaac wanted to go down to Egypt like Abraham God said no there's a different strategy sustained in this land and I will bless you how did he survive he dog on that ground water wells and used the word to irrigate his farm so when there was no food all over the land this was the only man everybody found King to Prime all the people of the land were coming to one man to get food it became a national asset that one man so he prospered and became well the other his father Abraham he said he went a thousand food I'm warning you now as I study endtime prophecy you see this one you see now this pandemic and this melon is the small one this is a rehearsal oh if you see what is coming next and now that pandemic is going to be coming it's going to be so deadly and a major recession is gonna be coming after this one this one by two years the world will be out of it by 2022 the world will climb out of it but the next one that is coming is going to be so devastating use the lessons for now to prepare i toted life moves in cycles get on that girl water have a fan dream up with someone as I'm some food production if you don't want to grow that involve me helping to package and make it accessible to people you notice that many companies closed down but people who we're dealing with food did not later we're going to talk about 12 major areas that it doesn't matter what happens the whole world with Sydney 12 did you notice that the medical profession and all that was going on did you notice that telecom and the whole thing had to do with technology was good everybody was not watching watching was up watching TV watching it does you didn't have Jesse when I connected you know those guys were making billions where the rest of the world was going down did you notice that the CNN and all the Facebook and others where syllabus all my friend these are things you need to be a well there are certain area that were the future oh there are certain areas that will be in control of the future this is not just a comment frightened who endtime prophets God said I will teach you what is gonna show you what to do I will show you what to do so watch my friend oh okay okay okay but Genesis 2 this is verse 12 then Isaac so this famine start from verse 11 Oh start from it let's go to verse 9 so that they will get a contest stuff of us 1 I'm reading too much okay let me do that there was famine in the land beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham the recession keeps coming Abraham had his own don't say because you're a man of God that he won't come in your time but he survived God children what to do he's coming and getting out happily days of Abraham a happily days of his son Isaac it happened at the time of Jacob remember I Jack about to move to Egypt to go and meet yourself God had positioned just have to take care of them it happened even in this of David II happen and it does not mean like I happen it does not realize again it happened again it generation will face their own economic challenges but in every generation God shows that what to do and you hear what I'm saying this thing common in these last days there are solutions wisdom provided by the same God who foretold it maybe I should read this for you he said it was for many days in the land beside the one that was in the days of Abraham and Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines are vast you and the Lord appeared to him and said go not down to Egypt because that's what ever handed and by that he went there the King almost took his wife from him but he became very prosperous he said don't go down to Egypt well in this land and out I tell you do it here verse three sojourn in this land and I will be with you and I will bless you for unto you and your seed I will give all these countries how do you put to me no territorial people the economy how do you do that God wants to do that for you a new generation of billions and malunions are going to be imagine it from the kingdom as a result of this hotel what is the new wisdom to lead them into that place you need to listen and you to get your family members to tune in to this broadcast every week there are things that are gonna become another here you will see it anyway books you will see that's why my private devotion I just specially give God thanks for opening these things to us professor puts win an advantage over us to be forewarned is to be forearmed do you know that the whole of this prophecy is given they are given to us as tools for not only for site but for strategy if we now see what is coming then we can develop strategy whereas for business of a ministry of whatever yes the endtime prophecy is not given to frighten the church he's giving to arm and equip the church and give us a position of advantage because when the whole everywhere dark is the man that has the lights that becomes the leader when everybody's blind is the man I can see becomes a leader leadership is coming to you you're gonna be a light in this dark age you're gonna be a guide you're gonna help many because you walk in blindness you walk in darkness God has open your eyes to understand growing would be to the name of Jesus the Son of God sojourn in this land that I will be with you and I'll bless you for on today and I see I will give her this country and I'll perform the Covenant which I swore to Abraham your father you also need to understand I've got to keep covenant no matter the changing times go to keep covenant he will keep the Covenant he made with us with Abraham and with Jesus he will keep it covenant is stronger than whether covenant is stronger than global woman covenant is stronger die changing times in the midst of the uncertainty there is one certainty that is stable every covenant that God has made those boots that he has sworn they haven't changed they were strong and they would carry you through whatever that is going on so if you go read the whole thing like you can check out by sea level and twelve if you go read the horton the chapter you see that what Isaac did was he stayed and soared in that land good good you know verse 12 Isaac sowed in then how do you plant crops where there is no red how do you do that read the chapter you see on the ground water wells is what they were digging and they were using the irrigation so if there is no rain I can still be producing that's why these days you build a lot of damn you see what we do in Africa my friends we practice one season agriculture so during the rainy season if it is four months we plant and we have this and then we're going to dry season and we can plant who told you that you can have fun where you plant four times in a year every three months you have this angle you do another cycle three months you have it another cycle three modes you have another cycle three modes you have asked who told you that is once in a year you plant crops you can eat control the who here you can eat any crops right away if it is young you can plant a and Rises the rainy season so when you finish selling during the normal time of harvest when other people are Park top p.m. is now Scott you are still selling and people wonder how because your farm grows butin rainy and dry season because when rain is falling you build dams and stall water for the dry season and when it dries to succumb you open them to get their fun or you build wells fill up everywhere I'm gonna dry season come you pump out the water near it get the whole place if you see the small quantity of water you need every day to get these crops going you'll be shocked if you see the small quantity and just freak early in the morning and that is it see the next morning there are some crops 2 times a day you just sprinkle in the morning then some of them later in the evening and that is it see the next day rain will return and your well has not been exhausted you have not even used up to half of your well your storage or water and now you have grown two seasons of crop in a year you can grow four seasons that's what I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen it's time to change the game all this poverty in Africa is time for it to end this is the land of plenty it's time for us to grow the capacity to feed our people feed our countries and be the number one export of all types of agricultural products around the world we'll get back to that AIESEC sold in ireland i received in the same year a hundredfold and the lord blessed him verse 13 the lord bless them please verse 13 Genesis 26 does that Babu have a statue okay and my works great and went forward and grew until he became very great he's fine I was a great this one went and became dream famine it's no seventy remember what just a bit image if those Sophia's went Joseph and all the nations were coming to look at you would think Joseph was the first guy look at his ancestors have been doing this thing because this thing moves in cycles and even if you come to your time you go back and look at how you gained wisdom for your own time look at how his ancestors survived dream famine the monkey aunty he became very great and one more verse verse 14 and we have possessions of flock possessions of head crystal of servants and the Philistines in video ladies and gentlemen the Lord gave me a prophetic word for you he said that's what is going to happen to you if you can tap into the wisdom of God at the end of this houghton some of you by the end of this year some of you by the end of next year some of you by and you be on another level when you look back where you used to be you would thank God at the pandemic came don't you know that the Bible said everything that the enemy means for evil God turns it for good for advantage to his whole children he said that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose yes Satan did this to destroy life but God has a way of turning everything he does by his wisdom to the advantage of his children in the midst of this thing where transfer is going on again he has started again position yourself position yourself my friends position yourself not good and Saddam be telling stories pandemic where people are losing job is time that creating the jobs don't wait for them to suck you create an alternative source of income creates you own company by the side and keep working on one day they say there whatever but then there are also some kind of solution you start carrying no comprar can suck Daniel oh it yourself didn't meet that Lee you have to grow the industry to the next level it is dream for mine that the just cells and the Daniel's get their greatest employment their greatest people beep it in over their head because of the level of innovation and the capacity that they carry inside them is somebody hearing what I'm saying someone wasting this lockdown instead of using it to build capacity a lot of online trainings going on I know one of my daughters right talk to she has gotten two or three degrees within this period not for his degree short short courses grow regrow repeat the name of Jesus we have positions of flock positions of heads great source of Savin we have other people we are in and finished as in video let me read one more verse verse 15 for look at the seeking for all the worlds which is father's servant had tricked in the days of Abraham his father the fleece and has stopped them and fill them with that that's what we call reading in the wealth of your father's you do it in the area of Finance and world creation you do it in the area of prophetic knowledge you want to understand prophets go and find out what the Premier's of the faith of generation said about some of these things don't girls are inventing certain things but now the Philistines have covered all of these wells a few that we add so what did this guy do here doc all the wells that Abraham did look at advanced system and Abdul Malik said to Isaac go from us for you are much mightier than we but before you prefer system put verse 15 okay that's 60 the king of the fleece that came to meet me said please you need to leave our country you are mighty one man is my general Hawkins mightier than government go from her for you are much mightier than we you are mighty you need to City kind of world he left that Lana returned to the promised land he was actually during this famine that God established him and fulfill the covenant that he made to Abraham he was going to bless the his son Isaac it was also briefed on mine that God established Abraham financially the eagle flies highest against the wind not along with the wind it's when wind is contra that he could show us high is when there's bush fire that eco catches the highest fret because when there is fire all the animals are running out then he just dives into the swamp Preakness until oh then it goes up drop it dives again and pick that road and then it dives I gonna pick that in don't get confused like the rest of the world this is your moment of opportunity this is your moment please cut the buttstock abaya and you lift up your helitack lord or put my eyes on the sand what you are sending this man to bring my way open my eyes to see and help me to understand what to do open my eyes to see around wreath at your seat where you are living there are so many opportunities convert all these problems to opportunities every problem is pregnant with opportunities every problem every adversity is pregnant with an equal opportunity for advantage can I say it again every adversity is pregnant with an equal opportunity for advantage that's why they say necessity is the mother of invention this is time for innovation this time for invention this time to think of new ways this is time to show high as the ego is a day that would upon the Lord shall mount up with wings like the ego we grow a bit to the Lord glory be to the Lord my time is running up amazingly and I have have so much to show you and I'm just started I look at what the time gonna let me go and show you something else God said to Jeremiah by anyone died selling this let's lie bytes of course I think I need to show you a little more about that Jeremiah did you please go back to in Jeremiah did you I was reading from verse 7 the water the Lord came to Jeremiah saying you know your uncle who come to you and that's why I'm talking to you people are going to start coming around you or you hear them discussing make the operation wait check over to possible a Cabaye headed by he will say to you by did my field that is in an attic for the right of redemption is yours that was it so for in verse 7 the man finally shows up and was making him the offer go to him in verse 6 now he's happening so Hannah Hannah Mel my uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the word of the Lord and said to me by my field I prayed his begging I pray the means I beg you that is in Ana talk which is in the country of Benjamin for the right of inheritance is yours and the redemption is dying by for yourself then I knew that this was the word of the Lord ladies and gents what telling you happening around you then verse 9 and I bought the field of Hannah me a country is about to be destroyed by a lunge animals have surrendered everywhere by land does that make sense where do you keep your money during times of crisis and recession dalla let me not talk about it where do you keep your money nothing is as real as real estate there is no property that is as enduring as London property there are other areas were less deal with our last prophetic are God's sake tell me to talk to you about this and there is no investment that is as enduring as investment in water ground produces when I solid mineral what it is the riches of the earth when deity the earth is destroyed well as a precaution let's food production a body filled and I where'd him the money seventeen shekels of silver see how much is by Allen that's lasted and I subscribed the evidence you can see you get all the documents don't leave anything to chance because when the weather changes again they will be angry and then they want to go go against what they agreed with you you start running up and down you'll be shocked you have change no no don't let give them the chance to cheat you secure it now subscribe the evidence to pepper walk seal it and take witnesses where him the money in the balance let there be witnesses sometimes we even take video coverage where we are exchanging money and document the man is no willing to have witness I know there's ulterior motive that dubious plan if he has integrity to be willing for the ability evident last eleven and I gave the evidence of the purchase on top Barak the son of Neriah the son of masseur in the site or animal my uncle son and in the presence of the witnesses that subscribed the book of the purchase before all the Jews that Sutton the court of the prison I make sure there were witnesses and we'll make sure we did the documents and make sure it was sealed and all of that Nath's challenges how do I saw such sensitive documents so that it will last seventy years when things turned back is tedious ok use it to lay claim that one I don't know what I can say to TV but there are so many ways for example banks can help you to do that yeah banks gonna happen to do that but then it has to be blue chip companies you give such things not the ones that come food tomorrow hmm it has to be banks that having your stones they have a half years behind them Lord okay there's something very sweet let me read it for you the Holy Smoke give you understand because I can't say that on TV it's only the Holy Spirit for you give you understand it go to the next verse and I charge Barak before them saying was that fortune toss said a lot of us the God of Israel take this evidences this evidences of purchase both which is sealed and this evident which is open put them in a netting fashion that they may continue many days they used to use ads import you bury something in a net impart you come out a thousand years is dead I don't say some things in an attempt or play upon a thousand years is dinner you know how we got back some of this biblical or these Scrolls from which we got her Bible even books like The Book of Enoch that was written about the creation of the war about the time of Noah's Flood this is how they hid such documents some in caves some very certain places and they will give certain signs so that the generations coming lady horse will give you your own understand more than examples of this but there are ways to store information hope you know you can stow it space and clouds but in these days of Internet fraud and whatever you have to now know how to create the codes and the keys that people cannot but if you just property land property you know nobody can get it and get your document to say you Alan what we are going to also be lemon Lord Lord Lord how to protect worlds in these last days because of what is coming I will leave that for today I only want food I'm gonna sell something that is Jojo when prophecies so because around your area your country your city make plans to come when this whole thing is over we're going to be coming bro repeat the name of the Lord glory glory glory glory to the name of the Lord Trey and I just just what you have that's what you can we just sing a song my worship this is my wash all of my worship [Music] can worship you worship you for me for all the things you've done for me things you've done for me no yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh so [Music] [Music] yes we [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh amen amen amen Wow I'm just trying to open this in on time it is gone and I have not even gone into the main event of today we're just at the desert and it's amazing he's amazing boss I need to show you one more thing before this time runs up Jeremiah chapter 29 the Lord said you need to know this Jeremiah has secured his own future Nebuchadnezzar invaded he pulled out captured the King of Jerusalem cost artist I carried him in Chains to Babylon destroyed the temple rimmed all the place for some unknown reason it baffles me what is it happened he killed a lot of people took a lot of them captive like Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego thousands of Jewish he took them like in Chains down to Babylon and later you're going to be seeing how the prophetic removed the chains from Daniel and made him a prime minister again but before we get to Daniel let's look at Jeremiah now the King finally invaded his soul German he said for you you're a man of God yet he arrested or the prophet saw you know he even carried Ezekiel was one of those carried to Babylon it was in Babylon that Ezekiel prophetic ministry blew open there were two prophets God developed right there in captivity one was Daniel the other was Ezekiel in the latter years he developed Haggai and the cry after they were returned back to start rebuilding but these two so Ezekiel was Daniel's contemporary they were all both in captivity but there was one man who founded this with him before them it was Jeremiah the King saw him he said you have two option if you come with me you'll be taking care of you go through what others are going through for you at the man of God I profess I adore distance he said what do you have one hour another option you can choose to stay in this land with your people because I'm not removing everybody they're poor of the people the ordinary poor I will leave them here so that this place does not remain is become completely desolate you see if you want to stay with your people you can stay your mindset your honor or your majesty whatever he called the king is I prefer to stay back the King said go ahead nobody will touch you and that's how he stayed back none listed now but he has bought that lunch yes borderland so German was staying back in the land of juda and then the Lord comes to him again and said I have helped you you need to now help the rest of my people that are in captivity in Babylon they have gone to Babylon and certain prophets are busy telling them you are going to live here within six months you live here anyway and so they are not planning to do business they are not making an economic plan there are not developing families they are in disadvantage because they are listening to these false prophets I want you to write what I'm about to show you send it to them by a letter tell them to stop by land tell them to stop building properties tell them to even see real estate tell them to invest in farm tell them to get their children to marry the ones that are aged the manager right kind of a little mother Babylonian letter money among the Jewish tell them to grow and multiply that in this 70 is so-called captivity they will grow they will prosper so much even the Babylonians we envy them even in a time of depression in the time of recession in the time of captivity enterprise will keep prosper investment with keepers but now investor guided by the Holy Ghost I think I need to show you Jeremiah 39 please twist open it that's one first let's see take verse 1 to 4 Sarah you see German had to write this letter he couldn't go to Babylon remember he told the king he was interested so he wrote it and sent it to them and they were reading it in the Jewish communities so that the proof of God are not putting disadvantage and now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the Prophet sent from Jerusalem he's dead back onto the residue of the actors which were carried away captives to the priests a lot of priests went into captivity to the Prophet prophets went into captivity prophets and they are their suffering and their men of God priests and their men of God you see what prophecy does for you the man that sees the future is positioned differently it's positioned differently I see that I'm going to be doing this series the June and the reason is that there is so much incited what this would do for you and nobody has done for me process went into captivity priests went into captivity and to all the people who never Katniss has carried away captive for Jerusalem to Babylon first you after that jacana the king and the Queen and the in OGG and the princess of Judah and Jerusalem and the Capitals and this means we're the party for even the king went into captivity the Queen went into captivity the princess of judah we all carried the weight away their slaves from our King nicely one recession one problem couple inward and destroy a billion reducing to nothing destroyed politicians destroy powerful men you see why an authentic priesthood authentic prophetic ministry is one of the greatest blessing a society can have if you want to function as a minister from strong with integrity in it because that time is coming even these people prophesied knows that they all pay for it but the Bible said can a blind man lead the blind the war would fall into a ditch take someone with vision would understand it to provide directional leadership leadership is not about pressing people not in the visible something people are helping them arrive at their destination taking them from where to where they are going to weather has been to be passed three by the hand of lsah he sent a letter but a novela sorry son of shaphan and gamellia sent you guys the son of Hilkiah whom Zedeck a king of judah sent on to babylon Technica Cadmus so you see a new governor was placed over Judah by the King Nebuchadnezzar his emissary care whether was carried captive and he now needs to send a message so Jeremiah used opportunity to put his letter will you get there deliver my letter cut distance nobody could travel but government officials could so he gave him that and because his government whatever they have security along and then was for Todd said a lot of hosts the God of Israel unto all that are carried away captive whom I have cause to be carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon yet the enemy did it Babylonian what God is using it to out something again for Israel it's time to clean up the idolatry and iniquity in Israel and get for himself again a holy nation that's one of the things God is trying to accomplish with this this whole thing I look like he's working against the church God is using it to beat back purity purify the child get back church on track get us back on our focus and get us ready for the last days revival after this the next time it might be the coming of the Lord and the emergence of the Antichrist and you won't be able to do anything about it let us learn for now for what is happening now verse 5 dude houses this is God Almighty talking to people that are in a recession build houses first instruction real estate what is instruction you gave to Jeremiah real estate dwell in them till and get it was the second in social agriculture it's the fruit of them was the first instruction realize that where do I put my money in times like this real estate was the second one agriculture produce food to feed your family produce to sell to others plant gardens and eat the fruit of them there are some of these fruit trees some of you have land in your houses in your compound you don't grow through the only grow flowers even that's not planting real trees that give you mango and guava and Papa especially some of this is sunshine ones that are good for health you are hearing about the importance of vitamin C plan to arrange EC you ask plant grapes in your plan certain things next time you said they've shown a everywhere is not and you have all the basic things you need in your house have a place where you grow young you grow if you can't like green rice if you can't grow things like that your other things drew Tomatoes they grow everywhere they lose something that can be useful to you you grow them as flower but their leaves are mates don't just be ignorant of what is happening next thing you'll be running around shop right I'll run around everywhere you can find food [Music] plant farms plant crops and eat the fruit of them but 6 God Almighty is talking to his people taking wives and beget son some of you now know if you like you have been hanging around you have been playing around the time feud family once you can grow set up economic system next in his family if you have not set up means of feeding yourself and them don't go and start adding on a representative set of how you're going to take care of them how to roof over them how you're going to feed them then wife look at the or that God is following begat sons and daughters take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husband that they may be as sons and daughters that ye may be increased their and not diminish this is God and for the church it means we're going to get to that maybe next week this is time to treat the Great Commission see if you miss of all these end times there's one constant this gospel of the kingdom shall be published in all the earth as a witness then the end will come it doesn't matter whether you are - in business you grow in father you need all those basic things but now you must engage yourself in the mission of God turn all these things that is going to us an advantage an opportunity for women the world the harvest is ripe in a Miss of all this confusion and distance and this is the greatest time to win people's Christ verse seven seek the peace of the city where have caused it to be carried away captive prayed to the Lord for it for in the peace dear of Shibuya peace guess what city he was talking about Babylon the Babylonians destroyed our city Jerusalem to cost in your own country and you are asking me to be praying for their prosperity to seek their peace ladies and gentlemen I want you to listen listen very well you want me to pray for the well-being of belong and to seek their peace God said because your own prosperity is connected to that land do you well if you're going to build those houses and it's not going to be bombed down pray that there will be security where you are living if you're going to plant those farm and you want to rip the cross pray they're saved and peace where you are pray only not only for the peace but the prosperity of the land because that's how you prosper if you are planting a crop and you destroy the productivity of the land where your crop will grow how will you get the harvest so some of you are destroying your own countries you had taken your nation you are destroying everything you want a mission to be pulled down and yet as the initial where you live what kind of demon got into your head who is teaching you that for which Bible are you reading that the Bible said pray for those in authority and this is an enemy country that destroyed the Jewish people he had God Almighty the one does in Jeremiah to tell them to seek for the peace of that even if the people are going against your own people pray for the well-being of the government bind this demonic power that disturb in the pallino tourists ask for wisdom to come up with actually we drew with justice and peace because that is how you too will prosper as long as you don't pray like that your businesses your properties your houses because the enemy will be pushing them against you producing authority pray for your pastors don't be among those attacking you our leaders the Bible warns that the last days will be time of lawlessness lawlessness in the family children against parents lawlessness in nation nations against nations don't be involved in that that's the gross darkness that will cover the edge we are taught to be on the other side to be the light to be the one showing the examples praying for the Peace of the land as long as you live in any mission doesn't matter where you are listening to me from around the world pray for the peace of that land plea to court for things to go with elections to go for God to give you godly leaders now help move that country forward we want to buy behind the walks of the enemy how he's using people in authority to come and dance God's plan behind it after giving them this message that would take care of their personal prosperity and national corporate and social prosperity God is teaching his people you don't just prosper oh you oh you don't live in a vacuum SiC the webinar environment where you operate if you do business in this city create social activities that you do for the community where you do your business if you have a company in a particular community sometimes good and take care of the poor in that environment because he affects your business it would only grow your customer base it will end up leading to greater returns for that company understand the importance of social responsibility and social engagement sometimes good they are do something for the police you know find the police the security agencies that do smart projects for them buy them cheap abundant they may seem they don't have in the office it will end up benefiting that company understand that the businesses you're building don't exist in vacuum and it's a connection with your business an environment where you operated your own is school in a particular environment sometimes going to a social project for the area boys in that area don't wait in the country kidnap us build houses of our cousin the do social projects for the people in that environment don't wait they come to rob you understand the connection all my time is up to understand the connection and then verse eight and our end and then the states yes four toes said the Lord the God of Israel not your prophets and your diviner the business of you deceive you neither hack into you the dream that I caused you to dream last night for the prophesy for Sloane to you my name and I have no sending was then West then for toasted the Lord after 70 years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you perform my good word towards you in kasi you to return you can imagine someone like Daniel that was around 17 when he arrived my time as 70 man was around his 90s when they serve a reputed if he didn't have this information he what wasted his whole life he won't be a prime minister because he wouldn't have gone to school it wouldn't have prepared himself he wouldn't have position you wouldn't have had a house the man were living big in Babylon yet he was a man a prophet it was so powerful in that place yet he was committed to walking out a plan of God to the people returns it was one always fasting and praying for the redemption of Israel but he prayed for the position of understanding seventy years when I start showing you the events heading to the coming of the Antichrist and the coming of the Lord coming of the one war and all the things are going to happen in these last days Jesus in the midst of it all said occupy till i come looked at the nineteen talked to it as well and you know from verse 11 jesus said don't sit I do ask God's people as they had distance Jesus of teaching as they had these things he added a speck a parable because he was near to Jerusalem because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear because sometime we'll talk about a coming of the Lord some people think he's and he squeezed for laziness to sit I do and not be so as Jesus was talking about they thought that the kingdom of God will show up immediately so you have to tell them a parable to teach them how to live in operate in the last days look at what he taught the verse 12 he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return he's talking about him you see he had to finish dying on the cross go back to heaven to be crowned king of King lot of laws and be given Dominion day he can return to stat his reign between that time he ascended and the time he returned about two thousand years period has elapsed a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return you can decide power you have no been given and that Dominion was not to be given to him - he has gone to the cross first at him and he called his 10 servants and delivered to them 10 pounds and said to them occupy till i come on to you see Jesus returned occupy being caged be engaging the great commission be engaging business be engaging your career be making money be developing your business being portion your career the marriage and raising children don't sit down I do say you're waiting for Jesus to come when he come he must meet you busy occupy like he said he delivered ten pounds to them and tell them occupy till i conversed 14 but he citizen hated him and sent a message after him saying we don't want you to rule over us that's the people of the world that's why we're here they turned out the Battle of a Megiddo that's a different subject we'll deal with later verse 15 and he came to pass the way he was returned having received the kingdom he commanded these servants to be called to him whom he had given the money that he might know how much everyone has gained by trading you see the first people he George was the church the people of God after that he not judged the nation's our own is judgment based on what we did with the resources both financial but the anointing the gospel everything he put in our hands to touch the world we're going to be accessed what did you do with your money what did you do with your time what did you do with your talents what did you do with the wisdom I gave you what did you do with all the knowledge you are getting in charge even what you are learning now what did you do with it all the teaching what how many shows did you win how what did you how much did you have to expand the kingdom what did you do with all these resources what did you do with the influence with a connection then he's gone to someone the world and divide them between sheep and goat and he's going to judge them by how they treated his people and how they treated the nation of Israel they're going to be judged by how they treated the church and I hardly treated the mission of Israel but we there are gods before gonna be judged by how we manage how we see what the things that God committed into the ministry distinguishable ministry God called you what did you do with that column how many lives did you impart God give you an anointing what did you do with an anointing God give you resources you are blessed by God what did you do with your money did you just build things for yourself and abandon the kingdom of God what did you do with relationships and they they that God blessed to it what did you do with them what did you do with your time no say I'm 50 years old I'm 70 years old you are getting yourself indicted what did we do to all those years show what you produce with our life did you waste your life did you waste God's resources and that's where a lot of Christians are going to get into trouble you better not be I do in the last days you better be engaged in the mission of God you gotta be engaged touching lives you better be engaged expanding the kingdom you better have engaged winning souls are making disciples and then practically speaking in the physical you better also be engaged creative word doing things that will help you take care of your family take care of yourself and then sponsor the gospel at the same time you better not have any excuse when Jesus returns listen to that so it came to pass away he was returned he acts all he suffers to be caught to whom he had given the money now he might know how much everyone has gained by trading vast 16 then came the first one say Lord your pawn has gained 10 pounds watch what the Lord said to him was and he said to him well done good servant because you have been faithful impaired a little you will have authority over 10 cities this man is going to rule 10 cities because the resources God given me he has gained 10 pounds so God is going to reward people where he comes according to their level of productivity according to their level of stewardship their faithfulness is to worship learn to be faithful where you learn to serve faithfully God does not reward visibility God rewards faithfulness God does not reward position what God was his faithfulness God rewards productivity it was a reward is ability he doesn't know what I chose he rewards productivity what did you achieve for the kingdom it was a reward position what it was his faithfulness to things he looks out for faithfulness and productivity you want apply it what I gave you you were faithful in managing my resources my house those of you that are placed over people like church pastors I know how you handled God's people how much have you grown their work how many suits have you how many disciples have you made be faithful where you actually if you are serving on the people be faithful it's from there that got promotion to bigger things your promotion your future depends on what you're doing with what you have now the next thing God is going to give you depends on what you're doing with what he has given you now demanda had 10 okay his pound has grown has become ten pounds he said have dominion over ten cities bus 18 and the second one can so Lord your pound has gained five pounds look at verse 19 and the Lord said to him be thou over five cities he gained five pounds five said God is just unfaithful he gives to every man according to his walk not according to his talk God does not what profession here was productivity verse 20 and I know that came saying Lord behold your pound which I kept laid up in a napkin you see excuses he did nothing with what he was given I hid it at practice in a napkin and he did somewhere verse 21 for I feared thee because you are an austere man you take where you have not laid down you reap where you have no soul verse 22 and he said unto him out of your own mouth I will judge you a week eight seven you knew that I was an austere man reaping where did not sow but still three why did you take my money and put it in a bank so that I was received with interest you see anything that is not appreciating is depreciating if you keep any type of capital and is not growing is not multiplying in value after some years when you bring it back he'll return it exactly as it did in some case he has lost 50% of the value the ideal situations worsen that they lose up to 70% of the value that's what this guy didn't know if you are no moving forward you're moving backward you're not standing still you know when every other person is moving have you noticed that when you are driving in a car when you are moving the trees start moving but they move backward anything that is standing still is moving once every replacing moving forward those things that are standing still are moving backward they don't know if you are not making progress you are moving in opposite direction after why they have left you behind that's why he gave us the command to occupy be busy be productive be engaged to sit idle and be completed and be making excuses of course this servant is not only that he took what he had they took that one and give it to the man that had the highest level of productivity if you read down and people said Lord but the man already has ten and because to him has more be given the person has producing resort is the one God increases the more but to him that has not even the little he has to be taken away for him if you read it much God said take that unprofitable servant cast him into outer darkness that's how that Minister went to health that's how that believer went to hell is a custom into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth I hope you know that snow heaven that place where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth were place that is outer darkness is hell he was unfaithful in stewardship and there are several major things God has committed to us it is to worship of your time as a swoosh of your talents you gives your skills and order it's the worship of your treasure your money what did you do with it easy to advance the kingdom of God sponsor that goes help the poor did you see to impact lives it's to worship of the temple your body your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit your hell did you manage it well it's to ship of your family and friends relationships that God give you this five are basic but for every believer days the stewardship of the mysteries of God the gospel did you preach it and win souls and disciple makhmud what did you do with that now gospel is the power of God unto salvation we are giving power that can save lives and use seven light switches and for those according to Ministry a stewardship of that ministry pastors are gonna give a count on them but for every one of us there everybody has a purpose an assignment you have a company you have a business how did you run it how would he do it whatever God committed easier on your job your career you see worship of your vocation see there's a annual ministry what is that with the stewardship of your life your time you don't live in a wasted life you live in an invested life the judgment seat of Christ will bring all of this to be are you conducted your life did you live for Christ did you live godly life as well starts then you move to your talents your tray and all ology how did you use your money you just spend it only on yourself let me result you for you you this is my concluding thoughts this is from the doctor Kumi additional he was in charge of agriculture under the former president in this country and now he hates the African Development Bank I was heading the Minister of Agriculture back here at 4:00 he went for a look at what he said I 2010 that stay for now ladies and gentlemen listen by 2030 the size of the food and agribusiness in Africa who will reach one trillion dollars one trillion dollars will be how much in there how many trillionaire 400 trillion now for those of you in your different countries one trillion dollars this is just in Africa before talk about your own country if you are thinking of how to make money that is the sector to be we said our key in this prophecy some is seen and owned in the future under standard at times and knowing what Israel ought to do let me read it again by 2030 10 years from now when do you start going to tell us now the size of the food and agribusiness in Africa will reach 1 trillion dollars if you are thinking of how to make money that is the sector to be let me read and written this is by one of our fathers of it in Nigeria rampant otaku he said at the time when Jerusalem was on that tack by Babylonian army it was obvious that the nation will fall that the inhabitants will be carried into captivity it was clear that properties businesses will be forfeited there is a man living in the land by the name of an animal when he looked at the future day he saw after the horton was her sheep misery because he was in vessel or destruction with as at hand was or as Shaw but was more secured to him to lay her some money than to keep her property on the other hand God made my know that misery he had a glorious plan for the people of his right now people have defined the future after Kovac 19 pandemic with but would that be all to define the future no God is refining the future different from how the world is refining it he is preparing the ground for a bountiful harvest he is preparing the ground for a mighty harvest of souls the misfortune of Kovach 19 we wiii not define the future God's plan is what we define the future God is planning for an abundant harvest God will use this misfortune to walk on the people to prepare their hearts to receive Christ he's looking at the mighty revival and the mighty have a source who that will follow this pandemic God has also shown me that beyond even the harvest of souls there will be people are gonna be much economic Giants are gonna match leaders of industries all kinds of things are going to happen take advantage of now and see what is coming and positioning yourself father I pray for everyone your children all over the world I have listened to today's broadcast let that same anointing that came upon Daniel that came upon Jeremiah that came upon Joseph that came upon Isaac I've talked to them about all of these men who prospered during adversity dream famine during recession during some of the worst times in human history let us say man 19 come upon them then 19 for four sides they are known him for strategic foresight give them that grace to see what is coming the opportunities that are common are as a result of all this lead them into them into these opportunities show them their own place where they can secure their future and I bless them Lord like Isaac they were so they will prosper in the land and they will grow forward and become greater become greater and how to pray for every one of them that they will catch the vision of the master to take advantage of this time to win the harvest of the war that is now ripe that is getting rotten and every one of them will rise so that no one will bury their talent no one wears the opportunity and they will see the huge opportunity that you have created for the church and take advantage of it and now if you have not given your life to Christ put your hand on your chest let me pray for you maybe you're not sure of your future if Jesus were to come now you're not sure what your future will be because the coming of the Lord is around the corner but God is teaching us how to live he shows up finally you have not given your life to Christ put your hands on your chest say Lord I recognize that I'm a sinner or maybe you have backslider to him lord I recognize that I'm a backslider I've toned them well for you but I repent of my sins Lord forgive me cleanse me with the blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary wash me from every righteousness Lord Jesus come into my heart be my Lord and my personal Savior I believe that you died for me on the cross you shed your blood for my Redemption now Lord has accepted you as my savior and that office your declare you ask my lord and I submit my life to you I will live for you all the days of my life and Lord take me on this journey and leave me till the day I see you face-to-face in Jesus mighty name amen and amen and I pray for every one of you that will create this miracle of all the miracle of salvation and the miracle of the new bed would take place in your life and the Holy Spirit will come upon you wash you with the blood of Jesus give you a brand new nature they met you of Christ fill you with the Holy Spirit and empower you to begin to live the Christian life and I bless you in the name of the Lord that things will go well for you you will run this race successfully when it's over when the cotton is drawn then you people standing at people and Jesus will be able to say well done good and faithful servant god bless you I want to challenge you all of you to give your life to Christ call or send us a message use one of the lines on the screen and send us a message tell us what has happened to you and all of you that have watched tell us how they broke us has been a blessing to you the different things you are doing innovations ideas coming to you because of this you know and then like Isaac did he said Isaac so darlin don't just so business is some plant companies have start ideas plant a financial seed to help us reach more families to expand the broadcast so we can reach more countries or more nations everybody need to hear what you are hearing and if you're being blessed by it you want to help us partner with us to help spread it we need to get on more networks to be able to reach a wider network we need to reach the whole world and you know corners let us know use one of the lines you know and then if you're looking for where to sow his seed I'm sure that I show you some bank accounts you can reach out to and if you're confusin anything call one of those lines and get some direction god bless you I'll see you next week god bless you and I praise you [Music] you were my strength and my reward I'm lost without you your love pulls me through my life is to you [Music] ooh Lord you were my sweet your love [Music] [Music] my strength [Music] [Music] and I presume [Music] No [Music] to do let's sing the first part [Laughter] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my stay [Music] see and I praise Allah [Applause] you are my reward I lost without you I love rose maids [Music] one more time a decoration and I pray [Music] you are my strength and my reward and lost without you my fees available just be plain make sure you give you offering every week very important that's church coming to your home make sure you use one of those lines one of those numbers that are available one of those accounts make sure you give you a free minn white join us our worship a little righteousness righteous [Music] Oh [Music] we called you right [Music] [Music] [Applause] your and I praise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my strength my reward I lost without you your love whose me [Music] available to I'm not crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my love is away [Music] my life is available [Music] hallelujah hallelu
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 12,127
Rating: 4.9118457 out of 5
Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2020, breaking altars and covenants, evil altars, spiritual warfare, demonic altars, emeka nwankpa, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic ministry, new covenant family, priesthood, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2020, pastor david ogbueli 2020, corona virus, covid-19
Id: sJa5BegWhyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 58sec (8878 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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