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[Music] good evening everyone [Music] my job is to talk about the holy spirit and i'm going to be leading you into seven special anointings that god wants to release here now but you see [Music] christianity has the cross has two sides one side is the sufferings of jesus the other side has to do with our own suffering along with him one side deals with receiving the benefits of his own suffering the other side deals with taking your own cross to follow him what has spoiled the modern church is that they are only taught one side we are taught about his sacrifice and what we can benefit from it so our christian life is built only on what god can do for us we are not taught to follow in his example and you see it everywhere in the bible to also carry our own cross which will result in massive salvation for others we actually think that there are more benefits in collecting what he died for no there are more benefit when you also die like him the benefits of christianity about 20 to 25 percent is in christ suffering 75 percent is when you identify with him in your own suffering with your own suffering before you sit down i need to make it clear so in christianity you have general grace then you have uncommon grace the general grace are those things that are free [Music] the common grace and the only reason they are even free is because jesus prayed for them so salvation is free healing is free and so on and so forth baptism of the holy spirit is free forgiveness is free [Music] but now you have the uncommon grace none of them is free so sometimes when you listen to you hear messages where they talk about paying a price for something they are discussing the articles in that site are on common grace an example is when you here pay a price for the anointing [Music] they are on common grace they are not available in the free market and that's where 75 percent to 80 percent of kingdom resources are that's why majority of people who fill our churches are not assessing those things but they read them in the bible because any of god's uncommon grace requires sacrifice let's look at what you get the free things you get after jesus died you get salvation you get forgiveness of your sin and so on now you you don't have to go to hell you can go to heaven but what did jesus get who made the sacrifice you can't get those things you can only get them when you make your own sacrifice [Music] if i want to list 36 different things he got there is none of that you can touch until you have bought your own sacrifice [Music] is he that he was now highly exalted where is your own promotion is he that is number king of kings where is your own is it the level of authority that he carries now there is a scripture that listed at least seven of the things that were that are crude to him after he made that sacrifice that's why you read all the apostles of christ and all the people that followed him the biblical christians early church all of them were sacrificial individuals there is a new and modern christianity that we have sold to the church and that's why people are against things like giving they think you're a good person until you talk about giving [Music] my job is not given so there is a good man a young man that came to jesus and why jesus preached the ten commandments he said i want to be saved what shall i do to have eternal life jesus asked him about the ten commandments and he said he has obeyed all of them he has been obeying it from his young for his youth until jesus told him to do giving he got offended and left that's what some people do oh i have never seen a man of god like this talk about giving [Music] that rich man god of another left and it's because of him that message that it is very hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god it's easier to pass through the eye of a needle a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man he was preaching because of that man the moment he walked away [Music] what's the problem it's not that god has reaches abraham all the men that are quoting for you they were all worthy all of them david solomon all of them and they're all in heaven of course heaven is named a part is named abraham's bosom so what is it god is not against rich god gives riches what issue is that the man thought he was the one that had the money he didn't know it was the money that had him [Music] there are levels you cannot break through in god without sacrifice there are things that ordinary skill you know we help us robots they have one of the few professors in his family professors in nigeria that did aeronautic they studied all the way to space work with nasa the man is in the village drinking wine [Music] broke i know one that i had to dash money he has three three different degrees and one phd it has three different masters and one phd [Music] what did jesus get who made the sacrifice revelation chapter five verse 11 [Music] all the angels in heaven now worships this man and they stood round about the throne and the beast and the elders and the number of them were ten thousand times ten thousand and look at what they said in verse twelve saying with a loud voice what d is the lamb he's not favor he is worthy he paid to get here worthy is the lamb look at the things he receives the reward of himself number one is power two is riches number three is wisdom when solomon gave that sacrifice that people when they converted in in in in financial values just a few of them it runs into millions multiplied millions of dollars solomon ended up with wisdom and one of this article called honor just two just two jesus ended up with all of them he ended with wisdom he ended up with strength of might he ended up with honor he ended up with glory he ended up with blessings and it's not hollow i can take you to other scriptures you see other things so it's like i made a sacrifice and now my reward includes economic power political power intellectual power and all that then you come to my gate to get free handouts and every monday maybe once in a month or during sarah or during christmas or easter i come out and give some handout you collect that and you keep collecting that that's what where a lot of believers are living the common grace the manner that falls from heaven that moses that had enough anointing to create food from heaven what about getting that in her house why do you want to be collecting one apple why don't you have the three [Music] why should they be giving you handouts [Music] now for things like salvation we couldn't do anything about it we couldn't have paid thank god that he did that for us romans chapter 8 where god said we are heirs of god and join us verse 16. first of all he said the spirit of god bears witness romans chapter 8 the spirit of god bears witness with our spirit that we as children of god you give your life to christ this starts then verse 17 if children then heirs and heirs of god and join air with christ and whenever we preach it we tell everybody you are joined and we christ shout hallelujah everybody will shout where is your own riches where is your own wisdom where is your own power everything he has belongs to amen amen there are no free gifts that's why the scripture they said there is a condition and that condition so far we suffer with him so that what will happen we may also reign with him you have to carry your own cross [Music] it costs something to advance god's kingdom if not for this message dominion will still be in one uncompleted building somewhere in enugu and actually actually probably would struggle and struggle finally build one church and that's where pastor david would have died you wouldn't have met me nobody because there is no man of god who breaks into higher realms in the spirit who didn't get there by sacrifice you see this one that's why check there are hundreds of thousands of pastors it is a handful you can count them on double of your fingers that are actually operating on common grace go meet any one of them sacrifice is what i did ministry seven years until i took poison to drink i went to chemistry lab and took hydrogen cyanide now suga is introducing uln is introducing a type of electricity generated from sewage that place that collec that all the seaweed from that university goes that's where i went to drink it there are pastors suffering i'm doing pastors conferences across the country [Music] i was there that's why i'm doing a lot for ministers after seven years and my father disowned me for answering the call because i rejected my uncle was a a big guy in an npc and i studied industrial communities i was a part chatted so i could i did my industrial attachment there so they've created a part for me and i went to answer the call and now this is how it's ended this is the message that rescued me it doesn't come by crying if you like sing from now to jesus return when you sing go there is a type of anointing that comes from that because every seed beside is harvest if you plant mango you are not going to get guava so worship if it goes up the blessing the presence presence of god comes no financial breakthrough can come political dominion cannot come sacrifice [Music] tonight i want to talk about uncommon grace certain anointing there are seven of them god came into committing this year to release it on you that's why i said you have made my job easier what was he teaching our church in enugu in an uncompleted building passing the money test [Music] and i came in and sat down [Music] when i finished hearing it i saw the key to all i have is if i have done fasting now don't ask us off i realized what the house has been trying to tell us i don't know whether it's because it was a fail in nigeria his papa i saw what he did for him but why the thing did he enter when he finished i would go back and drop normal offering and there were pastors like me they would drop that there were orders making sacrifices bishop prohibitor was in the notes he comes in there he closes his account even when papa died we all went for his barrier it would be super unique that took most of the lion's share of everything that happened we watched him from a pastor that used to have one pocket at his back he used to wear this trouser like fella he broke into the maker whatever he is i watched that i watched a number of like seven men i watched this happen before my eyes but you know i'll tell myself uh you know it was your message not even in the house that i cracked this one for me he preached it but i don't know what it was with my ear then i don't know whether it's because you came from south africa i made it work for me [Music] first it was the only car that i had i dropped that one then of course because of course they are trying to get us out of that completed building to get us our own property and this pcj was the one that built the first domino city church this is it i have never built a church but i gave in all of them and you can ask him the type of giving i'm not talking about so at that time my first experience there to to buy their first land and do and so they finish all that all the faith that means you know the first thing sacrifice does it kills you there is a whole damn mammal possession has a human being it frees you from it because you can rise with it and even if you have a lot of money you that money will send you to hell that's why a lot of rich people can't enter [Music] so you have to pass the abraham's test where all your life you'll be giving god ishmael and god now says isaac that thing that you love i have never thought who will convince me to do that i thought that was one that need money you know let me let me be very honest i had one opportunity to meet paparazzi i actually wanted to ask him for money when i got the i i went when the talk started i didn't know how to say exactly what was inside me so ahead i was working among students and all that he said david i wish you and i can exchange i said lord i wish it could happen you have all these mighty men millionaires in your and you say you wish i said why would he talk i said papa why would you say that kind of thing you are the ultimate in africa you say you don't understand i was a child born thrown away at dustbin because my father rejected me i was too sick with a lot of things he told me a way to die he was actually thrown away i still alive he said he don't want he drew him away his mother was the one that refused ran took him and ran over to the in-laws place amazingly that child survived he said i knew poverty it was on a robot that taught me giving i said but now look at you at your level i need some money from this man so he said i am leading people going to the grave he talks in rhymes in the house if you listen to him i don't know where those things come from inside him he said i'm leading those going to the tomb but you are leading those coming from the womb he's speaking prophetic things over me i brought a small offering but what i actually came to do is to ask for money that our ministry were not completely known sir papa or just give me one of these your american connection that's what i came i'm leading those going to the tomb people that are not aging and about to die you're leading those coming from the womb that's what he said he said i'm in charge of yesterday you are in charge of tomorrow that's why i wish we can exchange i listened to that it made me feel good small but i said this tomorrow [Music] he told me how a robot's teaching helped him he started showing out of that poverty another that's how god moved him do you know what he did finally and i'm entered into covenant with god and said god what you ask for people to give is ten percent but i read the new testament and saw that new testament teaches still worship and still worship means that you own everything i'm just a manager so he said i'm going to reverse it you take 90 let me live on 10. are you guys hearing now are you people hearing they've been embodied i was thrown away to die so sick became the greatest african preacher that rose laid hands on more than seven american presidents traveled to over 125 countries shook nations built over 900 schools built to universities when it was not possible freshman to build a 30 000 seat at church fuse it outside field that's when pentacles used to be mushroomed they called the mushroom churches you come in it's a store with three benches people sit there and be clapping we have all these things you have seen that is happening in the church you see the houston that broke it how did he do it so he was trying to explain it to me show me how to fish my ear was not in that i wanted him to when he finished this and give me [Music] just give me a check five million i'll be fine [Music] so he finishes i knew that i said lord shall i shout and tell him am i going to go should i say something talk to him please now let him know the state of things then you came and you know i i first canceled paid the one that i could and then finally i was able to pay because i closed my account at the first time i am closing my own account later we even did it with dominicity accounts because in how much did the church have the secretary i had the surrounding was three thousand sometimes were we in it three thousand a month correct i can call the name of the person a graduate three thousand we can't pay it my house the palo alto church office flats three bedroom apartment parlor stretch office there's one room inside that's where i live the other room is pastor ben and seven other people that's the state of things there was no way this ministry was going if this message did not come to me [Music] when i now realize that there are treasures this side and that is those are the things i've been looking for all my life but they are not free you don't get them because you fasted or you you prayed and honestly checking my bible go do it a run through your bible everywhere sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice everywhere you turn is just something in our head that blocked our ear [Music] if redemption could have been accomplished by any other means we could allow his son to die there are some things that cannot be broken without sacrifice you've been praying about them years ago [Music] if praying lord all god will say elijah somewhere you prophet stop praying fasting and then it will be accomplished what happened god lost the whole human family because adam aligned with satan and sold off how do you get it back send prophets upon prophet he didn't walk but there are people that have suffered losses how do you bounce back [Music] if you are new you read about not today you had a flood we don't have very okay we have a lego place a few places in nigeria where flood come everything is destroyed your houses your farm your animals but god found a way to save your life you come out of the act we defensing you to be giving no you'll be looking for somebody to give you something to show you pity but these men are taught how to reverse everything of misfortune [Music] that's what i did [Music] and then that's how i broke that realm and came up and i was so happy that this could happen i said why didn't somebody explain all these things to me and always we say you'll be hearing rejoice you're here or not [Music] at least i got to be in church of god mission convention every year i go sit within the house and i love him i love the ministers he will bring in a couple and bring a robot bring all this great and i will enjoy the hosa once they start getting into that giving yeah no papa this is just one thing i wish you can just leave this site [Music] this is the man that god used to rescue [Music] me you can agree all you like when you are tired of the situation you sit down and read your bible all over again seen the benefits of course there's even one that makes it 12 which has to do with the presence of god before elijah can get a fire to fall there has to be sacrifice on the altar when solomon finished building the temple at the dedication of the temple he offered 120 000 cows it offered to when the female calculated what one man gave him one service how many million on that day solomon you know nobody thinks about solomon or somebody very spiritual because he has women problems but that solomon spread his hand like this fire came the same thing that happened with elijah because he made the condition god is no respecter of persons [Music] and for those watching around the world you love what you're getting from dominion city you'll love it probably now we have raised this topic you might get offended if you want to be offended get offended with god don't get offended with me get offended with your bible go and read it you are not reading it doesn't matter who you have choosing itching here people teaching you on the internet on social media it will not change nothing you won't change nothing man with theory cannot argue with a man with results [Music] i carried seven anointings of my life all of them i broke into them with sacrifice i can tell you the one about crusades when we wanted to start feeling studio i had now received this teaching rehab and now came back to my city he came so years ago of course i didn't give now now he came again to the city of venue i was living there opera square this time you may be seated just sit down for a few minutes [Music] because what i'm talking about will happen to you in just a few minutes now it's the last night tomorrow morning is communion and committing so you need to get it god brought you here to rewrite your story a bug came to my city now it wasn't like before last time i came like those who came to college man of three things this time around i have gotten this revelation and i want this anointing to break cities to break nations so this time he came he brought suits distributing free suit to pastors god told me don't touch it this is how you people are that's why africa is where it is don't should some people sacrifice in america and other nations to come and do it now he brought three books i saw pastors fighting even books for new believers some cutted away with cartoons cartons there's even a friend of mine i got i once in a while he's an evangelist i went to his office a year after see some of those books sitting in office he didn't distribute them like how what do you do after you are saved and some other things about the holy spirit he cutted pastors were fighting because broken would hold fire conferences in the morning the crusades in the evening and i was learning god said go there to learn and then you are going to sacrifice i said bonkey's ministry is very big he said no so you want the kind of thing he carries i said yes sir he said sacrifice to help him reach other cities just like he has reached you people sacrificed for him to come here somewhere like copeland gave him one million dollars for some of those meetings i will give aircraft to help transport things now watch watch each of his crusades one crusade costs one million dollars you know it's easy to come and sit here and receive three things you don't know what it takes each question costs one million dollars and he does 12 minimum every year he said be part of the next one i checked we don't have any serious thing to contribute to so he said close the church i can i closed they carried the whole money one of my deacons said you are mad i said man this uncompleted building we are already dead if this giving is what will kill us let's die here because there's nothing happening this place and i'm talking about stadiums i don't have the anointing for that yet and those anointing are not on the free market if not every minister we have been doing it so i carried it and i went to meet him first of all i commanded our equipment boys we had a few then one is dead dead now abba you know but uh i had the jazz master the one i called the jazz monster and i told them you go to the field the crusade was seven days and his men are there you sleep in a square with them you help we walk when other people go don't go stay there help this man to help set up help they need this help for the agent you go serve them and while you are doing it you are learning how to power a gospel crusade because we are going to be doing this and don't take a cover if they need food go and buy them food some of them are white people and be learning from them be humble and asking them questions name me i went to the source because one of the things i get about giving it gives you access i don't see the house how would he even look at a useless i don't want to say useless boy personally and why computability but because i brought small sea though it opens the door immediately so when the head somebody wants to give her i said he said it's a pastor he told them let him come in he said what's the name i told him he said why are you here he said i came to give you something i want to be part of the next crusade i wish i could be part of every one of them but this is what we have now and is the whole account of our church you can tell our church is very small he's he even tried to suggest visiting i say no sir you can't even you are too big for i can't even invite him because i'll be too ashamed so the man said to me i'm shocked this is not how your people nigerians and most of you from africa it's not how they only take us they take they take and they keep taking and they think that's how they will attain greatness and year after year when i finish i come back there still were there he said i don't know who taught you this he actually told me it's the first time he's meeting a pastor here coming to say i nailed down that's how he prayed i passed out there i didn't even remember the remaining but i heard the initial things he was saying but that was it when i got up there i knew that something has come upon me i went back to that church on sunday i looked i was now bigger than this church when i'm preaching i look i'm seeing multitudes i'm seeing the sick cripples walking and i told our people to get ready let's just give ourselves two years to be heading to the stadium of course june of that year we went to the indus post stadium the place got jammed things happened so much june of the night they were returned to the indus bus stadium it it regard a series of things and number one we returned the stadium could not take so we went in the open you know start to have that open path not the pitch yet oh where we are supposed to be going is the pitch remember but we have not you know i'm just testing this thing is a new gift impartation just to be sure you know that my faith could so we went into the open because the indoor couldn't take us anymore and i made mistake because june is rainy season and when we came saturn decided that is the day and this rain was falling our speakers were getting messed up i had a bible they put on the bible was getting soaked i was getting soaked saying i i turned to the lord i said what is going on he said go up there and preach look at people that have come to hear the gospel and be healed go up there and preach so i walked to the stage i thought by the time i walked right no stop so i walked to the stage and stood there and tried to open the bible rain was shocking it was better when it was the hardcover you know i covered it again so i said lord what is happening you know you tell people do you pray but they don't know the preacher is in big trouble i told the people to be praying and so that they won't be watching and i said lord what what is going on now this is not what we agreed though so he said to me i gave you authority i have ability but it is authority that commands ability that's why i said whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven so he said what you see you think is a disadvantage it's the first miracle of the crusade so if you exercise your authority then i will release my ability but if you stay here and be asking questions you don't want to use the power you've been given then nothing will happen i said lord okay can i do it silently he said no because it's the first miracle of the crusade he said stretch your hand and command the heavens to lock up the rain he said that's what you collected from bunker why are you still shaking i said okay can i remove the mic and now say it he said no so i took the mic i i wouldn't lie i was shaking a little and i pointed my hand i said according to the word of lord just like elijah said there will be no rain till my word i command the heaven to shut the doors and suspend the rain i just in the prayer i don't know how my hand did like this a wind started just like that cleared up the place within minutes within seconds and we had bright weather hey when i now saw that i said hey i changed if you see what happened that night if you see what happens people where people started getting healed all kinds of things were happening faith now came immediately but i didn't know the extent of what god did this is life in enugu stadium the open part not the member it was after this we now went to remember it was when the meeting ended things happened so much i entered the vehicle they were driving me we drove out of the stadium into a rain was falling on the whole city of enugu and carved out the circumference of the stadium and was not falling ah they drove me to the hotel heavy rain was falling so i said no no no no this cannot be happening let me call them i call the equipment people what's going on he said there's no rain there i said do you know what is happening in town you will better cover up all your speakers when you are driving heavy rain is falling in the whole town cover up yours whatever when you are driving because the whole time is a rain i asked another person i said i need to be sure that this boy is not lying is there rain there yet he said no because i wanted to know if the rain started after i left i said what is this so when i got back i fell with all my suit i used to wear a lot of suit it's one guy that converted me to this yeah dominicity guy he makes this for me you know but but it's nice anyway i like africa i fell without my suit i didn't care and i was crying and i was he said you have not seen nothing you have not learned to use what you collected it's just your faith that needs to be enlarged to step into so he said next year you're going to the member i don't need to tell the story of that crucible pcj organized it he can tell you it's not just that the member was filled up the whole of those species surrounding the city was filled then he went to the root the governor the governor's wife was coming for the crusade when she first got in and sat down she said reverend i don't understand it took me almost two hours to get inside the stadium with all the security details and i assume that the whole meeting was now holding outside only to come inside everywhere is filled and when i stood that night i was singing the lord said do you remember when you made that sacrifice he said i said yes sir he said now i want you to trust me there are higher levels in finance it was 1 million you are struggling with move to 10 and you will move to this and you move to this i say yes sir i won't doubt you again it's also a lie i made a promise because the anointing everywhere when it was time to do it i started shaking again i said you will kill me how can i but you know finally i got a gift of a property they've given me a property and it's the only land i have on all the planets god created not just planet earth it's just land nothing is on it and every year i'll go and clear the grasses and be believing that we'll build something where's the money to build it so next year we came again in general you know how when people are praying general prayer is always the number one thing on my list and i'll go there march around oh lord beauty where i'm believing you for and it's pastor number that was building his church you have finished building i think you know or you are still somewhere but nobody was building and i went oh they had state governors and all those people i can call them state executives came you know and all kinds of so we thought oh it would be a landslide we have all the money once the first one got up and said hundred thousand i didn't know that that's how the civil service or public service work that nobody cannot make it pronounce whether it's higher than his principle the deputy now went down to 50. that's when they have killed us every other person now ten eight five aunty politicians are giving us one thousand for church building i fell there i cried so much i said lord he said i wanted to teach you a big lesson about trusting a man you think that is how it happens so i now say lord how would this man ever build this church it's going to cost me a couple of millions the lord said remember what we discussed that you need to step up make the vow i will provide the money but you must make a covenant you will deliver the money first deliver it after you do then it will be your turn to see wonders and so okay okay i agree that i would do it it's okay okay now i will now show you the money your land i say what this one is you want to kill me i say it's a gift he said that's exactly what i'm doing that encounter of mount moriah is not that i'm trying to take your isaac i want to give you israel it says like jesus he was my only son but when i offered him so i can have the billions of people that i have today i'm not trying to take away isaac from abraham but that sacrifice what he has to pass so that the promise of being father of many nations can become a reality do you want to move to the next level or not i said yes sir but but lord this january i was in that land and i prayed you were even listening and you know that this is the year i'm really believing to build it it's a go and do it i call person nobody pcg you're aware of this so he said go ahead and redeem it i redeemed that one first then i now call person number i said once you finish come to and collect the paper of this document he sued that land within one week so when a person tells you that sacrifice is uncomfortable you struggle yeah he's real that we've known why was jesus a gethsemane saying father can this call pass he has been preaching all the son of man will go he will die the talk is cheap it's time to do it it's not saying father can we find another that's how it is with all sacrifice so it's god that we are fooling around with and that's why the talk is cheap anyway this a series of things happen and don't there are times people get instant miracles i know people get it god doesn't deal with me that way at this tomorrow morning you collect it it doesn't work with me that way a year passed that land was still dead it didn't rise from the dead second year passed but then the third year as giving a property that is worth ten time ten times that one and a house the lord said whenever i ask you for something i'm not taking anything away from you i'm trying to move you to the next level sacrifice is giving something of high value but in a state of something of much higher value jesus gave his life because look at us today look at 2.7 billion people and he has not stopped remember personally i have not received anything but the ministry got some mind-boggling breakthrough i didn't care what which one is personal whatever after all in this place if i want to cover two plots and build the general vasia's house there what is my business of course the place has mountains he has rivers he has also i have i went among the mothers and that's where i live on top of it which one is my business i said what is this i said lord what is it that i didn't know this is what the house has been telling us and have been arguing forgive me i repented repented repented cried cried cried so much i regretted ever trying to take commission i didn't know i regretted that since then you don't know why i keep asking every comment to pray i say if no other person is listening i'm listening i'm listening if i tell you what we have done since then people won't believe it i was in a backlinky for a crusade a woman brought a 40 year old boy her son deaf and dumb sat the first night people were healed cripples were walking blind eyes open people gave testimonies but for some mysterious reason that boy was not healed second night she sat there and she was sitting in the front with the boy all kinds of miracles happened that boy was not here then the last night the last day i think who was pastoring that was he you but yes a person who the name of the boy he said mecca this is the pastor of the church come on come on pastor law let him he was the one that organized the crusade last day last session that lady was there again and then they were taken on offering and then after that service i'll enter the flight and take off and she did exactly this everything she had she went and gave it i got up because there is one more service tomorrow morning and i'm i know what i'm doing the lord said he's going to visit individuals and it's in diverse forms i got up i feel preaching i was just singing just about to share the grace they didn't follow me and next thing that boy was screaming and the brother the two ears has popped open the mouth is talking [Applause] that's not the first time in a nougat indoor sports studio we had a service you remember that particular case i was preaching that service for evangelists who go williams he was the owner of the church i was a speaker and they had it and it is giving time there is a crippled man he moves on the floor he's a beggar in the city and i was standing there on the stage the basket was here and he was coming from the back so everybody has given he's only one man that is sick keeping us so they got the music singing a little more so that he can come and he was crawling on the floor crawling on the floor and he got to where the front the the height of that whatever like our own whatever here he tried on the floor to put his money he didn't walk so he pushed i was there watching it he pushed up his whatever and then he got up and started working nobody does nobody prayed for him me i because i wanted to stop i was a little impatient and all of that but somehow thank god that did not happen now another service started because everywhere scattered a service that is about to end people were you know and the miracles broke out everywhere you know that guy after had to go and get a job to become a decent man so i got home i asked the lord what exactly is that how did that that's the first time i've seen what exactly is that i don't understand the water he said do you remember that in the temple when people are given that i'm always standing at the basket that's how i saw everybody casting their and i saw when the widow put her widow's mind you remember that he said altar of sacrifice is the a place for breakthroughs things that you have done prayer you've done all this it didn't work a man who has theories cannot argue with somebody who has results can [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
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Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2020, breaking altars and covenants, evil altars, spiritual warfare, demonic altars, emeka nwankpa, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic ministry, new covenant family, priesthood, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2020, pastor david ogbueli 2020, pcj, pastor nobs, rev dubus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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