The 3 Rules to Become a Gray Man

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👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Seikoholic 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

" I played Watch Dogs "

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/steak4take 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
  • Hi-viz vest

  • Clipboard

  • Hard hat

Nobody will challenge you.

The option is to walk determinedly whilst muttering to yourself and carrying two weird items, like a drill and a toilet brush.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Razakel 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

That shit is Aspergers as fuck.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/tillthebill 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

I get the gist of this; however, people who are actively trying not to be noticed are even more notable to anyone with a bit of training, and then the people with training are even more interested in you.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/exgiexpcv 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

!remindme 6 hours

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/__Finnster__ 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

This video:

How to blend in:

  1. Just blend in
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reinoud- 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
there may come a time when you or your family need to move unnoticed through a crowd potentially during a time of civil unrest in order to get to a bug-out location or get home would you know how to blend in so as not to draw attention to yourself could you be invisible could you be the greyman [Music] you can show your support by clicking the like button below subscribing to our channel visiting our website or providing feedback in the comments in addition I'll provide links to additional resources in the description section below enjoy the video what is a great name the concept of the gray man can be boiled down to this being able to blend in and not standing out it's a way to fade into the background of whatever environment you're in such that you do not elicit a response from those around you it's being so bland that no one even remembers having seen you and the context of prepping the gray man concept is very useful in situations where you have to be mobile while staying undetected by doing so you become less of a target for those looking to take advantage of someone so to begin with wise being a great man important after a major catastrophic event if there's a prolonged grid down scenario in your area eventually people will become desperate if you stand out as someone that has something about you you will become a target in this video we'll discuss the wider applications in the context of a post shtf scenario and we'll discuss the three rules to become a great man so let's jump in rule number one determine your baseline so what is a baseline in the context of this conversation a baseline is determining what is normal for behavior and appearance for a given environment for example if I were at the beach I'd expect people to be wearing swim trunks t-shirts bathing suits and what expect someone to be relaxing whereas if I were in a boardroom meeting with c-level executives I would expect formal dress attire like suits and I would expect people to be acting in a professional businesslike manner not only is clothing part of the baseline but how people are acting moving and behaving is important as well so a baseline is a combination of many things that revolve around one single concept what is normal for the given environment in regards to how people appear move talk and act so how do you determine the baseline in a new environment simple watch and observe before you head into a new environment take a moment to look around to find out how people are dressing act and behaving and find a way to do the scene your goal is to avoid acting or looking out of the norm when it comes to the concept of the gray man the goal is to avoid drawing attention yourself which leads us to the next point rule number two avoid creating stimulus a stimulus is anything that triggers a response when someone sees you that may form an impression with them what do I mean if you're in a crowd and you have something on your person or act in a way that causes someone to take notice you've just created stimulus you have stimulated that person's mind to take note of something about you that was out of the ordinary on a biological level how does this happen without going into a deep discussion I'll briefly run through how you're bringing processes and filters information let me introduce you to a part of your brain called the RAS or a reticular activating system the RAS is the portal through which nearly all information enters a brain it is a brain system that filters out extraneous information you are bombarded on a daily basis by a lot of stimuli and if your brain din filter out things that it deemed is unimportant you'd suffer from sensory overload let me give you an example that you probably experience ever been at a party or social event engaged in a conversation with someone surrounded by a lot of people or other people that are talking and someone across the room and she's your name that triggers a response in your brain the RAS decided to not ignore this information instead alert you the person didn't even have to yell your name but nonetheless your brain immediately takes note of this your brain this whole time has been filtering out the noise in the room have prompted you to something that is important in the context of this discussion regarding prepping think about what you're wearing or doing that could be perceived as out of the norm that could trigger someone's attention going back to our discussion regarding the baseline we don't want anything about our appearance such that someone looking at a crowd would notice something that stands out on our person the moment we have created a stimuli in someone's mind their attention is now on us during a time of civil and arrests you don't want to draw attention to yourself if you're trying to move through a crowd or in a neighborhood you need to look normal like you belong there so how do we avoid cream stimulus how do we match the baseline rule number three blendin now that we have established a foundation regarding a baseline and how simulus is created let's chat about four things you have control over to help you blend in and become a great man number one how you dress to begin with you want to clothing that is normal for your baseline what are the people around you wearing what is normal in some parts of the country wearing camouflage in public would be considered normal whereas in other parts of the country you're gonna stick out like a turd in a Punchbowl consider logos on your clothing wearing a shirt with a logo will probably trigger your stimulus in someone's mind whereas wearing a simple t-shirt with a muted color and no logos or markings probably wouldn't trigger anyone's attention again remember from our previous discussion regarding our es plan white noise has just filtered out of the mind whereas markings or identifiers on your person will grab people's attention that could cause them to take note of you because they immediately identify something about you I'll give you an example I have a hat that I used to wear with an American flag morale patch I was at a friend's party and a guy walked up and immediately struck up a conversation and we were discussing firearms and local ranges we like to visit within a couple of minutes I don't encounter a lot of these type of conversations here in Southern California and the course of the conversation he pointed out the Hat was a dead giveaway when wearing it I often get asked if I'm in the military the Hat which I like a lot is probably best to be worn when I go to the range and I don't wear it anymore in public why Pat causes an immediate stimulus with people and I've made an impression in their mind in a hostile situation someone may perceive me as a threat and target me first the issue about becoming a great man really isn't about wearing tactical looking clothing rather blending in with what other people are wearing around you if you're not wanting to draw attention to yourself avoid clothing that is not the baseline that could cause a stimulus in someone's mind number two I contact avoid this if at all possible once you make eye contact with someone you will instantly trigger a stimulus in that person's mind it ravines the mall and walk by a kiosk where someone is trying to sell something what are they trying to do they're trying to get your attention to come by their product the moment you make eye contact they will try to draw you better when walking by I tend to keep my eyes focused forward so that this connection is not made in a grid down scenario having eye contact gives someone a reason to engage with you in addition to eye contact avoid getting into conversations with possible this is a worst case as a conversation will form a lot of impressions in someone's mind about you number three demeanor do not appear threatening even though you may be carrying a concealed weapon the last thing you would want is to draw someone into an engagement and by having a casual calm look you lessen your chance that someone may notice you one of your surroundings be casual about it instead of making an obvious by moving your head and eyes while skiing the room instead use a prop light bring a newspaper or looking at your phone so that you can use your peripheral vision number four smell for those that enjoy hunting you know this principle all too well if your up win and have a strong smell the animals will pick up on this and leave you've created a stimulus that triggers that animal that there's a threat something isn't quite right in the context of our conversation a smell can make an impression that someone will take note of you so what are the applications of the gray man in a pre shtf scenario as I've pointed out in my videos the less information you give your neighbors in regards to your preps the better whether you're dressed with clothing that screams tactical or you share your political views with neighbors they begin to obviously gather information about what you share and you are making an impression being a great man with your neighbors doesn't necessarily mean they never notice you but rather don't provide stimulus that tips them off that you are probably someone with preps if things go sideways or there's catastrophe in your area remember you're the guy with the tactical looking clothing loads guns into his car to go through the range and has the NRA sticker on his cars you're the guy that might have the gear and supplies they need for survival I purposefully don't have any stickers on my cars for this very reason I don't want to trigger stimulus in someone's mind I just want to be another neighbor remember what they say about first impressions people will always remember that first impression in our case we don't want to make any impressions we just want to blend into the white noise in the background just because you're trying to blend in and look like you're not a threat this doesn't mean that you do not have the tools and skills necessary to defend yourself or your family if it comes down to it you just look like it keep sharp while you may look like you're lost in your thoughts internally you are analyzing what's going on around you and you're on point in your mind while you may be forgettable you're not to be trifled with you are the great thanks for watching this video and as always be safe out there [Music]
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 4,619,589
Rating: 4.7882853 out of 5
Keywords: prepping, prepper, shtf, gray man, apocalypse, post-apocalypse, grey man, situational awareness, assassin's creed, wheel of time, destiny
Id: H3Wz7fC7tOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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