The 220 Swift ~ Winchester's Grand Old Velocity King!

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now here's a pair of twenty-two centerfire giants let's set the Wayback Machine to about 1910 welcome back today I want to introduce the grand old cartridge the 220 Swift a number of people have asked me if I would talk about the 220 Swift and I've basically been waiting to get my grubby paws on my buddy's fine brogurt number one it's a 26 inch heavy barrel diameter gorgeous rifling we're going to take a look at that as soon as I can here in a moment I was really hoping to put this off until we could get out and do some shooting at the range and the ridge now it's 4 degrees it doesn't look like things are going to get much better for the next few weeks so I just want to get this video out to you and we can follow up and do a shooting video with it later on but the 220 Swift development really followed on the heels of the Fuhrer that we're developing in the early 1900s with with new concrete development so around about 1910 no deaths remember with the number in 1910 that's a long time ago we're talking we're talking you know 100 109 years ago for those of you who might think that you know rifle technology is something new we're talking with talking a century ago with we're dealing with this sort of technology so there's nothing new Under the Sun here most of what with what most of what we're working with these days was already developed by the turn of the 19th to the 20th century and we just kind of polished the Apple up a little bit and you know that refined things a little bit better bullet technology we've had better primer technology we've introduced a host of new different different powders but you know we're actually still using some of those powders that were in use back then some of those prove military rifle powder that would develop based upon so you know we're you know we're very fortunate to have this history of firearms development but we have to remember that you know we can't be too we can't be too proud of ourselves because a lot of it was something that was done a long long time ago by great-great-grandfather's so anyway in 1910 the salvage to the owner of the 74 prior of the Savage Arms Company wanted to have some new cartridges to fill his model 99 lever action now I have a video on the model 99 lever action that I spoke about some some years back and I you know encourage you to watch that but at the savage wanted to have some new country just so he employed the services of child Newton who was a noted a rifle designer and concrete designer himself well-child Newton came up with about three different about three different cartridges one was based on a neck down on thirty thirty rimmed case and neck down to a brother on side bullet but in those days you know we didn't have too many standardization so there was really no such thing as alright everybody was incenting something basically from scratch in those days but it was a it was a 228 diameter bullet and the 228 diameter bullet loaded into that neck down 3030 case became known as the 22 high-power a chai - power and that was a very successful environment Capri for quite a long time if I if I memory serves me right it was a I think with a 70 green bolt was a rather heavy bullet and it was actually used for was actually as a dual purpose cartridge for by some people for deer now the other the other contract that he developed was from a sawed-off 3006 case or you might say if thought offside would not meet a milder case or whatever and necked down to a 257 diameter bullet and that became very famous to 53,000 Savage the 3,000 sandwiches I've said sometimes that 3,000 alludes to the 87 Green bullet which 50 gone at 3,000 feet per second that was the first that was the first 3,000 foot per second concrete and Firearms history commercially produced so America was on its way to really you know that village styles there were stars in our rise looking at these fabulous velocities people started to really get you know amazed and you know if and they were able to shoot at targets far beyond anything that you know they were used to the people who were shooting this stuff remember came from the black powder days when they were bobbing when they were logging you know led balls with patches of stuff so this was very exciting stuff to be able to you know to be able to shoot high-velocity centerfire cartridges at 3,000 feet per second in size so there was a deal with third countries that was developed know that the savage side power would developed in released to the public in 1912 and the to 53,000 sandwich which is commonly called the 250 Savage that was introduced three years later that was called in 1915 but there was a sturdy concrete which was basically neck down it was it was like the to 53,000 savage case but that was also neck down to the 228 diameter bullet well Savage apparently never he never introduced that one and he never he never went to market with it but a number of years later in the in the late 1920s a gentleman by the name of Jerry Gabby who was a very popular figure in rifle and concrete design he was visiting he was visiting Newton and the story goes that he happened to spot a a cigar box full of you know different things that discounted discarded prototypes that Newton had been working on him and he grabbed hold of he grabbed hold of that one that had been rejected by Savage that had never gone to markup death that 22-caliber would the to 53,000 case that that sawed-off 3006 case so he went he went one further step and he connected down to 224 diameter bullet and that's that's reflected 22-250 22-250 well if exactly that Gabby had designed and that right there is the that's the very popular cartridge it remained popular over since it was finally public Oh in 1965 is when it was released formally by Remington but had been played with as a wildcat cartridge and chambered very gonna formally through the years often often those from the late 1920s until 1965 actually 1960s 364 when Browning first introduced their own rifle with it without even having that commercial cottage to go along with it a nice book about that and in by 22-250 video well the story further those that Debbie introduced that conference to Winchester Winchester has always been known as being rather independent firearms company that didn't use too much of anybody else's technology you know browning was their principal developer of the lever action rifle baby was employed by he was employed by winch and and everything was an in-house project you know they dare to development of different cartridges basically was an in-house thing and they didn't share too much technology and they didn't borrow too much from from other sources so you know when they developed if the rim to conquer series you know the 30 30 and the 32 special and all those things those were all tier on the the 270 Winchester though it was you know though it had all the appearance of the 3006 and it had that same basic taste form that was neck down you're talking essentially about a cartridge which they released on their Roman they didn't they didn't go to anybody else outside the factory walls to get there to get their inventions and you know the 22-250 was at the time Devi had introduced it with the name varmint err and he patented he attempted the name varmint uh but he in patent the entire 22-250 Parmenter so you know gunsmiths were just routinely turning out rifle you know leaving out the word voluntary and just putting 22-250 on the barrels and they got away with that so he basically had lost his you know he dropped the reins and he had lost control of his own invention so when he went to winchester if he was hoping that i'm sure that winchester would take off with distant and he would you know this would be proud of his ax this would be proud of his legacy so Winchester probably had stars in there right you know the 22-250 was running around 3838 50 depending on which powders were you as a popular powders and those days are probably giving it around thirty eight hundred and fifty feet per second with a fifty green bullet which is a little slower these days than you could probably do with most fifty green bullet load but you know that's not very far from another magical figure the 4000 foot per second mark Winchester basically ran with their own invention and they they grabbed hold of the six millimeter li Navy case and that's a semi rimmed case and they necked that down and they changed the taper of the body a little bit straightened out a little bit and that became the famed 220 Swift now look to 20 threat to the Sun well this is somewhat more slender cottage at the base then the 22-250 and it's but it's it's longer by about seven tenths of an inch uses the same but which chapter also they really slammed the door behind them on this thing because they did reduce the bullet weight by a couple of green so a forty eight green bullet they were up to really knock it starts off with forty 110 feet per second now the apps will be stunning velocity to the public and they they gobbled it up like crazy you know didn't nobody could get nobody could get their hands on it quick enough so about as fast is about as fast as it became popular it swiftly swift being the term year it started to decline in popularity because the Steel's used in the early barrels tended to be a little bit on the soft side deteriorated pretty quickly with those side velocity around and you know writer the gun writers have a they they have a way of exacerbating something that's already bad so you know the the slightest the slightest hint that maybe something with declining in the in the 220 Swift barrels meant that everybody has a you know make it a big deal and you know so it was written about and written about and written about so bad news travels faster than good news and and very shortly to 220 twists popularity started to suffer Winchester brought it out in the malls 54 dead model 54 bolt-action rifles and eventually when the model 70 came out they introduced with eventually with stainless steel barrel in the stainless steel barrel for a in a better better formulation of alloy and they would study they were stood the temperatures and the and the erosion of the 220 twists a lot better but by then you know the a lot of the damage had been done and some of the you know some of the some of the shine had gotten awful T yet to 2050 the reputation that it had preceded it and then around 1950 in 1950 Mike Walker came out with with Remington's 222 Remington and that pretty much that pretty much nailed the lid shut for the 220 Swift there was still some adherence there was still some very very strong popularity for the 220 Swift but it would declining and the 222 Remington was really causing some problems for on the market though it had doe had significantly lower velocity we're talking about 3200 feet per second versus almost 4,200 feet per second still for the average for the average person who would think you know wood structure and things like that it was enough for them and the the 220 Swift can be a raucous gun to set off you know you're gonna let your neighbors know about it's a very loud package this is significantly louder than a 22 to 50 which is significantly a lot of other to 22 so all these things together meant that the 220 Swift's popularity started to decline pretty rapidly and by 1964 when Winchester switched over from the so called 364 to their extractor was designed bolt and they had gone to work a little bit simpler style model 70 design they had dated by then taken the 220 Swift off the market and they were placed in with the truth five to 25 Winchester which by the way you probably have never even seen a herd of one because that dad died on the vine almost immediately it just hit the headwinds of the 22-250 head-on and that was the end of the story but the 220 Swift is a superfine conference it's known to be extremely accurate in fact you know with with its full power loads it has a reputation of maybe having a slight edge on the 22-250 accuracy wise in a number in a number of cases on average you know you can get very fine it's fine accuracy with the 22 250 which has always been popular among varmint is and even for a number of years for the good benchrest cartridges some some been Christus don't bring it to the range because you know it's just the fun gun to shoot but the 225th outside again is known for being very very very very strong performer with 55 grand bullet the velocities mocking the velocity down this is greatly recommended by maybe knocking it down by only a hundred feet per second or so and that will really preserve the barrel quite a bit and take the you know take the punishment a drop off the barrel 220 Swift don't they shouldn't they shouldn't have the reputation that they that they gain that's in the in in 1935 when it was introduced if I didn't mention that that's when that's one Winchester actually introduced the 220 Swift was in 1935 it's a it's a fine it's a fine cartridge and anybody who has a 224th knows that they they shoot very very accurately and there did not they're not tough on barrels at all as long if you don't abused the minute you know if you're trying to if you're trying to ring the gong every time with a you know 4200 foot per second blow up with 45 grain bullets or something it's gonna take a beating you know between the amount of powder that you're using the erosion the heat that's produced pressure and and all the in the bullet speed you know the the three the three things that cause barrel deterioration are first of all heat F said this before heat color erosion and bullet freshen so you can bring all three of those things down a little bit by just toning down the numbers if you're him loading and keeping it a little bit cooler so popular you know popular loads for it now tend to be with the 55 grain bullet as it is with the 22-250 because that's a good balance you know all of these shoot all of bullet weight very well up to sixty greens but you know the the best the best most popular balanced with with that speed cartridge tend to be around a 55 ring bullet because they date they buck the wind very well and they get down range with a good trajectory which is pretty much the same trajectory as the 50 grain bullet but as I say with a little bit better wind bucking ability so do you always acid about it for the concrete now I want to show you that I want to show you the rifle that that baby goes into oh he's gonna have a hard time resting this out of my hand now that I got it just even Peter he and I have been feuding for many years together we go back to the first grade here we have the Ruger number one and I can combine this was kind of my introduction to the Ruger number one - if you haven't seen it unfortunately you know this is gone out of its phased out of Ruger's stock lineup it was it was really their flagship gun for so many years and going back to the 60s and it it was very popular rather expensive it's a very very high-grade piece of machinery it's got a falling block action it locks up here at the trigger guard it just feels like a I mean this is a this is a really classy smooth operating action single shot noted for a strength extremely strong action weight now this has got a two to seven power variable on it it's a Nikon Prostaff very very nice to go for this gun economical and you know we don't have we don't have extreme long-range shooting in New Hampshire so selling power and wasn't sufficient to be able to was a zero in on anything that we have to shoot around here you know this is just a certainly a trackage that would do very very well with up to a 16 power so but that's but that's the Ruger number one and by the way this way is nine point eight pounds with that scope on it so he doesn't have a set of wheels to go along with it to lug it around the pack this is this is a formidable sized gun to carry around all day but you know when you're going out into work when you're going out into a field and you're looking across an old pasture or something it's just beautiful very nice this this rifle value with by the way goes back to wood made 1996 according to the serial number so they made this right very very accurate gun the trigger is absolutely beautiful trigger so that's it thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and god bless
Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 50,407
Rating: 4.9316006 out of 5
Id: I3yXn5jmup8
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Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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