Shooting the .257 Roberts Model 70 ~ Smashing the heavy barrel lie

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welcome back well let's do a little bit of shooting today with this 257 Roberts this is a featherweight model it's a special edition that was made for the shot show I think we're about 2012 11 or something like that very special gun to me let's see what it will do with 100-grain sierra matchking bullets this is a target this is a target load not not to be used for hunting it's not a it's not properly constructed for hunting but it's a fun load shoot story nicely usually let's see if it does the same thing today I'm set up it I'm set up at a hundred yard I've got a camera downrange also so you can see the bullets coming in and hopefully we'll do all right it's very hazy out today very extremely hot and humid there's a lot of a lot of rain going through south of us and I think just north of us too so hopefully the weather will stay good it still there's no there's no wind or or any problems like that the only thing that I've noticed today is that because of the haze and and the the conditions I could get a little bit a little bit more Mirage today but no more excuses let's see how it shoots this is a a little over 3,000 foot per second with a hundred grain bullet this is a two to seven loop hold just a VX to the very very good scope it won't get him arrived right now because I I was shooting a while ago to cite it in make sure I was zero because that was previously the road with 75 grain bullets so it's pretty mild shooting load the trip 57 Roberts is based on 7 millimeter Mauser case that's the same case size as the 6 millimeter Remington this rifle is pre floated from the factory and glass better from the factory got the control feed and a slippery today and very sweaty well you know you've often heard that lightweight barrels or not they're not good vomit barrel cause a that's what you hear so often electro fire a fourth one right now and a fifth one but right now I'm getting a lot of arrived the target jumping around a little bit maybe I can put another one in the air from see it now if difficultly hold Center a target because of the and this is literally a seven power scope but the targets dancing a little bit yeah these lightweight bull these lightweight barrels can't shoot you always have if you're buying a if you're buying a rifle for supreme accuracy you know the the common the common thought is that you have to have a heavy barrel varmint or you know you have to have a military-grade because nothing else will shoot like that stuff you know don't don't waste your money on a lightweight barrel cuz they just you know I mean they're the only thing they have going for them is lightweight they can carry them around you know without without swinging any extra weight I'm just gonna have to wait for that I have to wait for that barrel to cool just a bit because the do it lets roll another one in there hopefully I can chase that target on the target problem alone [Music] I think I know where the target is yeah you can't shoot you just can't shoot a lightweight barrel you know and they don't they don't compete no lease with a heavy barrel Police sniper rifle sorry it's a great day I love I love being a spoiler and coming to the Internet and telling people all the real truth out there there's a lot of there's a lot of BS and we'll talk about that a little bit more back at the farm let's see how it does swing the I'll swing the camera around so you can see what I was really shooting at this is so you don't think this was a 50 yards away or 25 yards away or something you can see try to find it if you find to hear that let's roll one more in there just for the heck of it and the other thing you hear about a lightweight barrel is they won't they won't handle too many too many shots in succession you know they're good after all they're only good for restart rooks but I'm not gonna spoil that group I may go for the top right target that target is really dancing around right now I guess it would have been in the group right one more on that top right target yeah obviously lightweight lightweight water barrels just can't shoot right let's go out and collect the target we'll talk about this back home well let's run down the results here see you have shot 1 2 & 3 in that order I believe it was most recent right there they look like maybe a quarter in each group to me Center the center see indeed almost exactly the other way you measure it is edge to edge extreme edge to extreme edge I come up with 0.25 for the first three shots and of course you know being the lightweight barrel it is then it becomes wild when you start shooting more than and these measure 27 5 over that's 3/4 of an inch for the full aggregate group because I called I actually called these I I said they was mirages so let's move up to the top of the page here and see what those other shots did well beyond the capability of any lightweight barrel oh you can see that now we have and they're in the center of the group in fact these are smaller than 3/4 and see outside edge the outside edge I've got 0.68 0.68 oh no that's definitely that's the way these poor raw lightweight barrels shoot this is a winchester Model 70 recent manufacturers made by FN this gun was made down in South Carolina I believe at the plant where they make machine gun barrels well let's go ahead and talk this over and see what we got well that was a great day out there I've packed away all the em off of the day it's all locked up and I've cleaned up this nice rifle and my bride making a nice Manhattan to finish up the date she is right now watching the Red Sox and the Phillies play I think it's when kind of a preview game that might it might come to be the World Series uh do all the things the Red Sox are doing awesome and Phillies I guess they're doing great wall Porcello for the Red Sox pitcher just hit uh he just hit a double pitch that's I mean that's amazing you know four pitches out bumping at anything but he hit a night double so if they didn't they didn't bat him in but at least at least he got he got bragging rights so let's talk about the equipment today and I'm kind of that that's really that's really key do everything here you saw what the rifle can do yeah I don't have to be I don't have to be glib about it but this rifle can shoot and that's the way I expect I mentioned in one of the other videos that's why I expected on mic bolt-action rifles to shoot ever since I've ever since I've been shooting them ever since the mid sixties when I got my first bolt-action Seco l4 61 action will miniature action 222 they all have shot that way that's just something I expect and if they don't shoot that way out of the box I'll get them working that way usually it it's usually a very simple matter of making sure that I have a two-point better system on the action and free-flowing yeah and um and I'll talk about that in a minute but you know while I'm talking about equipment one of the things that de-stresses me a lot these days and this has been this has been getting more and more so as time goes on because it's an ugliness that tends to feed on itself I see this in a a lot of different sports you know golf you know yeah it has to be it has to be a particular brand of club and you know they'll tell you the dick club will drive farther and straighter you know more controlled and the other guys Club and everything and whoever is whoever is endorsing their golf club for their you know the the shoes that they wear or whatever it is you know they if they weren't if they weren't endorsing that company they happen to get ridden a con it they were offered a contract by that company if they had been offered a contract by some other company that's who they'd be endorsing too so you know it has nothing to do with the equipment those guys can drive a ball with they could drive a ball with a teaspoon it really doesn't make any difference and the same with the same with shooting you know the gentleman down in Tennessee you've seen him on the internet all the time and I enjoyed watching him you know he's uh he got a nice piece of property can do all kinds of shooting whenever he wants to win everything that's kind of a dreamy location to do that and I'd love to be able to do that too but you know he he proves one thing it's not about the equipment it's about the shooter it has nothing to do with the equipment whatsoever and I had nothing to do a branding of names and even though he does throw certain names around what that's that's dusted prerogative and that's fine but you know he's proven himself you know that he can shoot all the other brands just as equally well it does it has nothing to do and nothing to do with the brand label on it but the emblazoned emblem on it or anything had nothing to do with that it has to do with the person's ability to shoot and all guns these days are made to very high standards i I do remember very very vividly when caveat emptor that meant buyer beat let the buyer beware caveat emptor that was the that was the phrase of the day back about 25 year while might have been well that was the mosque Magnuson act I think it was that came both that required that warranties had to be declared and all that stuff and that's one that's one company started having 800 numbers for customer service II could start calling in and saying hey I got a crummy piece of equipment from you and I want a fixed back before that you know caveat emptor basically meant sorry buddy but we're not you know we already sold you the gun what else you want if your gun didn't shoot or you know you had a crack in the stock I don't remember I had it I had a rifle one time this before I before I even struck the first shot after I took the I took the added barreled action out and just to make sure that it was you know in good shape and it wasn't the the recoil surface the walnut recoil surface was split in two I had I called the factory and I'm not gonna mention which company it was cuz isn't back in the 70s but I called the factory and after I finally got them on the flow and I kept getting passed from one person to another who they don't they don't normally in those days it in the answerphone you you had to somehow find the phone number and and if you got some executives they managed to get you this next executive and a lower level well finally you got a secretary who couldn't care less and I and I simply I simply had to fix it myself and the rifle ended up shooting awesome I talked cedar wood back together but that's the way things were in old days and they aren't that way anymore they all have customer service numbers that they all have to service you and they won't take care of you you know if they and if they don't that word gets out very quickly you can check on that online before you buy any equipment but I want to be very clear it is not about a brand name that makes a gun shoot this happens to be a beautiful winchester Model 70 with the control see basically FM since they bought wind shelter the wind chapter brand name this is the third state is the third time that the brand has been around because it started up with Winchester Repeating Arms and then it went to what us Mohsen I can't think of the name no us something rather and that that lasted for so many years and then then they went under again and Fabrique Nationale resurrected the label and they're doing a fine job this barrel was made in the ego this this rifle and barrel was made done in South Carolina they're now being made I guess in Portugal and don't trust me I would buy I would buy a gun made in Portugal or any places where if we're ever FM decides to have a firearm made it's being made by FN it's not being made by any substandard place trust me it's gonna be it's gonna be correctly made and it's it's it's a very very it's a very very good thing that we have firearms that are such high quality this one happens to be everything that I would do to my own gun if I if I bought a gun that was not correctly better this is exactly what I do with it right this is the way came out of the box is to point to point epoxy bedded front and rear not all the way across you know I have people to sneer and snicker because I only two-point bed my action that's an old-fashioned system that doesn't work because that was done years ago before they knew better if it's fine if you is fine if you have a big massive receiver massive receive when you have a big massive piece of plastic for stock and everything and you glue them all together that's one thing but you know when you have when you have a two-point betting system it's like it's like the it's like the bipod that many people use on the front on the front of the rifle it doesn't Rock it just sits there on two points so that's a very very strong system running down the list of all the things that this rifle doesn't have you know this would be a very boring rifle in today's cult standard when it comes to when it comes to a rifle ought to be a rifle these days you know if you haven't noticed it's supposed to be about a ten and a half pounds you know out of a box before you even put a scope on it it's got to have a heavy it's got to have a heavy bead blasted barrel you know a heavy taper all over taking it all the way up the receiver this one here happens to be sculpt and and in this very thin starting away from here and it's got a reduced taper and it only comes to about point of 0.56 over at the at the muzzle now if you're doing math you take 0.25 seven point five six over you don't have much steel out there see how much steel is do very very little it doesn't take any it doesn't need a lot of steel to have an accurate balance and that's one of the that's that's one of the biggest lies out there is that you have to have a lot of steel to have an accurate barrel that's been going around now for so long that it you know it it basically it feeds on itself you know if you hear a lie long enough you believe it and people you can't prove you can't you can't prove the negative so it was wanted you have everybody out there shooting you know small groups would dip big barrels they're not look they're not looking to see if anybody's shooting a small barrel with small groups like me because they're not going to pay attention bunch of snobs they won't they won't look at this gun you know right now before I even launch I can tell you within within 24 hours I'll probably have 35 thumbs down because see I mean I'm running against the grain I'm running I'm running upstream like a like a lively salmon with this stuff you know with the truth and the truth sometimes rich people and people who just got done spending you know fifteen hundred dollars for a gun that weighs more than they'd like to carry around all day you're not gonna like this because this is this is going against this is going against their truths you know well the truth is not a relative thing the truth is a real thing and this gun can really shoot and it's that's the truth and I'll take this head to toe with any with any rifle out there under the same condition no I had a lot of Moriah on that fourth shot by the time I had that fourth shot that target would bounce that Tiger was bouncing around all over the place because of the heat influence off the barrel and the reason I had a lot of heat influence off the barrel was because things were getting ready to rain and I wanted to get this thing shooting and I had just got done citing it in after having it loaded up 475 grain vMac bullet which were retired totally different point of impact so within within ten minutes I was already shooting off a gun barrel that was quite warm so but despite the fact that I was shooting up the handicap conditions it's not very well but again this this goes totally against the book the book required they have to have a heavy barrel it has to be in preferably should be bead blasted it's got to have that military police look I was a cop and I was in the military you know and and when I was in the military you know they didn't this was the look right here when the guys when the guys had their model 70 Winchester's a field in Vietnam and the Model 700 Remington and I saw him both over there and some of them you know the model seventies they they were they were plot back into battle they had been already used you know Second World War so you know these guns last a long time and they you don't have to have you don't have to have beat blasted finish heaven's sakes if I go afield you know what this you know what this gun looks like in the woods this is wood it looks like the wood you know that and you know what this black barrel looks like it looks like all the black branches that are in the trees it's the most natural looking thing in the world to see a wooden stock in a wooded woods fascinating I don't have to camouflage painted I don't have to I don't have to use the right you know I don't have to stipple the finish so that the Sun doesn't glint off and raining like that and you know the stock is probably urethane you know these sometimes we'll say it's a oil you know he has a oil like finish or something like that this dura thing they haven't you they may use oil one factory-made rifle stocks for many many years because that that's a military thing they use linseed oil on military grade rifle because the one thing was cheap it was very fast they didn't have to have a drying room for it they just slapped it on with a brush and they threw it they threw it in a rack and that was it they didn't have to worry about dried on it dried on the way to the armory so these are urethane finish you know you can you can add it you take a foam brush and add a little bit more urethane to the inside of the barrel channel if it if it looks like it's not as heavy you know in that flaw you need to do and this okay I've had rifles like this one on my life and I've had them out in rainstorms I've had them up in blizzards and everything else and they come back just fine you know you do as you do with everything else you know just like just rocks you know you just you just bring it in and drive the thing off that's all you don't have to have you don't have to have a sorry [Music] Colonel cooler but you don't have to have a you know detachable box magazine because you know if you got an accurate rifle you get one shot you put your realest out and that's it you use the other two or three shots to call you friends let them know you've got an animal down on the run you don't need that little bunch of shots it's got a nice it's got a nice a good field rifle should have a nice that's a beautiful trigger that's it two and a half times two and a half pound this is the MOA trigger they call which is a revision of the old model seven trigger instead of being it instead of being a simple lever this is a cam a true there's the cam actuated trigger so it's it's got a yo come to an afternoon death drop there's no over travel with our steel floor plate steel steel fall over here it's a thing of beauty this is a way to somehow the design them in 1898 control feed bolt and if I'm if I'm hyping model 70 that can't help it they're just beautiful guns they just beautiful times a to know the rights in the rifle but any more than anything else I want to I want to illustrate that a good sport or rifle should be just exactly that it should be a good sport a rifle should be designed for the purpose of sport hunting military police sniper rifles are not meant for sports shooting they were meant for for one thing to extract as much money out of you your paycheck would you tax dollars as they possibly could because you know when when you're when you're a police when you're when you're police buying agent in a department you know your boss tell you we need we need a couple of sniper rifles go down the store and see what you can find you know what you find you find them you know the checkbook is open you know you're right you you're right whatever number is that you need that's the way those things that's the way the government buy stuff and they you know the Colonel's and the generals they really don't they really don't mind your checkbook that very well and that's why that's why our current president is kind of you know he's kind of smoothing the scenes a little bit he's watching those pennies like nobody else had ever watched him before and you know if if you go if anybody hasn't told you yet the point of a good rifle life is to be able to fight or a good shot when you need it not a whole group of shots a good a shot when you're fired and if you looked at that target you rerun this back look at that target and see where that for a bullet hole struck I'll wait did you see a ray dead in the middle no I wouldn't normally have my I wouldn't normally have my rig set up so that it's driving for a bullet at 100 yards into the middle of the target it was showing off I want you to show that I could bisect thee I could bisect across hit with the bullet hole and that's what that's what the name of the game is and if you can do that with this rifle here you don't need to have a military and police sniper rifle that weighs four or five pounds more and costs six or eight hundred dollars more and you don't need to have with a 30 millimeter to want it because that all that doesn't give you increased elevation and windage for extreme long range doing if that's a game that's fine but you can put that 30 millimeter tube on this gun if you don't think that this gun can also shoot at extreme range I Got News for you right you know they did you know a gun that will shoot very very small groups at 100 yards will shoot very very small groups at three four or five eight hundred nine hundred it doesn't make any difference it's still shooting very small groups the dicapta gel is using the 257 Roberts that's not a that's not a renowned target cartridge you'll never see anybody you know except for maybe some some guy like me maybe it was a you know a cult fan of the thing you're never gonna see a guy like taking a 257 robbers to a benchrest manager but you know with the right width on the right day with the right bullets that that gun can do pretty good in this for class and field shooting is not a benchrest match you're not shooting groups I'd mentioned that you're not shooting groups you need to have a rifle that will accurately lay your first shot where it wants to go and if you need to you can lay three four or five shots exactly where they need to go if you happen to be a field and you happen to see you know six or seven farms or fit in distance to something you want to put them all down don't you think this is gonna do it I guarantee you it will and it will do it with aplomb and not only that but it's gonna do it without me getting tuck it out before the end of the day free floating the stock should be a it should be five credit it should be five business cards of clearance that's what it comes from with the fact from the factory in it's a discrete amount it doesn't look like a big it doesn't it doesn't mean it has to be a big gaping wound but I can this fifty thousand seven inch in other words each business crime is ten thousand seven eight so I can I can leave five business cards around that barrel and now that would give me a perfect clearance and that's what you need to have you need to have a barrel which is able to vibrate like a tuning fork so that when you have the correct load in it that will always vibrate exactly the same with every shot you don't want to have a barrel that collides with the wood and you don't ever ever ever want to lay anything even the slightest twig against this barrel because if you upset that vibration you're gonna throw your shot see significantly you can throw a shot as much as six or seven inches by just applying finger pressure to that barrel when it goes off because the changes the vibrations the nodes and overtones that bail that barrel is undulating and it's got two it has two degrees of vibration it has a it has a first a first stage which is basically the whole barrel vibrating us get another one which is it's got nodes and overtones and this is flowing like a wave so those are those are the two conditions of vibration they have to they have to work independently of the rest of the gun good trigger you know two-and-a-half to three pound trigger pull nice solid walnut doesn't need to have pillow bedding I never you know I tell it better to walnut stocks in my life and it didn't do a thing I tested before and I tested them afterwards and it didn't do anything to help them and the reason it because walnut is very very dense good wood is very very dense and it's selected to be dense and it means that when you when you cramped that action screw home it comes to a dead stop and you're lucky if you can get another five minutes on a clock out of it because there's nothing there's nothing just gonna keep on crushing there's no crushed fit it's gonna stop dead just like it was a cast-iron frying pan when you have squishy wood that's because I can I can tell you that to somebody was busy doing what I see so frequently dumb now his drizzling oil into the action does nothing here the drill oil into this is Mike this is my oil right here that's all I all this right this rifle with I can take this start I can take this either stock I can take the action out if I've been out on a wet day if it's been raining I take the action out and I wipe the whole thing off I clean it up with mineral oil mineral spirits rather first make sure I have any dirt off it then I just take this oily flannel and I wipe it down that is the extent of my toil and I'm sorry but that's all I put on and I'm not going to put you know see me put a drop of oil in any place in that action never never that's death on that wood or little finish on a stock is not motor oil it is not gum or oil finish on a stock is linseed oil it's a plant it's a it has nothing to do whatsoever with lubricating oils linseed oil is something you don't want to be getting into a gun because linseed oil basically it gets gummy and no harm if it's boiled linseed oil it basically hardens like varnish so you know don't get don't get your terms missed you know misconstrued your scope if you're putting together a good field rifle your scope should be as low power as you possibly can get away with and I mentioned this in the scope selection video you never ever pick a scope by outside power you pick a scope by its law power you go from the low power end and when I say that what I'm driving at is you want to have a lot of field of view you want to have as much field of view as you possibly can get out of that as much as you can get out of that scope as you can I have never once in my entire life needed to have additional magnification out of scope ever I don't remember ever having got I've walked out into I've walked out into power lines and I've looked down them and I've almost forgotten that I could turn the thing up to you know five or seven power because if you can bisect you can bisect a deer at 400 yards with a to power scope that's the way it goes and you know it's just if you can see if you can see the deer with your naked eye you know a to power that's twice as much and you put across here through it that's why you do so it's not a matter of having high power you know intelligent hundred years ago would never buy a high-power scope it was all bought they would always buy the one or one and a half power scope that was what they bought for the field before they came out with variable power because that's what they needed to help they all had wanted to do was have a crosshair and when you're in the woods when you're up close you know up close and personal with deer there were only 15 yards away you know really within you know softball throwing distance when they're that close and you bring yourself up and all you see is it looks like tree trunks and they're just branches because it magnifies everything and then when you finally see the deer you really can't see him clearly because the scope of three power scope does not focus down that wall hit 15 yards one of the worst possible lies it's a very offensive thing one of the worst possible lies that goes around out there is the 3 & 9 powers the best all-around scope that's the worst that's the worst magnification that was ever invented and absolutely no application whatsoever in the world I bought a three to nine one time a couple of years ago to go on my ar-15 so I could test em oh because I could get the thing for one hundred and seventy-five dollars on sale it was a VX one and it's a marvelous scope to put on top I can test my ammo I can take it off and I can use it my my peep sight or someday if I want to go into the you know class where they are now allowing you to shoot which goes up to four and a half power I'll get a four and a half power scope for it thank you very much but that 3 to 9 that is the most hideous if you put your scope at the lowest power and you go out in the woods you can't see a thing absolutely nothing and there's not much better in the field because your field of view is extremely constrained there's nothing there so you know if you see a deer going across the field that he's jumping across the field and you're trying to find him with that foolish scope at 3:00 power you'll never do whatever you and to have a screw it up to nine power you're just completely dead that is the work power and so all the thumbs-down are gonna be coming up because everybody out there I'm talking to people who you know they get four to 14 to the five to twenty five and goes up the charts so this is this is a great lie that has been perpetuated upon the American shooting public and you see it plastered all over the catalogs you know you this is the guy coming out of the woods you've got moths coming out of his teeth and you know eight days great to grow a beard with with a rack hanging out a backpack and everything else and you can see the you can see the Rockies behind him and all that stuff the guy was probably a model that they got off of Fifth Avenue to you know to code in this thing and and they put up they put a wall cap on his head and everything and made him look like a mountain man but I can guarantee you that no intelligent mountain men that I ever knew would ever go out in the woods with the kind of sculpt that he had mounted on his thing with a 50 millimeter front end on it and you know wing weighing three pounds worth of scope sitting on a you know ten pound rifle with a with a you know a cold war sling on it that is not a field shooting rifle and it's not gonna get in this game any better you know it he's he's got the same limitation that I have when I go out a field when I go into the Rocky Mountains or wherever I happen to be it's exactly the same limitation I don't like the moss for my teeth because I don't have that many you got to keep a simple you know did let let the advertisers try to sell you whatever they want to sell you let me guide you as to what you really need to have and don't let let all the hyperbole don't let all the internet chatter and don't let the glossy magazine ads and everything else smell for you what you need to get because you don't need any of that stuff you don't need a 30 millimeter tube you don't need to have a 50 millimeter front end this is a 33 millimeter front end and like I say this is the highest power scope that I would ever buy for field rifle highest power and that would be this would be my Western rig right here this is my ideal Western rig I could carry this thing around all day long swung over my shoulders I can carry it Mike yeah in my fist you know it's a gun that it's a gun that weighs barely eight pounds will be flinging on it and that's a grand slinger what a delightful swing that is to carry as a delightful sling to buy because this sling on they cost 1495 it's available from any any place online always get a garand sling and never ar-15 or m16 sling because those those slings my friends are too long they're actually longer than the garand sling so you have to have you have to have a Dorian sling and you see if you happen to steer long one way out at 350 yards and you just quietly get one knot like that get into your money kneeling position and you got yourself you got yourself a nice long one and you know you don't have to have and you don't want to have two and a half pounds of pair of bipod contraptions sitting under your rifle because you learn to shoot and you don't need to have that stuff God gave you Harris bipod he gave you a two of them on your front end you gave it two or more bottom end and that's that's what you wear you know you don't need to put it on your gun what else can I talk about that you need to know about just your your rig like I said in the other video of all scopes if you're if you're woods hunter one power to bottom end or you can get to it and don't let the guy at Cabela's or Bass Pro Shop tell you that doesn't discolored not recommend it for anything because that is what I'm recommending do you want to have low power scope for the woods if you're going on a field for very long range stuff yeah you can get yourself a two to seven power scope and like this is here because the end I'd be using this I'd also be using this rig at the end of the day after I got my cron warning like mule day mule deer on the third or fourth day I'd be going off prairie dog shooting and that's what I use the seven power for because with the seven power scope I'll go back to the range sighted in with some 75 grain bullets for a prairie dog shooting and I got myself with dandy prairie dog rig but you say that this isn't powerful enough for prairie dogs well I guess what that's well I draw on my prairie dogs after the after the hunt was with a southern power scope on my 270 no less you know you don't need to have a lot of power when you when you you know my first my first scope was an m8 loopholed back in 1964 on my Seco L for 61 Seco vixen and I dusted an awful lot of New England would shock the debt out to range in is 375 yards you know with it with it that's a 70 and a half power fixed power scope and that would be for all the advancements Duluth Holt is puttin him since more advanced coatings and all that stuff that was a one fine one fine scope and that with probably less advanced than even the VX one is these days this is a VX - scope you don't you don't have to have a lot of money in your scope and more money does not guarantee more precision sorry anybody who's out there the things that they got to spend twelve hundred or two thousand or three thousand dollars for scope to get procedures go I think I just showed you that that's not necessarily true what you need to have is the accuracy they'll you say why do we have heavy barrel varmint with them well I'll tell you where heavy barrel diameters came from heavy barrel varmint is were the first that was that was the first solution to a problem back in the back in the early days back in the early days of I'm talking about post-war post-world War two here when a lot of like New England wood truckers and things like that Western rock truckers wanted to have more accurate guns they they really couldn't they really couldn't get much out of what they had in those days and they had a lot of de Lawd problem that poor bullet manufacturers factory Emma was lousy they were handled in Rome because it defeated the factory ammo was bad the biggest problem was that they did not have stress relieved barrels stress relieving technology could not get come up out it was it was probably 25 or 30 years off in the future and even that has been improved even in the last in the last eight or ten years where stress relieving now has done more frequently by more manufacturers this standard run-of-the-mill off-the-shelf rifles that they put in boxes and sell down at Walmart stress relieving is more common now because for one thing they understand it's not it's not an expensive thing to do with basically heating the steel I think it's busted 650 degrees Celsius or something like that heating that steel up corrects a problem residual stresses what occurs in a gun barrel when it's machined when it's machined heat occurs at the at the point of machining and even with even with the oil bass and everything else there's still there's still surface friction there that the heats that steel to a degree that will change the it changes the temper of the Barrelhead remember that already forged or whatever and this happens to be a hammer forge barrel hammer-forged around amenable which helps reduce some of that issue because it doesn't have to be machined as many times but when its various cutting operations you know the first initial boring then it has to be then it has to be a rifle bottom rifle der große rifle cut rifling you know all the different processes those all create stress on the top of that steel which is different than the underlying steel the underlying steel stays core and then the differences in the differences and that activity as the barrel changes this dimension and goes to a smaller taper because you know this this barrel here this proud of the barrel here is going to heat differently during cutting than the heavier your proud of the barrel the chambering and all that so and the crowning operation so every time that occurs it create creating density problems which is called stress in the in the barrel and it's not it kind of acts on the kind of acts on steel the way stress in a plank of wood plank will act you know they're carpenters familiar with if you if you haven't bent if you have a table saw and you're splitting a ripping a piece of wood down the middle if it has any stress in the seams are going to splay like this in two different directions or it's gonna cramp around the blade and bind the plate so with steel there is residual stress that will cause issues that will cause the barrel as it starts to heat up it will cause the barrel to stop warping heavy barrel simply walked less and they they received less influence of stress during the manufacturing process at the initial stages so it helped in both ends the heavy barrel machined better to begin with it it was less effective it had in other words it it's a better heat sink so it had it had less stress to begin with during the manufacturing process and then after the main factoring process one would being shot five to ten shots that heavy barrel was less influenced by the heat that was within and so the residual stress had built up a lot more slowly lightweight barrels tended to curl pretty quickly during that during those processes and so you know they they they did have a tendency to wander after the stirring straw especially after the third shot because then the barrel you know I should say third shot but not you know over a long period of time but third shot in succession then you see that that barrel would start to throw the fourth and fifth shot and it go different places on the paper and that's because the barrel is literally cramping and twisting but now we have now we have manufacturers that understand this residual stress issue and so they're doing all kinds of heat treating and even now cryogenic cold treating where they bring it down to super super cold temperatures which said effectively does the same thing it it it calms that steel removes that residual stress and it kind of unifies it unifies the steel so it all has the same level of tempering inside so that's one of the things that has really changed in the last few years and that's why you can have this little pencil thin barrel shooting every bit as good as a heavy barrel now one thing it does not do is and this has nothing to do with the field shooter but for a benchrest suited for somebody who's you know trying to trying to shave off that third decimal point behind the you know the third decimal behind the decimal point he's trying to beat a guy by a thousand four two thousand so an inch quietness is that's the issue that they're looking for and I'm not talking about decibel levels I'm not talking about the sound of the gun going off I'm talking about the quietness of the gun as it responds to the various vibrations set up by the trigger when the when the trigger finally comes back and was here let's go one stage of a test the first stage of noise within the gun the second one is when the the firing pin is driving forward you knows that there's that spring tension and that there's a recoil factor in that you know this that there's a firing pendous there's a firing pin that's being thrown forward by us by a very dense spring and that's that's an issue which causes significant vibration you don't feel it that it's there and you know a group can see it and in also having the heavy barrel will basically add mass and weight to the gun so that the gun doesn't tend to move around when the guys pulling the trigger and bed first shooters a lot of them they develop their own techniques about keeping things quiet watermill see don't don't pinch the trigger they don't even want to pull they don't even get me other bus drive because they they don't really want to influence the rifle in any way they have they said everything is wrong mechanical you know they do everything they possibly can to stay within the rules it's sitting there on the sand bags everything weighs a ton and they just simply pinch their toward it two and a half ounce of trigger right here they just pinch it from the back of the trigger guard like that so that you're not pulling on the gun so everything is everything is designed to induce quietness and that's the primary thing that a heavy barrel varmint it can do for a four person who's in the benchrest competition game or a long-range you know thousand-yard matches and stuff like that but has nothing to do that is not an issue of the slightest degree for the hunter there is no such - so there's no such issue that's gonna either get you or fail to get through your game at the end of the day this gun is more than quiet enough when I get into the military when I give the military prediction with just a Keith Flint like that this gun is more than quiet enough to get off my crop and to have work and damn my game the end of the day and that's all it's about so those are the big things don't worry about it don't worry about a pretty rifle and don't let anybody snicker action because you got wood what is it beautiful you know God created that it's not it didn't come out of a you know how many operations that this had to go through I'll bet you 50 people touched that wouldn't touch some part of that tree before turned into a stock that had to be cut down in the wilderness someplace I had to be it had to be warned out probably driven so 100 maybe of maybe a thousand miles before it got to his destination you know to the strong though somebody had to stand there at the end of a grading table somebody with a trained eye you know usually it's some guy who's gonna older than me you know with a pipe and all that and all Fedora and he'll be stand there he'll be flipping like all those planks over and grading them with a yellow chalk or something and when he runs across the right one he says all this one here is good for gun stocks and he has a gun stockpile because that has to be great wood it has to be very straight grained it has to be very dense wood and that's death selection process then goes to the factory then some guy who has a template with it for another trained eye he has to be able to lay out he's the layout guy he has to lay over all those stocks and have them come out sell it all so all the grain runs true so there's no curly grain that's gonna walk that front end and everything because all these shots this gun has not celebrated I think about 500 rounds I've gone to five I know that I've gone I say well my empty box they've gone to five boxes of 257 bolt since I brought this rifle so that's a pretty that's a pretty nice thing to know that this rifle is still shooting every bit as good as the FIR group I have a fire it out the great for a group I fire it was a four tenths of an inch five strike group first load he was just a random load that I made up from the book so going and I you know many times said you never find me getting any kind of caustic craft near this inside the barrel never know you not see me clicking copper remover in this barrel that's the way this goes car anything you know copper is more normal than steel if you if you if you throw a copper pipe into you know salt water for a decade or two you'll find a green copper pipe at the end of the decade or two you throw you throw a gun barrel in there you won't have to wait you won't have to wait a decade you won't have to wait ten days and you're gonna have them brewing about copper is far more noble in anything that will remove copper from a barrel is going to be removing barrel material for us trust me it really will and I'm speaking from experience because I ruined I ruined a good Seco to seventy barrel by using classic agent to remove copper that was in my stupid days oh you'll never see me do that again you don't want to have I've mentioned this before you you don't want to have you don't want to have a a pristine steel lined barrel you want to have them nicely you want to have a nicely conditioned barrel this is that this is that that stuff that you hear about is called breaking in a barrel that sound familiar breaking in a barrel it's conditioning it was copper initially after you after you've conditioned it with copper and broken it in then you got to go buy the stuff that strips the copper up so you start facing scratched one again and that's why this rifle will shoot the first shot out of a cold clean bore exactly into the center of the group I don't I when I watch this barrel out with mineral spirits or if I like to smell Hoppy's metal spirits work better than top actually but if I if I clean this barrel I'll flush it out with mineral spirits with a swab and a light a light application with a Brahman brush and clean it out this gun will shoot the first shot into that same group and every rifle I have will shoot the first shot into that same group it always will because I don't strip the copper off that's that's that conditioning you want to leave it Indian mix the barrel nice and smooth and that's the way the barrel wants to be from shot to shot the shot you want to keep it that nice smooth finish inside you don't have comprar fouling if you have copper foiling it's because you were gonna building a barrel and you've been shooting it too quickly into too much and you know I have not seen I've never in my in my life the only copper fouled barrels I've seen in military barrels that have been you know in military conditions and I I'm not gonna put my barrel for that sort of thing thank you very much so have a nice make sure you your crown is in good condition this is a nice nice beautiful crown they put on that nice crown nice slim to barrel easy to carry over Hill and Dale just as accurate as possibly can be I mean that'll put three three shots and or a quarter of an inch read the first three shots and or quarter of an inch and then things started getting fuzzy on me and the target flipping around because I have a lot of heat coming off the barrel because I had just cited in the rifle five ten minutes before I won on camera but if if I hadn't if I if I still had the same sight picture I would have probably put the other the other shots into the same exact hole nothing changes with this gun from one group to another so don't buy into all hype and all the baloney get yourself a nice inexpensive garand swing that it's functional and the reason it's functional because the Army and the Marine designed it to be functional designed it to be able to you know to get the job done again to the end that's why this works so nicely don't afraid of wood if you like a Woodstock get a Woodstock you make them warm you know nothing that feels warmer than natural wood you know play you can never get plastic it'll never it'll never tempura like that it never feels that nice in your hands and on a cold morning it will get it will get frosty feeling there's no matter what you do with it you don't have the same nice feel as checkering you can stipple you can stipple you can pebble you can do whatever you want with plastic you still got stipple coupling plastic it doesn't feel like that and it doesn't look that beautiful and it doesn't it doesn't hide in the woods as well as this does this nothing hides in the woods like wood that's what it does nothing's as quietly as a nothing is a quieter the cotton fling in the woods and nothing is as white and nothing is it effective and nothing is accurate is this rifle alright so thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe tell your friends about us shoot safely and god bless
Channel: undefined
Views: 104,886
Rating: 4.9378552 out of 5
Keywords: rifle, scope, high, power, magnification, accuracy, accurate, varmint, varminter, grade, synthetic, stock, wood, walnut, group, tight
Id: Rr_aEzTM1c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 52sec (3712 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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