The Winchester 350 Legend ~ A legend invented

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I say goodbye and lift welcome back I have terrible leg cramp from that having my leg pulled you know yeah somebody asked me the other day what I thought about the new 350 Winchester legend that we've just recently announced at the chart show it's a straight wall cartridge and and it's based on the 223 case which had been straightened out that no no shoulder no the neck and it takes a 357 diameter bullet basically it's a it's a hybrid series of 357 diam nor he uncountable it's so um you know I had read I had read a few things about it and I went on I went online and I I checked out I checked out the industry specifications for Winchester's Winchester promotional stuff for and you know ever since um it was since the 1800s you know you had in the 1800s you had the perpetual motion machine everybody was trying to invent a perpetual motion machine a machine that would basically run you know run by itself all the time and never stopped you know that's where it came up with the anniversary clock and things like that they could keep machines going for a long time by themselves but eventually you know something has to stop and and that the thing that we've been doing now for probably for the last you know hundred years or more is to try to develop ammunition which is the most powerful has the least recoil has the greatest penetration and it's the fastest all in the same country and that's important because if you can come up with something that has all those qualities if it's the fat most powerful as the most energy and has the least Rico you come up with you've come up with basically two you know the cure for the common cold so the 350 legend apparently they accomplished that it says here more energy less recoil increased penetration more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound it doesn't all so boy okay I can't help but these the advertising here is a little bit over the top and the gun right and apparently they must be wind shut them up beginning else's introspective cigarettes of [ __ ] for these guys to smoke because they come up with him they basically coming up with some pretty profound information online here um this is honesty well before I get into this let me say I think the 350s think the 350 legend is gonna be a great conference for certain states that have that requirement for a straight wall countries you know by law annoyed to hunt yeah you gotta have Indiana or 900 Ohio the certain states which require straight wall cartridges or shotguns only Tom deer and it's gonna fill the bill for that there's gonna be there's gonna be a certain there's gonna be a certain good market for that particular country for the 350 legs into straight wall it's going to have adequate and I'm going to add that again adequate power for deer and it's gonna be terrific for people who don't like to have the kind of recoil you get in a 444 Milan or 450 Bushmaster or something like that so it's gonna be a terrific countries for that but you know I might my channel was all about exposing the truth and you know cutting through cutting through the BS so I think there's a little bit of there's a little bit of BS here not a little bit doesn't wanna under the column more and if you know I'm getting this right off of Winchester zone this Winchester zone right here um and I makes me feel bad because Winchester his Winchester has got a history of I love deer rifles and the history is all-american they they have they had served on a served on needs walls through the years producing rifles and ammunition that have you know met the need for particular purposes and they've done it very very well with very few very few well problems they were they've got a couple of they've had a couple of them things that didn't sail but the young the 350 legend is claimed to have 903 foot foot-pounds of energy at 200 yards no I pulled down there wrong I pulled down their own website here I went online to their ballistics sorry and I want to make sure that I was that I was looking at figures with you know system with what they can't hear so what I did was like I pulled down the figures for a 3030 Winchester now they compared to the 300 blackout which I just missed anyway I'm not a 300 blackout fan and the 223 Remington etc that's a violent concrete that's a military environment cracker that's not a deer cracker so I dismissed that but I found this very very curious you know this old nose here this big nose can detect smelly fish when I saw energy figure of 903 at 100 yards and then 781 at 200 yards for the 3030 I said there's something really really stinky here that's not right somebody's somebody's trying to really somebody's really trying to set up a smoke and mirror situation here I don't know what figures they're using because I want rates of Winchester's on ballistic calculator might pull down their ammunition 150 green 30-30 bullet delivers an energy of 989 foot-pounds at 200 yards not 781 that's over two hundred foot-pounds more done 781 I don't know I don't know who I don't know who's fighting with the figures here but that's not a deer round and then if you go to the 170 grain bullet which is Mike my particular preference for 3030 170 gram both is 955 foot-pounds again a lot more than 781 and both of those are categorically more than 903 foot-pounds that they give for the 350 legged I don't like I don't like it Winchester when you pull that crap that's that's no that's deceptive I love Winchester products and I recommend Winchester products I recommend their ammunition I recommend everything about them but this is this is BS this is a budget this is a bunch of BS and you know your shading your shading figures here you know you you're cherry-picking numbers you don't list what that particular bullet weight is for the 3030 and that's that's absolutely focused because again 989 and 955 is not 781 that's a dozen bald-faced lie less recoil well yeah depth that's its advantage it hasn't want less recoil than the 454 Master 450 Bushmaster is up and close to 23 foot knowledge of free.we coil and three-fifty legend is 852 well that could be expected because of the the truth the 350 legend is based upon the 223 concrete which is roughly around 25 27 grains of powder you know when nd the 3030 Winchester has got you know you're talking ten grains more powder and that delivers 99.6 9.60 four foot boundary clock I don't know what I don't know what countries they pulled that off of because again I don't know they lied about which they didn't they weren't they weren't upfront about what bullet weight they used so the energy comparison so I'm not sure what they're doing with the or with the recoil comparison but even if it's even if it's the pound less that they're talking they're talking of you know one on the tenth pound less recoil wow you're still talking this it's not it's neither one of the lot of recoil so I think that's that's a moot point as they say in law here's where things really here's where things I think get a little bit fishy really bad they have the 350 legend with a sectional density the sectional density of the 350 legend is its piddlin my wife is safe vision it's not 68 sectional density of 168 now if you watch my recent if you watch my recent video on sectional density classic dear bullets classic hunting bullets I should all be around the to in the two forty two point two for old and above that's been standard that's been standard fare for good penetration on deer side game and that would include ours and all stuff you know tissue it ball you know bone and tissue was born tissue but especially with orange we got you know you got that that that armor plate that you're dealing with that some time can be a little bit difficult to get through but you're talking about here comparisons that absolutely don't make sense first of all they didn't compare it all of a sudden now in the other the other two charts they they cited teeth this is white I don't like I don't want somebody you know rigor the deck under more energy they listed D on austerity thirty and they fight the numbers under under less recoil whether the numbers will fight or not they lifted to thirty thirty suddenly now to thirty thirty is not in the penetration comparison well I wonder why I wonder why that it because they list the three fifty legend is heaven eleven point seven inches of penetration at 200 yards the 243 Winchester they list is having only nine and a half inches at penetration to two hundred yards well just as a just as they fudge of the figures with the thirty thirties remaining energy I'm sorry but penetration of one hundred green or 95 green 243 bullet at two hundred yards is going to be substantially more than the penetration of a short squat SAP low bullet at 357 and Diana is going to be a lot more than that and this is again we're rigging the deck so I don't want to I don't want to feel I don't want to be a wolf or I don't want to rain on anybody's parade here because I do think that the 350 legend has got an incredibly good market I think that there's a reason that we should have that particular round or on the theme I think it's just what we I think it's just what we need for you know for youth and for women and throw and to the people who just simply don't like to have a lot of recoil you know you're only talking eight-foot pounder reclose but basically you're talking you're talking a very very moderate amount of recoil which virtually anybody can handle so that's the that's the category that is then what I don't want to see people do is rush to the fountain thinking that it's something that it's not based on just BS it's not the perpetual motion engine that everybody was seeking in the 1800 that never stops that never stops running it's not it's not the most powerful countries in the world it's a 220 it's a 223 cartridge with a small case and it's gonna have it's gonna have a straight wall with a fat stubby little box it has no sectional density oh you can't make a silk purse out of the style of the year was my grandmother's dead ya ain't gonna happen so it's you know for all the years that the 30 30 took you know basically took a lot of beating because the 30 30 was claimed to be a substandard 32 to 32 special as well you know you're talking about 150 150 grain bullet let's see if I can now granted this is a pointed bullet so it's that you know the profile of a 30-30 bullet is a little different this is what this was a hundred this is the way here this is a 447 green 9-millimeter bullet 47-grain nine-millimeter bullet isn't gonna look a lot different then there then the 357 diameter 150 grains 3/3 grain of different this is 150 grain 30 caliber bullet with a much much higher sectional density this is 170 grand 32 special bullet with you know again a lot more sectional density tremendous amount more sectional density seventy green the hundred seventy 170 green thirty caliber bullet is longer than this one it stands higher even with deep even with the flattened point necessary for thirty thirty so again I reiterate the 350 legend is going to be a very good round for those people who need to have straight wall countries that comply with local regulations local hunting laws for those situations it's not a substantial deer cottage sorry it's not a 200 year you can't you can't take paper and turn it into a ball it's not a 200 yard deer cartridge it's it's it's a very good deer countries for shotgun range about four hundred two hundred twenty five hundred fifty yards I would certainly not be taking shots at two hundred yards on deer with a contra troops is fading with a short fat squad bullet which is not going to be able to penetrate enough to get through it through one a deer the things that I have read so far about it indicate just that those who have the writers who have taken it out a field and they didn't say how far off the the deer world when they started and all that I I suspect you know we're talking white-tailed deer white-tailed deer are typically shot at 25 30 40 yards and things like that one occasion you'll get a you'll get a potato field shot or something but you're not talking you're not talking long range with most whitetail threats and you know the results that they describe is that the bullet get into the boiler room and it didn't come out the other side well that's the ideal is to is to get through balls don't hanker game did they have to destroy it they have to destroy a long tissue or in order to be able to put them down now a a short fat bullet getting in there and destroying one tissue if that's what it does then that's what does but it's not substantial it you still basically taking shots at it with something which is on the wrong it's basically on the idea of a slightly more powerful round than the 357 maximum used to be and the 357 maximum is still in that same category is still straight wall cartridge which one if you've done a you know in a contender pistol that can handle the pressures you know the velocity you know and in a rifle barrel the velocity would be very very similar to that with it with a similar bullet so that's the thing you're talking you're not talking about you're not talking about extreme here you're talking about a an adequate concrete for deer and I'm a little bit and I don't want to see I think it's probably is it's probably gonna be very popular among the AR crowd I think it's gonna be probably gonna catch fire in that area I'm not I'm not a fan to be honest with you you know I huh I hunt I like to carry a gun which is comfortable to carry you know that this sling is comfortably across mail my elbow when I'm when I'm hunting and walking through the war tonight I've always found an AR to be a little bit clumsy when it come to walking around with the thing even when I was in Vietnam it's just you know it doesn't they don't point they don't point naturally and things like that with a pistol grip so you know they have a market for that too they're people who like to have that they like to have that particular style rifle to go deer run with and things but I think if you're gonna be deer hunting in states which don't require a straight wall cottage that there are better cartridges in your ar-15 done than this one doesn't do a better job and don't get don't get caught up with all the ballyhoo don't get don't get done don't get taken in by by a bunch of fabrications because it can only be what it is so thanks for watching I recommend I recommend you take a very close look at the round if you need it don't you know don't place it on a pedestal be careful of those who do attempt to place it on a pedestal because is this you know it hasn't become a legend yet you know that's that's that's a name which I think that to become a legend before it's even out on the market that's you know again you know I think I think a bunch of our tithing executives did a pretty good job of you know setting up and smoke and mirrors so thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and God bless
Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 75,969
Rating: 4.7652583 out of 5
Id: PMYuhaceWMc
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Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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