Ghostbusters IV | Pastor Tye Tribbett | LiVe Church Orlando

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you are faithful you will be faithful he's been faithful faithful he is faithful he is good we can put our confidence in you you're [Music] you have been faithful [Music] yeah yeah all my life you have been faithful lord jesus all my life you haven't been painful aren't you glad someone has been consistent in your life [Music] the government changes friends change family changes [Music] you have been all [Music] [Music] y'all sound so good all day today say oh my love [Music] y'all so today we praise you for your faithfulness we're inconsistent you're consistent we're up and down you stay the same thank you for being trustworthy and because you're trustworthy you're praiseworthy yeah i said because he's trustworthy he's praiseworthy now let's praise him for his faithfulness everybody oh man remembering his faithfulness will sustain you through your current storm yep remembering how good he is will give you strength in whatever you're dealing with today the trick of the enemy is to flood your mind with the current situation so you will forget the faithfulness of god throughout your whole life or to forget what he just did last week last year last month when a storm hits the enemy wants to fly he can't create storms but he gets in god ordained storms like god allows storms and the enemy gets in it gets it just get all in your mind god sends you a storm or a let's call it a test it's a test heaven's perspective is a test earth earth's earth's perspective is a storm hell's perspective is opportunity one problem i mean test heaven sees it as a test opportunity for elevation earth sees it as a storm what's going on in my life hell sees it as an opportunity we can take him out with this one but if he couldn't take you out with the last one you gotta remove y'all gotta start reminding yourself of who you are whose you are if i be a child of god this thing can't take me out if i be a child of god you got to remember remember ho ho ho so so so so so the prodigal sons confidence in the pit came from a memory no angel came to the pit no prophet came to the pit he had a realization the bible says and this is the whole story in itself he came to himself careful when you leave yourself [Music] be careful when you leave yourself you start thinking ways you never thought before start doing things you never thought you do in your life you start behaving like you never be careful when you leave you but he came to himself and said how many servants of my father are living better than this they got food they got and i'm out here in the pit my father is the king and i'm living like a peasant he said oh god oh god he said i will arise nobody picked him up [Music] you gotta look at yourself and say i'm getting out of this today live look at your situation and say i'm getting out of this today [Music] never mind he reminded himself of who his father is you don't overcome by self-help you don't even overcome by focusing on you [Music] you don't overcome your situation by looking at yourself looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith when you know who your father is you know who you are if my father is a deliverer i can't stay well if my father is a waymaker i can't stay lost if my father is rich i can't stay broke do you know who your daddy is all right all right let's talk about it all right so i know who my father is and i know he's a loving father so you got to have it's called hermeneutics in theology they call it hermeneutics hermeneutics i know it's a big word for some it's probably the only big word in my whole vocabulary it's called hermeneutics hermeneutics are literally like lenses right so if i see the scriptures through the hermeneutic of peace i will find peace in every chapter i will find out how this scripture relates to peace in some way because i'm viewing it through the lenses of the hermeneutic of peace you understand what i'm saying i like to view my life through the hermeneutic of god's love for me this is time godzilla something hit me boom whoa whoa he loves me though wait he loves me that takes that takes away half the warfare in your mind right there because when stuff hits you you feel deserted because i don't know why christians feel like we don't go through nothing i don't know why we feel like since we're saved we shouldn't have any issues every issue knocks the wind out of us why where's your shield of faith grab your shield and protect always say he loves me though he loves me he loves me no no no i can't go out like this he loves me i can't give up he look something good got to come out of this because he love this is what i literally think y'all i'm not even preaching to y'all this is what i think because without that thought other thoughts gain entry that's like my bouncer like ah god loves him because without that i will think the same thing everybody else thinks lonely depressed i can't make it it's too much i can't go on all of these thoughts some are let's talk about it some of these okay thoughts are words from something and somebody yeah thoughts are either you oh thoughts either like your flesh like your flesh has i need to say a mind of its own but your flesh has appetite cravings sometimes you don't think i'm hungry you you get alert from your physical body right so sometimes your body sends you signals i'm hungry that's the flesh right that's carnal there's nothing wrong with that to live by the carnal is wrong but to live by the carnal is wrong but some cardinal thoughts is i'm hungry carnal don't always mean sexual thoughts i thought that this means sex when i grew up apostolic you cardinal well that's lustful like that's that's so your body sends you signals you respond by eating you there are other spirits there are evil spirits that communicate with us i do not know how it is a mystery to me how they communicate and have entry way to our thoughts i do not know i just surrender and understand that it is a spirit realm okay it is a realm that my flesh does not have access to but i still dwell there because i'm a spirit y'all with me okay forgive me if i'm a little scattered i'm fresh off the plane i mean right now we was able to host the stella awards last night y'all so stella awards is the gospel awards just like the gospel grammys for those of you who have question marks over here for oh yeah so i hosted it last night it was amazing we got the before anyway so i got up four o'clock this morning and we're here so thoughts have entry somehow i don't know but there is a spirit realm where they have access to flesh so that's a mystery to me now maybe when i'm 65 he'll give it to me i'm just glad i don't know everything because i got time to learn some more stuff [Applause] so thoughts have entry there are evil spirits the bible call it the word demon is not even in the bible i have to look that up demon is not in the bible evil spirits are king james version the word demon is not in the king james version of the bible not that i'm you know worship a version of the bible but i'm just letting you know a certain word is not in there i'm trying to i believe that the bible is the foundation of all truth you understand what i'm saying so if demon is not in there what word can mean demon because that's the word evil spirits evil spirits and that's a touchy thing right there y'all and i don't even have the whole mystery yet but i'm getting it because some of the first mentions of evil spirits it says evil spirits sent from god evil spirits from the lord i'm like whoa why would you send in i'm still unwrapping that mystery i got a little revelation i think but it ain't totally unwrapped so i'm not going to share that immaturely but evil spirits is what the bible calls it this is what king saul had and he was he was restless he couldn't rest so david had to come and play the heart for him and when he played the music the evil spirit had to leave it matters what you listen to uh-oh i messed up early good so i can go home and sleep yo now let me tell you this nothing from without can harm you you can listen to satanic devil music all day and go to heaven look at y'all and some of your playlist is that anyway i'm just relaxed i'm just talking to you i'm tired nothing from without can harm you that's what the bible says all of the evil comes from within you could be around cussing at this mother mother this mother that'll make you cuss but if cussing is in you you're a mother father too y'all was waiting for me to do it oh if he cuts i'm gonna join the church sit down all y'all lord save my church save your church build your church [Applause] nothing from without can harm you i love that to me that means god is good because it's suffering without can harm you anything that happens to you can change you so stop being changed by everything that happens to you just because it happens to you doesn't mean it has to happen in you liv come on man we're tossed to and fro by everything that hit us like we're a house made of straw where are the people who built their house on the rock let's go where are my people who build their house on the word so when that storm comes or where that misfortune comes you're not destroyed nothing from without can harm you whoa no movie if it's already in you you become allies with it but don't blame it on they made me no that was in you boo boo you wanted talk man you want to do that the whole time you just needed a partner are y'all understanding what i'm saying you just needed a partner the bible says it is god working in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure so when any time we please god it is god in us giving us the will the momentum the want to because in our flesh dwells no good thing are y'all with me so far so anytime you want to pray you don't want to pray god is saying it's time god is saying i need to talk to you i need to holler at you and you make the decision okay god let's talk that's righteousness [Applause] when you choose the nudge of the holy ghost because we get it all day but we don't choose it are how many of y'all have gotten that nudge this week all right stop playing stop playing [Applause] but there are other suggestive spirits and the reason why i say that is because you can look at genesis how he came to even say why don't you eat it what's wrong with this tree though like what's wrong with this tree you know good you know good and well what's wrong with this tree out of all these trees you're gonna say what's wrong with this one that's the suggestion suggester i like to call evil spirits the suggesters because they have no power to make you they have no power to force your hand they have no power to unbutton your pants they have oh never mind i'm sorry i'm just talking here they got no power to put that needle in you they ain't got no power the snort that they ain't got no power to make you nothing they are the great suggesters coming to you in a moment of weakness something just hits your life a tragedy just hit you you open anyway careful when you open y'all be careful when you are open do not be open to anything know what you're open to when you hurt and you're vulnerable you want comfort careful what comforts you i'm because um how can i explain this lord what what whatever you choose to comfort you in that season you'll trust it and become it in part it is now a part of you and you're not even in that season no more you're in the next season still with it looking at me like i'm crazy you're in the next season with a boyfriend you chose in the last season and you're like oh my god i just wanted a compliment now we still dating i was just having a breakup i just lost my job i just wanted one date and he's still hanging on you in a low place careful of your decisions be careful of your decisions because the enemy's choices get louder the lower place you are in the prodigal son was in a famine the bible says the famine hit that land the whole country and he joined himself to a citizen of that country that the famine was in he joined himself to a citizen of that country and that citizen made him feed the swines do y'all see this so in the jewish custom swines are detestable that's the unclean animal we don't even mess with that here it is a jewish prince feeding swine because of who he connected to in a low place [Applause] i always say it like this never connect with someone who lives where you fell okay you don't live there you fell there the differences you're getting i said you're coming out of that thing they live there they live there you got mad in a moment and joined the whole gang you don't join the whole bloods and crips they are bloods and crips they bend that you just felt like that in a minute but there's another minute coming [Applause] are you understanding that be careful your connections when you're in a low place because now i'm feeding the pigs and i'm like now i've joined myself to a citizen of that country and i'm living worse than hell you you know you got the wrong company when when you were they you understand what i'm saying so be careful these are where i believe these suggestions come in let's go we're talking ghostbusters today um i i'm really just going to share today i'm just going to talk for a little bit i call it ghostbusters because there are other ghosts besides the holy ghost otherwise he wouldn't have to differentiate it he had to make his separate like this is me this is the holy ghost right the holy ghost speaks in us as well but other ghosts speak to evil spirits so the flesh is committed to being against god that's not an evil spirit that's just you that's just your old man that's the man that's supposed to be crucified once you're saved that's the man that you gotta pick up your cross and deny yourself if you're gonna follow god you gotta deny you the first version of you the first man that's the fl it's just against god period pray why what what any anything that's against god's ways that's your flesh anything that's like against you tormenting your mind that could be an evil spirit evil spirits aren't against you progressing period people who ain't saved god evil spirit well of course you understand what i'm saying they have evil spirits stopping their progression as well hoping they'll never get saved hoping they never believe so you got evil spirit what i mean by evil spirits y'all it's not like a it's not like this weight like whoa i can't get up it could it could feel like that if you get that overwhelmed but i mean consistent suggestions don't listen don't listen please and they have so many different variations i don't know how you talk to you you know how you talk to you you know how you talk don't spirits know how to tailor make temptations for you [Applause] you can talk to your friend and y'all can feel like y'all y'all y'all you know you kind of got the same rhythm but when you talk about your temptations it can be totally different because the enemy knows how to specifically deal with you just like oh y'all hear what i'm saying so it can sound differently to me depression to you could sound like oh you're never gonna be nothing it's never gonna make it or depression could sound like i don't even feel like it i don't even what whatever it is but depression has so much content if i don't get you this way i'll get you this way either way you ain't gonna have no joy today if you don't have joy you need to say why not i love contentment in christ i hate contentment out of christ being cool not having christ being cool not having love joy peace the fruit of the spirit fruit the results of the spirit i don't like how passive we are about not having those things aggressively in our lives especially now if you wake up tomorrow without joy it should be a problem nope nah come on if you wake up tomorrow without love or peace it's what's up bro it should be a problem you should check that like oh i'm lord fill me with your spirit and the fruit of the spirit is look yo i couldn't sleep y'all it was uh it was the night before the show so so friday night yo i i had to be up like 11 o'clock for the start and everything i woke up like 5 40 something almost 6 o'clock like okay you guys remember the script and then when you come out there okay and make sure the musicians do that i was like no no no no no no no please please please so in my head i'm like come on no don't do this time come on go go go go go [Music] hmm and i heard practice what you preach you can't conquer a negative thought with a positive thought you gotta say something i was in that bed with the most stank breath y'all can imagine like father i thank you for peace the whole room got foggy all right stop playing [Applause] i said father i thank you for peace i thank you for rest i thank you for sabbath thank you for contentment thank you for refreshing thank you for just i was just thanking him for be and when i tell y'all like a light i was out and i was late because that's how good he is that's how good a restaurant this really happened in my life it really happened just a couple of days ago not being content outside of his promises he promised me peace why can't i go to sleep i was not content with that and if you're used to that you need to cut that do not let that become common because that's not in the spirit do not let confusion be common do not let arguments be common peace kindness come on these are the basics that we have yet to master because of this and the ghosts [Applause] is that up there the ghostbusters logo i thought it would be up yeah i pointed to it like okay and the ghost don't be cool with that no more don't settle for that level no more we all waiting to be successful and have more money and go viral for what that's the lowest level of the kingdom the highest of the culture so you culture living or kingdom living look at your neighbor and say i'm kingdom living baby that stuff don't matter to me anyway it's here today gone tomorrow you viral today somebody else tomorrow but jesus christ is the same man i can have peace every day that ain't viral i can have joy everyday that ain't viral [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we talked about how last week we talked about how jesus is the express he's the expression of god he is the express image you can go to the first scripture i'm just going through really quickly i got my chair up there if i need to sit down all right here's the express the express image of god the express image as you can see he spoke to us through his son okay in the next one i'm sorry the next one he's the express image of his person jesus is the expression of god jesus is god expressing himself [Music] don't love me and never express it you feel me caleb i don't want to hear i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you show me because the ones that show don't have to say [Applause] prove it [Applause] so god chose to show us his love and that is jesus he wanted to show us his grace that is jesus he wanted to show us his goodness that is jesus he is the expression of what god wants to show us and give up are you understanding that he's the expression of his person god is a spirit right so every spirit needs a human being to express in the earth realm every spirit needs a human body to express themselves so if i'm jealousy i'm looking for somebody you know she got the same hair you got oh she ain't you look at him he think he you just i'm trying to find i will find some i will find something you will look at a person like she ain't all that oh it starts there or you look at your eye you i'm gonna find some but i'm a all i wanna do is be jealous that's it you're a hater hater is over there hate is over there i'm jealous all i want to do is be jealous that's all that's all i can be i am a spirit spirits don't have personalities they are it period do you all understand that multiple personalities are multiple evil spirits to me and you know what movies movies kind of tell honest somebody get a tragedy and you just i can't take anymore so i'm now samantha instead of sarah i just need another alter ego oh y'all quiet y'all y'all be playing with alter egos y'all play with that don't do that don't do that be you be you don't do that alter ego you don't have to be this to express that side of you just find a way in your character in your integrity and your con to be like us oh god okay you understand what i'm saying we all got all these incredible hawks in here like you got to become this whole big green thing to say stop it why can't before you turn green why can't you just be like hey um but you know what happens i don't want them to think i'm i don't want them to think i'm i don't want to think i see that that's the ghost man okay maybe it's not because you think it's you it's okay let's talk about it where am i going with this all right y'all got that right we're going up okay when you enter into the land go to the next one are y'all with me so far so i'm talking about the thoughts that come when you go through these things because we call feelings just feelings feelings are responses to words to me to or to a thought if somebody i don't feel good well ask them what are you thinking you should ask them what do you think it's never just feelings it's a cop-out it's what the flesh uses to be whatever it wants to be whenever he wants to be to be irresponsible the flesh say emotional i'm emotional emotional ain't in the bible [Applause] oh god you understand what i'm saying so it's the flesh is easy out i'm just emotional just leave me no what are you thinking because if you literally tell me what you're thinking and we communicate that spirit could be gone are y'all hear me most spirits was cast out of people in the bible through conversation y'all can have deliverance services in your house every day just talking and nobody on the floor spitting nobody crawling around but thank you you're welcome thank you all right all right deliverance is strife between us can i talk to you for a minute conversation can bring deliverance thank you unless you cool with not being cool with who you cool with you in the house with people you like excuse me trying to get this bread i'm sorry y'all we like strife just ratchet just ghetto just just like it it's too nice in here what you want you you gotta mess up the atmosphere but you're accustomed to poverty you're accustomed to that thought process you got to bring every level down can somebody walk in the room and bring it whoa look at your name and say this year i'm bringing every room now say ah come up look at your neighbor say come up come up tell the other one come up come up come up we going higher we ain't thinking that low we ain't thinking ratchet we ain't thinking corny we're not thinking poverty we're thinking righteous we're taking joy we're thinking strength we're thinking prosperity we're thinking help we're thinking wisdom we're thinking victory they're about shots oh excuse me everybody that got victory in here let me hear you right now bring the rooms up and you ain't got to be the loudest one in the room to do it you can be the most patient one in the room and you add value to the room you can be the most peaceful or kind one in the room you could be the most soft-spoken one in the room and add value to it we don't like none of this you feel like you got to defend yourself you feel like you got to affirm yourself you feel like you have to avenge yourself and that's nothing to me but pride screaming what about me [Applause] pride always screams in so many different ways what about me all right cooper what about you you've been human and they've always praised is it you've been faithful you've been doing it you've been yelling what about you why the pastor don't never why your mind no never why are you what about you what about you now you're doing things trying to cover for you or try to reward yourself [Applause] pride always screams what about me but i'm never supposed to take care of me i'm hiss cast all your cares yo he's supposed to take care of me so either he gonna do it or you gonna do it who do you want to take care of you i'm just asking the question you or almighty god let me ask another question how well have you done taking care of yourself up until this point all right then let go and let god whoa clap your hands and say let go whoa and let god keep clapping till you let go keep playing you already let go yet you still got a mad face you're still sitting there like you put a smile on your face [Music] [Applause] but you have to challenge yourself conversations you have to back up and put a camera in the room in your heart and say who's saying all this stuff is it me is it my flesh is it evil spirit is it god because all these things swim in the same pool of the soul they all swim in the same pool of the soul but you have to make the decision who's going to win are y'all hearing me every thought just because it comes to you is not you this is good already just because it comes to you doesn't mean it belongs to you [Music] my next-door neighbor has a big white dog named stella one day stella decided to hop the fence and come in my yard i'm gonna post it soon because i was just watching the video on the plane like that dog really came to my house came up the steps and everything like how you doing john you all right like man i was like stella you you you got to go home you can't buy in the dog all right the dog eventually left my point is just because it came to me don't mean his mind oh the dog must like me we must got a connection we're embracing things that do not belong to us thoughts you're embracing behaviors that don't belong to you you're embracing heart postures that don't belong to you just because it's presented don't mean it's for you that's why the bible says casting down imaginations i know you're creative but if it ain't god cast it down i know you're innovative and you're a culture shifter but if it ain't god and it's in your imagination just because it comes to you don't mean it's yours you got to learn behind that thought do not belong to me casting down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself it exalts itself with no encouragement pride exhaust you ain't got to watch a movie for pride to exalt itself against the knowledge of god so challenge your thoughts ladies and gentlemen but challenge your thoughts against the word okay my personal non-judgmental assessment is that the church of today is not familiar with the word general assessment there are no physical bibles anymore and that's cool but that don't mean there ain't no more word we are not familiar with the word which means we're not familiar with jesus because he is i feel him right now somebody say thank you jesus does anybody know jesus in the room hiya home glory to jesus i said this hey does anybody know jesus in the room if you don't know jesus you won't know what's not jesus because everything is spiritual but everything ain't godly come on y'all and people are excited for tapping into the spiritual because it's a step up so you got the spiritual awakening let's talk about it so when you enter into the land fall away to the throw away don't imitate the detestable ways of the nations there let no one be found among you sacrificing your son daughter in the fire take care of your kids our kids are not covered evil spirits enter into our kids thoughts through traumas at home childhood traumas if all your kids do is hear you argue the bible says where strife dwells there's unclean oh what was the scripture something bad thank you every evil work dwells where strife dwells so if you and your spouse are you you always arguing every evil work is loving your house and your kids are subject to it well maybe mommy don't like daddy well maybe daddy it just starts i'm just doing the corny little things like arguments and how everybody goes everybody everybody everybody my wife punched me in the chest one time everybody goes through it just felt it again real quick everybody goes to it but protect your kids from potential ghosts let me stop saying ghosts uh suggestions from evil spirits at a young age we don't protect them i heard cardi b going off this last week two weeks ago cardi b was going off because somebody posted i choose my man over my kids basically if my kid came and said oh daddy step daddy is molesting me or whatever i believe my man over the kid and that's why a lot of kids are growing up with so many demonic suggestions because the ones i even trusted don't even believe me so you're leaving me open to anything y'all we're not covering our kids well go shut up and sit down in the corner shut up okay put them in the corner with everything else they want to talk to it i don't know none of y'all i don't live with none of y'all but i feel it right now he's he's speaking every feeling is a thought he's speaking to me right now we don't cover our kids well we just want to chill and have fun and y'all getting in the way go over there go play with that do that go online get your tablet get your ipad [Applause] we're not covering our kids wow a child let me stop yelling train up a child train that word there literally means to bend take time to sculpt your child like a potter with clay take time to mold them because something else will [Applause] if your kid is here look at him say i love you so much it don't make no sense all right that's quiet that's cool tell them i'm here for you tell them i got you tell them you can always talk to me i don't care what it is holler at me tell your kids y'all tell them i say forgive me if i ever missed it come on y'all actually forgive me if i ever missed it i'm sorry but i'm here i got you covered nobody gonna love you like me i'm your mom nobody gonna love you like me i'm your dad nobody's gonna love you like me i chose to have you nobody gonna love you like me don't leave them open y'all to the suggestions of every serpent that's out there waiting to get these kids it ain't about them being bad or good it's about them being open to the suggestions of evil spirits i'm trying not to say demons but that we describe demons or evil spirits as persons without bodies derek prince says that in one of his teachings it's a person without a body looking for someone to habitate so it can express itself can y'all handle a little more [Applause] okay all of these practices that they did witchcraft who's a medium of spirits or consults with the dead let's go into it let's go into it let's go into it let's go into it go to the next one it says let no man beguile you of your reward in the voluntary humility of worshiping of angels intruding into those things which he have not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind and not holding the head from which all the body and the joints and the bands having nourishment and knit together increase it with the increase of god y'all like what does that mean let's look at another version is the next scripture oh no go to the next one and then the next one after that oh right there that's good so when you receive christ continue to live your lives in him rooted and built up in him strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than christ okay this is a whole bunch right here but i'm just going it's one o'clock and i'm gonna just let y'all go and i'm tired too who has received christ in here let me hear some joy let me hear some joy let me hear some joy in the room if you receive christ continue to live your lives in him his way when you live in him you do things his way that's how i got to this point in the first place i said you got to check your thoughts step back and check all these thoughts check all this conversation based on the word now you choose which thought you should leave with based on the word we don't know the word that's my whole point we don't know the word so we don't know what thought to reject because each thought expressed is a is a person you're becoming thank you thank you you ever see what i'm saying okay so so live your lives rooted and built up in him strengthened in the faith as you were taught overflowing with thankfulness i love that somebody say thank you jesus somebody else say thank you jesus never live a life in christ without thankfulness every other step say thank you jesus every other minute say thank you jesus your thanksgiving and that praise refreshes your relationship praise reflect refreshes your relationship thanksgiving refreshes gratitude thanksgiving resets your posture it reminds yourself where we stand because i don't care what's in my life thank you jesus come on no matter what comes my way hallelujah anyhow you gotta come up no matter what comes you got to say thank you jesus and that resets your whole system that's right we believe in god that's right we stand on his word that's right we trust him because your mind will lead you elsewhere thanksgiving will bring you back somebody right now say thank you jesus say it again say it again [Applause] praise will bring you back praise will bring you back if you stressed praise him first there are other remedies but praise them first it's the reset it brings you back we but this is stuff we don't do so we choose stress and all this other i'm confused because you're not reset somebody say thank you jesus i'm sorry i'm thankful today ain't even nothing on my mind i just got jesus i thank you thank you i got wisdom i got jesus i got joy i got jesus i got peace i got jesus i got everything i need somebody else say thank you jesus okay if you're not grateful then things mean more to you than him [Music] that's the reality if you're not grateful then you're discontent with his provision in your life thus far it's a slap in the face to the providing father to not be grateful if i took all of us out to eat and my bill is ten thousand dollars and none of y'all grateful whoa first of all i'm not doing that again secondly it makes me look at you a certain way [Applause] that's just ten thousand dollars imagine paying the price for your sins let's go imagine dying on the cross imagine taking nails in your hand imagine taking nails in your feet not for him but for you is anybody grateful in the building somebody shout thank you jesus all right yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i feel praise in here hallelujah somebody say i feel praise in the room i said i feel praise in the room let god arrive let his enemies be scattered father we thank you for joy today we thank you [Applause] [Music] don't let people captivate you i'm done y'all i'm just gonna say this last point don't be so captivated by people do their hollow [Music] and deceptive philosophy based on human tradition like even religion [Music] and not go back to the scriptures two two two before and this puffed up fleshy like religion and not holding to the head whoa so we got all these philosophies and ways of living not connected to jesus if your awakening ain't in christ it's hollow and deceptive it is vain it is puffed up it's not connected to the head i don't care how woke you are you are not only sleep you are dead if you ain't got jesus because he comes that you might have he comes that you might have life and that more abundantly i don't care how low people think they are just because you tap go to the next scripture too too ahead of this just because you tap into the elemental spiritual forces of this world yes there are forces in this world that are spiritual but you're not greater than just because you tap into it if anything you are veering you're veering everybody's standing that helps me shut these practices y'all i always say sage i always say crystals i always say ancestors but there are many other religious spiritual practices such as yoga uh-oh i'm not against it but if it ain't attached to their head it's hollow and deceitful and it's true and it's opening you up to the suggestions of evil spirits the next one really quick while i'm closing next one oh go back go back i like just the end of that i just like the end of that hurry up hurry up hurry up christ he is the head of every power [Music] i like stuff like that yes there's power out there but jesus is over them all he's the head of how many powers every power how many authorities every authority jesus is the heck [Applause] next oh that's a lot i know i was gonna do all that what's the next one [Music] when you open even religiously in yoga the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils see that the holy spirit clearly says it in the latter times some people will stop believing true faith they will obey spirits that lie and follow the teachings of demons that's another version that's why it says demons can you believe that who would follow the teachings of demons in here nobody nobody directly but indirectly you'll be so open through things like yoga and say these things open you up spiritually to the suggestion of literally evil spirits and you don't even know it in time you will be so against god that anything that has to do with him will get friction in your life we're not going to veer we're not going to stray we're going to stand on christ the solid rock essentially i'm saying every thought is not just you it's not just random there are demons and evil spirits that have access to our thoughts i don't know how yet but you have to guard that place you gotta guard it nothing from without can defile you but if that music is jacking up your mind stop listening to the migos ain't nothing straight but straightening [Applause] come on hallelujah number shape or [Music] straightening if it's messing up your integrity you can't listen to making a stallion or you shouldn't. [Music] nothing from without could defy you but if something in you got a little stallion in it you might need to chill on the style [Music] now you backing it up in praise and worship and we trying to give god i'm just playing look at y'all how y'all doing y'all woke down you understand what i'm saying you got to guard that you got to be honest with yourself and be honest with god be vulnerable with god with your weaknesses you got to be honest i can't handle that i'm not saying tell the world but at least tell god and you'll be honest with you i can't go to the i can't go to the hookah lounge i can't i can't handle that because when i go i'm open that's why i say be not drunk with wine don't get drunk because when you drunk you just oh you opened things you never would do when you saw but you opened to it when you drunk so you can't afford to drink let that bitter cup pass thank you let it pass god bless you it's not about the act of drinking it's about the access it brings [Applause] it's not about the physical act of listening to music it's about the doors it opens and if you're not strong enough to kick out demonic thoughts you do not have the luxury to enjoy such things [Music] can't afford to be doing any and everything you want and wondering why your business ain't taken off hold on hold on hold on where's that one where's that i gotta do this where's that give me the 11th the 11th the 11th scripture the one i said put in at the oh my gosh look paul is saying i forgave anything i forgave for if i forgave anything to whom i forgave it for your sex i forgave it in the person of christ first of all that's crazy because he means in the spirit of christ but i got time to talk about that i forgave you through the spirit of christ lest satan should get advantage of us and we are not ignorant of his devices whoa so if i don't forgive i'm open to satan's devices so i'm not just saying don't listen to music i mean if you don't forgive you open it's the entryway unforgiveness is an entryway for satan yes bitterness come here bitterness rejection come on come on y'all get him they didn't forgive them get him hatred wear hatred at you come here you always hating on somebody come here get her she ain't forgive demons travel in packs it's never one it's never just one we can't afford to be open to that y'all are not celebrating demons today i'm telling us what we got power over i'm telling us what you got power over everything i'm talking about today should be a celebration at the end because all i'm saying is that we got power and victory and authority over every unclean spirit over every demonic force over every witch and warlock over every unclean evil spirit we got the victory y'all only in jesus and he is his word i got to get my word up look at your neighbor and say word up [Music] we got to come dressed in all 80s next week i'm going to preach word up you know what i'm saying i gotta get my word content up i know exactly what's on social media the boy foot broke last night that's what's on social media i know what that's saying but i don't know what the word is saying and i need to have more of christ's content when i'm going through deliberation are y'all hearing me when i'm trying to figure out how to think i need more scriptures in that room because all i got is lyrics and family and feelings i need jesus liv i'm almost begging you to read the word it's so i hope y'all don't think it's elementary man it is life word is life yeah we doing that all right we need the word i love that i get to come here two hours and share with you guys that ain't hardly no enough that ain't that ain't no enough that ain't no all right i'm tired please live because i care about you kid in the world say speak to me today read corinthians we collapse colossians is good romans is good the whole thing is good to me put a hermeneutic on put some lenses on like i need more strength look at that bible and look for strength in every verse and you shall find it i speak that in the name of jesus if you seek you shall find if you knock it will open if you ask it shall be given i release revelation right i release the spirit of revelation in the hearts of everyone who who dare choose to read the word this week let it not be stories let it not be a bunch of words god illuminate the word in the name of jesus this week i release the spirit of revelation may god reveal to you in the scriptures what you have not seen before as you read this week show me something i never seen show me something i've never seen show me something i've never seen take me higher than i've ever been make me stronger than i've ever been it's your responsibility liv it's your life liv it's your mind it's your heart and out of your heart flows the issues of life your whole life flows from your heart [Music] you want to change your life change your heart and everybody and oh i gotta go or my wife was i'm about to grab her hand but she's not here today everybody in relationships want to know basically how to change the other person and everybody went up here he'll never she adam did it the woman you gave me everybody just wants to fix somebody else and that person can leave you and the next one come and be the same because it's your heart have you ever left a friend for the same reason the new friend is doing it's my heart so god show me me in the word today show me next level me in the word today show me upgraded me in the word today hallelujah that when i walk back in this building next week i will be on a whole new level content filled with authority power and peace in my mind loving everybody forgiving yo find somebody to forgive this week and you ain't even got to talk to him you don't have to speak to them find somebody to release in your heart because that thing is stopping the flow of what god wants to do next i'm telling you what i don't don't let pride make you think they don't deserve it look at all you have from god that you don't deserve come on i never want to go down the deserved list they don't deserve that because i know all that i don't deserve but he's still good to me i think he's good to some people over here too he's still good to you too and we don't deserve it all what's forgiving i don't have to have no nails in my head no crown of thorns i just got to release them you're released you got that you did that okay i'm angry but i'm not sinning and i'm not letting the sun go down on my wrath you are forgiven in jesus name father i pray for a spirit of forgiveness may we not stop the flow of god in our own lives because of being wronged mistreated mishandled stepped on by others betrayed lied on hurt by deliberately pained by and they did it on purpose and they didn't care and they still going forward like nothing happened it's okay i release it now i release it now if it doesn't affect my faith family or finances i will not let it rest in my heart release y'all i feel it today it's a lot of grudges in here that have become anchors to the level you're on now and you're just trying to do more and try to do better but until you forgive that anchor you'll be there for the next 10 years forget i feel the release in the room give me a minute y'all shot man i know it hurt i know it hurt i know but maybe how you comforted was dysfunctional because if you was comforted correctly the spirit of god will encourage you to forgive release it today y'all release yup release release release it's okay it's okay here's a scripture for forgiveness as we as i close for real all things work together for good so it's okay that happened it's okay something good gotta come out of that but it ain't gonna come out unless i forget clap your hands and say it's okay it's okay it's okay something good is coming out of that my next season will be blessed my next season will be here for joy release and father we love you and thank you for your goodness and you forgiving us how dare we hold grudges with anybody and they never sinned against us but we sinned and sinned against you and you are a constant forgiver your blood is still rich your blood is still strong your blood still cleanses and forgives we release pride we put ourselves to the side and we forgive so we can have the flow of god in our lives and we won't give the enemy access to our hearts in jesus name if you agree with that clap you're here to say amen all right y'all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next week will be the last week on ghostbusters i don't want to continue in this because um i'll come back to it later but i don't want to just stay on demonology for so long uh i want to come back with it with another word that god has given me for the house and we'll come back to this because it's necessary for warfare you understand what i'm saying but i pray you were blessed by the word today hallelujah if you're not saved today man today is your day of salvation salvation saved not just from sins but from those thoughts and things like that same from sickness and diseases by stripes we are healed so if you want to be saved today and you're not could you raise your hands and let us pray with you if that's you i'm not saved ty i don't know if jesus cracked the sky today i don't know if i'm going up or down i'm not sure but i want to be sure today that my name is written in the last book of life if that's you and you want to be saved today lift your hands and we're just going to pray a prayer faith with you believe i see one hand there you go let's clap our hands for that one all right cool let's pray for my sister i see your hand god sees your heart father i thank you for this bold well i got to do two yeah we got two y'all clap your hands that's good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] woof hey once you'll chase a thousand two will put ten thousand to flight father we thank you for the bold confession that we need jesus from my brother and my sister today we thank you for freedom and liberty in your spirit for what the spirit of the lord is there is freedom we thank you that their sins are removed from them as far as the east is from the west according to the bible this is the day of salvation for you you will be saved not only from sins and the penalty of sins but from stress well from all the temptations of the evil spirits you will be rescued from sicknesses and disease will be not come nigh you we speak health over you and the beautiful child you're holding we pray that that child is covered by the blood of jesus that her path will be straight that you will be a thought leader of her generation in the name of jesus repeat after me you two everybody in the room say lord jesus today is the day of salvation i believe you die and rose again with all power say i believe that i am changed healed delivered free and i am saved say i am saved one more time make sure the devil will hear you say i am sad say rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice [Applause] bless you too it's the beginning it's not the end today is the beginning of a brand new life i don't care how you feel you are a new creature in christ jesus everybody clap your hands and say i'm a new creature god bless you liz i love you all so very much [Music] we'll see you all again and next week be blessed this week of the lord let me pray over you and your families and your household i love you all i jump on a plane just to come here and hug you all i love you i love you i love you my wife sends her love as well she's still in nashville making sure the room was clean before we checked out i don't know she was too tired she didn't she didn't feel like so pray for my wife she'll be coming home later on she's resting uh in nashville she styled me she styled the dancers she did the set design she did you know she did her trend thing you know what i mean so she was working all weekend and she's taking her rest so baby i love you i know you're probably watching or not but let me pray for you and your family father you are good to us let us see your goodness this week and not our issues let us see your love more than our problems let us exercise gratitude and not frustrations and irritations let us check ourselves when thoughts veer from joy let us not be content outside of peace [Music] in the name of jesus man i feel so much here let me just let you all go and we give you the praise the glory and the honor as we commit to reading your word and praying in the spirit this week show us another side of you we have never seen before give us revelation in the spirit and we give your name to praise in jesus name clap your hands and say all is well all is well say it is so it is so hey liv i love you the lord is with us therefore we will not fail god bless you i'll see y'all next week glory to god glory to god glory to god forever you say glory to god forever glory to god [Music] [Applause] foreign oh [Applause] [Music] forever forever glory to god forever glory to god forever is of my life glory to god forever and let [Music] for your glory take my life [Music] let oh one more time me [Music] you'll always get the glory somehow you'll always get the glory somehow you'll always somehow always get the glory hate somehow you'll go away somehow you're always somehow he'll always get the glow somehow he'll always get the glory glory and always get too close oh get yay i see you get the glory [Music] out of my life [Music] we give it to you [Music] you got 30 seconds to give god glory right here go i see you [Music] dance dance [Music] days praise it praise it praise it praise it praise it praising praying praying and praying and praying praising praying praying and praying praising praise praising praying praise and praise praise praise [Music] he's everybody on the planet [Music] everybody if you ain't dancing i hope you're clapping if you ain't clapping i hope you're shouting whatever you do i hope you're not standing there but we service worthy of all the praise praise praise praise the praiser praise the break from the rise and breathe what the son prays for the son and he let the same way be worthy i will everybody praise him [Music] everybody [Music] so he's been too good he's been too cut he's faithful amazing he's a healer provider protector let the redeemed of the lord say so [Music] he'll always get [Music] somehow [Music] we gotta go somehow somehow somehow let's keep [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 3,465
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Id: GLk-p0kGzE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 16sec (5476 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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