The 20 Greatest Quotes In The MCU

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one of the things that makes a memorable movie is some of the great quotable lines over the course of 11 years in over 20 movies the Marvel Cinematic Universe has delivered some amazing films and of course some quotable lines some that have even come back around whether they defined a character set a mood or just made us laugh here are some of the best lines in the MCU and no not all of them are from Tony Stark for the most part at the process of becoming a superhero is an accident an everyday person find themselves in possession of power and then finds a good heart and decides to do the right thing Steve Rogers on the other hand volunteered for the superhero status and was well aware of his good heart long before he ever got injected with some good old Super Soldier Serum Steve was ready to stand up for what was right his tireless resolve was demonstrated when he tells the alley bully I can do this all day it's the defining line for Captain America no matter what the odds no matter who the threat is America's Super Soldier is ready to give his all to stand up for what he believes it's been a defining line that makes its way back in various points in the MCU like during the cap on cap fight in endgame we could have watched that all day Captain America isn't the only hero that comes with a line that defines their character some come prepackaged with line so iconic that even if you're not a fan of the comics you know them some are so well known that they've made their way into Supreme Court decisions that's the case with our friendly neighborhood spider-man it took the dying words of his uncle to shape him into the hero he became say it with us everyone with great power comes great responsibility good job good good job the problem is is that the MCU spider-man comes off the heels of two consecutive spider-man franchises Marvel decided that we already knew his origins well enough and skip straight to the fun stuff but they did give us a hint of Uncle Ben's wisdom when he tells Tony when you can do the things that I can but you don't and then the bad things happen they happen because of you [Music] the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a pretty big gamble before shared universes was mostly the domain of horror franchises and took the form of crossovers but the individual stories of the MCU were clearly taking us on a path towards our heroes eventually coming together as the Avengers starting all the way back in Ironman when Nick Fury showed up in Tony Stark's study with the Avengers initiative but getting the very different heroes to come together was going to take a little work and some motivation by fury it's not only a motivation for the team but also a reminder to the audience of what comic books are all about believing in heroes saying there was an idea stark knows this called The Avengers initiative the idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people see if they could become something more see if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles we never could anyone who's played role-playing games knows that every team needs their tank even on a team with heavy hitters like Iron Man and Thor the Avengers don't just have a tank and they have a tank Smasher in the ever-lovin Hulk the mean green rage machine is on ready to punch all of the Avengers worst problems really hard including a giant flying space monster when Loki had brought his army of Chitauri and flying speights monsters to earth he was confident that he had what he needed to take over the planet but Tony Stark had a fitting answer to the god of mischief we have a Hulk it's a line that Loki understood well his plane involved unleashing the Hulk on the other fledgling Avengers but once Loki found out that the Hulk isn't impressed with godhood he felt the wrath of the not-so-jolly Green Giant and was just as scared seeing the Hulk II years later in Thor Ragnarok it's a weird thing to think of now but when the Marvel Cinematic Universe started all the rage in comic book movies was realism Nolan's Batman trilogy was in full swing and even Fox's marvel outings with the x-men joked about the very idea of doing comic book costumes Marvel introduced the magic and cosmic elements of its world slowly that is until a group of misfits came together to become the guardians of the galaxy at that point all bets were off and even Howard the Duck would make an appearance one of the more outlandish characters comes in the form of an anthropomorphic raccoon from space who isn't really a raccoon in fact Rockets never even heard of a raccoon when quill calls him one he quips back ain't no thing like me semi truer words have never been spoken when it comes to Marvel heroes especially superpowers come at a cost for some they can be a curse and that's definitely true for the super scientist Bruce Banner and his alter ego the Hulk the Hulk is the classic Jekyll and Hyde story the mild-mannered doctor housing a personality that embodies all of his rage for most of his time with the Hulk and Bruce dedicated the majority of his energy to holding the Hulka back something that was immortalized in a famous line from The Incredible Hulk TV series don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry when it comes to crunch time with the aliens invading Earth Bruce reluctantly steps up to save the day Captain America suggests that now might be a good time to get angry that's when Bruce tells him that's my secret cap I'm always angry and then punches a flying space monster right in the face before Thanos came to down The Avengers were dealt a pretty big loss even if it wasn't exactly obvious just like with wars in the real world a superhero fight can't make it clear to bystanders who the good guys and bad guys are and it doesn't always matter for the e ko scorpion agent from sokovia helmet to Zemo these distinctions are meaningless while ultron may have destroyed zoocobia he was still created by the Avengers Zemo of the MCU has no superpowers not even a purple sock cap or sword but he does have an idea of how to bring down an enemy stun is past as a spy he tells Captain America an empire toppled by its enemies can rise again with one that crumbles from within that's dead forever it describes exactly what he does to the Avengers by driving a wedge between cap and Iron Man in the comics the Civil War event spanned the entirety of the Marvel Universe while the causes and motivations and even the makeup of the teams who are different the core of the conflict was still Iron Man versus Captain America a battle of ideologies during the fight spider-man started on Team Iron Man until Captain America got to speechifying and convinced him to change sides it was a very Captain America speech about doing the right thing even when you're opposed by everyone else with the civil war movie that speech was adapted as a quote from the late Peggy Carter by her niece Sharon has advice on being a spy and a diplomat saying compromise when you can where you can't don't even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right even if the world is telling you to move it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree look them in the eye and say no you move the seeds for the civil war that happened in the MCU were planted all the way back in the Avengers first meetup when Tony Stark met his father's favorite project - Captain America for the first time having grown up in the shadow of the super noble Super Soldier must have been hard to have that same person come back and start criticizing his current lifestyle couldn't have sat well with Tony Stark either with Loki's mind Stone powered sceptre stirring the pot the future teammates resentments and reservations were on full display Thor thinks they're small and petty and banner calls the gathering team a time bomb when the star-spangled the Euro questioned what Tony Stark is without his fancy armor his answer was direct genius billionaire playboy philanthropist it's not an answer that impresses cap but it moves the needle for Black Widow having issues with parents isn't an entirely uncommon problem for superheroes more often than not they'll have died tragically and turn out to be the motivation to become a superhero or the reason you stopped fighting a different hero if the name is right no we'll never stop making fun of the Martha scene thank you very much Peter quill aka star-lord managed to have a lot of issues with his parents his mother died when he was young and shortly after that he was abducted by yondu and his Ravagers it turns out that yondu was hired by quills father the celestial ego the Living Planet ego is also the one who gave his mom her fatal cancer now that's a complicated family instead of turning quill over to ego or you know just eating him yondu raised him instead while never an ideal parent he was there for quill even if it put his crew at risk when quill was trying to sort out his issues with ego yondu points out he may be your father but he ain't your Pappy there are wide-eyed heroes and cocky heroes in the MCU as well as noble heroes no one in the MCU is more noble than T'Challa the Black Panther we mean he's literally nobility as the king of the reclusive and technologically advanced Wakanda T'Challa stepped into his role when his father was killed in Civil War as part of zimos complicated plan once taking the seat of power in Wakanda T'Challa begins to understand the compromises and sacrifices wakandan Kings have made to keep Wakanda secret intact when meeting his dad in the spirit realm he asked for advice but perhaps got something he wasn't expecting to jakka tells him you're a good man with a good heart and it is hard for a good man to be a king it's the Chaka justifying his decisions years ago in Oakland and trying to make his son understand compromises two challahs ability to be both makes him a great King and super hero the cello wasn't the only MCU hero to get wisdom from beyond the grave or at the very least adjacent to the grave dr. Stephen strange was mentored in the mystic arts by a teacher who was suspiciously old so old in fact that they just called her the ancient one but even masters of the mystic arts can't live forever and eventually the ancient one reached as far as she could see in the future even with a really long lifespan she stretches at the moment of her death to watch the snow fall like t'challa strange isn't ready to lose his mentor but she tells him that death is what gives life meaning to know that your days are numbered your time is short play comienzan to star core Abraham Erskine to Rogers the ancient one is telling strange not to waste their opportunities having a mentor is a lot of pressure when it comes time for Doctor Strange to confront his main foe he decides to go a little off-book so to speak rather than go the route of his fellow MCU counterparts and have a showdown with someone with similar powers he decides to go straight to the source in this case that means heading straight to the Dark Dimension to confront its ruler Dormammu while a good student strange was not to take on the ruler of a Dark Dimension in his house good instead he comes to the master of the Dark Dimension with words that end up haunting him over over again Dormammu I've come to bargain initially Dormammu is having none of that bargaining stuff and simply squashes strange what he doesn't know was that strange had set up the time stone to put Dormammu in his own Groundhog Day nightmare where the only way out is to bargain even the Avengers had a hard time coming together as a team and they all had the safety of Earth to bring them together for the guardians of the galaxy even the idea of saving the galaxy needed explaining to some of them the two members of the team are driven by revenge and the other by money like a proper team of superheroes they'll need a rousing speech to motivate them unfortunately for them the one they have to deliver it is Peter quill he starts his motivational speech by calling everyone losers as opening lines go it's it's not the greatest especially next to someone nicknamed the destroyer what he means by losers is people who have lost things people whose lives had taken more than they gave but are now given a chance to do more it's know Captain America speech but it manages to convince even rock it to stand up even after Peter quill was able to convince them to form the guardians of the galaxy it wasn't exactly smooth sailing you don't get a bunch of lone Wolf's to suddenly come together without a little friction every now and then especially in a high-stress situation like the venting Xander against Ronan the accuser and his Power Stone equipped hammer the end result is a massive battle involving the Nova Corps and the Ravagers joining the guardians in trying to stop Ronan the group succeeds in bringing down Ronan ship the dark aster but doing so takes its toll on the team with Drax and rocket down Groot has one last card to play lending his lifeforce to the team and protecting them from the crash in a dome when rocket asks why he's sacrificing himself for the team the normally one phrase Groot offers a poignant changeup saying we are grouped villains don't often get the best last lines that's usually reserved for the heroes black panther turned a lot of those conventions around however while kill monger was definitely the bad guy in what he wanted to do with wakandan technology and how he went about getting the power to decide that his motivations weren't as simple as a want for power or revenge even if power and revenge were a part of his ambition left an orphan in Oakland after tujaka killed his father to protect Lokhande secret kill monger got to see the byproduct of wakanda's isolation and refusal to intervene when its neighbors were being exploited and destroyed by colonial powers oh yeah it's heavy stuff Wendy Jolla finally defeats kill monger he has one more lesson to give highlighting the suffering of the people we'll conduct could have saved he tells T'Challa bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jump from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage vanos had his big purple hand in the affairs of the Marvel Cinematic Universe all the way back to the first Avengers movie when tasking Loki with getting him the space stone by using the mine stone but it wasn't until Thanos took matters into his own hands and decided to do the stone gathering personally when things got bad for the heroes of the MCU the first heroes to feel the full might of Thanos were their Avengers of Thor Ragnarok Thor Loki and the Asgardians didn't fare well against the mad Titan Thanos tries to show some sympathy and one of the more menacing speeches telling them I know what it's like to lose to feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless as Lightning turns the leg to jelly I ask you to what end dredit run from it destiny arrives all the same and now it's here or should I say I am all right if you haven't seen endgame yet and have somehow managed to bump around the internet without getting spoiled first of all how good for you and second of all we're going to give away some spoilers very soon oh we already kind of did with our first entry didn't we well then I guess we'll just get into it part of the endgame of course involved our heroes revisiting moments in the Infinity Saga to collect the stones for themselves with Tony and Steve having shaken hands and made up Tony was back to his quipping ways when he encountered the Battle of New York's Captain America commenting that it did nothing for Rogers but the starstruck ant-man disagrees telling Rogers that as far as he's concerned that's America's booty something even Rogers agrees with once he encounters himself on a bridge the time travel thing it's pretty complicated but we agree about caps caboose one of the biggest shocks in endgame was the reason behind Tony Stark's reluctance to participate in the time ice-t-- to bring everyone who has turned to dust back to life in the five years that it took for the rat to trigger the quantum tunnel and release ant-man Tony and pepper managed to retire to the woods and raise their adorable daughter Morgan it was everything that Tony had wanted in life and not something he wanted to risk after solving time-travel he stalks Morgan in who tells her genius dad that she loves him 3,000 it's the kind of adorable thing a kid says that makes you forget they'll eventually become teenagers pepper echoes that sent him into Tony in the movies climax while in the film she's talking about her love for Stark she's speaking for us all really we love you 3,000 Iron Man he's come a long way from that cave in Afghanistan from Tony suiting up in his fancy armor - trying to undo the damage done by his own weapons to the assembled Avengers taking on the mad Titan on their home turf it's been a one wild ride while the idea for the initiative might have come from a cosmic powered test pilot our first love and the first recruit for the Avengers initiative will always be Tony Stark the invincible Iron Man Tony closes out his first film with a press conference where he intends to tell everyone he's not the hero type but instead he ends the movie spilling the beans telling the audience I am Iron Man Tony got to say the exact same right after tennis I am inevitable snapping the bewildered mad Titan out of existence and bringing the Infinity Saga full circle as a result those are some of the best lines in the last decade of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies what are your favorites which one would you have put on the list let us know in the comments and while you're there make sure to subscribe to see BR and ring that notification bell for all of our latest videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,020,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers Endgame, Captain America, Steve Rogers, Iron Man, Tony Stark, Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill, Star Lord, Rocket Racoon, Doctor Strange, The Ancient One, Bruce Banner, The Hulk, Black Panther, Erik Killmonger, Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Nick Fury, CBR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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