Biggest Consequences Of Doctor Strange's No Way Home Spell

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okay so we know that doctor strange's final spell in no way home which successfully made everyone forget peter parker with spider-man is a huge deal all of you it basically reset the character to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man and not iron man junior but could you argue that everything is about to get worse thanks to the consequences of this spell like will the sinister six form you know who he is will ned become the hobgoblin and what about the confusing potentially devastating implications of the spell itself i'll discuss all that and more in today's video so let's get started so in the finale for no way home peter has to make the toughest choice imaginable as the characters from all across the multiverse suddenly start to show up in teaser friendly shadowy outline states peter decides to let strange alter the spell so everyone forgets not only that peter parker is spider-man but that peter exists at all effectively erasing him from people's memories now i'll get into the broader implications of that a bit later but i first wanted to talk about one of the biggest implications of this spell that i don't think a lot of people are thinking about will this lead to the sinister six in the mcu let me explain let's rewind a bit back to spider-man homecoming's post-credits scene we get a tease that shows pre-scorpion matt gargan in jail and wanting to get revenge against the web head he approaches the incarcerated adrian tombs and suggests a team up while suggesting that tombs knows who spider-man really is if i knew he was and of course tombs does know it's the sweaty kid that took his daughter to the homecoming dance smile but here's the really surprising thing tomb says he has no idea who spider-man is presumably doing the honorable thing of not being a snitch because peter ended up saving his life when he didn't have to so it was that loyalty that kept tombs from teaming up with scorpion but now fast forward to no way home dr strange's spell has completely erased to peter parker from everyone's memory so all people do remember is spider-man that means tombs no longer thinks of spider-man as also the good heart of teen who was friends with his daughter but rather just a superhero that put him in jail yes tombs could possibly still remember that spider-man saved his life but i don't think the loyalty will be as strong this could have major implications maybe now tombs will feel more compelled to team up with matt gargan and try to get the revenge on the web head and hey if those two are teaming up better add four more to the list i think while sony is building up their own version of anti-heroes for their huge sinister six the mcu could also make a more street level sinister sticks for tom holland to face yeah i know tombs is also in morbius which as of now makes no sense and keeps me up at night trying to figure out how that's going to work so for this example let's just ignore that fact until we have more information and say that the sony versus sinister six and the mcu sinister six will be different the mcu sinister six could have vulture scorpion shocker maybe black cat and then one more new villain but then have them financed or something by kingpin to create a street level version of sinister six that would be cool right then you can have spidey team up with daredevil all that sounds awesome but it all starts because tombs no longer knows who spider-man is hey pedro okay i just spent a lot of time detailing a villain team up so let's flip the switch a little bit and talk about the hero side of things another big consequence for doctor strange's spell is that the avengers no longer know spider-man's secret identity no way home suggested that even though the character's memories of peter are gone the experiences they went through are still there which means that all the avengers who fought alongside peter should still remember spider-man was there for all the big battles but just not remember who's under the mask i think this creates an interesting dynamic and paints spider-man as even more of an outsider to his fellow heroes when it came to the avengers peter was very open about his identity what when he introduced himself to doctor strange at first he went straight for his actual name before switching to his made-up name and i think knowing that peter parker is just a young good-hearted teen created a lot of goodwill for peter with the rest of the avengers let me put it this way in no way home when peter goes to strange that first time asking about the spell he asks about time travel before remembering the time stone doesn't exist anymore the look peter gives as he thanks strange for his time is enough to melt strange's cold heart and make him suggest the memory wipe spell that's because of strange's connection to peter parker and not spider-man spider-man on his own will seem like an overly excitable sarcastic quipster who won't stop talking and i could see that irking some of the more experienced members of the avengers who now don't know he's just a really nice teenager at his core i think this will distance him even more from his fellow heroes let's just hope the avengers still know how to contact him for big alien invasions because tony stark isn't around anymore to find him on youtube oh my god i think one of the biggest consequences of peter erasing himself from people's memories is that it could lead ned down a darker path dude now there's two ways to look at this in universe and out of universe let's start with the in universe look what i mean by that is character decisions and not movie decisions let me explain peter's erasure means ned and mj don't remember who he is and are both off to mit together but could you argue that peter not being a part of ned's life means that ned doesn't have an anchor to the good side let's look at some specific instances in spider-man homecoming after peter accidentally reveals himself to ned ned starts to ask him all sorts of questions like if it hurts when the spider bit him and ponders out loud if he would let the spider bite him as well he beats around the bush a bit but it's clear that he would let that spider bite him in an instant if it means gaining superpowers compare that to the net in far from home who was starting to get a little jealous of mj now that she was part of their team add on the ned in no way home who just started developing magical powers and you got yourself a character who i think could break bad down the line maybe without peter around ned taps into his magical abilities a bit more while also using his scientific prowess to create a prototype of the goblin formula and it turns him into the hobgoblin like i know that he promised to peter in no way home that he would never become a super villain and try to hurt him but now ned definitely doesn't remember making that promise and would the movie really include that line just as a funny joke or is it a tease that without peter in his life ned could become a bad guy and that leads me to the out of universe explanation story wise the films won't keep mj and ned out of the story for long worst case scenario it's one movie but that means there needs to be a reason why peter is around ned and mj again and the perfect explanation for that is for ned to be caught up in some trouble not only does it pave the way for a reunion but it also would help peter get over his guilt he decided to not tell mj and ned again at the end of no way home in order to keep them safe but thematically it would make sense if peter comes to the realization that these three need one another in each other's lives to ultimately make them all heroes and good guys so yeah i think ned's future is a huge consequence of the spell i've spent some time talking about exterior consequences with villains and superheroes and i definitely have a few more interesting examples coming up but i wanted to take a breath and examine the more personal consequences of peter erasing himself from everyone's memories like the end of no way home showed that the results of the spell did so much more than making people forget that peter parker was spider-man no it arguably ruined his entire life there's one specific shot at the end that shows peter studying to get his ged which implies that everything about peter including his records and identifying features are now all gone he can't even finish high school as an ordinary teen which actually is perhaps the most tragic consequence of all since one of the big themes of both homecoming and far from home was how peter wanted to be a teenager like homecoming was about peter wanting to ditch school all together to join the avengers but then deciding to keep his feet on the ground then far from home was about him ignoring some of his superhero responsibilities after all the trauma of end game in order to enjoy a nice school trip with his friends and the girl he liked and now no way home forces peter to give up that whole side of him again that's really sad but like if you're erased from people's memories what still remains like does peter still have a social security number a birth certificate and a credit score is his license and passport still valid there's a lot of consequences to the spell that involves peter's personal life and it's going to be fascinating to see how the next movies deal with that fallout this one is a fun one could a consequence of doctor strange's no way home spell be that flash thompson is now on a path to become asian venom let's find out so no offense to flash in the mcu or the actor who plays him but telling me that he'll become a soldier then a symbiote anti-hero just doesn't track this flash is less of a physically intimidating bully and rather more of an obnoxious and smarmy rich kid like flash thompson of the maguire universe totally asian venom 100 flash thompson of the garfield universe yeah sure i can see that flash thompson of the holland universe sorry but no but how about after the spell that erases peter parker from everyone's memories we know in homecoming flash is smart but clearly not as smart as he thinks he is it's one of the reasons he picks on peter because peter is clearly smarter than him what if without that person to bully and for that person to try to be smarter then flash falls back a bit in school and just becomes another obnoxious rich kid we know his home life is absolutely tragic i mean just watch that scene when he's picked up from the airport at far from home and you can tell that things are weird what if without peter around to make him better flash is shipped off to the military where he stumbles his way into a new top secret military program that tries to harness the newly captured symbiote piece left behind by venom again it ties into the theme of peter making his friend's life better by being in it rather than keeping his distance could another consequence be that this leads peter to the daily bugle i think this makes a lot of sense i remember after far from home being absolutely in shock since peter's identity reveal means he'd never be part of the daily bugle photography staff but then i guess i changed my mind mcu peter had never really shown an interest in photography so it would have been weird if he suddenly picked up a camera for work but now the ending of no way home and strange's spell sort of makes it a viable direction think about it as i mentioned before the world has no idea who peter parker is he's struggling in his new york apartment and is going to need some way to make cash he'll need to get a job but what are the prospects in new york for a teenager who not only doesn't have his high school diploma but also potentially doesn't have any record of employment or proof of identification like if any job ran a background check on peter they would find he basically doesn't exist so he would have to find an organization where not only can he make a good amount of money to pay rent but also find one that's willing to look the other way when it comes to above board practices and boom that's definitely the daily bugle in the mcu we know that this daily bugle isn't above promoting things like probably fake supplements and they only recently upgraded from j jonah jameson in front of a green screen in his home studio to a fully legit production so i think they would be perfectly willing to bring peter on as a freelancer okay here's a question i have so i know they'll make it so this erasure of peter parker only took place in the mcu universe but wouldn't it logically happen in all the other universes too the forgetting spell backfired and brought in everyone who knows peter parker is spider-man from across the multiverse so wouldn't the second spell also affect everyone in the multiverse wouldn't that mean that toby maguire and andrew garfield are returning to universes where they're in the same situation as our peter and no one remembers them again they're definitely not going to do this and they'll wave it away just by saying nope only holland's peter was affected but just think for a moment of the implication of the same thing happening to the other spiderman garfield spider-man might actually use this as a fresh start no way holm revealed he had gone down a darker path and didn't pull his punches as much anymore so maybe he would see this as a blank slate to start over the only person he really has in his life is his aunt may and while that would be a huge blow it's something he could adapt to if the situation called for it it's probably the maguire peter parker that this would hurt the most by all accounts this peter seems a pretty well adjusted he's with his mj and generally seems to be living a good life maybe he even has a kid or two with his mj but imagine him going back to not only deal with the ramifications of his enemies potentially still being alive if for some reason it's not different timeline shenanigans but also his family and work having no idea who he is ugh sounds like classic peter look to me [Music] okay i've broken down all sorts of consequences for the doctor strange no way home spell but i wanted to take this last entry to really hash out some of the confusing implications that the spell has like there's a part of me that truly does not understand how the spell works so the idea is that everyone doesn't remember who peter parker is correct he's basically wiped from existence but the end of no way home seemed to suggest that people could remember if they were reminded like if peter told mj and ned and the power of love broke through or something and i could get on board with that but if people could just re-learn the information about peter parker being spider-man then how does that change the mysterio reveal presumably people just forgot that the mysterio video was ever shown but like it's not erased completely like there's still the digital file right it's probably still on the daily bugle's webpage or like it's definitely still on youtube so what happens to that the spell makes it seem like people just forget who peter parker is but does it also erase everything that could identify peter parker that would make the most sense but also caused the most headache that means up until that point in no way home every picture and every piece of footage that contained peter parker in it was suddenly erased from existence say ned had a birthday party a few years ago and in the background for one of the pictures has peter in it is that picture now gone forever so many questions and on top of that why does happy still remember his relationship with may that's what really keeps me up at night along with the morbius stuff happy was only with me because he knew peter like it's clear that happy new spider-man after the spell which implies that he had all the adventures with spider-man and yet that doesn't make much sense since most of far from home and homecoming are contingent on happy knowing peter is spider-man what does happy think of when he remembers how he met may is it a situation where he remembers for a second that peter parker existed but then that just slips from his memory immediately ugh there's so much to talk about with the spell i sort of wish doctor strange would come and wipe all this from my memory so i would forget and oh dude hey what was i talking about again i don't i don't really remember i may not know much but i do know this what other things has doctor strange use the memory wipe spell for did he use it to make everyone forget bruce banner once looked like ed norton did he use it to make everyone forget that black widow also probably deserved a big funeral with iron man did he use it to make everyone forget thor the dark world i'm just saying there's a lot of options
Channel: CBR
Views: 372,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbr, doctor strange spell, no way home ending, spider-man, what happens after no way home, doctor strange, hobgoblin, new sinister six, scorpion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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