What Nobody Realized About The Final Battle In Avengers Endgame

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Avengers endgame marked the end of Marvel's infinity saga and ten plus years of storytelling and boy did it go out with a bang the final battle did not disappoint and it was very doable who's who of Marvel characters after waiting so long to see Thanos finally get what he deserves it seemed to go by in a flash so we're going to rewind and show you some things you might have missed the first time around as comic book fans we have a massive list of things we'd love to see on the big screen and the folks over at Marvel Studios are well aware of this so they're not shy to tease us about the next big thing to happen and they've been messing with us since all the way back in Avengers age of Ultron everyone knows Thor's hammer Mjolnir can only be wielded by someone who's worthy which is a pretty vague adjective if you really think about it we watched Steve Rogers struggle to pick up the mystical hammer in age of Ultron which was strange since he wielded multiple times in the comic book starting with door number 390 some fans even speculated that the fact that he knew the Winter Soldier was responsible for the loss of Tony Stark's parents and kept it a secret made him temporarily unworthy but the truth is that Steve Rogers is just a super polite dude nope really Marvel Studios had Kevin Feige indulged in and asked me anything thread on reddit and revealed that Steve has always been worthy of a lifting Mjolnir so why hadn't we seen it before according to Feige he didn't want to show off and make anyone feel bad about not being able to lift it that's right vision not everyone needs to make a scene about being able to lift a magical hammer so apparently Steve could always lift millionnaire but just chose not to until the final battle of Avengers endgame and wow did he wheel back out of that bad boy this may have been a bit of fanservice sure but it was also undeniably awesome and it's a good thing he had Mjolnir since his shield got totally destroyed by the mad Titan but did you know that this isn't the first time tano's broke caps shield it also happened in the comic books during the Infinity Gauntlet storyline only did a nose break Captain America shields but he also broke our hero himself don't worry he got better but cats busted shield wasn't the only thing they changed from the trailers to the theatrical release they actually cut quite a few things from the final battle out of the previews for endgame so let's take a look at a couple of things that you might not have noticed when the decimation gets undone and Thanos shows up things get intense pretty quickly the trailer showed us a scene of Clint Barton in some sort of tunnel filled with flames but in the movie there were out writers in hot pursuit Clint also had a hold of the Infinity Gauntlet at this time but this was also edited out of the trailer interestingly enough Marvel Studios didn't make the outrider edit to the 3d version of the trailer so some particularly observant fans got a sneak peek at who Clint would be facing we also see rocket hanging on war machine like he used to do with Groot and then the trailer there's just some smoke behind them but in the actual battle itself we see giant ant-man in the background it seems like a random thing to edit out but Marvel Studios has their trailers down to an art form at this point so we assume they had their reasons as we mentioned a moment ago Clint did indeed have the Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity stones at one point in endgame but he was all too eager to hand it off to a friendly face when the situation presented itself unfortunately the person Clint gave the most powerful weapon in the universe to wasn't the paper football champion nebula we all came to know and love over the course of the movie nope instead it was a past version of nebula who probably still didn't understand the concept of fun this may have seemed like a random way to move the Infinity Gauntlet around and caused conflict between the two nebulas and Gamora but it was also a nod to the comic books and the Infinity Gauntlet storyline it's nebula who manages to get a hold of the Infinity Gauntlet and use it to undo the decimation of course in the comics nebula isn't really a hero and she doesn't do this to save lives she does it to make Thanos angry in her defense undoing the decimation an end game did make the house really really angry there was no shortage of comic book homage and callbacks during the final battle of endgame but one of them was surprisingly polarizing at one point Captain Marvel is tasked with transporting the Infinity Gauntlet but Peter Parker expresses disbelief that she could do so alone in his defense he wasn't born yet when she started punching spaceships part with her bare hands but many female characters rallied around her to show that she wasn't alone she's joined by Scarlet Witch Valkyrie the wasp Gamora nebula mantis Ocoee Sheree and Pepper Potts who all strike brief pose before joining the fray comic book fans recognize this as a reference to the a force who were first introduced as part of the Secret Wars storyline the team included heroes like Captain Marvel she-hulk Medusa Nico Minoru America Chavez and Dazzler but while many fans relished this moment others weren't happy critics claimed it was totally over-the-top fanservice in a comic book movie designed to appeal to fans you know the same fans who cheered when bros Tony Stark Steve Rogers and Thor walked towards Thanos together or when cap wielded Mjolnir there's fanservice all over the place in this movie the Russo brothers were looking forward to this scene and had wanted the female characters to work together as much as possible but there was one surprising issue in filming this scene that had to do with the cast and crew everyone on set was wondering where the heck Scarlett Johansen was if he hadn't seen the rest of the movie that would be a fair concern because it seemed like Black Widow was being left out of the fun but if you seen an game which we're 100% sure you have you know Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself in order to obtain the soul stone if you somehow still haven't seen endgame then what bad greed doing watching this video while we know why Scarlett Johansson wasn't there you might be surprised to learn which other cast member was missing from the set that day Tom Holland wasn't there that day and if we had to guess he was probably out spoiling spider-man far from home or something instead a stand-in was used to hand the Infinity Gauntlet to Captain Marvel and Tom Holland was filmed later on but you might be surprised how many of your favorite Marvel movie actors were on set at the same time when Captain America calls on the Avengers to assemble everyone you see was actually there in the studio coordinating so many different actors was a massive challenge but it paid off in the final product of course there were other scenes where actors including Chris Pratt had to be later but the team tried to avoid this whenever possible in addition to our missing heroes there were also some villains missing from the final confrontation of Avengers endgame our heroes definitely had enough to deal with but the Dark Elves were originally going to be in attendance for the ultimate fight after all Thor the dark world had already been revisited once so why not go all in but Marvel Studios opted not to waste resources on bringing back villains most of us tend to forget about which was probably a good decision besides they clearly needed all the resources available to bring a beloved character back because what would our heroes have done without him and by him we clearly mean Howard the Duck yes in a blinkin you misted moment Howard the Duck showed up in the final battle of Avengers endgame you might be thinking he was a last-minute addition to the scene but it was always the plan to have him included in fact Howard the Duck made it into the very first draft of endgame in order to pull off Howard the Ducks cameo and all of the other awesome over-the-top moments of course Marvel Studios had some help from whet a digital matt aitken supervise the project and claims some of the more mundane moments actually required some of the most care when Tony Stark used the Infinity stones to defeat Thanos and the other villains the original scene was far too complex Aitken and his team had to show tons of action in a way that wouldn't distract us from what Robert Downey jr. was doing the action had to get dialed back so the audience could focus on Tony Stark and his post gauntlet appearance took some work - let's not forget this is a pg-13 Disney movie frankly we were beyond shocked to see the analyst lose his head at the beginning of the film since that kind of thing goes against their established code of conduct Disney is more about hiding whimsical Mickey heads and less about sending heads rolling so they were limited by how far that could push the envelope when it came to showing the effect the snap had on Tony they went through quite a few revisions trying to find the perfect balance of illustrating that Tony was grievously injured without making it too gory the team wanted to give Tony a dignified ending because after everything he's done for the MCU guy earned it a lot of work went into our heroes ending but Thanos getting dusted was surprisingly complex as well during infinity warned endgame the whetted digital special effects team had created what they call blips this is what we see when the various characters lose their lives and turn to dust due to the Infinity stones but that just wasn't good enough for Thanos who had to have his own special visual elements even when he was leaving this world the guy was still high maintenance if you look closely he'll notice that Thanos getting dusted is far more detailed when compared to other characters while many other characters faded out in the company of others all of those stano's particles floated off alone the frame behind him was kept clear to drive home that fact that he was hopelessly and completely alone hey you're not feeling bad for the guy are you don't forget he wiped out half of all life in the universe the last Avengers movie this isn't the kind of guy you want to love 3,000 speaking of that adorable little tear jerking line let's take a closer look at it earlier an endgame Morgan Stark told her father that she loved him 3,000 later when she's watching the hologram of her father at his funeral which is totally normal and definitely not weird and creepy he repeats the phrase back to her it was easy to dismiss 3,000 is just the kind of thing little kids come up with but could there have been a hidden meaning we all know the MCU kicked off with the movie Ironman in 2008 if you consider the cumulative runtimes of Marvel movies from Ironman to end game you get 47 hours and 48 minutes yeah that's one heck of a movie marathon and back it's nearly two full days there are 60 minutes in an hour meaning the total minutes for all of these movies is 2868 but if you add the 130 minute runtime of spider-man far from home that'll be in theaters in July that comes to 2998 minutes it's not quite 3,000 but it's really really close and I love you 3,000 definitely sounds nicer than I love you 2998 so what do you think about the final battle of Avengers endgame mister anything you'd change or do you think it's perfect as is share your thoughts with us in the comments below and don't forget to click subscribe for more great videos from us here at CB our thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 5,431,924
Rating: 4.6294394 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, MCU Films, Avengers Endgame, Final Battle, What Nobody Realized, Easter Eggs, Mad Titan Thanos, Tony Stark, A Force, Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, Infinity Gauntlet, Dark Elves, Steve Rogers, Captain America, Howard the Duck, Peter Parker, Iron Man, CBR
Id: CnGJnqfyOJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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