The 2 Lost Primarchs Fully EXPLAINED (Warhammer 40K)

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[Music] foreign two of the first founding Space Marine Legions the second and eleventh Legions along with their primarks were deliberately removed from all Imperial records and archives before the Harvest heresy in the early 31st Millennium this process known as the Edict of obliteration or damn Nation Memoria erased all information about them from official records their names homeworlds and ultimate fate remain unknown and conflicting reports accessible whether they met their demise before or during the Horus heresy this act of Erasure is considered the most successful in imperial history leaving them known only as the Forgotten and The Purge but there are Clues here and there about their existence and here in this video we will analyze it all and come to a timeline on when they were erased and why furthermore we will also look deeper into who might have had a hand in wiping them out as well as whether there are survivors of their Legions so let's get into it so what do we actually know about the lost primars and their Legions information that is out there so we know that the emperor created 20 or 21 primarks who were scattered across the Galaxy by a chaos Vortex and later these primarks were rediscovered and were found to have been raised by different cultures in different planets leading to their different personalities and abilities during the Great Crusade 20 Legions each led by Primark took part in it however the records of Legions 2 and 11 were deliberately expunged leaving their Fates Unknown by the time of the Horus heresy 20 statues of the Primark stood in the Imperial Palace with two plins number 2 and 11 being vacant in the heresy horse convinced nine Legions to join his Rebellion half of the total number suggesting that there were only 18 active Legions at that time nine of them turned traitors and saw the chaos forces while nine others remain loyal and fought alongside the emperor so where are the other two this is why we are here to find out what do we really know about their Origins and Discovery firstly on the official Horus heresy website a timeline is provided detailing events from late m30 to early M31 among other rediscovery dates of the primals notably there are two entries labeled as discovery of redacted dated to the years eight to one of m30 which is third in the Primark Discovery sequence and 927 of m30 the 19th in the sequence these are likely the rediscovery dates of the Lost 2 Prime of well in the novel fulgrim The Palantine Phoenix it was confirmed that the second was among the first eight to be rediscovered by the emperor during the Great Crusade whom fulgrim calls his quiet brother and a master of the second so the Primark of the second Legion would no doubtly be the one discovered in the year 8 to 1 of the 30th Millennium but there is also debate that during the rediscovery of corvus gorax when the emperor told the Raven lot that he had 17 Brothers gorax was confused as he knew he was number 19. and hence there should be more to which the emperor replied by saying the other two that is a conversation for another day but what the emperor meant by this was that there were two more to be discovered alfarious and the 11th thus marking the year 927 of m30 as the discovery date of the other lost Primark number 11. now the question arises as to when was the edict obliteration the damnation of Memoria was initiated and when was it declared a success what we do know is that a rare record mistakenly inserted into the astral militarum's Imperial infantry mans uplifting primer of the 41st Millennium disclosed that the missing two and the 11th Legions of the ancient Space Marines were involved in the rangden xenocytes during the Great Crusade that ended in 890 of m30 however the extent and details of the participation of the two Legions in the campaigns remain unknown and unrecorded the presence of the title War Master suggests that this document was produced during the third ranked in genocides in the 890s of m30 the term War master was introduced with the involvement of the Dark Angels which points to the time frame of this record so as of that year they are still active and yes Legion 11 might have operated without a Primark since their Gene side was rediscovered 37 years later we also know that during the meeting in monarchia before the world bearers were rebuked by the emperor it was stated that the edict obliteration had been a success for the three years prior to that time marking the date of the damnation Memoria declaration as a success in 963 of m30 but wait a heretic minute such a process that would involve thousands or even tens of thousands of Worlds countless ships billions of trillions of citizenry uncountable Imperial records and Logistics would have required a quite a number of years to be a success in a short story The Chamber at the end of memory rogeldon discovers doors Mark 2 and 11 assuming that they belong to the missing primarks Market or the citylight reveals that Dawn and Gilman had him suppress their memories of the lost primarks to preserve the ideals of the great Crusade Dawn then accepted their fate must remain a mystery but recalls briefly that he had known the missing primals for quite a number of years when talking with macador thus it would have been a few years after the discovery of the 11th that the two lost primas were killed and it raised from the Empire's memory given that information the tragic events of their deaths would have been anywhere between the years 9 30 to 9 40 and the year 950 to 960 of the 30th Millennium with the most probable time frame being the decade of the 940s of m30 but that's just detective flew up from my end since Dawn actually knew the primarks and number 11 was discovered on 927 therefore he would knew him for quite a while and then he was killed and then the edict obliteration was initiated and then it will take a few years for it to be a success therefore putting it in the time frame of the 940s of m30 now why were they wiped out from existence and memory how bad were they or was there a specific reason well let's start with looking at what are the sins or war crimes that the emperor can overlook well anger on mastering the populace at gehenna was met with swift punishment but not to the point of being actually deleted although that came close for other reasons what else xenocytes were really a regular thing during the Great Crusades diving into sorcery and utilizing the powers of the warp wasn't strictly prohibited until the Edict of Nakia in the first year of the 31st Millennium so that was probably not a big deal either even Horus and the other Trader primarks weren't condemned to such a state the Imperium still have information and knowledge about their deeds them being given the excommunicated tortaurus but not the damnation Memoria this seems to show that no matter the Deeds even rebellions and turning to chaos did not hold such a dark and Grim punishment so what the actual for what are the actual flaws that he will not accept well it has been stated that twice before the emperor had purged his own progeny and every living Soul within the legions that followed them so he did kill them and in the first heretic Largo feared that what he had done worshiping the Emperor as a God would have condemned him and his Legion to follow the fates of the other two but fortunately that did not happen although he received proper punishment and humiliation at the hands of the ultramarines and Gilman one thing that really scared the other primarks was a flaw in their Genesee their creation their Essence so in the novel theater tread by James swallow Horus Witnesses the blood angels Primark sanguineous murdering one of his own legionnaires who had been affected by his Legions burgeoning genetic curse later known as the red thirst when confronted sanguinas exclaimed that he will not be responsible for the Erasure of the blood angels from imperial history that he will not have with her empty plane beneath the roof of the hegemon as his legion's only Memorial this response implies that the legions were purged because of an inherent flaw in their Jean seed and sanguinous fears the same fate so in the dark Imperium belicia is called experiments with Jean seeds from the nine treated Legions as well as the second and 11th Legions to create the primary Space Marines Gilman initially refuses mass production but calls proxy the call inferior implies that the primarks of the 11th and the second another Space Marines were at fault for The legion's Disappearance nor was it the signs of their creation which was at fault this aligns with mcdoor's account of the Space Marines being mind wiped and repurposed elsewhere suggesting that Cole might have some knowledge of their fate since he was alive at that point of time he also told Gilman that there were flaws in the ultramarines Jean seeds as well but then they were not censured from memory this also denounces the theory that proposes the Lost Legions might have been created from a population that could have been tainted or compromised in some way leading to their failure and the emperor wiping them out before becoming a legion which we do know that this isn't true as a league confirmed that the 11th and the second took part in some ways during the rangdan genocide therefore they were proper Legions at that time in the great Crusade therefore the only other conclusion is a flaw in not the Space Marine but the genetic makeup of the Primark themselves that condemned them to such a fate such a thing would have eroded the vision of the great Crusade as two of the finest creations of the emperor were actually failures this would have had dire consequences for the Crusade and the emperor's ego The Crusade therefore was aware of him to test his son's abilities Omega believes that this is why the Lost primarks were discarded as flawed tools by the emperor furthermore in chapter 6 of the novel angron The Red Angel the gray Knights epistillary taloman suggested the emperor orchestrated the removal of both of the lost primars and he also expressed a wish that the emperor had taken similar steps or actions with angron during the Great Crusade upon realizing the extent of the primark's damage due to the butcher's Nails him appearing as a walking embarrassment to the ultimate world of the master of mankind and in Wolf's Bane malcolored sigilite briefly mentions the lost primarks during a discussion with Lehman Ross stating that unlike Russ they were disappointments meaning that they were the failures and not the Space Marines now that's settled now how were they kill and who killed them the legionnaires all die as well or did they survive and were the missing primarks and Legions destroyed at the same time so for these questions firstly in the novel The Wolf time the adeptice custodius maldovar colquin and hastilis vicellen discussed the space Wolf's resistance to their new primaris reinforcements the challenge mentions that the Space Wolves could be a potential obstacle to Gilman's Ambitions if he were to turn against the emperor citing that historical events involving custodius and 11th Legion The Exchange suggests that part of the 11th Legion might have been manipulated into betraying the emperor and the Space Wolves were among the first to respond to this betrayal since they were the emperor's executioners it is likely that lemon Ross and The Space Wolves as the emperor's executioners were sent to deal with the second and eleventh similarly as they were sent against anger on Magnus and Horus later on either that or the emperor also had a ham a direct hand in it with him probably erasing the two from existence as he did with Horus and as for the remaining legionnaires let's just say that the ultramarine suddenly had a boost in numbers there is a rumor suggesting a possible explanation for the fate of the 11th and the second Legions around the time they were removed from Imperial records the ultramarines legion experienced a significant growth surpassing all other Legions and numbers the speculation is that the astores of the second and or the 11th Legions might have been integrated with the ultramarines after their official expungement If This Were true that it would imply the legionnaires of the second and 11th Legions might not have committed any wrongdoing and the blame might lie with their primarks or with a minority of the legions so again in the chamber at the end of memory the short work malcolor signalite states that Space Marines from the Lost Legions were mind wiped and repurposed rather than sharing their primark's Fates he sees this as Mercy this could indicate that the theory of them being integrated with the ultramarines is true and hence why the gene seed stock of the blue boys is both stable and diverse at the same time with them having quite an array of different successive chapters of varying characteristics and so that seems the most likely explanation so that's about all I have to say about the lost primarks I see that many of you haven't subscribed yet it would do us a huge favor if you would only smash the red button and also like that video to push us through in the YouTube algorithm and while you're at it bang with a bell icon as well for notifications till the next time take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 21,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The 2 Lost Primarchs in Warhammer 40K| Dead or Alive? Explained, 2nd and 11th Legions, Edict of Obliteration, Lost Primarchs and Legions, Emperor created 20 or 21 Primarchs, Rangdan Xenocides, missing primarchs in 40k
Id: D0RkRI2X63o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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