Where and When did the Emperor find his SONS?

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[Music] foreign initiated the Primark project he envisioned a Galaxy where his sons would all rule side by side having known each other since childhood and therefore having an unbreakable bone wrought into Iron Will by education and martial training under the best Terra has to offer Oh What A Dream but a chaos Vortex of some crazy happen and needed the 20-21 baby primarks to different worlds across the Milky Way so the master of mankind started the great Crusade with the aim of reuniting humanity and at the same time reclaiming his lost sons that had to grow and develop without his initial care in a way it was a rite of passage a ritualistic path that they all had to undergo to survive the harshness of the Grim job all alone and conquer the worlds they crashed landed into like Superman in a way but hell bent on global domination some say the emperor let all this happen to us to let the primarks mature and be self-made men well it would make sense though as you'd rarely see a rich kid making his way onto the top in life more often than not they would just become junkies anyway here in this video we will go into the rediscovery of the primarks in ascending order and talk a bit on the worlds they were in and what were their status upon Reclamation the timeline would be according to the Horus heresy website anyway let's get into it number one 801 m30 Horus Lupica the first to be found by the emperor Horace Lupica was found in catonia as some accounts say but the true facts about his Discovery is a highly guarded secret some say that he had always been by the emperor's side even during the reconquering of the Soul system at the very first stages of the great Crusade anyway in the more widely accepted lore Horace grew up in the cotonian hive World a few light years away from Terror matured in its hive cities and grew up in a rough and tough manner going up the ranks of the Techno Barbarian gangs of the planet and when the emperor found him he gladly accepted his fate and led the 16th Legion number two 819 of m30 Lehman Russ landing on an icy death's world of Fenris the infant Primark of the Space Wolves survived and was raised by a gigantic She Wolf discovered by a fenrisian trapsman he was brought before King tenger who recognized his potential the Primark named Lehman of the Ross grew to be a formidable Warrior succeeding tenger as king of Fenris and as king lemus legendary feed spread across Fen was catching the attention of the emperor the emperor arrived there in the planet in Disguise and challenged Lehman to three contests eating drinking and combat Lehman Ross won the first two because he was a drunkard and a glutton but the emperor revealed his true form for the third Challenge and defeated Lehman in combat with a single blow then Russ saw fielded to the emperor becoming one of his sons number 3 8 2 1 of m30 redacted presumably the second Legion Primark nothing is known as to where or how he was found but the date of his Discovery can be ascertain as he was one of the eight primarks to be found by the emperor sadly due to the edict obliteration all its deeds and accounts have been redacted number four 824 of m30 Ferris manners as a baby he crashed into the unstable feral world of Medusa near the eye of Terror the impact caused seismic upheavals reshaping the planet years later Ferris emerged unharmed from the icy Northern Wilderness becoming a warrior among the nomadic Clans medusan Legends speak of its Feats battling Giants monsters and ancient machines known as the Gorgon Ferris claimed dominant over Medusa's Clans and was seen as a Godlike figure under his guidance the class improved weaponry and machines delving into ancient vaults for Salvage when the emperor arrived during the Greek Crusade Ferris Manus was a revered warlord and Sage he had shaped Medusa's Destiny anticipating his role for the emperor's grand plan number five 830 of m30 fulgrim fulgrim's gestation capsule landed on the mining wall of keemas suffering from Perpetual Twilight due to a surrounding nebula kimas struggled to survive depending on Interstellar trade for food but was plagued by warp storms Scouts from a photos Factory found fulgrim's capsule and save him from execution naming him after a deity forgram then grew quickly mastering commission mining technology and rising to a position of leadership under his guidance mining efficiency increased leading to Surplus resources and Resurgence of their culture the planet key most isolation ended when the emperor's emissaries arrived and fulgrim pledges loyalty to the emperor with a sword to serve at his father's side for as long as he shall live number six 832 of m30 Vulcan Vulcan landed on the death world of Nocturne adopted by metal worker name and Bell Vulcan grew quickly in strength and wisdom embodying the Promethean cult's prophecies he defended Neptune against vicious dog Eldar becoming a legendary fireborn champion the emperor came there disguised as he did with Lehman Ross and over eight days they engaged in superhuman tests of strength and skill ending in a tie the final trial was a salamander hunt Vulcan and the stranger forged weapons and set out to hunt Vulcan defeated a fire Drake a massive one but was endangered by a volcanic eruption The Stranger rescued him and revealed himself as the Emperor of mankind and then on he served as the Primark of the 18th Legion number 7 835 of m30 rogel dawn rogeldon race on in which Embrace its values and Rose to power within the house of dawn leading the inward cluster Inuit is a harsh plan and enduring Perpetual Darkness due to its dying star its people are resilient and skilled Warriors reshaped by their unforgiving environment these people form a stellar Empire known for its strength and Conquest Dawn became the leader of this small Empire and was a master technician and strategist right from the start upon the arrival of the Imperial Starships during the Great Crusade Dawn greeted the emperor aboard the Phalanx an enormous Starship that he had discovered and right from the start he knew that this was his father and his rightful place was by his side leading the seventh Legion number eight 837 of m30 rebooty Gilman Gilman's capsule Lana or mccrock a planet with a proud Society but a failing star Empire adopted by a noble called Conor Gilman he rapidly developed exceptional skills excelling in war and knowledge and Logistics he led an expeditionary Force to pacify a sector called illyrium earning respect from his people and after quelling a rebellion he became the ruler of the Ultramar Interstellar region under Gilman's rule mccrack's economy was restructured technology shared and its Armed Forces became formidable and well uniform so Prosperity Blossom as Unity Prevail under his unsalable leadership so when the emperor arrived he was impressed with his son and he did not make him go through the test as he did with Vulcan or Ross when the G-Man learned of his true lineage he gladly bends the knee to serve his father number nine 840 of m30 Magnus the red unique among all the primals Magnus remembered his Origins and maintained psychic Communications with the emperor during his gestation period when he was cast to Prospero which is a World of Cycles he thrived in this In This Place full of psychic powers and abilities and became a leader Magnus defeated various psychic predatory species and United war in sorcerer Cults and rebuilt Prosperity into a magnificent City he pursued knowledge of the immaterium building a great library and delving into the war and when the emperor arrived Magnus embraced his true father and their Journey started the immaterium with the emperor warning against its perils number 10 843 of m30 sanguineous the infant sanguineous landed on ball secondus not actually a planet but a moon a part of a twin Moon system over a planet called Baal here the pure Blood Tribe Called the blood discovered him and despite his angelic appearance they almost killed him for his mutant Wings however the tribes init compassion prevailed and sangrinus was spared and raised as an omen of good luck rapidly maturing he became a leader and defender of his people against mutant threats worshiped as a God he reunited the tribes and created a respite of Hope and civilization on Bal secundus when the emperor arrived during his great Crusade sangrinus's speech moved his heart confirming his identity as one of the Lost Sons The Lost primarks sangrinius through his ability of four sides seeing into the future knew of his father's arrival and knelt before the emperor whose presence brought forth Alabaster flowers from the toxic soil of Baal number 11 846 of m30 Lionel Johnson his capsule landed in the death's world of caliban after being discovered by a Hunting Party of knights he was raised as a knight himself and excelled in combat and Leadership Lionel Johnson proved his prowess by Leading a crusade a successful one against the Monstrous great Beast that plagued caliban's Forest his tactical genius strategies and victories earned him the title of Grand Master of the order the emperor and a small ban of his legionists started Scouts from the first Legion arrived on caliban after detecting psychic emanations from one of the primarks L Johnson known as the lion fell a deep connection with the emperor and pledges loyalty the emperor appointed him as the commander of the first Legion renamed the Dark Angels and inducted caliban into the Imperium number 12 849 of m30 Puerto rabo he landed on a civilized world of Olympia the Tyrant of Olympia damicus recognize potorabo's exceptional abilities and offered him patronage and protection in exchange for all service and loyalty but a rabo quickly Rose through the ranks becoming a brilliant warlord known as The Hammer of Olympia he brought Victory after Victory to Olympia innovating in Warfare and Siege tactics despite his success internal threats and assassination attempts plagued by the rabba's rule he maintained his aloof and mistrustful nature driven by an eerie connection to a strange Stellar Maelstrom in the sky and when the emperor arrived during the Great Crusade he was in form of his true nature and willingly joined the Imperium number 13 854 of m30 mortarion landing on a planet called barbarous he was raised by a powerful water called nakari training combat and dark arts mortarium questioned the oppression of the humans in the plan by Warlords the overlords God of hybrids he escaped and fought against his oppressors and rallied the people to resist he tried and equipped them to conquer the planet's deadly fog he encountered a benevolent stranger who offered mortarion a challenge defeating a carrier who unbeknownst to Mori was already under the influence of nurgle either defeat him or join the Imperium Morty then confronted nakaria but was unsuccessful in the fight and was saved by the Emperor of mankind who sliced nikaru with a single strike of his flaming sword modern then swore Fields into the Emperor who named him the leader of the 14th Legion called The Dusk Raiders and later renamed to the death God in order of mortar and soldiers from that world called barbarous number 14 857 of m30 lorgar aurelian Largo landed on cultures a world-step in religion where a covenant helps sway worshiping chaos gods in benevolent guises he was discovered by exact priest called gor Theron and raised in the Covenant despite being abused in many ways Largo called the rain caller developed charismatic preaching and strong faith he rose to prominence United followers as the gods won and conquered cultures a Schism then occurred when largaard declared a belief in a single God the Schism was followed ending with larga's seizing control and when the emperor and Magnus arrived lorgar embraced his father as a messiah and despite the emperor's direct command on spreading the atheistic Imperial truth lorgar and his followers were still intent on spreading their faith of the Emperor as a god jumping from one religion to another 15 865 m30 jagathai Khan Khan landed on kogoris a fertile World divided by technology and tribal Warfare at Alaska tribe found Khan who grew into a warrior of vision and unity so his adopted father was killed and he Avenged him and United the tribes forming its Alaska Confederacy and fighting to an inter-tribal Warfare on the planet Khan LED bells and defeated all other factions United conquerors under his rule becoming a conqueror and a leader when the emperor and the lunar worlds arrived just after Khan's Conquest the aptly acknowledged his achievements Khan although a conqueror by Nature had to accept a role of servitude to the emperor's Ambitions which was really an inner struggle against its own nature despite appearing overall cast journals revealed a pragmatic decision recognizing that the impairment's advantages and the dire consequences of a position against an Unstoppable Force 16 896 of m30 Conrad girls he landed in the ninth shrouded planet of Nostromo his gestation capsule embedded on the planet's largest Hive City leaving a scar in the adamantium strata nostrama was a dark and Grim world with a stark divide between the rich and the poor with rampant crime and constant Darkness girls grew up alone in the underhive surviving through his wits and ruthlessness he was haunted by dark visions of the future and became a skilled Predator he learned from the darkness around him becoming a formidable killer and eventually took it upon himself to bring Justice to Nostromo the Knight Haunter as he was known there brought a semblance of peace to Nostromo as crime rates plummeted he eventually became the planet's absolute monarch when the Emperor of mankind arrived during the Great Crusade girls submitted to his will despite knowing the Grim fate that awaited him due to his vision the emperor saw potential in him and offered to take him home but girls remained defiant clinging to his name the Knight Haunter and also his visions of Justice number 17 899 of m30 angron he landed on new Syria a technologically advanced Planet ruled by a wealthy Elite Class the population suffered in poverty while gladiatorial death matches distracted them kind of like Rome back in the day angron discovered by slavers was forced into the Gladiator Arena his fighting prowess increased to Berserker Levels by the implantation of the butcher's Nails in his head he rose to fame as a fierce fighter but still developing a code of honor eventually he led a rebellion of fellow Gladiators called the Eaters of cities and when the emperor arrives under Syria he offered anger on leadership of the 12th Legion but he refused choosing to stay with his comrades the emperor Singh angron's impending death teleported him away and angron watched as his friends were slaughtered harboring a deep resentment towards his father for not saving them he begrudgingly accepted his new role in the great Crusade but his anger and wounds would forever Mar his relations with the emperor number 18 922 of m30 corvus gorax korax was discovered deep beneath the surface of a Barren Moon called lyceus part of a virtual called kiavar the moon's miners found him and he was raised by slaves who named him savior korax matured quickly and learned from the slaves about the oppressive rule of the tech guilds on Kaya varu he developed the ability to remain unnoticed by willing observers not to see him using it to gather information and plan for future Rebellion as corrects reached adulthood he orchestrated a well-conceived Uprising against attack guilds he led the slaves in a successful campaign eventually overthrowing their oppressors about the same time as the atomic bombardment of the planet kyavara took place the emperor arrived alone to meet korax and their conversation took a long time and details of it remain uncertain surely afterwards the emperor left leaving korax to lead his Newfound followers and continue his journey as a Primark number 19 927 of m30 redacted presumably the 11th Legion Primark nothing is known as to where or how he was found but the date of his Discovery can be a certain as he was one of the last to be found by the emperor and the last one to be officially announced was Al Ferris omegaon so he is the second last and hence 927 of m30 sadly due to the edic obliteration all his deeds and accounts have been deleted and lastly number 20 981 of m30 alfary's omegon the same with Horrors a ferris and omega's Discovery is a highly guarded secret there are theories that Affairs was never really transported away to other planets like his brothers but he was stuck in Terror and hence the first to be found he was said to have been trained to be the ultimate infiltrator even disguising as one of the studies in quite a few of his brother's Legions he was also constantly tested to infiltrate the Imperial Palace something that he really enjoyed but that's just theories and since his brother omegon was still lost his Discovery was only announced officially when the other twin was discovered in 981 of the 30th Millennium in an unnamed planet but as of the law of the alpha Legion or El Faris omegaon nothing is really certain they might be twin primarks they might be just a stories one by me a Primark the other might be an asterisk Warrior uh yeah nothing's really certain that's about it even the discovery even their Origins diving into it will just get you mind so I see that many of you haven't subscribed yet it would do us a huge favor if you would only smash the red button and also like the video to push us through in the YouTube algorithm pretty please and while you're at it bang on that Bell icon as well for notifications till the next time take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 8,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Primarchs Re-discovery. Timeline and Homeworld (Warhammer 40K), timeline of primarchs, discovery of primarchs, homeworld of primarchs, primarchs homeworld, primarchs timeline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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