All Types of Tanks of Space Marines - Warhammer 40K

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foreign are usually deployed as shop in all troops the finest of humanity soldiers that can stand up against any foe be it demon or xenos sometimes they still need heavy fire support and heavy weapons to deal with more numerous and bigger enemies so here in this video we will list down all the 30 tanks used by the Space Marine chapters of the Imperium some here are battle tanks While others are Siege times and even armored transports as well as battle fortresses the dreadnoughts and other lighter Vehicles will not be included here and will be in another list so let's get to it number one the Razorback the Razorback is constructed using a heavily armored framework and incorporates numerous design elements from the Rhino transport it is often preferred to over the Rhino due to its enhanced Firepower although this results in a reduced capacity for transportation typically the Razorback is equipped with a Turret mounted twinling heavy Bolter as its primary armament number two the Rhino this is a widely used Armored Transport it has two out the imperium's history worked its way over many walls fundamentally the Rhino is designed as an armored personal carrier equipped with robust tracks to navigate diverse terrains and Safeguard its occupants its main defensive weapon is a remotely operated storm Bolter employed by the driver for close range protection that is number three the impulsor this is an assault transport specifically designed for primaries Marines it utilizes anti-gravity technology and incorporates Vector thrusters enabling it to achieve high levels of speed with its open rear it is capable of directly transporting a squad of Marines into combat also it features an advanced shielding for enhanced protection furthermore the impulsor can be modified to accommodate various types of ranged Weaponry through a retrofitting number four the land Raider this is a heavily armored vehicle serving as both a personal carrier and a heavy tank its robots Hull offers complete isolation for the occupants providing life support capabilities for operating in diverse environments ranging from deserts vacuum or even underwater the standard Lan radar is equipped with a twin link heavy Bolter on the hull along with two side sponsors each with twin last cannons it has the capacity to transport either 10 Marine Space Marines or five wearing Terminator armor number five the Predator this is a powerful battle tank used by the Space Marines designed as an upgraded version of the Rhino personal carrier it was specifically developed to counter the formidable orc thread that poses challenges for Humanity the Predator features enhanced armor and Firepower its primary turret weapon is the service or the cannon while the sights can be fitted with either heavy bolters for close range defense or less cannons for long range engagements number six the Gladiator the primarus Gladiator Tang shares his chassis with the impulsor but features increased armor replacing the open top transport Bay with a fully enclosed Hull the Lancer pattern here is equipped with a heavy laser Destroyer while the reaper uses Tempest Boulders and a twin Ling heavy Galley Cannon the Valiant however uses twin last cannons and also multi-melders for shorter range combat number 7 the Repulsor this Armored Transport is a formidable Fusion of agility and raw power unlike most graft tanks that Glide over the terrain the repulsa is heavily armored and designed to crush the ground beneath it its primary Armament is the last Talon and the pintle mounted Onslaught Gatling Cannon and these are located in the Tank's turret allowing it to obliterate enemy vehicles number 8 the asterisk this is a super heavy graph tank used by the primaries with this massive Hull it carries an array of defensive and offensive systems the primary Armament consists of a macro accelerated Cannon complemented by side Mountain last rippers or plasma eradicators also turret mounted heavy stubbers and front mounted twinling heavy Boulders or last cannons it also benefits from layered void Shields and is elevated by formidable anti-grafting generators effectively deterring enemy assault units number nine the stalker this is constructed by mounting an Icarus storm Cannon array onto a rhino it is inspired by the hunter STC which is thousands of years old these anti-aircraft platforms possess the ability to rapidly fire and engage multiple targets simultaneously they are highly destructive saturating the sky with a barrage of ammunition firing non-stop against enemy air combatants number 10 The Vindicator this is primarily utilized for urban Warfare offering assault and tactical squads a means to deliver devastating Firepower against fortified enemy positions and snipers the demolished Cannon equips The Vindicator with immense destructive power as it launches rocket assisted seat shells capable of swiftly reducing a building into Rubble obliterating the Enemy Within number 11 the Whirlwind based on the Rhino chassis the Whirlwind is an artillery tank with a multiple rocket launcher system it can also be converted into an anti-aircraft vehicle when issued with short range AAA missiles or anti-aircraft missiles in addition to its primary weapon the Whirlwind also comes with a Searchlight and smoke launches as standard for protection from enemy fire number 12 the hunter this is the first known dedicated anti-aircraft platform used by the astores the hunter missile used by the multi Lodge is faster and more accurate than those used by whirlwinds or others by unfolding Finns to help it guide into the Target and the vehicle itself has a longer operational range its missile tracking system is composed of altered brains and neural interfaces from conservator operators number 13 the Rapier this is a semi-automated drag weapons platform it serves as a formidable anti-tank weapon featuring multi-barrel laser cannon additionally variants have been observed equipped with graviton cannons quad multi-lasers quad mortars or quad heavy bolters this small size Tankard was initially designed for defending cities and fortresses number 14 the aquater this was a type of artillery tank used during the Great Crusade and the Horus heresy the Arbiter was purposefully engineered to function at the Vanguard of advancements featuring a reinforced chassis and a formidable close range 5 power its primary role is to breach resistant enemy fortifications or to decimate concentrated forces of infantry and armored units number 15 the Cerberus used during the Great Crusade and the heresy specifically by the mechanicum and the legioastaris the Cerberus is an experimental assault Tang its main weapon was the very powerful Neutron laser projector which can rival Titan weapons as of m41 just a few of them exist with most of them being disbanded due to the complexities in maintaining the machine Spirit of the machine and also the weapon number 16 the felt blade this is a super heavy tank used by the Space Marines during the Great Crusade featuring advanced technology and formidable Weaponry including a twinling accelerator Cannon as its primary Armament it had reinforced chassis and carried additional secondary weapons such as a demolition Cannon a sponsored mounted quad last cannons or laser destroyers and also heavy bolters number 17 the storm blade this is a super heavy tank derived from the shadow chassis this is a modified variant that incorporates a riser pattern Plasma Blast gun a potent yet short-range weapon filled by large photonic fuel cells this configuration grants the storm Blade the ability to effectively engage and eliminate Titans and other super heavy vehicles number 18 the Falcon also referred to as the mammoth this was a super heavy tank utilized by the Space Marines during the early years of the Imperium renowned for its formidable Firepower the Falcon featured a twin mounted volcano Cannon which stood as one of the most powerful and put an anti-tank weapons installed on a vehicle even called a Titan killer thus making it a valuable asset during the Horus heresy number 19 Kratos a very old tank design initially as an infantry support tank it featured a powerful cannon that efficiently cleared Parts through densely packed adversaries enabling accompanying infantry to advance swiftly its main weapon is about Cannon but can be also equipped with a valky or melter weapon as well as other cannons as well as heavy bolters and last cannons on the sides number 20 disabled this tank was engineered to rapidly approach and eliminate intended targets with devastating Falls its primary armaments includes an anvilus snap or a cannon also a neutron blaster or a vulcite Saker known as the saber this assault vehicle was constructed upon the foundation of the Rhino armored carrier featuring a fixed forward-firing weapon integrated into its frontal Hull number 21 the malcador this tank dates back to the early years of the Imperium it is an ancient design still induced by the Imperial God and sometimes on occasion by the Space Marines it is larger than the Lehman Ross Chang of the IG or the Imperial Guard and its main Armament is the venerable battle Cannon while secondary fire comes from a hull mounted heavy Bolter number 22 the shadow sword this tank stands apart from the Bain blade primarily due to its distinctive main Armament the volcano Cannon this formidable Laser cannon possesses the ability or the capability to severe tighten limbs with a single devastating shot assisted by Advanced lodges engines and targeting systems the Tang ensures precise and effective long-range shots with its 4 terawatt powered Cannon number 23 the psycharin this tank boasts Advanced Firepower with its primary Armament comprising of two Heracles pattern accelerated Auto cannons these other cannons enable rapid and high velocity shell firing it is a heavy tank used by the Space Marines during the Great Crusade and later in the heresy there are four main variants the Omega the venator the arcus and The Punisher number 24 the Spartan this is a large Armored Transport slash tank that can carry a lot of Marines inside of it even squats of them with Terminator suits it looks like a land Raider but it is much bigger its main Armament was the twin Ling last cannons but later the standard was replaced with the twin bolters it is also faster due to its reactor engine number 25 the Medusa this is an old siege tank that is equipped with a very huge weapon which is called a Medusa Siege gun and it fires heavy shells against enemy fortifications for defense the Medusa has a heavy Bolter or a heavy flamer like Auto resistance and attacks from well-protected positions but its weapon is of a shorter range hence having to move more forward to the Vanguard of The Siege number 26 the capital imperialis this vehicle Rivals are tightened in size it is 50 meters or 145 feet tall almost as tall as the imperator Titan and it is also 80 meters or 260 feet in length it is one hell of a heavy tank slash assault transport that weighs in excess of 67 000 tons its primary weapon is a gigantic Behemoth Cannon which has a barrel large enough to hold four large battle tanks it's more of a Battle Fortress than a tank number 27 the Leviathan although designated as an Armored Transport and a mobile command center it can also be thought of as a castle on Wheels and tracks it is 90 meters or 300 feet tall possessing Titan scale void Shields and a doomsday cannon with Bell cannons last cannons missiles and boulders all over the hull the Imperium and also the Marines use these as massive Army command centers to coordinate attacks number 28 the typhoon the siege tank was used by the Space Marine Legions early in the Crusade and the heresy The Dread Hammer Cannon is its main weapon essentially a massive static artillery Cannon mounted on a vehicle just the shock wave or the kinetic blast produced by its shells is enough to liquefy people most of these are retired or corrupted but a few still are present in certain chapters used only under the directive of the master of the forge number 29 the Basilisk this weapon system found utility Among The Siege units of the Space Marine Legions during the heresy and the great Crusade although it predominantly served the Imperial Guard later on equipped with the Earth Shaker Karen as its primary weapon the Basilisk delivered the destructive force of 132 millimeter shells capable of reaching targets over 15 kilometers away and blowing them to Smithereens and number 30 the Mastodon this weapon of War a super heavy Armored Transport that can carry up to 40 Space Marines or two dreadnoughts and 20 Marines along with them its Origins traced back to before the great crusade in the 31st Millennium it is equipped with void Shields and are equipped with a melter array heavy flamer side mounted last cannons and anti-aircraft systems called the sky Reaper battery so those are the 30 types of Space Marine tanks anyway I see that many of you haven't subscribed yet it would do us a huge favor if you would only smash that red button and also like the video to push us up through the algorithm of YouTube and while you're at it bang on that Bell icon for notifications till the next time take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 11,647
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Keywords: List of the Powerful Space Marine Tanks in Warhammer 40K, 30 types of space marine tanks, space marine tanks in warhmmaer 40k, warhammer 40k space marine tanks, tanks of space marines in warhammer 40k
Id: ZntfhPEhh7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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