All Dead, Alive and Missing Primarchs in Warhammer 40K (Explained)

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[Music] foreign we all love the sons of the emperor okay well at least most of us love nine of them and have mixed feelings or even blind rage to the other nine Traders there are 18 19 demigod humans that were genetically and psychically created by the master of mankind to serve as the gene size to an equal number of Space Marine Legions they were also made to lead the great Crusade and unify Humanity into the next Golden Age well the plan didn't really go on as smoothly as conceived you know with that little war known as the Horus heresy and a subsequent Corruption of a large portion of the species by the chaos Gods anyway here in this video we will update the status of each of the primarks what they are doing and also include the ones that are now sleeping with the fishes we will start accordingly from dead to missing to chaos corrupted or Renegade and then end with the recently revived or resurrected so let's get to it okay let's start with the Lost primarks out of the original primarks two of them failed the emperor and their brothers in ways that are not fully understood the result of their failure whatever may be was so great that their names and even their Legions were erased from history statues were removed yet the foundations were left as a warning to the other primarks of what a fate would follow should they cross the line a fear that no doubtedly pushed Horrors Magnus and the other traitor primarks to chaos out of fear for similar repercussions or at least one of the factors for the heresy number two okay Ferris manners status dead the Primark of the iron handspace Marine Legion he was renowned for crafting or inspiring weapons like the sword for fulgrim and the Bolter for Vulcan his hands were covered in necrodermas allowing him to mold and shape molten metal without the need for tools fulgrim his closest brother tragically fell to chaos during the Horus heresy leading to the devastating dropside Massacre on is one five fulgrim ultimately killed Ferris with a demonic sword marking a pivotal Moment In The Descent of fulgrim into a demon Prince of slanege Anya Ferris is currently dead number three alfarious status dead the Primark of the alpha Legion he was shrouded in mystery and contradiction as were his motives and whether he was one or part of a twin Primark leadership the other one being a Megan he fought with unexpected and multiple attacks in his various forms of combat so during the Battle of Pluto alfaires attempted to strike Dawn with his pale spear but Dawn anticipated the attack and intervened ultimately defeating Al Faris with deadly blows from storms teeth his chainsawed onto the alpha legion's Primark skull killing him number four sangrinius status dead the fate of sanguineous Primark of the blood angels is a pivotal and tragic event in the Horus heresy in a climactic battle known as The Siege of Terror he confronted Horus about his Flagship the vengeful Spirit despite his Incredible strength speed and skill in battle he was ultimately killed by Horus who had been corrupted and heavily empowered by the chaos Gods sangrinus's death is mod as one of the most significant moments in the history of the Imperium number five Horace status dead he was the Primark of the lunar wolves later renamed as the sons of Horus and the climax of The heresy Horus led a massive Invasion known as The Siege of Terror seeking to overthrow the Emperor of mankind and conquer the Imperium the conflict reached its peak when Harvest engaged in a Final Duel where the emperor bought his Flagship after the death of sangrinius and knowing that his son was over the line of being saved the emperor finally didn't just kill Horus but obliterated him from existence mind body and soul number six gone rap girls status dead also known as the Knight Haunter he was the Primark of the night Lord's Legion during the horse heresy when the primarks turn against the emperor causes night's lost Legion became known for its brutal methods and Terror tactics Conrad himself was a deeply troubled and unstable figure haunted by visions of the future and his own death ultimately he was killed by a Calendar's assassin called imshen and even though he could have easily turned the Assassin to bids he allowed her to kill him just to prove a point that the emperor wanted him dead from the start number seven omegon status no [ __ ] clue so entertaining the fact that he actually exists and not up for debate he currently leads the night Lord but then again he could be alfarious and it was Omega one that was actually killed by Dawn but then again again it was really alfers that was really killed but Omega knew about it and was killed later by Gilman or they could both be alive and it was their clones that were killed or they're both dead and we don't know yeah we don't really know number eight Berto rabo he is the Primark of the iron Warriors and is now demon Prince as of now buterables spent centuries studying segment and obscurs defenses establishing a vast Information Network and after the 13th Black Crusade and the great rest formation he launched a grand strategy with a thousand armies against heavily defended worlds he fought his brother mortarion in the recent war of Ross and ruin as well body then collaborated with vashtor on nightmarish technological projects and supported an assault on the Rock during the arcs of omen campaign number nine lorgar he is the Primark of the word Bears Legion and the first of his brothers to fall into the influence of chaos after becoming a demon Prince Largo secluded himself on a demon world of zacarius for Millennia he briefly left to Aid the word bearers against korax but the Raven Lord drove him back after 10 000 years larga returned to The Fray during the Great rift's formation leading a massive word bearish Force to preach the world of chaos in Mortal realms number 10 angron the Primark of the world eaters are now demon Prince of the blood God con he is one of the most active traitor primarks in the current setting in his last appearance he was summoned to Wormwood to help vashtor and he defeated Dante but was confronted by the return Lionel Johnson in their Fierce duel the lion managed to stab angroth's throat with his PowerShot called filthy eventually the line beheaded angron with the tip of the emperor's Shield sending the demon Primark back into the warp but as of now he must have returned back to real space somewhere since he can now come back from banishment in only a few weeks time number 11 mortarion the Primark of the death God and the demon Prince of nurgle now he is the bringer of the plague and the last encounter with another one of his loyalist Brothers is against Gilman where he almost killed the G-Man by injecting the god blight only for robure to be saved by the emperor but he also fought against another fellow Primark more recently in the storyline of the war of Ross and ruin against Puerto rabo the aim was to find a temple of Ascension in the world called the Sanctus in the war party initially had the upper hand but was later defeated by the plague Marines and Maori number 12 Magnus the red Primark of the Thousand Sons Legion and Demon Prince of zange the red skin traitor Primal is one of the most potent Cycles around as powerful as the late malcador sigilites Magnus was in recent times defeated by Logan grimnar during the siege of Fenris and later defeated by ruburi in the Terran Crusade storyline as of now he is Heading an invasion of the stigious sector to set up a rail space domain for his God zinj who was envious of nurgal having his own footing in the scourge Stars number 13 fulgrim Primark of The Emperor's Children and now a snake-like demon princess Laneige a walking embodiment of malice and pride in a less recent Arc he was lured into isvan 3 by a venerable Dreadnought of his own Legion Albert one who was still loyal to the Imperium when he was about to rip off the sarcophagi of the Dreadnought rallinar the Dreadnought detonated a virus bomb in an attempt to kill fulgrim but it really didn't work as the snake demon re-emerged from the rubble empowered by chaos and slanesh he is as of now invading French Worlds at the head of a seleneshi army number 14 jagathai Khan okay now we're coming to the Loyalists Primark of the white scars after the Horus heresy Khan took charge of the white scars in the great scouring while leading the conquest of the yasan sector he faced challenges from both Traders and Dark Eldar Raiders in the Battle of Corso 5 Khan encountered a powerful dog Elder Lord and was reportedly lost in the web way during his pursuit of the xenos number 15 Lehman Ross Primark of the Space Wolves and the emperor's executioner the current whereabouts remains a mystery even now 10 000 years after his departure from the Fang venturing into the eye of Terror accompanied by his personal Revenue the Space Wolves have embarked on the great hun from time to time periodically in search for their missing Primark but they have yet to find any concrete signs of his location some within the space levels believe that Russ might have sought out the Tree of Life to restore the emperor to health number 16 roguel Don primar of the Imperial Fifth and also known as the prichardin of Terror so during the war of the beast in Millennium 32 Primark Vulcan mentioned that he would speak well of the Imperial Festival Dawn implying that Dawn might still be alive or at least his status is known to Vulcan on the other hand Conrad cursed the primer of the night Lords claimed that Dawn was dead and had been Torn to Pieces by the enemy so Dawn might either be dead or residing somewhere old and tired of the walls of the Imperium number 17 Vulcan Primark of the salamanders and also a Perpetual meaning that he would never die any death he experiences as just temporary and he will reform yet again unless obliterated by the emperor like in the case of Horus the Imperium presumes Vulcan to be dead after his sacrifice to defeat the bees in the war of the beast in the 32nd Millennium however the salamanders continued their quest to find the nine artifacts of Vulcan believing that once they do he will return to The Fray he might be alive awaiting them to prove their medal by securing all nine artifacts and then he will return to lead both his sons and fight for the Imperium once more number 18 corvus gorax Primark of the Raven God and a master of Guerrilla warfare and hit and run tactics he is as of now lost in the war still seeking revenge for the drop side Massacre korax is on the hunt for the traitor primars he eventually mutated into a shadowy creature thanks to the Bob's powers and influence and on a word Bears Demon World he once defeated demon Primark logar in a fierce duel forcing lurgard to retreat and closing the portal leaving korres determined to hunt and kill him again number 19. roburi Gilman the primer of the ultramarines has recently ended the indomitus Crusade and also concluded the plague Wars with a massive win for the Imperium as of now he is enroute to the Pariah Nexus Zone to face off against the silent King the overarching leader of the necron forces it is unclear as to what will happen but it is highly doubtful that he would be killed in the encounter he might return to Tara to face off against the upcoming high-feet Leviathan and have a reunion with his brother the lion and lastly 20 the lion l Johnson Primark of the Dark Angels and the first among equals as is my opinion he has been resurrected and has met with Dante of the blood angels He has learned of roburu's existence as well so after defeating angrad in wormwood by banishing him with the emperor's Shield he is now on Coast to Terror to meet with the emperor and hopefully later to have a reunion with Gilman his story of is the most interesting ass of the 42nd millennium so I see that many of you haven't subscribed yet it would do us a huge favor if you would only smash the red button and also like the video to push us through in the YouTube algorithm and while you're at it bang on that Bell icon for notifications like this till the next time take care boys
Channel: Nutbug
Views: 86,404
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Keywords: List of all the Dead, Alive and Missing Primarchs in Warhammer 40K, who killed the most primarchs, list of all the dead primarchs, which primarch died first, most primarchs were killed in which battle, who are the dead and missing primarchs, missing primarchs, alive primarchs, dead primarchs
Id: ssE5S9l-ArQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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