"The 15 Greatest Rounds of all Times" (NBC Documentary, 1990)

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Marciano pulling his way in closed Wolcott is back to the if anyone is don't today are the greatest fights ever we relive boxing's blessing hurry panel it's got Dempsey Joe Morris Rocky Marciano Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali all their prime as we bring you the greatest round of all time NBC Saturday sports showcase presents the greatest fights ever and now from Caesars Palace in Las Vegas here's Favre Albert and the fight doctor Ferdie Pacheco we welcome you to the 3rd edition in our series of the greatest fights ever and today we examined 14 of the all-time greatest rounds in the history of boxing and Ferdie it should be pointed out that our judgments here are purely subjective they are and in picking these rounds we'd established that we'd pick around that change maybe the course of the history of boxing such as the Long Count or of historical importance Joe Louis Mac smelling or around it was so significant because the fighter was hopelessly beaten yet somehow turn to fight around and won the title and to help us take a close-up look at these 15 greatest rounds we are joined by an esteemed panel of course panels as you know are always esteemed and we have with us the legendary old Mongoose the one-time light heavyweight champion Archie Moore a voice synonymous with boxing he's called so many of the boxing classics down through the years Don dumphy one of boxing's premier trainers among those he has handled Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard Angelo Dundee an ax man who has experienced a lifetime of boxing as a top-ranked middleweight one of the sports superb trainers currently handling Evander Holyfield and Meldrick Taylor George Benton gentlemen we'll be hearing from you throughout the show but let's get started with the first of our greatest rounds the reigning heavyweight champion six foot seven and Jess Willard defending his crown against the underdog contender Jack Dempsey it was a hot independence day at the Toledo arena in Toledo Ohio a hundred and ten degrees and pretty look at the difference in size just well it's six foot seven Jack Dempsey around six feet Dempsey giving away nearly six inches and fifty pounds and seven inches in reach well at 37 years old and here's the other discrepancy M seen at 24 years of age and there was yet another difference as the bell sounded to begin that first round Dempsey's manager Jack Kern's leaned in grabbed his fighter and said listen I bet our entire person you can knock this guy out in the first round Dempsey looked at him and had to go out and he has a great deal of urgency in this fight hits all the money he's going to make is riding on this first round and as who watched Dempsey and Willard you can see a distinct difference in boxing style and strategy from some seventy years ago you can almost see a transition here the champion Jess Willard's the old stand up straight Marcus the Queen Barry style it was that was the way they fought in those days Dempsey is a transition period he is an animal he's a panther he's he's well tan he's strong and he's crouching bobbing and weaving he's doing all the things we do today he had to get in there under the reach of this tall guy and remember he's got to destroy him and there's the first knockdown of the round as guest road is put down by Jack Dempsey first thing to notice here his pillar it's just barely up when Dempsey has attacked him in those days you could do that you could just hang around our watch Dempsey doesn't move away even the referee is not pushing them no rules at the time concerning the Box are going to the neutral corner and another onslaught by Dempsey that's the third time that woman has gone down on the round and obviously there is no three knockdown rule in effect in those days if you could get up no matter what now what Willard has his back turned and even with his back turned MC knocks him down for the fourth time and Jack Dempsey's entire purse of $27,500 riding on stopping Willard in the first round and he's certainly trying as hard as he can all this time major physical damage is being inflicted on Willard Willard continues to get up and Dempsey is getting arm worried and he's got a great sense of urgency he knows he's got seconds to go in order to get Willard out of there and win his bet will it in trouble again on the ropes right here and what is put down for the sixth time in the round he's apparently counted out but Saved by the Bell unbelievably he gets up again and he is smothered again by Dempsey now just Willard it survived the first round but could not answer the bell for round four so Dempsey won the title but lost the bet done your reaction to Dempsey's hovering right over him and hitting him as soon as he got up well the rules were different in those days Ferdie you guys didn't have to go to a neutral corner and and Willard was down and Dempsey took advantage of that but this was the course Dempsey later on and then there Tunney fight he stood over Tony when the referee said go to the neutral corner it cost him six or eight seconds what I'm fascinated about this fight is that were the champion has his head clubs it down at his hips why you can fight that way and wonder we got hit so well by the same token Dempsey had his glove down by his hips too and he didn't show too much so far as defence was the venom because he was an aggressive man and that was exactly when they in those days they needed the commissioners and and all these rule making people who make rules to put the protection of the safety of the fighter because they want the man go did that kill Georgie could a guy like Dempsey cause that much damage to Jess Willard he broke his jawbone he broke his jaw knocked out teeth and he broke his ribs in that first round according to historians could a guy do that much damage with his fists unless he had something his glove well I could imagine it was good because the denture was the terrific punting it was a heavy weight you know and with those small gloves on you got you know protection and when you're swinging with the way those guys were swaying it was swinging from down home you know when he would see were throwing punches with all with everything had and you know were strongly at that time you know those men were stronger than men are today the men of that time 180 pounds and 85 pound was stronger now Angelo would you have thought that that tall six foot seven Willard could have fought anymore after that kind of beating in the first round no I thought the Sherlockian he took in that first round would have been enough in fact if I had been there I probably would have stopped the fight okay when we come back we go to the roaring 20s it'll be Dempsey again this time against gene Tunney it was September of 1927 soldier feeling Chicago as Tully and Dempsey met for the second time Cuddy incidentally the recipient of boxing's first-ever million dollar purse and at this time honey was ahead on points due to superior boxing ability it was in effect a replay of their first fight and Dempsey sense that he needed a knockout if he were to regain his title now Dempsey stalking as he always did and then exploded and putz Tunney down MC however stood over honey waiting for Tony to get up in order to get right back on him however Dempsey fighting strictly from instinct failed to remember that a new rule was in effect the fighter scoring the knockdown must move to a neutral corner before the count starts so Tony was given the famous Long Count he did recover his senses in that extra time given him and then was able to hang on in the seventh round and the way he hung on was with his superior boxing skills look at his hands down fast feet great lateral movement just moving around the ring Dempsey who's hands cocked he wants to explode but he can't he can't get close enough before gene Tunney circles back out of range Alfred E although this was a title fight it was scheduled for only chant arounds rather than the usual 15 which certainly helped Tony in surviving it helped him in surviving but can you notice a similarity in his style and someone else as well it's Muhammad Ali that's Muhammad Ali style hands down fast feet great lateral movement tying up Dempsey soon as he comes in Dempsey trying all he can to set him up for one punch but before he can set him up there he is on a bicycle Connie is away and the mystics bills between and as it became apparent that Tony would hang on the long count of referee Dave Barry now becomes a major issue well you can imagine the indignation of the sports fans throughout the country at this long count but not withstanding the public outrage when the 10th round was over gene Tunney was still the heavyweight champion in the world well apparently Jack Dempsey had forgotten that a new rule was in effect that the fighter who knocks the opponent down must go into the neutral corner and that certainly cost him yes it did caused him that caused him plenty because he thought that the same rules applied when he was fighting the other in weight Willard Willard and so when Tony was a fox and and Tony got up and he ran and he moved around and they pull Dempsey out of position so many times until Dempsey was beginning to tired see and then later on then Tony took over how long did he stay down by your account what I read in the paper was about 15 seconds but along that line what is interesting to me is that one Tony for Dempsey and won the title from him in 1926 it was a 10 round bout this also in Chicago was a 10 round bout now the champion could decide how many rounds the bout should be and it was Dempsey who picked the Chen round rube which is a very very unusual for championship but however you must remember that Dempsey had not fought since he fought Firpo in 1923 three years have elapsed and I think he thought he couldn't go more than 10 rounds how could you have caught him how would you have told Dempsey to catch I mean didn't seem like he just walked after all right first of all I would have choked the referee that was a 40 count forget about it that guy guys got knocked out I don't get way back to the corner up to the corner side way the man got counted out you know and I thought I was cracking up go the guy was a one-er and a tumor and my god the guy you know put that off for the Kelbo okay one-word answer let's go around the panel who was the better fighter Dempsey or Tony Archie Jack Dempsey Dempsey dead benzion been through well a unanimous decision for Jack Dempsey Primo Carnera on the right defends his heavyweight crown against Max Baer June 14 19 34 here in round 2 Baer opens up and both men go crashing to the canvas as the crowd watches in amazement bear charges after the champion and again the fighters go sprawling bare doesn't let up for a second he scores from all angles and unbelievably the two men wrestled to the canvas a third time come on and fight says Maxie with a smile as he taunts the six foot 7 inch Panera for the next nine rounds bear will pummel panera from one side of the Ring to the other but it is this incredible round to that boxing fans will never forget Max Baer becomes the new heavyweight champion of the world June 14 1935 Horace had suffered his only defeat at the hand for the former champion back Schmeling now Louis was the champion of the world but with national pride at stake he harbored a fierce desire to avenge the only loss on his record explainer on kill Lewis let's pick with to speak left to the chin without a mic but as the men clinch Doris ties together to hard lips and next Iseman from the freeway clean on the far side the ring now max with his back to them and Louis of Celexa Max is basically Hendersons over a hard light tonight babe Lewis Oh Lester Max's jaw a right to his head match shoot the hard white boys Louis for the old one to reverse the lesson and like he's mended muscles in this one round they demanded and I five rounds with the other fight and they're max hilly for him in his guard down and Campbell is a jaw cuts the whistle blowing away with a punch the time our max is backing away against the ropes Lewis is following him and watching for that chance he is crowding trailing smelling his enough sitting around very much but his face is already much hand they stepped into a fast wrench and a close range Lewis fight separately to bring up a little is left to the jaw a right to the body I'm coming out of it clinch he got over a high right and then stabbed next with a good straight left jabs and nice backed away and miss the right Lewis then cracked him with two statements to the face hands all over that hard right to the head I am a temple and match I open I flinch and rope round the stack against the ropes again they're not too close to the ropes Louis out and Lewis mr. with a rustling but in front of aha again I write for the body a left a right to the head a left to the head a'right marik is going down by the elders the elder the roof look please honor in Ephesus and healing his down heylia's down account is for it's a knees up and Lois right and left of the head so left ajar i right to the head and your gentleman is watching carefully Lois measured him right to the body a left up to the job and scaling is down account is tied five six seven a summoner in the ring the fight is over on a technical knockout Max Schmeling is eaten in one round now in this fight in boxing years ago before this the referee could watch somebody so a towel in you could throw in the towel end of the fights in those days the rule was changed fortunately if you notice that picture Arthur Donovan the referee in this fight at one point walks by and throws something out of the ring the Germans corner had thrown in the towel and the referee would not allow it Joe Lewis had that in his craw about Schmeling beating him the first time man he wanted it bad it has been data call it what you will he wanted a hunter Schmeling can that sometimes hurt a fighter though in this case he was able to channel it in the right direction I don't think so the word we use in boxing is don't get mad at anybody but vendetta the race that loss he felt he shouldn't have gotten self hitting the chin that much that night as you saw in the second fighting getting there with that shot no more alright let's move on now to the 40's again Joe Louis this time Louis and Billy Conn it was back in June of 1941 that Joe Louis and Billy Conn met for the first of two vowels they fought at the Polo Grounds in New York for the heavyweight title and there wasn't a person in boxing that gave the puffed up light heavyweight Billy Conn a chance against a seemingly invincible brown bomber Joe Louis it is round 13 surprisingly Billy Conn is ahead on all three scorecard the call of Don Dunphy stop a knock down a left jab to the jaw by Lewis takes up Billy just a little bit Shawn is out in the center as Louis jabs is left on e pawn blocked the blow with his own right hand so as far as the way with his left trying to get Shawn into a corner if he can Shawn stands around in the center of the Ring just continually circling the champion Louis sticks out of left town which is blocked by Billy Conn Tom comes in close crosses the right to the body of the champion Louis doesn't seem to mind that blow it didn't have much force behind it Louis incarnate in the center of the Ring not too much action in this round now he goes to court quarter and Khan after hooking it up to the body brings up a left of the jaw I'm Joe Louis Louis jabs away with his left it short of the mark and now he jabs the left in course of the right to content source adds another lap to constan Tom goes back out of danger Louis says the lesson hooks the right and saggy is very contem of the right uppercut and Kahn wisely hold on and ties up Luis Luis switched on again with a left and a right to the jaw but Kahn fights back for the right now rest of the body another I go after the choreographer a job icon away to the George Hill more right at the Elks wings account the end clown was hurt but he fought his way out of it a left hook to the body by Billy Tolley medal effort to the body and I left it ajar the challenges close to the midsection are seemingly flowing up chilled or filly sighs the right eye is cut again Amerigo starting farm pipe on the right to the jaw Louis jabbing the Leprechaun Shaw and farm going to close quarters and tying up his opponent on the front of the ring now this is a fight farm jabs olestra staggered by a racehorse owned by Joe Louis tarnish her but he burns off the rope as Lewis comes back with a right now left to the body and turn hooks the left of the jar I left up to the door right uppercut joined by Joe Louis and still another one turning every so often his staggered but he comes fighting back he's got remarkable great super nopales a right cross to the jaw by louis and colin hook the bell up to the jaw sign is covering up now trying to get that left hand free Lewis takes Khan's head back with a right uppercut of things well and time goes to close quarters and now Louis back to the attack with another right uppercut as can hook the left to the jaw a left after to join or a flush joined by Joe Louis and try work as Lewis rips the right to the jaw sinus staggering but he won't go down as Louis jabbing a lesson and the rubber cutting his right to content fine but the left hook he's wearing around the ring Louis of selecting a racer as your and turn his down from a right close to the jaw he's taking the cow four five six seven he's on stockade nine he's getting off at the colonel the referee says it's over a referee says it's all over about a shock the winner and still champion well bully John got greedy he went for the knockout went up against the old axiom never punched with a puncher it could have been that he was might have been tired or he had sense the change in the fight and that he had to fight his way out of it you know and and I think that could have been probably why he opened up as much as he did at that particular time although he knew he was tired and he thought that he without out gut Louis and then take over but Louis punching power was just too much for him or anybody else but the fact was that he was ahead and he knew he was ahead early Billy knew he was ahead and his corner was selling just make it to the 15th and we win this fight now I've heard you say many a time Angelo don't coast fight fight your way through would you have let him fight all the way through the door I would what I would have actually done to go with got you there box I am an interesting point though the count was at 2:58 of the 13th round history would have been rewritten or possibly could have been rewritten if that knockdown had come 4 seconds later Khan would have been Saved by the Bell and I'm sure he would have changed his tactics in the 14th round when Billy had that rally where it looked like Khan had Louis going again but Lewis came back do you think that he if he had danced if he had held on after that rally he survived that round he could have won this fight I don't know from watching the fight I don't think it wanted anyway at that point because I think Khan was a little tired you know and he wasn't able to hurt those bad because Khan was a little guy wasn't a big heavyweight it was just a small heavyweight wasn't seen and it was it was with a lot of punches early when it was fresh and he wasn't taking it he wasn't doing anything to Louis and it was tired now so I imagine in the next round if he got new you know if the Darrell had save him I think it'll get not that any weak all right when we come back a look at the fabulous 50s a period that brought forth a host of epic fights 1951 at Chicago Stadium middleweight champion Jake LaMotta and Sugar Ray Robinson did their best to reenact the sync Valentine's Day Massacre as they met for the sixth time this series set a record for brutal confrontations with Robinson winning four times and lamagno once by round 13 Jake LaMotta had absorbed a savage beam but he would not go down would not give Sugar Ray the satisfaction of knocking him off his feet fight the car break the ferret a very bad rolling spot now under the left eye of Jake LaMotta Robert a long overhand rights and emails LaMotta coming in and then Jake grabs him and his knees say what he's game to the core is the Bronx bull a middleweight champion of the world at least until this one is over here are two three four five left and vamanos LaMotta cannot get his hands up Robinson with his left hand in for the head on the right hand into the midsection and Jake LaMotta runs into a left hook that's owned by Sugar Ray Romano spotting in runs into a left hand thrown on the floor it published with a right hand thrown down to the midsection only one minute is gone here in around 13 Robinson looking for an opening comes in and scores with a terrific right uppercut and two left hook to the chin this is a right uppercut then now LaMotta just lurches back against the ropes and stand there and Robbie go swim and you know put his left and his right his right hand wiped out on the cheekbone and Jake appears powerless to defend himself and the schoolís spot on his left cheek has opened up and it's filling crimson Downey's face Robinson with a straight overhand right with a minute and a half left to go in round 16 LaMotta trying to hold on cumberly crowd yelling stop it but you don't do that to a champion he has to go out fighting LaMotta misses the left hook throws on a head of Sugar Ray Ray with two left hands on that swollen left side of Jake's another left hand then Jake is able to move away from the right hand and then he falls his a false back to the ropes with the not go down and Robinson bags in with a great right hand on the forehead and the bottom sheet both to come away from the rope but he does come out Oh what happens when you reach third fourth fifth time it's so unusual to see two boxers go that often well you get to the point where you know each other so well so it can't be nothing better to fight sometimes it can be a boring fight sometimes the fights like that get to the point where they're lousy fights because the guys know each other but then robinson's and the mother's case it couldn't be allows the fight because the Styles complement each other LaMotta was gonna be coming coming and coming and coming and throwing punches and we couldn't do nothing but fight back so this movement but if you had two guys that were real asleep then it would have been a very lousy fight you know two guys they get to know each other you know then you see a lousy fight but this one they complemented each other because of it opposite styles all right gentlemen Sugar Ray Robinson figured in another of our greatest rounds this time it is a rematch with Randy Turpin September the 12th 1951 at the Polo Grounds in New York with 61 thousand in attendance as Sugar Ray Robinson tries to win back the middleweight title he lost three months before in England Sugar Ray on a pleasure tour of the continent took what he thought was going to be an easy fight against an unknown British middleweight named Randy Turpin and he left the title in the continent now three months later well trained well motivated Sugar Ray Robinson must keep his reputation intact and take back his title and this was not a walkover the rematch turned out to be a tough one for Sugar Ray Robinson of fact the fight was even until Turpin inflicted a serious cut on Sugar Ray by round 9 it appeared the referee Ruby Goldstein was looking to stop the fight Goldstein gave Robinson one more round he said this would be it and this is round 10 and if there was ever an advantage or ever a fuel to put in somebody's tank as when you tell a fighter you got one more round to go so Sugar Ray had the advantage of knowing it was do or die this round and if it's one thing that Sugar Ray Robinson was known for it was a finisher he could get you in trouble and he could take you out and Turpin is sent down by Robinson Manny Turpin a very awkward fighter which made things even more difficult for Sugar Ray Robinson and that was a principal difficulty that Sugar Ray Robinson had with Turpin he just couldn't land flush if he could box with Robinson he'd kill you but this guy was so awkward he couldn't land flush now what he's trying to do is to finish in such a fashion that Ruby ghosty will step in here and stop this before it goes much further and this is a striking example of the cold fury that Sugar Ray Robinson could unleashed remember when this round began it appeared that he was in trouble and out the referee Ruby Goldstein is checking it over about to step in and that's it 2:52 round 10 Sugar Ray Robinson keep some tank his reputation is pound for pound for greatest in boxing history Don this is when he had to get his title back he had to his reputation back could have lost this and he stumbled he was badly cut in the previous round and the officials wanted to stop the fight which would have kept Turpin having the title but Robinson plated with him let me go one more round and they did that was one of those do-or-die rounds angeline but I learned a lot from that fight that BRABUS and the finally too slick artist smart knew every punch in the book awkwardest messed him around those Turpin was awkward he would block punches you know whoever blocks punches like that with his shoulders so that was the problem we have with Turpin do you offered this so key things and what make fights but man Robinson when he had a guy hurt adios he really took him out but our team when he had him hurt there that was last swinging shots the awkwardness an angel' just referred to him saved him a long time cuz those punches weren't landing those big Bob don't know he was miss those punches clean easy because he was trying because he was trying to knock him out with each punching through each Bunji told he tried to knock him out with each one okay we're gonna take a break right here and when we return we'll continue to focus on the 50s featuring the popular Rocky Marciano the greatest fights ever continues from Caesars Palace in Las Vegas here again is fire Bell burn welcome back to our greatest fights ever series I'm Marv Albert along with a fight doctor Ferdie Pacheco and we have reached the 50s certainly the glory years in the world of boxing and were chatting now about Rocky Marciano certainly one of the most popular champions of all time he's popular for strange reasons you know he came from the classiness of Sugar Ray Robinson the boxing ability of Joe Lewis and here comes this little guy looks like a fireplug from Brockton Massachusetts all the smart sports writers say as in the and earth all type he can't fight he can't do it he keeps knocking everybody out and what he ended up being was a blue-collar champion the little people loved him and he vied for the world heavyweight title against Jersey Joe Walcott the year 1952 Marciano came and undefeated but a decisive underdog against the experience of the champion Walcott as round 13 open Walcott it was clearly a head setting up this stunning finish Marciano was so on the left a bend at the head want the an addictive left out of the pit of the stomach I walk up walk up backing away now hurts Marciano moving in on him again Walcott painting the left hand going into a shovel Marciano pulling his way in close Walcott needs his legs keep taking him back out of trouble whenever he gets into it Marciano pulling his way in close Walcott is back to the road roll over I was a resounding lockdown did you notice that both threw a right hand at the exact same time Marciano's landed a fraction of a second before Wolcott well it wasn't the exact same time they were letting the fraction back hey good point good point but this fight was won which saw Jersey Joe Walcott way ahead as a matter of fact early in the fight in the first round he knocked Marciano down and in the eleventh and twelfth rounds he gave Rocky such a beating I didn't think rocky could continue and yet yoursel rocky come out for that 13th round full of pep Oh truly great when you talk about a slick fighter against an awkward fighter I look at these two guys they both look darker I mean Jersey Joe you never knew what he was gonna do it turned his back on you walked around each key through left hooks from nowhere buddy but it looked good he was cute lady with all it didn't look awkward it was to guarantee everybody stole a lot of stuff from from Archie and from walk I walk out was a very slick smart guy Archie Freddie mentioned that Marciano at first was not well-regarded people really didn't think much of of rocky when you first saw him did you ever spectrum did you think that this guy was going to be a grill out of Montana like I have respect for all fighters because you never can tell when the fighter might burst into bloom I saw rocky in some of the stages that he was quite awkward and I saw him fight some awkward fights but I knew that he had something that you can't buy you must have it given to you from nature of God punching power natural punching power you can't buy it Rocky Marciano figured in yet another classic confrontation a second meeting two years later 1954 against Ezzard Charles let's take a look that nose must be very painful it's a deep scratch life going running right down to the tip of an origin once again to start to blame Charles triangles inside after the very clear here at the start of heartache there neither does the laceration over the left eye of the heavyweight champion of the world Rocky Marciano and hazard child moving back to left footed moves in now with a right hand over the heart of the champion Rocky moving into the attack tries to bring his left handle for the head of Charles and visit Marciano is tied up again by his a child their heads are coming together so frequently that undoubtedly it's damaging work boys they get their heads right down together they try to slug it out on the end product Charles scores to the left in the right to the midsection Rocky Marciano now his tag for the right hand over that rough drive which is starting to open up than Charles is tagged with a right hand coming in two minutes left to go in round a Marciano with the left hand very high tries to move in charge backpedaling and child grows into the embody and wily just one light left over the midcontinent pushes rocky marciano array as Marty aerospace John wasn't as out of a gargoyle with Gerald land hard to the midsection and then tries to pry open Canton and then snaps up a right up effect working steadily to the head of Rocky Marciano there's a scene on the left cheek of Everett trash I don't know if this is right or not we'll have to see it might be some of the blood from the trapping of the world Rocky Maivia worked right honored the child is not yet on foot to the body a right cross the hoodie misses the long enough rep refresh grab the left hand roof over at Arsenal at the right hand of the body Rocky Marciano prospect rental figs in addy friend getting hands-on time at the intercoastal ahead early let's government sorrowful trials isolation hope you know ask the book sections of the anyway perfect where does not get account and here's how I prepare to clean the truffle we planning the reservation stating his live hand free traffic ahead never saw before all right around eight rocky Marciano's nose was actually split open the referee said to Marciano I'm letting it go one more round for two reasons number one because it's for the heavyweight championship number two because Rock it's you reaction was the referee did a Rocky Marciano hell of a favor because let him know a man this your last round you got to go out and do it so he did a real good second job in there cuz I would have said the same thing on that last series of punches when rocky had hazard Charles on the way out one punch was right to the back of the head as hard as he could go does that mean legal punch we we were just speaking about that because those punches are these punches are not really legal I mean maybe Georgian tell you about their to no.5 on the back of the neck and those kind of punches they they are not allowed and that's a truly illegal you should you should need a guy behind the head and the referee you should always penalize a man for the guy behind the head suppose a man throws a hook that is a legal punch legal punches and the other guy turns his head as before the plunge arrives will you call it illegal well just watch it that we just spoke on this you know sometimes a man can cause the points to look illegal did the guy that's receiving on the receiving end of the punch you can put herself in a position to make the punch illegal it's not illegal if you can get away with on to 1958 and it's a Canadian boxer and a part-time fisherman by the name of Avon Durrell going up against one of our esteemed panelists the ol Mongoose Archie Moore in about that may have led to the emergence of the motion picture rocky the Montreal Forum December 1958 are confident overwhelming favored Archie Moore defending his light heavyweight crown against an unheralded contender Evander L who catches Archie Moore napping and leaves a rude wake-up call and it's the first of many knock downs for a shellshot Archie Moore by the 11th round both men a visit of the canvas a number of times and the conclusion is fast approaching town tonight take seven struggling at 9:00 Oh now aren't you that looked easy just went out then took that guy apart but what happened in the first round of this fight well I was knocked down several times you're knocked out right off the bat you went down you have to get up fighting well I do get up fighting is I'll tell how many times you doubted it straight well we were both down four times each did George you and I were talking seemed like he was down a lot longer than that oh yeah I remember that fight look like everybody was going too high because we're so many Mac bands in the play I used to tell like talking about that fight you know I just want was that about six seven eight times man he got up off the floor and did this do that but in my memory my mind I thought it was more than forth there's only four times with the four times of peace yeah Ezard maybe I forgot about the other guy going down I just could see you going down Archie did you ever reach a point where you felt you were in big trouble this this could end up really no I was amazed that was amazed I said this guy can really hit and so then the next time I got knocked down I said I was convinced as if this guy can really hit I don't need no more convincing as they but then later on he knocked me down again but this time was in the fifth round did you realize right after the fight that you had pulled off this magnificent feat that it hits you right away yes I had I had thought about that as a fight went on and on and I was using my left hand which was quite educated at the time and and as it was working it's a destruction on on on Devon I said well this is the kind of a fight that every fighter would love to be in and so every fighter who fights love to be in a knock-down drag-out and emerged as the winner so it was a true rocky scenario for Archie great scenario I love that I love that it's June 26 1959 heavyweight champion of the world Floyd Patterson in white trunks defenses crown against Sweden's Ingemar Johansson Johansson keeps sticking out that awkward left jab looking for an opening a lightning right sends Pattinson crashing to the canvas referee Rudy goldstein counts over the Fallen champion Pattinson Rises and thinking he's the one who scored the knockdown begins to walk the neutral corner and gets nailed with another combination your Hansen moves in to finish it a short write drops Pattinson a third time the Yankee Stadium crowd is stunned that the underdog challenges complete domination of champion Patterson Patterson courageously tries to fight back Johansson in complete control here in round three rocks the champion again a whistling right floors Patterson Goldstein takes a close look at Floyd and lets the fight continue a glancing blow sends Floyd reeling and finally Goldstein says that's it scoring seven knockdowns here in round three swings in Lamoille Hansen stops Floyd Patterson and is the new heavyweight champion of the world and it was now on to the 60s era highlighted by the emergence of one Cassius Marcellus clay a brash young boxer who hit the nation by storm Ferdie what was your first reaction when you laid eyes on Cassius Clay first of all he had the best body I've ever seen on a fighter physique he was as fast as I've ever seen a fighter it was this crazy and fun-loving and dynamic and charismatic as I've ever seen in a fighter and what all of that evolved into is a figure bigger than just a champion he evolved into the first in athletics that was a true international celebrity that fame began in 1964 when clay challenged the seemingly invincible heavyweight champion Sonny Liston after a strong first four rounds suddenly there was a crisis in the challengers corner clay appear to have difficulty with his eyes Angelo Dundee attempted to solve a problem but Flay was blinded as the Bell Center for round five dr. Roman played at our table to say the trainer's elders something Alyssa's gone play of blinking study camp see here is listen crunchy hitting to the body and clay keeps blinking like a CC lesser than that will be failed here's this is very liquid hedges Magus or oak sounds lesson rates to play funny and it lifted all the way now let's erase the clay body play type of finding water until quickly he can see lift to the top well this new play was all done to be backed away listen gentlemen that's all 20 less than the champion now against the Challenger is clay backing away almost half-heartedly from listen listen sighs both chopped up but he's leading the damage and throwing the damage now it plays blinking blinking backing away listens left mocked by his claws listen his play listen permitted a right shop and fight wheeling out of there is flavored clay hits her nose in a hard left hand listen just him in the corner that was part of the body play it's been hurt now play trying to send him off into the ropes tight running away but mrs. dr. Rosen rate to the 10th listen is close to finishing it now he has played without up to the money left to the right and it play only half-heartedly tight winning away with his glove opening positive listen - play - wait by plane and by listener left hard left cross to the Kim by listener it's listen with a left and a right listen throwing the bars left to the head listen with the missile let's play still coin you holding him a green for the left hand in duck but let's break them up the short white shot to the chest with the missile epic flight wings over the top rope and forces listen to this again halfway through round number five neither man down look flight left and play gets hit with a list of the knows enlisted corner riffles listen down and this is what I use closing again follow its listen doing all the swinging now play holes in a day with a left hand like a wrestler making listen look under his love to try and find an opening and now listen is plotted by clays left which he keeps putting into his nose and blinding listen so he can't see for the moment he heats that left hand open and just caps away three four five times here's listen with a right to the body please backing away and then throw the left foot and listen is tied up in listen corner by flies play walking away almost applying listening heading and listen trying his level best to do just I listen pain to the left talk until the heart lift to the Chicot son of Cash's play and they almost talk to each other for the moment play looking at him as if to say they're not your best punt I took a deadline dieters listen now in slow motion both sincerely tires play ducks keeps his hands down to the right here paws up over his nose and that's what listen can't see over half the time here it is again the left in the face of wisdom not cut just laying out is no much like Tony versus Dempsey clay had survived trouble and went on to win the title via a seventh round TKO Angelo there was blinking on his part what that really meant was he was blind he couldn't really see tell us what happened when he came back to the corner he was blinking what happened well he actually said cut my gloves off I want to prove to the world the dirty work afoot I said wait a minute baby is for a world title sit down i sat him down I did check his eye that there was something caustic in his eyes what created it I don't know they put some liniment on on his shoulder maybe my kid got his head on his shoulder and then went into both eyes what I did i sat him down I got the sponge washed his eyes out through the sponge away got a towel clean his eyes out threw the towel away did you ever think that there might have been some as he put a dirty work involved no I don't think so I mean he was frustrated because he went blind I mean how would you feel you go blind there the biggest fight of your life you're fighting for a world title you can't see and you're fighting the killer you're fighting a guy who was a destroyer the thing was when he came back then we got him up because that I saw I noticed the referee coming towards my corner that's why I stood him up us why we looked at the seawall standing with like a procession but I'd gotten him up and the referee went back to this corner and didn't bothers but the kid was shaking his head and the only instruction I gave him that round was run and he did run and thank God Sonny Liston followed and ring-around-the-rosie you never cut him off what could he have done to catch Ali who was on his bicycle step over and cut him off if he had known that part of fighting there are many people that fight a long time that don't do not know these small things basic things such as how to cut off a gal how to close the guy in how to force the guy into a corner Archie you made a good point there and I'd like to comment on it I think the reason that Liston didn't know these things that all of his fights affected or went one or two rounds right Chile if he like Marciano went the distance once in a while he might have run right I think that listens education in boxing was premature it was short and his best because he'd been up in an institution for a long time not a long time but a part time or good while and that's where he started boxing and when he came out he was such a hitter he only had a few fights and and his experience was limited it is 1965 Cassius Clay is now officially Muhammad Ali and he is the champion Sonny Liston is the challenge you'll note that Cassius wants to stay out the center of the Ring where happens to be the king sorry less done in the dark trunks is chasing that man straight away is that a mistake I saw that was the best punch thus far landed by the champion we note that early halfway through this first round that sunny is shooting mostly although he fighted ahead now mostly sword that body you know the old story you kill the body in the hit might follow confusion reigned in the ring as referee Jersey Joe Walcott left the fighters to confirm that list it had indeed been counted out the to resume boxing only to be stopped as Walcott intervened to affirm the bizarre result Ali had retained his title Angelo to this day have you yet seen the punch oh yeah I saw the punch it was a perfect shot it was a shot that you don't see they get you out of there it was a slide right proper over the top got him out to hit him on a temper Archer do you believe that it was a real punch yes it was a real punch end but it was a punch was hidden in the temple and and in this part of you here there nerves doctor can tell you that their nerves in this part of your skull and and you bury some self susceptible to being knocked out well not down he went down no question about it what happened then was completely confusing according to the Long Count that we just saw because technically the count should never have started explain to me what you thought happened with Jersey Joe Walcott inability to control Ali well first of all let me congratulate auntie's on a sense of humor that was a punch out earlier why I would want to hit here was a guy who was in prison and the guards used to beat him over the head with clubs and couldn't knock him down how he goes like that he goes down that's there for you up and then falls again come on listen Lucy to punch his face was his face was facing the dog on canvas he got hit with a shot he didn't see my cannon back in yeah but he hit him like that neither the same forget about it was a slide right I'm dropping right here I gotta forget about yeah Bob John you know it well you know we told that the well Stefan Pesci called the anchor punch yeah with the penny or not you're not a prevaricator or fabricator of the anchor punch alright we haven't heard from you did you see the punch was it so fast it wasn't recorded by the cameras well this man's opinion somewhat the punch didn't seem to be worth knockout having was number one number two is when he went down and listening went down Audi was clowning over him and the count should have been started then walk I'd walk over to River II to pick up the count and by that time listening was up and they were fighting and you know I'd forgotten all about that until I seen this river listen was up fight him again I forgot it too and the referee stepped between him and seemed to me that Liston was cleared you know all right one one last vote the smell of this fight continues was it a fix or what's a real fight Archie I can't say it was a fix right because I mean I don't know I would know fix fight if I saw one in a matter of fact I wouldn't call that a fixed fight I would call that a victor for Ellie Allen Angela Muhammad 1 there was a winner there was a loser Muhammad was the better fighter I'm amazed demotius I have no comment okay this may go on a little bit longer as we continue to search for the Phantom punch although Angelo saw it several times back with the rumble in the jungle after this as the 70s begin Muhammad Ali is back in the role of the underdog as he goes up against the champion George Foreman the rumble in the jungle was expected to be another in a series of awesome knockout performances by former but Ali had stayed out of harm's way through seven rounds by introducing a tactic which would soon be known as the rope-a-dope Ali working to the head of George Foreman I leaned forward again to the light left hand left I'm a straight left pump fed back a quick quick jab for the right hand Thompson's head around a foreman woman looking to deliver the real heavy pose now he's falling Oh twisting his body to the side and the left hand was kind of over the shoulder while he bends him over exactly women spot the referee animated sees boxing commission Ali it seems to be well kind of going away he wants he's not dancing as much as we fuss but he seems able to control him now it's a pretty good foot heavy right hand taking on the left side of these sheets by Ali good right hand surrounded by Foreman that time again performing it seems to be one two maybe three quick punches that's fun to take it on the gloves that one looks by the left ear tries to go with that plate uppercuts it fills getting or left hand again thrown up by Foreman both fighters now very much more competing they were irrelevant so again the heat is pretty high here humidity is probably 85 to 90 832 or Muhammad Ali is bouncing around pretty good 24 year old woman's name pretty dull from there and you to look at the 100 enjoys : can deliver at any time this man is devastating to say the lead these punches are not taken aback try to pull an EP right hand on Ali Ali hanging on getting away with it getting away with the left hand digging on the side Holly she the left hook again side of the globe right hand by form is not affected right up and it bounced ahead a little bit the guy's face at all times does Ellie woman punches now maybe this would be the tactic Cavalli melissa mantong from cellphone 30 seconds left in round eight very even fight Ali pinky right hand another speaking right at the tiny words over Angeles bout we saw the rope-a-dope for the first time utilized by Muhammad Ali and you were not aware that he was going to do this were you concerned at any time no no that that's another mark of a great fighter to innovate something during the fight you could switch gears do things that work against your opponent I didn't like the idea I thought in fact I thought he was a dope by laying the rope I didn't think was good at all Georgiy when a guy gets hit that much to the two decides and as Ali did does it discourage the other fighter doesn't seem to take his legs as we have seen with Foreman and all of the Fraser fights he was pummeled to the sides yet it never took his legs away from well he was just a a separately strong man but somewhere down the line later he started it told on him you know every when he would go to the bathroom the blood would flow Archie is there anything that Foreman could have done differently to combat a very effective method of Ali and there will be a whole deal behind ahead yes he could have done several things there's no man can hold me in the back of the head in a fight because all you do is knock his arm up not his arm oh that's fan up and not his armor what informed what inform undo the ramen sometimes it's hard to talk to you know and some Taman of a fella has his own way of fighting and it's been in that way a long time it's very hard very difficult them to to trust you well we have come to one last round to show you on the greatest fights ever and that is Tyson and Douglas as we head to the 90s when Mike Tyson took on James Buster Douglas four months ago in Tokyo the champion Zara was as intimidating as Foreman's or Liston's in their prime Tyson seemed on the verge of his 38th straight professional victory when he put the Challenger down in round eight but Douglas was able to continue after what would later be called another long count and Tyson's title was suddenly in jeopardy as the fight moved on to the 10th round to begin the 10th round emphases on man Larry this has been an inspired courageous performance by a man whose mother has died within the past month whose son's mother is battling a difficult kidney ailment who had every reason to come into this bout depressed and downtrodden chosen by no one to have a chance of getting out of the first few rounds and he has thoroughly dominated Mike Tyson with the exception of the moment when he went down well the open day job Johnson's Douglas manager and dosam says say I am a new person up early he is he's been a whole different person than the one every boxing expert expected to see here it appears that Tyson is virtually a 1 i fighter at this point right a desperate one-eyed fighter rolling willingly just to try to get in the shot that will finish things in hold work oh what an uppercut by Douglas a sound go he's always online Tyson has been knocked out is there anyone here who can honestly say they saw it coming I always felt the stature of a big man good left hand a lot of strength rock lock them up in clothes collect Tyson did you think it will be Douglas though did you see that well if I everything I said the adjectives I use pertain to Douglas big guy mobile strong Archie have you ever seen a fighter who inside didn't look like you wanted to win I don't mean a guy since that as I want to lose tonight I mean a guy's not fighting like he's usually fighting and you see it's not him that night you know have you ever seen that happen a champion almost give away his championship no this uh what what you're speaking about regarding Tyson and Douglas it wasn't that way but apparently as the fight progressed then it became increasingly viewable that this was happening but we was not expecting to happen because this man was using a left jab as if though he was a well away Vera's heart was stiff often and as the rounds grow grew on and on then you can see where it was going to be a futile effort if Tyson didn't really get the clicking isn't defeat as important as victory how you recover from defeat but all the champions you've seen when you come back from a defeat isn't that the mark of a champion well Lewis was knocked out by smelling and then he not smelling out in one round he came back from that but I can't go with hindsight you know I thought somebody was gonna be Tyson sooner or later the way he was going but I didn't think would be Douglass in all honesty George earlier in the show we saw long counts involving Dempsey and honey and Liston and Ali what effect of the long count have on the duck was Tyson back and he them talking about that friend kind of putting on a mem because you know I have got Holyfield I'm a trainer Evander Holyfield that's why I asked you the question so I don't want to see the wrong thing because you know I want to interfere with I'll fight but I'll take this he went down and the referee counted to ten and when a man counts to ten the fight is over and that's whatever what can I say I think was much ado about nothing controversy nothing the best man won the fight of the stop Tyson that was it I don't think the long count had any play there talk about long [ __ ] Dempsey Tunney forget about it that was an atrocity that was 40 count Tyson's count was to 14 by the clock when he went back ever take a pound well what's the difference - he's not thousand he got counted out well I I think it's been forgotten already at Long Count you nobody talks about anymore Douglas is the champion the greatest rounds of all time far more than two legendary fighters standing toe-to-toe in the center of the Ring far more than two superb athletes matching their incredible skills as the entire world watches in awe in these 15 greatest rounds of all time it is the indomitable will and determination of each fighter that is the main event it is his quality of the character at which the world continues to marvel bringing countless legions of boxing fans to their feet cheering wildly Jack Dempsey Joe Louis Sugar Ray Robinson Muhammad Ali legendary fighters you've seen here have reached deep into their wells of courage to entertain us in these 15 greatest rounds ever really ever ceased extruding great fighters in grounds like these again I wondered we thank you all for joining us and before parting Angelo would you demonstrate to us where it was that punch from Cassius Clay hit Sonny Liston I slid over and there was a thank you so much for joining us on like greatest fights of all time so long everybody you
Channel: ibhof2
Views: 393,473
Rating: 4.692771 out of 5
Keywords: 15, greatest, rounds, ever, of, all, time, nbc, documentary, angelo, dundee, george, benton, archie, moore, foreman, mike, tyson, muhammad, ali, sugar, ray, robinson, leonard, manny, pacquiao, klitschko, wladimir, david, haye, joe, louis, frazier, jack, johnson, dempsey, best, tribute, highlight, compilation, amir, khan, floyd, mayweather, calzaghe, benny, gene, tunney, willie, pep, donaire, barrera, chavez, james, kirkland, larry, merchant, paccquiao, pacman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2012
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