Ali, Frazier, Norton & Holmes on Donahue Show (Rare!!)

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Here's Ali, Tyson, Ray Leonard on the original Arsenio Hall show

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KingShiznit 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2015 🗫︎ replies
four of them count them four here are for the people who occupied the center of our popular culture over the past 25 years first I am honored to present the world heavyweight champion of 1978 43 wins 7 losses 33 knockouts here is Ken Norton right here alright the heavyweight champion of the world 1978 to 1985 48 wins 3 losses 34 knockouts here is Larry home the world heavyweight champion from 1970 to 73 33 wins four losses 27 knockout this is smokin Joe brazier and now it is my honor to present a political figure of the 20th century he is still pretty he is still the greatest he is the heavyweight champion of the world forever this is Muhammad Ali tomorrow at noon Oprah goes in search of New York women who possess classic chic and ladies I'll tell you it's been a while showing that little bit of film I just want to take you down memory lane here are some of today's guests at work here are the people who have thrilled us not only here but around the world you can roll that and I'll just give a little bit here are here is a piece from a videotape title champions forever this is early in the career of smoke and Joe and there's just one fight that the referee decided shall continue no more here are four gentlemen who moved billions and billions of dollars from one pocket to the other as people around the world alternately we're thrilled and appalled at this activity of professional sport which we can only conclude will never ever be erased from a free society nor will the criticism of two grown men standing in the ring trying to knock each other senseless here is the reigning heavyweight champion of the world Mike Tyson at work this could be Las Vegas this could be anywhere what is it about us that draws us to ringside every time the big guys get in the ring and look how pretty you still are prettiest nose in the history of boxing remember the you know sometimes more fun during the pre-fight than there was during the match are we ready with the mouse that roared here's the poet and the man who is a promotion managers dream I mean could he sell tickets or what just take this quick look at boxing history keep it so you know that's impossible I'm the greatest not although as you can see small I love you out close your mouth the district's leaving close the tent that's impossible you know what in the Koopas nothing to me this bum go over five rounds I will return to the United States for 30 days that's battle okay since you're not worried about this guy Cooper how about when you get through with him what are your plans after that well all you're right I'm not even worried about this big bomb Google will only be a warm-up until I get to that big ugly bear Sonny Liston right bodyguard I wash in the runs meanwhile I'll jump out that way chamomile in a while you have to be on the date the P heat a camera mean everybody follows never so great I saw Sonny listen a few days ago stack any of you he's too ugly to be the world Kim the world's time to be pretty like me well he told me to bet my life that you wouldn't go three rounds well if you want to lose your money then bet on funny oh okay I'll never lose the fight it's impossible telling it's impossible logic right your life Athena my fans doing the last time they'll oh I'm too bad champagne from the ring can you I fell for example the trip ah are you taking Zara Poli too lightly why would you say that because every indication has been that you're confident that you can be daughter after that I'm whip all over this ain't nothing new my image is being confident with the time to make it look like something new for I'm always confident I've loved all of your being extremely truculent whatever [ __ ] Amin is that good I'm there well there he was where they - good old days I must crazy you were what Wow you look at that and what do you think Jan and Kim believes me you know you sold a lot of tickets doing didn't open much huh you didn't realize you talked to as much you feel good you feel good right now hello turns over yeah you feel good I feel why cuz I was a trades overhead now Mohammed don't get crazy I got some questions for you from an adoring public worldwide that is more than a little concerned about your physical well be are you ready did put it uh yeah I don't know you are slower speech than you were in the good old days I'll tell you everything I know about you and you'll tell me whether I got it right well there's no be a war no it is no you're not coming after me are you chance you're not coming after me no no uh-huh I got do I ask these questions with you cannot get out from under the curiosity and the empathy that people have so many bad stays you enlist oh no Chris no I just have one yeah uh-huh no no no I won your ex-wife was here oh wait a minute um now what is not so funny Mohammed ah yeah is it do you have pockets in' goes what is that do you shake no that's pretty good that's good that's what he called to me he doesn't know either Robert well Noah do you mind if I talk to your brother's here about you just for a second no Letterman nothing I part ways no you come right now yeah a lot of folks out there who make their lives about condemning what you did for a living right they think it's immoral now that a people around silly rearranged the wheels in their heads I'll call the blast comes over ah that's complete control boxer you control boxing live the tales you wanted the chain why Amendola turns in but here's the question you're all free to jump in here come on here's Muhammad speech slower because he took too many shots to the head I'm asked I'd only think that come for me yeah I would say that bad all the people in the guy pause and then them about I there are a lot of people with Parkinson's who never boxed you make a point my cousin isn't in five you talking flow because we've been up since six o'clock this morning all they are yes you are yes you are you wanna make your contribution to this Ken any thoughts about it I'll tell you this I don't want you mad at me well let me see I filled it the two is not blasting off it's not a box no mind accident other always zoning the disease it's a disease can strike anybody whether your headweight champion the world or a talk show host an improvement and no brainer I won't forget it I won't forget it well it has it been a good life smoking Joe I mean when you look back come on I would say that without the years of defined people that I've been involved around the world and the Lord yeah and Mama and Daddy and all my family did a fine job with me and I'm just loved living I mean for the people because I just work now for my boys and other young men's in the gymnasium and Larry and Patterson mom on the well I can make it do it you know that's I just love doing you know now let me tell you this there's one other question now all right you Joe walk out on me hey have you got any money it was yeah I'm almost enriches you well you know put poor joe joe lewis died broke that who took it you tell me the government and were you smart enough to make sure that you were invested in a way you made hope you made baskets full in a letter what are you far enough convinced yours I'm sorry are you smart to miss yours well I am I hope I am well hope I am I hope you are too now why would you be upset at that question the history of boxing is one of the exploitation of young men like you see I think what fighters are smarter today than they were and the date of Joe Lewis came I think manager had more control over the fighters than they do it down fighters are promoting their own fight take for instance Sugar Ray Leonard he's promoting his own fights and he's getting say 90% of the cut yes so that makes it much smarter than the average Joe back in those days fight us today have much more but opportunities you know 40 fighters to get that money is very slim they got to be tough yeah what you wanted to say Joe about this issue money well I feel like God any one man that's it if the manager doesn't take control of the money that's saying you in a way would and do this is that was the man whatever the day's different where the fire has on idea what do you want suit money and this is right there and don't forget pay uncle you got the elbows is that about that so I feel like fighting doing a smaller thing with the one did it again [ __ ] I live off in lessening myself through well these guests will not be upset if I remind our viewers that available at bookstores around the world not to mention other places is a videotape title champions forever it is a tape I have seen and you talk about down memory language if you get that tape but we can make money will you tell them now you tell them Kenny Yuto uh you tell me put that woman woman wallet Walmart water Waldenbooks look yeah I just want to share with this audience uh okay uh Ali versus Fraser Fraser Beach a Chan you know what that's the that's the hardest punch I ever think you took in your whole career you remember my agency huh why am i showing up not educating this is on the table I know you got a longer army I want you to read beat him up no no no don't do that I got kids and a wife and a dog you don't want to hurt me here it is 1971 incidentally it was 1970 it was 1970 Supreme Court decision overturned the suspension of Muhammad Ali is the heavyweight champion of the world because he refused to fight in the Vietnam War here's a man who stood up courageously not only in the ring but outside as well Ali's status as a boxer is restored and here he is working against smoke and Joe Fraser in the green you are going to see something rare here here is Muhammad Ali about to take as big a shot as he ever took in his career you'll see the seconds wind down look at this hot dog here but performance is on but you've got to believe that Ali is hurt watch this jim says he weighed 190 pounds during this fight mmm there's a good left yeah now look at this still still performing here is smoking Joe Fraser's greatest fight they called it the fight of the century 1971 Ali is on his heels stand by for a big left hook ah parroted this is from the tape champions forever now you see this in slow-mo look at this watch this watch this left oh that's his that's his biggest shot as Muhammad Ali ever took and Joe this was not necessarily an easy thing for you to knock off a very popular champion and there were people at the time who I remember you and I work to prison shortly after that the Ohio State Penitentiary and there we were with an audience filled with really serious convicts I might say yeah tough guy oh I stood next to you and called you sir for the whole hour um a guy stood up I remember a lifer stood up and said are you the great white hope do you remember that that up yeah good yeah well I put all of the good against my man here he started out the younger Tom stuff that's why we had someone's problem without promotion during the years as he was by because he called me a Tom and I never know what a town was is I have a peeping about his window so I understand what he was saying where it really was all about yeah that called me on the town house trying to sell tickets see ya I'm glad you waited caller go ahead well I got a good question for Joe Frazier of our respect very much as well as all the other fighters yes Joe I'm a young father myself what I want to know is how can you push your son into the ring let him fight those world-class fighters when he is not the fighter you were and by the way there was a hell of a fight what a punch I was but please answer the question about some of the limbs a house these hewn well he wants to know whether you're not you're just maybe you got more hope and enthusiasm for your son then the talent would suggest and you're putting them against superior people and maybe that's not the more I thought that mothers have had a let's say a good record blooney face uh mr. Holmes here you got hit with a shot and I think you seen the greatest here my numbers my fight was less than his own and then I put him down so therefore I have nothing to do remain getting caught with his shot I thought mom was ready at the time line knocked it down to stop the fight so I was an argue about it but something I think there was one second the bell will ring he had a better chance but that's them of the fight and compute a million dollars for that fight he got a million that's right any comment about this young man's offspring marbeth yeah I think it was good to get the million dollars because how often can you make a million dollars coming from the ghetto I am really I have to say for for men who have taken and given a lot of punches you look you all look great but besides that do you think worth all the training and all the fighting and all the punches that you took was it worth it well you put your body through I have 14 million dollars for property plus I'm still more time millionaire next question next question yeah are any of you sorry you did this no I'm sorry I got old would any of you do it differently I would tell you we eliminate some of the people but we'll do the same thing a little sacrifice bill do the same procedure but the people that are there now that I don't get should be there when you living at that and we'll do it ourselves uh we got the lines jammed here but I got so much I got some fight footage I want to show you are you there hi hello go ahead uh yes I passed Joe Frazier how you would rank Mike Tyson among the greatest heavyweights of all time and how he thinks Mike Tyson would have done against Muhammad Ali in his prime well number one I really don't think Mike is that full range that was all out Jim up here let's say Mike is fighting guys that really I would say not quite in the Vacarro that he is every tick of time now I usually say things that which people might don't quite understand you don't put a truck up against the 18-wheeler you know I mean arbos wagon you have to get us bigger truck and all these guys that might have faced Mike I face maybe one or two heavily once was loud and I was over here and I love I don't think I was over the hill well Ali I had a lot of guys up here with this uh as my friends and they probably understand but all these guys that stand up here you got one fool flush him with that sits hell this year on this dis one music me nah I'm the only fool puzzle with up here yes sir and that makes you different yeah I'm Alonso nose and I would like to ask maja Molly a question all right um I know you wrote the greatest right or you they did adaptation for the greatest from your writing but I'm a boxing I'm a playwright right and I think it's a new breed of fighters coming everyone thing try this Oh silly that they don't they don't know anything they from the ghetto and from this but I'm a playwright coming in the box and I'm gonna make my professional debut so I I think that you should look at fighters not just as ignorance but people who are who who are who are audacious nothing trying to get ahead I assure you that's how I look at you as we stand that next to each other yeah yeah nobody here like that no yeah we're fighters well I have a first of all I'd like to say to Larry Holmes that I think he did a very good job throughout your career battling the media and I you know but I have a question as far as headgear I know they always throw that into it you think that effort will come about and professional boxing or well now you know myself I welcome to headgear you know because why should these guys take the blow you know without the head guard I think you can have just as much damage with the head guard and you can without it I would like to see the fighters use a small hair guard like they do in the amateur and Olympics and whatnot but again people won't want that because they would think of another form of exhibition and they would not pay $2 but I like anything to help the fighters and help them accomplish their goals I'm for it I want to show you two of the talented men who are on our stage facing off this is Norton versus Holmes I don't I don't remember the year but 1978 June 9 June 9 1978 that's it for some unknown reason Larry remembers look at this okay this Larry Holmes has done it you're never gonna forget that night know what a one he cheated we'll be back to discuss this further in just a moment yes yes ma'am I have a question I'd like to know if it what any or all of you plan to do with the rest of your lives now I bought a boat good for you hey Keisha yeah I like water yeah Kenny well my first things that go with do we have and get better well how long ago was the accident auto accident about two and a half years and you're gimpy still aren't you no Mia gimble well you know you got yourself up yeah all right I was like it was pretty bad yeah I'll tell us about two years and but then the helmet was is gone but godwyn ready something still here you sure are and looking this questions for Muhammad Ali you had said that there are people with Parkinson's that do not box so do you honestly feel that your career didn't attribute to your illnesses at all well you don't think it was boxing no it's a disease that would have had its onset if you were an accountant or work for IBM we saw you took a shot take a shot from Joe Frazier now it is 1974 and you are to be heard from here is Frazer versus Ali from the videotape title champions forever here is Muhammad Ali getting even with smokin Joe roll the tape gko or a decision bye-bye Ali didn't take you long to come back champ are you there caller I'm glad you waited hi good holding up adjusting this to load of four gentlemen we've all been around and then steam boxing goes through 1 1 let's say WBA into WBC and to ESPN titles are they making boxing too hard to get ahead for a new fighter I mean there used to be one champ one title now is the ESPN title is a Thursday night title of west coast East Coast yeah ah affirm a sport I wear a body has to take such abuse and other shoes they're too much activity really I mean the guy worked so hard does need where they gonna throw it alone and have to wear right the guy has to fight a hundred fights to get a shot at the champ yeah what has to do with the let's say the fighting ability of that one particular man they could have a trillion sanctioned by the boxing body but if you go out there and kick butt and get the job done otherwise he says you have to kick about a hundred times before you even get is not true that's not true what he got at you feel he got to fight the guys that are rated in the top ten I mean you go out there and fight a hundred guys but the guy's not rated you don't get the opportunity to fight the for that title we had to go to a line of fight I had to go through her any shape he had to fight somebody for his and Kenny had to fight and that's how we got in line to get that opportunity to fight for the title just give me a brief history of your own childhood Ken Norton nobody nobody had a more power than you did and it's certainly evident by the way that you've recovered from an accident that what probably would have killed most folks uh you didn't you know what was the nature of your childhood mom and dad at home or how many kids my mother mother at home on to high school that's a scholarship to college full of cars on the rink or we're going on to fight 124 and what you have a football scholarship and comes boxing basketball Pavan damn was it very fun where was it not even Missouri State huh and your first fight I was about 25 is that really the first time you ever threw a punch at age 25 wallet and Winkle light and you the golden arm good shot I stand get hit so you stayed and got hit did you how much about a coward oh and your mother raised no fool of children mean say that Larry uh you used to call yourself the street fighter where he has a kid well I born in cuts for Georgia that's about 300 miles from Atlanta mood to eastern Pennsylvania at age of five went to school dropped out at the seventh grade the keno fighter and Here I am Joe let me tell you the book on you I got a line here I mean I this is well the guy who wrote the book you would get them well here's what here's what we know about a put together with guessing uh with your mind come on I'll tell the truth summer I could live by some I was advised to my hotel when you were fourteen year olds 14 years old somebody called you a [ __ ] oh no trigger same thing it was I did go back further than that feel well let's say was our thirteen of family I was the youngest we had thirteen thirteen yeah other ways to get the table as you know big my brother's Disney yeah I was young as all jokes aside I was young and they had to make sure everything was prepared for me at all times because I was that his baby I left the top of early yeah moves New York I was here stealing a few cars new old same thing go to your car yeah well okay I want to pull it over then I put the gloves on there you know when I moved to Philadelphia from New York City by the south I was already designed so therefore all I need somebody in front of me right yeah right that you but you've known I mean you you were the target of a racist slur I came back I came from down there the way was really rough did you punch the guy who called you got another fight him and I start us alone so therefore I got the best oven and mom didn't she like I was safe this I'm moving off Jack's I want to give up [ __ ] just to protect your be homes it was robbed so that's what we didn't want no problem yeah I wasn't really equipped for that but now I'm a quote and how about you Louisville Slugger yes got had a sweet life all is he here now let me tell you when I oh I saw married once never hearts there were lots of guys in your high school bigger than you you were skinny kids out there you go daddy wasn't letting get away he was a middleweight she was a middle way he was a middleweight and what she was you don't even know me yeah what you thought all gay why how you gonna say when you talk of big guys look like no wait here oh yeah baby yeah yeah you guys will all agree that our bread doesn't need a man woman man let you guys with them gloves on you're losing Edward it was a fool pleasure with a heavyweight let me say this nobody fed up crack the live yeah he went out I was his farm partner I was gonna say this real quick I was his sparring partner don't miss the don't miss the king over here alright yeah how would this bond finding he broke my rib but that's okay I got even with him I beat up inside Marvis these guys these guys are no fools bus heavily yeah these are one of it you only ever with me uh-huh the restaurant was like having every man miss Baker there's got a bigger head you wouldn't fat you were you were faster than anybody in the school be the light of it you had a big guy coming after you any Telegraph I heard you say that an interview and you were quicker do I have it good no no thank you very and we'll be back in just a moment Oh are you is there a brotherhood here no kidding I mean I like this guy I mean we work together he does things he talked about y'all Joe mainly because he's in Philly and I'm the nice thing that's on like 60 miles apart he does fight shows I put on things with kids and do show he caught a lot of things we worked together far as helping the community together Kenny and I don't see these guys until we hit the road but it's always great to see guys like this and this people don't realize what this means to come together with champions forever have four champions the greatest champions that I feel they ever lived is sitting right here with you jerilyn I want to know if you'd like to know ruling with the championship fight 15 rounds or 12 rounds what do you like I like solid 15 thank you I like what if the guy get paid for it I'd like to know how you all feel about the problem with the use of steroids and professional sports and if there's ever been a problem with it in boxing well fighters are using some fighters are using it I don't I don't like no drugs like a doughnut I mean I think drugs are bad habit good drugs are killing our society killing our whole family people would say well you know anything happened to me anything happen in my family but I want all y'all to know that it will happen to you and it will happen in your family one of the one of the testimonials on this tape titled champions forever uh how do you hope to be remembered I'll just show you this briefly how does Ken Norton hope to be remembered here's what he said and then telling me I can be an individual William though he was very competitive I was a in his heart that he never wanted danger and that he was a man who believed in God I'm glad you waited hi caller go ahead oh yes sir yes my questions will are we home yes uh Larry you for Talia Norton but what if anything of importance got in the way of you fighting Frazier Foreman during your career well forming a retired and Joe Frazier he just didn't want no part of me cuz I gonna do them like I did a sign how how does Larry Holmes want to be remembered listen to this roll the tape the people's champion and I I wanted to be while I was fighting the guise of bail opportunity provided that when they got opportunity a fighter who accomplished it's examples the guy who like walk the road that he wanted to walk yes sir yes sir yeah I just like to say that I I see all you guys you guys are great but I hope you look out for Mike Tyson when you start getting in trouble again and you feel any chaperone kind of uh - I only think Mike is getting that much as shows go Joey why didn't never you never read about me you guys want to cover your back no nobody loves the same thing believe me I didn't do the same thing to Mike I don't know someone yes no summer hours are a no yeah I was wondering you guys look real good but I wondered you have to stay in shape do you work out I've been working out because I'm doing the exhibition in Florida and somebody might come back and give me a few million dollars before I dare fight Joe Frazier okay no God no bump yeah you say you're working out huh yeah I got a question for you and you I'm gonna give the King a pass here and this auto accident probably exempts ya brother Kenny from this can you do this yes sir you can do this ya know again how about you hold on to this one yes yes sir please I said please all right okay uh-huh every hop to the barbershop open Jo Oh well done all right Larry Larry in New York City with the champions of the world forever and we'll be back in testimony with all the beating and abuse you got why would you put your son on the ring you get a lot of beating Matt I know you got a lot of job who taught you I gotta be she wonders how you could put your son through what you went through doesn't that how do you stand there and watch your kid get hit in the nose number one my sons know that this game is go no play toy I tell the boys when they come through the gym to get the brain shoot the money till ten the name or nothing to take a book besides that with this much is there anything about is that is nobody in the world could make you fight they can bother make you do a lot of other things but fighting no no no think about it you got to come from the inside from that'll be there here it was like all of them were Columbia lover Oh Howard Joe Fraser like to be remembered here's what he said roll the tape good to me I love it he just watching you I had people time shut it down I mean if you didn't make it good and he didn't make a couple bucks and you over boxing I put a lot of play in a lot of your pocket same thing is wrong for Jenna Fraser I was just wondering uh me my girlfriend missed our bus to go back to police house where anything gifts a right back I have a question for the commissioner in New York State boxing commissioner I'm pleased to recognize Randy Gordon the New York State Athletic Commission er glad you're here Commissioner Gordon I'm learning folks that why that goes to boxing matches at the felt forum I'm concerned about the safety of the boxes you're putting boxes into the ring what average is like 12 13 and 20 losses that's a knowledge of 333 that would be great if he was praying shorts not for the minute they're gonna get I'm gonna the day you want a plug there's ago you hate so look we're gonna have a serious injury in a ring something has to be done about that what do you say about that Commission there's a lot of matches that go on and I got to tell you for maybe about a thousand fights that we've turned down there have been a few that have snuck past and if a guy passes his physical it gets really tough to turn down but we have been turning down mismatches all over the state if we have to put a promoter out of business we will but yes you're right there have been mismatches that have gotten through and you're watching we're trying our best yes yes sir Oh question for Larry Holmes what a normal day of conditioning be for you before a fight up at 5:00 running three four five miles back to the hotel do some exercise get a good breakfast and off to sleep and back up again about three o'clock go to the gym the shadowbox three or four rounds Bach five or six maybe eight rounds do some jump rope hit the big bag hit the heavy bag do some exercise take a shower call my wife on the telephone uh-huh you say call your wife on the telephone is it a bad idea to have your wife in camp and be there and then that was olden days that was the old what's the matter Joe you're laughing what I know Daisy only the only days you can have your wife in the camp um what does this give you today you can have your what you can you can tear away for the cap whatever you know what to do if you discipline yourself honey like a it would be otherwise what a good idea to have your wife in camp you know are you there caller I'm glad you waited I go ahead go ahead go ahead caller is good to have your wife home worried about what she's doing oh yes I get a little better tomorrow hey I got some folks in the audience Mike Tyson's personal life has been exploited by the media has that happened to any of you and how do you feel about it we don't let that happen to us because we don't do the things that might attack you guys how how would the prettiest and the greatest boxer of all time like to be remembered here's what he said trongo had two sandals without the boxing the game dad but still in West Omaha I was wondering with your schedule must have been really crazy training what did that do to your family life in your relationship with your kids did it hurt the marriage friends well in my case no the only thing that I regret is that now my template of Dallas and I miss is going up how about you I think it makes mine my life even stronger because being away from her makes me want to get back to her so it makes a relationship being stronger job for one I want never left home with boxing everyday and I try to keep myself in conditions like a deal with my boys and the people around the world and let's say I'm moving fight here there without a word patent surrender the thing I just I'm dead then I'm stays in shape yeah I'm I'm in condition huh did your worldwide fame and your championship status affect your marriage at all Robert these are long no tell me where you have been effective he's good yes there we go yes while questions from Holly did have any planes or making a movie of your life been made - they made two movies no more coming huh no more all right yes yeah hi I don't know what is your position on the comments made by Jimmy a Greek in terms of our blackmail and spear Artyom he was right no I see one of the things that people get you know they did bring us over again they did bred in us they did make a big they did make us strong and did they condemned him for it they should have did condemned a lot of other people were things that he said but he only was telling the truth well but the point has to be made so he made it well I watch I have before the turn of the centuries a turn of the century all most jockeys were black they breed those people - oh yeah they go for the pygmy try and get those yeah I wish you I want you to each to sign this club and then we'll give it to a lucky person in the audience and we'll be back in just a moment tomorrow at noon Oprah goes in search of New York women who possess classic chic consumer the tape is titled champions forever I'm pleased to recommend it to attention some of the greatest moments in modern boxing history is starring all of the people who've been guessing with us today I've got an autograph boxing glove legit Everlast I'm not sure wide shot wide shot the tango light shot
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,250,887
Rating: 4.5943441 out of 5
Keywords: muhammad, ali, joe, frazier, ken, norton, larry, holmes, phil, donahue, show, boxing, best, tribute, video, highlight, compilation, rare, footage, mike, tyson, fedor, emelianenko, david, haye, amir, khan, oscar, de, la, hoya, floyd, mayweather, manny, pacquiao, dereck, chisora, face, off, wladimir, klitschko, klitchko, nonito, donaire, vitali, lennox, lewis, jack, dempsey, louis, sugar, ray, leonard, roy, jones, arturo, gatti, robinson
Id: FUjLpZ8bZNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2012
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