Angelo Dundee - 'Secrets Of Boxing' (R.I.P.)

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really good stuff, thanks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jbecker 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2012 🗫︎ replies

thanks man

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/primejamestoney 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2012 🗫︎ replies
one night in Orlando Florida there was an evening of boxing honoring the most famous and successful manager trainer in the annals of boxing history Angelo Dundee his friends and five former world champions flew from all over the country to pay their respects and spend some time with their friend and mentor perhaps some of the impromptu conversation between Angelo and the former champions will live forever just as their names will stories anecdotes from their abundant storehouse of memories are all apart of the secret of boxing mastering the arts and skills of boxing requires the dedication and willingness to learn and learning is always aided by a teacher one such teacher coach trainer call him what you will has risen head and shoulders above the other talented practitioners of his art manager trainer of 11:00 world champion and now here to share with you the secrets of boxing Angelo Dundee moving hi I'm a slow Dundee I've been in this profession all my adult life hey I loved every minute of it these kids are into this profession they're not in just for the medals they're just youngsters and I did it for the Bucks they're in there just to excel of what they do because win lose or draw experience you get out of boxing is second to none they go on to bigger and better things and one thing I don't believe in this wars in the gym I believe in longevity nice learning in the gym learning what they're doing like these two great professionals working there luffy Suarez and Antonio devour they're just great in their practices in their Hey look time great workout loop I thought you did real well and Tony's a pretty good banger any three know what what my kids do really is practice in there they don't look to take shots to each other I don't want no knockdowns in the gym they just get ready for the real thing and we're gonna look at the real thing goes loopy had to fight a little while back and we're gonna that guy was a [ __ ] wasn't he Luke sure was sure he cracked him he didn't know how to fight a southpaw you're a southpaw that was a bunch of baloney was pretty cute he was going around to your right hand but he didn't know you you're a right-handed fighter you don't know your right right hand and um it's where we had the guy yeah you're like Marvin Hagler Marvin Hank was a natural right-handed you were starting to reach him pretty good with the jab now once I knew you were starting reaching with the jab you're gonna get to I think you want that first round he came out for that round two you know he's looking to get lucky right away because you figured hey remember for a tough evening but this this was a good fight here you've been out for eight months so if I didn't know how good you I wouldn't put you with this tough guy coach Jesse's a tough tough man sure so I was glad you had your hands up there could look the sucker shot he wanted that round too what surprised me is the way he kept coming back now you know that's fighting before your home fans you know that when you've lied in Corpus Christi don't that juice you up yes sure do I mean like when I was hell on those televised fights and I fell apart and it was those fights they got me going you know it made me give that extra little thing you know felt good and by this round the third round I was already warmed up my combinations were coming in you know unthink you know all my timing and all that number four loop there is ever hook to the body how'd you feel in that fifth round loop there recovering Aiko yeah I felt already warmed up I felt good isn't I was just starting to get my second win but I told you hit him in the head I said don't hit him in the belly guy was scared to death of getting disqualified Jeremy yeah very any kind of a shot let's see if we can catch it but each of the real game ever I don't know how he got it from the last shots you hit him a right hand or left hand around the button never end of it the legs went out from under him then too he still stayed up there whatever he just went keep doing it and make it probably ten rounds trying trying he tried like the devil just had too much fire powerful you know that's what makes a champion no that was acid yeah here's knockdown right you bank to the liver the head shots are more showy but those body shots do the number the legs go yes that's the dad other thing down the cheek the rest comes down you know take the trunk off this the toughest part of this fight I guess you know get killed publish go tell my wife we're gonna get him I didn't want to grab me listen look yeah one thing yeah I know you learn something from every fight every workout but from that fight you know when you fight those little short guys the worst thing you do is pull out yeah your army gotta be very careful with that good I'm more scared that that you get now what a lucky shot so you feel you learn from that yes sir sir what are you gonna do the contractor slide over slide over yes okay baby it's just keep doing it go ahead step the more you improve that'll make a champion look I didn't start right I I was boxing I was flyweight champion of Connecticut I was proud of that I had won 20 20 fights in a row amateur fight so my manager says I had perhaps the bravest manager of a live oh he was brave he's you're fighting in Norwich Connecticut so we wasn't always kind of get I get on the scale 115 this tall black kid gets on the scale 126 so my manager said to me Willie that's the guy you're fighting I said Lou as a Lenny I said I only 105 pounds he was 126 so he says to me Willie if he was any good he would be fighting you so so I boxed the guy he does a job on me for three rounds it was the great Ray Robinson even a great he was a great fighter and they won opposite and we became very good friends after the fight and we've been friends for 40 years 35 years you know I was I was watched a fight in persons one night and I saw you fight your greatest greatest fighter I'm by the way well I'm one of your most ardent admirers I mean that sincerely and we're only like six months apart but I saw that fight in the garden I saw you fight sandy Sadler and you was making him do tricks in there how'd you go about doors oh I don't usually talk about Sandy's family he beat me a few times but I will tell you had a look no no no I boxer the guy a couple of times he beat me so I said I gotta I gotta think of a different way to get to the guy so we were boxing third or fourth Ron accidentally I stepped on his toe he said oh ouch I still got his toe for 15 rounds you wouldn't get in there me you can back it off and I want the fight that's clever box I was trying to make it as an amateur and want to go into the pros and how do I share a tricky to get it in the rain with some of your fighters but you know would let me get in because you know that I can I could do a lot of things than ragging now I might mix if I look a little bit well I I wasn't concerned about that I figure you flatten the fuel because you were around when Muhammad was wrong ah that's a tough thing to cope with you know living in the shadow of Muhammad Ali nobody lived in the shadow mob utterly right it was a hard act to follow you know Muhammad here come back in stories told the people in the Olympics and when he went to the professionals and he stole the people game because he was a rent one that really changed the term of boxing you know I mean he many things of what yesterday I think my mom is my Malik he's the one that you got to old all all the - you know but I learned a lot by being with him you know and see them do things around the world different places so it was a big learning for me because I want to be as good as him or better but he's a hard act to follow I know but you and Muhammad both he should try to trick me cuz you guys will be waiting to one to spar with my guy and what time I'm was fighting in Louisville Kentucky and you spar with his opponent what you do to that poor guy well I'm dr. Melva anybody wanted to but he always ruled the fight ball and what I had to do is you know I want to say good on what I was I would just have tested myself will you I do when you're young and you're ambitious and you want to really make it you're gonna try to give it your best how did we you and I get started so you know nobody knows that story how you and I got together well it was it was a coincidence that I had been struggling trying to make it as a middleweight and I had been fighting all the top contenders look like and I was gonna get no break and then one day I met my wife she said I will sit down write you a letter so we were sitting on Holt 11 then on the on the end of the letter I think I know that's it I believe I could be mill away champion at that time I could be like lightweight champion I said I just need the opportunity to really show the world what I could do and then at the end of the letter then my wife worked rolling big emphasis within appear within the period of three days a telephone call coming in Angelo Dundee and he said I want you to come to Florida I couldn't believe it because you know I don't I don't struggle for three or four years trying to get there and then they wanted on to me to one of the best trainers in the world called me and said Jimmy beat me are you being you got a ticket for mammoth all in three days and I said Elsa better now I always warned you I said not don't listen to this guy talk to you give me a little bit of a relic was Archie Moore telling you well you see he started psyching me at the weigh-in you recall away in the weighing in ceremony at 12 o'clock uh they looking at the eye chart not she's going hey he oh and it was like CBD whatever what's wrong you know the doctors aren't you you're wrong he says oh hell doc Willy won't be that far away and I was thinking right they all know I would get ptosis man then when we got through with the weighing in I went to put my shoes on horsey took my shoes and left with my shoes they semester with my brain I had to run out of speed with his old-time shoes and Plato put all the holes in them and give them to him and dig my black and white tassels back and you told me don't worry about his sagging you told yourself that night he made us wait in the ring about ten minutes if I recall he comes in and add I was wearing out of his hair and he looked like Methuselah coming into the ring and I said Angela Angie I can't I can't hit this man and you said what do you mean you can't hit him I said he's a go through my daddy look at him you know and you said hit him yeah Oh God Angela's cold-blooded the first round I went out pop pop pop all I could see was this much from here up avoid using arm stroke yeah who's eating his air pop pop pop then I heard somebody say who you're looking good kid you looking good I looked at the referee to everyone talking so dance pretty for the people danced pretty for the people and I start showboating a little bit you got on me for that I said dropped my left hand and and dropped like like I was Pinklon Thomas you know so drop it down and chill gonna come back to the corner and I told you said hands that old man is beautiful he's telling me such beautiful things out there and then you hit me with it again don't listen I said I cannot listen arrest me you say another night how can I not listen you said don't listen the AAA okay being second round starts the same thing talking talking talking you said you're looking good dance pretty puzzle bye you're gonna be the next champ he told me something I liked I was loved that baby oh I'm beautiful they said stand still I knew better Angie I knew better stop a second that's split second I stopped oh I got it so then then I heard my alarm clock ring yeah yeah you know I start looking on it I'm sitting on a rope looking for my shoes I gotta put my shoes on the road with no time to get up into rowing if I wasn't bad then the crowd roars and I look up I saw three artsy mores coming up oh god I'm in a fight I grab the ropes now boom he went barley like a bull you know in a bullfight you know that and I think if Archie spoke to me again he could he could have recited the Declaration of Independence I wasn't gonna listen how are you listen to him to this day I don't even shadowboxing is something I insist on with all my fighters in training they're my shadow box three rounds before they go onto the heavier key the sparring heavy back light back there must shadow box shadow box a very necessary thing with a fighter in other words they go through all the punches preparations even an addressing role now what Fink's doing right now he's letting that jab go a left jab but fighter must have a jab a fighter without a jab don't become a champion don't become a good fighter what he must do is stick that's a ruler to me now all for that jab a guy can throw a good left hook stick and hook they go that was it going now what pink Scott you can block punches real well but the whole idea is catch a punch let it shot go counter punch and you got a nail the guy you notice the hand is closed properly because if the hand is open it becomes a slap but all these things are impossible without footwork because the guy's got to be in out come side to side forward back your legs take it in and they get you out of there that's a very important the other thing is I none of my fighters are squared up in other words they put their body square it up square up pink shoulder but the more squaring up is that's the worst thing you can do where you catch a lot of punches now I'm going to show them how to slip and slide pink slip over slide move over bang move over now slide now you let your combinations go pop pop right hand left hook come up with shots let's see the uppercuts all right uppercuts off the right hand let the right hand go he slips it come up with an uppercut now the other big thing is this bank showed him how you what you're not supposed to leave with your face show them what you're not supposed to do any fighter fights like to have going to get himself destroyed come on peg great now Shorty's show the people out there how your block shots on defense picked and punch pick bang that's defense now show me that left hook oh let me show me left look off left jab now because I want to show the people at Joe Lewis left off about six inches off the jab stick it and hook it that's the punch that's what knocks out people baby my life has been really good to me I've had a good life he's had my ups I had my downs right now I'm on the right track but I can honestly say that before I fell apart I fell apart when I lost my championship I went to drinking I went to drugging he laid me my life he came into a more I went it went all downhill I can honestly say that I prayed to die but now I pray to live you know so if any of you kids out there have that a bad state of mind or going through some changes in life me just don't think that drugs are the answer those drugs are not to answer your it will lead you to where led me almost to death when I when I became champion of the world I it was a lot of years I'll able to get it and and after I got it I fell in love with it and then when I lost it I went to drugs okay and uh I went heavy into drugs and it I lost everything then I lost everything I ever had family home everything that ever meant anything to me I lost but thank God with the help of my friends my God my religion I'm here to talk about it so if any of you guys out there guys girls I don't care what you're thinking about drugs forget it it's gonna take take your life to take your life and take whatever means anything fun from you don't don't mess with drugs this is a heavy bag they're made all different shapes all different sizes some forty pounds 70 80 pounds the packing is usually a rubber I packing or uh something uh tasty you sand in the old days a lot of our fighters broke their hands because you don't pango insane you got to have your hands right properly you got to have bag gloves on so you don't hurt yourself same thing a fighter does when he's shadowboxing upset he's hitting the heavy bag moving around it now if this bag moves you back then a dummy's moving your back and you're all kinds of trouble so what you got to do is pop on the back move around throw your left hooks your right hands the important thing hitting the heavy bag is not to bend your wrist you got to lock your wrist you got to be straight down and the way I show my fighters your wrist your hand must be pointing down at all times where you throw a punch if you throw a right left hand like that a jab it's all right here the wrist must be locked it's got to be part of your arm this way you don't bend your wrist you don't hurt yourself and it's the proper way to go you need to move around this bag another thing you don't do you don't hug this back you show me a guy that hug the bag and I'll show you a grabber in a fight you don't do those things you got to keep your hands off the back hitting punches and let the shots go in there same way you're shadowboxing but hit the bag now don't let this dummy lick you then you're in trouble then you had a loser now this other bag over here this is speed bag a light bag now you don't hit this like you hit a heavy bag when I get these guys are trying to break the bag and show how strong they are I chase them right away you also don't position yourself like you're fighting you have to position yourself where you're well bounced and your legs are loose most of my fighters go around the back the whole idea is keep your wrist locked and you don't hit it with your fist you hit it with the side of your hand and you'll want you're doing it for three minutes you keep it up say three minutes the whole idea is it's four eyes for balance for perception then when you want to nail a one-time mini bang you Miller and 90 times you miss it especially a guy like me my dad never knew I change my name Dundee my name is marina now I know you had the same type of thing happen to you yet popular in Wooley pep what would hide you handle that with your dad you know I boxed as an amateur a few fights in this corner William popper Leawood didn't sound right it didn't so and school they call me peppy pepper leo peppy I said Willie pepper I tried that now the old man comes to me say you know he says I've been a pop whoa for 40 years and I would everybody calls him e pepper he's got a like that like the popping it up my lovely friend that's way where he went for it cuz I gave him 40 $50 buys it okay you could be pepper how he want that he wants you to fight though oh no we didn't know anything about boxing even care about boxing when I brought the money homie said he was gonna get $15 a week on WPA and he said you got $40 to fight I said yeah dad he Pat me on the back he gave me a couple of bucks easy see if he can fight twice a week for now on and I was on my way huh not now some guy told him he said you know Willie make a little money boxing if he goes to bed every night at 10 o'clock gets up at 6 o'clock and runs around the park my dad you know he's full Italian guy he didn't know anything about pocket but he heard money so I be sleepless cyclical mine say Willie wasn't what go do road work I said pas he said go do road work choice the park was two blocks away so he get me up and I would go and I would do a road so now come at night time 9:00 o'clock time with the boys on the corner hit come to old man go home it's a pond he you're gonna fight next week you go home and he sent me home and what do you do when we go to bed so I think he started me off in the right way I think and I found out by doing the right things I was willing fights I was very lucky yet again it and then in my amateur career I thought I'd that guy pulling the rail he was very brave he didn't care who I fought but I ran like a son of a gun at my amateur what I liked about you you overcome him you had a bad bad problem you always had bad handsome what brought that about well ruffery kept stepping on him putting ugly cars and the red hand really a better will even force although I aboard had bad hands but he never got knocked down the son of a [ __ ] he was tough you you were the best boxer I've ever seen and you were my idol I swear to God you know and I watched you I stole a lot of moves of yours and I want to thank you for that because you had a move where you fainted I slide right slide left bang the left hook will go right into play I thought that was tremendous well the offer up lucky fella that with Lily survived her plane crash and go back in 1947 Oh a champion of the world and said never fight again but I got lucky and I began fighting again and I went on when I'm from there I boxed until 1966 I started boxing in 1937 a mile at les fight in 1966 so how to be very fortunate to call it all that time and I'm all right now until I hear a bow I've been in boxing Lauren I care to remember over 40 years reason I got to stop that because I'm telling everybody I'm 39 but I got a cat over here to make me a perfect ten and I really am grateful pink thanks of me for making me a perfect ten god bless you my heavyweight champion I like to see you staying shaped like that but I remember one night I jumped all over your case I told you don't do something and what did I tell you to do now you told me say pink whatever you do don't let hook my love hooker I was getting ready to fight Mike Weaver and uh I can remember the first round came off and I came out like a tiger and me and Weaver was going at it and it was a good round for me and then the second round came around and I see forget Angelo I'm a boy here and I'm a bag weave up I'm a little hook way and I went out there and we got the rumble and all I could see was it love will come and yeah you hit me on my chin and when he hit me on my chin police out doing all like you and I start seeing stars and Tweety Bird and I fell back to rows like this and only thing I could do think I was the child intimidated so to both women psychological effect right like allowed to do it so when I come back to the corner whose I told you no looker you know but let me tell you thanks seriously I want to thank you there may be a perfect time god bless you hey I don't appreciate it but you ended a great beam with there will be a champion this what you call a boxing school and the guy sitting on his no fool he's a professional fighter but in my business the most important facet is the fight ban you got to keep him happy I ran into fight fans from all walks of life one of the greatest fight fans ever met he I ran into the guy in as I year England Tokyo LA and the guy's a Hollywood actor and he's a stuntman bill Bryant hey Angelo good to see you don't sit here boy oh okay no no I cuz I want you out there because you pay your buck and yes for the fighters but I mean I watch you you've had fights on the screen oh yeah you nailed those guys a real great shot now are you really taking the shot no not really the idea it's it's fake it is to miss so you don't hurt anybody for example if the camera was there and I was gonna throw a punch of Julian if I did this you'd see daylight between the punch in your chin you would know I didn't hit you if I did this and you in turn snapped your head around it would look like I hit you or one of these you would go like that and it looked like I've killed you I better be de la de Gras gonna kick you where it hurts bang oh my god I think I woke up a little bit right face but you got you got a habit of doing that answer I've seen you do it out of guys to eat you slap you starting writing right here close to my best friend is that I separate it and boy indistinct you know it stings a boy one night you did that to me I remember he England yeah but that was a little different I just I was calling you some sweet words and who and using the dear Lords the pheasant attacking weapon I remember that really and you know and Terry downs you were sort of he was defending your title with the Manchester England and you were in the guy your title I was remembering what did I do the sort of generates you to retain your title you see you say they slap me close to my best friend I did I use that too and bar when you slightly have stings man and you told me that I'm I'm gonna use another word okay you said come on whether you blowing your Tyler come on come on the crowds going crazy I look done Christmas like this hole in his head everybody's getting sick in our corner and you slap me and you're trying to wake me up you're banging me here and I said I'll use another word I said screw you and a man on a dog on the side of the Ring but the put the hammer the British Boxing Board and roses boom Pastrano fan 100 pounds foul language in the corner I said screw you 200 town a lady in the face Rose screams I holler screw you to bang 300 pounds ah horrid pounds inna heard a little more a little more you read with bite to honey's out in the warning buzzer rang and you said screw me screw me you turn around your planetary Dodgers if to do him sorry to go ahead I am gonna be you were never sport to become a champion very retired about 90 stinkin times you were a lightweight ooh walked away to middleweight heavyweight you came back to light heavyweight and let me tell you you beat the greatest fighter of all time there's out to me that guy was a great great fighter what was thanking I'll never forget Harold Johnson that's right and you know who had muscles in this toenail right right yeah noses everywhere this man and uh he was a fighters fighter great fight one of the greatest boxers of facing my life and everything he hit you with to take out but when you call me I had just gotten back from the Wayne thought and fight and here I already got babysitter's to take the children I had the lights Lord in the house I had the wine poured I was with my wife I'm some now we're gonna make love to play the music everything was perfect I forgot to take the phone off the hook and I'm glad somos acid I laid down a little star coda border I said lay down on that darlin we're gonna make love the same the phone rings and I'm ready you know hello hello yeah hey yes you how'd you like to fight for the towers uh-huh what I'm getting ready to make love Angie a hide like to fight Harrell chances but that Oh No and my best friend disappeared anyone you I got up every morning I did road work the trainer was there I went in the gym every day and train the trainer was there I think hard work did it I never took any aspirins I never took anything jazz I just trained hard I had to get I was very thin and a good punch would would kill me so the idea was he who hits and runs away lives to fight another day I like that I hate I don't want to hear I told you the Baris is doing exactly what I have all my fighters do pre-fight pre-workout this is a warm-up get their body warm it's not a strength sapping type of a thing you just get you warmed up get your blood warm because god forbid you go out and you haven't worked out properly in the dressing room and you get hit a shot you're liable to get right out of there because that's why I say getting hit cold so I don't like my guys ever to go on a rink coal the fact I've seen guys go into the ring cold and I came back after watch them put their gloves on and don't you know that my guy flattened the guy could I said hey this guy and warmed up he was cold my guy flattened them but you got to move a little better than that on tonio because you're not giving me something let your hands go jab goes let you're right you the same type of punch you're throwing at the baby I've been in this profession for a long time but let me tell you something the day I stopped learning I'm going to get out you learn something new every day this is what you're called table exercise a lot of guys hate them there's a variety of doing table exercises but the whole idea is is the strengthen the stomach muscle so if you get hit a shot in the belly you're not going to double over and get flattened the important thing is you do it naturally slow and easy and you it's rip it's not this repetitious or anything else but you got to get the most out of the exercise going down flattening out the muscles coming up tightening the muscles and you're better off a lot of guys do it fast a lot of guys cheap what they do they keep their muscles lock lock your muscles to Tony and then they come up with the muscle block it's easy right that's for old guys like me to do exercise like that but for fighters they got to have it go down relax come up you do variety there's a different ways of doing it the hands on the hips is my idea because seems to get more out of the muscles in your stomach and I don't know why but it does now the whole thing is he's just about ten of those kind of exercise you know what I laugh about I watch all these guys on television when they're watching the guys doing exercise and they put their Bobby price paid over the legs now he knows how to pop struck me with my two fingers on his feet but the whole thing is let the kid exercise now this sub you don't see you know a lot of people don't know that fighters go through this routine a lot of guys fact Muhammad did it in a dressing room a lot of people don't know I did it for about 40 minutes that's what gave them longevity this is what makes it in boxing now let's try a different one go ahead go down here you change the feet this way coming up and then you switch him come up switch come up switch you come up now what you doing when they get a little mean to you and they want to give you a hard time what you do you make a put both feet up the further back they go to the buttocks the top of the exercise is now come up right now watch Tony I'm gonna put it closer put your feet closer today I'm not trying to come up a little copper right here you get more stress out of it right here that's better that's better sure it's tougher but if you got to be able to take it you're in shape to do it yeah okay I mostly exercise you know if you want to do these exercises yourself you're better off do from a deep knee bend but further out like this this way you and half your body should come up that's easier yeah okay now you virt you bury it coming up like this spritzer come up like that spread okay spread now one thing I never do with my fighters I never let them go off the edge of the table and they go down for you see guys do that right but you do that you'll have more hurt your back you know a fighter with a bad back can do too much environment now a lot of people don't realize you got to try to make this fun if you get all this repetition everything gets to be a little bit of boredom what makes great fighters if they can lick boredom no I mean you got to you got to have a little kick with it now the whole bit is you're getting something benefit out of it now there's nothing better than what you're doing now and you would you pick it up as you go along do five six of each variety there's more varieties to what I'm just showing you Delta variety go down keep your feet off the floor see come up see if you get a different feel yeah right now different feel yeah okay you put my legs up right did I ever show you the bicycle three yeah you did okay should be the bicycle this is a balanced bit we're like a little pendulum is going back and forth over but reach up a little higher to loose with the arm bagel it's tougher than what it looks like you do the one with the belly flap with your hand behind you I haven't done that one okay we'll get on flat on your belly take your flat on your belly flip over okay put your hands behind you okay now do the same kind of a bit but do it off your stomach put your arms behind you pick your head up put your whole bolt on together hold them okay now come up up and down up and down up and down come on reach for the sky with your head come on come on how you like that didn't hurt me a bit I swear to God with easy okay dumb that's great alright that was a great workout I like it thank you know you the way you feel to pick it up no I mean - you feel good - about 12 of each but you do a variety of them but you start off slow and pick it up okay cause gonna be bent to you because you know you're gonna get out of it what you put into it you put nothing in you're gonna wind up zero that and you want to be you want to be achieved and literally right what if you put that into it you're going to become a champion god bless role works are very important facet in the fox's life when they run I don't give a hang some guys like the run tonight some guys like the run in the morning I don't care if they run jog throwing about loans they do road work they've got to do real work because you need the legs without legs you don't have a foundation you need your legs now some guys like to run a lot of miles that's that's insanity I don't want a marathon runner what I want is a fighter I don't like my fighters do more than three miles that's enough long as your legs get tuned up because that'll take you everywhere three miles is plenty you can walk it you can run it jump I don't care just long as you do it rocky Graziano came out with this to me this pillow this is pillow does a road wake though it take it you run around a bed and go back to bed just like run a five miles oh really it didn't work it didn't work I know yours a hard work because I I had you in Chicago one time I had a window I can watch her from I think it was a track down below it looked like a little dog track abyss Joan sixteen miles of track and I I go out there and I think you'd run around that sucker for ten times and you saw Hannah come back here you weren't exactly enough for a guy to can box like you could but you really hated road work with a passion I know Utley I know why you were looking out the window cuz it was snowing out there huh that hog was getting me a cigar was I can't take that coal with you no embossing you really got to be in shape you gotta put a lot into it it's a grind but you really got to be in condition now I'm talking about the guys in condition and telling the Barrows who just worked out with loopy Suarez he's always in shape no you're working with the no - guy in the world that makes you feel pretty good - when you're doing pretty good in there right oh yeah sure well talking about fights let's look at you in action because you know working the gym is not like fighting so let's clock your last fight okay that's a good move yes made you slid over you got to do that when you walk out and try to use the referee once in a while with a shield uh this first round I was trying to fill him out and right here him at the right hand away you know I got a good fish Isaac Cena knocked down I was walking out of the ring ah you got knocked out oh what a surprise but you could move recouping keep your hands up remember I told you before the fight those guys from correct has been as well or good left hook earth and here the guy hit you on the chin with her right hand a matter who that hook but this was a good fight for you I think was yeah a kind of fight I wanted there's a maturity mature background it's looks like a pretty good bang her uh-huh but he jumps with that left till that tough yeah what you gotta do those guys jump on you slide over nail her with a right hand you can nail him coming in it's all over but I taught you what you were doing in there you go getting off from that knock that was a flash knockdown it was a what a strong shot or bounce bother I just threw in a surprise punch caught me girl uh-uh I wasn't hurt but I knew that we'd become behind swords together you got it got a good chin because I was a perfect that's a knockout shot you got guys sliding on you like that you drop a right hand over top punch that's a knockout took a real good record I'm not proud of it I don't like my task ahead this was a long round for me I was sweating you off that differently shots and whether he was still trying to to uh lunge with his right hand try to catch me again but I kept my chin my left chin up do you do a lot of this I mean do you watch yourself after fight you like to watch tapes uh yeah I do yeah thirteen fourteen uh kidding mistakes I make him faint puh yeah that's a new era of boxer you know before when it years ago I should look at still pictures now I have the luxury of looking the tapes and I can study opponents that you're gonna fight I thought you came back and won the rest of this round but it wasn't enough because you know when you get a knockdown like that's like a teenager they got exactly mother feel when you got knocked down you came out that round we're a little more confident I mean because you know the most lockdowns a tough tough thing over yeah it is is that I was I was trying to compose myself right now on a second round I knew I had to range on this guy with my job I was trying to set him up with my job right there but I I know what a talent I have in you because fifteen and one that you don't do that by action when you throw that jab don't let it lay on the back of a guy's head of the referee a caution but you're holding the guy said yeah that's one of the most glaring thanks a full hole tied behind her everywhere if anything else grab him around the show hi my son looking bad what you're doing when you're throwing that left hook in close I'm Tony oh don't cross your body let the hook stop Midway because if you cross your body it's away from the flow of the punch so when you see yourself do it again you see what I mean see they pulled out while you're looking stave it from going fast that's it stable this way won't hit yourself you started working over pretty good yeah slick fighting you know we had a good referee you hit your low blow I didn't even see it but his back was towards me don't ever leave with your right here set up that your left hand see when you reach like that you're off balance you can get nailed yourself you can find a guy like that that leads with a sucker shot like that straight away coming then you got to go right hand county it's up to the left on see if you stay there it's gonna be more powerful I see your pen I win back out you know you do one of two things you either punch or move you don't punch move Namie punch or move either or if I can't do two things at one same time water since starting in to that guy in the second round the third round you're starting off real good with that left jab then you started getting it real there you go right now yes yeah that jabbing is I was just trying to work that jab you know over and over and right there I was doing pretty good and then what happened right then you threw a right hand shot the guy came on top and what happened an accidental buck and the referee called that is such and went back to the Commission told him accidental but so how'd you feel at that time well I was pretty sick but well first I thought it was uh was a shot that I hit him with but then when the referee came over and called it as a but I was pretty surprised at it well I knew was a but cuz I seen the puck see more from the outside but an accidental about the referee goes to the Commission that consult but it actually but and then what happens there is you get it wind up with a technical draw nobody can lose the fight that's their rules in Florida State and I think it's a good rule you know we're gonna do we're not watching a slow map how'd you feel after that fight I'm Tony I mean did you feel like you progressed as you learn anything yeah mistakes you made yeah I think I did you know that specially their left hook that you know my body going out when I thought I don't real shot over it South you gotta you gotta go first with your jab don't leave with your right hand that's a sucker shot and the whole thing when you throw your shots you're thrown in unison and when I throw that hook don't cross your body but what you're doing you pulled your body or balance I don't want that you gotta be on balance all the time so when you get back home go to school get to that gym and learn from the key point like they're great everybody has their own methods of training I don't believe in anything unnatural I don't believe in pumping iron I believe in getting the fighter and utilize him what he has I have a guy looks like a weightlifter but isn't a weightlifter come here Michael how you feeling after the workout I forget the real good I know you got me in trouble because you're built like a weightlifter but you're not did you ever lift weights no idea and there I never lifted weights I felt that uh I really need them I was blessed with my natural bility I'm ready to put I'm just compare to use of my sport well just a loser Goosen you're gonna make it and by the way you had a little bit of a thing happened yeah you can't look at it and brief it over what to do what not to do yeah I will I have to ask good to learn you know I want to learn stuff well let's clock it out okay there you go round one the first professional fighting we do it everything wrong now what brought this on because I know you were training properly we're doing the right thing but you're trying to jump it to God don't ever get off your feet keep your hands in front of your body now everything you were showed in the gym went out the window and you got yourself knocked down welcome to the professional ranks of boxing how'd you feel door getting knocked down that hurts you there no I didn't hi I guess you didn't hurt me but it stung me and I knew that up coming with a big shot and I had I try to recoup why the referee break you there should have kept on down because you had him in trouble there you know right down in there see you ran in with your left hand low you can take your dips but you got a slide but this way you got yourself down for no reason at all and I'm a boxer oh you're a boxer and you're a good puncher but what went through your mind was you're his own queer street and you got nailed mm-hmm how'd it feel getting up top oh I'm not trying to be funny you know yeah I know it's it's scary but what you guys but I knew when I got knocked down I said to myself I have to get up that's the first thing that's the first thing that went through my mind I had to get up because I never been I've never been knocked on the canvas before and I just I wanted to get up because I wanted to win I want to go out well that's the acid way you got the attitude you got to have but see you leaning in and leaving in with your job but get yourself nailed there's no reason for that they might destroy yourself get knocked out now you know you did a lot of wrong things we got those keep your hands up keep your legs under venture knees like I showed you so you shouldn't take a shot to slide the shot you know how to do that you just let the right hand counter go so set yourself up but don't go runnin anybody you don't run I mean run you get nailed yourself so what the heck if you learn from what you were doing you can't do any worse we got knocked out the first wave we got do better right why you suck it up let's you're gonna make it I know you know I met a guy by the name of Muhammad Ali you know how it came about I was Willie Pastrano I was at the Sheraton Hotel Louisville Kentucky no credits and what happened I bullied was it and I were in a room telephone watching television and the guy cracked eyes on the phone he said my name is Cassius Marcellus clay I won the Golden Gloves the Louisville I want the pan-american games I won the Golden Gloves this is 1958 now mind you so I got him with the Olympics in 1960 so I said I want to talk to you I put the hand over the phone I asked for Lee I said Willy it's some sort of a nut downstairs and wants to talk to us so he said well the TV stakes s would come up so he came up and you know Muhammad and I have been talking ever since I met him it's been a joy you talk about Muhammad Ali that's the greatest fighter I have ever worked with borrowing none and I don't want to cast any aspersions toward my other champions they were all agree but there never be another Muhammad Ali changed the whole concept of boxing before you met Muhammad you had to talk to a fight he had to go to the trainer and a mother a cousin the brother the uncle before you spoke to the star Muhammad was the most available superstar of our era and I was proud to be with the guy and most trainers are like slave masters that tape desk or on go extra I'll do this did Angelo Evan Prudential 21 years and never yeah one day ours were come for him to me we never have one I never told me at the be up in the morning I've been the GM voice around never had no trouble for 21 years another one day if we had disagreement he's just the kind of villain real nice and we never had have had to exactly never promised them how much money makes up to fight you have made no deals as if they were natural they're talking about Muhammad Ali up today well he's sake he took too many shots I think that's a bunch of baloney I mean I don't think naturally taking shots doesn't help you but I don't see anybody find the cure for Parkinson's syndrome I don't find anybody find a cure for cancer I don't see anybody find a cure for a sec acai poisoning so please please God find a cure for these kind of things you know what if you think like a loser man you're a loser but if you think like a winner you're a winner you from more attention he can have
Channel: ibhof2
Views: 382,683
Rating: 4.9153175 out of 5
Keywords: angelo, dundee, willie, pep, pastrano, jimmy, ellis, sugar, ray, leonard, muhammad, ali, documentary, secrets, of, boxing, mike, tyson, roy, jones, bernard, hopkins, manny, pacquiao, pacman, floyd, mayweather, timothy, bradley, miguel, cotto, julio, cesar, chavez, rubio, vazquez, vasquez, best, highlight, knockout, ko, compilation, video, tribute, boxer, joe, louis, frazier, lennox, lewis, jack, johnson, dempsey, george, foreman
Id: XzX-lbVrSmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 31sec (3451 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2012
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