The 144,000 and The End Times - Dr. Baruch Korman

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[Music] if you are interested in the things of God then you are going to be Kingdom minded and there's many different aspects of the kingdom and these various aspects give us a complete view a picture to understand to comprehend in what will be and why do we need to know what is going to happen in the last days the answer is so that we can be prepared one very interesting and oftentimes people have the most questions about this issue and what am i referring to the 144,000 that are mentioned in the book of Revelation in chapter 7 and chapter 14 who are these 144,000 individuals what will they do and what can we learn from them well that's exactly what we're gonna talk about in this study so if you have your Bibles open them up with me to the book of Revelation and chapter 7 we're going to begin in this location Revelation chapter 7 and we're going to see what does the word of God say concerning these 144,000 and we want to do something that's that's kind of unique instead of going to books and articles and other videos to see what other people have said about it we do not want to bring those other thoughts into our discussion we want to rely upon the Word of God what the scripture says about it because all too often what we find is this people hear things they've been taught things they believe these things and they caused them to look at scripture through a different lens this is not right this is not good so what are the things I'm talking about is this when we look at revelation 7 revelation 14 and the information the Word of God gives to us concerning these 144,000 we find that what we frequently hear is not at all what the Bible says for example and I mentioned this in our previous study and that is it is very common to say that these 144,000 they are evangelist now Jewish evangelist and when we look at the Word of God we find no scripture whatsoever that teaches that tells the reader that these are evangelist there's simply not a basis for that nor is there a basis that they are going to be successful as evangelist and bringing the greatest spiritual revival that this world has ever known they are not the ones that bring a spiritual awakening fact I would argue that in the Tribulation Period there is no spiritual revival among the nations here again let's see what the Word of God says and first we're going to look at this 7th chapter and see exactly what can be learned from this now the first thing I want to do is actually set the the parameters set the stage for what we're going to be learning and if you look in Revelation chapter 7 you see something now we have learned that the wrath of the Lamb we remember that God's Word tells us that all matters of judgement divine judgment has been given to the Sun the Sun Messiah Yeshua he is known as the lamb the Lamb of God that takes away all sin this is why he died upon that cross he laid down his life so that no matter what sin I may have done or you may have done we can find forgiveness the cross is sufficient it was a perfect sacrifice for sin the sins of the world but here's what we find at the end of Revelation chapter 6 there's a clear message people are fearful when I say people those who belong to the world we are not called to be fearful we're called to be faithful to trust in the promises of God we know that the scripture tells us that the wrath of God will not be upon followers of Messiah so these that are mentioned here that are fearful they are not part of the believing community if we read carefully in Revelation chapter 6 and and beginning with with verse 16 the second part it speaks here that they are fearful they're speaking to the rocks for example to hide us to fall upon us to conceal us why it says here from the face of the one that sits upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb because that great day of his wrath has come it means it's it's imminent it is there but it has not fallen now how do we know that well now let's go to chapter 7 in chapter 7 we find that there are several angels mentioned and there are angels who are going to pour out this wrath upon the earth and notice that there's another angel and I would call you to read chapter 7 verses 1 and 2 clearly says there that this one angel instructs the others don't harm the earth harm with the wrath of God until something happens what is that well look with me to verse 3 here again the second part it says do not harm the earth nor the sea nor the trees until here's the part until we seal the servants of our God upon their foreheads and I heard the number of the ones who were sealed 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel now this makes it very clear what do we have we have the Word of God saying that the hundred and forty-four thousand that are mention in Chapter seven they are from all the tribes of Israel now we see all the tribes mentioned there except for the tribe of Dan instead of Dan we have Manish a there's great significance of that but this is not the purpose of this video I want to focus in on the 144,000 in a completer way in a general way that deals completely with their purpose so we can't talk again about that in fact if you really want to know you can go to our teaching from the book of Revelation in chapter 7 and read or watch what what I taught on that subject but it's not paramount for our study so what can we say we can say that these 144,000 they are 12,000 each from the 12 tribes so 12 times 12,000 you get a hundred and forty four thousand and they are sealed before the wrath of God false this is what we can say concerning this 144,000 from the book of Revelation chapter 7 and at this time I don't see how anyone can argue with that that these hundred and forty-four thousand they would be Jewish and they would be from all the tribes they represent all the tribes of Israel this is all that we know they are sealed with a seal upon their foreheads now there is absolutely nothing more than we can say about this group from chapter 7 what is dangerous is when people want to infer things now I've told you that is very very common among most evangelicals to to yell out these hundred and forty four thousand are Jewish evangelists I agree that they're Jewish according to Revelation chapter seven but I don't see anywhere here in Chapter seven that they are evangelist and people will say well if you look at the book of Joel there it tells us that no in the book of Joel it tells us that in the last days before God's wrath comes that God's going to pour out his Spirit upon both young men and young women there's an issue women are mentioned on men's servants and female servants and they are going to have dreams and visions and they're gonna prophesy none of this has to do with evangelism and the fact that women are mentioned we're going to see something that if you include what is said and we're coming to this in Revelation 14 about the 144,000 you'll find these same individuals who say they're evangelist they also say that there are men virgin men we'll talk more about the implications of that later on and they want to say because after we have the sealing of the 144,000 in the book of Revelation what do we see well I would argue we see a picture of the rapture now others would say and I want to be fair my purpose is not to get you to agree with me really my purpose is to lay out things so that you study for yourself and arrive at the conclusions hopefully being led by the Holy Spirit being being guided with the Word of God so that you can study yourself to show yourself approved we want to encourage personal study you pouring through the Word of God to arrive at truth not believing what this person says or what I say or someone else that's not the objective it is to encourage you to study in the Word of God so what do we know in revelation 7 verses 9 and 10 we have something we have a vision of a great multitude the Word of God says and here again I would encourage you to read it carefully that there is a large number in fact it can't be counted that's how large it is from every tribe every language every nation and every people very interesting so we have now a group of people and notice that they are before the throne of God if you read more in revelation 7 they are praising God glorifying God worshiping God they're standing in his presence and thanking him for salvation they have on white garments they have a palm branch that would be a a symbol of the lulav the lulav is something that is traditionally held for the Feast of Tabernacles it speaks about the grace of God and depending upon that grace of God so the image here is easy to discern these people have palm branches because their reason why they're in heaven is because it's because they have dependent trusted in God's grace now when we look more at this this passage we see something we see that they have come in to the heavens and here's what some would want you to believe they will say because the ceiling of the four hundred and forty-four thousand is immediately before this this means that these hundred and forty-four thousand were the ones who evangelize this group and caused them to be in heaven they would say that they are Saints that came out of the tribulation now the problem is this first of all we don't see in Revelation seven any indication that this group that is sealed are in fact even in gillece secondly if we move now to to chapter fourteen and look with me to would to verse six chapter 14 and verse six notice what it says here and I saw another angel flying in the midst of the heaven having the everlasting gospel to proclaim to the ones dwelling upon the earth to every nation this can be every ethnic group and every tribe and every language and people saying in a loud voice fear God and give to him glory for the hour of his judge it has come worship worship the one who made the heavens and the earth and the Seas and the living what we could say and the the fountains of water now here's we'll be fine when we look at Revelation 14 here again there is no scripture and we're going to pay closer attention to Revelation 14 in a moment but when you look at what is said in verses 6 & 7 especially in verse 6 it's this unique angel flying in the midst of the heaven that actually proclaims the gospel now why is that important because when you look here it says they do so to every ethnic group or nation every tribe every trunk and every people when you go back to chapter 7 and you look at this group that's mentioned in in this heavenly vision that John saw it says here if you look at verse 9 from every same word ethnic group or nation every tribe every people and every language so we have the same four words identically the same four words that appear in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6 for who the angel spoke to these are also the ones who are mentioned who are mentioned where mention in Revelation chapter 7 and verse 9 now there's another thing we need to realize and that is if you go to Matthew 24 now here again the Word of God is most specific we need to pay attention to what the scripture reveals to us now we'll go through this same example when we do our next video on the last days but I want to lay the foundation for that by sharing this biblical truth now look if you would to Matthew 24 and verse 14 there's something similar verse 14 says and this gospel of the kingdom was proclaimed to all the earth as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come I'd underline that the gospel has to be proclaimed to all the nations of the earth and after that then the end will come what end are we referring to see we need to realize that when words repeat there's a significance and we see many times in Matthew 24 this word end appearing appearing in the first third of this chapter so what end is it well it is the end of the church age now why do I say that because immediately after verse 14 with this gospel being proclaimed and then in verse 15 the abomination of desolation there is a significant change in the grammar of of Matthew 24 instead of saying you referring to disciples and obviously the disciples the believers who will be alive at that time there's a switch to on che Judah that means the people of Judah and there's an emphasis upon Israel now why is that important because the end of the church age takes place and then God turns his attention to Israel and bringing the remnant of Israel those Jewish people in the last days who are alive in the the end times bringing them to faith now we'll talk more about that in a moment but notice how the scripture goes together so we have prior to the wrath of God prior to the wrath of God the angel is going to go through and evangelize we also see that before the wrath of God falls two things happen in revelation 7 the sealing of the hundred and forty-four thousand and this this event where there is a great multitude innumerable that are in the heaven praising God now here's what we need to realize the book of Revelation is written using devices there is a methodology that John the writer of this book uses and this is undeniable he brings for the most part Old Testament passages from the prophets primarily but also from the Torah other places throughout the Tanakh the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament he brings them in because they are known and he adapts them he puts them in a different setting he makes a change to them why well here's the reason if you understand the verse from the Old Testament what it means then that brings that truth into a new setting so that you can understand that truth in a new way a new application and furthermore we see that John does that same thing with in the book of Revelation in and of itself there are a few examples of this one is what we're speaking about now now let's pause for a moment to learn something about John and his writing you will find if you study the book of Revelation carefully there is an emphasis upon the number 12 scholars will tell us that the number 12 relates in a general way to the people of God now why would I say that because of the 12 tribes the 12 tribes God's covenant 'el people and it wasn't by accident it wasn't a coincidence that Messiah he took 12 disciples 12 represents the people of God and when you look in the book of Revelation especially in Revelation chapter 21 what's going on there in Revelation 21 we see a description of the New Jerusalem that final state of the kingdom of God not the Millennial Kingdom but what comes after that thousand years that Millennial Kingdom the eternal kingdom of God called a New Jerusalem and you find that the number 12 is is appearing in the description of the New Jerusalem frequently for example we have 12 gates and upon these twelve gates are angels twelve angels who has the name of the 12 tribes of Israel so 12 greats twelve angels twelve tribes of Israel not only that but you have 12 foundations and to those 12 foundations the 12 names of the apostles so here we see 12 being referred to us and not only is there 12 gates and 12 foundations 12 disciples 12 angels but also we notice something else there are 24 elders 24 elders 2 times 12 we still see that number 12 there and then when you look at the the with the link and the height you find the number 12 being reflected in 12,000 or a hundred and forty-four or a hundred and forty four thousand so you have the number 12 with certain multiples two times twelve twelve times twelve twelve thousand times twelve the number twelve appears all over and this is what most scholars say that deal with this recognize it and that is the number 12 is a kingdom number and the number 12 represents the people of the kingdom God's family God's covenant 'el people now God is going to reveal who his people are in the last days and I would suggest to you that that number a hundred and forty-four thousand represents his people now we need to realize something when we look at what the Apostle Paul teaches and this is foundational in understanding where I'm going when we look at the Apostle Paul and his use of the term Israel remember what he says he says in Romans chapter 9 and verse 6 he says not all of Israel is of Israel now in one sense that's illogical until you understand that Paul is using the term Israel in two different ways they are related but here what are you saying not all of Israel is of Israel what does they mean by that when when he uses Israel the first time he's speaking about the Jewish people when he uses Israel the second time he's talking about the kingdom people and what he says is this not all of the Jewish people are going to be Kingdom people we know that the only way to become a kingdom person is through faith in the gospel there's no other way there's not one way for Jewish people in one way for for Gentiles one way for this person one way for no one way it's through the gospel so what we find here reading on later in the chapter 11 of the book of Romans he says something he says that when the fullness of the Gentiles come in he is going to turn his attention to Israel now what is that gonna happen we know it's going to happen after the abomination of desolation Israel becomes a great focus at this time why at the abomination of desolation if you don't know what that is we'll study more of that in our next video but just as wave and introduction the abomination of desolation is when the Antichrist goes into the temple specifically to the holy of holies to this sanctuary and he proclaims himself to be God and demands all people worship him now prior to that time idolatry was rampant I'll prove that to you in a moment but idolatry was rampant but at that time he's going to outlaw that and everyone's gonna have to play allegiance to him and worship Him Israel will not and Israel will go through a time of their worst persecution because their rejection of the Antichrist and then secondly we need to realize that two-thirds of the Jewish people are gonna die at that time through this persecution but there's going to be a remnant that makes it to the end and what are they going to see they are going to see the heavens open up and now we're talking about the second coming not the rapture the second coming Messiah is going to come and deliver deliver Israel from all the nations of the world that evil empire that the Antichrist will be ruling over and Messiah is going to judge them and throw them into the winepress of God's wrath will come more to that that truth in a moment so what we have in the book of Revelation read this carefully is that before God's wrath there's going to be a sealing of the twelve tribes twelve thousand from each 144,000 then we see this great multitude in the heavens and then what God's wrath begins now here's what I'm talking about we see the number twelve referring to the kingdom and a hundred and forty-four thousand they are Kingdom people now listen carefully to what I'm saying when we look at the book of Revelation chapter 7 there are a hundred and forty-four thousand Jewish individuals that are sealed they are sealed because they're going to go through those final plagues the wrath of God but God is going to distinguish them from the nation's this is all very similar to what we see in Egypt see the Hebrews they were in Egypt but in the land of goshen this is important because they did not have the same experience as the other Egyptians and the other people who are dwelling in Egypt now does that mean every one of the Hebrews who dwelt in Goshen that experience gods shelter from these places did they all keep the Passover and and come out no but there was a remnant who did according to the rabbi's just 20% the point is this the sealing of the 440 4000 they are going to be sealed to see the faithfulness of God and hopefully bring them to that faith now when we look at Revelation chapter 7 we're still there we see something and speaking about those 144,000 they are Israel but what about this great multitude look again at the text Revelation chapter 7 see in verses 9 and 10 this great multitude from every tribe every nation every people in every language standing before the throne with those palm branches praising worshipping giving Thanksgiving to God who are them well when you look at the scripture we find something look if you would to verse 14 revelation 7 and verse 14 the question was asked who are they and John says to the angel who asks you know and the angel said to me verse 14 these are the ones who have come out of the Great Tribulation and they have washed their robes and they have made them white in the blood of the Lamb on account of this they are before the throne of God and they serve Him day and night in the sanctuary in his sanctuary and the one who sits upon the throne says that he will Tabernacle over them that is he will protect them and they shall not hunger anymore nor thirst anymore and will not fall upon them the son meaning the heat of the Sun nor any scorching heat because the land is who is in the midst of the throne Shepherds them and it says here that he leads them to the living Springs of water and we find here that he is going to that's God is going to wipe away every tear from their eyes now let me ask you a question when we look at what these ones who come out of the Great Tribulation what they receive is it unique are they going to be the only ones that are in heaven is these the only ones that Messiah is going to to wipe away their tears that they're going to have these wonderful promise of not hungry and thirst and there's going to be no scorching heat are though only for them that he's going to Shepherd and lead no this is for all believers we can send a general sense for the church but what is John doing here's the problem when people don't understand the nature of a book John addresses his prophecy this book and divisions to those who are alive at that time he's addressing them so here he says these are the ones that come out of great the Great Tribulation he's emphasizing those who are going to experience those things but those who are with them represents all the church now what we have in revelation chapter 7 in the hundred and forty-four thousand we have God's covenant people from Israel from the 12 tribes Jewish people who are going to be sealed to go through this difficult time God is going to show his covenant faithfulness upon them as he did to the Hebrews in Egypt after that not because of some Ministry of this 144,000 mentioned in chapter 7 but after this we have an image of the church emphasis upon those that came out of the Great Tribulation but really we're speaking about the church from every tribe every nation every people every language that are going to receive these wonderful benefits this is a vision of the Church of God before his throne praising him so what can we conclude about Revelation chapter 7 for our purposes prior to the wrath of God falling two things happen the first is that the hundred and forty-four thousand Jewish people from the tribes all the tribes are going to be sealed sec in verses 9 and 10 and following we have a view a description of the rapture there's an emphasis upon those who were alive at the last days that that had that powerful testimony but it includes all believers so let's summarize the hundred and forty-four thousand mentioned in Chapter seven are Jewish people not the church Jewish people that are sealed for the purpose of bringing them to the end when that gospel is proclaimed when Messiah returns and their eyes will look upon the one who has been pierced and they're in a mourn this is the 144,000 here's what I'm sharing with you this is what you want to write down and learn the hundred and forty-four thousand speaks of a kingdom people from Israel that he is going to acknowledge recognized by putting a seal upon them but because they're not yet believers they are not part of the rapture that group mentioned in verses 9 and 10 and following now they are going to go through this period of the wrath of God being poured out those mentioned in verses 9 and 10 and following are going to be taken away from away from the the wrath of God learn something else we need to deal with the phrase the Great Tribulation and Great Tribulation two very very different terms Great Tribulation and the Great Tribulation now learn something the term the Great Tribulation ours is reserved for those who suffer persecution and tribulation for the name of Yeshua for Jesus they have faith and a testimony in the gospel and the right response to the gospel and the reason why it's called the Great Tribulation with the definite articles the word Doug it specifies it why because of the tribulation they encountered were for Messiah now when you look at Matthew 24 and verse 21 it says here that the people will have great tribulation not the Great Tribulation but Great Tribulation who's that Great Tribulation is Israel what they're going to go through why they have been sealed for the great persecution they're going to go through and we find here that that many of the Jewish people are going to lose their life two-thirds according to prophecy but there's going to be that remnant that is going to be preserved and make it to the return the second coming of Messiah now let's go let's go to chapter 14 in the book of Revelation a very important chapter because it speaks much more concerning this 144,000 so before we look at it in Revelation chapter 7 the hundred and forty-four thousand speaks of Israel the Jewish people in a collective way not in a literal number of a hundred and forty-four thousand why remember 12:24 144 144,000 are all multiples of 12 for the kingdom it speaks about a kingdom people so in Revelation 7 we have a kingdom people represented from the Jewish people that are going to come to faith in the last days through what primarily because they see they see messiahs return with their eyes they'll look upon as I said a moment ago the one who has been pierced but now look at Revelation chapter 14 and verse 1 it says John is speaking he has his other vision I saw and behold a lamb standing now if you look here this is in the Greek perfect what's significant about that it speaks about event in the past it's true now and it's going to continue into the future so this is speaking about the lamb who is Messiah standing where upon the mount of Zion Mount Zion now Mount Zion Zion is is a reference to the kingdom this is a heavenly picture why do I say that well if you keep reading it says here and with them are a hundred and forty-four thousand having the name of his father so his is the Messiah messiahs father God the Father having been written upon their foreheads now what's important here is this it says that their name or their foreheads has his name having been written meaning it's not something new it's not something that just happened but it's something that was true in the past present and extends that same perfect is being used here and I heard a voice from the heavens as a voice of many waters as the voice of great thunder as the voice and the word voice can be sound saying word in Greek he says and the sound I heard were Harper's playing their harps or harping upon their harps and notice this it says a song as a new song they sung before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders and no one else was able to learn the song now what do we know here this is a heavenly vision why well Zion is mentioned a kingdom word but Zion in this case refers to the kingdom of heaven why big cuz where are they they are standing at before the throne who's there the four living creatures these four living creatures they're mentioned in the the prophets and also elsewhere in the book of Revelation where do they reside heaven and then we have the elders these are the heavenly elders so there's no debate it is it is a fact that these hundred and forty-four thousand are with Messiah the Lamb where in the heavens so this teaches us something we have a problem we have the hundred and forty-four thousand in revelation 7 being on earth they're sealed they're going to go through the wrath of God but these hundred and forty-four thousand they are in the heaven now remember we are in chapter 14 in chapter 13 we have a review if you look at chapter 13 it speaks about the first beast coming up from the water water turbulent beast is an empire so the first piece is an empire an empire that's gonna rise up rule over all people all nations and it's going to rise up at a time of of instability it's going to be the outcome of the birth pains and what we see here concerning concerning this first beasts is that it's going to be very hostile to believers we see that in Revelation chapter 13 look if you would at verse 7 and 8 undeniable and then there's a second piece this second beast comes out of the land land stability this second piece well he had horns like a lamb but he spoke as this dragon who's that the Antichrist and when things are stabilized in this evil empire the leader who's going to take control is the Antichrist and he is going to begin to persecute he is going to cause people to to want to want to follow him he is gonna do signs and wonders and cause people to take a mark the mark of the beast upon their forehead or on their forearm this is what we see in chapter 13 but when we get in chapter 14 we are immediately taken where to the heavens and who are these hundred and forty-four thousand people who are now in the presence of God and when did they get in the presence of God the Word of God is very specific look now if you would to verse three once more it says here and as a new song they sung before the throne before the fork living creatures and before the elders and no one was able to learn this song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who notices who were redeemed from the earth what does that mean they're human beings they are not some some heavenly creature creatures but they were redeemed from the earth now when we look at revelation 7 and those 144,000 nothing is said about them being redeemed this is why they have to go through the wrath of God they are sealed because of the wrath of God falling but this group is a different group they are strongly identified with Messiah with Yeshua and they were redeemed from the earth look down to verse 4 for these were were not defiled with women for they are virgins now underscore this because what we hear so many times in fact there is a a Bible teacher who I respect I like he's taught me much but you know I'm wrong everyone can be wrong and in this case I believe he's wrong notice what the scripture says that that these were not defiled with women they are virgins now what he says is they are celibate and that means he says you know things are gonna be so busy and chaotic at this time and they're gonna be so committed they won't have time to get married and find a wife and such well when you study the concept of virginity it is not someone who I haven't found the right one I'm too busy things are going on no virginity is always spoken of as a decision for a covenant Allah the purpose of marriage here's what I want to caution people if we think celibacy is is more holy than someone who gets married and is in a biblical covenant or marriage this is not the case nowhere in the scripture do we see that do people have a call to celibacy some do Paul speaks about that but being with a woman does that defile you if it's your wife and when it says here that these are virgins realize something if you go to the previous chapter it tells us that that base that Empire is going to have you make an image and that you have to worship the image and the Empire idolatry is crampon during this period of time under the administration of the Antichrist Empire but these individuals this 144,000 did not commit idolatry many times what it says here they were not defiled with women for they are virgins verse 4 it's speaking about then not succumbing to idolatry they did not take the mark of the beast upon their arm or upon their forehead they did not make that image to bow down to it now notice something else it says still in verse verse 4 the these are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes so here we're speaking about those who have a strong commitment of obedience to Messiah sure we don't see that in Revelation chapter 7 these are the ones who were redeemed from man they are notices the firstfruits of God and of the lamb now the firstfruits this is important because this word first fruit is associated with Messiah he's the first fruit and it's associated with a day that he rose from the dead and what day was that we're sheep this special day called firstfruits so firstfruits also has a a connotation to victory so when it says these are the first fruits of God into the lamp they have victory from God by means of the lamb likewise it says and in their mouth is not found the Nestle allenbury text says any falsehood or or lies the TExES Receptus has deceit not similar lies or deceit very similar and these are the type of differences that you find in manuscripts two words very very similar but but two different words but but very close in meaning for they are are unblemished before the throne of God so here what's more this group is before the throne of God they are in heaven and notice what we see in verse 6 we've already read this and verse 6 we see something we see that this proclamation of the gospel is not good to be done by the hundred and forty-four thousand know words that said that they're Jewish evangelists no scripture it is a figment of someone's mind that people heard it and repeat it and many believed it and many teach it but it's not biblical there are no 144,000 Jewish celibate evangelist there are individuals a hundred and forty four thousand I believe that is a symbolic number there is a hundred and forty-four thousand speaking of Kingdom people who are in the kingdom of heaven and what do we know well in verse six and seven we get a passage that tells us something John is speaking he says I looked another angel or I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to evangelize to proclaim to the ones dwelling on the earth one swore to every ethnic group every tribe every language and every people saying it in a great voice what did they say fear God and give to him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship the one who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and The Fountains of waters so here is a proclamation to what to receive the gospel now this would happen when we know when it's happening this proclamation happens before the wrath of God falls now Satan is very active through the Antichrist in this Empire but notice what it says verse verse eight verse eight we have a foreshadowing we are told here that another angel follows after and says fallen fallen is Babylon that great city that from the wine of the wrath or the anger of her this is this evil empire her sexual immorality that that she made every nation drink so God is coming to do what to place his wrath upon those who committed what immorality and this is idolatry now sexual immorality is part of idolatry read for example numbers 25 what we find is that that sexual act oftentimes accompanies idolatry but here it's speaking of it in a different way speaking of idolatry itself as this immorality verse 8 and another angel followed saying this is about Babylon look at verse 9 and a third angel followed them saying in a loud voice anyone who worships the Beast that's this Empire and this image its image and receives the mark upon their foreheads hand we find this one will drink from the wine of the anger of God mixed mixed up and undiluted in the cup of his wrath and they will be tormented with fire and brimstone before his holy angels and before the lamb now what do we see here we see this this proclamation of the gospel this instruction to worship Him who made heaven and earth the sea and all that's within them and then there's this Proclamation Babylon has fallen now it has not fallen in reality it's proclaiming that what's going to bring about the fall Babylon God's wrath so what we see here is this great number of a hundred and forty-four thousand people who have a connection with the Lamb doesn't say anything here about them being connected with the Trel tribes of Israel doesn't say that they are Jewish evangelists doesn't say many things that you hear no the hundred and forty-four thousand they are the church that's who they are in Revelation 14 in Revelation chapter 7 that number a hundred and forty four thousand it's symbolic it's the kingdom oh but the Jewish those of Israel that's going to come to faith in the last days at the end God's marked them he is distinguishing them in order to bring them to salvation now they have to receive it and they will the vast majority but here's one of them do I want to stop for a moment and say something the reason why it is ridiculous to say that there's going to be the greatest spiritual awakening ever in earth from these hundred and forty-four Jewish evangelists 144,000 Jewish evangelists is that we don't see these tribulation time those last seven years as a time of the Gentiles coming to faith why do I say that don't say it lightly but if you look for example let's look at two places in the scripture go back to Revelation chapter 9 Revelation chapter 9 knows what it says verse 20 now this is speaking about the trumpet judgments first we have the seals being broken and the Seventh Seal concerns or contains everything else in the book of Revelation including what we have here is these trumpet judgments they are horrible horrible judgments that are related to God's wrath but the trumpet judgments usually have the number one third meaning it's not the full measure of God's wrath but notice something after all the death and suffering and pain that has happened through these trumpet judgments notice what it says verse 20 revelation 9 verse 20 and the rest of mankind the rest of men that did not die in these plagues here's what it says they did not repent from the works of their hands in order that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood which cannot see which are not able to hear nor walk and they did not repent from their murders nor from their drugs this is the word that we get in English pharmacy so it's drug speaking about drug abuse nor from their immorality sexual immorality nor from their thievery stealing now if you look here would you not agree that idolatry is mention here strongly realize in the last seven years idolatry is going to be rampant in this world this should form our understanding of what it means that these 144,000 were not defiled with women that they were virgins they did not succumb to idolatry but those it says here they didn't repent where is the great spiritual arrival well maybe it's later on well it's not look now to the bowl judgments look if you would to chapter 16 now what I want you to see is that we need to know this book of Revelation exactly what it says the order of it how it is written meaning the literary devices that help us understand it properly look at verse 9 verse 9 of Revelation chapter 16 it says and they blaspheme the name of God the one having authority over these plagues so those who suffer them these are the bowl judgments God's full and devastating wrath it says here these individuals what did they do they blaspheme the name that means the character of God this one having authority over all these plagues and they did not repent to give him glory now very clear they did not repent look at verse 11 it says and they blast mean the God of heaven from which they suffered these these hurts and these pains and they did not repent of their deeds so I ask you where is this this great spiritual awakening where do we find that now here's what we see in the scripture we see in the book of Revelation chapter 14 an image of the 144,000 it's the church we see the church in the heavens we see that before God they are holy they are virgin meaning they were faithful they had fidelity to God they washed their their garments in the blood of Messiah that's who we're speaking about in fact what we would suggest is this that that group mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 9 and 10 and following is the same group in Revelation 14 now let me because I know this is going much longer than I intended but learn this when we look at the rest of the the 14th chapter of the book of Revelation what we have is this we have two harvests now these two harvests are not saying ones immediately after the other it's giving us a broad look in the same way of the parable of the tares and the wheat remember what it says it says that in the last days there's going to be this this harvest and he's gonna separate the tears from the wheat the wheat or it's going to be put into his barn the kingdom of God and the tares that knows those bad weeds are going to be burnt up the context is judgment and judgment time well at the end of Revelation 14 it talks about that that there's going to be a sharp sickle given and Messiah this one who and we can read it very carefully look if you would to Revelation 14 and let's look for example at verse verse 14 and I saw I looked and behold a white cloud and the one who said upon it was like the son of man having upon his head a golden crown and in his hand he had a sharp sickle and what we're gonna find is that this one is Messiah and he's coming to harvest harvest believers and then later on we find that the angel comes and he's going to be the one this unique angel under the auspice of Messiah of course he's going to do what he is good harvest as well he's gonna have a sharp sickle and he is going to harvest as well and gathering and I'm reading in verse 18 towards the end he is going to gather up the clusters of the vine of the earth and he is going to tread upon the grapes and casts the angel is going to cast them into this this he's gonna cast his sharp sickle into the earth and he is going to gather up the vine of the earth and he's going to cast them into the winepress of the wrath the great winepress of God's of God and they are going to suffer his wrath to the extent that blood is going to come up to the level of a horse's bridle and it's going to go forth for 1,600 stadiums that's 1,600 stadiums which is approximately close to 200 miles or we could say that it could come to approximately 300 or really three at 300 kilometers that's how the Bloods go to flow and all of this is to tell us something exactly what Paul told us in Romans chapter 11 because in Romans chapter 11 he says something he says that God is going to work with the Gentiles until the fullness of the Gentiles come in and then he's going to to Israel and Israel's going to get saved and when Israel gets saved it's not going to bring about some great revival as some teachers it's going to bring about the establishment of the kingdom of God why it says if Israel if Israel's failure means the salvation of the nation's not not all the nations not all the people but a great number if their rejection meant the salvation and their reconciliation of the nations what will their acceptance be Paul tells us this in verse 15 life from the dead what's life from the dead it is a reference to the resurrection when we hear resurrection what should come into our mind Kingdom so here's what Paul saying God is going to move and he is going to bring the fullness of the Gentiles in that time of the Gentiles end with what the rapture after the rapture God's wrath is going to begin Israel is sealed against this rat wrath that doesn't mean that they're not going to suffer persecution the worst time of suffering from the enemy the Antichrist they will but but while God's wrath is falling we're going to see this is going to bring Israel to a state of dependence and they're going to say where is Messiah blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord where is he and he's going to come easy to come to Armageddon he is going to defeat these vast armies that are coming up to attack Jerusalem and he is going to defeat them the blood is going to flow for 300 kilometres for a hundred and eighty two hundred miles at the height of a horse's bridle Israel's gonna look upon their deliver this Redeemer and then it says and all of Israel will be saved what does he mean all of Israel well it doesn't mean every Jewish person he already told us this is not the case in Romans nine verse six not all of Israel Israel when he says all of Israel will be saved what he means is the fullness of the Gentiles and that remnant of Israel in the last days and what we see here is this Revelation chapter 7 speaks in a general sense of those Jewish people who are going to come to faith in Messiah and will be Kingdom people that's Revelation chapter 7 that 144,000 it relates symbolically to Israel coming to faith and in Revelation 14 it speaks of those who are uniquely connected with the Lamb who are of the church they're going to come to faith and be brought to heaven when before the pouring out of God's wrath that's what we see when we study Revelation chapter 14 so in conclusion who are the 144,000 no where do we see that they're evangelists whose 144,000 God's kingdom people those from Israel chapter 7 and those from the nations which includes a remnant of Jewish people who came into faith before those last days and what we find is the hundred and forty-four thousand that number is a kingdom number the kingdom people who are going to spend eternity and what we see those who are going to be Shepherd and fed and nourished and protected and blessed who are going to worship the lamb and worship the one who sits upon the throne worship God Father Son and Holy Spirit for eternity in the kingdom of God the 144,000 an important biblical truth and it's this interpretation that removes so many of the the difficulties and the contradictions that you find with other views while closed with that if you made it all the way for the last sixty eight minutes I commend you for your diligence II until our next lesson in the last days Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of of israil org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video for may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel 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Id: ec1tbwOjosk
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Length: 69min 15sec (4155 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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