Who are the 144,000?

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Please give us a point summary with scripture as to what this video says about the hundred forty-four thousand.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Beddarhalf ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 11 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

--Video summary--

Revelation 7 (first time we read mention of 144,000)

Revelation 6, last verse - for the great day of wraith is come, who is able to stand? - answer is given in chapter 7, a remnant - the 144,000

Something is going to happen before the trumpet judgments (destroying of trees/green things; Revelation 7:1), this is related to the 144,000.

Ezekiel chapter 9 - parallel passage which talks about a "sealing" of a remnant.

Why is the Lord sealing 12,000 from each tribe? We have to go back to the story of the coming out of Eygpt, one of the last events to take place after the 40 days in the wilderness - GOd granted Israel vengeance of the Midinites kings, Moses selected 1,000 from each tribe, 12,000 total and they went out and wiped out kings and it was the last battle in the wilderness before the children of Israel crossed over into promise land.

The whole book of Revelation is the last battle of the world before we go to the promised land, the last world wide conflict. There is a parallel here.

The 144,000 is exactly 12x greater than the original force. In the previous battle of the 12,000, it was reported to Moses that not one of those 12,000 men was missing. The comparison is this, the 144,000 are going to be sealed before the trumpet judgement and perform a service for God - they will not die - in Revelation 14 we see these are the welcoming committee to Jesus on mount Sion.

There's some prophecies that point to the capabilities of this group; Micah 2:12.

Matthew 5:7 - remnant of Jacob will be among many peoples

Ezekiel 33 says the remnant is going to be called out and going to out to the wilderness to the people, they are going to the country side - there's not going to be just one group, there's going to be groups in every nation.

Micah 5:8 - "And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver." No one will be able to stop this group as they follow him the Messiah where he goes.

Ezekiel 14:12 (he is talking about God has delivered his people in the past, then ultimately ends up talking about the Great Tribulation). Noah was delivered from the whole judgment of the world, Daniel was delivered from the king who threw him in the lions den, Job was under the judgement and arm of Satan and himself yet he was delivered from that.

If I put faminine on a nation, only three guys in history could make it out as shining examples of deliverance. Verse 15 - the judgements of wild beasts: if I put that on a nation, again, only these three would make it - that's how severe that judgement is. Verse 17 - if I bring the sword on the country, only these three would make it. verse 19: If I put a plague on a nation, only these three would make it, nobody would make it.

Poses a question: do you know what the seal judgments are? All four of these things, at once.

Verse 21: how much more severe when I send these four judgments?

How are we going to make it? Verse 22: yet BEHOLD, these survivors have the power to save themselves, and both sons and daughters - the greatest deliverance in Biblical history.

Isaiah 40 - who is going to comfort the people? The Messiah and the 144,000 in the midst of the greatest judgments G-d has ever sent on the earth.

Revelation 20 - the memorial of the 12 tribes of Israel - guess who is memorialized in the wall - that wall is 144,000 cubits high, made of precious stones. Precious stones are symbolized to individual believers.

Back to Isaiah 40 - the voice of one crying in wilderness; next verse (6) - what is being talked about: the apostle is saying that is what they fulfilled, following verse(s) quoted by Peter as occuring. Verse 9: who is this referring to? We've seen John the baptist, the apostles, and now...

It's at the end of the age, it's when the Messiah comes back to judge the world and recomposes and anger and gathers his flock.

Some other prophecies in Isaiah 11.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wallet_man ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 20 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this is from Carol our group is wondering if you could explain from the Scriptures what purpose of 144,000 will be during the Great Tribulation all right I am I've been anticipating getting to this question this is going to take a little time on my answer I'm going to use a few minutes here to do this and I'm going to try to make this highly abbreviated and since it's being recorded here in the broadcast you're I'm just going to go through this pretty quick but you can go back review it again and get your Bible out and go through and I'm going to take you through some key passages of Scripture that's going to cover this and so you know I'm going to give the references you go back and study those in some detail and we'll go through it so this is going to be a whirlwind quick teaching on tell me everything you know about the 144,000 number one the first time in scripture we hear about this is in Revelation chapter seven and in the vision that was given to John what he was told about the Great Tribulation that there is this group that's identified and and so that you understand the sequence of the writing of the book this is the answer what's being shared here is the answer to the question that was being asked in revelation 6 when it went through the seal judgments the breaking of the seals and here let me take you back to the last verse of chapter 6 it says for the great day of their wrath has come and who is able to stand that's the question that's not just a rhetorical question John gets the answer who when the Lord comes back and all these judgments were even poured out on the earth and the Great Tribulation and the Lord is going to come back and the day of the Lord and so who is able to stand okay who's going to make it through this the answer is immediately given chapter 7 and he begins to show that there is this group of believers remnant of Israel let me read to you after this I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth so that no wind should blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree what are we specifically referring to we are about to refer to the trumpet judgments not the seal judgments but the trumpet judges in other words what it's saying is something's going to happen before any trumpet judgments can happen because the trumpet judgments are the destruction of the sea the destruction of trees the destruction of green things and things like that and he says hold back until this gets done so it's telling us this event here described in revelation 7 is not necessarily connected with the seals but it is a prerequisite before you're going to have the trumpet judgments that come ok so he goes on to say verse 2 and I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the Sun having the seal of the Living God and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond servants of our God on their foreheads okay where else in Scripture do we hear a description about any angel going around and sealing people on their foreheads Ezekiel chapter 9 is the parallel passage besides Revelation that talks about the sealing of the remnant okay and he goes on to say and I heard the number of those who seal 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons and then twelve tribes are listed and there's 12,000 from each tribe all right I'm not going to read through all of that but let me summarize it for you what in the world is the Lord doing here why would he be sealing 12,000 from each tribe for this total group 144,000 what in the world are these for well to understand it to relent in the background oven you have to go back to the story of coming out of Egypt because in the story of coming out of Egypt about the time that they're ending their struggle and traveling through the wilderness the 40 years they've been in the will is one of the last events that took place was this thing with Balaam and coming down and the Midianite kings and they tried to subvert the children of Israel and and cause the Lord to destroy him and God granted Moses and the children of Israel vengeance on the Midianite kings and to do so Moses selected 1,000 from each tribe for an army of 12,000 and they went and wiped the Midianite Kings out it was the last battle in the wilderness before the children of Israel crossed over into the promised land the whole book of Revelation all the prophecies there it is the last battle brethren of the world before we go to the promised land it is the last worldwide conflict before we go and so there's a parallel in the ancient story of of coming out of Egypt that has to do with that there was this last battle with the five mini night kings and there was only one thousand from each tribe total of 12,000 they're the ones that secured the victory the military victory from them before they crossed over we're going to have a victory over all of the enemies of the world and it's going to be twelve thousand from each tribe and so it's a army totaling 144,000 it's exactly twelve times greater than the original one okay so there's this incredible parallel final battle selected ones and so forth now in that previous battle if you go back and do some research on that you will discover that when they counted up the booty you know they had recovered all the prize from the war it was reported to Moses that not one of those twelve thousand men was missing that they went to war and nobody died well maybe they did but they were resurrected off the battlefield they came home and so essentially the comparison is this the hundred and forty-four thousand are going to be sealed at the start of the Great Tribulation before the trumpet judgments and they are going to perform a certain service for God on his behalf partly has to do with they will not die in the Great Tribulation they are going to be there at the end in fact in Revelation 14 it speaks of that hundred and same hundred and forty-four thousand being their own mount sign welcoming the Messiah when he comes into Jerusalem through the Mount of Olives it specifically says they are the welcoming committee so there it's telling us these are going in sealed and by the way they're all going to make it at the end they're all going to be there at the end which is the same story as the twelve thousand that went against the middie 19 so that's our huge parallel that goes into it now there's a series of other prophecies very specific prophecies that deal with the Great Tribulation and then kind of point these people out to us and specifically things that they have the capability to do I'm going to take you to Micah chapter 5 there's a very interesting one about them that is spoken there and one of my favorites well let me show you this one verse Micah - first in verse chapter 2 and verse 12 so that you get the context of what Mike is really talking about some of the events right at the end and he's talking about how God will gather the remnant of Israel and use them in a powerful way and Micah 2:12 says I will surely assemble all of you Jacob I will surely gather the remnant of Israel put them together like sheep in the fold like a flock in the midst of its pasture they will be noisy with men what's that mean it means that they will be an autonomous group and other men will know about them other people in the world they will know about this group and and and there will be a lot of discussion about them and it says the breaker goes up before them they break out pass through the gate go out by it so their king goes on before them and the Lord at their head they're going to be on the greater Exodus who's going to be leading them the Messiah King Messiah King we leading this remnant in the greater Exodus at the end and and other nations and other people are not going to be able stop them from doing this it's going to be the grater exes now let me take you over a little bit further to Matthew chapter 5 a continuation on the remnant we're talking about the outcasts we're talking about the gathering and here's what it says in verse 7 then the remnant of Jacob will be among many peoples one of the things I keep sharing with everybody where's this Exodus taking place what how is it going to happen Ezekiel says specifically to us in Ezekiel 33 that the remnant is going to be called out and they're going to leave the cities and they're going to go into the wilderness of the peopleยดs they're going to go into the countryside of whatever nation they're in they're not going to stay in the cities that that's how the Greatorex is going to work we're going to be in the countryside into the wilderness of the peoples and so here here's Mike as saying then the remnant of Jacob will be among many peoples they'll be in many lands there's going to be many things it's not going to be just one group every nation is going to have some of the remnant that's escaping the Lord will be leading like to do from the Lord it says like showers on vegetation which do not wait for man or delay for the sons of men and the remnant of Jacob will be among the nations among many peoples like a lion among the beasts of the forest like a young lion among flocks of sheep when he passes through tramples down and tears and there's no one to rescue your hand will be lifted up against your adversaries and all your enemies will be cut off now we know the hundred and forty-four thousand are going to be in the the the groupings of the various camps that are escaping the greater excess we know there's going to be many of them in there and basically it's saying that the remnant and the rim need to in this case 144,000 when they're on the greater Exodus as they travel and they go various places in lands and different places and so with nothing out there's going to stop them from where they need to go that the Lord will be with them and they will go wherever the Lord says and by the way these remnant have so much power and authority over what's going on specifically it says they are going to be compared to lions walking through flocks of sheep by the way on I don't know if you've ever witnessed this before one a young lion walks through a flock of sheep I don't care how many sheep you've got they will not stop the line from going wherever he wants to go the line goes where the lion wants to go and basically that's the metaphor here that when God's people begin to move in the lands nothing's going to stop them there's nothing out there that's powerful enough to prohibit them from going where the Lord wants them to go they might as well be Lions as compared to everybody else being sheep that's the metaphor that's the picture and it gives you this powerful picture if the leadership is the 144,000 they're the ones sealed they're the ones that live all the way through it that's in keeping what they're like lions compared to everybody else whose sheep you know in the midst of this atmosphere but let's go one more verse even more powerful than that let's go to Ezekiel 14 Ezekiel is talking about how God has delivered his people in the past you know he's giving a teachings and he's going to end up talking about ultimately the Great Tribulation okay so he's going to review some histories going to just review the dynamics this is how God works and when he does deliverance and so forth this is how it works so beginning in Ezekiel 14 at verse 12 here's what the Lord gives us as instruction from Ezekiel then the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man if a country sins against me by committing unfaithfulness and I stretch out my hand against and destroy its supply bread sin famine against it and cut off from both man and beast in other words God puts the punishment they're going to suffer famine even though these three men Noah Daniel and job were in their midst by their own righteousness they could only deliver themselves declares the Lord whoa who are we talking about Noah Daniel and Joe why would he mention these three names well let's think about this Noah was delivered from the judgment of God at the flood God judged the whole world Noah was delivered story of the ark okay Daniel was delivered from the judgment of a king who threw him in the lion's den and he was delivered from that job was under the judgment and harm of Satan himself who came and destroyed his house his family and so forth and yet he was delivered even from that so these men that had just been mentioned Noah Daniel job they are powerful examples for us in the scripture in the teaching about how people can be delivered and he's saying here's what he's saying he said I God if I put a judgment of famine on a nation there's only three guys in history the Kompas would make it nobody else would make it just these three though they'll be able to make it out because they are shining examples of deliverance and salvation to us only they would make it then he goes soon he says let's talk about another judgment he goes down to verse 15 he talks about the judgement of wild beasts wild beasts is where all the animals go rogue and all of a sudden they attack humans he says if I put that on a nation I put on a group of people again only those three guys would make it nobody else would be able to make it that's how severe that judgment is then he goes down to verse 17 he says if I bring the sword on a country if I cause there to be warfare only those three guys will make it then he goes down to verse 19 says if I put a plague disease on a nation only those three guys could be delivered nobody's going to make it okay now I want you to stop and think here for a moment do you know what the seal judgments are all four of these things at the same time so here's what he has to say he says verse 21 for thus says the Lord how much more when I send for severe judgments upon Jericho sword famine wild beasts and plague and cut off man how much more severe will it be well any one of them is so severe only three men can make it so if you put all four together it's even more compelling and the logic is nobody's going to make it except those three guys by the way that's the judgment supposed to come at the Great Tribulation how in the world are we going to make it that's the logical question but he gives a different answer and here's what he says where's twenty-two yet behold survivors will be left in it who be brought out both sons and daughters wait a minute make sure you understand what he just said Noah Daniel and job don't even have the power to deliver their own children in the midst of these judgments just themselves they can't even deliver the people they love yet it describes a group of people that it's going to be when there's just judgment of all four judgments hits it says there's going to be a group of people survivors or plural group of people not only will they have the power for them to be delivered but they will have the power to deliver sons and daughters to so these survivors these people that are going to be part of this salvation of deliverance is going to be far greater than any other previous example we've ever seen in scripture about salvation and deliverance that God has ever done in other words all that was was a preliminary instruction about how God saves but when we get down to the real event it's kind of this salvation is going to be far greater and way more powerful than anything that has ever been seen and it's going to be more than three of them and we read the rest of it behold they are going to come forth to you and you will see their conduct and actions and then you wiii be comforted for the calamity which I have brought against Jerusalem for everything which I have brought upon then they will comfort you when you their conduct in their actions for you will know that I have not done in vain what I did to it now the keyword there is comfort all right so now let me take you to Isaiah chapter 40 again I'm giving you a quick ride through a whole bunch of scriptures here the tie together with this whole story Isaiah chapter 40 first words comfort Oh comfort my people says your God speak kindly to Jerusalem call out to her that her warfare has ended that her iniquity has been removed that she has received to the Lord's hand double for her sins you know when that moment takes place that's when the Messiah returns the war is over comfort my people who is called to comfort the people the 144,000 they have the power to deliver both sons and daughters other brethren and they're able to protect and comfort the people in the midst of the greatest judgments God's ever put on the earth the word comfort here in the Hebrew is also a very fascinating word it's a compound word it means come into the fortress now if you have a fortress the thing that makes the fortress so good is the strength of the wall how tall the wall is how thick the wall is that's the strength of the fortress and so if you are out here with enemies and you get to come into the Ford the fortress and you get on the other side of the wall from the enemy now you'll feel safe and you'll be comforted and you will you'll know you'll be okay what does it say of the hundred 400 thousand about the seal and the name of God on their forehead that the people who will benefit from them will seek refuge and be comforted and they will submit to those in the name of the in other words you get on the other side of them they stand between you and the enemy you are comforted and they become a wall of protection for the tribulation sites so in Revelation 20 when we get to the end and it starts memorializing the tribes of Israel the twelve gates the twelve apostles the foundation stand the foundation stones of the whole city guess who gets memorialized in the wall it says that wall is 144 cubits high which is the comparison to 144,000 the most significant digit and it's made up of precious stones by the way what does that equate to individual believers are likened unto precious stones before the Lord so they're a wall of precious stones that provide the defense of the entire fortress so what do they do for us spiritually in the Great Tribulation they're like a wall you come on the other side you're safe you take refuge in the name of the Lord it's right on their forehead you can see it you take refuge you get into the fortress with them this is God's way to protect his people and to get you through the Great Tribulation because when those punishments and those judgments hit believe you me nobody is going to survive them and less you're one of the survivors that's been called who has been granted this power and that's the reason why they're sealed that's the symbol God says I've sealed you you can hold judgments back judgments don't affect you even demons don't affect you you are going to make it all the way and by the way you have the power to deliver many thank goodness there's going to be a whole lot of them and he's going to give us a hundred and forty-four thousand throughout all the world in the nations and so forth so that's the quick answer on 144,000 you'll have to go back there's many many other passages to read on this this Isaiah 40 thing let me give you one last one to tie it in all right if you go down through an interpreter for you study all of chapter 4 you have this introduction to comfort comfort my people then the very next set of verse is about the voice of one crying in the wilderness hey that's John the Baptist this is the passage John the Baptist quoted when he came to herald the Messiah then the very next passage down to verse 6 it says a voice says call out and he said what shall I call out all flesh is grass all this levelness like the flower of the field what in the world are we talking about here the Apostles said that's what they fulfilled that they're the ones that took the Word of God now and he actually quotes this Peter quotes this passage saying this was the work of the Apostles okay so we're seeing prophecies being fooled but let me take you to verse 9 and the question I wanted to you is who is this referring to we've seen John the Baptist we've seen the Apostles now there's another group here's what this prophecy says who is this group get yourself up on a high mountain Ozai and bearer of good news lift up your voice mightily o Jerusalem bearer of good news lifted up do not fear say to the cities of Judah here is your God behold the Lord God will come with might with his arm ruling for him behold his reward is with him his recompense before him like a shepherd he will tend his flock in his arm he will gather the Lambs and carry them in his bosom he will gently lead the nursing use what is this prophecy about it's at the end of the age it's when God comes back to judge the world and recompense them for what they deserve and he gathers his flock and treats them tenderly and carefully and who is doing all this standing up the world and say behold here is your God who's bearing that message the 144,000 they're the ones standing in the midst of the assembly and say this is about the coming of our Messiah King by the way let's gather the flock you guys get behind me Lord's going to take care of us those going in trouble here's your end story here's your in prophecy I can assure you that when we get to the kingdom there will be a teacher probably the massage said you see those verses nine through that was 144,000 that's what they did there's some of the prophecies there's a variety of other prophecies in different places I can take you to as a 11 I can take you to Ezekiel just all these little places because they play a central role in protecting God's people and delivering us in the great tribulation so that's the quick I did that well in the number of minutes I use that you you got a couple of years worth of teaching there in the last 20 minutes okay if I your see and just man
Channel: Lion and Lamb Ministries
Views: 206,957
Rating: 4.8073835 out of 5
Keywords: the 144000, Monte Judah, end times, great tribulation, greater exodus, second exodus, lion lamb, bnai shalom, bible, torah, tanakh, scripture, hebrew, hebraic, messianic, jewish, opinion, perspective, rabbi
Id: sZh-yMlsi88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
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