Jude Chapter 1 Part 1

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shalom and welcome to via after israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zara avraham institute based in israel although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web at loveisreal.org that's one word loveisreal.org now here's baruch with today's lesson [Music] we know indeed that there are difficult times coming the prophets inform us of that fact but it's very interesting what our lord and savior taught us concerning when these things begin in the book of luke in chapter 21 and verse 28 messiah encourages us he says when you begin to see these things taking place lift up your head that is indeed an idiom for encouragement because the time of redemption is at hand and in this case the redemption that messiah was speaking about is the fulfillment the outcome of what he earned for you and me for every believer when he laid down his life and that is a kingdom the kingdom of god in its fullness we need to realize that the transition from this world into the time of the kingdom is going to be a difficult one one that is going to be experienced by hardships plagues famines earthquakes wars all types of things that bring about instability and what should we be doing at these times was tikvah does we share our faith we tell the people that we know a message the only message that truly gives hope but in addition to sharing our faith telling the good news of messiah we also need to be people that contend for the faith and with that statement take out your bible and look with me to the epistle of jude now you might know that name jude but you may not know that that is from a hebrew name the name literally is yehuda or judah and that word speaks of praise praising god acknowledging him and that's what the enemy hates he hates when we worship god in obedience to and here's the key to the instructions of god when we look at the word of god it is most specific god gives us instructions they're called commands they are not negotiable they do not have to make your approval we need to submit and it's only in that spirit of submissiveness when we are obedient to the truth of god then and only then are we in a position to worship god what we're going to do in this conference in the first and second sessions we are going to go through the first half this evening the second half tomorrow night and we are going to go word by word through this epistle of yehuda of jude for his message is so relevant for our times because we are seeing that sound doctrine people are moving away from people are confused people do not understand or know or acknowledge the doctrines of god in order that they might be moved by the holy spirit anointed by him in order to carry out god's work we need to realize and this is the first point that jude's going to make that we are servants let's begin the epistle of jude yehuda and the first verse he writes yehuda and pay very close attention to how i translate this because oftentimes in english they in other languages as well they do not follow the order of the texts and when they change the order and they don't pay attention to the grammatical indicators what happens is that it loses much of its message things become lost in translation so notice what it literally says and show you how the order that i'm going to be reading is indeed different than probably most of your bibles we begin yehuda of yeshua hamashiach that is of jesus christ a servant now most bibles will just make it this way a servant of jesus christ but it doesn't say that the meaning is the same but the order shows a greater emphasis on something that judah wanted to teach us so he begins after his name comes the expression yehuda hamashiach that is jesus the christ a servant and then the next word is the word but he's showing something that is different something that is not equal something that's not the same in his selection that is when the holy spirit inspired him to choose a particular conjunction he says of jesus christ a servant but a brother of yaakov or james in your bible now why the different order when he speaks about messiah yeshua he puts him first and says that he is a servant but when he speaks about his brother he first and foremost mentions the term brother then of yaakov of james why he's showing that his relationship although and according to tradition this jude is the half-brother meaning that both jude and james they shared the same mother miriam mary but he wants to show that his relationship with with yeshua is vastly different than his relationship with his physical brother and that is james so he is exalting yeshua in a very unique way it's a emphasis to the reader and then he says to whom is this epistle address so we read once more yehuda of messiah yeshua a servant but a brother of yaakov of james to the ones who are called and this is so significant those who have responded to god's call not just a call for salvation but also a call to service in order to commit oneself to the will of god now let me just simply share with you that if you are not committed to the will of god you are not a disciple you may have made a decision a genuine decision for the gospel but you are in disobedient because if you're not committed to the purpose the will of god you are not demonstrating discipleship you are not doing the things for which you have been saved to do messiah saves us with a purpose and we'll see that in a moment so to the ones who are called in god the father now literally it says father god the definite article the is not there so it says simply father god not the not god the father and what's the implication of that well without the definite article it shows intimacy it shows a closeness it shows a personal connection with god by means of this calling what one has responded to and i'm speaking about a covenantal relationship specifically the new covenant so to those who are called in father god and and we have two possibilities if you are following a modern translation it will speak about those who have been loved and that means that god has loved him in the past he loves them presently and he will call on loving them but if you see the best manuscript in fact if you follow the texas receptors by which the king james is translated from you'll find that it does not say having been loved but rather having been sanctified and i believe that that is the best manuscript in regard to this text because we see a relation throughout the scripture between being called and sanctification calling is always with a purpose and sanctification is when one submit to the purposes of god and it's that submissiveness that brings about a change in our life when we submit to the purposes of god the holy spirit goes to work in our life in a mighty way and it's through him that these changes come about we experience god's equipping we experience his power we experience his illumination so that we can see things from his perspective and thereby we are now ready to serve so we're called but we're called according to a purpose so it says here having been sanctified and the second part and by yeshua hamashiach by jesus christ having been and pay great attention to this having been kept or preserved now i like to pay attention to the grammar because through the grammar we learn things that many times the translators they are careless they do not do what they ought to by paying diligence to how the words are constructed the form and once again when it says here that we are kept being kept by messiah yeshua that word for being kept is in a special construction it's the perfect and what does that mean it means that a time in the past god and this is when we have believed god has kept us he begins to guard us preserve us protect us however you want to translate this word it has to do with god's involvement to support us in this world and beyond so the perfect says that this began in the past when for a believer the moment they believed and then it's still true today and here's the real emphasis of the perfect tense it speaks of something in the past in the present and extends into the future when we see the perfect being used about god's activities it speaks about god's faithfulness god's commitment to his covenant people and i find great encouragement in that that i can be assured that god will not leave me nor forsake me that the work that messiah has begun in me because of faith he is faithful to continue it and here's what i like and also to finish that work so there's a great message of hope in this opening verse now let's move to to verse 2. the first word here is the word mercy and let me share with you that that nothing and i want to emphasize that absolutely nothing is going to go on in your life from a spiritual standpoint that's pleasing to god until you become a recipient of god's mercy and let me let me let you in on a biblical truth that mercy is just not for some time in the past but daily the scripture speaks about mercy by mercy each day so if you're wise you're going to be seeking beseeching god requesting from god interceding to him for his mercy to be placed upon you and and we could spend a conference that had many many sessions simply speaking about the mercy of god here jude makes one point of the benefits of experiencing god's mercy he says look again at verse 2 mercy to you and peace and this piece speaks about how god's mercy works with a specific purpose and that is to bring about and this is the third fourth time that i'm going to say this that god's mercy works in our life to bring about the fulfillment of the will of god the purposes of god any time in the scripture whether we're speaking it from an old testament or a new testament perspective any time that you see this term peace you need to think about the peace that comes as an outcome as a result from obeying the word and the will of god and then it ends this the second verse with the statement and love may be multiplied now some bibles here again are careless they will speak about mercy and peace and love be multiplied you cannot translate it this way in this passage the word for being multiplied is in the singular so if it were to relate to all three of these mercy peace and love it would have to be in the plural but because it's in the singular it only relates to the love and what he's telling us is this it is only through the mercy of god it is only when we find ourselves in the will of god then and then only is that love the love of god going to be multiplied in our life see many people are frustrated they're they're confused they are spiritually unaware of what's going on they do not recognize biblical truth and the reason for that is because god is not mediating his love into their life because they're in disobedience what i want to share you with this is when you are experiencing the love of god it brings about so many positive changes in a person the love of god is powerful to the extent that john says god is love now is that all he is no but one of the major characteristic traits of god is he is love and it's that love that brings about transformation the love of god in our life and we are only going to experience that love it's only going to be multiplied to us when we are a recipient of mercy we are in his will and obviously we have already had established by means of faith in the gospel a covenantal relationship with god now verse 3. in verse 3 he begins with how so frequently the writers of the new covenant speaks about fellow believers and that is that we are beloved now what does that speak differently well god loves all people there's no one that god does not love but when he says beloved it speaks about those and here's the important fact those who have received the love of god they are experiencing the love of god through one of the benefits of being in that covenantal relationship so he's speaking here to serious believers and that's something that you're going to have to ask yourselves and answer are you a serious believer are you truly committed to this calling this purpose of god are you someone as we're going to see in this verse that are willing to strive contend for truth and be willing to suffer for it to stand in opposition to those who are what the scripture says false teachers and realize this that in the last days that means and the times of these transitions from this age into the age to come the kingdom of god there is going to be an apostasy people and we see this today the beginning of it people are moving away from simple doctrines to the extent that there's one preacher very well known and and he mentioned recently and this is heresy he says it is by faith that one is justified but faith alone won't get you into the kingdom of god he says that also works will get you into the kingdom of god now where in the bible do we find any distinction between those who are justified and those who will be in the kingdom of god absolutely no place what the scripture says is this having been justified by faith we become the eternal people of god because faith justifies us and causes us to experience as a writer of hebrew says eternal redemption so look at this third verse he says beloved ones and now we're seeing how how yehudah jude his commitment he says i made all effort now this word effort is perhaps better translated with the word diligence he made every act of diligence to do something and that was keep reading to write to you concerning the common salvation now when it says common salvation it's not using common as it does for example if you look at the book of acts chapter 10 it's talking about things that are common those are often that which is rejected but here common is used in the sense of a shared it speaks about the salvation which is for all humanity it is the salvation that is and must be applied to all people if they're going to experience salvation what it speaks of is a unique and one and only and what jude is referring to us is this there is not many ways that lead into the kingdom of god that is a false teaching there is only one way and that way is only through faith in that gospel message that work of messiah that he poured out his life upon that tree that cross in order to pay the price to redeem you and me from all sin that we might enter into a new covenant and the new covenant that word new relates to the kingdom so it's a kingdom covenant and it was ratified and this idea of ratifying a covenant speaks of giving strength power authority to that that covenant and what ratified it the very blood of the son of god that speaks about the authority the power and the the ability of that covenant to accomplish what it promises to do no matter what that covenant will in fact be realized in its fullness where will it be realizing the fullness in the kingdom of god so he writes here how with all diligence he made all diligence to write to you concerning the common salvation and he says and i had necessity this is the second time that he's emphasizing this writing i had necessity to write to you for a purpose what was that purpose to encourage that the people would contend content for the faith now i want to pause for a moment and emphasize this when we look at the book of jude one of its primary its foundational messages to you and me the followers the beloved ones the disciples of messiah is that we need to realize and we're going to see that this speaks about a time of transition and i believe that we are approaching that if we have not already entered into it we need to be people first and foremost that understand our call to contend for the faith there is going to be people challenging what the scripture says and i'm not talking about those outside but those that are from within for example you read 1st john that epistle and he speaks about in the last days in light of the work of the antichrist that there's going to be those from within the body that are going to go out and and john says they go out in order to show us to teach us to reveal to us that they were never part of us did you hear that never part of us there are people in the congregation that you you fellowship in that are not truly believers and in in the last days perhaps our days you are going to see them attacking truth trying to move people away from it and what is your call just what he says here jude is saying i had great diligence i had a necessity to write to you why in order that you contend for the faith that once and for all now this word we look at it a pots and a pot usually speaks about something that occurred once and its implications go on and on and on and on when we speak about messiah him being crucified it speaks about him being crucified one time but it uses the same word because the the implications the outcome what the cross brings about has eternal implications and now we're speaking about that same message in the faith the faith of the death burial and resurrection the faith of the new covenant and he says here once and the implication is once and for all it has been delivered to the saints this faith and what else now look at verse 4 this faith which is eternal it is truth without change doesn't matter what culture you're part of doesn't matter what nation you are a citizen of and it certainly does not matter what time period that that you are reciting this faith was true 2 000 years ago a thousand years ago 500 and it will be true forever and ever and ever and that's why we need to contend for it and these individuals that are trying to lessen the word of god trying to unhitch the revelation of the hebrew bible the tanakh the old testament from the message of the new testament you know why they want to do that because what we see theologically when we study the word of god the holy scriptures is there something that theologians speak about the the continuity what does that mean it means this that the primary message the main truths the confessions of the faith that we read about beginning in genesis throughout the torah those same truths entered into the prophets and we find them as well in the writings in other words throughout the tanakh the torah the prophets and the writing the old testament we find that those same truths those foundational principles of the old testament they begin in genesis and they continue and you know what else we also find that those same truths these foundational principles enter into the new testament and you know what else they are the primary message these same truths these same principles are not just there in the new testament but they are the primary message of the new testament so what happens is this there's people that they say oh no longer is the old testament important there's no more relevance we need to unhitch the old from the new well what they're doing is this when you fail to understand the message of the old testament you cannot understand the message of the new testament now can you get saved obviously but will you experience that anointing will you be led by the spirit will you have the right perspective to serve god and carry out his will you will not that's why it's so important that we see that we're dealing with one book that was perfectly inspired by god without any air and it is proper the only thing that's proper for the man of god the woman of god to serve god for and to be ready and equipped for every good work that's what the word of god says so he says here that we are supposed to contend for the faith that was once and all given to the saints now look at verse four here's when he begins to say about those who attack verse 4 for there are certain men who have crept in now they've come into the house of god among believers into fellowships and they've done so and this word means secretly or in a stealth way unbeknownst to others what their true objective is now these individuals they are heretics and one of the characteristics of heresy is division when one practice heresy teaches it his objective is division within god's people why well the enemy knows the truths of god they just don't submit to the truths of god they know that a house divided will not stand and we need unity but here's what's important unity based upon the truth do not think for a moment that if we just accept falsehood we all stay together and you believe what you want and i believe what i want and we want to preserve this unity a unity like that is not worth preserving we need to be people as it says here who contend for the faith because certain individuals have crept in unnoticed steadily and these are the ones that were long ago previously written down that means marked out they were the ones long ago who were marked out for this judgment now this brings me to another very important truth and that is there is judgment and it's coming when we speak about the transition from this age into the last days realize the last days one of the characteristics of the last days is that god's going to begin to pour out judgment and that judgment is going to become more intense and then ultimately that judgment will become god's consuming wrath and let me just share with you something if you attend a congregation and the leader there the primary teacher does not speak frequently or maybe not at all about god's judgment god's wrath i can promise you something god does not want you to be in that congregation it's just that simple because when we look at the teachings of messiah so many i want to say that again so many of his parables you cannot study the teachings of yeshua of christ jesus and not come in contact over and over and over with him speaking about judgment yesterday i was preparing a message and in that message i'm teaching from matthew chapter chapter 18 and it speaks about hell fire and eternal fire messiah said this not someone else he spoke about it so understand there is indeed judgment you cannot preach effectively concerning the cross unless you speak about god's judgment because if you were to ask me where is a good example perhaps the best example of god pouring out his judgment it would be the cross when god poured out his judgment on his only begotten son in order that that judgment paid the penalty that should have been upon myself and upon you messiah took it when we set aside the judgment we are lessening the significance of the cross and not just the significance of the cross but also the power of the cross so he says certain men have crept in those from long ago that were earmarked marked out and they were individuals that were for and will be for the judgment and who are they well uses the word ungodly now this word ungodly not only speaks about ungodly actions and deeds but it also speaks about a desire not to worship that's very important that you see that they're not truly interested in worshiping god as god has commanded that he must be worshipped worship we should not make the air of many and believe that we have great freedom in worship no no and no we don't see that in the scripture we have been set free to worship god in spirit and in truth nowhere do we see freedom in regard to how we worship the freedom is to allow us to worship but to worship god as his word demands worship which is not rooted in the word of god in the scriptural admonitions the instructions is not worship and my concern today is that much that's going on today that people believe that they're worshiping god you know what they're doing they're just singing songs that they like they're just doing the things that make them feel good they get them excited they get them an emotional experience a lift up but see worship it should be aimed at god remember who the author is his name is yehuda that word means literally to throw praise it's a term of worship and yudah speaks about gratitude your worship needs to show gratitude to god and you the verb can also be used for for throwing or casting something and here's the key in a specific direction and in worship the direction is to god for him in regard to his purposes not what we enjoy and what we think is is good worship so we read here about these who are ungodly and what do they do well it says and the grace of our god the grace of our god they exchange for and here's the key they exchange for an ungodliness a licentiousness a lewdness that which is pleasing to the flesh that's what that word speaks about that which is sensually and i'm speaking about the senses human senses they behave they take the grace of god and they pervert it they misappropriate it in order to gratify themselves and we're going to see how that manifests some of the tendencies of this improper sensual worship that which glorifies and pleases the senses of human rather than the purposes of god he writes not only do they do this but also the only and most bibles will translate in this next section you'll see the word lord and many of them translate the word lord twice but understand it's two different words and it speaks about that there is god the father god the son there is the lord god almighty and there is the lord messiah yeshua now now both god the father and god the son are god but it speaks to what we would understand as a reference to the trinity and what do they do pay very close attention they are denying they deny the only and i would say master god ruler god and our lord messiah yeshua and notice again this word denying it's not in the active voice it's in the passive meaning something causes them to deny it is a cognitive these people are not just misguided uninformed they've made a mistake they haven't understood no the fact that this denying is in the passive means something has caused them to to rebel against the authority the lordship that that that fails to recognize that god is the master what causes them this desire for the sensuousness to please their own senses what they desire and that ultimately when we emphasize the flesh we will deny the authority of god look now to verse six now this is not just uh unique to human beings but we're going to see that there's a paradigm for all of god creation what we see is a dichotomy there's going to be those who are faithful those who are unfaithful and we're going to see in this example that it has to do with where we are located are we located where god wants us to be or are we going to the places that we want to be and why do we go to those places obviously to do what we want to do now many people would hear this teaching tonight and they would say you know i don't think it's really going to be that popular with people nowhere in the scripture i don't see one of the 613 commandments be ye popular doesn't say that it says be holy holy represents the purposes the will of god we need to get away from thinking that that biblical teaching is to entertain us it's not it's to change us it isn't i need a lot of change which means this when i say god changed me what i'm really saying is god i need your conviction to be placed upon me i need to be convicted to be shown to be marked out for me those things are displeasing to you in my life and if you don't think that there is a a list of those things concerning you you are deceived i've said many times that that when i really want to experience god if he seems distant i'm spiritually frustrated you know what i pray i say god just like david did show me those things in my life that's displeasing to you and when i ask god to show him the things that he's not pleased with in my life he speaks and he goes on and on and on so i can be assured that you and i both need some serious change and that's what this turbulent time that we're in and it's going to get worse and it's going to get a lot worse this is just the beginning so he says here giving an example look if you would do verse 6 and the angels they did not keep their own domain that is they weren't where god wanted them to be why weren't they but this means but rather they left their own habitation so god has a domain for them they left that domain and they went from their own habitation where they belonged and what do we know well they as well are going to experience judgment the judgment of that great day and they are going to be in notice what the scripture says eternal chains and these eternal chains are are there because of what does it say they are kept they are enslaved kept there by these eternal chains and what are these chains consisting of well it says literally by darkness now this is not the normal greek word for darkness do you know and this is why it's so important to do biblical word studies if you ask any hebrew speaker what is the word for darkness they would say hoshek in hebrew but but when we look at the plague of darkness there's another word that also appears and what is that what's the difference between hoshik and afella hoshi is simply an absence of light affair is what many bibles translate as thick darkness and when you go back to the book of exodus it speaks about how there were individuals that plague of darkness came and if they were standing they couldn't sit if they were sitting they couldn't stand they didn't hear anything it was like they were frozen in thick darkness that darkness kept them in that place and that's what is experiencing these angels that they are being kept by this thick darkness and what does that speak of the absence of god why god is light they have no experience with god now that is one dimension of hell of of god's eternal damnation his eternal condemnation but just don't think it's the absence of god there's also going to be a physical spiritual suffering that the bible speaks of and i mention it this this eternal fire so these angels they were kept for that judgment of that great day by these eternal bonds of of thick darkness verse seven another example he says as sodom and gomorrah and the cities around them who in a similar way to these what did they do well the next word means to indulge in sexual immorality within that word the root of it is the word porneia which is where we get the english word pornography by the way pornography expanding in a rapid way sexual immorality not just do people do it it's being condoned by many governments in fact many of the nations or people are watching this you have passed laws that that sanction approve support sexual immorality and we need to be people that speak out against it regardless of what we're called and regardless of the consequences now we we broadcast throughout the world on television in in many many different networks and there's coming a time when more and more networks are going to have to make a decision and that is whether they submit to censorship and say you can only broadcast those preachers that don't say anything negative about homosexuality about same-sex marriage because that's going to be viewed if you speak against it as hate speech well when that happens i'm off those networks because we cannot compromise we do not make an agreement and those people who say this and they'll be the majority well for the sake of preaching the gospel i'll just i'll just ignore that i just won't talk about that wrong behavior all that does is to show that you are not a person with any type of fortitude spiritually we need to realize that if you are are faithless in the small things you'll be faithless in the big things no compromise concerning the truth of god that's what he means when he says contend for the faith don't allow people will say well what about the outcome of this the results that belongs to god i don't concern myself with the outcome i concern myself with not turning away from truth and whatever comes because of that that's up to god and if it's in the short term something that's disastrous god's got all of eternity to to redeem that and make it into something beautiful realize when we compromise the truth nothing beautiful will come from that when i say beautiful that word can also mean that which is fitting appropriate proper in regard to the will of god when we speak about the will of god there is an inherent relationship between god's will and his truth so in speaking about these places look again verse 7 sodom and gomor the cities are round about in such a similar way of those they engage in sexual immorality and they turn after they went after it says here different flesh now this word for going after it's a word of pursuit do you realize that the name yaakov jacob speaks about going after pursuing something pursuing that which is good these are pursuing something that is not appropriate that is an other flesh meaning something that is not fitting something that is not right now this describes sodom and gomorrh and the cities around about that god god what did he do well notice what it says and he laid this before meaning he he gave this to us as an example he gave this to us as an example of and here it is the eternal fire see what happens in sodom and gomorrah in that region when we know that that go freight sulfur fire and brimstone came down and consumed and that's an example of what god says here just very simply this eternal fire and his vengeance that judgment this is the third time we've seen that phrase judgment it says they are going to suffer and this word for suffer is a unique one it means to have over to be brought under suffering pain and this is going to go on for ever and ever in other words what i want you to see is this this is serious what we're studying about tonight challenges us what direction are we going to go and it's good that we're challenged now because later on maybe tomorrow next month next year we're going to be challenged for real we're going to have to bear testimony who do we bow the knee to is it to the lord god the true judge or to principalities and powers of this world or of the the other world meaning that which is under demonic influence that's what we're going to have to make a decision make that decision now because if you wait until the times that they are changing it'll be too late today what does the scripture say if you hear his voice respond today so these individuals they are going to be as an example they have been as an example to us of this eternal fire and they are going to suffer vengeance or judgment look now to verse 8. likewise and and this is i think a most informing scripture because i hear so much about dreams today now did god give dreams yes he did will god in the last days according to joel for example pour out his spirit and and people will have dreams yes they will but the vast majority of dreams that people are are passing off as god gave me this dream it's not of god and notice here we're talking about the time of god's judgment and notice what he says these aren't my words this is what the word of god says and likewise indeed that's what it says this greek word mentoi likewise in deed also those that are dreaming dreams it says that they defile the flesh and what else well notice jude puts two things together these received dreams and the source of these dreams were not of god they were what the hasidim teaches the the from the other place oh it's a supernatural place it's a powerful place more powerful than the things of this world but it's not it is not of god and these dreamers oh they had dreams and following their dreams caused them to defile their flesh and what else they set aside the word literally is lordship probably your bible probably translates it authority see a lot of people they don't like authority why they want to do what they want to do they want to make the decisions that's not spirituality that is a life of licentiousness of lewdness of of sexual perversion of pursuing the desires of the flesh no spirituality is always always recognizing godly authority what do these people do for the sake for the sake of of defiling their flesh they set aside authority and the things which are literally it's the word glorious good translated honorable things those things that are are right those things that are connected to the righteousness because there's an inherent relationship between that which is righteous and that which manifests the glory of god what did they do with these glorious things these honorable things they blaspheme them now it's just not that they're uninterested they blasphemy is a word that refers to spiritual warfare now of course it's saying something negative but but words now he's not a theologian but but i grew up with bugs bunny and bugs bonnie would say sometimes you know of course this means war why these words same thing spiritually blasphemy is a foundation for spiritual confrontation that's what they're saying we don't recognize the authority of god and we speak against those things that that are glorifying him that's what the word of god is revealing here verse 9. now we're going to have an example of one who does indeed contend for the things of god who's that look at verse 9. in contrast to these that's why we have the conjunction of of dichotomy where it says here but michael that's michael the archangel when with the devil and there's two words here with the devil he and the two words are synonyms it means to confront dispute and to argue to speak against so both of those things he contended he argued he disputed these two words he did this with the devil and why was that concerning the body of moses but he did not dare to bring bring judgment and speak blasphemous why see michelle he did one thing he was not there on any personal motivation he was there out of obedience he was this dispatch to contend for the body of moses with that enemy with that diabolical one literally the devil and the scripture says he didn't dare to to to speak judgment he didn't dare to to say something blasphemous about this one blasphemous judgment but what did he do under the authority of god that's what where his power is he simply says the lord rebukes you that's it it's not us if we take the spiritual conflict and make it us against them we will be defeated we always need to remember that in any spiritual conflict we are his ambassadors he has dispatched us and therefore it's the lord's rebuke not us personally it's the lord's rebuke and if mikhail his name means who is like the lord what a wonderful name if mikhail this arch angel meaning the lead the head angel powerful if the only thing he did in this contention dispute arguing the only thing he did was to say the lord rebuked you and you know what he was victorious verse verse 9 the second part verse 10. but these these are those ones who who crept in secretly to congregations those who resemble the people of sodom gamor those who contend against the will of god it says these on on one hand what they do not know they blaspheme see they don't know god and therefore the things of god they blaspheme now it's just not to speak evilly it is a strong word blasphemy this has spiritual overtones so they blast me the things the ones everything that they don't know but what they know naturally see that's their emphasis the natural and that's why and hear this carefully now i'm not against science but but realize something over the years historically speaking there's been many things that science said once the bible said something different and in all of those things the bible was right for example i said this in the message not too long ago the greatest scientific minds once said this world was round isaiah said it's it's not it's round so excuse me let me say it again the greatest scientific mind said that the world was flat in the 1500s or so but isaiah said that the world was round and isaiah was right there's many things in the scripture that when we understand it it speaks for example in colossians scientists will tell you there is some force that holds everything together they don't know what it is but there's some they say well gravity where does gravity come from well colossians says that in messiah yeshua that is jesus christ all things were created they were created for him and all things consist that means all things hold together by him he holds them together and that's why we need to be people notice what it says here the things they do not know they blaspheme but what they do understand what they do understand in a natural way by nature as what as irrational this illogical beast animals what did they do with the things they do so called understand the natural things they use them in order to corrupt themselves meaning this they pervert they misappropriate the things of this world and anything they touch get involved with is for their own corruption some bibles will say destruction well the outcome of corruption ultimately is destruction but this is the word for for being corrupt now let's look at our last verse verse 11. it says woe to them now there are bible teachers they would never use that word or phrase woe to them they always want to be encouraging they want to be uplifting they want people going away feeling good about themselves they feel that their their their service weekly service is a time to to just build people up make them feel good about themselves that's not what we always see in the scripture sometimes the man of god the woman of god has to say woe to them and this word woe means how awful it will be eternally unless there's a change see jude is not saying these things hoping that those who are opponents enemies of his will just be destroyed he wants to see a change every person who serves god we serve in order to see people repent turn away from sin and embrace the truth of god not just that god exists but that god has truths you can't embrace god but reject the truth of god it's impossible so jude says woe to them why because the way of of cain they and literally means they were led here again we see the passive voice over and over why very simply because there's there's wrong influence that these people are submitting to they are experiencing the wrong instead of the right why because they do not embrace the truth of god now kine or cain he wanted to offer to god what he wanted to offer and whenever we worship god our way we're going to find that it's going to lead us into disaster so it says that woe to them because the way of cain they were led and the heir of bilaam that's balaam what did they do well some bibles will say that they they rushed after prophet that's fine but do you know that this word for rush after however it's translated in your bible relates to being poured out it is related to the word for a libation offering now when you pour something when you pour a liquid it it once it starts pouring it moves fast and that's why it says rush but the point is this that these individuals because of the wages the prophets of this world they rushed after they poured themselves out they offered themselves up as a unrighteous libation offering and this led them to what it led them to the rebellion of quran now what was this rebellion of korach against the call of moses it's another example of of refusing to submit to godly authority they didn't want god's leadership they wanted to be the leaders and therefore what happened to them last last word and because of these tendency to want what i want to offer up to god what i think he should have what i want to give to him because i'm led by by earthly gain and because i do not want to submit to god's authority what happens it says they perished realize something messiah came in order that we might have life and have life abundantly and there's no way to have life without a salvation experience and the name yeshua jesus it relates to salvation that's why it says that he will save the people from sin and unless you make a decision and it's so simple why would god make it hard god loves you and all you have to do is simply to bow your head and to pray with me god i confess right now i'm a sinner i do not do your will i pursue my thoughts my desires my plans my dreams what i think is my destiny and god i ask for goodness i want to turn to you i want to repent from my way and embrace your way that i might know the way the truth and the life that is your only begotten son who died upon that cross to pay the debt the receive the punishment of my sin and i invite him into my life i confess him with my mouth i believe him in my heart that not only he died but he rose again signifying this new life this eternal life that we can have father god we know that your word is true and for all people who confess their sins and turn in faith and believe in the work of messiah on that cross for salvation they will be saved we thank you for your grace we thank you for your love and we thank you for your truth and let me also say that if you're struggling make this time a time of personal commitment of renewal rededication make this a time that's pleasing to god submit yourself if you have that desire to submit god will move you may not know how to submit you may not know what to do that's okay the holy spirit if you're a believer you prayed that prayer you prayed that prayer in the past years ago decades ago this can be a day of transformation have that spirit that acknowledges your need for god's mercy and submit to god's leadership wherever he leads you you will go whatever he calls you to do you will do and you're going to know power intimacy and and this is what i like so much you will know that peace that passes all understanding you will have a contentment that confuses the world and you will have a joy that's not rooted in your earthly experience it will be rooted in your eternal covenantal relationship with the living god the god of israel to him be the glory now and forevermore amen well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love israel.org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel.org there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 6,139
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Id: J6se3hHMsUQ
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Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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