Rapture - Part 1 - Dr. Baruch Korman

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[Music] blessings are good hope is wonderful and the scripture says in Titus chapter 2 verse 13 that we have a blessed hope now that sounds marvelous and you know what our blessed hope is just that it is wonderful but unfortunately many people reject what the scripture reveals concerning this blessed hope now you may know it by another term it is very common and popular for people to speak about the rapture in fact unfortunately today more and more people are rejecting this idea of a blessed hope or a rapture and one of the reasons that many people do so is because they say well it is not something that's mentioned in the Old Testament and their right nor is it something that Judaism acknowledges or speaks to and that's true Judaism does not but we need to remember something the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 he says it is a mystery and a mystery is something that that does not appear in the Hebrew Bible in the Tanakh in the Old Testament it is something that we find only mention in the New Covenant in the New Testament therefore we should not reject something because it's not found both in the old and the new and just found in the new that's why Paul called it a mystery now something else that I'd like to say concerning our Blessed hope is that many people who accept the reality of it are confused by it so we're going to spend two studies this video and the next in order to deal with things relating to that blessed hope or the rapture and let me begin by saying this this past week we received over 700 emails in fact one email had 27 different questions now obviously we as a small organization are not able to respond to so many questions but we do our best to select some and respond and we've been overwhelmed lately over the last few weeks because of the situation that the world is in with the corona virus people are watching more videos and praise God for that and we're receiving more emails based upon perhaps the increase videos but here's this statement that I usually get people will say I reject this concept this doctrine it's man-made because we do not find the word rapture in the Bible at all not in the old and not in the new and that's partially true now the reason why I say partially it's true that if you go through the scripture you don't find the word rapture but you find the biblical word which this word rapture is derived and let me explain it to you very carefully when we look for example of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 beginning with verses 13 through 18 you will find that Paul speaks about an event we'll come to that and that section later on but Paul mentions an event where he says that believers are going to be taken away removed or snatched away and that Greek word is a word are pazzo in its root form usually in Greek we put the root form in the first person single I I do something our puzzle is I take something away I remove it quickly it is snatched away very fastly so in Latin and the reason why I bring Latin into it is that of course Catholicism played a major role in the development of many of the theological terms and Catholicism the primary language is Latin so when they translated the scriptures from Greek and I'm speaking about the New Covenant the New Testament when they transferred them or translated them into Latin this Greek word our puzzle they lap NIH's it and that word is from churro or something to that effect and from rapture oh we get the anglicized version of it rapture so if someone says that word doesn't appear in the Bible well you could say the word word Church doesn't appear in the Bible because it's a word ecclesia which is translated Church so it does so the same way the word rapture well that word doesn't because the New Testament is written in Greek but the word that is translated into Latin and then into English where we get the concept rapture is indeed a biblical word so it is an event but how to understand it what does it mean I've received several emails for example where people were saying you teach and this is true that the the church will not go through the period of time where God's wrath is being poured out that's true the verses scripture that I frequently quote is 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 9 which says God has not appointed you for wrath but to obtain salvation and several people wrote but isn't God able to shelter us to keep us from his wrath and I still being in this body and in this world he is he could do that but here's the question that needs to be answered there's a scripture saying that he's going to keep us in this body and in this world when the wrath of God is being poured out obviously God's able to do that he does that with Israel or a remnant of Israel but does the scripture say that he's going to do that with believers and we're going to look at some scriptures later on that I believe in each one of us we have to make that own decision if we believe that the scripture does in fact speak of an event prior to God's wrath where we're going to be removed bodily not that we're going to be preserved or shelter but removed from this world again God could keep us here and shelter us so his wrath would not affect us but is that what the scripture says well we're going to as I said explore some of these issues today and this study and then also in our next video dealing with this series on the end times now I want to begin by reviewing something I mentioned and in all those 700 emails or more no one responded with a verse of scripture remember what I asked I made the statement no where do we find in the Word of God any verse of scripture that forbids make it impossible for the church to enter into those final seven years so often we hear their church won't be in the tribulation period those last seven years but as I shared with you and I'm gonna repeat now the verses scripture that they turn to is found in in the Book of Daniel and chapter 9 and they'll say this their church was not in the first 69 weeks that's true it didn't exist because the first 69 weeks come to an end with the crucifixion and therefore they say because the church was not in the first 69 weeks it can't be in the 70th who says why can't it it is not logical it is not truly a rational point of view to say because someone was not here for the first 69 events they can't be for the 70th they may well in fact be and I gave an example in a previous video that supports this so we have to make sure that how someone is utilizing the scripture is not based upon faulty logic now there's another thing that I said and that is there's not one verse of scripture that people can turn to and say all of those final 77 excuse me all of those final seven years the 70th week of Daniel no one can say that these last seven years what's commonly referred to as the Tribulation Period consists of all God's wrath being poured out here again I shared with you in this previous video that what people say is well bad things are happening therefore it must be God's wrath no bad things can happen really bad things supernatural bad things can happen and the source can be satanic there's not one verse that says all of Daniels 70th week those last seven years all of it consists of God's wrath there's no vs. scripture that says that so we need to and I repeat this because it's important that we make doctrine not on just what we hear others say what we read in books but what we read in this book the Word of God now there's a few other things that need to be pointed out about this concept of the rapture or the Blessed hope the first thing that I want to dispel is another doctrine related to it foundational to our Blessed hope and this is the doctrine that that many have coined the doctrine of imminency which means that the rapture is an imminent event meaning it could happen any time that there are no events no prophetic actions that have to happen before the rapture comes it could happen even at this moment so to support this there's a doctrine called the doctrine of imminence II and the question that I posed to you is that doctrine biblically sound and I have a a friend he is a man that I greatly respect I look up to I think he's very very intelligent and I believe he's well versed in the Word of God and I know that he loves the Lord with all of his heart but that doesn't mean that everyone who has this great love and commitment for the Word of God is a hundred percent right all the time obviously we all I make you make airs in our understanding of the things of God that's what these videos are for so we grow together and I wrote in this this little booklet on our Blessed hope the rapture I wrote a few pages with this doctrine known as the doctrine of imminency and what I did was this my friend he wrote an article and why he believed in this doctrine and he gave at the end of it all these citations from the Bible and there were many now this is what I suggest you to do I know several different organizations that they'll write something they'll have their theological point of view and they'll put so many scriptures to support it you know what I like to do I like to read all of those verses and what I find so frequently is this that many of those verses don't even really deal with the issue they don't support the premise of their theological perspective and their their view and I believe that same thing to be said here now don't take my word for it don't take anyone's word for it we are dependent upon this book as a book of truth the standard so I like to do is to go through the several verses that he supplied in a few others to really answer the question is the doctrine of imminency biblically sound is it truly a doctrine that comes from the scripture and the two verse the two first verses that I like to give are known to all of us it's written in the Gospels no man knows the day or the hour that the Son of Man comes and here's the logic that comes in if I don't know the day or the hour it could happen anytime my lack of knowledge means it could be any time well that's totally illogical that is not rational simply because I don't know and you know what the scripture says the Angels don't know even the Son of Man does not know only the Father Knows but this does not mean that it can happen anytime in fact let me give you the citation Matthew 24 verse 44 says something similar and I'll read it and these are are translated very literally by me from the Greek text where it says on account of this also you be prepared or ready because the hour you do not think the Son of Man comes so it tells us here that the hour that the Son of Man comes it's going to be surprising and one of the things I would say is this when we look at the parable of the ten virgins and the coming of the Son of Man and here again we're not talking about the second coming we're talking about that blessed hope the rapture what the parable of the versions tell us is that we are going to be surprised it's going to be delayed from our vantage point we're going to hear people thinking I thought it would have happened that it would have already taken place and it has not so we need to be very careful in what we believe so let me go through some of these these verses that are offered up and you decide does it truly speak about the rapture as an imminent event that could happen at any time even now here's a scripture that they give first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 7 first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 7 so that you do not lack in any gifts so he says here in the context is that we might be complete that we might be fully supplied to serve him so he says so that you do not lack and not one gift but eagerly await for the appealing of our Lord Messiah Yeshua so I should be eagerly waiting but because I'm told to wait and I'm eager doesn't mean it can happen at anytime let me give you an example my wife we have three children and when she told me she was pregnant I was excited and I was eagerly awaiting for the birth of these children but I didn't know the day or the hour but the fact that I didn't know the day or the hour doesn't mean that my son or my daughter could be born just anytime I mean she was just found out that she was pregnant and of course we went to the physician and he gave a due date but as we all know sometimes babies don't obey due dates our oldest came three weeks early and the two other children came a few days late so even though I had a due date from a physician you know what that tells me I still didn't know the day or the hour so just not knowing the day or the hour doesn't mean it could happen anytime obviously my my wife she had to go through the three trimesters and even though a child might come early it's good to be a healthy delivery certain things have to happen in there are signs that lead up to that that child being born so simply not knowing the day or the hour doesn't mean it can be anytime and just because we're eagerly awaiting something I gave this example not too long ago in another video but my wife and I we've been married 33 years and we are eagerly awaiting at least I am for our 35th anniversary because we have something planned to celebrate this but I know something I'm eagerly awaiting that but it doesn't mean that it can happen just anytime because I'm eagerly awaiting there's got to be the 34th before that and after the 34th 12 months 365 days until I come to the 35th so you can't be unknowing you can be eagerly awaiting something but that does not mean that that event is imminent that it can happen just any time let's move on to the next verse Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 and here again these citations are not mine they were written in an article by a very strong believer a strong believer in Messiah Shaw and a strong believer in the doctrine of imminency what does it say here Philippians 3:20 for our citizenship exists in heaven from which also the Savior we are waiting for the Lord Messiah sure now we are waiting for him but does that mean that he can just come any time because we're waiting for something you know oftentimes now we order a pizza and I'm eagerly awaiting for that pizza to come but I know something that doesn't mean that it could just come any time I hang up the phone phone they have to get out the dough prepare it put on the various cheeses and and and different things they have to cook it they have to take it out put in the box cut it and bring it here so even though I'm early a waiting doesn't mean that it can come in a minute or any time there's a process same thing let's move on to Philippians 4:5 says your moderation make known to all men the Lord is near well he's near but just because something's near doesn't mean it can happen anytime it's an encouragement to be faithful but it doesn't mean today tomorrow something can be near but not imminent Colossians chapter 3 verse 4 whenever and I like this the gets it right whenever the messiah should be manifested whenever who is our life then also you with him shall be manifested in glory now this term whenever is important because not only does and it's in this subjunctive the subjunctive not only is a mood of of uncertainty but also it can show condition so we can emphasize the conditional certain things as we'll see in our next video must take place let's go to first Thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 10 we read here and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead Yeshua the one who delivered us from the coming wrath yes we're waiting for him and that's what it says he's delivered us from the coming wrath how we'll come to that in a few minutes also first of the Salone ins chapter 5 verse 6 therefore let us not sleep as the rest but the implication is be awake be alert he says but rather let us watch and let us be sober so watch for what why would it say watch unless there's something to see specifically that that assist us in being ready and knowing how near the time is you know when it says the Lord is near that word can also speak about speed meaning when something happens the result is going to come very quickly but it does not necessarily mean that that this process is close to happening it just means what it begins it'll take place very closely now Titus chapter 2 verse 13 I picked this one and so did he because it speaks specifically about the rapture looking and this word looking with expectation for the Blessed hope this is this key verse for the Blessed hope I II the rapture and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Yahshua the Messiah this speaks about the divinity of messiahs warwood says the appearing of our great God and Savior Messiah sure people have argued with me and said well appearing God can appear and Messiah can appear here's the problem with that this is the explanation of someone who does not rely upon the text because a word appearing is in the singular in the original language Greek is very specific if there's two who are appearing then the word would have to be in the plural but because we're talking about God the Father God the Holy Spirit I believe in the Trinity but the two God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit three-in-one or in this case the tooth God the Father God the Son one it takes a singular word here not plural and then another one that people will will quote is Revelation chapter 16 verse 15 and also first lesson it's the solonian spy verse 2 which says for you perfectly know that the day the Lord comes as a thief or here it says behold I come as a thief blessed is he and now I'm quoting revelation 16 verse 15 blessed is the one who's watching and keeping his garments in order that not naked will he walk and see the shame his shame meaning naked no good deeds there for shame but over and over we're told to watch so something that's imminent that just happens in a blink of an eye why would we tell to watch we would just expect that well we'll talk more about this in our next video but what I want you to see is that this doctrine of the imminent return or rapture is not one based upon Scripture one email that I received it quoted a very well-known Bible teacher from California and the person having read this book said well help me out what about the book of James chapter 5 so let's turn there for a moment the book of James and chapter 5 verses 7 through 9 I would encourage you to read that very very carefully James chapter 5 verses 7 8 and 9 he was saying on a article that he read from this this will known Bible teacher that he gives this scripture for the doctrine of the Eman imminency we meaning that the rapture can happen anytime well it's interesting because what this person does is simply quote the end of chapter 5 verse 9 where he says behold the judge stands at the door now he says does that not mean that it's imminent he's at the door here's the problem when you look at this and this what so frequently is done people rip things out of context they are so anxious to find some proof text that supports their views they don't even pay attention to the context of the passage if we look here if you look at verse 7 in fact we are told a few times to be patient is that interesting and what this is speaking about is not so much the rapture in fact not at all the rapture because when Messiah comes he's not coming for us as a thief if you believe that he's coming for you as a thief then you are a son of Darkness because if you read 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 it says concerning true believers that we are sons of the day of the light that that day should not overtake us as a thief in the night in fact Revelation chapter 3 says if you're watching and living out a repented lifestyle meaning turning to God and turning away from sin it says that day won't appear for you as a thief in the night we'll have that expectation and here he says fact if you look at verse 7 he says therefore my brethren be patient until the coming of the Lord then he says look if you would he refers again at the second half of verse 7 he says be patient for the the rain to come now it talks here about the early rain and the latter rain and what it means is this someone who plants ay-ay-ay field shouldn't expect the harvest without first the early rains and the latter rains coming but when it talks about a judge the judge is at the door messiahs rapture is not him coming as a judge the context here is what the context is the second coming when Messiah comes the second time all the way to earth in the rapture he's just going to meet us in the clouds in the sky but when he comes the second time he's coming to judge this earth and what James is saying is be persevered remain faithful have patience in fact he tells us in verse 8 of this passage he says let your hearts be strong or established so we're supposed to persevere in light of what the injustice that's in this world knowing that very soon things can happen and the second coming will take place but obviously much has to happen for the second coming but realize what were taught here is this that the events of the last days they could happen in any generation but they haven't yet but there's clear signs - the last days and although and I said earlier I believe that there are indicators there are signs today that things are converging upon a very specific and important prophetic time what's that the birth pains that Messiah spoke of but we are not yet in the birth pains I gave the reason why in the earlier message so you can look at this but we are not yet there but there is evidence scripturally based when we look at this world to believe that we're fastly approaching that time well I want to respond now to something I I spoke earlier about and that is even though Messiah is able to keep us in this body and in this world and shelter us from his wrath is that the way that we should think of not being recipients of his wrath still in this world still in this body rather than in the kingdom of heaven and I would suggest to you that this is not the way that we should think of it but we should believe and expect to be rapidly removed from this world prior to immediately before the wrath of God false and the piece of Scripture that I would like for us to go to is first Corinthians first Corinthians and chapter 15 now first of all this this passage is about the resurrection first and foremost the resurrection of Messiah but we see that the rapture our Blessed hope is is similar to a resurrection and we'll talk more about that in a moment but looking and make a note of this because this has strong implications for what I'm going to talk about in a few minutes and that is when we look at first Corinthians chapter 15 this famous resurrection chapter we see that twice two times messiahs called in Hebrew Rasheed and Greek it's the same concept of receipt which means the first now what we find is this and this is very important not too long ago we we celebrated the the resurrection day and I have mentioned many times that Messiah rose from the dead within a special time frame that is the feast of unleavened bread he was crucified on Passover and then the resurrection happened took place on the first day of the week after Shabbat had ended he rose and that day and the reason why Paul calls him twice well is usually translated into English as the firstfruits why because there was a specific context for viewing the rapture there is a biblical commandment to count fifty days or seven full weeks plus one day and seven full weeks plus one day is fifty and we know something we begin that count on what's called resheath the first we begin to count on the term that means the first the first day of counting that is the day that Messiah rose from the dead it has to be on the first day of the week after the Sabbath the next thing we know is at the end of this period of time is Pentecost for shovelled Pentecost being fifty count 50 days or Chevron seven weeks the term shovelled is weeks what we find and remember this point it's good to be significant in a moment the harvests that begins on that first counting is the barley harvest some say wheat harvest and we can go into great deal detail about it but for the sake of this example it's not net Cerie to to really detail orally or harvests there's a period of harvest everyone agrees about this for seven weeks Messiah is the first fruit and what are we we are called the rest of the harvests so as Messiah rose from the dead bodily in a new body in a different condition we too have that same hope and that that resurrection comes within the context of victory of a fulfillment of promise and a sharing of that that promise with messiahs followers so that harvest takes place over a period of seven weeks now Messiah is the first firt we are the rest of the harvest remember that and that harvest is done everyday of course not on Shabbat but every day other than Shabbat for those seven full weeks now why do I say that well if you look at first Corinthians chapter 15 we read something we read that there are many different types of bodies the scripture speaks about bodies that birds have bodies that fish have bodies that animals have bodies that are celestial meaning the Stars and the Sun the moon and each body is different why because of their habitation birds part of their habitation is in the sky they fly from tree to tree fish swim fish have one type of body that design for water birds have another for flying and what Paul is telling us here in this same chapter 1st Corinthians 15 that we are going to receive a body a body that is designed for the kingdom of God and he tells us that within this fifteenth chapter that speaks of the rapture now what does he say specifically about it well look with me if you would to chapter 15 first Corinthians 15 and we're gonna begin in verse 50 he says this this I say to you brethren that that flesh and blood are not able to inherit the kingdom of God nor can that which is corruptible inherit that which is not corruptible verse 51 he says behold a mystery remember how we begin the rapture is a mystery behold a mystery I say to you behold not all of us will sleep meaning we're not all going to die but all of us are going to be changed and if you keep reading he talks about a change that is coming and this change this mystery is that this body is going to be changed in an instant now remember what I talked about in the previous video there is no such thing as soul sleep to be absent from the body is to be present from the Lord when someone dies fact we have scriptural testimony of those who were dead and they had consciousness they spoke they understood things they could hear they could comprehend so no where do we see anyone sleeping their souls are asleep no when a believer dies in that instant that they die immediately they go to be with the Lord and and Paul says comfort one another with these things but the body of that departed loved one their souls are in heaven if they're a believer with Messiah but their body is put into the tomb or whatever happens to the body it's not really important no matter what happens that body decays and it turns to ashes but at the time of the rapture it is going to be transformed any believer who have died their body their souls are in the heaven with Messiah but their bodies are going to be transformed into a glorious new body designed for kingdom and those bodies are gonna rise up to meet this is what the scripture says to meet the Lord in the air and be reunited with that person's soul so there's a reunification between that new body and that soul and the scripture says we who are still alive we are going to be changed as well we're going to see our bodies transform we who are still alive and believers we're going to be taken up and that's why it's so important that we read what the scripture says now I mentioned 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 let's go there very briefly first Thessalonians chapter 4 notice what the Word of God says clearly in this passage of Scripture 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 he speaks this as a way of encouragement to the reader and he says this first Thessalonians chapter 4 we begin with verse 13 he says concerning those who are asleep brethren meaning those who have died I do not want you to be deceived misled or under sunder not understanding that's why some are sad today because they have no hope but we have a hope look at verse 14 for we believe that Messiah died and lived he was resurrected and thus God will bring by means of Messiah schewe also those who are asleep with him now this is an important concept it says we who are asleep with him do you think messiahs asleep right now sleeping on the job supposed to be at the right hand of the Father interceding for us no no he's asleep of course he's not this is a great example of those who are asleep simply means dead why do we say that because those who died in faith have an expectation of getting up so sleeping when you go to sleep you have an expectation of rising up after that nap in the morning whenever and so it was traditional and Judaism to always speak of the dead in the term sleep reminding people the resurrection so messiahs not soul sleeping and neither are other dead who die in the Lord look at verse 15 for this we say to you by by the word of the Lord for we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who are asleep meaning dead for he himself the Lord he will descend from heaven with a shout with the sound and their voice of the Archangel with the trumpet of God then those who are dead will rise first in Messiah and afterwards we who are still alive we will be snatched away there's that verse verse 17 there's that word are pazzo then we will be snatched away this is speaking of the rapture the Blessed hope we will be taken away together in the clouds that's why I say is God able to keep us here during the time his wrath is being poured out yes he could but the Word of God doesn't support that it says very clearly we will be taken with those who have already died their bodies their souls are in heaven we will be taken together with them in the clouds why to meet the Lord where in the sky so that's why I do not believe that that we are going to be here in this body in this world when the wrath is poured out no we're going to be removed taken away snatched away quickly removed and we're gonna meet him in the air prior to the wrath of God falling now there's one more thing that I want to deal with before we conclude and that is this people will point out in Revelation chapter 20 believe in verse five it speaks about the first resurrection and there are those who say this they will say that the rapture happens at the end of the Tribulation Period this is not the case they'll say that that yes first Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 very important verse or write this down first Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 which says when we when Messiah returns and this is the second coming we will be coming with him so first Thessalonians 3 verse 13 says when Messiah comes the second time not speaking about the rapture we will be with him now some will say the rapture and the second coming are simultaneously that means the rapture will happen will beat the Lord in the air and then will come with him but that means that we were here for the wrath of God and the scripture says no that we will be taken prior to the wrath of God and they will say but the first resurrection is after the seven years that final 70th week of Daniel well here's what I would say to that we need to remember something the book of Revelation writes as a priority to those who are going to be alive during the events of the book of Revelation that is something very important in order to interpret it properly and this is what John is saying John is saying is this those who lose their life during this time of intense persecution in the last days they are not going to miss out on anything they are the focus of the book of Revelation to encourage disciples who are live at that time now we need to realize something those who we remain faithful persevered true during this time of tribulation remember we're talking not about the wrath of God but satanic tribulation they will take part in the rapture - so all believers who come to faith before the wrath of God is poured out we'll take part in the rapture but this is the problem that they present they'll say but the first resurrection it takes place at the end of the seven years and we believe the rapture takes place prior to that some will say before the seven years I will say before the wrath of God comes within that period of seven years no man knows the day or the hour but here's what we need to remember the scripture tells us messiahs the first fruit and we are the rest of the harvests that rest of the harvest is over a period of time people are going to be in the Millennial Kingdom that take place no matter when they come to faith those who take part in the rapture but also those those who come to faith after the rapture those of the Jewish people and I believe there's going to be a remnant of the nations based upon Zechariah 14 that also come to faith after the rapture and they are going to be part of the body of Messiah the body of Christ that are going to rule and reign with him during that thousand years of the Millennial Kingdom when Messiah rules from Jerusalem for those thousand years and what he's saying is the first resurrection are all those who are going to rule and reign with Messiah so we should not anticipate simply a special resurrection and agreement with the rapture at the end of those seven years no there's going to be the rapture prior to the wrath of God falling and those who come to faith after of Israel and those of the gentiles that come to faith but nevertheless lose their life during that period of time God will also resurrect them and all those who take place in the Millennial Kingdom as believers they are known as part of the first resurrection so it's very important that we see what the scripture says about this rapture about the first resurrection all of this seeing as an event that happens in stages now the rapture I'm going to close with this the rapture is not in stages it's a one-time event that happens like that when prior to prior to the wrath of God falling but there will be people primarily of Israel that come to faith after the rapture and they will be part of the body of believers that that populate the Millennial Kingdom and all those who are are in the Millennial Kingdom whether they took part in the rapture or came to faith after they who have died will be resurrected and all believers are part of that first resurrection everyone those in the rapture those who were resurrected after the rapture in the after the last seven years all of that collectively is known as the first resurrection so my hope is that this clarified some of the questions that we've received and here's what we're going to do in our next video and this video is an exciting one that we're going to be doing because we're going to be speaking about the revealing of the Antichrist in the rapture those two events are inherently related I want to say that again the revealing of the Antichrist and the rapture and we're going to look primarily Edge's a few verses now in this lesson we covered a lot absque ripchu we did so very quickly but in the next video we're gonna cover just a handful of verses but we're gonna do so very carefully and specifically so that you can understand the relationship between the revealing of the Antichrist and the occurrence of our Blessed hope the rapture and let me just share with you that that I'm writing a new book on just that event the revealing of the unity Christ that's one of the things that I'm concentrating on now when we cannot travel and we are kind of in time out so to speak during this corona virus so anyway I hope that this video will benefit you we thank you for for viewing it we appreciate those who saw our Co kind and generous who pray for us and support us in many different ways and that's why we wanted to do these series of videos on the last days may God richly bless you until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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