The 10 BEST Junglers to ESCAPE LOW ELO in Season 14 - League of Legends

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if your goal is to escape low ELO as a jungler as fast as possible then you clicked on the Right video we'll be breaking down the 10 best jungle champions for climbing out of low ELO now the order does matter in this one so the number one pick will be what we consider the strongest champion and if you want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO as a jungler well you're in luck cuz we just released the best jungle course on the entire internet literally it is five whole chapters teaching you everything you need to know to climb ranks fast as a jungler this took us an insanely long time to make as it's around 3 hours of content where you'll be walked through step by step how to carry as a jungler from the start of the game to the end pair that with our brand new Champion clear course that teaches you the fastest way to clear on your champion and trust me you'll be climbing through the ranks in no time the best part you can try all of this completely risk-free if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you'll get your money back no questions asked you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right now starting us off at the number 10 spot on the list is Diana Jungle Diana has a lot of things that make her a great pick in low ELO for one she has great clear speed since using her abilities actually grants her attack speed at the same time every third Auto attack of hers becomes empowered to do an AOE attack she stays healthy in her clear from her W which gives her a shield and this is great for low ELO players who can struggle with optimized clears secondly she has a very decent early game in terms of fighting you see Diana gets a massive power Spike at level six with her ultimate jungle Champions like this such as shyvana typically are much weaker in the early game to compensate but this is not the case for Diana sure she doesn't have crowd control for ganks before level six but her actual dueling is still really good thirdly she gets benefits from being an assassin while still being somewhat tanky basically she's somewhat of a stat check champion this is the kind of champion that is usually just a big ball of stats that jumps on top of you and beats you with higher numbers this can be great for lower ELO players who typically struggle with Landing skill shots and four the enemy low ELO players will really struggle with positioning and recognizing Diana's engage ranges you see Diana's e ability has an absurd range of 825 and it's point and click meaning you don't even have to land any skill shots and although you would have to land your Q to get the reset on her e you can often completely ignore this as once you have an item or two if you see a squishy opponent you can just press e and alt and burst them down with little to no counterplay the crazy high range of your e will constantly catch you kills in low ELO not to mention in mid to late game fights if three or more enemies are grouped up well you can just e into alt on them and it's often enough to single-handedly win that fight the only reason we don't rank Diana higher on this list is simply that there are other Champions who are either more well-rounded or just have a much stronger lay game which is something extremely valuable in low ELO due to how games last longer on average moving on we have our ninth pick Warwick Warwick has always been seen as a great beginner champion this is because he has innate healing in his abilities that makes his clear very safe and healthy at the same time his W passive will literally Mark opponents that are low on health and a champion being low on health is actually the best signal that a gank is available so you'll essentially get a notification on where you should be ganking he also has a fantastic early game and mid game being able to 1 V one most Champions which helps lowy low players as they don't need as much matchup knowledge if you do play Warick though there's two mechanics you need to know first holding down your Q will attach Warwick to his Target so often if you're chasing someone down who has any kind of escapeability up even flash you don't tap Q you hold Q for the entire duration this way if they flash or use their escape you'll actually follow them it also has the benefit of putting you behind them and this is where the second mechanic you need to know comes in so your e fear you typically activate your E before you hold your Q This Way your Q can follow any Scapes while putting you behind them then you reactivate your e to fear them back towards your team timing your alt before your fear expires to chain your crowd control basically just don't be that Warwick that tries to land crazy longrange alt it's better to run at someone activate e use Q to swing through and then activate the fear into then alting the main reason we're not ranking Warwick higher on this list is that he doesn't have good late game scaling which is important in low ELO where games last longer and he doesn't also have the greatest clear speed compared to other Champions on this list and clear speed is actually one of the best ways to just passively get ahead of everyone in the game all right now the eighth jungler on this list is the ruined King Vigo here's the thing about Vigo jungle it's basically been a top tier pick all of season 14 the reason he's great in low ELO though is that he has a fantastic 1V one meaning you don't have to have as much matchup knowledge you also have consistent ganking power throughout the game as your e andw are great early on while your alt then gives you even greater ganks once you hit Level six he also has a very fast clear that is surprisingly simple to execute on the only mechanic you really need to know is the specific way to use your e so it doesn't bounce off the wall and show where you are to the enemy we cover all these spots and how to do this in our vgo clear on our website if you're interested the true reason Vigo is on this list though is that he can always 1 v9 car whether he's ahead or behind this is due to his passive where when an enemy dies they leave a Mist rith you can consume that not only heals him but then turns him into that champion and resets his ultimate that being said that's actually why he's also not ranked higher this one specific mechanic makes him arguably the hardest Champion mechanically on this list however if you're someone who likes that mechanical challenge well look no further than be go moving on to our seventh pick a champion a lot of you were probably expecting on this list amumu amumu is another fantastic beginner jungler with a difference between him and Warwick being that amumu is a dedicated tank amumu is great for low ELO for one because he has great clear speed that's simple to execute for two his abilities and play style are very straightforward and easy and three he's always useful in every team composition since he's a tank if you do play amumu though there's only a few mechanics you really need to know first instead of trying to land max range cues it's often better to just run at someone get with an ALT range alt them to crowd control them then you can land a guaranteed Q to chain crowd control them after you can also input buffer your ultimate this means you alt first and then press flash this gives the enemy less time to react and again sets up easy to land qes to chain CC high priority targets the only reason amumu isn't ranked higher is that he doesn't have that 1 v9 carry potential that's sometimes needed in lower ELO when you get especially bad teammates however if you're not interested in being the carry and instead prefer to be a tank well amumu is the perfect Champion to get you out of low ELO and just outside of our top five we have our sixth pick Lilia Lilia is a pretty unique Champion that has her own way of carrying out of low ELO she has some of the fastest clear speeds in the game letting you passively get ahead of opponents and she gets to build pretty tanky while still doing an insane amount of damage however a lot of the damage is done over time so her play style is effectively just running around players spamming your que which gives you stacks of movement speed it then applies her passive which burns them and also applies the passive of leandre's a core item in her build meanwhile your second core item Rift maker will ramp up your damage for each second in combat with an enemy giving you omniv Vamp to start healing at max strength and your third item riiz let you slow them so combine that with your CU bonus movement speed and enemies can't really do much we haven't even touched on the fact that our alt can massively swing fights if used properly as it has the potential to put the whole enemy team to sleep in terms of true carry potential Lilia is honestly top three for low ELO however the reason we don't rank her higher is that she is mechanically difficult you'll need good kiting and movement to control her effectively while also good knowledge of when to use each of her abilities also we've talked about the importance of clear speed quite a bit so far and most low ELO junglers don't realize just how insanely overpowered this skill is for example here's a gold Lilia she gets a strong Leash from her bot laners and yet she will still Ender full clear by 326 so yeah that is not the insane clear speeds we just said that Lilia has yet I want you to compare that to the Lilia clear we teach you on our website notice how despite starting with no leash which usually saves you around 5 Seconds your clear by the time that we end the clear it still beats the gold Lilia by 10 whole seconds that's why we created this new Jungle clear course on our website on average it's going to save you 10 to 15 seconds in every single one of your clears for nearly every jungler this is the difference between being able to gank a lane before the Scuttle spawn at 3:30 often netting you an early First Blood kill for 450 gold instead of being so slow you have to just run straight to the Scuttle at the end of your clear it also really adds up over the course of a game for example if you only Sav 10 seconds each time you cleared your jungle after six clears you're now an entire minute ahead of the enemy that's insane you can check out our new clear course with a discount link below all right now cracking our top five is the Eternal nightmare nocturn there are so many good things to say about nocturn jungle he has a very fast safe and healthy clear that's great for newer players his gameplay is very simple and straightforward with you essentially just running out opponents and pressing e to fear them then once you get your ultimate it's even easier as you just Al a Target eat them and again run at them his ultimate also makes him great at snowballing since low ELO players really struggle with map awareness so once you get ahead enough to kill enemies with your alt you'll usually just Feast on them for the rest of the game he also has a surprisingly strong early game with his lethal Tempo Rune the fear on his e and the attack damage boost he gets from his Q this means you don't have to learn too many matchups and can be confident you'll win most 1 V ons throughout the game the only reason we don't rank nocturn higher is that he does fall off pretty hard in the late game what that means is that usually if you don't snowball enough in the early to mid game you can struggle to carry into the late game as you won't be ahead enough to kill the target you alt while the enemy team will then Focus you down if that one weakness doesn't matter to you though the nocturn is a strong simple Champion for carrying you through low ELO next in our fourth spot we have none other than Brier so those of you who have been actively playing in season 14 and paying attention to the Jungle meta well you were probably expecting Brier higher up on this list this is because Brier has been arguably the most overpowered jungler all of season 14 she dominates nearly every 1 V one due to her combination of damage and healing she has fantastic clear both in terms of of speed but also staying healthy from her healing and her play style can be pretty straightforward and easy to play her Q is a pointing click stun and often nothing but your q and W is enough to kill opponents her ultimate can also be incredibly powerful when you land it since you'll damage and fear all surrounding enemies often letting you just 100 to zero the target while the rest of the team is crowd controlled not to mention her constant damage and healing means she can really carry team fights all by herself so now you're probably wondering well why isn't she ranked higher to be honest Brier is just weird in that she's both mechanically difficult but at the same time can also be mechanically simple because her W Auto targets for you that can make her easy to play however it also means you need to know how to use her e really well to know how to cancel her W early with it and let you regain control she can also be somewhat squishy meaning you also need to be good at using her e at the right time for the damage reduction and heal and basically long story short she's very polarizing some players will pick up Brier and it comes naturally others pick Brier up and are completely lost we also can't lie given how overpowered Brier has been all season and with Riot constantly trying to Nerf her unsuccessfully we a bit worried she'll finally be hit with an actual significant Nerf it's for all these reasons we feel number four is a good spot to put her on this list all right now we're into the big top three and rolling into that third spot is none other than Ramis here's the thing about Ramis he's actually been borderline secretly hidden overpowered all of season 14 like his win rates across all ranks have been consistently absurdly High however He's just never been that popular of a champion to push his pick rate up enough for most people to actually take notice of this but there are so many good things to say about Ramis as a low ELO pick first he gets so insanely tanky that he's super forgiving to play as it's hard to actually get caught out and die and yet despite being a tank he actually does a ton of damage both from his base damages on his abilities but also from his passive and W his passive will give his Auto attacks damage actually scaling based on the armor he builds his W then increases this while then also applying this damage to enemies whenever they Auto attack him it goes without saying this makes him an insanely hard counter against any heavy attack damage team composition positions you face but it doesn't stop there though the insane movement speed he gets from his Q lets him easily make picks on low ELO players who struggle with map awareness and positioning and this is even further Amplified once he unlocks his ultimate making it harder for players not to get caught out by him on top of giving him a great way to swing team fights the only reason we don't rank him higher in this list is that he doesn't have that true late game 1v9 carry potential that is sometimes needed in low ELO when you get those bad teammates however if you enjoy playing tanks there's really no better jungler to pick up right now than Ramis for getting you out of low ELO now out for our second place we have the banee of every low ELO player's existence Evelyn it's probably no surprise as to why Evelyn made it so high up on this list when she hits level six she gains permanent invisibility this is so insanely overpowered against low ELO players who already struggle enough with map awareness when they can actually see enemies at the same time Evelyn is an assassin with a tremendous amount of burst damage who is designed to be incredibly snowbally so once you get a few kills and start going well you'll start to completely Dominate and take over the game and this is especially true in season 14 due to the new AP items specifically lichbane is so strong on her since her e will activate it it's not uncommon to be able to One-Shot targets with nothing but Evelyn e and the lichbane proc this means in team fights she of course has her alt to delete an enemy into getting out to safety but she's not then useless she can actually go back invisible which then turns her e into a gap closer again and resets the cool down and so she can now then e another Target to One-Shot them with another lichbane proc to then you guessed it running away to go invisible into then one-shotting another Target out of all the junglers in season 14 Evelyn arguably got the biggest buff due to the item changes she's effectively been considered overpowered since season 14 started only reason we don't Place her number one on this list is that she does have one glaring weakness her early game nearly all the Champions on this list can 1 V one her before level six meaning you need to know how to play around these bad matchups and avoid falling behind early to be honest though most low ELO junglers don't know how to do this and so we'll just give you free scaling speaking of which that's something not a lot of players fully appreciate just how strong WR Evelyn is in the late game most assassin snowball into big midgame spikes and then start to fall off but the combination of Evelyn's stealth the damage scaling on her abilities and the consistent DPS of her q and lichbane procs it all means she's one of the strongest late game junglers in the game as well something that of course is extremely valuable in low ELO where games tend to go longer now before we get into our number one jungler for low ELO let's go over a few honorable mentions Sho despite being incredibly powerful against low ELO players didn't make the list because he simply requires much skill to Pilot effectively belth is also similar she's been considered one of the strongest junglers in High ELO but her win rate has never been that impressive in lower ELO due to the skill requirements to Pilot her zenzo despite usually being a recommendation for beginners didn't make this list simply because of how Hari falls off late game and his lack of 1 v9 carry potential Kane despite actually being a great low ELO pick didn't make the list simply because he got nerfed extremely hard prior to making this list with no signs of Riot looking to buff him back to his old strength kha'zix is another assassin that's usually a a great pick to dominate low ELO but didn't make the cut as he's simply a bit too weak in the meta at the moment compared to other comparable Champions on this list we should also mention rangar for many assassins like Rengar who are extremely powerful in low ELO are simply too difficult to Pilot effectively for us to recommend low ELO players to actually play him if you don't believe me just as an example he has an impressive 52.62 win rate in Masters plus but that actually plummets to one of the worst junglers in the game with a 46.64 win rate in silver Vol bear was also extremely close to making this list but Riot has been way too volatile with his balancing where he's been jumping from an overpowered pick to an average pick week to week we are also very tempted to put scarner on this list after his rework but just like volibear Riot has been very volatile with his balancing where he's jumping from one of the literal worst junglers on the patch to being overpowered the next week the exact same for rexi who after her mini rework has been all over the place in terms of her strength due to Riot constantly balancing and hot fixing patch to patch and lastly is Shabana who actually made our number one pick last season but has been truly struggling all season ever since the season 14 item changes we should also mention there are a few Champions that just barely didn't make the cut such as VI Jack bran jarvin Zack Fiddlesticks and uder just to name a few so just because a champion didn't make our top 10 list doesn't mean we consider them to be bad in low ELO instead it's usually one of the Champions on this list that outclass them for one reason or another okay and finally we have our number one jungler for low ELO the wuu bladesman master ye now to be honest Master ye has always been that champion people thought was overpowered in low ELO due to his 1v9 carry potential but he really wasn't simply due to how weak his early game was however that is truly not the case anymore in the new season Master ye is legitimately one of the strongest early game Champions right now and requires incredibly little mechanical skill to win those fights your Q does insane damage early while literally making you unable to be damaged your e then just empowers your auto attacks while your passive makes your fourth Auto attack hit twice and if at any point you get into trouble activate your W for insane damage reduction and heal which then often you the time needed for your que to come off cool down to then finish them off Master ye has had one of the most consistently High win rates throughout season 14 and yet because he's not popular in Challenger or Pro play has been completely flying under the Nerf radar of ride games there are several reasons why Master E became so powerful in season 14 and it's mostly tied to the item reworks at the start of the Season his first core item Kraken Slayer got a massive buff where they actually removed the attack damage scaling but then gave it insanely High base damages this means Master ye is now monster right from one item completion his second core item rageblade just got an overall stat efficiency buff being cheaper while giving more stats then his typical remaining three items all got significantly more powerful witsen specifically got a change that's a really big deal for master ye where it gives more attack speed and Magic resistance while also giving him 20% tenacity this tenacity is extremely useful for Master E since it reduces crowd control duration as crowd control has traditionally been the best method to shut him down and speaking of which another core item of his a Stax gauge which also got you guessed it 20% tenacity added to it so yeah you can start to see why he's so strong in season 14 and finally we have Titanic Hydra another item of his that got like insanely buffed stat-wise it's actually crazy when you look at it however very few Champions can actually fit Titanic Hydra into their builds so Master E is one of the only Champions that can actually make use of these insane Buffs so if you're someone who's been playing league for a while but hasn't played Master ye this season honestly try him out and I promise you'll immediately understand everything that talking about it's actually crazy how much more powerful he is now compared to past seasons and we haven't even talked about the fact that he is arguably the best late game scaling of any jungler which is of course amazing in low ELO where games go the longest on top of the fact that he's quite literally designed as a 1v9 carry Champion which is again perfect for carrying those really bad teammates basically if you've never played Master E or haven't played him in a while just give him a shot and I promise you won't be disappointed and speaking of not being disappointed if you truly want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO as a jungler well we just released the best jungle course on the entire internet literally it's five whole chapters teaching you everything you'll ever need to know to climb ranks fast as a jungler this is the biggest course we've ever created it's around 3 hours of content where you'll be walked through step by-step how to carry as a jungler from the start of the game to the end pair that with our new Champion clear course that teaches you the fastest way to clear on your champion and trust me you're going to be climbing through the ranks in no time best part of all of this you can try it risk-free if you don't rank up while actively using skill cap you get your money back no questions asked you can un un lock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 86,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, lol jungle, how to jungle, lol jungle tier list, lol jungle champions, best junglers, best junglers season 14, best junglers to one trick, best junglers for beginners, best junglers league of legends
Id: ERFz21tMeis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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