It's All Kicking Off | Episode #29 - Raid Full Playthrough Series Season 3 - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys and welcome back to episode 29 of the raid series in the previous episode we went into shoreline and we hunted down some pmcs and then we went into factory and died miserably got him um what we're gonna do is go back in the shoreline and try and continue on getting punished for part four done um so yeah without further ado let's crack straight into it [Music] please all right so during the previous episode we got our loadout ready to go um just going over some of the tasks that we can do as well whilst in there if we got the uav we can get in there and get a part of that um and then i'm pretty sure we still have len lee's yeah we've still got len lisa which is requiring us to pick up um some items there too which is the one near the road to customs extract so uh it really comes down to do we want to take the valdez or not i'm very tempted to just grab another vale day we've got one here waiting for us uh and we can use the mrs another time and and just with this kind of thing we can actually take some longer range shots if if we uh if we get lucky or i'm not even lucky if we if we want to so um we're plenty of bt ammo so what i'll do is i'm gonna double check what am i having here yep still bt so we really want to go for the the lesser geared players uh and we'll take a spare mag there that should get us out of the wood out of the woods we'll see how we go we're only running a class three armor and helmet i know we should probably be running better but i just want to clean up the stash with whatever we've got already and then we'll move into other stuff from there um like we could take this or we can't take these for because we need the scav vest for the quest but i'm not trying to over over spend right now um the hot air is doing really well so once we get to level 30 we can do some more upgrades there um and yeah we'll progress forward from that so enough blabbering shoreline daytime big bit of insurance let's go all right so shorebine it's all going to come down really how we spawn and where we move from there but we're going to play as aggressive as possible as we can it's actually a pretty good spawn we had this one on the first one um the first time we came to shoreline if we want to we can push straight through all of this we can actually go around it don't even have to look at the uh at the cottages and then we go up wait at the resort once again it really comes down to how you want to do this but we could also do shooter born in heaven what's on this quest and the way we would do that is we probably should head towards um like i can't wait for the next patch uh we can head towards power station and then just wait to hear if he'll get a gas station power station etc it's gonna keep moving normal scrap shooting at me there's nobody's super popular at the moment so a lot of people are doing their quest on shoreline now so you gotta get a fair bit of people running through here plus the lettuce farming and the red key cards and blue key cards should give some fair bit of opportunity i'm confident i heard someone then want to get over this wall get upstairs real quick haven't heard any gunshots yet um we're looking for gunshots down at power station gas station and uh and busterburg someone just unlocked the door potentially on the on the west wing too we're gonna move nice and quick just chest slammed him arm for our armor then now you just want to make sure you've got your head and thorax at full listing out i'm trying i'm trying right now sorry guys i'm trying to listen to see if i can hear anyone coming from a specific location or all right sorry our keys 216 220 306. i got one from downstairs what we can do is go um top floor balcony grab ourselves a if we splint up syringe still listening out i was more confident fighting that guy because of the fact that he sprays full order but he did it was almost like he just was just praying that he could try and kill me all right normally there's meds up on here that's 216 and 220. um we can't go three or six to try and get some meds i should try and pick up a grenade all right now what we want to do is cover down this long hallway no one there gonna go top floor you can hear those shots down um down bus step away or more than that gas station power station so our traffic here is we can actually push down and try and get a uh cheeky kill down there we can go check out 226 if we want to see if it's been taken all right across here we don't spend too much time crossing so you get across nice and quick i don't think we gotta keep these at all a little bit and the bottom one spawns the uh this might not be looted it's not let's go come on let x broken arm all right so the other key we've got these uh three or six eight don't need that at the moment so i'm just going to head down to the bottom floor and probably out of here and i might push down and just check that med bag real quick get a cms kit there's a chance someone's coming behind us over on the uh on the west wing with those shots that were at the bus depot it's just been a really quiet resort normally it's not this quiet pretty ballsy trying to loot this but i said we haven't heard much so a blue key card and we don't have no stamina we're gonna get there with a little bit you know where he wants to do this if i kill him i did and was nice gary ipmr i'm gonna get out of here but he was doing probably a kill scout quest so probably uh was it punisher part two kill scouts with a suppressed gun and he's actually doing it in a smart way he's using a suppressed vpo so he's actually leveling up his snobbing skill and the benefit of that is he's um getting that stop still sorted for for later on we've got two kills here what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get the len lease item on the way out and uh call that one a win we'll go back in and do another one potentially we could reinvest some of the money we've made from this run into getting more keys maybe like a west 301 uh if we get our hands on a ledex now when we get up to our earth through private clinic we're gonna handle atletico or an offline scope that's one less thing we have to worry about and this is a lot of money but they're gonna be found in right now so i'm going to talk really briefly about the progression of how people move through the map and also only think about where people are at in the white so we're about just under two months into the white so firstly progression through the map so we're currently about 14 minutes into the map so people were generally evoluted resort by now believe it or not and then be heading towards the extract so uh the result was fairly quiet there might have been someone that went into west wing behind us i i believe that would have been um so those are probably people moving into the west wing behind us um have we missed out on and uh they'll be looting through the resort and potentially coming out and down and through the uh road to custom deck track so don't be worried about that and then progression of the one so generally the majority of the players will be somewhere i don't know about a month in there probably around the mid level or between 20 and and 30. well probably between 15 and say 25. the majority of the player base will be around that bracket and around the two-month mark that'd be between 20 and say maybe 30 32-33 and i'm talking the core bulk of the actual player base around the three-month mark majority of players have either finished playing but they're sick of it they're level 40 and they're more around the level 40 mark so around the three month mark a month from now is when you're gonna just pretty much see super sweaty chats everywhere i'm not just talking that the the streamers i'm talking like legitimately like the casual players will start getting up there once particularly once they know what they're doing which is hope for you guys after i explain this to you if you watched season two and now you're watching season three or this is the first season you've watched um each season oh sorry each wipe you'll be faster and faster at leveling you'll you'll actually get it's a player there's two players i think they've extracted i was out of stamina i couldn't get it a clean shot i don't think i got one would be on six we didn't get them they're 100 out so yeah you got to think about that um you only get faster at leveling and it looked like i was so close to his head a couple of times too he's just looking here with these glasses oh well um so yeah right now that's the kind of place you're gonna be running into between like level probably 20 and and 30 primarily maybe like 32 cool so parking throughout that raid we uh we went straight to the resort we killed a player up there and then uh we cleared through the results if there's any other players there then we went down to the bus depot as we heard someone shooting there killed player down there and then we headed towards the extract um two fights there i definitely think that's worth talking a little bit more detail about those so now let's just crack straight into it i'm gonna go right from when we hear the key unlocking the door and then we push down to the second floor so let's get into that right there you heard the door unlock and then um unlock the door and i'm exactly right so usually if you hear a door unlock it's going to be the second floor on the west wing not generally the ground floor but then i come down here and i check to see if i can hear him we hear him messing about in that room and then because of that um we know where it's going to be so there's a q a opportunity it's really hard with how quickly you stamina drains through the ads so i thought he's gonna walk out that's why i missed the left he went in and out him spraying for water like this is a bad play because we know he's if he's gonna reload we'll hear it potentially he ran an ammo on that mag right then so he only had the one mag once he pushed like that we had to just commit hard and it's pretty straightforward kill right there so it worked out quite well so from here we heard the gunshots over at the bus stepper and we pushed across nice and quick what we're doing is we're listening for the second lot of gun shots the player shooting so there will the scav shoot shots listen for the player that's the player shot and the second we hear the play shot then we can build our plan so i was going to sit up on the high ground wait for i heard the player that was that he shot before we got there and we knew he was down here now i was trying to bait him if anybody sitting there in that bush trying to shoot over he was actually on the low ground once we saw him in the low ground i just kept shooting and i tracked him i talked about in the previous episode about tracking through bushes just in the direction they were last heading just shoot an extra few bullets and then we got the kill there nice and clean not really much more we need to say about that um i push around the right so i definitely don't just go straight over the top and he just has the one angle making it harder for him to kill me crack straight away let's get um quickly through this stuff and back into another raid i want to try and get as many kills we can in this episode hopefully if we get two to three kills right so we don't get a quick death out of it uh we can get two or three more kills in the next raid that was a really good state for getting punished part four done probably in the next episode so punishable part four takes a little bit longer we also do have to go to uh woods and get shotgun kills on woods so we actually might get stuck a little bit on punisher part five we can't get a founding raid pm pistol um i think we've only got one and we need two so there's one there i'm pretty sure we need two so that could actually be a problem um all right so now these loots i'm gonna get rid of that armor it's taking up too much space we need more space and we are actually on a task for um type of shooter part one which is kill kill scouts 40 meters without a sight so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to take the sight off this and then um i hate that slot by the way the passion and i'm gonna i'm just gonna use it with the onslaught i'm gonna take two weapons into the next ride we do see a scave we can do some some long-range snorts cool as for meds um we don't need to take them in we'll take the uh oh we don't need to take that in i will take the splint chuck these down here for now be a future problem dog tags can still sit inside here ram for the sake of it mp5 will sort that one out later and we'll take that as a backup med i'm going to reload this with some btmo and we're good to go the ap and both of these i believe that shouldn't have any issues because of the siding so uh like i said we could take this to uh time to quickly just buy another key or two um particularly i don't know if we'll be able to get it key with tape might be called tape key this key is definitely definitely worth grabbing uh we need that for requests later on and also uh west three zero one if we can get a lettuce out of one of these two rooms that would be absolute winning oh we've got ace 308 there we don't need that right now so cool let's go in with this is that the quality safety it is cool and we also have no we don't um let's see how we go i want want to top up a little bit of water a little bit annoying when you run out of hydration and let's get back into another eight right so same as last time um putting on the spawn we'll decide what we're gonna do all right this spawn we didn't head in these items big boo boo there all right we have to survive this raid so this born now i need to try and catch people running left or right and right so let me spot it they try and move up a little bit just can't get him it was just purely behind the bush for me are we going to flank again we definitely would have picked a few people's interests around here too off the top of this hill and stuff i'm going to try and get on top of this hill and get it get him right in the open hopefully he doesn't see me doing this though i have to walk because my stamina's trash he went behind here did he run off two food hmm [ __ ] this up i don't know where the star's going that's under the impression you guys would be lobbies but look we'll start loving war not that low he's on the uh same quest we're using ap 20 ammo so we're gonna go via the bunker now nothing wonder where that gear guy went i really do i'd be very surprised if he was still sitting there just like healing up prone somewhere you definitely would have heard me shooting all that just then and would have known it was the same person all right let's get out of here we can cut the corner a little bit but i don't want to do it too much uh the objective is to get to the uav grab the other uav item i don't think i shut my door but it's really warm today i think i was going to go fishing today that was why it was a good day nice weather so i'm here playing tango happy to do either really but i need to get this youtube video so i'm about to take some time off got a bit of a vacation with the wifey we're gonna catch up with starlight um the charity and then we're gonna um we're doing the check presentation i'm gonna meet um a child that's been supported by starlight and then i'm going to spend some time with my wifey and some family i'm going to go to a theme park oh yeah excited for it okay so the reason why i'm going to go straight for the uav is i'm actually a little bit upset at myself for not handing those two quests items and if we just push straight into resort i feel like we've already got like part of the quest done you know like if i handed that in it would have been totally different now that we've got two kills at least the threat's not going to waste anyway but not that any raid really goes to waste even if you just die straight away you're leveling up your health and vitality skill but you guys know what i mean those shots either either at bus depot or up at the resort do there's not really a lot i can really explain here i'm just going to be keep keep pushing up clearing my path as i go not rushing it too quickly i'm still moving at it you know half decent pace sort of let's not just go up there the extract open extracurricular so if we can get the the vehicle just come straight back take the extract and keep moving we'll go around the back to play it a little bit safer the better parking to take more cover let's look at the advantage of the high ground up here i think the next quest after this one's to get shotgun kills scav kills with shotguns headshots i actually think the road to custom size is better for killing tmcs then um there's no one on the roof that we can see i'll be scared or something let's go do a quick reset because we're here we can reach that bird in the bushes work two in the hand is what i've heard we'll take the dub and then we'll uh we'll get back in straight away we'll just drop these quest items off reload some mags drop those two dog tags off and then get back in um part thing is very straightforward there uh we spawned in move forward after we saw that player took a bit of a hook turn around to do a little bit of a flank i was hoping they would stay behind that rock we get on the high ground and be able to shoot down to him he uh he obviously moved off by then uh or he's still hiding there now and um the uh two players came up on the high ground and near the little tower there and uh we were just waiting to ambush them as they came up two easy kills and then we just got to uh got to work got the last uh of the uavs and then extracted um a little bit of analytics for analysis on the um the kills there i think it's worth talking about just a little bit so let's do that let's crack straight into it the initial fight because we stuffed it up we need to get that clean head tap on him after he disappeared so there wasn't really much more we can add to that but i heard a noise just before these guys even like made the big noises on the way up and that's why i went quiet and started looking over in that direction that was the noise just just a little bit before that right i didn't move because i still don't know exactly where i am the guy saw me just obliterate him as he crossed over the hill so he doesn't know where i am i just sit still and we just wait the biggest enemy right here is if the guy takes too long we're going to lose our arm stamina um and i'm pretty sure i an ads because of that sure i don't because this guy keeps walking down if he waited longer much armstrong would have been a bit bit of a trouble pushed it around i didn't have to move because he's got no idea where it was and it was pretty straightforward killed crack straight into it that's out of the way um let's quickly uh get back into another right he's loving it does that give this to seven i think i put this for seven so i'm doing well um it's literally all you need to do is drop off these dog tags i probably could have looted a little bit more off those off those planes but i wasn't too phased um let's see these two dog tags off unload cool and literally that is it ready to go um might grab a little tiny bit of food now i've got some we've got those sprouts there for the quest all right i guess i don't have any food waiting for me we could take a little bit of this there we go gives us a little bit more time all right straight back into another i'll drop this one off we don't need that one got these there let's do it all right we're in now from this spawn here the strategy that actually works pretty well is you go straight up on the rocks and shoot people as they run towards the resort the drama that we're going to run into here is we might not be able to get that fast enough because our stamina's probably just a little bit too low our endurance is a little bit too low but we'll try our best to try our best but the meta strategy would be pop an sj6 or if you've got enough strength from stamina um you could also go on top of the uh the east wing as well if we wanted to we could actually just run straight in and try and get our athletics but i really want to get these kills if i can get up up here fast enough i just want to get up far enough without huffing and puffing i would be able to hear them as they're running up so we should be just about at the range where we can start seeing them that here if we really keep our eyes peeled we're looking at people all the way down here i'd like to try and stay in the shadow if i can i think i don't miss anyone no way no one came up either we went fast enough oh my god i'm dead holy crap i'm pinned now i don't think he was shooting through the windows i think it was on the roof one dead confident too i think there's another on the low ground here too it's hiding the fact that i'm alive right now is amazing there's so many bullets shot at me i think there's a go on the low ground still or there's definitely a second i'm gonna die to him though there's no way everyone else just left here oh another god dead we didn't hand in the quest items oh my god oh my god i've got i'm a real special case he doesn't oh my god he's here [Music] oh no that's gonna hurt a lot more than i wanted it too are you serious i didn't want to fall down there and i was in the middle of healing if i was in the middle of healing it was bad that's so bad and i lost all the quest items i wanted to just get back in there and start killing people that guy's going to be grinning because he got so much loot from that i want to get back in there and kill people for the uh for the episode and in the process of doing that i stuffed up and now you guys oh all right so um parthing we just ran to where i said i wanted to go to kill everyone and then i got pinned between everyone i don't know where that guy came from who that guy was but he had nothing to do with the fight because he wasn't geared at all the first guy i shot at was potentially the guy that ended like her killed but there was still others i don't know where they went i don't know who that guy was um let's talk about the fight so let's go to analysis now let's crack straight into it all right now this fight escalates very rapidly so there's been players that have gone around the back and they're on top of the east wing and we can hear the player that's coming around the bottom here now i got a little bit unlucky with this kill i feel like i probably should have got the kill um i just i stuffed up too many shots you can see all the blood on the wall though now he's pushed around to the right it's very risky coming over the top here because he's he could be anywhere and he can hear where we're coming from i was hoping i could try and catch him mid-heel the second i picked my head over he thought we heard the shots up we just wait for a second and look at that night that was a godly grenade absolutely godly amazing work by him then we get smacked by the roof [Music] so we can hear them up the top or behind me they're somewhere behind me i'm pretty sure they're on the roof yep they're on the roof i just saw a glimpse of the head the head there he's looking right at me right then and uh i go straight behind the tree to use the tree as to break up the uh side picture using the second tree and i just got behind covering time then the lobs of the grenades come down and then it's just a bit of a prey moment like we're going to pray that this goes down well the play here is just to heal up holy crap get your thoughts and head back to full and then pop meds i probably would put painkillers earlier uh we've got that go on the low ground if we had potmed straight away there is potentially we got to charge that guy on the low ground while we stand standing around there the next little bit straight forward i'm just going to do some healing so i'm going to skip forward just a little bit now we we heard them doing all the shots at the top and um they came down to try and clear through so this is where we are we're just going to be patient we've got to listen out so we heard the guy plant running around here i didn't take the shot until i had a clean shot he had no idea where i was or this other guy so wait for a clean shot where he's not really moving much and bam now i was fairly confident it was a second but i could have been wrong and we had no idea where the last guy was the rest of this story is pretty straightforward i i'm an idiot i i go down the wrong spot on the cliff and because of that i break my legs and then i'm healing up and the guy kills me there's not really a lot to learn from that besides the fact that i shouldn't have gone down that spot and gone down with full health ready to be able to shoot anyone because we knew there was someone else in there crack straight into it that's out of the way um what are we gonna do from here what are we gonna do from here i don't know i don't know where are we at with kills i really i'm annoyed that i stuff that up i need two more kills that i didn't hand in those quests i'm actually annoyed about that but it's not the end of the world but it's still annoying uh we got ak-105 at the sky best if i didn't fall off the edge there it would have been a totally different story because um i wouldn't have been healing and then that guy would have shot at me stuffed up like he did and i would have been able to kill him but i was still in the middle of the healing animation i couldn't stop it it wouldn't let me stop so stakes were made i think this is bt we did a nice clean kill though i'm gonna put another valdeon [Music] valdez126 [Music] and we'll get back in there so meds i deserve to die i made a pretty big blender and we're gonna go like this oh we need the bulk lava two more kills let's see if we can get him i'll miss about get back in there um jawline daytime i don't want to rush it but i want to get these kills let's go all right so this one this is my strategy for this get this spawn you come straight up in this hill i'm gonna move really quick there's people are gonna be coming from two different directions you've got the ones going right to left over in that tower and you're the ones coming from this side come on i'm gonna hit him then why don't we just touch low [ __ ] trees in the way they go i hate the fact that [ __ ] i'm just gonna charge this dude i need to get the kill get a shotgun you're worried about the guys in the distance too i don't know if he kept running or he's just hiding on the other side of this rock so there's a good chance it's gonna get clamped right here i'm not even wearing armor okay i know where that shotgun dude went made so many mistakes then [ __ ] did they go everyone got away four players i'll let get away one of them was easy that shotgun goes so easy for me to get when it says the theory that no arm is the best armor pretty sure those players are running around the back potentially going to um the admin or the other side like the uav bunker area i don't normally go this way at all it's kind of curious to see which way they go oh he's dead yeah that one's hurt and i hit him i'm gonna hit him in the head too don't do this to me got him [Music] now we start using that stuff i'm gonna kick take ricochet a bullet for me from me that's good makes me happy now you're using in this bp we'll take it where's the body along here i'm stuck different guy you know the speedy boy i've seen that guy yet they're the pso in the mag what's in the mag what's in that mag oh m61 bloody he's dead here here's the other guy i was trying to do the tactics going to the room before that could have been speed boy actually that guy there right i'm gonna check two two two two six and um tape get some fun oh no why where's the other dude oh no complaints here should really clear more just to make sure but i know this guy's really good this speedy boy found him i'll be worth the dog tags what you came to see i don't know what this is i didn't come and see this though this is hurting my eyes we'll return that gun back to the uh to the vendors because that's [ __ ] ridiculous it's gonna be heavy take the hammer off it we'll take that off and we'll take that off it and we'll get rid of that put that on there reduce the weight a little bit oh [ __ ] we're a heavy boy now looking for a linux there's definitely a uh vas there might not be open yet adrenaline i think it is tetris now what now we can only leave the right i guess how long's the adrenaline last 60 seconds we get extra endurance and strength it's a long run to tunnel tim won't even be enough all right yeah tim won't even be enough to stop us making something sprint why is apm in that it's an sks mag anyway um look we got one of these we don't need all the others okay m61 that much ground level [Music] heavy i don't know why i'm holding onto them go over here i'm gonna pop this adrenaline and make us run faster and for longer for a minute with less penalty oh we still can't we still can't regen strength uh stamina so lame i can't believe i didn't handle those test tasks you know that's that's driving me bonkers right now absolutely bonkers but i didn't hand those past him the lobby's pretty much dead we've killed like seven players i don't know how many i've killed but i killed one two i killed four but we know there's like eight players dead it's always how it is you can always kill more when you don't need it for the quest and the bitcoin pays for the uh the bitcoins are like 670k right now that pays for the keys that we bought oh it's worth buying those keys we didn't check those rooms but you know what i mean i think it's like two more sprints three more sprints i'm not actually sure if it's faster to do it this way where you sprint and then crawl or it's faster to just walk like normal surely the sprint one would have to be faster surely i don't know walking for that slow gonna make the heaving keep the complaining noise i hear it i don't scab running back and forth a gas station oh great i stuffed up so much at start there should be four kills just to start alone or not four two the two in the distance i should have been able to get a cleaner shot on them but i i was had the tree blocking me i should have gone around the right-hand side all right learn from my state go on the right-hand side of that rock not the left and then um the shotgun guy should have got straight away but we got there in the end um four pmc kills anyway worked out really well um part thing travels over that rock looking over everything and then i pushed all the way across to where i was on the previous raid where the on top of the uh the rocks overlooking the approach from road to customs and then we pushed into the east wing ground floor killed the last two players there and then headed towards the extract um we definitely need to announce on that race let's do that now let's crack straight into it i took it a little bit slower as i got up to the top just to to scan around to see if it's on the roof or anything like that there's a little bit of combat that's been gone down there i saw that guy moving right left to right over there that was a head shot there he got he had a keck helmet on and we just got unlucky the guy repeats like an idiot he should not have done that and this other guy i think i either hit him in the in the shoulder or the head and he was [ __ ] himself so i'm guessing he was uh healing for a little bit and then we pushed up i fall down here like an idiot um but i wanted to keep the momentum up one guy's dead he's stressing out the second guy's already been hit either in the head or in the thorax and i wanted to keep that pressure on the momentum up so i only quickly checked that to see if there was a name on a dog tag i like to do that a little bit check name tag and check the uh killed by i had 60 round mag on here and this is how you should really kind of handle these situations if they don't have a lot of room to move um keep the pressure up make him try and accidentally repeat on the wrong side of the tree and then uh and then fire i keep keep the pressure up by firing if you've got plenty of ammo to do that the tactic i use a lot as well is i shoot half of my 60 round mag to make it look like i'm about to reload and let them repeat out and then engage again i don't just hold 60 rounds flat maybe a 15 round burst stop for a second 15 round burst stop for a second etcetera etcetera for me now moving up forward we hear the shooting going on in here and i play this super aggressive i stuff up the night we knew they were in these rooms but i was i was hoping to get clear the hallway which was this window here and i just shot it through the night too low now the guy exposes himself here and i'm just not in time into the place i threw that in there just to make sure no one was in there i wasn't in the mood to die to something silly like someone just jumping out of room now you're going to hear him go to heal horrible play by him he must have been hurt for some reason um and i'm pushing up to keep and i'm going to play aggressive here the second i hear him healing i push hard there hear the healing pushing hard in that was a silly play by him by doing that i knew there was another player about so i wanted to see the body at least and i push out here i'm lucky that guy had to toss out if he had a decent gun and not an ft gun that would have been a different story i feel like an mp7 or something i was going to get shredded let's crack straight into it um this episode is super long hope you guys are excited for a long episode because it is um so we've got to wrap this one up here but hopefully you guys i learned a lot from this episode i'm not going to do all the tidying up at the end of this one i'm going to do at the start of the next one um just because there's just i need to balance it out a little bit i can't have an hour and a half two hour episodes too much time i don't have enough hours in the day to film enough episodes but i'm about to go away on vacation i get to film more so um we don't actually have any quest to hand in because i stuffed up the uh this this one here and the other one but we do have punisher part four's pmc kills complete um so now we need to go into woods and we will do that on the next episode kills 10 scouts onwards with the 12 gauge and we'll get some other quests down there at the same time um hopefully it'd be a bit of fun i think we'll do the one where you've got to kill scabs and not heal as well if we can get away with it um we'll see how we go we get that one done those aren't 10 uh scav kills then we'll jump in a factory and get those last factory kills done cool to see a tetris easy money right there but like i said this one's gonna have to get wrapped up here it's just about to hit the timer so we might actually wait a second look on a fuse jager level two and we need the rep we need more rep to get the uh the fuel so yeah i said we'll sort this out in the next one i'm addicted to this [ __ ] i'll just keep playing and playing and playing so ah full match that's cool all right thanks for watching you guys should know dribble down like comment and subscribe notification bell keep up to date with everything you like in the comments for the youtube algorithm any youtube videos you like and make sure you please do it really does help out and same with uh my content do it to them all uh and lastly guys we'll see you next time [Music] you
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Views: 102,801
Rating: 4.9766345 out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: WD7Ph_qlOK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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