Rainbow Six - Six Invitational 2018 - PENTA Sports vs. Evil Geniuses - Grand Final

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the last couple seasons eg probably will be embracing that role of underdog let's get started map one club house in the grand finals of our second invitation it's seeing a lot of clubhouse at this invitational likely because it's slightly out of the meta yet it's the sort of map that you're gonna set up a lot of strats going into this event you want to catch people off-guard seems like every team had the same idea on the attacking lineup neck rocks could be bringing that glass which is an operator who's seen a lot of play but no follow up in any other smoke - besides Canadian on the Jackal so no Adela's from yank focusing on that roam clear which is quite interesting given that this is a clubhouse basement defense they'll start here one of the benefits without much Clubhouse we've seen afore the other teams the ability to deep dig deep into vods you will know that most of these strategies that have been run over the last four or five days will emerge yet again we know that eg while this is one of their stronger maps at the moment has looked beatable we have two Penza to be able to capitalize on that a couple things to note about Penton their versatility not just on maps extends to operators as well with hangars at something like 15 operators so far this tournament which shows a great deal of depth not just from him as an individual player but also for the rest of the team they'll have him there is it much off site to speak up but he won't be playing the typical anchor that he would along with shot too early on Canadiens jackal not gonna be seeing any footprints given that Penta is just primarily focused downstairs they don't have any room unless you count again that tunnel which honestly really doesn't count in this matchup it's going to be a specific point of contention for both teams because tunnel has been favored by everyone playing on clubhouse in this Invitational as a point to establish a crossfire over the anchors in arsenal now there's some drone out before they get inside of the building usually you'd say that clubhouses and I think you don't need to drone as heavily outside a basement because the assumption is is that everybody will be down on the lower level that was an assumption that Road made yesterday and was burned by it as it was EG started things off on clubhouse with two roamers well above site able to take round number one away from well cousins now both teams will be doing everything they can to ensure they know the location of the defenders easy and the case felt droning down by his team the jackal is gonna bring some destructibility no buck is a little bit unusual for this site if you have the shotgun from canadians jackal but it's not nearly as effective in this circumstance there's so much floor and wall that needs to be opened up on the top floor to get those vertical sight lines downstairs bc just gonna be looking for all the potential electronics the defense is set up to stall the attack and calling it out for his team Navy and swiftly in towards the chart church wall it's a very powerful position if they attack and open up a church hold usually involves a thermite not on the board at the moment you'll bring that hapana be able to take care of all of those hatches Canadia then we'll go to a drone little bit unwisely on a wall that is set with a banded shotgun take some damage man just to spite the Jager of Goga sitting just by the bar neck rocks inside a tunnel sees the lesion misses it fabien gets the first kill neck rocks just some poor aim unable to take out the leash we pushed up aggressively on blue I wouldn't be too surprised to see Penta start going for the frags and they will Shantae eliminates young now Penta holds an advantage of two smoke goes out on to the doorway just inside of moto an angle being held right now is nvk being out duel that's the similar angle that we saw from canadian that is now being used against them another smoke will go down they will not be able to push through that main doorway Shantay a second kill this time on the Canadian and the push completely fallen out at this point they have very little control and BC still about dropping down will try to take out Fabien still inside of blue he's entrenched at the moment sees his head would be a bad start to get flawless against them Goga takes out BC and flawless there will be pets already a strong start on defense EG gets nothing round number one of course with a basement clubhouse defense you'd expect such a result from a team like Penta likely to be reflected shortly by Evil Geniuses as they go into the basement it's going to be a much heavier smoke strategy from Penta bringing a montane and a glass which is kind of interesting you don't often see Montaigne used at all in the pro league or at these levels of play so where he sees use is going to be a point of focus I'm not entirely certain how much attention was brought to it when we saw Penta play on Oregon the very first day of the quarterfinals Bobby and random on tape that was a strategy that they came up with as they were waiting to walk out to their machines before the first match so strat that was invented quite literally on the spot that's a key component of why Penta is so good is how quickly they will adapt to different teams and be able to come up with strats that work on the fly this is something that will key highlight it on the analyst desk basically a dream team of European players all assembled together with incredible potential on the other side you have Evil Geniuses also a dream team just from a different region North America an amazing squad that was assembled by Canadian in the earlier stages of Rainbow six both of these two teams technically not the oldest in our pro league but the players themselves have been around since the start this mirror strategy being pulled out by eg is why we've seen them run in previous season particularly at the last consider bringing a blitz down dirt tunnel it's gonna be a Montaigne as was highlighted by you yesterday kicks neck rocks is very strong playing at the elbow of dirt tunnel right now Fabien we'll see him the challenge is getting hung up inside of the razor wire one thing that wrote was able to take advantage of was exhausting all three of those toxic babes that crocks had to fall back to site at that point in which case eg got pushed and we're completely run over we've already seen one go out now Montaigne is a slightly different operator then you can see of it but neck rocks Wow Pangu drops his shield and neck rocks playing inside a dirt tunnel leads things off for eg their dirt uh no push you've got to think at this point falling apart they will move you can see pressure from above likely now we'll see something go towards potentially blue or even sign of kitchen national Fabien C's neck rocks the smoke uncontested and Fabien off the board was to first kills for Penta and now eg reciprocates neck rocks absolutely on fire almost no utility wastage still two gas canisters there for the smoke so he's gonna be able to stall out this last half of the round Penta meanwhile are out of one heart destructor and their primary push through that tunnel so in a bad spot they're gonna look to open up the dropdowns at the very least still have a glass watching from above holes in the floor opened up by the BOK will allow the glass to be able to get a couple shots in also some longer sightlines inside of the actual Arsenal room that the glass can stay at but you can see two members of Penta moving down towards the bottom of the stairs that'll be a very good opportunity for the glass to see all the way into is the eastern side of the site it's how the PC was playing there behind one of the arteries young takes out shot a it's gonna leave just the glass as well as the hapana who sees the mirror a great shot by otis takes young's head off and now he has control just of one wall Meera's next to church Goga pushing into the site gonna get taken down by bc who goes for the double and gets it beautiful imitated and Evil Geniuses take their first round of the series what a great play by BC just to track them there's no answer there a big miscue from Penghu to be the one to try to take out that barbed wire and a equally good read from neck rocks to push up and capitalize you don't take out that Montaigne that early and your job of defending that tunnel becomes so much more difficult that goes completely different the smoke loses all of his grenades that means that area of denial is gone for eg they have to collapse and give up a huge portion of the site at which case you would imagine well we stopped from the illness was when he got to the bottom of the stairs there'd be too many operators cramped in one area even one rotate would be easy pickins for the class you know the interesting thing is you don't have to have your Montaigne melee the barbed wire in the tunnel you can force out the defenders in tunnel and then have a later in factor clear that barbed wire out and if that had happened there Crocs wouldn't have been able to hear that secure that double kill and I think by extension the route now Bart defends here from Penta now this is the bomb site you don't expect to win on the hold that's a and two going to be going for it obviously nonetheless reinforcement interestingly going down in the stock drop down that means Penghu is not gonna be able to rotate out of the bebop site possibly Penta expecting Evil Geniuses to anticipate that drop possibly putting an attacker downstairs to catch them most of what we've seen from eg attacking this site has been situated your class and your capital right at that doorway can't really get a lot of value out of those fire arrows as well as the smoke arrows from Kappa Tau if there's a deployable shield in the way as you mentioned yesterday they are direct impact so you can shoot them at walls you can shoot them at the ceiling that differs from typical on traditional smoke range and BK what a shot yonas off the Bandit tries to peek and it only takes one as now BC goes on to Koga and on 40 seconds Penta already down by two I'll take control of strip and you can see a push from the main door means that the rest of Penta will have to consolidate eg going for a strip take this time so the traditional stock push that we've seen of them not right now what they are favoring that's a good change and that will capture the team's off guard as it seems to have already it's really just choose whichever you're more comfortable with nvk it's a second shot a eliminated now and Penta not looking very strong on this bar hold thank you gonna be throwing out the gas canisters towards pool table pushing aggressively trying to even things out not good again BC it will in fact be the other way around and now Fabien the last defender has to deal with an attacker coming from above here's the drop from the buk cannot hit the shot the shotgun from Canadian doesn't even need to use the rifle evil geniuses win their second round in a row and a flawless round - was it me or did it seem like there was a bit of nerves on Penta there there were two very easy situations that they completely misread not entirely certain what their thought process was they'll pull back on Montaigne now when we were in year 2 season 3 land finals in South Paulo it was this exact sight in this exact map that ends who would later go on to win that seasonal championship managed to successfully execute a montane push on to stock which is not something that we see all that often at this time it could be something that we could have Penta now trying to execute against them if they think they're still weak I'm dealing with them it's a very old strategy montane execution on the stock it's been there since the very beginning of siege even before he had the side flaps people were trying to execute that exact strategy even before smokes were as efficient and big as they were as they are now people have been trying to go for the Montaigne plant inside of B so it's to no surprise that ends would go for that and successfully pull it off but it's a huge risk and I'm not sure that it's gonna work for Penta sports is the Montaigne that we saw last time from them didn't work at all BC has been almost exclusively running echo on this site every single time that would work very well if it's Monty of course when blasphemy okay drone the echos drone will draw a field above a fully extended rotate if instead BC is going to go with a Valkyrie which suggests to me that there's going to be a lot of heavy rotations and not so much of a static defense what we see from Evil Geniuses before unis gonna be opening up that front door using his glass but for the similar angle is what we saw from MBK last round you see disruption moving itself up over by stock they have managed to all completely closed in on it here the montane the twitch is Elfi up all aligned and Goga not too far off just by kitchen so clearly a Mont they push on to be buck just by construction doorway neck rocks is gonna get aggressive on him hit by the lifeline will down Goga and secure the kill only losing about a third of his HP still has two gas canisters neck rocks playing phenomenally so far in this match young who was so hot in the quarterfinals cooled off yesterday by Jonas just by the main door he'll be had BC the Valkyrie down amidst the smoke takes some damage but yonus gets away with just a tiny bit of health mobility from him in order to get out in time but behind the Mont a there's a plane going down neck Rox tries to come out but it could read Canadian the double will stop the plant in its trucks Shantay eliminating that crux as he tried to push out and your diffuser his once again down but n became looking the wrong way not expecting shot take to be there to - to Canadia takes out shot take it's the closet of yonus who's only on one shot goes proud from Canadians [Applause] Canadians breathing it in already early on in this best-of-five feeling very comfortable win it all there is a police Atlanta vents that the longer that the team known as ctm and now known as evil genius display the better they get they have looked so far like they are completely out foxing Penta a team that has only dropped one map so far from the group stages and quarterfinals aren't work that was of course to EG and it was done so on bank we do have bank to be played in this best-of-five but it was not Iggy's pick so a basement defense now from Penta this is the only site they've been successful on the only attack they have been able to display and see if they're able to do it again Evil Geniuses bringing neck rocks on the glass they don't want to bring a shield which makes sense it hasn't been working for Penta so far kind of interested that it's a Montaigne rather than a blitz either way though and to struggling with that strategy that remaining young opting for the Blackbeard each team on blitz a couple times yesterday not and the most success out of that so I think they'll try to go with the DMR which seems to be at the moment one of the best weapons in the entire game never the Blackbeard situated inside of dirt Ollie can hold a long angle into blue and essentially cut off complete control of the back of Arsenal it's a strong position to be in luring out that ambient noise Canadian moving into strip he's going to go towards bar and it's just gonna be you could see the drones right there on your screen they're just trying to establish that there are no roamers from antis sports and that's a good protocol to execute there aren't any Pangu is in construction tunnel but hardly a rome we also see fabian trying to aggress on these main stairs very dangerous position to play especially against evil geniuses who will always open up the top of those main stairs the floor there to establish the sight line and deny that push from Fabien is he Canadian flexing on to the Habana the jackal wasn't all successful last time so it was the round that Penta won it was also flawless they didn't lose a single soul on that team their push came together see Canadian just trying to open up sight lines as previously stated onto the bottom of these main lobby stairs so they can execute properly Fabien holding on to it though he wants that kill just trying to disrupt the push as much as possible eg has been pretty proficient in terms of time there is a pre placed c4 there in the main hallway like the gonna be able to detonate that possibly get a kill construction tunnel has been opened up by eg and neck rocks obviously going to be the player to try and push that in it see that is kind of his hometown with with the lack of shotgun on attack as well that was the one thing that the jackal brought was that secondary sidearm it's gonna be a bit limited in terms of what they can and can't accomplish inside of the kitchen whether that would be pressure will be a significant issue for them shot a loses all but a tiny portion of his health it young pushing inside a blue as well as the glass inside a dirt tunnel does look like they'll reset shot a as well as pengus that's two members of Penta who've been picked back up like if it's just a small advantage over where they were in terms of health that's left and became from this angle before got challenged was unable to win his fight but you can see that Penta is a bit more reserved they're not going to peek those angles because in order to expose themselves to nvk to get the kill on him they'll be showing to young the black shoots jonas takes down canadian that is the hip honor now panco eliminating neck rocks a smart idea to reset NBC down young gets the first kill for EG the Penta right now in commanding position they'll need to get the thermite back up neither a member of evil genius in position to strike BC finished off from below the black beard no chance Fabienne eliminates MN v k C's bobbing the lights but can't secure they'll fight for the trade they get it and Penta holds on to win the round plus three in a row for eg Penta able to answer back in this site right now looking like their best option a much more even contest in the round score actually will tell you between these two teams that attack from eg was much closer than the previous one you could see that Penta they're gonna have to read about reevaluate a couple of their strategies moving forward potential rook coming from young that's an operator you don't see very often on the church Arsenal room defence was Canadian who I believe was playing the ACOG on-site in the basement previously so once again some more changes coming for them they can go back downstairs in church Arsenal is where they'll go they have it back unlocked a very successful defense on bar we saw a nice setup from pencil on the last round where they had that pretty place c4 in the main hallway and a leisure traffic of it to try and detonate upon the legion trap being triggered well done a good strategy overall from Penza but they did not manage to get it executed before evil geniuses that had already shot the c4 in the main hallway thanks to nvk pushing down stairs you could see that was obviously why Fabien was trying to play on those main stairs so aggressively but just couldn't get it done last time around pentad split their resources onto this site we had to push enter tunnel and a really good play by neck rocks was able to take out both of them and completely throw or the rest of Penta into total terminal and turmoil if I can I imagine that will see a dirt tunnel push as well likely with the glass of yonas Fabien likely employing that Ying in the hatch from above inside of kitchen with shot a up there as well put a lot of pressure on and move them out of the way of that hatch giving a lot of space to Leah I really appreciate that Penta isn't bringing the montane is instead opting bring plenty of soft destruction in the puck and plenty of smokes from both glass and yang I also have all potential heart destruction yoga and Tengu the block brought the thermite and the Havanna that's gonna mean they can open up the construction tunnel as well as the drop downs you know they have been pretty efficient and clearing out these roamers evil geniuses just getting a little aggressive there you can see the bottom of the main stairs ndk waiting for a flight but he's gonna be called out and it's unlikely that Penta will fall into that trap an opportunity now to maybe even use one Candela to try to get em BK if he can't get back to sight that girl of mine is very easily spotted NV KNBC were both playing out of blue tunnel as jana surveys a site the site from above he has that hatch open inside a bar and it's a lot of opportunity for him to catch anybody from EG who decides to rotate when ella mine does detonate giving off one of the attackers locations to the defenders as a second hatch no gun from Goga forget the one inside of stock they have not been able to successfully open out a kitchen unless they hit the thermite use his exothermic charge he is now down in memorial with one of the charges left if he was able to see over that table the legs would be spotted just inside of blue of BC but no Penghu is just gonna hang on and wait to see if somebody will pick him patients from the thermic see a little bit of a dance there between Canadian and Penghu you even want to give away their positions until trying to use the angle over the wall to potentially get those bandit as he attempts to trick it's not happening though but be spooked by the shotgun blast just gonna hold passively deep inside the moto be evaluating it seems that a different call has been made from pentas they are no longer going to be pushing that church wall which appeared to have been the primary objective early in this round when they'll be stopped even though they have that extra X no thermic charts that Penghu wants to use he's gonna need to manually get control of Church itself or you can use it because there's no way to get rid of those bandage charges now now instead use it from above and open up the hatch inside of a kitchen recover here come the smokes rather a frag grenade gets tossed out from buck now the smokes come down and young very smartly retreats inside of dirt tunnel to candelas go down a third now as well and a swift coordinated push neck rocks eliminates fabien but shot Terry frags Canadian a down but the yay legally eliminated it's going to be eight gun fight as young takes out Penghu the glass pushes in but to close range and BKB see Fiji employee in a little match point looking pretty bad for Penta right now and that ladies and gentlemen is why you bring a Thatcher the ability to get those Bandit batteries and then open up the church wall as you clearly planned would have been oh so important do you see what Jaeger just did there he's his unique abilities that he can take multiple enemies in one engagement with his magazine not quite Ella but definitely close and you know Penta is gonna be thrust on to a bar defense of all sites to try and deny map one going quickly in the favor of Evil Geniuses this is looking very bad for Penta this is a map that I know that they have maybe been practicing on eg like I said there's lots of videos and strats on it and amazingly eg suffered more against one up than they did against Penta a very similar composition from Penta will be what they hope to rest on I liked what eg did last time eg has typically been attacking the stock room so Penta stacks up on stock they have the smoke of Penghu playing inside there sits down a deployable shield and ATS fully expecting that to be the push with a yang and a glass or rather sorry a Capitao in a class that would be your assumption looks like Penta is gonna do the same thing this would be a perfect opportunity for eg to attack stock imagining a Penta would put more resources now into strip in case they thought it would be a second strip deck Roxas drone is outside of stock doorway and you could see three attackers spawning at kennels which means it's likely that eg is going to execute towards the B bomb site as the marks come out that will actually prompt Penta to their strategy so they will likely adjust in but a moment we still have two Penta members in in strip club they're just going to be holding firm waiting for the aggression from eg and VK like the aware of this as he opens up the front door trying to deny rotation such an important angle that front door but it is a dangerous to play that's why you put your ash more importantly your nvk on such angle it was also Penta who got a little bit too aggressive and tested aug by peeking on two separate occasions and loops of both of those fights that's something they're not going to do this time that patience is going to not just keep them up in terms of man count but also keep them killing time Yugi is able to take the site much faster if they know that they have a numbers advantage at that point you fight for trades we're gonna simply able to overwhelm the enemy's shot a waiting to take out the drone of young see if he gets pushed the capital will rattle a couple shots in through the open hatch or the open hole in the barricade there's one member of eg waiting Shantae is currently trapped right now inside of the closet there in fact two people waiting for his rotation out BC as well inside of the garage with Canadian to boot here comes the rotate shot a goes down a net BK in fact the third member of Evil Geniuses waiting for that rotation catching out that Romer and picking him off now not much time left for Evil Geniuses pent up and a man deficit now they have one less member of the defense sitting over by stock see whose SMG 11 just barely and narrowly misses the capital of young he will have an advantage in terms of range due to that ACOG and BK second kill will get the echo that's his drone down and now young will put pressure on side of stock yonas sees the ash Pangu and yonus adding to it and they'll even it out this is still anybody's game now Goga under fire as the thermite punishing him and manages to town him pulls out there will be a second but Canadian they are one away eg looking to take map number one and they are in good position final 40 seconds Pangu inside of stock all alone once smoke will go down onto the deployables shield and now pressure will go on to him from above inside of cash and is the buck of canadian mangu gets thrown out but BC just sees him at the last minute he'll go inside a bar and wait he knows that there's one inside a garage no heads-up play by young as he looks in looking the wrong way and you able to get of sight it's always frightening when Penghu is left in a 1v3 because he can absolutely clutch him around for his team but not today he Jie says don't think he meant one goes to them by a score of five to two and the crowd very happy about that was all a pretty decisive victory there for evil geniuses almost come back there from Penghu but the way that they played that last round was masterful just inching into the angles not trying to engage full force not rushing into the site unknowingly barely taking enough ground to get those kills as Penta got way too aggressive they looked frankly a little lost at times the way that eg was able to push they were not expecting it now this could mean that simply their counter strata wasn't sufficient or it could mean that we saw different pushes from eg we notice they attacked from strip that was something that we hadn't seen each eerily do at all previously they have been favoring the stock attack that's exactly what they executed in the last one but at that point and VK it was a huge player in that getting two kills to allow them to push the site with much more confidence so map number two is going to be Oregon this is a map that EG has struggled on as of late in fact they banned it yesterday after playing it a number of times in the quarters and even last season a lot of potential strats to be executed on Oregon could play into what pent has been trying to do using that montane coming from construction tunnel but honestly I feel like overall on on clubhouse that the operator selection was what did in Penta you really got to hand it to them on attack picking just the worst possible operators for each of their attacks we saw thermite without a thatcher when you're trying to open up church wall we saw up Montaigne rather than potentially a glass or a blitz or a Blackbeard trying to push in through that construction tunnel and the way it was executed was just poorly on Penta side which is odd you don't often see that from them so on organ it's going to be definitely a challenge for Penta to re-establish some amount of dominance we're gonna have ichi starting on defense Penta on attack organ one of our most played maps in Rainbow six competitive to be a big deciding factor here for this series people geniuses win this they have not won out they will not be the second time world champions yet I'm gonna have to win yet another map it's the best of five Summa Penta sports as well are gonna need to wake up they got needlessly aggressive it's sort of peaking angles and it was eg they're able to capitalize I think as much as we say that eg is an underdog heading in here the skill level between the two is so narrow that you have to respect your opponents enough to not try and get cute with your peaks there were so many times that they tried to peak NBK they tried to peak BC and they just got totally punished for it very early on and BK gonna get the dresser in the main hallway giving some extra playability to that corner we have a mirror on this top floor defense not in the essential operator surely but very useful should the push come from the white stairs especially now the lineup from Penta is pretty standard they haven't gone out of their way here like they did on clubhouse to do something new and flamboyant I gotta appreciate that going back to what works there is no rotate normal you know vomit at the top of white stairs looking inside of generator which is something that we've seen a lot of teams use especially a rotate hall it allows you to control both sides at the top but that's not going to be their strategy this time around unless they manage to make one a little belated given that we're now still got those impacts rune aids for the potential of an instantaneous rotation see if they choose to use that but pent up clearly shaping up to attack onto the master bedroom which is an excellent strategy if executed properly it does come a lot down to what use is gonna do to tonight if Canadia to potentially see force from below it could do a lot of damage possibly getting that Habana before she can open up any walls I wonder if we'll see that montane strategy that wasn't working so effectively yesterday by Penta or rather the day before against ends in order to clear out meeting hall not really necessary on this site you can see that they will pressure meeting though speaking of which the onus that's at the top of the stairs here's to come in and take control of the eastern end of the night before but that meeting all is going to be a big concern have both the mirror as well as run BK down from below and Canadian in the basement knows yonus is there instead of pressuring him he's just going to wait yesterday a bit of impatience from Canadian led to him being taken down early the leadoff kill goes to him now is a good distraction a peek from MV cake he'll lose some health but the Zofia of the onus on stairs punished for it nice kill there from neck rocks eliminating Fabien and now it's a three on five this gogo pushes his way into generator he's gonna contest this smoke of the top of white stairs one soda able pulls out the nade allowing a down from young but it's not enough is Hangu Reef rags and Goga finishes off that spoke with the finisher and Evil Geniuses will take the first proud of organ [Applause] unbelievable that neck rocks manages to make it out of that alive should have just waited the patient's go get in him just trading back and forth unable to really find anything Canadian is there to ensure that the rest of the team is pulling through BC just had to come in and clean up and that was it so a successful defense upstairs now we're gonna see a basement hold for Penta which is the site that we usually see things start off I say usually it's not as it's not as much of a definitive but typically the favored site for most teams with the newly announced operator bans today maybe we might be seeing more as a smoke and a mirror pivotal down there no there's been a lot of heated discussion on the operator ban phase and I'm excited it's definitely gonna be an interesting feature a lot more to analyze that's for sure and a lot more for the coaches to do now I was gonna say on that last round that seeing unis at the top of the main lobby stairs or the bottom half of the main lobby stairs rather was actually kind of exciting it was an interesting take on clearing out the rollers but he got outplayed by Canadian using that heartbeat detector being ever vigilant expecting what is completely unexpected and then collaborating with your teammate and became meeting hall to actually get the kill so very well done from LG nice is that actually completely dealt with the roam clear from Penta sports which is a big contributing factor as to why they lost that round I really wish we had to seen what happened to Fabi and I believe as the young he was playing the big window he got taken out very early so you lose a Sofia and I Inge two of the newer operators to this game but both with very specific goals in mind that Yin is oftentimes the cornerstone of most attacks them the ability just to have smokes is huge but also to blind everybody in a 40 mile radius is extremely powerful too and as teams are learning the potential of the concussive grenades from the lifeline we've seen Sofia's stock rise in fact she's been one of the most played operators on attack thus far it did look like fogging was gonna get spotted inside of kitchen there's some explosives from above so Canadian will now invest on that second floor where he sees a castle plan very interesting castle set up there from Penta Canadian gets unis Teddy get a second No Go Go shuts him down and goes through the rotation no c4 preemptively set up and Penta has got that rotation ready to go for Goga as he moves back down into the site a decent Rome from pensa it's important though that Evil Geniuses was able to get the Bandit because that means hapana could potentially open up the mir windows in the actual site mirror playing in back tower trying to shoot out what could be a rotation inside of attic there wasn't drone up from young waiting to see if the mirror is going to peak she's behind the mat Oh narrowly misses her head ooh and that's a shot that you know he's gonna kick himself over said he'll apply pressure on the window now even if he were to open it up a very simple response from the mirror be that c4 usually could claim a victim if at close enough range but they have managed to isolate shot two are some my apologies Pegman been swapping roles an awful lot recently and they've been looking very comfortable doing something they're gonna ignore the mirror though and every single member of eg realizing with only 60 seconds they have to start to actually begin to push the site I'm gonna opt you to go for the main area of the lunch - that's bomb site number a they buck away at the wall one of the reinforcements there will deny sub line of sight from above unless the X Karros are used to open it up which it sure sounds like is the case neck marks on the bottom of the stairs as you hear Capitao doing his job to be able to close them fabien fires the common spots young spire arrow takes out gogo what is he doing and they're gonna go for the plant necrons amidst the smoke completely covered right now and it's gonna be young trying to keep them alive 7 seconds can he get this plant he does and you know see fabien getting lit up himself and EG just needs to hang on won't have to be a masterful tank from pencil and Penghu so far off sight doesn't have the speed advantage to him what a shot as nbk and young go down and now an advantage for Penta as they were staring down the barrel of defeat bobbing with the rotate hole opened up an attic beastie eliminates shantae and they're gonna wait that's a double from the puck it's all up to Fabi Alicia you would seem trying to get back to fight miles away to nothing eg BC has been absolutely on fire for this match and a completely unexpected decisive advantage in terms of rounds one for Evil Geniuses only two rounds for Penta two maps in that's just unheard of this looks like so far it's the best match that we've seen eg play the last five days let that believe you speak to a number of teams they will tell you as I mentioned earlier on in the broadcast that they were known as continuum they were team that would get more comfortable they'd find their groove and they would continue on and adapt and change and get better and play better against their opponents I think we saw a bit of a step back yesterday rogue was a very formidable challenge and really brought the heat to them we came within one round of a 204 rogue but EG was able to stick that landing and now they are here in the finals for Penta a shaky start they look like they're being completely overwhelmed and without running montane on attack as we had seen yesterday they will opt for a bit more standard composition probably because you don't want to be taking those Gamble's when you're already down on your own map you know Evil Geniuses historically they're a team as you said earlier who gets a little bit more warmed up at the later they go into a match with any other team he takes them time to get accelerated and get ready and get prepped but here we're clearly seeing I think throughout this entire tournament Evil Geniuses has been warming up over the course of the whole event it seemed like at the beginning they were a little lackluster and out of practice that was the image that evil geniuses was giving off and then suddenly we see them here in the finals after beating Rome and none of that is president the genius is looking extremely strong on the other hand Penta inconceivably struggling against evil Jesus a thief or drop Canadian all the way downstairs in the site well-placed to eliminate Eunice now that's both teams who have not had their Zofia when executing on to the site Sophia's biggest strength with the ability to disrupt and concuss the defenders usually will allow a kill you can push inside from another attacker and have a proper entry such as the three speed bike you fulfill that role you can have any butter or a Nash not really not really we'd see that from capital because his gadget far too powerful to potentially lose in that kind of push Sophia enables the rest of the attacking team do have a freer push on to the site or on to a roamer that is taken away now from Penta Penta has cleared out the west side entirely and there aren't very many anchors interestingly from Evil Geniuses they're putting a lot of preference presents into the meeting hall and as Canadian pushes up aggressively that's just giving away kills as Penghu is not the sort of person to get caught off guard in that circumstance but the bush from Fabien using his candelas wisely eliminates mpk and BC who gets taken down by shat a net Crocs refracts onto Koga there's still life as thick rocks gets to Tengu Goes Down and evil geniuses not giving up quite yet the attack is somehow shifted over to the supply room the north side of the building the shotgun push from Young this is the blast and Fabien gets his second known goes down it's all up to neck rocks to get a 4k in order to win this round yes 50 seconds to delay Fabien all the way in the site C's neck rocks goes for a spray misses the shots and neck rocks will get the down one HP now for the castle and his shatta is planting the defuser he's not going to be aware that will prompt him chat expecting the push wins the fight and Penta win their first round on organ that was a very good meeting all clear from Penta you absolutely have to give them credit for that you're able to get inside of sight the biggest advantage that they had came from the ying they've lost earlier on on their previous attack once they blinded nvk he was the one who's going to be stopping them as they pushed in from kitchen but he had to fall back and then the rest of them unable to cover had to just stormed right in now defense of the top floor from Penta and we are seeing interestingly a blitz coming from ill geniuses Jung did not see a lot of success on blitz last time he brought him in the in previous matches stead opting to use black beard for the most part in this match but it could work for him I mean if you look really far back to young as a player historically he was one of the best shield players in all of North America people absolutely feared him could ask any old age player from ma I'll tell you the same so potential for that to work in a G's favor but still kind of a risk and the sort of risk that you can draw a parallel between the one that Penta took in the previous map with those montane picks pretty crazy to think that a basement defense of eg fell apart so much faster but they looked great on and upstairs inside of dorks usually it's the other way around teams all true typically or traditionally win laundry really downstairs and then fail to hold up top these sub teams of course do differ but that is typically or traditionally what we see we're getting a very dynamic map overall though it you can make it work on either side I mean the way that evil geniuses almost made that round work was the previous round that is they got very aggressive and it almost worked out for them but I'd say unquestionably too aggressive as they lost round and Penta not a team to trifle with that for sure sprays coming through the window from Canadian I don't know if he understands how close he was no in fact Penghu was behind a reinforced barricade so it would not have mattered one thing that we saw yesterday from canadian was that there were a couple rounds where he was in a severe disadvantage by getting too aggressive specific time on consulate where he jumped out of a window as pulse he had firm control underneath sight he could have very easily been able to stay there and deny a plan that is not the case that's exactly we did last round them he got a little too aggressive all of eg almost is setting up for this West a window take but hang you sneaking up on the window itself I don't think that evil geniuses will expect this neck rocks might drone it out though Tengu rotates back to site he will be plenty safe a good call there from peg do not trying to get too aggressive located I seen earlier on that shot day was down by a grenade he gets back up i Fabien they'll double up now on white stairs another grenade goes in will take help away from both Fabien as well as shot taking a very aggressive push inside no smoke grenades to stop them and the smoke of Penghu manages to hit the shield of young who takes him down before yonus refract that's a drop but look at Penta they own that kill feed pal to Briones and Bobby and adding the BC talk to Nick Roxana became but net crux she was having a wonderful day takes out one before getting eliminated yonus three kills for himself Bobby and answers that and Penta repels a strong push from eg we're all tied up eg relying a lot on young pushing into big hits dorms I like the idea the strategy looked like it was executed well they baited out those gas canisters from the smoke very early on but overall just a good response from Penta is all it takes to deny that plus we still had rumors on Penn China they could have potentially done damage from behind they certainly dealt with nvk from below overall a pretty I would say decisive win for Penn tone that defense an operator who I think we are still trying to figure out her place inside of the meta at this high level is dopey she will emerge for the first time in this matchup in the hands of Fabien who is having a very good game in comparison to map number one danke be an operator whose device used more as an annoyance but can also be used at the very end of a round to know where the push is going to come from from the defender or if your diffuser is down where the remaining defenders are who have to come and defuse or you can even use it for clearing out the off-site players as some versatility to make a flat of course don't forget the fact that you can also grab the cell phones of the defending operators thing and take control of their cameras but I think at this level that part of her gadget not all honestly not useful at all unless you've got a very skilled Valkyrie and harm the other team who has managed to elude both the IQ and just the eyes of the rest of the attackers doesn't happen very often let's be honest now this is a much more even contest on organ than what we saw love house and to have won two in a row now and either Denis is starting to struggle a little bit here as they go into the defense of the top floor we do have roamers downstairs BC in the bathroom it's going to be putting up some mirror windows that face forward to the kitchen meanwhile and to kind of unsure where they want to attack from it seems like they're setting up to execute a similar strategy from what we saw from eg last round but it that didn't work at all fabien 'he's first move when he was playing in two rounds ago was to take control of the bathroom or showers there he'll do the same thing this time around he knows that the pulse of canadian is it too far off spots him as he shoots out his drone just inside of kitchen the tell-tale sign of the Scorpion is Canadian Yves and Fabien changing weapons will miss him pulse has a heartbeat sensor Fabien lights buk downs him a good pinch from the onus they'll finish off Canadian but there is still an VK inside a kitchen beasty eliminates Fabien and now you can see a double for PC and B cake so on the there's like two left young eliminating saute hang you out to lunch he will have a lot of work ahead of him he's at full health no BC and nbk just right now missing the prospect of any shot any part of their body don't need to go frag chase it make it just execute their defense the exact same way I would imagine that the pulse while the Intel gathering is gone it's detrimental to the team the rest of them have a minute and 20 left to try to determine Pangos location and just set up for a trade that's it there's any player you want to have in a one on four for Penta it's probably Penghu BC is gonna be in a nasty little spot here waiting for the aggression though from the Habana you will hit that Ella charge the girls not forcing her into the bathroom stalls now Penghu coming around not gonna check this angle for BC and will die as a result Evil Geniuses match point for the second time or not three two in favor rather three two correction thank you it happens you know you know what it was I wrote down the score before the round was actually over I mean when they get four kills in a row and that's penguin oh one before and that's just it Penta with an amazing execution on to the site and they did or excuse me an amazing and amazingly bad execution on to the site evil geniuses with a fantastic defense holding it down so what did we see there from Penta pretty much about the same that we saw from Evil Geniuses they were trying to come into that West window and when they went downstairs to clear out the roamers they had initial success eliminating canadian and that's a lot of information as well as utility done with but there wasn't more didn't cascade and in fact got responded on to by bc who again fantastic match so far for him Cafe Dostoevsky is map number three this is a map that Penta doesn't play so with eg being able to take the fight to rogue on it yesterday some credit goes out to their na counterparts head warming them up for it for today's match I would imagine that pent is not going to be going into it blind but I know that both phase and eg when playing on skyscraper neither of them particularly had any strategy available they were just trying to learn and adapt all it end up coming down to was one attack and tiles to win Oregon could end up being the entropy executing the same roam that they had last time they defended the basement castle barricades at the top of white stairs to just try and prompt at the sports to that aggression didn't work out as well as it could have last time but uh it works for them this time the rotation is very likely to be cut off from Evil Geniuses this time you're not gonna be able to jump out that generator window and here you see Canadian putting down that Claymore outside just that very window if gogo goes for the rotation that he did last time he will be probably killed there's potential for him to shoot it though in midair we see that actually a lot of additional dung is drowning himself in and just going for broke I'll head straight upstairs this charge is onward you see there's under fire at the moment you see there's two members of the defense right around there's a castle up top as well as a nella he'll use one smoke and that'll cut the Ella off and he will go for just a pure engagement but not expecting the mine what a good read for me honest to take down young that was a big gambler will pay off but NBK inexplicably right behind him as Canadian will now cut up and try to take down the castle they'll light in and a great clip from eg as they hurt an advantage of one right now so the roaming not really working out for Penta sports they still have players inside of meeting in tower which means there's only one anchor shot days gonna get lit up on the main stairs he is the singular anchor right now for Penta if Evil Geniuses reads this and goes for a site execution they will have a wonderful time I'm sure he still has three gas canisters so there's a lot of potential on him to stall out the round maybe in it very cautiously moving his way into classroom main lobby area raid on it and they're just gonna wait they still haven't managed to get the hatch nor put as much pressure on meeting as they need to they could simply just storm shot a at this point this is the same angle that you saw Pangu play a couple seasons ago we was able to kill almost all of the team at the time which was known as font energy they get the hatch finally won't have any smokes available for them though that was Young's job he'd used one earlier on Oh shot tickets down as they hit him with one of the mines they don't know he's down a grenade goes in it misses its target another went down shot a somehow not being killed by these grenades and go we'll go down to push him and Fabien controls the bottom of the stairs smoke brought back to life as pet Penta at least in a position to stop this push and they will begin with Penghu eliminating BC eg in a tough spot as they will need to funnel in through points that Penta is expecting play 15 seconds they have lots of denial available to them they do not bother to get Canadian up they will just simply dive down themselves and BK can't connect that's gonna be all on Canadian who uses withstand to give one hell for zelphia but Penta wins around that they may not have deserved a great hole of eg stalling out in the final minutes certainly an lackluster attacked there from Evil Geniuses they had all the control they needed there the man advantage they even got the down on two shot a one more of those impact grenade z' through the mir window would have probably secured the round overall but good coordination from Penta able to pick up the teammate Penghu specifically downing two people in classroom that's an angle you should lose nine times out of ten well done to him on that mirror there was a lot of hesitation they didn't know that they head down to shot a so you found yourselves in a position where if they had a known point indicators had been on at that point or if they'd had a drone available to them they'd known that the smoke was down inside a closet you could have won dropped the hatch one cover at the bottom of the stairs and at that point you know have pretty good control you're able to get a diffuser off and somebody pushes you from the laundry room just to the side can potentially get them in a crossfire you still waited for penny to get back on site and seeing that they had to go through the hatches inside a meeting hall which Yugi had ignored on attack we're all tied up this has been a very close match both teams somewhat comfortable on Orion that eg has been trending downward on this map as a whole evil genius is going to be prioritizing that meeting hall control as is so often seen not extending themselves as far as the west side of the building just what Penta has been doing this entire time chassé sees it there's two soft walls near construction gonna go for the spray that'll cut off a lot of rotation specifically of young but this shot they did not hold the angle young will get back safe not even losing a point of HP Trent has a lot of work he can do here though another rotation from Evil Geniuses despite the hole in this construction wall and shot tape it'll look up towards meaning Hall almost getting a head shot three opportunities to put Evil Geniuses at a very early deficit due to their inability to reinforce inside of box but no shot a unable to capitalize on a single one of them they're still trying to figure out leading they've been able to get the mirror window and open up one of the walls neck rocks smartly falls off as shot a has moved from construction just to the rear stage Bobby eliminating NBK that was the bandit playing by the mirror window inside a meeting pentas looked very very good very comfortable at being able to dissolve this beachhead that EG has set up inside of leading itself fabien gets neck rocks using the opening of the mirror window great job from him to open it up earlier allowing that kill to happen second one for Penta or third total ash at 8 gets BC an evil genius is now in a 2 on 5 not looking like they have a good [ __ ] chance here Canadian going up the stairs three fires from Penta and Penghu will get that kill young getting one on the flank though he still has a lot of time to delay but he's a great operator to do so he attempts this ace clutch moving back into box here come the gas canisters to cut the rotation off Penghu not gonna be breathing that in for some reason he's gonna have to deal with the post plant now a push from Pangu ill-advised young only needs to find three more and because of that pencil will give much more conservative fire volts going to cut off rotation looking under the drop eating a lot of flames and young but on the half HB he's still got a chance to win this round but he's got to do it in the next couple of seconds it doesn't look likely as youngest foley blinds and Fabien from behind hearing that call for his teammate will secure the kill heads up put it on a match point open and kill and closing kill as well as a third in between team captain leading by example Penta takes their first lead of this map and they do it on match point pretty remarkable so round number eight and we see over time between the two of them EG has looked good when attacking upstairs that's where Penta has to go they'll bring as no fee in the capital Young who had gone as a blitz previously was taken out a little early on last time that they had to attack the basement it'll go with the Kappa Tau which was a strategy in which worked quite successfully and too had success as he said on this site last time they went here just gonna try and delay as much time I'm sure now the thing is the reason they had success here is evil geniuses went for a kind of a rash strategy they tried to push in to nothing but the main West window directly into the a bomb site which is a huge risk as you said the Blitz from young not able to do as much work as they expected when they pushed in two big hits norms reinforcements going up inside of attic Kassadin there will be a rotate put in at any point go get played in the back tower he'll go back out of there as well as shot a panic you'll have that open window just next to him over top of the hatch to be able to see if anybody goes for a rappel that's also an important position because it deprives the attacking team of an ability to hang off of those windows just by kids dorms you can't successfully pressure kids if there's somebody holding that window because they will see you'll also have somebody up inside of Tower who have a much better angle as well that's Goga playing the l a-- and BK going to see him though so evil teams is going to be aware of that rome deep inside of tower young pushing into bathroom working to clear the main hallway last time they attack this site they didn't clear out these roamers downstairs and it cost them dearly so they could have put a lot of emphasis on it this go-around cafeteria control in favor of Evil Geniuses grenades start coming out to clear the utility Rob Ian still has plenty of new mines he's just gonna have to wait for them to regenerate falling back in fact to the main lobby which nvk is gonna catch too off guard but only get one no he can't get the second Fabien with the reef rag though he is on very low HP torn apart as he tries to retake kitchen that's efficient they've used about half of the round they know that most of the pressure off site is gone but Gogan l will have to retreat very wisely get back up to the confines of the actual fom sites themselves you've lost two roamers not always a wise opportunity for another member to play that far away in case the attackers decide to rush bracelex and then a couple times and it is overwhelmed the defense these fuse having a heck of a round he'll take out shot a from below very little health for him as the rest of eg lines up at the bottom of white stairs that's where Goga has now pushed you if she isn't the main lobby gone up the main stairwell barbed wire behind him will be destroyed that would have been an audio key that somebody was coming and they trade BC eliminated though what a round from the buck to carry his team won v3 for Penghu a situation where we've seen that clutch factor can go quite far and he will have to do it if he wants to avoid overtime so shuffle rattle through the big window as he sits just underneath a don't go out for a kill under the Capitol Hill be rewarded but they know his position and almost a crossfire established just as you wait for neck rocks to get into sight instead Penghu will push up it's Canadian who's trying to get a cover neck locks gets off the defuse and over time awaits us for or against wanted attack from Evil Geniuses clearing out those roamers downstairs putting it on to a two on four just the anchors alive good flank from a nvk coming from the meeting hall didn't look like Penta was expecting that [Applause] evil geniuses will get an opportunity to defend twice they have looked very good upstairs that's where they will go kids dorms where they've been very successful they have not had the same fortunes in the basement so if they're able to win this and then potentially take the downstairs basement this could swing in favor of them Penta this is gonna be a very tough task Fabien right now an excellent job leading from example typically looks quite comfortable on this map you stick you more of a fragging role that he does typically support that's paying off for his team that is kind of interesting when you have your igl top fragging it happens it has happened and Canadiens another example of people who tend to do that it's a good job from Fabien to be able to establish that dominance evil genius is going to be holding the site's similar to how we saw Penta go about it question is will they put more emphasis on the meeting rope which is a big priority evil genius is able to exploit that last round and has been very good at clearing up that meeting hall so for me if I'm Ichi I don't know how I don't know how much resources I'm gonna put inside of that meeting hall but I mean not inside and it surely but not to wait for people to push through it that is correct yonas backed our rear snake he comes in he'll shoot up some of the soft wall there's nobody on the other side of it within range of his crosshairs and BK going to be that person that form of utility in a way to try and dissuade the attackers if nothing else from pushing from tower in the meeting hall gogo gonna catch him on the drone nothing else though Penta is just inside a tower is there taking this nice and slow they will clear attic and by proxy eventually surely the meeting hall Fabien gets leadoff kill under the Canadian the pulse had been integral in defending this site previously that'll be I believe 9th or 10th kill for the captain of Penta he's been having a fantastic match as has be seen on Evil Geniuses butt shot a lit up to one bullets worth of HP from almost every gun at most ranges so he's gonna be in a bad spot still got a three speed ash to aid him but it's not nearly as much as 100 HP clearing into the basement and VK gonna see that drone and instead of trying to fight it just gonna fall back to main lobby but surely Penta will expect set rotation in fact no there's no one watching the main lobby as mu K goes from run out and will get the kill what a job there from n VK seeing the hole and seizing in a second from behind shot day goes down it again surd gets lit off inside Armory elsewhere lots of frags going down for both teams and evens out into a three-on-two Penta have control over generator the diffuser is in the hands of Hankou though repelling on the B windows here comes the push for the capital and PC is not expecting it the main hallway uncovered neck rocks will refract leaving tengku now and a 1 on 2 but he's inside a bead net drop gets the kill and evil geniuses go up 5 to 4 what a hold there from eg I feel like overall though Envy K's flank was so important to that team neck rocks won that round for them he has looked otherworldly the last two days typically his I guess his contributions that the team is not always reflected on the scoreboard but yesterday and today are definitely different tweeted out on the very first day of quarterfinals if he wasn't particularly impressed with his own play even though the rest of the team was able to eliminate phase and I think he's learned from that and played quite well recent dagger he's now Penta will go downstairs and once again match point for huge risks now the attack on to the downstairs is a tricky thing to figure Evil Geniuses head has had mix mixed success here so far couple losses couple wins and I think the main reason that they've been losing is because they're unable to follow through and then they get caught up on that mere window they always seem to struggle you saw they executed a nice grenade strategy where they were throwing in through a potential impact hole or the impact hole that was made but it looked like the grenades didn't go far enough as they kind of hit a little bit low and landed on the wrong side of the mirror window resulting in a decisive victory for Penta last time they went here Penta has also been using their roamers to great effects on the west side specifically evil geniuses haven't cleared it out fully without losing anyone yet one thing that we've seen eg use their operators to quite well is establishing cross fires upstairs they were been very quick to be able to pinch roamers often maybe losing one but still getting an advantage in terms of numbers shot save run out as a smoke but there's nobody there at all we went down in construction who's gonna play just inside of blue tarps so clear here for eg opening up the junk tower door way BC gonna give us position away almost saw a killed air from Fabia but luckily for BC he's playing very passively expecting the peak to come out rotation hole so he can potentially move into cafeteria but doesn't look they both look like the vault prompt is there he's going to instead adjust to this long angle into kitchen now Penta has actually fully fallen off the roam now they're just inside of meeting hall and downstairs which is not really a Rome on this site you need to be able to establish that control early on and keep it as a defensive team to have any chance to the later end of the round neck cracks had drone BC and Fabien very smartly a pulled back and will join shot a down now one thing that Penghu played very well last time on this site was those back stairs he's still situated on there it doesn't look like Nietzsche has used any real opportunity to discover the drone species drone in particular will spot the l a-- canadian gets lead off on to Koga Koga has had a bad day so far and may not have an opportunity to redeem himself on this map but yonas position as Canadian pushes in that is a good trade for them as and to able to get that real friend you could see that Penta is anchored very decisively on those tower stairs and Evil Geniuses maybe putting a little bit too much focused on to that is they could potentially just push into the site they don't have the impacts from Canadian anymore so they're gonna have to use nBK's ash charges to open up the hole that they so very desperately want on that mere window young perhaps the fire bolts hopefully this time one will go in the mir window to disable it here comes the push from EG looks like pc primed with one of those grenades that have been so good area towards the bomb sight denied shot eight just misses that frag grenade uses his last toxic bait that crux breathing it in will try to get out of there in time but cannot he gets felled on the stairs but not finished off yeah I'm just waiting to see but yonus his second kill that's hung down as he had pushed it plant going off will give away the position they're gonna hope that nvk can cover he'll get one and VK manages a stick and beast he gets defuser down as BC takes out Fabia before Penghu eliminates and VK it's 2-2 in neck rocks has been down on the stairs as well as shot a who's been down as well so we'll come down to the mirror battling against the buck on the line here is the potential or eg to be able to go to series point you can hear the beer coming down but Penta will win this one BC Falls Penghu plays that smart and we will have and 11 Brown nice pry there from evil geniuses mostly due to a well-placed gas canister they will lose that round neck rocks narrowly are not avoiding that death he had been able to get out safely and plant the diffuser at a later part of the round he would have had a better round overall for eg the top floor is locked for evil geniuses they will need to go down to the basement for the third time this match previous two times they were unsuccessful so this could be Penta tying up the series if the trendline holds for eg a couple notable changes a rook and a mute come out eg it put a lot of investment inside of the meeting hall hold and Penta methodically cut it off every single time they were able to come in and sweep through them almost first time every time by eliminating the mirror window and then taking and VK down who was playing at it inside of pantry by the kitchen instead I will imagine they'll keep more bodies on site itself they won't be bringing a castle and BK bringing the ACOG of rook able to provide long-range assistance the roaming rook is something interesting that we see from time to time I would be hard-pressed to imagine nvk actually roaming himself it's likely that evil geniuses is probably gonna be much more passive in this round given the way that their aggression did not favor them trust them last time they attempted to push into Penta men - very good at gauging aggression from the other team and simply waiting out the round or going in with their own aggression should the round call for it so our final round no matter what eg prevalent put themselves one map away from keeping World Championship on North American soil or will tend to tie it up and upended us tie it up that means we will be guaranteed Bank as our fourth map as no team will be able to win it out three oh very slow clear here from Penza they just want to make sure that they don't have to deal with any flanks later in the round and because there's no basement on the west side that's pretty easy neck rocks the first kill of the round Oh Goga goes down nice headshot there on the Rome that's the capital gone so big that is probably your most important pick of these five operators because there's no South now and no isolation still though Penghu arguably the second most important is left up if you had taken out the Habana then I mean the hatches would be safe that would have been depriving them of the control upstairs inside of main lobby flashbangs going into bathroom there are no defenders here but Penta just trying to be as sure as possible the problem is though that's a huge waste of utility from Penta a lot of flashbang tonight I think I just saw that all of the lifelines from unis are X then X you used I died I'm not sure how they could have used them so early in the round it has me a little bit four planks the flashbang there from Penghu is he pushes down the main stairs I ran out run out from NBK over by tower he's looking for any more frags he can get and that aggression is clearly not stemmed for eg they're still making very good time I've just been able to get onto site quite quickly as one smoke is expended from Young that'll be down it won't cut off the push from the stairs but will stop them from being able to drop through the hatch you see that they are lined up at the bottom this is typically when your kappa tower would be able to get those smokes down and allow your team to push relatively unhindered Beck rocks the ibadah a penguin gets a shot off and will give his position away as he's joined by illness there are either doorways this is what we say when we say establishing a crossfire that rocks still just going away through some you jammer on that wall there will be no way for a drone to be able to get in from that angle to discover him one of the impacts from Sofia go off downstairs Penta looks like they're ready to drop but still they hit the barbed wire at the bottom of white EG holds an advantage shot a jumps up on top of laundry as smoke hits him perfectly he'll get about half of his health taken off he'll have to pull back only 20 seconds left neck rocks inching up so close one goes down Penghu doesn't look sees the mutant across the Canadian it's fine to for eg and neck rocks hillock contested the championship [Applause] well played retake they're from the evil geniuses got to give a lot of props to neck rocks clearing a back in the meeting hall interesting that Penta established that control and then forfeited it later in the round they could have potentially just held that bush from the flank and had a much better time when actually executing under the sight though some amazingly good smoke play as well from evil geniuses will say no to that neck rocks definitely be the MVP for that round now with this being a best of five that means that we take a break every two maps so the teams will huddle talk amongst themselves and we will let our experts dissect what we just saw a stunning lead right now of two maps for Evil Geniuses as we head to cafe four map number three nut thank you Kickstarter man great work so far seeing Evil Geniuses go to up and indeed just one from being the retaining world champions on my desk clock st. with Zerona canned Wilkie now this is a match we've looked forward to these are the two teams that ideally we would have put on a stage to contest the world champions you want the reigning ones you want a brilliant challenger in just any World Championship and here at siege we want eg and we want Penta we've got eg I'm not so sure he's lining up I'll push it them let's talk a little bit about eg first what we've seen across those two because that's going very well now eg throughout all of their performance this is the most dominant that they've said that they've seen especially from the previous match you could argue that if NPK got a first pick eg would win the round of nvk unfortunately didn't go into his favor eg would lose around but now all players are playing absolutely well neck rocks is again showing up immensely for their team playing in sight you can't just pick a player and dissect them because the whole team is the reason to their success and it looks like Penta is being blown out of the water right now yeah I mean III think they they lost was a third or fourth round that they definitely should have won and then again the sixth round they they just there's something in Pence's play that seems to be misaligning yeah the sixth round was like really cool pens of us like doing their comeback in that brown and he looked like really good they should have won that round but there was a problem like they set up to drop from the kitchen hatch and do the plant below the kitchen junus should have been covering the long hallway with the glass but for some reason he started to rotate and allow two people from eg to rotate from the church to the Armory's side and just kill everyone yeah inside of the armor that prop from the kitchen had that would have been a pretty much 100% win situation with the team like that and those other positions yeah Judas just kind of folded in it like it felt like there was a lot of cons problems in in clubhouse from Pender side yeah yeah map to 6/5 in overtime so evil geniuses that Penta so it felt like we're not sure this is dependent we know throughout that one and then a comeback felt like it was coming seemed like they were building up or for a comeback on I'm up here but I don't know it's the first time I've ever seen pen to be scared yeah they looked when you when you look at their face at face expressions they they look rattled they look scared they did the clubhouse and after losing this one now we we see them take a break and have a little bit of a talk about yeah it's a fix well again eg just like in last match they gave rope a little bit of a chance to come back and it looked like if they didn't close that out too quick Penta was able to bring it to overtime but fortunately for eg they play really well when their back is against the wall and Oregon being one of Penta strong suits you to imagine that they would have taken it but the fact that eg got it it's looking grim on Chafee especially since predators and have that much experience that EG does on the map I feel like I'm in Oregon Penta just didn't able respect you now to EG like they they went for 1v1 fights all the time when you can fight the numbers like the you because problem in my opinion was the Oregon tough for defend like eg plays it every single time the same way if they have two people upstairs one in kids bedroom one in generator tree people near the kitchen you have two options you can go for the kitchen clear the roamers from there and to tried that didn't work out all you can go upstairs you hold the angle from the school bus the white stairs with one guy one guy goes to the garage and hold stay angle from there that should no one can see for you to the generator thing you go to the generator floor wall open it up with termite or Habana and take the tree on one fight against neck rocks who's playing smoke on the generator and then there is a one guy in kids bedroom that you need to take out and you again have three people against one guy at that moment so why don't you fight with the numbers when you can yeah and just ignore the guys in the kitchen but I just think painters just wants to take those one and once all the time and it's it's not paying off they here as a team are thinking we're gonna win this thing we know they're very confident there are cheap full games are they here thinking we're gonna win this thing so individually they're all trying to win this thing but as a team it's not functioning it's a it's a good thing you mentioned the whole confidence thing because sometimes if you're confident enough building up and you get smacked it's it's really hard to come back from that because all your dreams were broken like this and now you got a you know wake up and get back to it yeah that's something that has a very big part in this in my opinion Penta felt very confident and so did eg in both maps and the decisive win by eg on that first map could have confused Penta you know questioning their play and like we said they're not looking like the Penta that we've seen previously so I think that and this amazing crowd have to contribute - yeah Jerry eg are a team who feed off a crowd when they're with them and when they're doing badly the fans get behind him to try and lift him paint I haven't got quite as much support here in this arena there's a lot of great fans offensive here they're gonna have to lift that team now Penta are a team that we've talked about over the last well five days coming up to day six here how they always look just like every match is the same match it's the same day they're always ready they're always here to do business and they looked like that again but something is two of them and two of them early we are looking here though at a team who could shake that off yeah they are second-guessing themselves which we haven't seen them do in any of the matters leading to this game I think EGS surprised them a lot and eg like I said is playing absolutely perfect the whole team all around great great chemistry and especially that made around pep talk Bacon's got to be giving them some type of words for this for this last match and we all know how big of a play coaches bring and Bacon's arguably one of the best yeah yeah on the opposite side someone like chefs is really gonna have to get his team back now because they they are falling apart and they they they need a pep talk as well I think to go out of this 300 in a World Championships depends there would be brutal for them and not the final I think that anybody here would actually you know want to enjoy we're expecting this to be a great contest if it's three oh that's a story in its own right I've always said that I'd like all the competitions we've ever done but I also quite like their fight to the death of a see a team lose on the day because they were beaten as opposed to they lost a match yeah and before the match we talked about that last time when Penta played in the finals and Kim's come they had a lot of aces on their sleeve yeah I guess elevator and they smacked them this time we have not seen anything special there's I think all the parts were revealed already and that's after that's happened that's a huge problem with all the resources they have yeah there's nothing left and the creativity they've got we've had Fabian here on this analysis desk and he's talked about how you know they created something 30 seconds before coming out and over there and I said to him well you know what you create a bit earlier and practice it that was sometimes we don't know what we're doing and there is also one big problem coming up in the next map it's a cafe and one map the Penta doesn't really play at all so if there is anything in Pence's back pockets and if they are going to show us any surprises it needs to be on this third map of cafe remember it's a best-of-five so we can go beyond this and see what happens later on it'll be banked afterwards and coastline to finish if we get there it's not looking quite so likely that we will so does plan to turn up now and do they bring us stuff on a map that we don't normally associate being a strong one or two eg continue on their charge towards lifting that sledge and keeping it with them for a second year let's find out back to kick sand in Tarot we'll go to Cafe is a world champion going to be crowned at the end of it let's find out welcome back a short break for the teams to recuperate at you at home to be able to go get something to eat drink or to simply stretch your legs and what I think is surprising most people and to trails by zero to two evil geniuses winning on not just their own map of clubhouse but also on Oregon in the eleven rounds and here's the thing Wilkie was right on the money when he said that Cafe is a map that Penta relief just doesn't play historically now they are very well known for having pocket strats on their off maps so there's still potential for a fight back here for Penta but something that evil geniuses are gonna try and capitalize on surely level inexperienced this was a map that road is one of the best teams in North America and this is a map that people Jesus was able to take the fight to them yesterday so Barry here go wrong you're going against a team that is known amongst the community as one of the best cafe teams period and now you're playing against a team that while known as one of the best teams period doesn't play this map I mean we talked about how Evil Geniuses decisively won the map man face and while yes it's very short you only get to man the two maps for each team it's still an important part of the match now something to keep in mind on that note is that bkn or bacon the coach for Evil Geniuses used to work under Shaz Panthers coach just a couple seasons ago so there might be a little bit of inside information going on there from bacon and understanding if you will of pentas map picks potentially not enough enough adjustment between seasons from Penta to trip up eg now as a result EG looks trying to take this final in a very decisive fashion what I find the funniest about this is that before the actual before the actual matches themselves I had spoken with both teams and they were both equally happy with the way that the band face had went in fact Shaw's his exact words to me coach a Penta was watch out for cafe that's good to hear four Penta potential for a lot more maps as a result and you're right I mean again that plays into those pockets strategies that Penta are so well known for you're gonna be droning him to the top of red stairs bandit batteries and new jammers trying to disrupt that from Penta looks like they're gonna possibly be holding inside a piano moving it to this round now it's exactly this trap eg has played against a team that is known to incorporate view jammers quite heavily to disrupt the drone usage of teams on the site that team is known formerly as flipside and are currently with an orc but they are essentially a grenade from Canadian will cut me off mid-sentence as gogo it's had a very bad day and his day will not improve at all shot a as well as the Bandit of the illness was lost half of his health will try to come in to tag up right now eg with a very quick start but neck rocks kills himself on his own axe Queiroz I thought BC was the one who killed himself with his explosives well he did down on my believe and then the ex Garros still being mid detonation on the wall finished him the Habana of neck rocks off so he didn't kill himself outright you know he just finished himself off still needing the kill in a way from Penta sports that is that's terrible you've lost your Habano that early doing a little crouched hole that you can wriggle through the inside of cigar but you don't really have the same opportunity to be able to push for the buck luckily they had already managed to open up the hatch inside of cigar lounge they can look it down and you train from about where Pangu sits underneath a mute jammer will mean that any drone that is thrown down will be disrupted and there you go thank you just stops it very quickly you see evil genius is pretty proficiently clearing this top floor and so it has mostly fallen back to the middle floor but they still have a roamer all the way on the basement which can be very influential leading into the round interestingly here evil geniuses have dropped the defuser at the top and red stairs that was neck rocks when he died putting that there so they're gonna need to retrieve it there's not a whole lot of time for them to do so nBK's use of Jacko will detect the roamer downstairs BC takes down Penghu now BC having a heck of a round and a mass there's only 23 seconds left Canadian not necessarily watching his flank from reading unis gonna take him down because of that and young going for the plant right now its side of a it doesn't look like there's an anchor to stop him to retake rushing in made it not gonna see him but will eventually get the kill young goes down and BC from behind though unis with the flick gets mpk jacked a covers the flake also bandit and wins the round for Penta what a round there what a retake excellent individual performance from yonus EG found themselves at a disadvantage early on with neck rocks gone I can't believe that bandit was able to just sprint right in no real awareness from Evil Geniuses whatsoever they had a good start to that round but Penta being the team they are what capitalized you know retaking onto the middle floor of cafe is one of the most efficient strategies that we don't see play very often on this site and I think that is really telling of what you were talking about with Shasta coach show Penta when he was saying watch out for cafe I think they were anticipating that exact play from eg just go for the plants see that it's open and go for the plant that collapse from Penta just ruthless absolutely ruthless taking back into the site he didn't have anything to stop it they were cut off by the castle parity between the door from mining inside of train itself was beastly who had dropped down from cocktail after eliminating Penghu he had control of two areas of the bump site now there are two bomb sites and then the area in between he had control over dining as well as train he did not have any sights on mining whatsoever there was an open mirror behind him but wasn't able to fight back wisely watching a different area than the bomb defuser himself was just sitting there competing unprotected after yonas came back to site and was able to finish the bob so that's a castle working very well and probably as maybe not as intended but at least doing the tracker to help it better so with that said bar and cocktail the site for evil geniuses first defenses is the second round imagine they expected this they're gonna bring a capital as well as Sofia on behalf of Penta this is a site that makes King very strong too but she will be left off like you see Shantae be able to put a lot of pressure on the freezer while yonus provides some support with that lifeline probably in Saigon still a lot of attackers in terms of destroy a lot of disruption on the side of Penta nadine going for the c4 will he hit it no he will not on the top of the roof there is a little bit of a ventilation there that will stop that c4 from hitting its mark a nice try though from canadian it's saved Goga who holds a diffuser who was on a drone at the time as well as penguin had gotten away from the blast radius they'll drawn out the second floor as a drone spits in under the doorway just beside we dome and check out pillars gonna off of his drone must to see if there will be a push on red stairs of no real issue being able to get this wall inside of cigar or piano and it will go anchors pushed up into cigar shop himself and he'll in our own and he is very very close now is he is on a drone canadian with that post cardiac sensor could potentially be able to spot him but not anywhere near close enough on his yokai drone that will be something that Penta will have to discover the location of or else they could lose the defuse plant when they start to go so they have control of cigar that's a very important part of this attack they also could potentially push into piano however they're being halted because of this brilliant mirror window from BC very common Mir window but still very useful you can see Fabien going on to those East windows going to try Angra nave the mirror window to disable it BC conscious of this will not be playing anywhere near it and will actually get the kill because of his rotation pushing into the site though neck rocks gets a double kill thank you look boys to get that one but couldn't lock it down now it's all down to Shatan unis the last two attackers for Penta sports 52 seconds I have a lot of time to work with but they're not in great positions pixal spot occupied by evil geniuses and as Chateau moves towards cigar now on stairs unis gonna get hit by Akers menthe be very disoriented last 30 seconds here shot a still has plenty of tools available as well as yonas they can probably work their way when that crocs after getting picked back up we'll get kill number three he's had such a good day the onus downstairs gets pressured by nvk scene and BK playing that Ella had worked just outside a reading room for most of the time against Road it was easily who was dispatched to counter him on Rogan now Jonas will do so same operator same relative area Jonas though running out of time 10 seconds and for members of Evil Geniuses left they'll look to equalize inside the onus will go neck rocks or kills in one round eg equalizers as he said one-to-one now between the two teams successful defenses both but Penta able to hold that middle floor considerably partner in the current meta of this map likely disheartened with results so far a lot of long faces on Penta but they still have potentially three maps to be able to mount a comeback against Evil Geniuses playing on a map that you are not the most familiar with is never a fun prospect especially not when facing elimination in what is our largest tournament yet Penta will go back to demons being successful in mining means they will go up to bar and cocktail usually the preferred site of the three Allred you say you would rather say - because bakery almost never ever it doesn't really count as a site it's indefensible on cafe and it makes a lot of sense it's so exposed to the outside that it just doesn't even get looked at 14 it's not the sort of site where you can go and create a creative strategy that might give you a chance at winning it it's the sort of thing where hey you want to win lots of run outs lots of c4 lots of disruption on the defensive side it's your best change so you pension here going for an aggressive mirror setup counter to what we saw from eg they're putting one in the freezer itself and over by the bathroom it just occurred to me that if the Penta does win this we will see all five maps there's no way that we do not see coastline an order for Penta to win that would be very excited as much as I'm sure the crowd would love this to be over relatively quickly tall was nice to see an even contest between eg manages to take control just above hatched overtop of reds so as evil geniuses droning through the skyline and the red stares as you said they're just gonna be looking for the but the angers but they're not they're pentas pretty loosely anchored right now they have unis inside of cigar Penghu inside of piano and fabien of shots a the only two real anchors anywhere near the side in fact shot taste over pack weight stairs it's an interesting hold here from Penta Koga has pushed into cocktails so that's a good position to hold it certainly but still pretty aggressive push over towards Canadian looked like he was going to be able to toss a grenade and what a throw Yodas no chance at all the drone work and Canadian will lead off his team's second attacking round with another frag grenade kill now he will go to droning himself as BC toss is another but cannot get it Goga is down just over by bomb a and gets thank you eliminated from Canadian that is the sledge undeterred Koga will be picked up now eg does hold an advantage they're in the driver's seat of round number three the only real thing they have working against them is the time left they have the ability to shoot out from the bottom to the buck putting in significant work still the echo drone remains that is a crucial tool in the final minutes another grenade Goes Down and just misses Fabien push back up very smartly on to white stairs expecting a push evil geniuses right now it's a standoff as young takes down go got pressed mp5 of shot a eliminates neck rocks we've had a great previous round that's going to leave double at numbers four Oh geniuses Fabien and shot a roommate two operators you want unsafe but Fabien downed and finished off three kills for Canadian he'll lead by example and shot say the echo inside a cigar under fire he'll push out a shot through a wall the diffuser not in his hands BC comes in shot a eliminated and Evil Geniuses takes over the lead lap number three on cafe that attack for eg mostly focused around a grenade play excellent jobs for them to disable all of the first-line defenses from Penta plus frag grenades unquestionably the reason they won that round almost saw complete capitalization BC unable to secure his kill though with the grenade still fantastic work there now Penta are going to be going on to attack of fireplace mining room from Evil Geniuses which is a sight we haven't seen them I leave defend yet finding bar and bar so eg we'll go downstairs three doughnuts on the side of Penta right now having a little bit of truck trouble getting traction in this match we're not inches away from seeing this go all the way in eg I think Penta is looking very shaky it's kind of odd this is not the team that has been here for the last five days you don't often see this from Penta actually I don't think is it safe to say we've never really seen this kind of shakiness this indecisiveness from Penta ever before I mean the season 6 finals are one thing about it it just kind of looked like black dragons were really on point why Dragons was the most feared team that season they had the crowd at their backs what's being what's the commonality here eg is obviously the favorite team of this crowd and they also have the fans at their backs so Penta right now try to hang on they are trailing and we'll have to make this attack work 30 seconds as they scale upwards towards the top of the cafe put some pressure on these southern windows just side of piano you'll have to clear out the second floor before making any real concerted effort on to the second the third floor is their priority some teams will expend a lot of utility up top to defend this wall these two shot to being able to buck through Evil Geniuses not one of those teams they want to hold downstairs as much as possible which you can see they're too low murmurs who were on the bottom floor they just wrote it back it into the middle floor there's no rumors at all in terms of floor coverage right now her evil genius is all five in the middle as fek starts going down it's a mirror popped from penguin who was on the twitch drone that will cause PC to now have to move he's inside a reading room which is going to be an important place for Penta to be able to push on they have no real contention whatsoever upstairs in barn or cocktail and that is the floor that they can be able to destroy to get at BC who is mailing a castle barricade an opportunity potentially run out Pangu on the terrace just next to reading room door BC could end up surprising they will lose the hatch upstairs as younger was taking some damage pushes off of a inside homeland in red hauless very dangerous position BC with these c4 from below great job that chasse the PUC eliminated he was inside a piano I believe great drop there to deal with that opening up rotation downstairs and seems like evil geniuses are gonna want to go for rotation as Yunus takes down MDK it's nice and even between these teams Jung goes down as well Goga on the top of the red stairs Pence's looking pretty strong is Penghu gets another neck rocks eliminated and it's all down to connect Canadian and BC who's gonna miss a lot of shots now just Troy team captain of Evil Geniuses downstairs he has the heartbeat detector he has the information but he's gotta go for a 40 second retake onto the site against four players candelas onto the red stairs a retake against Penta a 1v for almost an impossible situation I do not envy Canadian whatsoever c4 will miss and that's one of his levers of control gone he's amidst the smoke to seize the game run downhill take Fabien but on the stairs there's one more member of Penta waiting for him yonas gonna move up to the actual diffuser itself Koga manages to take Canadian down there was no way he was getting back to the site and to reads that perfectly and we are tied 2-2 two great hold there from or a great attack there rather from pent-up as Evil Geniuses unable to deny that push into the site he's still the crowd trying to instill their team with confidence after that loss it's a constant effect really and as you talked about it is kind of parallel to the season 6 finals where Hensel lost against black dragons using that Brazilian crowd and that was a Penta chief who looked fantastic oh yes season-long they come in they manage to dispatch their opponents in the very first round which was ions in devastatingly efficient fashion and then struggled against black dragons got to owed and bounced from the tournament they've been able to keep step very well though this is a map that we cannot stress enough is not in the stable of maps penta usually plays on no but their pocket maps there are so many and when Penta has an opportunity to create a new strategy they really go all the way that's why you're seeing this go back so back and forth as compared to the other two maps which while organ was you know five six still seemed like butyl geniuses had just the ever so slight edge one thing that these best-of-five finals will be doing for teens is expanding their map no choice and only get two bands upon and for Penta they bands shall a map that both teams don't play under notoriously immoral they ban skyscraper a map that both teens don't really play a Penta definitely doesn't that would give eg the advantage that means that of the remaining seven maps you have to figure out eg is probably going to ban our two strongest so we have to expand our map to maybe get one or two naps that you are proficient enough on to be able to contend with the best in the world that is cafe and that was exactly what shaza said and he said watch out for it so now that they have practiced and they might feel more comfortable on than before but still not one that they are notoriously proficient at I mean clearly it goes both ways to even geniuses deaf we're putting up a struggle here as we have the Roundhouse still even and their journey work has been amazing but and to countering at this time thanks to a well-placed ABS from Goga on that Jaeger and now Evil Geniuses are gonna have to reevaluate how they deal with that here a window see just taking it a little bit slower one thing that pet has now learned from is how strong those open and frags are she both rounds they attack they've gotten a kill with a frag grenade and now go can very smartly sets a device down to protect himself from a similar fate opening up that red stairs drop down with the Havanna unis gets nvk that looked like it might have been on the east balcony it's not a good angle to lose as Eunice is just in the middle of open area no it was actually above as mpk dropped in the skylight Shaddai gets the second four Penta BC goes down people genius is now in a bad spot three to five wow what a shot there from Schatz a seeing the head of young and just picking hit down shot I on the very nimble and quick operator putting in the good work for his team is denied EG the ability to get inside of the building canadian finally does so he'll go downstairs in dining room and they have been rebuffed every single time they have attempted to execute their strategy it's all up to neck rocks and canadian the former having one heck of a day probably his best day so far of the tourney and one of the best days we've seen out of them in the previous two seasons it's perfect time to do so they still face a deficit being down at 2v5 Nadine's gonna have to work miracles here as he comes into the red hallway very slowly he has enough time to justify this but he's gonna have to face a mere window he'll likely result in his death it will hang you a pre-play see four on that wall gets the kill neck cracks now the last attacker coming up from the same exact spot will give away his position and have to relocate coming over towards the main lobby stairs he's just looking for a pic or two he's gonna have to ice in 15 seconds it doesn't seem likely sees need at offender on top of the wheel and he's not gonna win that fight Gangu takes it swiftly putting us on two three two two two rounds at defending the second floor of mining and Penta has two victories from their efforts that one no particularly flawless have really liked that they didn't allow the efficiency of a G's drone game which usually helps them entry so well to get even one pick that killed a ton of time and in their haste ended up paying for it with losing two operators early on just meant that the rest of the strategy could not be followed through with a peculiarities as we see Penghu sitting on Montaigne on a bar cocktail push which is the defensive sight that eg we'll go to you know we saw Penta bring Montaigne earlier in this season on the first map clubhouse but I think two three times didn't really work out for them very well so this is a questionable decision when you're so far down in the series for Penta to be bringing out the pocket spats although could be exactly what they need to assure dominance we are one round away from match point for Penta early to admire the previous seasonal champs of Penta trying to make a strategy work involving an operator who's I guess utility we don't engage we don't see at this level Montaigne has fallen out of favor long ago but has now been replaced by blitz effectively in most strats let's being much quicker able to fire back and seems to pair quite nicely with either class are you two operators who are not really played that much by either teams it's actually quite refreshing to not say they didn't class push every single time from either of these teams some credit is due there as well but it looks like they might be a pressuring heavy on to those white stairs now generally when you have a montane you want to push and position him best with the spawns to address the site and actually it could just be a propel in on no just gonna be the ref go figure that means we're gonna see a very typical attack through that stairs nothing gonna be varied at all I was kind of hoping when Penta brings the Montaigne that they do something metrical and different but no that's better safe than sorry Penta last time Canadian had gone for a c4 kill through the hatch a fall off no real point this time around they're just sitting and waiting at the windows but shot a able to eliminate neck rocks with a grenade that's gonna give Penta an advantage and the smoke down to is instrumental smoke of course one of the few operators who is able to repel monty very quickly and easily it's now Monty able to get it inside a cigar lounge another exothermic charge goes off as Fabien picks off Canadian that was the pulse and the shield will be spotted by MBK crouches to avoid being seen that shield goes down at any point scorpion can tear through what little is exposed of montane very very fast you see going for a peek they're actually just gonna take some damage not dishing any out Pangu coming around the corner from wrought white hallway and he's going to spot out BC calling it for his team crossfire trying to be established there from nvk on the white stairs but it's a montane and he's got a pretty good arc to hold Fabien eliminates mpk that's the white stares pressure gone now for the defense and here comes the push mere window disabled on the last at a defender is younger inside a freezer he goes down Penta put it on a match point that was an absolutely incredible push by Penta sports they just simply bulldoze their way in and every single operator they found didn't last too much at all I would imagine that that is probably part of the reason why Shaw's would say watch out for cafe they now sit on match point Penta could take their very first map this is a G's pick so that would be an answer to Oregon which was taken just a map previously by Evil Geniuses now we still have a doughnut on Evil Geniuses side and BK struggling right now to get some kills he's done a good amount of work as jackal which is kind of an interesting role to put him on but still putting his team in a bad spot he is the number one two Fragger for that team historically and they're looking for him to get a lot more work done they've got them on fragging rolls as well so as much as we like to say that kill Depp doesn't really matter and if you're not racking up kills that you can still be contributing to your team his primary job is to get kills so I'm just failing to do that that means that he's not following through on his obligation to the team whereas if you have somebody playing on anchor they might not be needed so much bomb to get those kills themselves fabien is going to be exposed for a very long time bows he gets back inside just on the terrace by leaving room doorway throne of Valkyrie came down under the window by white stairs it could be easy to spot with that bright blue bright blue glow around him when they go on there's not a lot of potential for you to kill Fabien as he goes for that run out he's Falcon he's kind of elevated B C's gonna try and light out one of the feet of Penta sports but it's not gonna happen that was Fabien rotating down he'd seen it for just a second and we'll miss yet again dusty the yokai BC just narrowly misses was in a prime position to with two beautiful opportunities to put Penta sport the deficit make it work could have been so influential had they got that Oh yokai drone it's not gonna happen Canadian will thrown out cigar lounge see the sea of barbed wire last time that he attacked on to the spot II played on that landing off red stairs his frag grenade had gone in and taken a shot a down or yonis rather abandon he was playing by the barbed wire but nobody playing tight enough nor close enough to really be receiving those frag grenades they take out the default camera just over top of reading room before BC can push him see Fabien takes all but two damage off of his health shots a though eliminates nvk who still yet to find a kill that will not change this round and might not even change this map as match point Penta has a lead of one an operator count we need to close this out slow going here for Evil Geniuses after getting the deficit early on they don't have a lot going their way they've cleared out that middle floor and they're looking to shoot some defenders from below which has previously worked for them due to some great grenade play VC still has those in hand and could potentially use them he hasn't gone for it yet only one expended from Canadian on the other hand BC gets a frag on the Pangu very important kill there he's been having a fantastic series so far yes so your mirrored down who was on the hatch oh my my I mean so there will be no pressure upstairs inside a freezer shot take does have a rotate hole if he wants to move in but right now standing by the bathroom just watching an open panel on the window Canadian gonna join himself in sees that his darkness destroyed and now could be very scared of unis who is the bandit inside of piano teammate droning him in and it's going to be pressure from behind now for unis as the panel gets opened up he can't hit his shots but from behind Canadian hitting his and neck rocks will get the kill evil geniuses control over piano and man advantage sees the echo but with the hammer out it's not gonna matter he's actually gonna die to shaft a yacht with a double to respond it's all down to shot day though with one HP he gets the heads on a PC but yoga 3 K and Evil Geniuses put it under for three [Applause] trying to keep their chances alive and close it out on cafe rather than roll the die on Bank which is our fourth map it was the only map that tend to lost since the group stages started they fell to it by a score of five to three two evil geniuses so they have to feel confident but you know that this is potentially a map that one left there strong on Penta is answering the call now go with another Montaigne push as Penghu sits on the shielded operator interesting that they would put Penghu on that because Pangu has such a great shot and is so dependable when put on pure killing rolls you're gonna put him on an operator where he can't really do much himself typically get typically considered one of the top fraggers for all of Europe not just Penta but you're right this kind of it as a result it's kind of odd that you're gonna have him on the montane he has been very efficient at zoning the enemies so far but it's still kind of an interesting risk that they're taking evil genius is now they are going to be going for control over piano they do a much more conservative mirror strategy on this top floor hit so far in this match but they could potentially change that they're gonna actually open up a rotation it seems possibly into bathroom as well as the far west pole or wall of that freezer which is going to give him a great sight line once PC sets up as mirrors so they're doing a bit of pub kind of interesting from eg it's similar to what they did last time though early windows shot out and they'll mark it just to make sure that there's nobody diving through the windows and see Canadian I'm flying through them earlier yesterday but as you said conservative being the word so eg has played as well not opting for those run outs which while a huge gamble can leave you wanting if you're I'll take up just by the a windows you can see one of the defenders on a drone or rather a camera and we'll get off quite smartly Canadians situated in a place where any drones that enter in through the piano cigar or the red hatch side won't know his location that's a lot of coverage that vigils ability will have to deprive those drones of his whereabouts here comes the mere window obviously holding it late to the ground very smart that means that if there were a switch on penta they wouldn't have been able to get the rear window early on of course can't know that until the round actually starts so conservative again being the work now penguia the top of red stairs he's just looking to deny any flanks once this round really gets going and and she's going to see that there is a vigil on evil geniuses who will fall back that is the Canadian who's gonna go down to the bottom floor to rotates they are now inside a freezer a grenade from shot a it will sail off but claimed no one neck rocks the smoke had fallen early to a frag grenade last attack for Penta Canadian run out he'll take shot a down hoping that his team can push this to overtime the last time we saw over time it went strongly in favor of eg they were able to steal pentas map away from that was a beautiful play from evil genius as they read the grenade that happened from shot say last time they defended this top floor and then Canadian responded by rotating all the way downstairs expecting it Yunis gonna take out neck rocks and you has control over bathroom Goga gets BC and that was a very good play their neck rocks distracted Fabien taking nvk the second time around this Monti push that we see from Penta is absol we crushing EG now canadian once again in a situation where he will need to clutch a one before take him down to next noel he'll take Goga button he now has a shield in his way very difficult with only one build eliminate amante but Penta takes their first map we're gonna go bang next up what a good push and a great strategy for them to be able to close out cafe that montane really seeing some excellent use from Penta and that's exactly what they needed they were inches away from being eliminated in a 3 oh sweet but they stepped up and said no sir now you could see Shaz there the coach in the middle trying to tell us his players exactly what needs to happen moving forward on bank and potentially coastline nvk failed to get on the board for that matchup so sitting at 0 kills and 7 deaths that is an extreme detriment to his team especially when he's relied upon to carry a lot of the weight when roaming or doing entry so he will need a bounce-back performance for Goga able to redeem himself and a slow start to maps 1 & 2 that played quite effectively that Monty push that we've seen Penta roll out a couple days ago and now as well has been almost unstoppable no team has been able to really deal with it and struggled and now eg as well though on clubhouse it fell apart early on Caffe no stopping yeah it has seen mixed results I'd say between maps but like you said cafe definitely a dominating map for Penta when they bring that montane push very interesting still that they're gonna put Hangu on it of all players usually when there's gonna be a shield on Penta we see Fabien be the one to do it but thank you stepping up for his team he is a versatile player surely as they get ready to start the next map again Bank a very open map leads a lot of opportunities for flanks a lot of opportunities to invest two whole minutes of your roam clear into the round for attack a map that eg won earlier on in the group stage not stress it enough Penta has only lost one map prior to today's bank two evil geniuses in the group stage Penton eg both coming out of group a and they meant ins to fight each other in the second day a winner went on immediately to the invitational that was Penta who did win the series by a score of two to one but lost on Bank Bank is also pentas picked so cafe was he G's doesn't work out Penta looked very strong are we gonna see an answer from eg here Troy alluded last night to the fact that his team loves to play that map in fact if he recalls the only time he'd ever lost Bank as a team was to face on the very first day of the quarterfinals it stands to reason that since it was meant to his pick they're going to Bank they want to go to bank that Evil Geniuses is going to play a very comfortable game a very relaxed game when they would expect to play on this map and then we're gonna have Penta probably expecting the way that Evil Geniuses handles things so counter strats I'd say incoming for Penta I'm very impressed with the way that they were able to adapt on a map that they didn't really play and people ask why is Penta one of the most feared teams in the world why out of six seasonal championships has Penta won three the performance on Cafe is a very good example of why of great players who can play whatever role they want they can make up strategies on-the-fly that are able to outsmart their opponents who have counter stranded likely correctly but can't capitalize on an opportunity to beat them when they're running strategies that they've never seen before and as you expected the versatility of Penta really shining through now they still have a lot of maps to go so it could go in favor of eg they only need two one one more really to lock this out in the best-of-five and we will uh we still might not see coastline it could potentially be wrapped up so there is a slight possibility now Bank is a map and said eg really do does like it they're going to be very comfortable going there I'm wholeheartedly again expecting Penta to bring some direct counter to the way eg plays maybe some garage pushes maybe something to cut off the rotation that EG is known for establishing up stairs when they're roaming on a basement hold anything that Penta has found and they are is the one of the best teams when it comes to finding those holes in the attack or defense of the of their opponents teams just getting into the lobby and will be going underway on Bank in just a moment could we see the victor of the second annual Rainbow six Invitational crown over the next couple rounds or will coastline await us as the ultimate tiebreaker between two global juggernauts you only need to win five rounds to do it Evil Geniuses loading into bank see if they can make it happen [Music] now I'm gonna be looking for which team starts on defense the Rome game that we had seen a term that has rolled out quite extensively from Evil Geniuses was not as fearsome on café as it was on the first two maps on both Clubhouse and Oregon eg was able to rotate and catch Penta off-guard a number of times cafe a map not as necessarily well-suited to that extend to lock down the stair control and deprived people geniuses of the ability to get back to site forcing them to take engagements at a disadvantage evil geniuses will go downstairs for the first defense of bank one of the largest maps in the map pool and one that can play out very differently depending on the team now you've also seen Evil Geniuses run upstairs in that CEO office that is a strategy that has been popularized in North America originally by flipside tactics so I guess some that hasn't everything worked out well it hasn't really worked for Evil Geniuses the flip side has seen some success on it and swears by it okay we'll see if it will work at all should evil geniuses go up there at any point yeah of course I don't think they would pick another site unless everything on CCTV downstairs falls apart Wilson also seems a little bit of success on that CEO hold from the Latin American region as well who I think overall is the most proficient region at this map but they're not here to be Europe versus and a ever so close of a final to have and as Penta moves their way into the top of square stairs we're gonna be looking for all those roamers evil geniuses a team that really likes to roam on this basement hold Canadian you could see just primed and ready to run up those servers stairs I'm going to fall back play it safe play it smart at the weather we've seen shifts in Bank you've seen some teams only dispatched one Roma put in four either on-site or very near on the basement itself or a clubhouse we put all five downstairs that's one thing that Bank has changed too - really depends on the actual teams and how they feel comfortable playing and some teams will run three roamers example counter logic gaming running three players very far off site and help them out semi-finals because of their strong player bank they were able to get to the finals and Gamescom to play against pentek really like this setup here from Evil Geniuses kind of telling of where vici will be playing of course with the only piece of a non destructive wall but could potentially work and maybe catch Penta sports off guard there are no anchors anymore from eg they were initially in the round but they're playing very passively now on the site and pressure going on to those main stairs from Penta it's a position that hasn't seen a lot of use if you look far back but in this invitational it is a very important spot and this exact setup is what we saw when they fought each other first nvk bottom of stairs with one concussive mine yonis positioned on the level that was joined by company as both of these concussive blasts will hit one another fabien takes a 10 BK before young has his back and that's the captain - Penta down and BK still searching for a kill and I'll get one on map number three at all Jonas comes down and both neck rocks and he will be totally caught out Jack loses his health before net Cox is there to get his team on Koga taken out Canadian his back-and-forth Penghu what a shot believe justice spoke of neck rocks his diffuser on stairs now with 40 seconds that's a lot of control to have all he needs to do now is delay he's got the perfect utility to do so as Penta attempts to retake still to Gasper nades on neck rocks chassé going to drone try and find out exactly where Nick rocks is that's very wise from the attacker it's not gonna take any unnecessary risks across just waiting here's the hapana pushing seize him now we'll get the head shot Pangu goes down 12 seconds left Nick Rox pushes upstairs gives up the diffuser but he could potentially stop it from above gonna be fighting with Goga rather that's shot Zane who wins the fight neck Rox Goes Down and Penta take round number one of bank smart for neck Rox to reposition himself assuming the Penta was going to use one of the remaining two operators at that point to push him from open area but they didn't they both just stacked up so that if he had to go and fight on the defuser there was a second member there to take him down at that point he lost complete control of the diffuser coca sprinted off with it and neck Rox was put in a almost unwinnable situation as and - knew where he was going to push from so first round goes to the European team EG will look to respond on attack young playing blitz is look comfortable on that will spawn over an ally and likely look to try to take CCTV with it and Penta will have to expect a shield because of the prevalence of shield operators we've seen a rise in lesion as well straps work effectively against the shield operators forcing them to drop their shield to pull the needle out of the foot under you defender of the attackers you can see a bit of a teammates they're from Penta every single one of their players got a kill well done there on that first round that instills a lot of confidence in each other and will likely help them boost that morale moving forward evil geniuses have brought young on blitz combination which has the mixed results similar to the montane shield from Penta sports both of these teams having their own little pocket shield ready to bring out whenever they need it reinforcements inside of cafeteria that's telling us Penta wanting to roam pretty heavily on the middle floor that gets back onto site Bobby and will likely play close to site as well playing inside a CCTV or server guarding the entrance way from either escape tunnel or the actual stairs themselves Elysian an opportunity to be able to deal with any push as those cute traps will go off alerting him the fact that there is an attacker pushing in from that direction not only strong in terms of the fact that it makes them have to pause and can slow a very quick push but also gives valuable information to the defenders as to where their push is coming from both of those things combined together a reason why lesion is seen so much in addition of course the fact that he can stop the shield push as wellthey not going to have cleared out the roamers quite yet gente still inside of that open area waiting out this round that's Eunice and Fabien now back to back trying to hold each other's flanks they're gonna be addressed from the side in the indian impacting into small office going for a spray into cafeteria we also have Goga who is roaming in that position now we've actually seen this before last time these two teams met goggle was here difference was he didn't have those two extra reinforcements on the cafeteria wall allowing him to play it much more fluid canadian was getting a drone escort both yonas and Goga will invite themselves back into the basement blowing the hatch inside of the office just by open area a minute and a half burned off of the clock and EG still trying to make inroads to the site okay hit the barbed wire just at the top of white stairs and a very strong sight play now from Penta currently hold the lead momentum from eg largely gone waiting for pensioners seeing a girls want mine detonated late there when the Goga had placed much earlier in the round Canadian looking to pressure onto server possibly gonna kill get that man advantage but player inside a server is playing very safe that is unis on a vigil off the bombs he peeks the drop-down not much time left here for evil Jesus is there gonna have to get a little bit more aggressive ten operators still alive as we are just seconds away from hitting the final 30 BC punishes Yona is the vigil was playing off-site earlier on smokes go down and young will drop a Goga that are ready to catch him he Sprint's away towards white stairs we from each able to get in Canadian trades off Penghu and they now have control of CCTV they can go for a successful plan BC will use his life as nvk it takes bobbing down coda finishes off a little was BC Canadian though a big round leaving just shot a that echo drone still very much in play diffuser picked up but he's running out of time he will have to do it manually as the youkai drone shot shot a nose diffuser going down eg just waiting nvk gets a kill for his team here the ball game in his one two one no successful defenses yet both attacks seem very vicious slow build therefore eg on the top floor to clear out all the rumors but once they had achieved that goal absolute dominance tellers office and Archives some evil geniuses who had favoured that second floor site once it go to one of two bomb sites on the first floor of Bank as you very smartly pointed out earlier on evil geniuses had not seen a lot of success in fact their defense upstairs not paid dividends whatsoever able to get overrun by phase despite pulling out everything that they could I really like this or maybe 13 uses the fact that they're gonna try and mix things up it really does say that they're a dynamic team that's willing to take risks win I made sure you're up one map but still every round matters quite a lot now this bomb site is much easier on the roamers as when they come back they have another avenue they can use that's that basement which often times the attack will simply ignore these angles being opened up by evil geniuses are fantastic we've seen them utilize before it just means that they're gonna have to maintain control over open area and cafeteria a cog on nvk will allow them a long angle he plays inside of archives itself essentially put a lot of pressure onto the attackers and robbed them of the ability to see inside of the site largely unabated especially if you're sitting in behind the actual archives itself you can see through those archival racks a lot easier than the attackers cameras we know where the attackers are largely going to be coming from the north position will be only available to the attackers moving at drunk I'll make sure that stalks itself is clear any onus who's turned himself in will now fall through the window and he isn't firmly inside a lot of teams will have somebody roaming either inside of that electrical or janitorial closet to the right and then one inside of the conference rivers nobody there and the drone from fabien will let Penta know evil genius is prioritizing that middle floor and bottom floor as we seen them do before on Cafe which is gonna mean this clear upstairs from Penta isn't going to see anything now this is quite interesting Penta is focusing on a main lobby attack which is the best attack if all you want to do is ignore the roamers instead of engage them directly because there is no flank to the main lobby the most that evil geniuses can do is come from above but that's already been cleared out quite efficiently from Penta these holes that eg opened up earlier in the round working against them now as neck rocks goes onto one bullets worth of HP this is where a dog instead of a rook could potentially have made a lot of difference over that armor from Brooke could be a key reason as to why nitrox is alive they're going to put a lot of pressure onto that wall next the lifeline get pulled out and shoots one concussive down on the stairs see that was nvk who was playing down there and as the concussive mine goes off he'll know that there was somebody pushing him very smartly and McKay will fall off of that flag only a minute remaining Penta still trying to get more control they're just pushing in slowly from the main lobby they see the mirror window which is set up to counter this exact attack and they're gonna be hesitant now have to reevaluate a little bit they've opened up a hole in the wall here and this hole is going to allow some of the attack of to play at the angle neck Rox goes down quite swiftly as fabien it's a peeking wide in the sight then you'd lost some hell they're almost able to stop it before those X carers go off though Koga now charging in the site Jung is fell but to Canadian where does he come from good bye cogan good bye yonis another c4 goes off right now holding the round together for his team that's the leadership they need now shot a comes in Pangu takes out BC that crowd goes quiet it's still 2 V 2 can hear the metal detectors beeping in the background it's n VK and the valkyrie of canadian versus the hapana and the ash I left out dual two of the best operators on attack Pierre Canadian working away at the wall and BK takes one down that's all up to Penghu who takes that in BK it's 1v1 canadian has four kills diffusor going off canadian will need an ace in order to stick this through off of the plate he goes only a 4k they're Canadian but surely an ace in spirit as he plays that about as smart as he could a beautiful job there around that clearly one in favor of Penta shifting away now the crowd is back into it they've gone quiet for about a map and a half re-energize G now with the lead still looking at championship point they'll go to attack because none of the defenses had been successful up until this point Penta has an opportunity to go back down to CCTV and that is exactly where they're going to go Doga a slow start but now pulling more than his fair share of wait for his team be a lot of pressure on pentas roamers this round as Evil Geniuses haven't brought a shield which means they're gonna be focusing a little bit more on clearing out early in the stage also means that the brute force push that comes from eg eventually when they hit the site is going to be a little bit less second well let's say one-sided is you don't have an indestructible shield to work with Benja does not seem very comfortable with what they had originally designed to be their strategy as they are nowhere near close to finishing off all their reinforcements and set up as the prep phase has expired you saw a couple members of Penta start to move around and shift and suggest to me that their original strat that they had in mind will be undone they'll go elsewhere you know on one hand props to Penta for being able to adjust in the middle of a round and decide they want to do something differently to counter the play from Evil Geniuses on the other hands it also shows indecisiveness sometimes if teams are facing deficits or have been losing a number of rounds that indecisiveness could show that they are breaking under pressure in this case it's not really an attribute that Penta has amongst their core five members and with the amount of brain trust that is available in that team I would have a feeling that that change is just simply done to try and confuse eg it's entirely possible as EG starts clearing out those roamers they're not gonna find anyone just yet don't think we even have a roamer from Penta they are mostly focused on the site right now at least four of them downstairs still waiting to figure out where the other one is garage chassé just spotted him out there with the yokai drone he was the last defender left alive last time Penta went downstairs because of how far away from the bomb site he was unable to accomplish anything really because surprise surprise even geniuses are ignoring garage then they just needed to wait there's only one real way out of the garage itself especially for a three armored it's not gonna hoof it all the way to the front lobby they'll manage to borrow open one of the walls inside of CCTV but we'll need to work away at the pressure that is being applied to them by the mirror staring straight at BC you know in a way having your echo all the way back in garage is a smart thing in a way it also means there's no rotation potential forum which is what you touched on earlier young successfully beating out that c4 but he's gonna get pushed back from the gas canister we have seen a down outside garage NDK not ignoring that garage shot a some great hold there that's all I believe three of the gas canisters expended before the smoke of Penta sports Fabien a little bit ahead of himself there there's still plenty of time here for EG to play this out and BK could get picked up doesn't look like the defense is trying to secure the kill c4 almost going off there but not quite and to missile good communication the last smoke goes off no C fours for them still 30 seconds so young will have an opportunity that is all of the utility from the defenders at the moment deprived shot a finishes off MDK as he went frag hunting inside of the garage she'll likely get on the CEO Chi and try to stop see the pulse pressures op BC waiting young manages to get the diffuse slightly down before the yokai knocks him out of it and now Canadian is going to have to help his team he sees the head of mirror cannot connect but neck rocks eliminating yonas eg just running out of time now Goga steps up hill down one eg was in good position but just not fast enough Penta old steady and they will tie it up at two each running at a time for eg tend to hung up that yokai drone won the round almost single-handedly for Penta also the fact that chasse managed to disable and VK pushing in through that garage everything that went shat days away he triumphed Oh triumphed over so now executive lounge CEO off is gonna be the defense for Evil Geniuses something a little bit different for the North American team they could potentially still change it they've got a second nope it locks in at CEO so they're very confident in this despite the fact that Penta is aware it could happen they have this time brought the Montaigne on the Penta side Fabien gonna be the one bringing it and you gonna have a gun this time so CEO we saw once if I recall potentially twice against phase in our first day of group phases like I said this is a strategy that they have screamed against flip side a number of times the team formerly known as flip side have wanted credit so I'm gonna give it to them because apparently it was important that they get denoted the fact that this was essentially their strategy and if you're gonna use a site that oftentimes I'm viable in North America it's almost assuredly f-3 who will be the one doing it some cameras going out in the lobby that's two different portions about the actual lava itself that's three cameras and a lobby including the default camera so we'll have to uh have to get very lucky on attack and here one camera already gets shot as well kind of a predictable camera outside there we've seen a lot of run outs on the north windows as soon as players figured out they could do it they started doing it and it has actually seen mixed success a lot of Latin American teams making liberal use of it sometimes in the 2p running out to the north side of the building very dangerous though it doesn't look like Evy is prepped to do that doesn't gonna matter really as Penta again coming from another side of the building looks like it could still be a main lobby attack is a bomb that's uh I guess a fair way to address this hold on the top floor there's nothing wrong with it just means you're gonna be coming in with a height disadvantage eg it looked very good in the first two maps being able to stop the push from the Penta they have slowed down that's success that's in part largely because eg doesn't appear to be playing anywhere near as aggressive but also it appears that Penta has learned and adapt when those adapt those adaptations and those changes can make a world of difference that camera is designed only to see the balcony from above very difficult for Penta to be able to spot it will give information as neck rocks now looks to roam Canadian takes out Pangu who doesn't need a shield a Monty confronts nvk before BC picked off by the sprinting cache of shantae at the Ganga ward but very smartly Penta situated neck rocks on the flank takes out shantae and now Sprint's in through archives we look to go back to tellers Canadian who gone downstairs gets exposed looking to see if there was anybody inside of the ski jump the Monty will push young and oh my what a duel for the ages but you cannot pressure a shield Bobby in a bulldozer inside a site taking out of action and now they will go for the plant on the desk of CEO office even though creeps up he manages to get him knows there's a shield incoming he will get out seize this throw Mike can't win that one neck rocks up from the main lobby stairs will down at least Goga now the last attacker is a shield that's Fabien and the defuse plant is not down so neck rocks all he needs to do is wait maybe didn't see that Claymore will see the shield of Fabien lay down some fire just trying to deny that it got secures the kill take this slowly here comes the smoke Bobby I'm gonna need to try something grave here as he possibly goes for a plan baiting it out goes through the ATS neck Rock cat at fabien wins it how does that happen look at how animated all a Penta is mega rocks could have just simply ran out of time there and played it smarter but decided to push an ill-advised strategy he could have just used that clock to his advantage instead he got a little greedy and it bit him now Penta finds themselves with a lead they're up three to two they'll go to defense they'll go to tellers office and archives on the main floor it was an almost successful CEO hole by the way very close neck rocks while he almost just barely lost that round also has been stepping up throughout this whole match so you can't put too much on him ultimately he had to come back from a 1 on 2 clash so that's always somewhat difficult now pretty even or all pretty askew scoreboard here as you can see Fabien and Canadian having fantastic matches right now and NPK interestingly still not yet to step up only two kills now I hate to bring this up again but he is the Fragger for Evil Geniuses often referenced as the number one fracture so I think that might be a lot of the reason he produces is starting to struggle they're not getting all the kills that they want from their mainline flag and to be running very heavily on this top floor four players right now you gotta expect one or two of them is gonna fall back I mean sure it's not a basement hole but still top floor is only so useful if I remember correctly it was Penta who did a strategy very similar upstairs just outside a CEO involving Fabien who was playing on my region at the time a couple rotates in and out of that conference room inside of the actual office itself of course name see Fabien is going to be playing the Elat shot Tay on the lesion they'll slow them down they'll also force eg to have to spend a considerable amount of time clearing both upstairs as well as downstairs you saw some barricaded doors up and that means that eg will have to get both floors before they can start to get to the mainland it's a lot of coverage for the attackers to have to expend and can kill a lot of time leaving your anchors and your sight players in a much better position to capitalize as the time runs down it's the Canadian joining up those main stairs he's just looking for his first point of contact meanwhile and VK cutting off the rotation in the hallway like we'd open up that wall in the Nash charge later on the explosives used here that's actually I think that was unis using an impact to try and get another angle and BK not to be able to get that one because this is prone very wise behind this couch slow going for evil geniuses they've taken control interestingly up the basement which will actually aid them quite a lot if these roamers upstairs choose to rotate doubly concussive shots from the Lifeline will go out BC them to put some pressure on the window now a third from Canadian and the onus is as disoriented as he can be a fourth and final shot from the Lifeline will hit the vigil they have been able to do much it did look like Canadian might have seen the legs of yonas as he was moving behind that couch inside of Executive Lounge moon will get drone fabien though managing to somehow eliminate young before PC gets the onus as he vaults that was BC playing on the window just by Plaza he'll now rappel down let's try to get inside Fabien now though smartly rotating from the basement heading towards the main floor which only a minute left so that killed a lot of time that was a very unenthusiastic push there from you'll pieces on top floor eventually they got that control but all that time all they needed was one single person to drone because you this was behind soft cover of all things he wasn't really in a good spot to hold out Goga doesn't have a scope on his mp5 but he will lose used his c4 very poorly and now he is in a bad spot for this round as he tries to go prone underneath the a desk only 30 seconds left as you geniuses preps for the push fabien not on site at the moment you can see that Goga Penghu and shantae will start to get towards the door wins this is gonna be tough for Evil Geniuses they don't have a ton of utilities left a great shot from Koga Oh mines Canadian Falls you see Pangu trying to peek around that corner but BC from a bob takes out Koga that will allow neck rocks do you have a lesser challenge getting inside shot a takes out BC he goes for a second what a shootout for lesion eg left with nbk he hasn't had a good game so far and won't get any better spa B and finishes him match point for Penta pay up C's momentum here one round away from sending it to map number five some really poor coordination there from Evil Geniuses especially on clearing that top floor you have to reference the fact that there were three people trying to fight unis on his room and not a single one of them was droning sure it's a vigil but still you can get some information from the static around the screen of your drum didn't happen though and as NPK started his drone it was too late at that point young downstairs had already died and the advantage was a little bit in favor of Penta meaning it was just an even out once they got Yanis eventually one thing is for certain is that this looks like the Penta team that we have seen all week furthermore this looks like the dis looks like a completely different country team that we saw play Bank previously it was eg who had some very strong rounds fabien though top fragging for his team did not end up with the top ranked last game but finished second to Pengy he's had a very good day for eg some individual performances that will need to be strengthened if we head to coast line they still have two rounds to throw this into overtime which will be needed if evil geniuses choose to win out completely on map number four so now Penghu is the shield operator yet again like you said that is such an odd rotation event I'm Robbie and having a really good round with her but they are going to be attacking on to the basement this time which is a little bit different so evil genius is going for the same strat in the side of red hallway with that mere window although it's being set up very late in the round this happened the same way with pent-up time they went downstairs a late setup isn't the worst thing in the world but if and two themselves can actually figure out that that's happening they might be able to capitalize a little bit on it Pangu pushing him to server without any amount of contention whatsoever he is just swift me in here establishing control shot they trying to fight someone inside a cafeteria that is Canadian seat laid up lays down some fire shot is gonna be put on to half HP so a good early gambit from Canadian to be able to distract the ash Goga should have no problem with the expo thermic charge is now gonna cut off a push and try to fade out a c4 feces still behind that Mara window shooting that wall will get blown quite successfully youngsil is a youkai drone see they'll hit to disorient but doesn't really hit anything second exothermic charge goes mystic sky rose get shot through the actual site itself drop in from above trying to determine if there's anybody up on the second floor a very early smoke 60 seconds in and one of your most valuable resources at stopping that montane from going in and getting a plant off behind him still a lot of c-4 likely though on the defensive side yield geniuses can pull this out and goo trying to block the c4 as it comes his way it's gonna be a gas canister first though shot a holding a hard angle as flank watch at the top of white stairs somebody such as NBK who was roaming is able to capitalize on that it could spell disaster for Penta here the blast from the yokai drone in the background Pangu still will go in and another plant from gogo will start now will go out again and it looked like the last remaining smoke will go down that means that the smoke should now rotate yokai blast will give its position away still a c4 for PC might be trying to use that yokai coordination with the seaport drop the shield from the montane and then you get the frame no yokai yet left as Fabien gets nvk see force not gonna do anything Montaigne still has plenty of HP here comes the push and the plan from Goga ii c4 though will take down Goga the Spaniard now it's an even match here with only 45 seconds shot they still on that flank watch we'll get a neck rocks who's made that very same flank many times before in fact the last Invitational heartbeat detector still in hands of joy but a team kill beefy eliminating Canadian the pulse and now he will not be able to make the push as the defuse plant comes down to versus for unis from deep inside of the server stairs will get VC young responds on to Pangu there's only one defender left to deny this and it's not gonna happen Enza win fake put it on to the final map of this best-of-five five maps between these two teams in our grand finals that you haven't any other way benda winning both there's any cheese eg winning both pentas and there's coastline will await us or our tiebreaker of course these teams have to be this evenly matched the way that Penta managed that Montaigne shield was beautiful and you saw that young geniuses was aware that these were all fakes they were trying to play around it the best they could ultimately though they didn't have enough utility and then once the push came from Canadian a miscommunication from the team captain means that BC gonna lay him out for Penton no need to hold that retake in the post plan Evil Geniuses seems to have struggled under pressure so far this entire series they've come inches away from being eliminated or failing to advance on a number of maps and a number of matchups it's taken some hard work for them to be able to pull through they have done so every single time we'll see on that five if they'll be able to coastline gonna be our final map for the best-of-five as it is now 2 2 2 and coastline is a map that is a very versatile so either team could take it pretty easily if you really think about it every bomb site defensible every bomb site attackable everybody's got to be feeling comfortable our experts are ready to once again go through the two maps that we just saw Penta taking two in a row now blunting Evil Geniuses momentum in the world defending world champions against the multiple season champions will now be taken to a fifth matchup well toss to the experts Caixin in town I'm working so hard and we'll have one more map from them and we'll have one more map from Penta and eg we want that don't we we love an idea of a world championship going to 5 maps particularly one which not so long ago that like a 3o sweep was in order Fox a so running and Wilkie our last chance together before somebody is the new world champion or maybe not new maybe a retaining world champion but the champion for this year for siege it could actually turn out to be Penta after all this is the series of our series yes the biggest event of the year biggest match of the year and it goes to the fifth map coastline yeah which I'm sure a lot of people are excited to see so I mean I think a big thing that if eg wanna play as strong as they did in the first two maps nvk needs to step up immensely indicates definitely had a really rough game both on Kathryn Nolan on thank the planks the running aren't really seeming to work be working I say as he wanted it to and I don't know it seems like eg didn't believe that they could lose these two maps there's a one clear problem at the moment for eg like the first map for a clubhouse pentagon groaning Clubhouse it's super hard to Roman Club they were able to deal with the chromers in in Oregon in the top floor they don't have to go go constantly out but now in cafe as in Bank they are really struggling deal with those rumors and if they cannot work there ways to deal with the with the roamers yeah they are gonna have a lot of problems in coastline it's so easy to move around the coastline with as a rumor that they really need to fix their with Roman hunt game cafe though we thought that was gonna be pentas downfall we thought well this is not something we're expecting them to win and yet they did and we go to bank and another one Falls their way as well I think that's something that surprised this was the Montague play from baby now nobody thought Montaigne would be picked out you know we've seen a lot more blitz play and this isn't your to season two or montane got it insane buff so he's playing it very well as kind of the wall and we can't say that EG isn't playing as well as they are but they have to step up here eg was definitely struggling struggling with Montaigne both we didn't really see another lesion to to counter him to get him to pull the shield down the hacker wasn't playing that aggressive and that they wasted so many gadgets so much utility to try and deal with them one of the top four rounds indicate rise to plank Monte out on the balcony but I mean it's it's never gonna work there's always gonna be people covering up on that so eg has to they have to get back in the game right now yeah I think the last row Green Bank was a good example of how to deal with the roamers if you don't want to go fight them pen to push the servers in banks so fast ever in in 30 seconds they had all the time in the world burn out all the smoke canisters all the night rows all the echo pulses to get down that diffuser and win the round so if you don't know help fight the rumors just go to the site and leave the rumors to be just hold the angle where they're gonna come and try to flank you like shut Eddie got two pigs he's a beating coastline is going to turn this almost into a best-of one these are two teams that we know can shake this off we've seen Penta shake up being to kneel down we've just seen eg lose two rounds in a row they've had that chance for a little bit break they'll come back they'll be fresh and we're ready to go on this so coastline as it is signed for a World Championships that's a that's a little bit unusual isn't it interesting you Gees gonna have to rally everything they have especially Penta now having the first two maps they're gonna have the momentum and Penta is a team that plays with momentum and like you said like the caster says the crowd went a little quiet one yeah Petro was coming back so the crowds gonna need to step it up for eg if they want to come out on top there's a people here in the audience with Panzer as well they stepped it up a bit there was some support for them we will go to coast line very soon and when we do Penta or on defense one of the one of the interesting things about the coastline game is that none of the teams have enough info on each other on that map yeah so this can be anyone's weather eg comes up with a better strap or Pence's winning and fragment potential it's it's impossible to go it's all up in the air and coastlines one of those maps that hasn't been explored so honestly anything can come out especially with SAS saying that their team has a lot more to offer and a lot of hidden tricks so I think that's why they feel so confident picking out the coastline and it might stump eg if they're not ready for it but I'm sure they have some things of their own to bring out the coastline is actually one of the maps where all of the bomb sites are played in proleague so it's interesting interesting to see what sites that teams are preferring to defend I think the penthouse is the obvious size to go but after that are they gonna be like Guga are they gonna play you the blue bar pink bar or the kitchen it's like the second side is always a like a yeah kind of interesting to see what the team's preferred to play these are teams that we have seen be creative we talked about how maybe Penta got off to a bad start and as opposed to five by not being the creative team that we'd seen you were saying there were no surprises we weren't we weren't getting the stuff that we know Penta can just create on the fly and we know eg they can do it too it might be just they you know they count a strap for the next round as opposed to perhaps you know turn around in the middle of a and around there's not many rounds left now you want to be a world champion here and I don't think eg of the sort team who are feeling any pressure about it's their trophy to retain and penser though they they want to get that big w they've never had if they're big surprise was just to pull Monte out yeah I'd be a bit surprised so I I hope they have something in store for consulate but then our sorry coastline but then again leaving your picture shouting they've got a leaving your big trick for the last map you you don't want to gamble that it's gonna be fifth map right yeah you want to win it early coastline coastlines a map to where it's not super defender side and not attacker sided and there's so many crossfire so many angles that you can have so Montague just that being your big strat is not gonna come into play especially with the cross fires that they can play it's so hard to isolate one v ones on a shield map especially with the roof from attackers you have to utilize that to cut off rotation or else the defenders are gonna run all over you here we go six Invitational 2018 it's been a long time coming we are thrilled to have had six days with you here in Montreal to bring in this amazing tournament it comes down to the last map of the last match that's how it should be it's gonna be coastline and it's going to be eg or Penta sports who will be the world champion in just a few rounds time keep the support going ladies and gentlemen on stream and with us here in Montreal these teams deserve it and they're going to bring you the very best they've got let's settle who is in the world but kickstart caravan come fight repenteth put that get Evil Geniuses map number five between two extraordinary teams and as I said before can we have it any other way it doesn't really matter whether you're a fan of evil geniuses or of Penta sports you have had a great matchup so far coastline is a map that both teams should be comfortable enough on it is a good site for a tiebreaker turn evil geniuses started off by winning the first two maps to nothing looking absolutely incredible Penta was able to take all of that away from them and respond in kind I think coastline is definitely the best possible map we could have to lock out this series as it will likely be pretty back and forth as you talked about earlier now it's a very typical bomb site going to be the very first defense here from pencil as they go on to penthouse and projector or home theater some call it this is I think in ranked especially the number one bomb site in high levels it's questionable there's a lot of options you have but all reliable isn't a bad one coastlines a map where all four sites see play at that top level yes I would agree that right now it seems that master bedroom does appear to be the preferred bomb site but some teams will go for one of the bars downstairs another blue bar or sunrise bar or they could potentially go over to hookah billion so who can billiards at one point the second most preferred site has seen its influence Lane kitchen downstairs emerge a number of times - eg spawning primarily in fact entirely on the front door spawn they're going to be setting up likely to take in to be VIP going to be the main objective here for Evil Geniuses a great beach head to start things off there isn't a thermite though on a G site they only have the Havanna which means any holes they can open up in that wall will be very small indeed it's also a bandit which means we will need to see one of the attackers either repel on the B window to shoot those batteries or donate them from below so much of eg success over the last two days relied upon two people on the team both young and NDK neither of whom have had these strongest day today obesity and neck rocks woke up yesterday and have played very commendable for nvk you will need to regain that confidence a very important part when you were doing the entry that he is doing because the team's fortunes will likely rise alongside his individual contributions he's deep from below will start things off with a bang takes out Pangu very early on that was the Mira who was playing it just doesn't bother to see it also managed to get the mirror window finally all Canadian from above does some damage himself frente gonna be a doc so he's gonna be able to heal himself back up we see unison side of the bathroom but obviously since he's been drowned out he will not go down chasse playing aggressively over by these main lobby stairs he's looking for a drop could catch one of the attackers off-guard unis will get young though and it's been a response from Penta they're not letting it slip too far in the favor of Evil Geniuses when attacking the site one of the most important parts for Evil Geniuses is to put young on the big window inside of bedroom the doc is shot a Down up then back down nvk gets a kill for his team and that is a good start at least certainly much better than the previous two maps you could see that Penta is very far off the site not relying too heavily on an anchor instead going for that retake strategy which has worked for them a little bit of a cast unis going to be rotating back in Canadian will take him down Goga from the main hallway loses that fight we see absolutely on fire in the last defender is Fabien in the main lobby he's looking to deny the attacker is pushing in from main hallway into projector but it's too little too late as Nick rocks is planting the diffuser inside to the other bomb site 30 seconds now Fabien gonna be having to retake up these stairs a very difficult push and he will be caught out in the middle of it VC wins the round for his team of three head this is the start that evil geniuses need after they've lost steam over maps 3 & 4 some confidence a bit of momentum and most importantly you crowd to cheer as loud as you can for the hometown team and house theater is going to be where evil geniuses go themselves amazing that they were still able to win that now last season evil geniuses played coastline most notably against a team then known as most one it was the only round that are the only map rather that evil geniuses lost all season long they came on coastline the most crucial parts of their push was to establish control over the hatch inside a bathroom cut off the a site by pucking from below which is where BC was which is where he was able to get so many kills with that frag grenade while having young on the big window inside of master bedroom one of those points was eliminated very early by Penta but eg was able to still make it happened that is what they need more of because you can't just lose one part of your strategy and then crumble or else your opponents will be able to take advantage of it there are three primary ways to disable projector room or media room or whatever you want to call it on this hold as an attacking team you can take control over the main lobby move up those stairs and thermite the wall in the back of projector or you can throw some rings and smokes into projector from the B window you can also do what evil geniuses did where they came down in the main lobby and bucked open the floor underneath the anchors this to great effect you see they'll take that main window off now they'll attack the hatch with coca sitting on a thermite the assumption will be that they will decide to attack from VIP or circle couch and towards the wall that leads into master that is what we see to be about as common as you can get on a strategy and in fact I would say favors teams that don't have as high level four nations when you see it primarily in ranked or in casual play for the attackers so Penta has brought a thermite no that means they're going to easily push in through VIP and open up that wall into be or should give them a great line of sight and potential to plant the defuser units gonna likely stay on this flank hold for the majority of the round until they actually start pushing the site itself but they're taking it pretty slow as Penghu clears out a DS's and potentially opens up here windows and he's not gonna be successful here just inside the bathroom smoke goes out as well as a frag that lands just near the feet of PC takes some damage but will stay alive neck rocks though on the roam not to be spotted as a twitch drone tries to hunt him down VC will suffer some more damage they are applying a ton of pressure to him it's Fabien who's going to rotate now to try and find the vigil who was lastly does Penghu takes out BC what a shock their tiny angle for him to finagle and put his team now in a one-man advantage Evil Geniuses looking like they're having a bad time right now downstairs the roamers not gonna be overly effective as Canadians have to come from the main hallway shot he's gonna take out the other anchor that's young Canadian from behind hasn't been spotted out that glasses peeking wins the fight unis on fire neck rocks the last defender alive as chassé takes nvk out of this picture he's gonna have to retake onto a post plant with five alive on Penza it would be one of the greatest clutches in Rainbow six history if he were to manage to win this he does have the boss G which is an interesting weapon could swing in his favour if he's on if he's hitting shots right now it's one a single bullet to take shot takedown here's the other on the mirror window that was Fabien he lost his opportunity a second burned neck rocks as he drops into the main lobby looking for this fight sees the or can't move all the way in it gets a cart though go go goes down and can you get two more don't serve egg goo inside a projector locks that out it's got to feel pent-up uncomfortable in that round so the first boss she killed that we've seen in Pearlie I want to say it is but I know it's not it's a kind of a silly weapon really it's a very efficient very good if you don't miss shots which is even for these players a lot to be asking of a person listed as a shotgun what happens to be the best DMR in the game yeah it's actually a sniper rifle they just hit it in the skin of a shotgun to make it have more sense in CQB now both attacking rounds or both rounds successful for the attacker so all sites are unlocked Penta will go back to master bedroom I will give AG another opportunity to attack similar to as before they'll be running a similar composition exactly the exact same they'll need to work Penta rather will need to work to focus on BC downstairs in main lobby camera work going up and Fabia managed to grab it it's likely that you're going to see you try to go towards that big window Bhagyam having some difficulty crying trying to hide that camera fully on the darkened strip trim of the actual wall itself to make the camera there's no IQ north Asher so that camera will have to be taken down and spotted taken out by an EMP nor see Penta setting up the whole VIP they didn't put a lot of presence in this room last time we went on this hold and it didn't actually really matter too much evil geniuses didn't they prioritize main lobby or pushing into projector they didn't really think too much about actually going into VIP and the other bomb side of master bedroom seems to be they've shifted their priorities though as you can see young going over to that balcony gonna look to rappel up on the north side outside the front door and VK laying down some fire I'm going to receive some foe will not deliver any in return I believe that's called the Lamborghini doorway a Lamborghini doorway not aiding NDK a peek from the sledge of Canadian will see no result other than one HP on Shattuck a/c outmaneuvers and outperforms his opponent from that kitchen oh what a shot from young again on the kitchen window Jessie goes down a little bit overkill from that DMR which delivers about 70 damage per shot the geniuses took a lot of damage through all of those fights as well you can see em decay and young will lick their wounds as the round progresses onwards still fabien though just off sights down stairs inside sunrise bar and they will try to join them out still good drone economy for Yugi they've still got enough available you can see three drones in action right now though all in very close proximity to one another yeah we'll go on a drone so that looks like skillful or drones remaining beasty waiting for a mark capitalize BC manages to let go get away with just a tiny amount of health remaining that could have been the Elat dispatched just over halfway through the round Bobby and though undeterred inside of sunrise barns have been able to get in at all Goga finally down that means that an advantage in favor though Koga gets picked up evil genius is still applying a lot of pressure to that bottom floor young looking to move into VIP and deny some rotations BC narrowly missing a kill there as and aware of these angles he will get hurt by a girl's MOT it's a good job from Goga to throw that through the hole and delay this round further down to the last little bit here as Evil Geniuses looks to push upstairs and became position by abandonded wall just next to that projector they do not have any opportunity to be able to get in there okay well at least alert the defenders to his presence Bobby's made his way back up to bury a missed shot through the wall in the luggage its BC they're waiting to greet him but the Valkyrie will be able to peel off pool table Koga who was brought back to life fixes neck rocks bonded down eating three for Ichi Yunus despite being disoriented a remarkable kill on two nvk leaving young NBC and what a swim finish his pension takes their very first lead of our final map in two in a row as well what a hold they saw clearly the attack strategy that evil geniuses was employing the fact that they prioritize that bottom floor and they maneuvered around it by simply putting a mirror window in that hallway they afforded themselves so much ground covered and Evil Geniuses for some reason didn't try to buck that mirror window from below EG has every site unlocked they'll go to kitchen downstairs so they realize that maybe master isn't where they ought to be so our second site that we will see today possibly - for now go down to the kitchen Penta being overtaken in the crowd very swiftly there now Evil Geniuses looking to hold like you said a different sign something that might catch Penta off-guard I liked how they're doing a half half on this wall half open on the top now closed and other side this is gonna mean that they can see for they can use gas canisters they can do a great many things over the top that portion of the wall but they also won't lose the anchor position of that shelter at a northeast corner of a hole looking so far beer window going to be going down facing towards B and it's very good near we know that will establish a lot of control on delivery if you don't have it it could be very difficult to hold that single doorway doesn't look like anyone from Iggy's playing inside bathroom which is kind of an oddity usually a position heavily utilized by the defense on this site but they they're prioritizing a little bit of an off spat or yeah well an australian that it's offsite we do have two rumors over by the beach to Barb's Jonas is relatively safe at this position the only reliable way to take him out it's exactly where you see gogo right now by the doorway just next to the farm site Claymore goes down and that is pretty difficult for the defendants to shoot if possible even at all that would mean that the class could just sit there perched and not really have to potentially fear another opportunity is in the little foyer right next to sunrise bar but if a second claimed art goes down will for the most part make the glass rest a bit easy it can always go for a longer rotate through the actual door itself Canadian and nbk and neck rocks all can be roaming on the south side of the building they have avoided up until now the drone work fabien will spot out that Romer at the end of the main stairs hallway Shetty looking for the angle narrowly missing the shot meanwhile Penghu going to get down inside of hookah sees the yellow doesn't hit the one tap that was actually bobbing another pensa member who gets the kill shot a will get an aid on the neck rocks as well and now Penta in commanding lead of this round and they get the third they certainly can sad day from projector gets mvk as he attempts to rotate out the room clear from Penta was absolutely vicious spearheaded by that glasses push inside a VIP BCC for as you can see only really got the circular couch inside of the IV he'll get taken down by Penghu who is back from the dead the young will have to hold off against a tide you can hit with a twister on his position giving away too strong could have potentially taken out the mera a flawless round from pendens Pangu eliminates young it's a strong start and easy went up by one now three rounds in a row Penta looking unbeatable for the moment mentor are absolutely cascading this win evil geniuses are gonna have to show us something amazing to stop it but it seems like the momentum is completely against them they've got I mean that last round what do we see from eg they tried to roam super heavy on those main lobby stairs they had three players at that position that is a huge gamble and as soon as Penta drone that out and determined that was the case it was a simple collapse I mean back against the wall EG just couldn't win their fights Penda will go downstairs to the kitchen as well so only two sites that have emerged thus far Penta could potentially push this to match point and end coastline very quickly in the next two rounds depending on their play here for Evil Geniuses they were aware that there would be no master site whatsoever I like what they brought it's the exact same five operators that they brought both times attacking master from above might fit to their play style evil geniusness has been prioritizing clearing out that bottom floor so they can shoot people from below and now they're gonna have to do the opposite as the we see a defense of the bottom floor or they could just come in horizontally but that's a huge gamble especially on this site which lends itself so very well to the vertical control which is why you're seeing shaft a put that mere window upstairs in protector facing towards penthouse it establishes that Penta will hold that firm you to jeez this is gonna have to struggle to deny into that control for a second there that young is going to see the feet of Peggy Lee side of bed or inside of the bathroom is he going smartly up to the top there was a defender position essentially looking for a run out just by the window inside a bathroom get the repeal of any members of Evil Geniuses losing one this early on would almost certainly give a ton of confidence dependent a clear out and finish that round strong it has a roamer inside of security by the main lobby that's Fabien who could potentially pounce on any EG attacker who pushes into the lobby itself young poised to do so is he simply coming off rotation right now taking it nice and slow if you need to rush himself there are still two minutes and plenty of time or Evil Geniuses there is fun going as you would say still controlling from above waiting to drop this might be a bit of a bait-and-switch here from gente as the roamer at the top of me lobby stairs has been droned out Fabien hazard and as soon as young pushes in get back he'll he might see a fight from below no it's not gonna happen very wise from young they are taking way too long to get inside of second floor right now shot a is proving to be a very worthy adversary couple of his bullets rattle in but n BK starts the round off by taking Goga stake his over 90 seconds but Canadian now pounces on shot take and there's three left her pet they have control upstairs inside of VIP and they look like there's still one left for them to dispatch okay and Jonas downstairs Fabien now downstairs as well so they have complete control of that second floor still an x-factor in play from Penta that's Fabien which you pointed out could come from behind and win this round for his team but it's gonna be a very daunting task as DT has such a decisive man advantage thank you now holding inside a bathroom just waiting it out still plenty of time here it's gonna force the defense to be a little bit more scared I'm sure as young opens up this delivery doorway looking for the fight mister final 30 seconds another coup goes down young takes out Yona sit on stairs Fabien though stop site takes out Canadian is he's able to get back in the smoke goes down and you can see young Falls to all of EG is very low so and thank you and Fabien can hold on so build away up the Europeans you hear the timer itself mangu still under pressure will be shut up from two angles in just a moment thank you what a strong man became he gets to valid advantage for eg goes away neck rocks just needs to fight Bobby who will hold on neck cracks no diffuser punch on that point one around from them that's four in a row for Penta and they are poised but moments away in fact from being the new world champions Evil Geniuses has consistently been in a position where they have looked like they are going to fall behind this way if ever one there was a moment to cheer for your team this is it he just looking to hold on they go into the defense of the master this is the pain that we have seen yeah kills so far what a fantastic job from tangu trying to rally his team bring them back behind his banner they'll go upstairs to master where eg has not won on defense at all it will have to buck that trend will have brand new world champions send the crowd home here in Montreal unhappy facing match final setup going down lots of barbed wire trying to protect a back wall inside a master bedroom from VIP as Canadian will ban attract attackers were covered last time around if I remember correctly there were no defenders with any utility being able to take care of that wall and will not make that mistake together Penghu looks like it's right way a couple shots and look like he was yes indeed inches away coming onto the main B window though I'm just gonna open that up if nothing else make evil geniuses think about the angles like Hannah and cannot play got a drawing into vib it's shaping up to be a very typical VIP to be take as they do have a thermite well this last time it was a bit of a struggle here for Penza but overall they've been very successful not a lot of pressure inside of VIP the glass goes in and now I can essentially cut off a push inside of that room from any of the romish great players off of sight he'll wait for the rest of his team in order to get up Jonas's looked like a very good shot so far this game along with Penghu it's benefiting those invent frags when needed grenade gets hurled down inside a bomb site a takes a portion of Young's health more than half of it as the smoke will have to retreat or else beer getting picked away slow fade shot there from shot a he's not trying to risk too much he's used both of his grenades and has done a good portion of damage but now Penta needs to clear the batteries off of the wall so they can throw might their way in that's gonna fall on - looks like Fabian to either use his Twitter own or just go downstairs and shoot open the batteries from below finally they are gone and from behind NBK takes down Yunus a great impact there to establish a flank boga will respond though and vke bites the dust now a four-on-four that they still inside of that VIP the wall has I believe been opened and Fabien trying to clear out this final Romer in the pool table that's neck rocks just waiting for his opportunity defuser is down on the roof did I see that correctly the fuser is down on the roof which means Penta with only 50 seconds left is gonna have to put Penghu if no one else to go and pick that up but be Goga as well shantae is gonna get a kill on the canadian final 45 no neck rocks trades off Fabien still 3v3 Koga will go up to fetch that defuser it takes only about 10 to 15 seconds he's now gonna go back down shot a hitting that shock wire on the wall inside a VIP there waiting for neck rocks to potentially come back to site sitting just above the cool vibe stairs go go rappelling in on to the balcony just outside of Hall of Fame flash rattles off in the background and they're going to have to hurry they are only seconds away from potentially being crowned winners but a big c4 from gogo will blow this wide-open shot a goes up on top of the bed breeds in some toxic cast and will now go for a plant himself how effectively is Penghu going to be able to cover that fire he gets BC can paint you keep going he's look so good paint you with deck rocks takes him down [Applause] they'll get the defuser pets are not taking this just yet [Applause] neck rocks specifically with a deep roam in pool table not popping until the perfect opportunity very well done for him there to come from behind absolutely decimate that attack Penta plated about as well as they possibly could out Yugi displayed it better [Applause] just in case you didn't want a game that was as exciting as this eg staving off elimination for at least one round that's their first successful defense but do so upstairs on master they'll now have to go to another site through earlier on we've seen them go down to kitchen after their first failure of a defense yeah could we see a change there could they Jews hookah and billiards could we see them go down to sunrise or blue bar right now carrying his team is neck rocks he has had an incredible day so far and he has been this story and spotlight has shown him very brightly for Evil Geniuses on the other side a good team effort but Penghu seems to have come back down to where we explore king rose up to what we expected he's not come back down to earth and just mix my metaphors that's okay it happens defending that master projector again the very common balm aesthetic Evil Geniuses don't have a thermite once more which means they cannot come from the IP this is again the final time they've done this they've done it so many times they always attack from the main lobby they always come clear from below and they tried to defang projector before making that sight bush it's a good strategy but it's also kind of a risk is now Penta are so used to this they've not been able to take Fabien out early on they need to be more proficient in their entry this speaks specifically to Canadian and NDK if they're going to do the necessary drone work to try to find those who play off of sight the Valkyrie of Fabian or Fabian rather cannot spend a minute and a half downstairs in order to put that pressure on BC he wondered before why BC wasn't able to do his job effectively it's because the constant looming threat of somebody playing off-site to tie up that loose F and look at the drone work from BC he sees two one in courtyard one sitting just inside of main entrance and to have full control here BC looking for the one tap he gets it eunice goes down and BC absolutely on fire right now he's similar to Nick rocks for eg has been stepping up for his team we're filling the shoes of nvk and tane daeun who did get a 4k earlier today so these these drone just goes right on by and shot a doesn't shoot it they have no idea he's in there but a couple shots go in and here young's DMR in the background laying down some fire a shot a finally gets that drone it's Canadian now as shot a will once again get drone down this time from neck rocks to drones that have been dispatched to find this Jaeger flashes go in not expecting shot eight to have moved and VK will need to win this fight or his team will find themselves and he does fit shot three security as John ting falls off before three members of pentalobe mera from below as that's BC establishing his dominance down in the main lobby exactly where we know him to be and be so comfortable taking out Penghu in a previous round but the mirror is going to be a bit more careful of all of those openings at his feet and BK back on the drone and trying to figure out where the last three defenders are neck rocks on the belt waiting inside of sight they have a numbers advantage and they're not too poorly on time fabien still has not been found out instead of being on the first war he's up in billiards you could potentially get a wonderful flank off Koga goes for a free fire you lose his shield tabali almost a flawless round it's all Fabien he's inside of theater but he's gonna have a lot of bodies to fight through he sees be steel round eg two in a row little Pat's of Defense good we have over time certainly imagine we could is now Evil Geniuses is just gonna have to hold and wait to win this you can see on their faces they are very patient very ready to win this and put it into OT going on to kitchen and first entrance defence now or Evil Geniuses take a look at what we see you'll see it in just a moment as it's not currently on your screen but Penta will run a Montagne and that has been a defense that has not worked effect or that has been a strategy that has not been able to be counter from eg now the kitchen defense has been unsuccessful I believe for both teams so far in this match oh except for no actually I am stand corrected Penta did manage to win one there earlier but Evil Geniuses haven't so they're gonna have to do something and hasn't happened thus far again using that very deep roam over on the west side of the building the double bar Amira set up and they're going to have the same exact thing on that south wall into a good amount of control there for Evil Geniuses not a lot of priority being placed on the b bomb site the last time we saw each ego here they did not really defend the bathroom very much at all this is a perfect site to roll a montane out on it as well they can just simply go in through an open doorway they don't have to really worry but we don't canadian a spot really the glass goes down that'll open things up and eg taking Gamble's that pay off you got to think that'll hurt there push only one set of smokes now and no one can look through them anymore after Eunice goes down that spawn peak right there is about as common as it gets Nady and clearly relying on that fact and units just not checking his corners very negligent without expecting a spot I mean in this point in time that specific angle that's that specific spawn peak is so common you just don't think you'd see it at this level this is as high as it gets when it comes to Rainbow six siege competition and yet basic simple spawn people gonna get the main advantage - eg early on who could control in favor of pensa though as they move their way towards billiards as well look at they were gonna be employing that montane for a to be able to clear out the roamers instead they're just gonna hit sunrise bar it's gonna make them have to expend some of those smoke canisters or even the see fors themselves to stop the push no Penta has not really been baited in fact both Pangu and Fabien have been very proficient at dropping the shield and getting kills when need be on Montaigne as an operon so clearing into the double bar they have established there are no rumours here anymore that's a mirror window that will not aid the defense at all they still have one though in the site I believe it's facing the wrong way so if Penta maneuvers this correctly could be aid or could aid them greatly no in fact it's facing towards the main lobby so eg prioritizing that southeast control which is the opposite of what pent is going for first smoke will go down to stop Peng use assault he'll go to drone as shot I just waited Fabien though very far an all off on his own you've got the Montaigne holding the diffuser that would suggest to me but unless they juggle it'll be him going in backwards to shield up on his back and shoulders trying to get the plant fabien holding down courtyard the bc takes out yoga and EG finds himself quite comfortable Fabien dives in that they stop him [Applause] what a trade there's only Dante can we see over time he starts his comeback with one kill he did not hold the defuser's only 30 seconds six around not a lot of time see a mark that will be a drone still up for Penta trying to gather that information 10 seconds has fallen off of the clock he moves towards the main door there is barbed wire in there that will let AG know what you can see there's only one inside it's the mirror of BC can he return fire [Applause] evil geniuses against all odds down four-two-one have brought it back with three rounds in a row to overtime on the final map of this best-of-five you could see for their faces again they are calm and focused [Applause] go through prep phase underway as Penta starts on defense both teams showing that they can show up on either side attack or defense crowd quiets very quickly as we start could be two rounds away from crowning our champion they'll opt to go upstairs inside of master sight the Penta hasn't it to play comfortable on I'll see if they can make it work for them another time we have no Mira on pentas side of things which means that projector will not be very useful though that makes a lot of sense because the way EG has the flame to counter those mirrors is very efficient and had a good go of it so far BCG if they fall into the same trap as executing the strategy they've done so many times in the site they will likely see a counter a direct left hook from Penta sports that's the risk they have to take though as they still do not have a thermite attacking on to Ed's house and projector pretty incredible to think that in what is match point sending us to overtime you gamble on a spawn peak onto a glass and you win a Canadian wins those that he does they'll attack the delivery doorway first and foremost they'll open it up Canadian positioned on the other side of the map from and VK and I wanted drone work see most of Evil Geniuses right now on their drone gathering Intel at all the whole team rather has looked better over the last couple rounds it's been paying off and BK inside a sunrise bar will grab the footprints and just looking to see expected that one he knew exactly where it was just look right up and took it down Fabien playing as that Valkyrie with his cams has been invaluable to his team so far this match has been able to consistently help his team by placing the attackers in their locations through those camps not to mention and he's been very elusive he's rotated and only been killed very late in the round almost every time on defense seeing Canadian back on Ashe does I think it's still a lot of confidence in his team he is a fantastic Ashe player see if he's able to make something worked for him this round The Jackal still pinging off at the player in billiards and they're gonna spot Ella inside a VIP from below BC still doing an amazing amount of work in this position despite the fact that Pinta has got to be aware of this play right now they have dealt with it now three or four times and BK coming up those main lobby stairs we'll see the shoulder of the Bandit that's the back in fact and he will lay down some fire only putting unis on half HP though not quite a killer also expecting a push from luggage Holloway very careful for nvk here Goga a lot of potential for a run out right now we do have Nick Rox holding the angle as they still know that Goga is in this spot most for a quick peek but they just wait you can see an 80s just by that window to catch any projectile if neck rocks vaults in would be certainly to his doom Canadian though comes out of nowhere left the captain they work together great communication Goga dislodged but Penghu as the vigil just nearby will limit ABC and BK Canadian a rally to away but Penghu comes in he takes that crunch down before retreating himself there's the black beard on the window and now maybe it on the flank to each Canadian has a tiny portion how he holds that diffuser Pangu down Bobby and all alone in theater he sticks the diffuser waits for the audio kick young will need to cover there is a c4 from Fabian he Prime's a Canadian falls off he goes down down will need to get him he has only ten seconds and he enters they will be in a standoff can he get the Valkyrie two seconds young pushes up running at a time neither get it Penta hold on Oh match point Penta that round was well in hand of Evil Geniuses there but they let it go for coverage of his teammates young from the balcony there but that first kill go the initial attempted plan couldn't possibly get the c4 midair that's too much to put on one person and evil geniuses throughout the series has struggled very much with those retakes Penta focusing on that as their main strategy as it's working for them time and time again no matter what the map immediately eg we'll go down to kitchen they will hop for that instead of master maybe trying to shake up pentas operator choices knowing now this is a site that they have fared well on master has been the shake here of two so far for Evil Geniuses they're gonna be running a rook are we gonna see Canadian go for that spawn peak again we'll find out soon enough I seriously doubted but it would be quite interesting that's for sure yet the game on the line and the Gamble's last time have paid off and that's something that they will be looking for Penta alerted to this position gonna just hide their drones and simply wait no reason to expend them this early on but you know where you're gonna push find the operators out and use it later when they're far more valuable if some defense going to be a difficult one for evil geniuses they made it work last time but very narrow area he despawned be coming up over my ruins nobody over pike canadian he really wants this win so much so that he's gonna take every risky possibly can nearly avoiding death their shot they on the windows not gonna hit his shots the hope of North America keeping the World title in Montreal Nonna's continuing when they want last time around a name change and some roster changes very few control over aqua here in favor of Penta now this is where neck rocks clutched out the last time the defense was in penthouse so Penta trying to deny that position as much as possible stacking up two defenders inside of sunrise bar if there was a push through bathroom or even through one of the walls in kitchen they would have to find themselves funneling in through one doorway it could be a daunting prospect for them and end up resulting in an easy hold for Penta if Penta moves down those blue stairs they will also establish a denial of the rotation for these two roamers they'll only be able to use that rotation hole into the other bar but it's very dangerous as it's not directed at the site and expend a lot of time or Penta a lot of caution as we eclipse the 92nd into the round one drone for shot a will help him as he tries to clear out he's now got booster this who said they have would be cut off control the onus doesn't fire from above slow going here for Penta one round a single minute possibly away from winning this out evil geniuses again prioritizing that main lobby it's not working out for them so far Canadian goes down I single there from Goga expecting that hold the I GL and captain off of the board advantage Penta with one minute to go they've got control from above they'll now drop still inside of sunrise you saw that there were two members of Defense now they've got two playing over by security sunrise has been completely forfeit if you want blue bar as well they have very smartly circled back fabien is on flank watch from above you can extend one down but Wow and BK eliminates yonus and that smoke you cannot see through amidst the smoke you can see the plant going down Bobby against neck rocks who goes on the flank shot a uncontested diffuser goes down now EG will need to retake the site but young trading off Koga Fabia takes on BK doubt PC it's 2-2 it's Penghu and fabien left two of the best known players on that the cap the sufficient Fragger fabien down its Pangu the ass just waved my rather the Havanna just waiting now look to push together the diffuser in a position where they'll have to see when the Habano goes through one will cover the doorway as they start to diffusion and you go through one on the yellow the second in the world that were having that distinction until today pets are nor world champions the second invitation [Music] fantastic take there from heads-up feel elated the most wins now of any team including a whole world championship people geniuses just let it split by an inch [Music] amount up two feet cloth back for two one tie it up into overtime heartbreak if
Channel: Rainbow Six Esports
Views: 6,448,379
Rating: 4.6625571 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: lIz3xQStjcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 24sec (11904 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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