THAT WASN'T GOOD! - The Mental Side Of Flying - Episode 15

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Applause] all right make sure has been set I am holding the brakes oil pressure is good asgonics are on flaps are up mixture is leaned I'm clear left all right knowing that I've done solos before I know that the plane's gonna feel a little bit different without Matt in it all right so the plan was to take off from 2-2 but out to the river and turn eight Southeast that's changed so now we are going to add Northeast our Runway heading 3500 and then depart to the multipart to the east actually we'll depart to the southeast to then intercept a track okay parking brake doors and windows locked push locked and pushed uh like trolls are free 500 altitude and correct fuel quantity is good mixture I will lean in everything is in the green and good and then theater panel has no issues and throttle to idle and nobody's behind me so I my time Claremont County 2386 Victor is departing Runway four will depart the pattern to the southeast Clermont County I will slow taxi up I am actually going to do a soft feel takeoff all right wheel is so oh I was up Full Throttle nose up higher there clamor County Traffic Rider [Applause] my airspeed up toes up [Applause] ivy [Applause] a little messy a little messy a little bit more [Applause] all right router I mean to 2400 pattern altitude to depart I am shaking as I always do very shocking and surreal that I am flying by myself all right practice is one two two seven bow one two two seven five oh all right so we'll swap over Clermont County practice area 2386 Victor is 3600 tracking South East heading over East Fork Lake practice area okay so okay Clermont County practice uh Scott five three one five Echoes over top the old four plaster away from where 5 500 so we're gonna track four wait a minute all right so I do have somebody at my altitude 536 they are Papa um a little bit about the Bethel Trucking southbound at 3500 Fairmont okay so that's the guy I gotta watch out for I'm chasing him so weird okay So the plan to use for chart and to use timers kind of went out the window I will still do a modified uh chart attempt two um I'll write down my points and see what goes from there I believe we are just west of Bethel all right timer's gonna stop we're gonna do 258. doing my checkpoints as a go all right so I've got facing this guy but we're good traffic is good grandma practice about five miles to the north of Felicity um at 3500 tracking southbound Claremont all right so they're at Felicity tracking South I am on my heading all right Cruz power is set mixture is set Landing light is on and is good so we're still waiting on weather I'm going to go ahead and pin Runway two five so I'm now tracking normal so Felicity now go back to my actual waypoints logo clear okay before the northeast of Delaware it's a little off but we'll do this to Augusta Russ is going to be off our right which is right there so there's one person in the pattern right now so it's really weird increase lighting the plane without that just having to do it on my own power plants it's a slightly different experience you're still doing the same thing but at the same time you're you're having to make sure that you're doing it yourself nobody's there to check behind you so I'd say about Washington right before Washington is when we'll start our descent so I only have to go a thousand feet I end up doing a teardrop Midfield cross teardrop downwind entry for two five all right so the wind is saying one three zero so it is actually it is still I've never landed on seven before nobody seems to be in the pattern which is fantastic so how should I determine I don't want to come in at a 45 and just Slam in because I've never done this airport before um Fleming Mason 2386 Victor is going to enter an extended 45 downwind for Runway seven for me Nathan all right let's start getting down so Washington is off my left I'm actually gonna bring my mixture in go ahead and set that so for The Descent I've got whether I am working on power I'm setting my mixture my mixture is about set the altimeter is set feels like there is still on full but I'm going to set my timer at 5 50 for Washington all right Fifth and clear and enter this one sorted but that's okay um I'm going to keep heading a little bit left while I'm descending 2400 Chloe Mason 2386 Victor 2700 designing a 2400 about five miles to the Northwest blooming Mason all right I see the field I am I make the field I've made the field I'm gonna go ahead and do a flyover and just do a Midfield pass uh it's gonna make me feel more comfortable so that I can establish how I want to enter um seven since I'm so close we'll be amazing 2386 Victor is going to do a Midfield cross and enter a uh an extended 45 downwind for Runway seven with Columbia Mason all right I've made the airport probably not the taught way to do this but it's a way that I am familiar with I know that I can cross Midfield at 2400 and be safe No Matter What side I am Crossing on um seems that nobody is in the pattern that's not guaranteed but as of right now I look like I'm the only one here two miles out and then start my turn left I'm gonna go ahead and do my turn since I'm at two staying at 2400. all right down all right 20. running base let me amazing two three eight six Victor turning left base Runway seven flipping Mason obstacle swimming amazing two three eight six Victor turning final Runway seven Fleming Mason five minutes oh the notes didn't come up but that was a soft Landing all right so I'm gonna keep going all right I'm clear so now it's still shaking for the record I am not shaking because I'm terrified I am shaking because I am nervous a little bit but I am also shaking because it is extra surreal that I am doing this by myself I'm actually going to taxi in here for a quick minute and let this guy go I believe he's gonna go on to the runway so I'm gonna give him away so I can take my time I can hear Matt screaming at me or right Rudder on that soft you'll take off so something that I'm going to focus on on this one is more right rudder and scream it at myself as you guys can tell I am so much more relaxed um I don't know if I'm more confident um I am I am more confident I'm more confident it's just new um it's a new thing it's Gonna Fly by yourself and get used to it you're so used to having somebody in that right seat and of course I'm used to having somebody at least next to me for so long that is this is a very new and different experience so it feels weird right I believe that guy tucks you back to his hangar so I'm gonna go ahead and set up for Runway seven blooming Mason two three eight six Victor taking off of Runway four going into part to the Northwest let me Mason all right Full Throttle right Rudder goes up right Rudder that was up all right better goes down [Applause] goes down [Applause] right now [Applause] that's because my window's open every time [Applause] Georgetown traffic here we'll go 1500 to the uh and above I will turn back pattern is 24 then I will turn Northwest I'm extremely disappointed in myself for leaving my window open Julie gonna stay to the left of my course because of his power plant Stacks I've leaned probably enough let it settled at 34 and a half those Smoke Stacks all right I don't see any traffic around me South practice 2386 Victor is just North of higginsport 3500 Trucking Northwest South practice they practice Scarlet 18 is over the new bridge headed back to state state practice all right so there's East Fork Lake there's the Purina chow chow plant I'm gonna kind of head a little bit towards the lake I don't see any traffic around me so without Matt getting in this city my wing keeps dropping because of the weight indifference all right so we're assuming that they're still on four because the winds are one four zero so once we get to about the lake I will go ahead and call last call for practice and then I will call up Claremont County and see what's going on there so today's flight was just a simple pilotage solo flight it was just another short cross country to start getting prepared for the longer cross-countries and just building solo time climate County practice area 2386 Victor 3500 two miles to the south of the East Fork Lake heading back into Clermont County I'm a kind of practice it's something I feel all right flop over now we'll start listening so I do need to get down go ahead and get down now all right in The Descent I've got my weather I've got my power once I do this turn then I will reaffirm my power I'm at 23 so let me get my altitude power mixture mixture is in oh well picture is set altimeter is set fuel selector is still ample Landing light is on approach breathing so climber County 2386 Victor is at the Red Roof Southeast coming in for a Midfield teardrop downwind for a runway for Clermont County I'm setting up for a Midfield at 2300 that's right 23 because we're down 100 feet so good I'm set so about traffic Crossing Midfield four birds are lined up 2386 sector Crossing midfield for a teardrop right downwind entry Runway four Clermont County all right we're half a mile out so we're gonna keep going to about two miles then we're gonna start our turn all right let me make sure we're Landing passenger breathing seat belts fuel selectors on mobile mixture is in abs are up Landing light on autopilot all right so about 23 I am 1.2 I don't see anybody else in the pattern start my turn and start down to 1800 I'm actually going to pull back some power but I'm not Square that's part of my issue I'm at flaps 10. I need to pitch for 85. Fairmont County Airport automated weather observation one six zero zero Zulu weather wins one two zero at four visibility one zero one two zero okay so coaching for 85 already got flaps 10. my power is back I'm gonna have a weird a weird face here so I'll go ahead and go flaps 20. Clement County 2386 Victor left base Runway four coming honey 2386 Victor final Runway four Summit County I'm pulling out more power but I gotta pay for 65. bring your gears down I'll go idle check your landing gear Greg I was hot great not great not great Clement County 2386 Victor clear runway for climate County that sucks that was horrible [Music]
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 98,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATC, flying, Flight VLOG, Flying Experience, pilot vlog, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, whyifly, florida flying, flyingsic, aviatrix, girls fly, hot wife, sportys, sportys pilot shop, sportys academy, solo cross country, student pilot, cessna, cessna 172, learning to Fly
Id: hxbvRksd2DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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