Fly with me over Lake Tahoe: Debi's Debut

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] o [Music] seats position and lock seat belts are fastened parking brake is set feet are at the top of the pedals all avionics are off everything looks good go and put that in the neutral position circuit breakers check all in everything looks good landing gear handle is secure landing gear handle is back here which is secure landing gear confirmed down down let's see flaps up cow flaps are open light switches as required uh fuel selector is on the fullest tank battery and alternator on since it's cold we're going to go ahead and put the throttle all the way open mixture is going to come all the way Rich down here fuel pump is coming on until fuel pressure Peaks there's Peak we're going to go ahead and turn it off heel pump off let's go ahead and put throttle slight finish and start clear sound is good in the cockpit everything looks good cylinder head EGT all looks normal flaps on go ahead and turn on our nav lights Landing light is okay we'll go ahead and put our flaps up okay lean immediately engine monitors as we checked weather and flight planning breaks instruments okay we are on the seop on our Comm one here weather's two so let's go ahead and listen D point- 9er C altimeter 3 0 0 6 Ines of mercury density altitude 6 2 0 0 2 0 0 Tahoe Airport automated weather observation 2 2 0 Zulu wind variable at six knots visibility more than 1 Z Sky condition clear below 12,000 temperature 1 Niner c d point0 there we go okay talking come on traffic radio check loud and clear thank you all right all that learning your taxi braks are good air speed is rating zero attitude indicator is level turn coordinator acting normally heading indicator looks Norm I'm gonna have to reset it here real quick looks good I'm very excited to take you guys on my very first filmed flight here with Debbie it's a Tuesday here at Minden airport and I'm excited to take you guys on a special flight I live here near the Lake Tahoe area so today I'm going to take you guys around the lake is on the border of Nevada in California the most gorgeous Lake I've ever been to it's unlike any other traffic w15 November Charlie taxway 34 via Charlie minute and it's already hot out here today summer is coming I'm really happy to be filming with my new nflight uh set up here they give me an audio cable a GoPro uh for my wing tip so I get to get those wing tip shots for you guys as well as a bunch of other fun little um pieces of gear to help me film while I'm flying and I'm also very happy to have a sentry with me I bought the one that has um carbon monoxide monitoring it has a backup like attitude system so in case any of my instruments fail I can actually back up to that should I need to and most importantly it also has active traffic which it's really nice to be able to see the traffic around you not only you know keeping my eyes outside but also on the screen of my phone using for flight it also has realtime weather so just a major safety Improvement for my airplane speaking of improvements Debbie goes in for her first upgrades coming up here in the beginning of June and number one between some just like fun upgrades I wanted for myself she is getting shoulder harnesses so um they are quite expensive to put into an airplane however um I think it's worth it I'm going to spend the money to have shoulder harnesses so that's the number one major impr okay before takeoff parking breake is set radios we checked pressure looks good we're on the fullest tank so bottle looks good fuel pump check off off is down bottle 1700 RPM I'm going to go ahead and enrichen it a little bit because I had it leaned for taxi all right bringing it up to 1,700 right there's 1,700 I'm going to lean for Peak Performance there's the drop you can kind of see it on my RPM and you can hear it right first one RPM drop manifold pressure went up now I'm looking at my oil pressure stay in the green just a little bit of a drop now looking for Splash off my nose everything looks good color is good magnet is I'm going to check my left now looking at my RPMs here get drop right around 50 back up oh there's off and back over to my right which is right around 50 all right good my magnetos are working as they should I want to make sure my trim is set making sure my trim is set all right trim is set Aeron is neutral flaps are up making sure they're up indicator is in neutral doors windows secured controls check bring it all the way over to my left bring it all the way over to the right feels okay we're going to put throttle to full once we line up on the runway we're going to check our engine instruments we're rotating at 70 knots that's also going to be our approach speed 75 over the numbers climb out is going to be 100 knots and we're going to put our Gear Up When there's no longer any Runway remaining and positive rate we're going to set our power and prop making sure I'm clear base to final looks good AGD CHT look traffic citation jet one7 P angles holding short 3 four ready forart sequence minut traffic w15 member Charlie departing Runway 3 all right I got him in [Music] sight all right hold [Applause] [Music] [Music] power all right let's bring our power back and prop coming back off the red line traffic w15 November Charlie left cross okay just just turned my left down with for 34 6,600 climbing up for 9,500 and I'm going to go over Kingsbury grade so I just climbed up to 9,500 I've been circling the just south of menen is kind of the best way to get up here and now I'm going to head westbound over kingsberry pass to Lake Tahoe traffic w15 Charli about 8 miles to the south of the field 9,500 heading westbound over Kingsbury grade minute all right picking up some speed going down a little bit we're going to hang out at 9,500 and it is a gorgeous day everything looks good on my gauges got myself set at about 18 in of manifold pressure and I'm doing right about 11 gallons an hour which is awesome we're doing I'm doing about 130 indicated as you can see Kingsbury grade is just in front of me it's kind of over here to the north of heavenly which is a ski resort I really love to go to and it's also kind of the terrain dip so that's where I usually make the passing over to Lake Tahoe 9,500 is a good altitude gives you enough clearance there's two passes you can use coming from the East over here over to the west and that's Kingsbury grade which is to the south of the lake and Spinner Summit is to the north we going to make one more check of all of my instruments before I pass over Kingsbury and what's good about Mountain flying is you always want to leave yourself an out so I had any problems coming over this grade here I can actually dive back to down into the valley in bendon that will be our plan and then as we get closer to the lake you can always ditch in the lake Which is less desirable Than Just landing at South Lake so that is the plan we have any emergencies all right looking for traffic I don't see anyone I'm going to make one last call Traffic w15 Charlie 9,500 heading westbound over Kingsbury grade last call minute all right I'm going to switch over to Tahoe which is 12285 a traffic deb5 November Charlie 9,500 hiding westbound over Kingsbury gray then we're going to be circling the lake clockwise Tahoe all right going over the mountains we can get some bumps here and I'm going to leave my Cal flaps open even though I'm in Cruise just cuz my temps are still looking a little hot I'm just going to close them now that'll give us a little more speed less drag and see the lake in front of us and still no traffic that I'm seeing it all looks good so ready for boating season and just in front of me I can see South Lake and State Line a few bumps so 130 knots is my maneuvering speed for this airplane so I'm going to go ahead and slow down a little bit to achieve 130 knots there's South Lake and I don't see any traffic departing out of the airport here wow how pretty beautiful day and look at that water it's so blue there's approaches into South Lake that lead you kind of around the lake so I'm going to make sure I don't see anyone coming over the lake as well and we are nice trimmed down I'm going to circle over Emerald Bay for you guys for a moment which is one of my favorite places to go in the boat there's some beautiful hikes here you can actually see it off of my left wing right now going to make sure I'm clear everything looks [Music] good I've seen the Stars only you [Music] of absolutely gorgeous I love over Emerald Bay that's always a treat and just having a really nice time I absolutely love making this kind of my exercise run for Debbie and I this is about my 10th to 11th flight in Debbie so far I wanted to make sure I got to know my airplane before I added cameras to the equation and I also did the ABS American Bonanza Society course as well Tahoe traffic w15 November Charlie 9,500 just coming up on Tahoe City circling the lake clockwise Tahoe we always want to make calls around the lake just to make sure everyone knows where we are and where we're going and I'm coming up on trucky which is a pretty popular airport so I always want to make sure I'm looking this mountain range over here make sure that there's no aircraft coming up over and into the Tahoe area through there I'm approaching Incline Village which is where I used to live for about 3 months so over last summer I lived in Incline Village near the beach and then I moved down to the South Reno area with my family just a little bit about me my name is Haley herberg you know me as fly with Haley and I am a flight instructor with about 12200 hours and a commercial multi-end engine single engine land uh license flying for about four years now and it's been a dream of mine ever since I got my student pilot license to own an airplane so it's really come full circle Tahoe traffic wb15 November Charlie 9,500 overflying Incline Village circling the lake clockwise Tahoe oh I love this airplane this is such a fun airplane and I'm going to go ahead and switch my fuel tank to the right tank and let's make sure fuel flow still looks good and everything else looks normal and I'm going to go ahead and actually bring back the mixture a little more we can do a little less than this doing 11 gallons all right we're coming up on Spooner so checking there making sure there's no traffic over there I'm going to swing my wings a little bit perfect and hying along this is a very special flight I'm glad I you know got you guys with me up here and I'm happy this is my first flight with you guys in dubby and really she is just a beautiful airplane like very wellb built you know for rate it's a fast airplane when I want it to be and it can go nice and slow fuel efficient if I want it to be fuel efficient that is great I've almost completed my circle and our tour of Lake Tahoe and going forward I would love to show you guys some of my favorite spots to um hang out here cuz there's really just amazing hiking camping there's so many boating activities in the winter there's multiple like really really fun ski resorts that I personally I love to ski I'm a skier yeah and it's it's actually a huge Lake like it's a high Alpine Lake I mean I'm 9,500 and I maybe have like 2,000 ft cleance you know so it's pretty high up here and um there's also a lot of really fun rivers from the snow Mount to float we call it floating a river and you just basically grab a tube and some beer and float down the river and that's a lot of fun as well and another cool part about this area is that's actually a ton of Hot Springs like there's hot sprs everywhere and there's also a lot of fun Backcountry flying places um including like dry lake beds there's geysers you can fly over and I'll have to do a flight with you guys flying over um The Pyramid Lake geyser I also want to land Debbie in the dirt so we will be seeing that eventually there's a lot of like I said Dry Lake beds with really like compact you know surfaces good for Debbie to land on and obviously you know long enough my airplane to land into take off on all right coming up to Kingsbury great again this is where it gets a little tricky you don't want to shot cool your engine cuz we're going to have to descend pretty fast here Tahoe traffic w15 November Charlie 9,500 about to cross over to about to cross over to the east over to MN and my you can hear my wonderful like 30-year-old radio just cut out a little bit so this could use a little tuning it doesn't happen often but sometimes it'll just cut out in the middle of transmission and it's really annoying so old airplane for you plenty of upgrades to make okay going to to mendance frequency which is 1 two three 0 five traffic B15 M Charlie 9,500 crossing over Kingsbury grade they're entering on a left 45 for the down one Runway 34 Minute crossing over Kingsbury grade now checking your engine gauges one more time everything is performing nicely and let's look for traffic they're kind of going up a little bit so I'm actually going to start a gentle descent this is also where it gets a little bumpy it's good to be in maneuvering speed I don't want to shock cool my cylinders as well this is kind of where I kind the m and dive it's where you can dive down from the mountains cuz you're so high up here go ahead and trim up sending nicely I'm at 95 I'm going to swing around to the left over here and enter on a 45 for the down one from M all right let's keep our descent coming binder head temperatures are right around 300 so that's still okay Cal flaps are closed everything looks good traffic W5 member Charlie just over Kingsbury grade 8,000 300 descending down for 5,700 going be entering on a 45 for the left down way 34 minut a little more power so's happy also swing your gear as well as speed break coming down nicely a little bit of bumps there's always little bumps coming down through here about 140 take my power back even more down to 700 just a little bit more to go and that looks good all righty we are [Applause] 6,600 I've got another airplane over here in sight traffic Charlie on the 45 to the leftway 34 minutes another airplane looks like he's above me good for traffic 5,700 Perfect Right of I'm entering traffic pattern I don't see the guy over there traffic helicopter 202 Delta Fox is green and white Hy about 3 miles to the southeast and down for landing northwest corner of the Airfield let's go ahead and swing our gear Gear swinging and gear confirmed down gear confirmed down let's do our preing checklist at 100 knots right now so gas is on full tanks Lights under Carriage mix sure is set I'm going to bring in a little barri bring my poers already back I can bring my prop full forward all right I can do my first nacho flaps I'm in the white Arc come over here let's do 10° flap there it is traffic that be left base 3 stop they don't have a helicopter in sight a little bar a little high I want to be 75 over these numbers and I've got the helicopter in sight do my second of flaps I actually have to look at my flap for the indication it out even more fo thank you are you going to do a touch and go or full stop for all right flaps doctor got out of the way for me and this is the land of Crosswinds all right don't want to get too slow looking here bring my myse high traffic helicopter 202 Delta box is crossing Runway 346 coming up I am hot hot hot flops coming open light off and trim ahead and put back to zero traffic Charli clearing way 34 at Charlie the taxing to the Southwest hangers [Music] H and that concludes our short but sweet flight over Lake Tahoe and Debbie's debut flight so thanks so much for flying along with me I really appreciate the support and I'll see you next time honey I just want to come man are heavy [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Hayley Herberg
Views: 25,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gtrh1fjuscE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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