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flying into class bravo airports can be quite intimidating especially if you've never done it before but if you break it down it actually can be a lot easier in many ways well for example fly spotting traffic is a lot easier as well the planes are a lot bigger finding the airport and the runways well that's a lot easier because they're a lot longer what may be the most difficult and intimidating part of the entire flight is actually once you're safely on the ground in trying to navigate the taxiways to your fbo well if you like these videos be sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe button biggest comment we can receive is your subscription to the channel and be sure to ring that bell for notifications also if you haven't already stop by our website at check out some great aviation merchandise and if you don't already follow us on social media you can follow me on twitter instagram and facebook at beachbearingpilot and you can follow kim at flying sic [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] uniform time one five five three zero weather wind 160 at six visibility one zero sky conditions three thousand scattered 3800 scattered temperature 3-1 2.23 altimeter two niner niner niner visual approaches in use to runway two two notice this term in runway one five three three triple clones that's set times two expecting runway two two so i'll go ahead and put my heading bug on two two ground bearing three one seven five whiskey i'd like to pick my ifr to tampa uh tango papa alpa whiskey brown papaya airport raider breakthrough to join richard 35 direct saint pete direct destination maintain two thousand six six thousand in ten minutes departure frequency one two five point one five squat four seven two one clear two tampa radar victors join victor 35 saint pete direct two thousand six thousand one zero minutes one two five one five and four seven two one baron three one seven five number seven five whiskey rebecca okay let's go ahead and we'll set 2 000 and our altitude bug so we're going to read it just join victor 35 saint pete so actually let's take a quick look at this so here's victor 35 so the first waypoint on victor 35 is charo which is actually what i put in so let's do charo t-h-a-r-o 3-0 and then we're going to join victor 35. which is p-i-e and then go ahead and activate that play plan all right activate [Music] okay so we've got all this set this is going to be a short flight because we're pretty close and it's going to be pretty active all right so we'll come to the fourth flight we'll go ahead and load from panel that's all in there let's go and pre-load our airport tpa tampa international i'm going to go ahead and put the taxiways there now we can actually get the digital aetus it's one of the perks of flying into a class bravo airport is we can get the digital atis the ground before we leave since we're so close i'll actually get it here but we can with the air techs we can also get it in the air if we're going on a long trip so i actually already have the digital eight is for tampa see it's another cool feature about four flight is that if you just zoom into the airport you're on i actually have a taxi diagram right here groundbreaking three one seven five whiskey with uniform at the two hundred hangers taxi to two foxtrot delta charlie alpha cross one five baron three one seven five whiskey three one seven by whiskey pinewood tower runway two two fly runway heading cleared four take off win one four zero at seven two two clear for takeover heading all right runway heading to two thousand we are clear left i see the traffic on the right take my time because we're going to catch him quick so i want to see him make his turn he's a vfr northbound northbound of course he is that's why we're going we're hitting and we need him to turn there i think he's beginning his turn right there all right cage is in the grain [Music] your speed is live fuel [Music] whiskey you can turn right and direct to charo and maintain two thousand traffic just west of the field there one thousand feet will be turning northbound past behind that traffic all right drink charo and have the traffic in sight sound that was good all right directing territory of aaron three one seven five whiskey one thousand climbing two thousand turning direct charo six thousand seven hours you know what since i was maintained oh thank you very much i appreciate it we've got a fantastic next month to do a little tour here uh hopefully oh i'm gonna have to reach out to greg and see if we can uh protect you now absolutely [Music] yeah yeah craig you've just been sold out bud just want you to know you just got sold out maintained six thousand now thank you six thousands if i was good thank you traffic one o'clock at three miles northbound outside indicates two thousand look at the traffic level three and seven five wishes i think so wins uh one three zero one two now i guess to one six um i'll see if we can get you into runway one zero but you can probably playing one nine right for now i'll play one nine right for now and hope for one zero zero hey i wanna take a quick second uh to show you guys that um we were in the twin and turbine magazine so if you don't get twin turbine be sure to check it out there's a great little article on our channel baron pilot and it was written by dale smith and dale smith is a fantastic writer so i am honored to be in this magazine i have with great company people like greg from premiere on driver max from citation max kevin from 310 pilot so i am honored to be in the magazine and i'm honored to be in a great company so flying into class bravo airports can be pretty intimidating there's a lot going on there's a lot of planes a lot of traffic wake turbulence all kinds of good stuff but you'll notice in this flight that atc does their to [Music] for you and for them because you know let's be honest you know we we mess things up when we fly in the classroom airspace when you've got airplanes at the slowest they can go is often faster than some of the g8 plants can fly with that being said though there's no reason to be afraid of it or not or avoid them if that's where you want or need to go larger class probably airports tend to have multiple runways they usually have some sort of contingency plan to try to put us in so if it's on your bucket list you know like martin uh polly then go ahead and feel free to to attempt it just make sure you're comfortable with keeping your speeds up if you need to for approaches because often you keep your speed up and just know though that typically you've got plenty of runways so even if you have to keep your speed up that you'll often have 10 000 feet of runways which is more than enough to build yourself slow down and get yourself in yeah i'm definitely excited to see martin uh complete his hobby as he calls it i think that would be a blast this is my first time definitely flying into a class bravo curious this is not my first time but it is my first time in the baron so um this is a new thing for me as well so welcome to our first surprise everything is four thousand four thousand seven seven three juliet descend and maintain two thousand seven maintain two thousand citation triple seven three four thousand i bring the power back i'm gonna slow down first before we start our descent since we got all these little florida buildups going on here we've also got some cool new keychains that i am proud to uh announce we have uh beach life and we have flight crew keychains that you can pick up on or you can get one of them for free if you join our patreon at patreon.compilot and depending on which tier you sign up for you actually can uh receive one of those for free i put them on everything oh i've got them on my bags i got them on my backpack i got them in my suitcase i got them on keys they're fantastic i could not convince christopher to put it on his plane keys no did not put him on my playing piece only because i've got a very um sentimental keychain which actually has an airplane on it and a globe i did put on there only for that reason otherwise i'd gladly have mine like one of the airplanes that i do fly it is on this those keys it is 500 to go are you gonna be right at these bases or just below them so we have some exciting videos coming up we've got a trip planned up to tennessee and uh possibly carolina's miami center so i'm looking forward to sharing that with you and bringing you guys along for that so be sure to uh have hit that subscribe button and ring that bell and as you guys probably know by now um youtube is not giving notifications like they used to in terms of emails and stuff so you'll have to log into your youtube account either via the app or on the website to uh to keep an eye out but know that i usually i always post on a saturday morning to youtube and typically i try to do every saturday or worst case every other saturday so when you wake up saturday morning go go and tune in check it out i've already been on three one seven five weeks you were right at these bases any chance we get a little low three thousand three thousand traffic off your right side about to level up for a uh e170 all right three six zero and looking for chopping stuff yeah i see him right there on like he's coming through these clouds and are they gonna try to put me in a one zero or two uh one nine right i think i think i can get the left down it'll be a left down window runway uh one zero i'll expect the left down to one zero and turning three four zero on the heading so if i was start slowing down fields over our left we're getting bounced around pretty good five two we're checking on seven thousand so go ahead and load up is get all that traffic now this is one of the downsides to flying into a mosque it's because there's so much traffic often you can't get routed out of your way so you definitely would not want to come in with minimal fuel i mean there's just so many of them right here i still wonder if they're gonna try to have us do one zero maybe any conflicting information yeah i don't think they are i think they're [Music] unless they're that's what we're gonna do we're gonna go on the big boy runway we're big boys i'm a big kid now i got the power pull back to 20 inches of manifold slow down 145 knots well within our boats and gear speed i see uh looks like southwest airlines right off our left wing and low i can't that's that guy right there is southwest we should be getting a turn any minute now i don't really see anything keeping them from turning us topic wise this guy fighting two zero zero are you still up on my frequency two zero zero and still on your frequency seven five whiskey seven five whiskey contact approach 119 point niner one one niner point nine are simplified whiskey tamper approach pattern three one seven five whiskey three thousand turning to a two zero zero heading ten left four telemike number seven five whiskey do you have camp inside half tampa inside sample one zero clear land separation all right i gotta get down that's just warning me because i have the power too far back and i don't have my gear down yet that's because i'm trying to go down and slow down so let me pull back and say slam this in get below 154 knots let's go flaps approach one two three four five all right let's go gear down get some drag out help get us down without picking up our speed lights on all right pull the power back get into the white arc no pops land five hundred five hundred feet we were three green flaps land clear land autopilot is away o'clock altitude unavailable less than one mile altitude unavailable nice all right thank you signature welcome to tampa international baron 3175 whiskey's first last bravo landing at least first since i've owned it hope you guys enjoyed this flight as always if you like these videos hit that thumbs up subscribe button because compliment we can receive is your subscription the channel ring that bell for notifications if you like these videos we got a lot going on a lot planned as i mentioned earlier we got trips to tennessee and carolina coming so you don't want to miss out favorite stuff is coming we're at secret stuff all right guys as always until next time stay safe and we'll see you on the next one bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 143,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IFD550, Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Flight VLOG, IFR Flight, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, pilot vlog, avidyne, IFD, IFD100, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife, aspen avionics, Aspen E5, IFD540, maxviz camera, florida flying, flyingsic, Class B airport, Class Bravo Airport, TPA, Tampa airport
Id: xBiC-cIPzSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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