My WORST Landing After Diverting

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[Music] [Music] six six one we're headed to st augustine today there's some weather uh on the northern side of florida so we're racing to get to saint augustine seems like a common theme on this channel but there's a high probability that we're not going to make st augustine and we're going to probably have to divert to flagler but fingers crossed that that does not turn out to be the case but we'll see i mean i think it'll be funner for them if we divert uh not for me tower brand three one seven five whiskey old and sure tonight echo number three one seven five whiskey to get a character enough taking three one five nine o'clock for takeoff that's uh assessments on the right downwind for runway one three left three one five runway nine clear for takeoff all right we are clear left we are clear right door is closed i see niner lights on wind is off all right this is going to be probably a little turbulent you ready ready [Music] all right power reset fuel flow air speed is alive 84 knots [Music] how's it great look at how it's pushing us [Music] so see what i'm doing here is i'm crabbing so that way we stay over this the runway that princess yes i can barely see yeah all right 400 feet make the turn left to three one five november seven five contact miami approach have a good day i would approach good day all right departure burn three one seven five whiskey 800 climbing 2000 turning to 315 ready microphone contact cloud maintain 3 000 and contact departure at one two six point zero five three thousand and one two six zero five samples over all right departure baron three one seven five whiskey one point two climbing three thousand turning into a three one five heading four two one seven five whiskey departure roger it is a musty day yes it is there we go 100 to go number three whiskey climb and maintain seven thousand seven thousand i'll take over comms if you think it would be too crazy you outcomes come to yours i think you got it icoms here comes climbing a 7 000. november 7 whiskey right heading zero actually make it three six zero for now three six zero three six years have five whiskey oh that's good i was trying to concentrate on whether or not i needed to stay right but about where i was yeah if it's obvious like right obviously is right here and they want to have to go left then that's you know that's when i i'm specific about it when it's like that's the closest way then yeah then i just palm beach approach baron 3175 whiskey five thousand for seven thousand on three six zero heading all right three one seven five palm beach approach palm beach number three zero zero zero zero six seven five whiskey i deviate left for brother planning three six zero vectors from the weather [Music] intersection victor alpha lima kilo alpha and then direct thing augustine maintain seven thousand for now expect eight thousand within one zero minutes current heading direct expect direct volta then say augustine seven 000 and expect 80010 minutes so i would just be advised north upon least expect some vectors towards the north northwest around weather along the shoreline that extends uh the northern edge of the beans bureau beach and then it's pretty clear north of that roger that at this point i would think uh either three three zero or beyond from here or i can go out of the water whatever is easier for both you guys actually if you uh the present heading will keep you east of the weather that's northwest of palm beach and then as you get a little closer towards stuart uh we could take you more northwest uh and then towards that cleft intersection that tangle root northbound all right we'll keep an eye see what's what's directly here in front of me and we'll see what happens when i get past that i was just providing deviations so that right is that is this right in front of me the good news is it looks like it's it's only this right here so no it's not this it's that darker right there right right which looks like even though we're hitting this build up right behind it is what's the issue not this build up in front of it correct okay although i think that looks like it's the green i'm going to ask for 10 right i think because i'm getting a little too close yeah [Music] probably sports 3175 whiskey 7 000 on the vector we're actually like 10 riper buildup 3175 with the 10 degree degrees right says approved for weather when able fly heading 360 on advise all right turn right one able three six zero will of eyes thank you i always pick the worst times to do comms i'm like let's get my skills up and then i'm like wait what this it's actually the best time to get your skills up i know but but because it's south florida it's so busy and it just like yeah you still don't know and understand everything that's happening and then they get fast and then i get flustered well if you're okay being wrong right and just calling it then i'm gonna let you do comps might be a little bump right here coming out of it i did i kicked this out yeah so i'm gonna ask you the shoreline yeah i i don't worry i know they're trying to get us cutting through this but i either got to go way that way right now or like let me ask palm beach real quick palm beach van three what's up post i'm sorry i left calling sagan three one seven five whiskey just wondering are you gonna be okay with me going out over the shoreline or are you gonna be trying to cut me in in order to hand you off i do need you west at the shoreline okay then can i get like a three three zero heading from here four seven five whiskey uh eight percent fly heading three three zero when able proceed direct wix if you have that do you have wix uh all right three three zero one able i do not have wix it uh they just gave me a valk a minute ago but uh he spoke with it for me thank you all right this will work because this will put us into that pocket and this weather's moving to the east this keeps us behind it right now all right we've got enough of a pocket fun fun welcome to the weather series holy crap i forgot about this stuff it feels like it's been forever since summer oh my gosh it's not even summer yet oh my gosh all right fun fun look at all this so this is the stuff rushing to saint augustine what we're probably not going to make it to and then we've got this directly here in front of us that we're trying to get around and that's it what we're seeing in front of us right right now well guys i hope you like these videos as always you like these videos hit that thumbs up subscribe button biggest compound we can receive is your subscription to the channel be sure to ring that bell for notification and hit all would you just advise the next controller that you are deviating for weather when able directive falcons contact miami center 132.25 today 132.25 and will advise you thanks for your help [Music] five with 3175 heavy and extreme precipitation starting in two zero miles extending to the north for the next two five miles the orlando altimeter three zero zero three all right three just gotta hand it off three zero zero three we're currently on a deviation for weather and we're told valka went able zamasu [Music] affirmative and i'll have rooting after vodka uh i'll keep you posted shortly roger so it looks like in about 30 miles that's what where this is right here then we'll be able to make that right turn george valka anyways lightning yeah don't want to be going through that okay stay away from that do a little more left that is not pretty that's all i can tell you how about you atc wakes up on stormy days like this they're like i do not want to go to work yeah because you you know that they're going to get worked yeah number seven whiskey modern heavy precipitation one o'clock three miles there's five miles in diameter all right looking at that and once we get past that we should be able to head towards uh valk but will advise us uh well the good news is flagler is a restaurant right it is [Music] mike bravo india trust from bravo yankee c-i-m-b-y then director all right vodka didn't be saint augustine well i managed to get past that first string of weather the question is can we beat that to st augustine and things are looking a little grim on on that notion but we uh we're trying we'll see how that works out in the meantime kim's found a new uh favorite i say new because it's been going on a little while new favorite t-shirt company uh flight obsession yeah i'd say slight obsession into the am and uh so that's her stay inspired she's got going on there and uh she's got me wearing some of their stuff too you saw her space one last time got another space one for me anyhow um they got all kinds of cool designs and what have you and kim is definitely obsessed so we've got a little link for you now if you want to go down into uh the video below into the description below there'll be a link and on that link you get 10 off um into the am uh shirts and then i think you have a monthly subscription and stuff you can subscribe to as well so um if you like the church you want to stay inspired go ahead and click on the link and stay inspired yeah i'm definitely into their uh their slogan which is stay inspired because sometimes you can deviate get distracted and some people can get you down and that's that's a huge thing that's like an aviation term dv8 did i say tva you did they look at you using aviation lingo number seven whiskey contact orlando approach 124.8 so if we can't make saint augustine because that storm comes through what's our alternate plan because i know you have to file for one right yeah our alternate is actually flagler which is just south of there because i filed when i filed the flight plan i filed um flagler as an alternate i'll be honest we have enough fuel we can go back to portland if we wanted to so nobody wants to do a circle i mean some people do i'm just saying that we give ourselves enough options that we've got plenty of options four minutes ago when's 2505 oh the wind died down eleven thousand few god hey we there's a slight chance how far are we still half hour we're still pretty far out all right we just got handed off so here's what i'm going to do if i split the comms put 1885 on yours on a second com and flop it okay so you're going to listen yeah you'll listen to you need to discuss to them and then i'm going to talk to power so go ahead and lo go ahead and load tower 1885 1885. so they don't approach the kona 2016 station roger okay now i stopped unsplit let's swap all right we need to never it's there it's there and it's not breeding daytona baron three one seven five whiskey yeah i just called ahead to uh st augustine sounds like the storm has beat me there so i guess i need to divert this this time so i'd like to go ahead and change my destination to uh flagler of fox shot india november put it in this one yeah i can make that change for you i'm not showing anything over saint augustine precipitation wise um is that what they were reporting yeah he's changing his ages as we speak it's it's pretty bad there right now uh i will change you to flag within no problem i do have weather about 10 mile 10 to 15 miles south what's the flag we're moving in moderate extreme precipitation uh you should be able to beat that in but i'll show your destination change i appreciate that stuff i was coming here for the rnav two nine approach direct that buy eye to send to maintain four thousand direct my eye for the art nav uh two nine approaching you said and send four thousands that's correct and this would be clearance to flagler airport advice let me have mike i will advise myself all right so if i am okay r nav g7 r now okay there's no two seven our nav two nine all right cross it anything all right bye bye let's go direct to i buy um direct i buy enter enter this might get bumpy today right now gps two nine yep yeah i need that word all right two thousand all right we're both lap speeds go fox approach there's some sideways turn left heading three two zero jonathan left three two zero join up on our first course and balance somebody whiskey our involved ground side with e6 nothing maintain 1 600 telescopes on the approach cleared our number and wait true niner one thousand six hundred total established code you are now two niners there's the runway that's definitely pretty much here two yeah whiskey visual tonight whiskey flagler tower runway two nine clear to lane one point two nine clear lands all right let's see if this actually captures this you want to tell me what you want here uh yep so we got localizer intercept we got glideslope is alive and and about another minute we're gonna have you do it okay and for a half dot go ahead and go gear down here is coming down let's see if this captures the glide slope and there it goes wait all right we're getting the last slip going down now she included us to be able to send down to 1600 i don't i'm not a big fan of going down leveling off going like if you don't have to do steps i've got a glideslope that i can follow all the way down so i just assume follow the glass slope all the way down so it'll because it captured it it should just continue to take you down but like it'll do it itself correct all right so let's bring the power back start slowing down because we're going way too fast i'm actually gonna leave flaps approach pitiful yeah instead of full i got a feeling the wind's gonna be a little dusty here what's that gus wing chun [Music] no i was wondering if there was any gus i know that's what i was wondering too that's why i was asking for the wind was more look worried about the not worried but wanting to know the ghosts now the good news is we've got that new awesome airplane cover yo so we might be putting that on 500 feet we are three green flaps approach bird yeah [Music] yeah it is i'm saying if we land and it's raining [Music] but it's raining bath [Music] oh got it i got it bird yeah i just added a little power to reduce the bounce yeah not a pretty landing i like not at all but you have two options when you don't have a pretty landing it's do nothing and let it get worse or do what i did give it power regain control and then re-land the airplane couldn't you just take it off again yeah go three but uh well 100 going around safest no going around that's always a good option too no no often going around is like is the best option actually it's often the best option however um we start runway so there you go greg wow that's why my horrible possibility my worst landing has airplane brown bearing three one seven five whiskey's clear two nine at fox trot for fbo verified will grind attached to the foxtrot outfit of the ranch foxtrot i'll put rams all right well welcome to flagler thanks for enjoying my worst landing ever i'm sure some people are going to enjoy that no it gives me an experience of what a bounce feels like that's why i did it on purpose uh-huh uh-huh i need you to experience it for your training three years in we now experience a bounce but um i might take that space right there in between the layer and the cessna so surprise lunch yeah suddenly it's lunch exciting all right well we'll go eat at the restaurant which we had a good time at last time what's it called do you remember i don't that's why i can't remember well we'll find out all right guys next time stay safe and uh hopefully we'll see you on the next one a short hop to st augustine hi guys i'm so excited to use the new cover i don't know how to use it i haven't used it yet [Music] for real well the weather's coming in we've got our awesome airplane cover on by the way this airplane cover came from vertigo great british coverage vertical if you guys like the cover i think we should all put on our bear and pilot shop let me know and i'll reach out to them and see if we can carry it for you so you can get an awesome custom cover like this as well so anyhow guys weather's coming in we're gonna grab some food and figure out how long we're stuck here [Music] off to nearly four hours sitting here on the ground the weather's finally clearing up it doesn't look like it a whole lot out the window but i promise you it is seven five voice can have your clients ready copy ready to copy assembly whiskey government seven five whiskey clear to saint augustine airport as filed on departure maintain 1 hundred expect three thousand one zero minutes after departure the total first control departure frequency is one two five point eight squawk five five five zero i cleared the st augustine as filed 1 500 3 000 100 minutes uh one two five point eight and five five five zero pound three one seven seven five whiskey holding short of runway two not an echo contact tower hold and show tonight echo will contact towers congratulations on reading my scrambled handwriting as i try and remember how to write an ifr clearance you did really good all right so there's only a few things i would tell you differently about power well again he's so fast that i'm like oh yeah that was a problem okay so 125.8 so i'll just flop that back up we've got it's um 1500 expect 3 000 to 100 minutes and then i need to need our barcode guac 255 zero and for that all right yeah i've got 1500 set here as my memory comes back three zero zero three uh so let's activate this flight plan whiskey flag guitar back track guys record runway two nine standby for clearance backtrack as required runway two and nine standing by for clearance all right we are clear left very clear right we are doing some back taxing and number seven five whiskey back truck has required runway two nine are clear for takeoff on departure proceed direct saying augustine climb maintain three thousand all right three thousand direction augustine now you're good your seatbelt in door's closed door is closed doors inflated all right power set fuel flow air speed is alive positive rate you're up [Music] [Music] whiskey 800 climbing 3000 turning direction augustine 3175 whiskey daytona departure radar contact is the rain heading 464 daytona president that's the ring my princess like sorry all right yeah no yawning all right give me direct and territory my my ears thinking believable that's what i'm saying i'm like i think we're clear like we could have a long time ago looking at this it's nicer that wasn't the ground go figure uh just remember it's always better to be in the air wishing you're on the ground on the ground wait whatever they say no seriously it's always better to be on there on the ground here in there than in the air wishing you on the ground so so this would be a quick little hop thankfully so had good num nums good num nums yeah food there is always good oh hijackers yeah i love hijackers to the ladies yep and they were nice and friendly finding me a jacket they found my cold princess uh jacket so she wouldn't be dying thousand go and just another good example of um you know sometimes you've got to be flexible you've got to learn to adjust adapt and uh and that's what we did all right so let's go ahead and tune in we have no time to talk though let's tune in the aetus birds oh here you augustine tower go foxtrot time two one five zero zulu win one eight zero at seven visibility seven light rain sky conditions two thousand scattered ceiling five thousand broken temperature two four two point two three altimeter 3001 visual approach runway 1-3 in use hazardous weather information is available on flight service frequencies and by initial contact you have foxtrot 75 west kd center maintain 1700. all right 17 cent is the power back why am i doing that i put 35 72 fighting zero as we descend are fives all right i cannot get over how freaking nice the weather is beautiful it is right now for the past four hours we've been like oh everywhere well remember there's an expression that says um by time and at by the time ntsb arrives the weather is always beautiful our 3175 whiskey saint augustine is going to be one o'clock one zero miles field site simple declared facial approach from white one for eight contact saint augustine tower big visual one three of the target days samsung tower baron three one seven five whiskey visual one three one more day that i don't have to watch the plane all right you're going down that all right we got three green one the mirror one in the mirror slam 500 we're 500 feet we're at three green we are the land are you trying to make up for something yeah yeah try to make up for the last one i was making sure that we're solidly on the ground before i said anything i would see you going to the hangers or uh self-serve it's all served first at the hangers down to bravo turn right before contact ground rubber for the ground zappos uh yeah uh 100 i was like no that was horrible good in a row why can't you do too bad in a row because now this works oh this works all right sometimes we'll have bad days yeah true so welcome to saint augustine had an extra unplanned stop a little weather but we made it as always guys you like these videos hit that thumbs up subscribe button biggest comment we can receive your subscription the channel be sure to ring that bell and hit all for notifications so you find out about all these videos and help spread the word we're trying to race to a hundred thousand that's really our goal right now 100 000 subscribers and you can help us do that so uh you like what we're doing go ahead and share this video with your friends and your family and anyone else you know that's into aviation and uh and let's see if we can build this channel up and if you haven't already be sure to stop by for some fun merchandise sunglasses dutch shades there's all kinds of goodies in there shirts hats you name it so uh be sure to stop by and if you don't already follow us on social media you can follow me at beach bear and pilot on all the social media and you can follow kim at flying sic on instagram and facebook anyhow guys until next time stay safe stay dry and uh we'll see you on the next one bye guys the words of max [Music] [Music] between
Channel: Baron Pilot
Views: 60,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IFD550, Beechcraft Baron B55, Beechcraft Baron, Beech Baron B55, Beech Baron, Baron B55, B55, ATC, flying, Flight VLOG, IFR Flight, IFR, Flying Experience, Instrument Approach, pilot vlog, avidyne, IFD, IFD100, Foreflight, Airplane, baronpilot, 3175W, whyifly, Beechlife, aspen avionics, Aspen E5, IFD540, maxviz camera, florida flying, flyingsic, aviatrix, girls fly, hot wife, worst landing ever, worst landing, deviating for weather
Id: 8N1tAOevZjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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