Meet the youngest Grand Champion in the world

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[Music] we found the youngest grand champion in the world and it's not even close to anything the rocket league community has ever seen now there have been some amazing young players like henry who hit grand champion at just nine years old in 2019 but i wouldn't revisit this idea yet again unless i found a real prodigy and that's exactly what happened do you remember so3 the top-ranked rumble player in the world well the other day he told me we needed to talk so i hopped on a call with him pretty much after the video you did with me this guy he reaches out in discord and says hey um i'm this father i have this kid and could you coach him we have a little first meet-up session with the dad and the kid and we do a replay analysis and sure enough this kid comes in like squeaky voice and everything kids legit in like first grade or something like second grade so how'd the coaching go oh my gosh so he was honestly the best student i've ever had wow he was so good i asked him so many complicated questions he gave like all the best answers but he got so much out of the replay analysis i don't know if i've ever had a student who i've been able to ask all these complicated questions to and it was just an amazing experience to coach him actually i started out with a couple replay analysis with him but he doesn't actually prerocate that much in real life he does all these other things like he does like chess piano like swimming and stuff like this kid's like a genius really super prestigious elementary school in australia he's like top of his class he's got a real prodigy on her hands he's got limited time to play and so he doesn't actually play that much during the week he would only be available like once per week for coaching and so in between i would give him like training regimens to follow and that's where he really put in the work i'd say so he would just hyper focus on these very specific skills that you gave him yes so like what was some of the training you gave him okay so i'm actually gonna cut off our conversation here because i kid you not the training methods that so3 gave air ninja and subsequently me since i asked are so good and have already improved my game so much in the last two weeks i just can't reveal it now because i've never seen it in the rocky league community before i'm happy to share it with so3's permission in the future but it wouldn't really be fair if i gave away his secrets here and it seriously requires so much explanation it's honestly a topic for another day anyway this kid like he plays like 10 hours of rocket league per week or something it is scary how fast this kid improves what would what if he had all day to practice if if this kid's actually playing like a sweaty normal gc like like a teenager who plays like 150 hours per two weeks exactly exactly what if he's grinding dude this this kid will just straight up be a pro in like a year i can't wait to meet this guy i know i'm like kind of nervous the kid's name is air ninja by the way and like most of you probably are right now i was pretty intrigued by so3's claims could a seven year old really be that good like seven like literally a first grader when i was seven i was like poorly drawing basketball hoops and coloring outside the line so i decided i had to find out myself air ninja is from australia so the timing for our recording was a little unusual wow bright and early for you guys huh 6 a.m nice perfect time for gaming he's been up for an hour get too excited that's aaron ninja's dad farlow who was super supportive of his son's gaming oh yeah and as you can see from this clip it turns out air ninja is insane i've never seen someone play with so much confidence it's actually a little terrifying just look at him go for this shot that i never even would have thought of attempting and by the way farlow literally showed me air ninja's birth certificate he was in fact born in 2014 just one year before rocket league was released he was an infant when kenobi was air dribbling in rlcs i only started playing on pc like in december last year after so3 coached him for about a week or so he solo queued to gc in the oce region which if you don't know how impressive that is oce is a smaller population region than say u or n a and there are fewer high ranked players which makes it really difficult to reach gc so i asked him if he had any friends his age that played rocket league yeah but they're all around bronze uh one of my friends he's golden rumble but he's silver in two bronze three and ones a little bit of a difference there you gotta carry them a little bit but i don't have that much friends on this account oh savage no because i don't know what they're they don't even tell me their things they're like don't even play with their ninja he's too good just stuff don't even add me they don't even know how to accept invites i told him at school if you plan to switch this is what you press and he still forgot what you came up with a sheet of paper and i wrote everybody you give him instructions you gave him your friend written instructions to add epic friends oh that's incredible can we please don't let me on no i'm scared of you but eventually i did agree to 1v1 air ninja which i'll show later for now though i wanted to team up with him to see what all the hype was about the only problem of course is that he would have to play with around 200 ping which is incredibly difficult so just keep that in mind as you're watching this oh i'm actually gc2 right now i forgot oh okay i'm 1477. okay my peaks higher than this yep [Music] what a save okay yep that was very you're a monster he just hit it and then i didn't even hit it and i got the epic save and it just went to the other side you're a monster i'm actually here yeah nice what nice shot nice i'm feeling it with a breakout this game oh yeah oh i'm feeling amazing blows up guys are savages that we're playing against yeah you're good nice a middle oh good try [Music] oh my god is that just oh i love you yes sir he's carrying me i'm just waiting for the best game i think oh no not bad that's not your bad you don't have to say my bad when when i just like get i should have got back i should have got back back it went straight in my net oh yeah but that's i can't even get that angle oh no no i should internet oh is that it i shot that see that's a play you got to learn okay this is what i'm teaching you this is a good shot it's from it's called the sun the shot so you need to make sure to train for that that's a big part of high level rocket league you need to learn back to you middle oh no you're like i'm getting back good win good win how would you rate your dad's rock league skill around champ one chapter oh that's pretty solid but his mechanics well he's really just been popping off these last few weeks really usually they're around diamond uh diamond mechanics so it's all the brain he's just he's a positional he just he's in the right spot yeah he's turning away oh i tried to get that another the second demo on the same guy i demoed him that's not better he's literally just leaving he knows okay okay oh interesting the wrong way though no i like that i like that they're both up i got them right oh i'm lucky the guy items getting his revenge i'm just gonna be on goal line hope for a bad shot let's go oh nice ah i got the mid oh no sorry oh okay nope not bad i didn't know what it is i've got it bringing it away i'm gonna follow like she's on me i've got it something oh nice uh stay with if you can yep good i need yourself i'm up i'm up there though oh yeah yeah you go smart that's what i'm trying to do yeah still all there that really helped with the spacing okay nice i'm up i took his boost okay good now he's probably getting people oh my god sorry i just thought i could get it did i tell them the video you can one thinks that you are and one thing set you on oh yeah the musty the angles you would have scored that was actually in if he if there was no goalie it was in really feels nice okay oh i got bumped oh that actually worked out i'm out lucky it's safe okay like it ah he crushed me oh my god so unlucky internet why did he let that i scored some real bangers that game that's that's going to my montage for sure the slow roller into the net all right let's see the 1v1 ability here okay so which servers do we play on um my seventh best angles 193 ping my headphones are stuck to my chair that's your handicap because i have because you have a ping advantage so now you have to have a headphone disadvantage that looks so funny on my screen you you exploded like 30 seconds after i demoed you come on challenge me oh no i was hoping you wouldn't challenge no i could just chill like as soon as you get it you you probably won't be able to flick it yep yeah i didn't have it yet what i turned in there that was nice that was a good play that's why i didn't even jump so i had to wait get off me you actually on me oh really okay okay wow aggressive i had to i'm scared of you i'm gonna demo me get away get out of here pay back kid wow we got a close game here am i better than a seven-year-old probably not your mechanics are better than mine already oh what a shot thanks that's a filthy angle that kickoff looked ridiculous you speed flip yep yeah i can just sometimes okay for reasons for reasons because if i know they have really good kickers so make them into me so i just got the ball no i knew you would do that you just ceiling shot me from midfield you're very scary in there oh whoops you try to chain dash i tried to do one i did one oh yeah i see that ot yeah the thing about the airplays it is uh easy to get countered yeah oh no i jumped how did you us west server says no aren't demos the most triggering thing on high ping yeah because you you most of the time you dodge them yeah your graphics are just the pain in your voice it's just okay no mercy i don't care if you're seven oh nice nice tried to bump you okay i'm back i'm back he's back internet boom not quite internet but i don't just hit my call oh no way ggs ggs all right so what's next for you you're gonna hit ssl yes yeah and i think it's happening in a year or two there's no doubt in my mind that air ninja can do whatever he sets his mind on doing oh he's also good at fortnite i think i can't really tell what's going on here so so
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 585,100
Rating: 4.9693074 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: E-uXpaz9tjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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