Rocket League tournament but the first goal wins the game

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[Music] [Music] Hey alright enough about that now that we've established that my kickoffs are terrible I decided to put them to the test and what better way to showcase them then to challenge my entire disk or server to a tournament but not any tournament a blitz tournament where the first goal decides the winner and ultimately forces you to be on your a-game in terms of your kickoffs the set to Saul upright I made two changes to the meters one setting the goal limit to just one goal but I also left the game length as five minutes because I didn't want rolls not scoring a goal and basically ruining the tournament next I disabled goal reset meaning there wouldn't be any replays after each goal just to make each win even more anti-climatic or at least that's how I think it works following that I made the announcement of my disk or server and soon enough people started to join after fifteen minutes of waiting we gathered 76 players and the tournament was on its way so let's see how that turned out I am kind of shaking I don't know what to expect you never know because one bad kick off could mean the end all right I am playing against Cammy kind of scared not gonna lie all right don't get a bad kick off it's all I'm asking Devils a terrible kickoff by the way but from here it's an open game from here it's an open game it's gonna if it go will happen it's gonna happen from open play that was terrible oh god damn dude this is actually so intense come on I hate this I hate this I'm not afraid oh he's gonna hit that can we bumped him oh this is it this is it yes I did not get first rounded wallplate did well played that was way tougher match than I expected to be honest out of all these players to get someone that is like equally as good I thought he was a pretty strong player right off the bat to be honest and hos intense I don't know what's gonna happen from here on forward all right next game Jasper most important thing is you don't want to commit to anything that could like backfire if you take a shot you need to be 100% sure that it's gonna be a goal just like this let's go home all played I see if I had missed there that would have been a goal like for him that's that's why it's so important especially in a 1v1 to not go for any stupid challenges you don't want the rebounds to to get to you the heat that it was an extremely slow kickoff Jesus I don't know if I should go for this but Yolo let's turn around real quick when he comes sweet for him merci scored third round yo we're making progress bro these tournaments are gonna be so quick oh it's gonna be against CRV all right let's see let's see don't let the pressure get to you your kickoffs have been pretty strong that is extremely good and that's a goal sake let's go dude semi-finals I like dokos he likes still goes by the way I don't know if you could tell all right kick off focus that's a goal no it's not you know let him do this thing he likes Togo is he's not gonna be I'm not the English man's whole career Oh God all right played smart there you went for a night for an early flip reset getting intense now what is happening hey Lisa what is actually happening it's not gonna be cool is it nope I should have scored there let's go oh no he's getting a lot of position oh my god I just bumped him there - and bang oh if there was a fight I liked that I lost but do you like dog O's I like just slightly less down but I still like you Jesus maybe disable chat for the next game oh I'm playing Batsy in the final basically another moderator on my on my on my discord and twitch sick let's see let's see nice kick off that's it let's go home that was so anti-climatic I love it it's just that easy so now that we settled that I'm the greatest kickoff taker in the entire game it's time to move on to a new challenge this time I will set the goal limit to three goals now whoever scores three goals first takes the game let's see in what way this changes the game as not all lies on the kickoffs anymore let's just jump into it oh by the way I just noticed something I did an oopsie alright pause this is what happened remember the mutator I listed for the first tournament to disable the goal replays at the end of each tournament yeah I forgot to change that to devolve now every time you score a goal to bowl just teleports back to the center of the pitch this was unexpected let's see how this affects the game I will make sure to tell everybody this is the case before I start to match if people are cross-platform I literally cannot tell them because I just noticed and I think you've died rotors on this chord it it'd be too late already um I am looking forward the cat 82 this looks like a playstation or xbox name I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be able hoe I am no gold reset hope we got bump there nice one dude I'm gonna mess with him look look look let him score act like he's done me alright he's gonna want to score dad yeah now we go to this and then we score play chess not checkers oh my god this is gonna be incredible that's it we gotta go gotta go that is not a good shot now if I score the game's over if he scores I just need to go back into the middle oh my god the potential sake I feel bad for the people because I didn't tell them it's gonna be like this oh he's on PlayStation no I can't tell him but he probably knows right it's the third round he must have noticed oh what a great shot I go back into the middle let's go on I save you gotta be quick now you gotta be like extra careful - that is not good not good whatsoever but do you know what brother you just cost yourself the game oh no that was the wrong move yo this is way better like this I'm actually glad I made that mistake this is like you can now strategically play chess on the field this is rocket League chess screw Auto chest round four and onwards people are gonna know that this is the name of the game they're gonna like sacrifice a goal to be the first at the next kickoff so the whole game is gonna change from here on onwards physi is a wild card hi there he's shaking yo take advantage he's shaking Oh God not a good kick up already for my part that was a good ass challenge do not let this man score good if I have missed that and it went in he would have been able to oh god that was was that a fake I don't know but it's all good it's all good I'm gonna be spawning back in my half when he's taking this get that to the side not good [Music] not good this is a goal but all right be quick be quick be quick let's go oh I should have been there what am i doing oh god what happened you I think you went for the boost he completely ignored the attack there by me who around 5:00 the winner gets on to the semi-final and is ever so close of winning the whole thing it's not a good good shot he has that yeah score dad did he just do me good good good you know what reset he didn't want to score there reader like this is what I mean people are not gonna be like wanting or willing to score because it's gonna put them at a disadvantage you know what I mean like that the other team is gonna get closer and closer what am i doing that is actual ridiculousness there Jesus dude why the I completely forgot what I was talking about already there oh I'm an idiot Jesus Christ so now nobody can do that strat anymore it's over and this is all let's go slight miss play by me for the second goal and I really love this this is definitely the best tournament I have ever had and I didn't even mean to do this you know like this is this was not gonna be the name of the video but I'm having a lot of fun yo it's another final against babsi he's back again last time we won by a kickoff so let's try to replicate this there we go yo he's not gonna go back is he he is but he challenged up are we gonna be able to get get there quicker nope yep there we go nice fake oh he actually went for that this is huge this is huge what is that what a shot it's not gonna go in though is it oh he missed it that's a noob that is doing let's go to tournaments back to back I actually do not think that would be able to come anywhere close to the finals in both the tournaments what is happening should we do another one I'll hold up I'm an idiot this was not the finals this is this was the semi-finals haha oh this we got hurt this is the final all right and it is a season 9 grand champion let's see let's see I'm gonna eat my words am I not I'm gonna lose this like extremely bad and I'm gonna look like an idiot because I already thought I won't let him hit that cleared out to the side i won to stay calm we want to score but he also wants to go back and challenge again see now we have the ball and we have a call nope that is not again this is a goal it's not it's not a goal what what a ridiculous save that was good and I'm missing all words he never changed you never change he's challenging alright I did not think that was gonna happen there and he scored but we can score this now we go back again I don't know what happened there to be honest and this is game this is game this is it Michael Jackson this is it two tournaments two victories now I can actually do my victory speech well there you have it the madness that is the blitz tournament in case you're wondering the idea for it is originally came on a stream because whenever we have some time left towards the end we just start up a blitz tournament and it always takes around 5 to 10 minutes to complete if you like the idea of this and would like to participate yourself in something like this I host these like I said in my streams towards the end if you want to be part of the next tournament that we do on the youtube channel make sure to join a discord server as that's where I announce them with that said I hope you had a great time watching the video don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell and I'll see you in the next video [Music] we are [Music] can't see the mom ow [Music]
Channel: MERTZY
Views: 3,359,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league funny, rocket league funny compilation, rocket league funny moments, rocket league funny stream, rocket league freestyle, rocket league wave dash, rocket league funny fails, rocket league miss, rocket league funny edit, rocket league 360, rocket league champion, rocket league grand chmapion, randomizing cars, toxic teammates, toxicity, rocket league tournament, rocket league first goal, rocket league blitz tournament, rocket league 1v1, challenge
Id: QfqXofsSlmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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