NRG Rocket League Wins RLCS Season 8 World Championships | GarrettG, Turbopolsa, jstn, Sizz

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[Music] [Applause] this time very clean [Music] to upholster qiraji represent and other people the n zu north american region since their inception but still yet to win the title here choose the only player to attend every single world turn to the final stage description this is the tool of the deities in the legendarium of the our LCS these three names scrub killer fairy peak and Kay top spots reserved final appearance three time champion this last season will they do it again gentlemen final time and be very afraid of you our energy of that Renault vitality kickoff they scored so many in their previous series of kids thing that's purely based off that bumper energy it is mechanical brilliance across the board a little I get the chance that's rid of vitality putting the pressure on and not only the kickoffs you have to be afraid of but very peak very peak has been sniping the corners with just furious shots especially at against Dignitas he is on fire this tournament and it couldn't have come at a better time his hot streak right when vitality needed pass out to Cade off to put it back into the midfield so the pulse of house time just testing each other right now want to see if the nose will get to up this is so serious what you want to stop adjusted [Applause] with that easy cleanup he had to Patrick's and back-to-back games for energy against Space Station and now he strikes first like its vitality how can a plenty that looks that pretty be that deadly trouble balsa and the rest of energy know they're gonna fund themselves on defense early run up my tattoo I want to answer back quick turbo slows that play down he knows he's going to try based someone in just and try to find the corner he's got Garen support everyone from renovate I start press boys they want to look down NRG here when RG slowing the pace that significantly amis is going to help the overall boost game played up backboard might be available to apostle bowhunt shall enjoy his way out there's a demo scrubby on missed the boost these is angle is creep or Airtel also the setup very cheap require two players use struck a lot these a block gets just enough now scrub up anyway and there was a few questions about this cleanup was missing a few opportunities against doing the tests earlier on without we transition turbo ends up leaving it Maurice Genesee Justin to take it by hands - no scrub killer is equal [Applause] through this game he hits it with the underside of his car the change-up around the defender and in our G come out swinging and that puts vitality back in it and we saw vitality oh no way we saw them talk about their zero second goal against g2 that swung the momentum now they're in a similar position against in our gene graviton exceed one of the scrappiest teams out there they can place such plain Rockley but the happy to trade of DB can bounce up a public challenge from Justin and that's coming in perfect throughout this series renovate a let's see they've got once players on that team people that have just rock-solid challenges ran out by Tommy have to be equal because if one of those goes wrong it leaves space open and Justin will abuse you with that space we've also seen during turbo with incredible pleasure to put on the breakaway just a twist [Applause] we talked about the challenges well Justin Lee does not Caroline and it can't be underestimated how important that goal is that will give them the padding to avoid a g2 situation but they still have to hold on there could be something magical for vitality if they pull one in quickly for something about powers yes well championship files that's how the pulse is hot track and he puts it away turbo with yet another a trick and this is good start that you hope for if your energy vitality come off a seven-game thriller an instant classic and you have to wonder is that momentum going to carry through for vitality or they emotionally spent well energy they weren't intimidated they come out and get one and cruise to victory [Applause] straight down Justin G secure game one what a showing it was turn upon sir mix up another trick he has overtaken Kade off for the most hat-tricks in our LCS history now in the other side very extreme to nap horses Justin to save well defended by Justin ferry peak another strong shot but Justin in the back achieves talks about it all the time underappreciated defense Justin's mechanics he's a lot like shall set a player who is in such control of their car it's so difficult to get the ball around them and Justin stop right there just a testament to his ability berry again goes for the a dribble limited success are fast gruff Kelly's time to go for it and you wanted a meaningful goal Shogun well Dana serves it up scrub getting that Pats off the backboard Garrett too slow and kata punches that one in vitality are here to play now energy rally for their last chance over the top guarantee there's nobody that's a pastor to Ceres vitality getting one back just a one to nothing game it can't get closer than that that is just unstoppable it's gonna be scrub immediately on this play man just take out Justin tariffs aside both teams with one which their name put it on display beer paid off just eight seconds in with a drill [Applause] energy have just been caused to nail down to start this game as a scary problem for them because they automatically go start taking more RESPs Dara up to the wall he has got a bear support but far too heavy drill plumb get again big big problem against taking on renovate allottee it's just how strong they hit the ball from defense can blast it from their side the field onto your backboard that is so difficult to position aggressively and not only do they get those booming hits Shogun they put it in a spot [Applause] check any seasons Garrett G has been to the launch championship and he has been forced to watch everybody everyone that could have free incredible angles turbo-4 Justin I managed to get out of to the k-dog that's the first stop part done but there's a second part it's forward to think with that first player is gonna be trying to challenge tries to scuff across the face Lynette very few actually committed this is a chat Garrett turbo turn and breach a turbo missed the shot kada was streaking across now Justin went alone but purple had a chance he thought paid up however was gonna get in front of it and it just threw him off front of Nance there's a third by tiny player he commits very bit [Applause] oh geez somehow managed to claw their way back you will point back and that saved from Justin is the moment that that comeback started [Applause] it's read-only man 51 that should be enough the deflection kicked the ball into the middle and very peak again this shooting of step above the rest as vitality gets that insurance goal and it seemed like energy might be able to wiggle their way back in but what that vitality start to put their foot down the reigning world champions proving why they are such turbo looks were above Justin on his way to school in RG you gotta wonder is 52 seconds enough maybe just maybe NRG can claw this game back but that kickoff is not helping them from so little time remaining we often say okay they need this and they kick off gold how are they gonna do that against Reynold eyetality Renault vitality has been getting all the kick off golden which is pressure originating quickly after that kick on energy to figure out an answer because they've lost so many kick off those kids are volt or what pots than this game seconds believe in miracles Shogun and fairy people look for adoption he couldn't find it wanted to get Kadem to Claire and Cara James just little more hydrogen in an ounce 23 cigarettes is it good enough kickoff for them to try and walk riff just has to go longer gets it pass 12 seconds left Garrett Jane Tonya off the back one more time get long gonna put so much extra pressure turbo mccarran-ferguson they pass it across most the workforce this is now turned into whose offense is better who can force more mistakes energy though this next game is crucial they do not want to have to win three games in a row this is where turbo comes into play turbo was brought in to help change things for energy they need him now what's demoed and leaves Kade off with plenty of time double demo as well just the entire boost turbo also beat my therapy rabbi tally the quicker team so far in this game another demo scrub killer taking out Justin three demos already four days scrub trying to get into the heads of energy multiple demos scrub curling out to the wall not done too great with it now let's bounce tough that Super Bowl Garrett cheetah two players got one player on the backboard for reto vitality so those taking all a lot of time into the field answers the call so I touch the dunk on fairy the control [Music] this seems like that point in this series where one team will make the move one team will get the momentum that's needed to carry them over the top Derrick for the wool straight back over to Renault vitality it's a bit of pressure off them that's going to go to the middle for scrub killer Kate off the cannon unchallenged puts the bullet finds bear appear with a farm I love the shot with any lower route of 3-1 this series for now Justin takes the air I have to say Justin to Ariel presence hasn't really had the intended results berry measure the fort Garrett for a somewhat loose touch with scrub killer off the backboard couple of misses he's a low boost it's gonna be the same for everybody on NRG that is a great player from Garrett forces buries a player of his back turns low boost again and IG have forgot to secure some side boosts there's gonna be one tableaus got it it's on him NRG is under siege right now they need a quality clear Gerizim earn back from that midfield boost as well they'll just be happy to be out any sort of mistake there what's gonna be yet that was gonna be going to a common attitude Garrett Jean [Applause] hopping it over and scrub the chip shot [Applause] and most of his carrots go okay whoo coming back time in time again and refused to give up but there can be only one champion and there was actually an adaptation on the kickoff the starts off and actually intentionally lost it you sort of we're go to the side that allows them to pick up boosts and I was to play the ball although Justin going for the buff scrub still gets a hit but turbo denies the exit but where is rid of I colonies man in front of all who are they supposed to pass to goes up there's k-dub Lobos no option great turn by Garrett to prevent Keita considering that ball it's gonna drop straight down Kato these looks the Chinese they've gotta go all the way getting each other's way as well bulges how's that applause very page put the pressure couldn't be higher do it will vitality stay alive horrible NRG finally claim complete victory Cato the scrub Calif scrubs gonna try full-on scrub my pains the hallway great challenge but I do love what energy are doing regarding those challenges they usually try to hold out on bear but they don't seem like they're leaving to play right [Applause] just yet made off with the stub scrub coming in with the shot Garrett zero boost in the tank of the game paid off he is just a winner k top finds away one of the most driven players in older luckily his turbo to put underneath is a stark reminder that could be an adrenaline shot to the part of energy beautiful double tap from turbo every player you will talk to you ask them what is the most difficult game to win and the answer universally is last one there is a generally feel to it it's to win it all you're playing for months right Garrett he's been playing for years to get to this point scrub and vitality they just did this last season and you can tell their confidence is coming through scrub Caliph's type of style he's been trying to keep it down to the phase fix the fundamentals throughout this series gonna go long it's on target just missed the Train glamour back another goal would definitely finish it off back to the midfield skate off with a backbone therapy go to early good pitches way out who's gonna be on this it's gonna be Strucker he misses Caleb apparently by themselves to do each other up ends up leaving it and they need Justin with them as well Garrett's [Applause] 46 seconds left I can vitality hold on when was the last time you saw a free goalie drugs energy Darren for Justin Justin has the ticket alone could win if stronger for turbo left for a long time bounces into the midfield Gareth cognitive evidence ha k-dog [Applause] Futaba on his hertz gets a good challenge it's going to drop down to the middle who's that first and aren't you gonna have to throw everything at one of these [Applause] he's to stop back for you though positioning mistake might be the downfall but just go [Applause] vitality these stars this is going to be something special let's do this game separate energy again spread of vitality those teams have had their moments both teams look shaky without an instant demo just on target during our adjustments waveform great challenge Tyler by himself / - the boss is scrub killer leaves applicator that is another great challenge for Tommo Justin laid up the carrot over to the corner so the buzzer is said the poor man he despises champions feel good it means he's in this situation could you believe that car and very neat jumping in front of Garrett shot as well Garrett had a good bounce and a shot that likely would have been on target but vitality clogging the lanes double commands hops to get himself what touch the pants on zero boost gonna try and keep following two players committed very picked X the aggressive routers Justin needs to get that's the corner missed touch that would have been a setup and vitality Garrett down the line k-dog lovely Pynchon Ken K top has been the plan to get rid of the pressure but he might have just put his team under quite a bit that's on the ceiling but ferry picked berries missed it Banerjee haven't got that killer instinct right now they don't want to put two players forwards Garin drop says for safa back board player client berry pink with only ko to aim for and quedan didn't want to take it first time in step put it up Garrett's off the post brought the side wall BOTS to Class B bulbs [Music] straight into the middle it's a huge mess potato turn that block had to not only get the same but clearing let's get it Garrett we had to clear in past Madoff who was looking for the dump that first goal that Birds gold so important there's Justin every team trying to scrape away for the Rosco 14k top and Justin for the second touch me - that cannot remove the danger one more time Garrett sneers back first leaves it whatever one more time huge challenge wait till the pulls up he's got options can I get the set up now a potential counter-attacking opportunity fairy Pete over Takeda and Justin does want to see any events [Applause] he should've done farad Nikki's got few options care tries to reach it wins the challenge one more time one minute left on the clock very Pitt try to lay after Kade up he's got to try to over the midfield pops it up to the you can't stop him for this time energy could now scrub care for the backbone regardless [Applause] [Applause] gee they stand strong seconds out it's gonna be very texture [Applause] my family went [Applause] show me that's all it's going to take [Applause] different result this time don't play to this corner very pity he's got to play looks rough [Applause] before [Applause] Zero's second go dreams of the World Championship [Applause] that's right now [Applause] seasons later to dread finals later it's all ass [Applause] just as death if we go with the team [Applause] the trophy from Justin and carrots heads in London the train they lifted together for this team it's funny to love God [Applause]
Channel: NRG Fortnite
Views: 691,148
Rating: 4.9489822 out of 5
Keywords: nrg, nrg esports, rocket league, rlcs, rlcs 8, world championships, grand finals, GarrettG, Turbopolsa, jstn, Sizz, rlcs season 8 grand finals, rlcs season 8, rlcs season 8 highlights, rlcs highlights, rlcs world championship 2019, psyonix, vitality, rocket league esports, rocket league vods, renault vitality, rlcs game 7, nrg vs vitality, rlcs nrg vs vitality, rocket, highlights, tournament, hype, season, season 8, Get these Questions Right Win 1 MILLION Vbucks! (NRG Ronaldo Challenge)
Id: MRPghlfDfMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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