Thanos Secrets That Will Change Everything

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you know what i heard thanos aka the mad titan actually sleeps in footy pajamas with little hearts on them hey just because you look like barney after serving some hard time in prison doesn't mean your feet don't get cold just don't judge him too harshly on that okay it might hurt his reputation but seriously thanos has some interesting secrets that he probably wouldn't want the avengers to find out what are some of his biggest well let's get into it right now quick who's the strongest hero you can think of in marvel comics well whatever you're thinking it's wrong because the correct answer is the all-powerful squirrel girl that's right her name strikes fear into the hearts of celestials eternals and mad titans everywhere if you met squirrel girl in a dark alley one night i hope you have your affairs in order because chances are your body will never be found okay fine maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but the hero aka doreen green did beat thanos squirrel girl has a superhuman agility and strength and yes obviously she can talk to squirrels she crossed paths with thanos in a not exactly canon comic book but who cares it's still fun to say that she beat thanos how do you think she did it i mean thanos is strong and all but do you think he's stronger than a massive squirrel army i don't think so you remember how hard it was for the big three meaning iron man captain america and thor to take down thanos the mad at titan was just this hulking mass of strength and he just would not go down now imagine if the avengers had to face five thanosis what's the plural for multiple versions of thanos anyways in the comics at one point thanos wasn't just happy with one of him and set out to splice his dna with other powerful individuals that included iron man professor x dr strange gladiator and galactus not a bad crop of individuals right i mean if i was making clones of myself i'd probably choose those individuals too these five clones went by the names armor x mystic warrior and omega these clones actually hated thanos and wanted to take him and the rest of the universe out forcing thanos to destroy them all see thanos that's why you just don't clone yourself in the mcu it's been a pretty well established that thanos has two daughters gamora and nebula he raised them both since they were little and constantly pitted them against each other which mostly led to nebula getting some shiny new robotic upgrades on a frequent basis and as twisted as thanos was he truly loved gamora which made it harder for him to fling gamora off that vormeer cliff to get the soul stone but thanos does actually have some other little tikes running around he has other children and no i'm not just referring to the children of thanos that we saw in infinity war and end game otherwise known as the black order that's just a weird title they have seriously did they choose the name at children of thanos for themselves and no one bothered to change it anyway thanos does actually have a legit son named thane who was introduced in a new avengers volume 3 issue number 10. he was the offspring of thanos and an unknown inhuman woman but don't think thanos changed a lot of diapers as thane was kept secret and grew up in an inhuman city until thanos found out and came looking for him also it should be noted that he does have a semi-child with death named rot really great name the sentient being was created after thanos died and his energies were combined with death producing rot weird i know we met thanos after titan was destroyed and the purple body was on his quest to collect the infinity stone so we didn't get to know much about thanos past a being of pure power like that makes it hard to picture what they were like growing up but it's true thanos was once a baby with a mother and a father his father is actually a super interesting character named alars aka mentor mentor is part of the eternals race and in the comics was the leader of titan chances are he was more powerful than thanos as he was pure eternal besides the normal superhuman strength the durability stamina etc that usually comes with all these advanced alien races man humans are just like these fleshy sponges aren't they mentor did have another unique power he could manipulate cosmic energy to his will now what exactly is cosmic energy is always loosely defined but it just means that mentor is someone who you do not want to mess with here's hoping we can catch a glimpse of him since he was mentioned in infinity war and could show up in the upcoming eternals movie okay picture this avengers headquarters was just attacked in endgame by thanos's forces it's completely decimated our heroes stagger out to safety and see thanos's huge army then out of the smoke and miss comes thanos flying a helicopter right into battle i mean end game is already close to a perfect movie but i still think they could have worked in the thanos copter in some capacity don't you yes in the early comics thanos did have his own helicopter to help him fly around you know because he was a stylish individual it even had his name on the back of it which makes me want a scene where the giant thanos goes to the local helicopter store test drives a few of them picks the right one and then asks the guy to paint his name on the back come on marvel give thanos his thanos copter as we all know the marvel universe is filled with an endless supply of powerful objects it seems like everywhere you look you'll find some massive weapon that promotes itself as the most powerful object in the whole universe whether it's infinity stones cosmic cubes etc there's always some macguffin so that brings us to the heart of the universe which judging by its name might be the most powerful energy in existence like it sounds like it trumps the infinity stones right well the heart of the universe is an ancient energy source that has the ability to make whoever wields it the supreme being of the universe so yeah that is definitely something thanos would want at his disposal think we'll see the heart of the universe in the mcu only time will tell drax the destroyer quickly became a fan favorite character thanks to the first guardians of the galaxy movie but his backstory is quite different in the mcu than it is in marvel comics one of the biggest differences he was actually created to stop thanos you see kronos who was a thanos's grandfather was actually in a war with thanos and wanted to find a way to stop him as the original story goes a human named arthur douglas had a family who was killed by thanos kronos took arthur's spirit and placed it in a new body and thus drax the destroyer was born given such a thanos heavy backstory it's a shame we didn't get more interaction between drax and the mad titan but i guess that's understandable there was a lot going on and i doubt with everything happening in the next phase of the mcu we're suddenly going to reveal drax was once a human living on earth that'd be too crazy even for the guardians of the galaxy when thanos showed up on screen the first few times we didn't really know much about him besides having a tendency to pop up in mid credit scenes and having a different shade of purple practically every time we saw him but it's not like all the people on titan where he was born had purple skin and looked like thanos turns out he actually had the deviant syndrome we all know now that titan came from the eternals but when an eternal is born with the deviant gene they turn out similar to thanos talk about a tough break like i would hope the children of titan were nice enough to not make fun of the strange kid with purple skin plus growing up with the deviant syndrome probably only helped thanos come to the conclusion that half the universe needed to be wiped out in the original comic series that infinity war is based on thanos had a special thing for farming seriously the mad titan the guy who could bring the hulk to his knees and make the universe quake and fear enjoyed farming what a strange hobby in the comics 60 days after failing to conquer the galaxy and win the love of mistress death thanos was found on a random planet farming away like the mad titan liked farming so much that he literally got rid of his armor and placed it on a scarecrow to protect his crops it offered a unique new side to thanos who was more than happy to be rid of the power and responsibility that the infinity gauntlet came with he'd just rather sit and grow corn sometimes the mcu is able to seamlessly adapt certain comic elements to make them fit with the story they're trying to tell the cosmic cube is a big example of this we all know now that the cosmic cube also known as the tesseract held the space stone within it which ended up making a lot of sense since it allowed travel to anywhere in the universe and was the key to unlocking immense power but the comics have the cosmic cube and the space stone as two separate things the cosmic cube in the comics can change reality and warp matter and energy it's basically another super powerful object before the infinity stones thanos was trying to get that cosmic cube thanos the mad titan what a cool name it's almost like it's made up well to be fair all names are made up but it's especially true in this case thanos isn't actually thanos is a true name which is probably something the red skull should check originally thanos was going to be named dion which is completely different than thanos we learned this in the comic series thanos number 14 when a thanos fights an older version of himself as it's presented thanos says that mother was going to name him dion but when she saw that thanos was a deviant the first word out of her mouth was thanos and that one ended up sticking well thanos definitely looks like a thanos not a dion one element the mcu really didn't push too hard on is thanos is a fascination with death but we all know how in the comics a major driving force for thanos is his obsession and love of mistress death most of his actions see thanos doing everything in his power to win her love which is just downright creepy i mean what's your goal thanos to marry death and then go retire on a farm somewhere well he'd probably like that what do you think infinity war and endgame would have been like if the death loving comic accurate thanos was used instead of the one we got now that's a crazy what-if scenario thanos just looks like an only child doesn't he well in the comics the thanos actually has a brother named eros and the two couldn't be more different for starters aeros is more of a hero having teamed up with the avengers a few times but his powers are a little creepy one of his abilities is that he can manipulate pleasure centers of a person's brain which means he can make women fall in love with him and if you think this was problematic then you'd be correct eros even finds himself in legal trouble in a she-hulk comic after someone sues him for manipulating them man i wonder what conversations between arrows and thanos would be like in the mcu thanos has always been pretty consistent in his goals for complete universe domination but it doesn't help when everyone around him keeps betraying him maybe it's because thanos surrounds himself with fellow power-hungry untrustworthy people or maybe thanos is just a nightmare to work with but everyone who works with thanos seems to turn on him eventually and while he's often betrayed in the comics the mcu has actually shown his followers turn on him as well obviously ronan is the best example of this but let's not forget that loki also ended up betraying thanos and even tried to kill him it didn't work out for loki there in the end but it was worth a shot right no matter if you're a mass murderer who's determined to wipe out most of the universe and control everything you can still enjoy the holiday season and as it turns out thanos actually celebrates christmas it's true in the 1992 marvel holiday special volume 1 there's a panel that sees thanos sitting around a christmas tree while gamora opens gifts it's an oddly sweet moment for the two of them but it does raise many questions where is this happening did thanos bring a gamora to earth so that they could celebrate christmas in some random house does the thanos like other holidays like thanksgiving arbor day easter halloween etc now it's just a bummer we didn't get to hear thanos utter one merry christmas or anything like that did you ever think that when you look at thanos in the right light that he actually just looks like famous actor josh brolin star of deadpool 2 well there might just be a reason for that turns out thanos does actually have human dna which is an interesting connection overall in the comics the celestials created three new species the eternals the deviants and the humans this eventually created a crossed gene pool and thanos's parents were actually born on earth which is what gives him his slightly human characteristics again only time will tell how much the eternals movie will dive into the history of the eternals and the deviants but definitely keep your eyes peeled you gotta hand it to thanos he does have a way to get everybody to hate him that's a unique ability not everyone has that skill but no matter if you're a fleshy human avenger on earth or one of the most powerful cosmic beings in the universe chances are you have some beef with thanos in the comics during the infinity gauntlet story adam warlock travels around the universe looking for people to help fight against thanos he's able to round up some pretty powerful individuals if i do say so myself these include the celestials galactus master order and lord chaos among others i know endgame was really focused on our avengers but how epic would it have been if captain marvel arrived on the battlefield with these uber powerful astral deities it would have made the battle even more epic than it already was if there's one thing infinity war and endgame missed out on it's the inclusion of adam warlock i'm sure we all know that adam warlock was a main character in the comics during this event but due to the desire to focus on heroes we already knew and cared about adam was left out entirely and honestly thanos must be happy about that because this guy is seriously powerful with the use of quantum magic and as compelling as thanos was in infinity war and maybe not so much endgame it would have been even better to see him interact with someone else who truly knew the mad titan and that's where adam warlock could have played a huge part in the story it's not hard to guess that thanos had a rough childhood thanks to his deviant syndrome but it's rough to know just how cruel his childhood actually was while his father alars had a strong bond with his son and didn't mind his appearance his mother susan couldn't stand the sight of him she even tried to kill thanos when he was younger because she was so terrified of what he would grow up to become of course it didn't work and thanos was rescued by his father but the memory of his mom almost killing him because of what he looked like must have done wonders for thanos's psyche don't you think you want to know thanos's biggest weakness it's not thor's gigantic axe or a huge hulk smash but rather it's his appearance and his insecurity you know the stereotype how people who look the most confident are actually the ones hurting the most well it's true in thanos case in the comics thanos is so insecure that he actually wants to be beaten a character mentions that thanos has lost a lot of his battles in the past because he himself gave the heroes the means to defeat him that's some serious psychological issues right there now i wish we could have seen more scenes of iron man and star-lord making fun of the mad titan i also heard a rumor that when he snapped his fingers with the infinity stones he secretly got rid of every bad adam sandler movie in existence so is thanos really all that bad it's hard to say
Channel: CBR
Views: 106,553
Rating: 4.9335036 out of 5
Keywords: A’lars, CBR, Deviant Syndrome, Dionne, Disney+, MCU, Phase 4, Thanos, Thanos Father, Thanos brother, Thanos final fight, Thanos past, Thanos secrets, Thanos-copter, The Avengers, The Mad Titan, The eternals movie
Id: _68Kt18aOR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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