20 Avengers Who Could Beat Superman

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[Music] it's the age-old question when it comes to the man of steel why were those other two people that excited to see a bird or a plane no wait the other question are there avengers that could beat superman from the humble beginnings of faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive and the ability to leap buildings in a single bound superman has become the poster boy for power cree krypton's most famous refugee has gone from leaping an eighth of a mile to flying around the world fast enough to turn back time does the premier team at the house of ideas have anything that can stop the golden boy of the distinguished competition who's ready for a classic who would win [Music] in 1986 frank miller broke up a long friendship imagining an aging bruce wayne in a world that had only become worse and had put him at odds with the superman who hadn't aged as much the throwdown between bats and soups became the template for the who would win discussion the one big qualifier is that all these scenarios involve in some way superman holding back for the most part the other is that with sufficient planning anything is possible if there's anyone on the avengers that likes to prepare it's tony stark in fact tony stark has a plan for the avengers own unstoppable punching machine the hulk while bruce wayne has no shortage of engineering know-how and people like lucius fox to fill in the gaps there's still no tony stark while wayne power armored up for his showdown with big blue power armor is just where stark starts stark isn't stopping at a kryptonite spear he's going to find a way to work that into his repulsors the marvel universe is not the first go-around for reality in that world before the universe that gave us the avengers there were at least six other goes at the whole universe thing we know that in part thanks to some of the massively powerful beings that survived the collapse of the last one and the birth of the new one folks like galactus it's entirely likely that when this universe turns out the lights and hands over the keys to the next universe one of those beings to make the transition will be the everlove and hulk that's because nothing can ever seem to kill the hulk only temporarily inconvenience him but all of that might be true of superman as well but there's another famous showdown with supes that gives us a clue of how things might go down one of the only beings to rack up a w on the man of steel is doomsday a being who got stronger the more you hit him the hulk's strength is only limited by his anger and nothing angers up the hulk like being punched to beat the hulk superman would have to resort to some uncharacteristically extreme measures given how relentless the hulk can be he might have to the marvel cinematic universe is just starting to realize what they have on their hands when it comes to wanda maximov turns out she's more than just the lost kid who can move things with her mind she's the scarlet witch and that's bad or good i guess depending while the big three of the avengers ran themselves ragged trying to fight thanos wanda was well on her way to making short work with the mad titan before he rained fire and that's wanda at half sad at full unaddressed grief with no outlet she rewrote an entire town into an evolving sitcom and all of that is mere kids stuff compared to what she's been capable of in the comics where she's rewritten all of reality in fact the full extent of her powers aren't really that clear but whatever it is it makes the other most powerful people in the marvel universe nervous there's another layer that makes this already potent opponent a problem one of superman's only weaknesses is magic and magic is the source of the scarlet witch's power by now it should seem clear that if you mess with one you get the other when it comes to scarlet witch and her vision though with scarlet witch packing the big punch you don't always get the vision to the rescue you more need vision around to make wanda happy enough to not start rearranging reality vision against superman is not a foregone conclusion but ultimately and this is true of any matchup really smart money is on the man from krypton remember these are people who could beat superman they could also all lose especially if superman goes all out vision has a lot going for him but doesn't have that big power but rather the combinations of powers that could rack up a w for the synthesiod vision can adjust his density up to 90 tons but at that point he can't move himself and superman can but it's the other end the intangibility is where vision would shine as long as he works quick a trick he got from ultron makes him hard to put down and that's his nanite body with each nanite containing vision's program presumably any of those nanites can reconstruct vision [Music] you're really gonna need someone to deliver the goods though you're gonna want to go where vision got his sparkling personality at least in the pages of the comics in the mcu vision might be a combination of stark banner ultron and the mind stone in the comics he's almost all simon williams the wonder man as the name kind of suggests there's not a lot of daylight between superman and wonder man with a similar list of powers and abilities wonderman adds being made up entirely of ions in the mix giving him a new raft of powers including in beginning and energy manipulation which could be used to cut off superman's all-important power source our yellow sod stacker osgard professionally known as starhawk has a complicated origin story even for comics the highlights are secret parents raised by space rogues known as the reavers bonded with another powerful being and blessed by a hawk god you know that old yarn while starhawk has those cosmic level powers to hold his own against superman the real edge comes with starhawk's extra quirk he's done all this before he's been forced to relive his life while remembering everything that's happened before not everyone gets a mulligan starhawk is a bit of a ringer though as he was an honorary avenger when the guardians of the galaxy were involved with korvac [Music] part of that complicated backstory for starhawk is the secret daddy quasar and his crazy powerful quantum bands quantum bands are of course powerful weapons created by the being eon to give to a protector of the universe when wendell vaughn put them on he was just trying to protect stark enterprise's property from aim the bans took a liking to him and his sense of restraint even with great power and shield liked him for his willingness to do good with his great power as for what the quantum bands do well you know how in modern sci-fi when they need a crazy no-way piece of technology to exist i just put quantum in front of it well that's what the quantum bands do kind of whatever you need them to they manipulate quantum energy and who's to say what limits that has he can create shields or objects teleport himself manipulate and radiate all kinds of technology with the magic sci-fi word quantum he's considered a galactic level threat by those who might end up on his bad side there's a lot of talk in the world of dc comics over whether or not a being like superman is for all intents and purposes a god and what can our lives ultimately mean to someone like him well over at the house of ideas there is a god walking around and he's taken a particular liking to the people of midgard thor's ability to stand toe-to-toe with marvel's unstoppable punching machine certainly earns him a position on the list of people who under the right circumstances might rack up a win against the man of steel but thor has another edge that he shares with the scarlet themed teammate thor is a magical being including his lightning powers he might not be the king of hammers but that hammer would make all the difference moondragon comes from some familiar names but not familiar stories if your marvel only comes in movie form heather douglas is the daughter of a man who was named arthur douglas but whose animated corpse became known as drax the destroyer arthur became a corpse when thanos killed him to cover up his being on earth when he shouldn't be heather was taken by thanos dad imagine thanos dad well you don't have to he's mentor thanos's dad mentor left the young heather with monks on titan who unlocked her psychic potential like all of it it made her a more powerful telepath than charles xavier superman has a super brain no average psionic power is gonna do it you'll need someone who mind locked an entire planet to get them to stop it with all that war and even overpowered thanos mind if that doesn't work she can occasionally change into a giant space dragon good to have a backup [Music] if superman is the concentrated energy of our yellow suns then if you're going to beat that you might as well bring the power of a million exploding suns robert reynolds got his immense powers in the good old fashioned marvel way messing around with project rebirth super soldier stuff when he shouldn't have instead of making a super athlete with a million dollar smile they made a bonafide mane of tomorrow style superhero with a million dollar smile sentry has some very familiar powers including the apparent ability to move faster than light despite physics intense protestation that that shouldn't be a thing on top of his superman-esque power he's also borrowed power from other mind-bendingly powerful beings like molecule man the catch though is that his dark side has his own name void and the same power set and the only way to stop him is to convince everyone including robert reynolds that there never was a sentry so if he could beat superman we'd never remember [Music] what's true of anyone from the avengers or dc who wants to score a win on superman is that they'll generally have to prep and maybe even get a little help well what better help than the unipower the manifestation of the guardian of eternity the unit power shows up when it's most needed or feels needed or just kind of wants to no one's really been able to sort out its selection process when it does it boosts any powers you bring to the table and then brings the unipower as well this includes the ability to change energy like from a yellow sun to maybe a red one and to transmute objects meaning that getting kryptonite is not something difficult for whoever has the captain universe suit of course if you're using your uni powers for personal gain or to be a jerk you lose them so superman has to be the aggressor what better way to introduce a character named after an angry small quad mammal that just runs at the closest thing and tries to rip it to pieces than to have wolverine try and kill the hulk in his first outing wolverine went on to be a legendary unstoppable rage machine all on his own by themselves the hulk and wolverine are a force to be reckoned with so what happens when you get some wolverine chocolate in your hulk peanut butter h alpha all the strength of the hulk all the adamantium claws and general attitude for being the best at doing things that aren't nice if adamantium claws are enough to puncture superman having hulk strength behind them is just how it's going to happen robbie reyes is the most recent recipient of the spirit of vengeance making him a ghost rider unlike former riders like johnny blaze and his stepbrother danny ketch this one had nothing to do with being xerathose robbie is possessed by the spirit of a serial killing relative aside from favoring a dodge charger over the traditional motorcycle reyes isn't as into the loner routine when he goes throw to celestial's former body he earned himself membership to the avengers for ghost rider to rack up a win on superman it would all depend on superman's feelings of guilt ghostrider being essentially magic will give him the edge but a superman at peace with this place in the universe will shrug off ghost rider's finishing move the penance stare adam brashear has the kind of background that's comic book gold he was a football all-star while earning his phd in theoretical physics not the only one in the marvel universe who was a collegiate football star while getting a very difficult science degree looking at you sasquatch from alpha flight rashear's talents brought him in contact with no not project rebirth or sentry this time perseus hoping to harness the power of anti-matter and harness it bashir did turning him into the blue marble he has the requisite strength like moon splitting one punch to the hulk strength and invulnerability but that extra level of antimatter manipulation is what would help the blue marvel close the deal part of the one-shot alternate team of mighty avengers that had blue marvel on it was someone you really wouldn't expect way way back when the ancient one was a young one the ancient one had a schoolmate in kalu well yao the person who would become the ancient one stuck to the curriculum kalu did some studying prompted by a vampire into the darkhold the tomb of dark magic in the marvel universe his attempt to do good things and bad ways ended up hurting the people of camartage a few hundred years later bygones were bygones one of the avengers team was needed to investigate the murder of a whereabout naturally kallu's centuries-long mastery of the one thing superman isn't vulnerable to gives him the edge stop me if you've heard this one a dying planet of noble beings sends its last son to earth who is raised by an honorable midwestern family they instill a moral sense to do the right thing which is good because the child has a raft of amazing superpowers like seemingly unless strength speed and invulnerability this being of unbelievable power takes on a moniker of a hero and protects the world eventually joining a like-minded group of people nope not superman the direct superman analog in marvel's squadron supreme hyperion fight superman with allegorical superman i always say like blue marvel there's no real way of measuring how strong hyperion is and just lists some of the ridiculous thing he's been able to do like carry atlantis or keep two planets from touching hyperion joined the avengers when he was ripped from his reality to 616 by agents of aim who are full of bad ideas hyperion might be so superman that the two figures could end up fighting each other in deadlock for eternity it's easy to decide that a superman is susceptible to magic that anyone who uses magic can take superman but that just wouldn't be very superman of him so the magic users on the list have to be exceptional and there doesn't come much more exceptional than the sorcerer supreme doctor strange like batman and iron man strange likes to prepare for the worst just in case and isn't afraid to act on that superman would provide that kind of potential threat and doctor strange would probably already have the spells needed on the ready should supes ever break bad and let's be honest he does that disturbingly often like lex luthor kind of has a point in that regard there are more than a few deep cut characters here that might have you thinking who is that and when are they an avenger exactly one of those kind of obscure heroes is about to get the superstar treatment when gemma chan plays cersei in the upcoming eternals movie whether it's a marvel superhero or monarch from game of thrones a cersei is not someone to mess with she's got the requisite superman power set of super strength speed flight you know all the fun stuff she also has powerful psychic abilities like the ability to create illusions cersei also has transmutation powers which of course means kryptonite on demand [Music] the ancient one used that considerable lifespan to seek out a worthy successor and it just so happened that anthony druid was looking for a worthy teacher in the hopes of unlocking the power of the druids who had annoyingly enough not written anything down the ancient one was able to set druid on a path from magic but just wasn't into all the celtic stuff that druid was into and continued the search for replacement resulting in doctor strange druid was able to master celtic magic to a degree and he might be able to get the drop on superman magic style if scarlet witch making sure thanos knew who she was led to thanos reigning fire captain marvel arriving fashionably late to the final party was enough to make those gods shoot upwards instead that's because whether it's comics or movies carol danvers aka captain marvel is a force to be reckoned with if all the energy manipulation and super strength and power beams don't do the job she too has transmutation abilities to create kryptonite when in doubt kryptonite of course none of this is to say any of these people would win but rather could win superman's whole thing is being unbeatable so most times in most situations he's gonna win the fight just by being superman for the man of steel it's the punches he doesn't throw that matter
Channel: CBR
Views: 291,843
Rating: 4.8312588 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Bruce Banner The Hulk, CBR, Captain Marvel, DC Comics, Doctor Druid, Doctor Strange, Hyperion, Marvel Comics, Sentry, Superman, Tony Stark Iron Man, Void, Wanda Maximoff Scarlet Witch, Weapon H
Id: Czm7LcKgOog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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